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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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32 ARK (After the Rise of Exar Kun)


Upper City

Republic Commodore Saul Karath observed the aftermath of the recent Battle of Taris. "Accursed Mandalorians. They leave nothing but carnage in their wake. Where are your friends when we need them, Jedi?"

"They prefer not to take action," a hooded female said to the officer. "We act when attacked, and will attempt to diffuse a tight situation, but we do not fight wars."

"But you have fought today," Saul replied, slightly confounded.

"I along with the rest of the Tarisian Jedi here on-planet. We were attacked. It is only natural that we should defend."

"Then you won't fight with us in the remainder of the war?"

"Unfortunately, the Council forbids it."

"It may be out of place for me to say so, but your Council sounds cowardly."

"Perhaps so, but their orders are final."

Saul released a long sigh, then turned to face the Jedi directly. "I will have to do my best, then, to change their minds."

"May the Force be with you, Saul Karath. For your Republic's sake."


Jedi Temple - Council Chambers

Before the gathered Jedi High Council, a pre-recorded hologram message crackled to life. Before them stood a flickering, transparent blue image of a Republic Naval Officer. "A massive threat looms over us. There is something greater than the Mandalorians at work here. Something darker . . . and much more powerful. Please, you must send aid bef-r- -he- st--k- ag--n. . . . [static]" The image and message fizzed out before completion, the signal seemingly jammed.

"Another request for help? They are becoming more frequent," Kavar noted as the hologram disappeared.

"And understandably so," Grand Master Sunrider added. "They are in need of help. Unfortunately, the Jedi are not in a position to do much. Last time there was war within the Jedi, many fell to the Dark Side. We cannot afford such a tragedy to befall this Order again."

"But even those Jedi at Taris are suffering. We have lost members who studied there as well. Not a day goes by that I do not hear from those of us stationed there," Xamar pointed out.

"Even Lucien and I receive messages from them here," Krynda Draay spoke up. She and her son were only speaking to the council via hologram, as they were stationed on Ilum with a group of Initiates beginning their training.

"The situation is grave, but we cannot afford to go to war. It is dangerous," said Lonna Vash.

"Perhaps there will come a point at which we will have no choice, but the Republic must fight its own battles for now," Vrook Lamar explained.

As he finished, the door to the chamber opened, and one of the Temple Guards entered. "I have a Jedi Knight named Revan outside. He seeks audience."

"Let him in," Atris allowed.

The guard exited, and moments later, Revan stood before the council. "I have come to speak concerning the war. I speak on behalf of many of my peers when I say that we are concerned for the Republic, and for our fellow Jedi on outlying worlds. We heard there were not only Republic casualties in the recent battle, but also Jedi deaths. If we were to act, many feel that the war would be over quickly."

"Death is a natural part of life. It is tragic that their lives ended so early, but they are now with the Force. They will live on through it," Dorjander Kace said.

"Indeed," interjected Zez-Kai Ell. "Many times in a war, it is not best to charge the enemy, even with the casualties it brings. Patience and meditation in the Force will reveal the correct time to act, if there ever is one. You must follow the Force, not your emotions."

"As grieved as you may be, Revan," Zhar Lestin added, "you must give us time. We understand mourning your comrades. It is only natural. But for now we must remain still."

"But if we do as you say, how will we bring the justice these Mandalorians deserve?" Revan inquired. "Not only have people died, but they will continue to die if we don't protect them! They are destroying planets! Destroying our own Jedi! We have to stop them!"

"Is it justice you seek?" Atris asked. "Or perhaps revenge?"

"Does it matter? We have to fight them off! If we lend our help to the Republic the war would be over!"

"Have you forgotten the nature of the Jedi, Revan? We are to be peacekeepers, not warriors," explained Lucien.

"Lucien speaks the truth," Vandar Tokare said. "You must calm yourself and search for the answers through the Force. Only then, will you find the answers you seek."


"Enough, Revan," Master Sunrider interjected. "The council has made its decision on the war. The Jedi will not be fighting in this war until further notice. You are dismissed."

At the top of the stairs of the Processional Way leading into the Jedi Temple, Alek Squinquargesimus began speaking to the Jedi he had gathered there. "My brothers and sisters!" he began. "Beyond Coruscant and into the Outer Rim, as you know, the Mandalorians lead sieges against the worlds controlled by the Republic. Day after day, they kill innocent people, the soldiers who protect them, and any Jedi in the fields who stand in their way. They seek to test the power of the Republic, and wish to destroy the Jedi.

"They fail to understand our power. Without the Force, they cannot stop us!" As he spoke, Revan joined his side and muttered something in his ear. "Even with this carnage outside our borders of comfort," Alek continued, "the Jedi Council refuses to act! Yet should the Mandalorians conquer the Outer Rim, they will only move Coreward! How can we, the Jedi, the protectors of peace and the symbol of hope for this Galaxy allow this madness to continue?

"Thus, we must move into action, even should it be against the orders of the Council! They say we are not warriors, yet we hold swords at our belts! Let us use these swords and the powers of the Force we have been granted and rescue the Republic from its enemies! Let us rise against the evil and restore peace to the galaxy! Let us ride to the rescue of our brothers who have died, and drive this Mandalorian threat back to its home, and let them see that the Jedi are a force to be reckoned with! Let us do our duty! For the sake of the galaxy! For the Republic!" Saying this, he unhooked his lightsaber from his belt, ignited it, and raised it skyward. His chest heaving, he smiled down at the other sabers being raised in conjunction with his own.

There were those who still seemed puzzled or against his cause, yet many of them agreed. Even if these were all that would follow them, this number would be a great asset to the Republic. Behind Alek, Revan spoke to his friend quietly, "You have done well, my friend. Now that you have their hearts behind us, we must lead them into battle."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Coruscant - Processional Way
Alek's Rally

Damar leaned against a pillar, and looked around at so many of the others who had raised their sabers. Some he recognized, and knew to be considered by most just as impulsive as Revan and Alek. Others he knew to be wiser, but they were concerned with justice, with protecting the innocent. Still others were simply swept up by the energy of the crowd, not thinking clearly, only carried forward by the tide of emotions all around them. The Force was thick with it--which should not be so, not in the halls of the High Council.

"There is no Emotion, there is Peace." Damar said to himself, before he pushed away from the pillar and began making his way through the crowd. He rarely brushed against anyone, though his eyes were focused only on Alek and Revan; he always seemed to know when to change his step, or turn his shoulder slightly, to avoid bumping into the others. Soon he emerged from the throng and stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the two who had brought this call to arms together.

"Knight Alek, I mean no disrespect," he began, with a slight bow of the head, "But how do you propose to stop the Mandalorians? To work with the Republic as our Order has for so long, to defend ourselves from attackers, I feel these things are right and true. But to fight a war, would this not be to bring the same carnage to our enemies as they have brought to other worlds? If we were to cut down Mandalorians without mercy upon a battlefield, would this not go against the Jedi Code? Even they, as brutal and evil as their actions have been, deserve to be treated honorably--do they not?" He called out loudly, to make his voice heard. His words might have sounded like a challenge, but what he really wanted was to hear Alek and Revan's plans. He wouldn't make a judgement this early, not without more information. He had spoken with his Master at length, but never had he heard this side of the story from the originators. He only hoped that, should his words be taken the wrong way--as they often were--that it wouldn't lead to further escalation of emotion. Right now, he could feel palpable anger coming from Revan, and jubilation from Alek as the man watched the stirring in the crowd his speech had caused. Both of them were talented and ambitious young men...but a fall to the dark side could come to anyone, no matter their abilities. Perhaps even more easily, the more assured one was in their immunity to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheBigJon
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The Council's lack of action only furthered Vijjo's desire to move against the Mandalorians. The horrific stories he'd heard from the survivors of the attacks on top of his established perception of Mandalorians made him grit his teeth in anticipation. He'd grown up with a distaste put in his mouth towards Mandalorians by his family and culture. "Brutes" they'd be described as. The eye witness accounts of their actions were more than enough to support that generalization. People were dying, Jedi and civilians alike. Vijjo's lips cracked into a slight grin as he convinced himself that the Council would eventually take action against the Mandalorian Campaign.

There's no way we can just sit here as if nothing's going on.

As if an answer, he heard a somewhat familiar voice calling out nearby. Vijjo interrupted his walk to see what the commotion was all about. Preachy. Taking a spot towards the back of the crowd, Vijjo smiled as he listened to Alek express exactly what he'd just been thinking. His light expression hardened as he was reminded of the Council's failure to react to the Mandalorian threat. He found himself nodding along, slowly, at first, then more and more, he realized he let out a slight yell of agreement as his hand moved to imitate the sabers being raised around him. Vijjo couldn't bear much longer of inaction. He knew people out there needed him, and the grim truth was that the Council was not seeking to answer the Galaxy's cry for help. For now, he had a lot of thinking to do.

Vijjo noticed the one man moving deliberately from his place by the pillar towards the two atop the stairs. He noted the man's cautious movements and wondered if his personality reflected those careful motions - as was generally the case. Nevertheless, nobody else had made any sort of move toward the two jedi, and this man caught his attention. Vijjo realized he had come up to speak to them, and decided he felt a bit nosy. All he wanted to do was learn more about the situation outside of the Temple and figured he could stay and listen a while to what the three had to say. Slowly, Vijjo inched closer towards the front, merging and moving with the crowd until he was within earshot. He slightly turned his head as if to seem uninterested, but pointed his ear towards Revan and the jedi.

"Knight Alek..." Vijjo continued to listen.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lowering his saber at the approach of a fellow Knight, Alek listened to his case. "You have righteous concerns, but I think you misunderstand our purpose. We do not seek to slaughter them, but to stop their advances. There are ways to defeat enemies without such brutality, and while this is a conflict that goes beyond what words can fix, we can defeat them without a vicious massacre. We are not invaders, but defenders. They have the right to live in peace on Mandalore, their homeworld, but they do not hold the right to attack the rest of this galaxy as they have.

"This is why we will fight this war alongside the Republic. We will combat this enemy as nobly as we can to protect and retake what is rightfully the Republic's. We are not tyrants, dear companion. Please understand us. Our ranks would be in need of one noble as you. Many here would fight with vengeance in their hearts, but you have mercy. You could become a great General for the Republic. Perhaps even greater than Revan or I. I have no doubt of that.

"While glory is not the goal we seek, I see a much needed ally in your compassion for nobility. So tell me, would you be so kind as to lend us your strength? The Republic will be here with a vessel to transport this Jedi Templar within a matter of hours. There is little time to waste."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Coruscant - Processional Way
Alek's Rally

"Such was my intent from the beginning." Damar said, nodding. "I had already decided that I must head to the front lines, to see for myself what is happening in the galaxy firsthand, to make an informed decision. If I could be of any help by accompanying you, then I shall do so." He bowed again, then raised his own saber, gripping its black leather wrapped hilt lightly. With a flick of the power switch the bright green blade bloomed into existence with its distinctive sound, something like the sound of electricity coursing through wire yet with hints of flame burning through air. He saluted Alek and Revan with it, before turning off the blade and returning it to his belt. "May the Force be with us all." he said, before turning and walking back into the crowd.

It wasn't long, however, before he spoke again--this time to another Jedi in the crowd.

"May I ask what you are looking at, over there?" Damar smiled knowingly. Turning one's head and looking away, while keeping an ear out, would work in most cases. But in this one, with all the crowd so focused on Revan and Alek and there being so little else going on around the Procession Way, turning away from the focal point of all the attention only made one stand out all the more. As Damar stood next to Vijjo's side, at a respectful distance, he folded his arms over his chest and began to watch the rest of the crowd.

"Were you listening as well?" he asked, in a lower voice. "Their hearts are perhaps in the right place...but why a General of the Republic, rather than a Jedi Master? Why mention glory at all, if one meant to be unconcerned with it?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheBigJon
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Vijjo felt himself straighten up ever-so-slightly when addressed. Despite how reluctant he was to admit it, he knew his sense of duty to the people of the Galaxy outweighed his responsibility to uphold the Jedi Code. Disobeying the Council's direct wishes and going to war would no doubt have serious repercussions. He didn't know if he was totally willing to leave altogether - it was far too big a risk. Regardless of his doubts, he knew something had to be done to help those in need. Peacekeepers of the Galaxy were not meant to sit idly by while others are needlessly slaughtered in the name of glory.

He turned to the Jedi who addressed him:

"Regardless of where their hearts are, they know what needs to be done. I try not to think about issues as controversial as this too deeply. Don't take that the wrong way, I just prefer to use my instincts to determine what the correct course of action is. What's your take in all of this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Coruscant - Jedi Temple
Alek's Rally 

The Jedi Temple; a site of calmness, solemnity and peace for so many. Its hallowed halls are a refuge from the chaos and uncertainty of the Planetary city outside, where there is no emotion, there is peace. For Stadak, returning to the Temple always allowed him to shrug off the burdens of duty and reputation he carried in the wider galaxy. Out there, he represented the entire Jedi order and the republic as a whole whereas in here he was one among many, just another face in the crowd. Even as he stepped off the transporter and beheld the majestic sight of the Temple's entrance, he could already feel a calm over taking his being. With a brief smile at his Padawan, he started to ascend the steps. In his mind, he ran through some of the beings he'd encountered on this most recent trip. An interesting species of subterranean beetles that survived by eating plants from the roots up, a bird that utilised four wings at once, and several more species he'd never seen catalogued in the Jedi archives. It often surprised Stadak that others were not willing to study the movements and biologies of diverse alien fauna nor to enter their findings into the archives.

He was so involved in mentally writing out his entry to the archives that he didn't pick up the waves of bellicose emotion flowing from a small group at the top of the procession way. But as he went to move past them, he caught a few words of the discussion that shook all thoughts of plant eating beetles from his mind. Looking at the man addressing the crowd, he immediately recognised the form of Alek, a well respected figure in the Temple. His words did not sit well with Stadak at all, though he wagered he could guess what his apprentice, Taiko Tachibana, would think of all this talk of righteous defence and the shirking of glory. Youth tends to gravitate to such causes and Stadak was sure he was just as susceptible to its siren call in his own youth. Still, better to involve himself in debate that disapprove from a distance.

Stepping forward though the crowd, he moved to the forefront and addressed Alek directly. "Forgive me if I ask you to retread what you have already spoken of, brother, but I am recently returned to Coruscant and must ask you; what has the council said of this venture? Have they approved of this... gathering?" he asked, casting a quick glance across the Jedi with ignited lightsabers thrust skyward or sheepishly deactivating them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rethel34
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Rethel34 Inverted Archery

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Collab: @Roosan, @Midori, and @Rethel34

Once again, Alek found himself approached by one who had questions. But this one was different. He hadn't heard the entirety of Alek's speech. "Allow me to enlighten you," Alek said calmly. "Certainly by now you are aware of the atrocities reaped on Taris and other Outer Rim planets on part of the Mandalorians, correct?"

Stadak nodded gravely. "Very much so, I am returning from the Republic's borders, where things are extremely unsettled. But you did not answer my question, Alek. I am eager to hear you set my fears to rest and tell me that the council has approved you recruiting knights for a mission to the Outer Rim."

"Unfortunately, the Council would rather us abandon our duty of protecting the innocent in this conflict. That is why we act. We cannot continue to allow these Mandalorians to act out of line as they have. Not only are innocent men, women, and children being killed, but even our own members are being cut down. If this continues, they will have reached Coruscant in little time. That is why, with or without the Council's permission, we must act."

For a few moments, Stadak seemed almost speechless. Who could doubt the wisdom of the council? Surely even the most eager knight would rather give the council time to act than rush off on an unsanctioned crusade. Was he the only one who studied history, who knew where these roads led?

"Knight Alek, I must profess disbelief. You cannot mean to defy the wishes of the council simply because they have not acted yet? The council are not unfeeling and nor are they blind, they know of the crimes that have been committed on Taris. There is not a doubt in my mind that the council means to put a stop to the Mandalorian menace. Surely it is better to wait, to follow the will of those wiser and more senior than ourselves?"

At this, Revan broke his silence. "You should have seen the way they reacted when I pleaded with them to save the Republic from the Mandalorians. They truly believe this to be a conflict to be overlooked. Something not worth the time of the Jedi."

"My friend has never told me a lie," Alek added, "and I doubt he would do so to you. We are taught against chaos and emotion, yet these Mandalorians spread the very things that, as Jedi, we are to detest. Tell me, is allowing these people to spread hatred throughout the galaxy--is this the peace the Jedi seek?"

"There is no emotion, there is peace" murmured Stadak as he felt the coiling shape of Revan's emotions, so strong it was almost intoxicating. Anger, frustration, a desire for justice, they wrapped in on each other like a nest of vipers. "I will speak to the council myself, Knight Revan. I cannot believe they are as against protecting the Republic as you say. And if they are... We will talk again." Without another word, Stadak took off up the steps at a fast pace, almost a run.

Taiko had remained silent through the ordeal but Revan's words spoke to her on a level she understood greatly. It made sense in her mind for the Jedi to involve themselves and stop the Mandalorian war machine. Stadak took off in a way that almost seemed to be aggressive, which was unusual. She had never known him to be irrational or swayed by his emotions. In fact he was such a stoic figure sometimes that it made her uncomfortable. She did her best to keep pace. "But Master, doesn't it make sense for us to mobilize at the very least to alleviate casualties on Taris? How can we call ourselves peacekeepers if we don't keep the peace? Our own Order has suffered because of this menace, there has to be something we can do!"

Almost to his own surprise, Stadak felt a stab of irritation at his Padawan's questions, not least because he agreed with almost everything she said. He quashed the feeling and recited the Jedi teachings for a few moments. "I do not feel that Knight Revan or Knight Alek are wrong in their intentions, they want to stem a tide of invasion and save lives. But the council are wise and have no doubt thought through their decision. I can't believe, will not believe, that they would have our order sit by and watch the Outer Rim burn." Not until they say so themselves, he added silently.

The Knight and his apprentice stepped past a youngling and into the elevator. The council's chamber was located at the very top of the Temple. Looking down at Taiko, Stadak asked, "What do you know of Taris, my Padawan?"

She thought for a moment. "Actually, very little. Only that it's in the Outer Rim and that it's been under attack from the Mandalorians recently. Up until we've been together I've lived my life here at the Temple. I've heard stories about the things they've been doing. None of it sounded pleasant." In fact she had tried her best not to think about it. The idea that sentient beings can willingly destroy each other was a terribly depressing thought. It was times like this that she wished she could be as calm and collected as her Master. He always seemed to have everything together, which was a stark contrast to herself, whom she felt was only ever hanging together by a thread.

"Taris is a planet much like Coruscant, only younger. It too is covered in a sprawling city, though I understand the lower levels are even worst than our own fair city. A cosmopolitan place in some respects but with a lingering xenophobic element among the planet's human citizens. With the Mandalorians sieging the planet, I have no doubt that such sentiments will only increase in the coming months." Stadak let his mouth list a few facts about Taris while he calmed himself. No emotion, peace.

"So many thousands of people, trapped on that world with no hope of escape. Left to fend for themselves. Why would the Council hesitate to act? I know they're great Masters but... Is there something we don't know? Some reason they're hiding that they don't want us to know about? The council wouldn't do that would they? Keep secrets?" She couldn't imagine that the Jedi Council, being such a benevolent Order would keep it's own members in the dark about something so great that it would keep them from saving lives.

"Taris is not defenseless Taiko, nor is the Republic. There is a Republic Navy and army for a reason, Padawan. Still, the mandalorians live for battle, to prove themselves in the theatre of war, and I doubt the Republic forces will be able to do more than slow them down without the intervention of our order. And as for secrets... I do not believe that the Council would keep secrets from the Knights of the order," said Stadak, carefully not mentioning that some things needed to be kept from Padawans for their own good. With a hiss, the elevator doors opened to reveal the doors to the Council chamber.

Stepping forward, Stadak looked to his apprentice with a trace of apology in his face and voice. "I am afraid you will have to wait here Taiko, I will tell you what the Council informs me when I return." With that, he turned and nodded to the door guards. Within a few moments, he was admitted to the room and the doors slid shut behind him with an ominous snap.

Complying with her Master's instruction she sat down on a bench in the hall and made every attempt to make an audible 'hmpf' as she sat. It was rather annoying to still be treated as a child at the Temple despite no longer being an initiate. She had spent so many years of her life here that she practically knew everyone by name. Still, she understood that her inexperience might 'lead her to act on her emotion' as she was often reminded. It was frustrating to live by such a contraditory code sometimes. You have to be compassionate to all living things but also emotionless and completely rational. You have all this power and can tap into the Force, the single most powerful... force... in the universe, but must do your best never to have to use it. Being a Jedi is hard... She thought.

As the doors closed, the Council turned their attention to the Knight who had entered. "Knight Stadak," Grand Master Nomi Sunrider addressed, "How was your expedition to Null? Was everything productive?"

"Indeed Master, the mission proceeded as well as can be expected. Null is a beautiful planet, full of undocumented life forms. When circumstances are otherwise, I hope to return there. I saw some things that caused me to worry, however, both on Null and here at the temple, so I must ask you; what does the council intend to do about the Mandalorian invasion?" Stadak mastered the growing dread inside himself and waited for an answer he now feared he would not like.

"Would you imply that the Mandalorians are a direct enemy to the Jedi?" asked Dorjander Kace, who had always seemed to sympathize with the Mandalorians.

Stadak went to shake his head and then paused for thought. "Not in so many words, Master. I do not believe that the Republic forces will be able to do more than slow their advance down but it will take them many years to advance to Coruscant and the Inner Rim. They are an undeniable threat to the people of the Outer Rim and the Republic itself."

As the meeting commenced Taiko sat uncomfortably on the bench staring at the two guards by the elevator door. She had already begun incessantly swinging her legs and trying her best to imagine the Council sitting in their fancy chairs with her Master lecturing them on the various oh so exciting species of flora and fauna before finally getting to the point. If there was one thing her Master wasw good at it was boring you to tears with information you'll never need to know about alien beetles and rare invertibrates. The two guards seemed somehow content to stand still forever. "So how has your day been?" Neither of them budged. "Any hot young Padawans catch your eye?" She tussled her hair a bit hoping to fish a compliment but again neither of them moved. Suddenly one of them glanced her way for a moment! It was a small victory at least but still they were as statues.

"However, this conflict is just that: a war for the Republic to fight," the hologram of Lucien Draay explained.

"We cannot fight their wars for them. We have told others this, as well: we are to be peacekeepers, not warriors," Master Kavar continued. "When a conflict escalates beyond standard diplomacy, the Jedi must step back and allow things to progress as the Force would have it."

"But... the people of the Outer Rim are being slaughtered, Master." It took some effort to keep his voice level, but Stadak's tone remained level and his face locked in an expression of reasoned objection. "The Mandalorians kill those too weak to fight and forcibly recruit the rest. Surely it is not the will of the force to let the Republic fall to be replaced by a bastard Mandalorian empire, nor can it be the will of the Council."

"We cannot allow our Jedi to be ruled by their emotions. Going to war would invite this upon us. The Mandalorians once served Exar Kun, and were far from a threat to the Republic. To believe that they have become one now is impossible," Vrook said, his voice as angry as always. "Warring against them would only lead to the Dark Side for the Jedi."

"The Jedi Council has already made up its mind on this matter," Atris interjected. "The Republic is to fight its own war, and the Jedi will not interfere. Why do you question us?"

"Because I, like you Master Atris, have studied the chronicles of history. These events are not unseen before today, the Republic has been threatened before and the Jedi have risen to defend it without the Order falling into chaos. So too have Jedi gone to war without the blessing of the Council and fallen. I do not understand how the Council can condone standing by when the lessons of history tell us that we must move to defend the Republic with the full force of the Order." Stadak pulled back from going into full monologue lecture mode, but barely.

"Our decision on this matter is final," Master Sunrider stated. "You have stated your case, and we, ours. You are dismissed, Stadak."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Coruscant - Processional Way
Alek's Rally


"As of yet, I am trying to refrain from a take at all." Damar replied, one hand coming up to hold his chin in a contemplative manner. "I have not seen for myself the level of destruction the Mandalorians have wrought. On holotapes, it certainly portrays atrocity after atrocity, but these are often gathered after the battles have passed. It shows the flames of war, buildings destroyed in the wake of bombs and the dropping of Basilisk Droids. But I must see and speak with Republic soldiers, and walk their ships, to know how they truly fare against the enemy. I must have more than one source of information--were it possible, I would even wish to speak to the Mandalorians. I wish to hear from the Jedi who have defended themselves on worlds such as Taris, and from the inhabitants of those worlds that have been ravaged."

He crossed his arms again, and shook his head.

"I wish to know as much as possible before making a final decision. But I suppose, in my heart, I do agree with Alek and Revan to an extent. The Mandalorians cannot be allowed to slaughter innocents without facing some sort of consequence. Though I know that vengeance and anger are forbidden, I also know evil must not be allowed to thrive. War, no matter who fights it, is surely an evil." He turned to look at Vijjo.

"You say you do not like to think of things too deeply. I'm afraid I am unequipped to understand such a sentiment. To think deeply, to be aware of one's thoughts and feelings and understand them...and to do the same for others...I have always felt that such was the only way to truly find peace. Forgive me, I mean no offense...But I feel if one simply 'followed their guts' without knowing why they felt the need to do so, they would not be able to do better than the most primal of solutions. It is all too obvious that to stop an evil man, you must kill him. It takes education, wisdom, and all sorts of other knowledge to be able to understand him, and instead turn him to the light."

Vijjo had paid the man a credit for his thoughts and had probably gotten enough to fill both ears. Such was the constant working of the mind that was Damar Maadik's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheBigJon
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Vijjo's lips cracked into a smile as Damar went on. He enjoyed listening to others as much as he enjoyed engaging in combat. He began:

"Perhaps you're correct in your way of thinking, but I do harbor a sort of bias against Mandalorians, can't blame me too much for that. You said you'd want more information and would like to hear accounts of both sides. The Republic, I'm sure, would not hesitate to tell you of their firsthand experience of Mandalorians. The Mandalorians, however, aren't much for conversation. Personally, I think, if you really want to know more of the situation, you should go to the frontlines and see for yourself. Maybe you'd tell the Council of your intentions if you don't want to face their consequences. If you tell me you mean no offense, then I believe you wholeheartedly. It must be the way I was raised. Talking is not the way of the Echani. Even now, in my Knighthood, it took me quite a while to accustom myself to using my words - especially when attempting to express myself. As for turning an evil man to the light, I am absolutely sincere in wishing you luck in your endeavors to do such a thing to a Mandalorian. Thank you for the words, Brother...?" Vijjo ended, realizing he'd never caught the Jedi's name.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Coruscant - Processional Way >> Outside the Council Chambers
Searching for Answers


"I am Damar, Damar Maadik. It is a pleasure to meet you, Brother." The Consular bowed his head, and waited as Vijjo would likely introduce himself as well. Afterwards, he added, "Informing the Council might be prudent, but I somewhat wary to do so given that they might see it as an attempt to legitimize Revan's own desires to head into the battlefield. If I were to, even in part, be seen to be supporting him over the Council, it would likely set me on the path to inevitable conflict between them. I don't want to say, concretely, that I am for one side or the other just yet." He turned in the direction that Stadak and the young woman, presumably his Padawan, had gone--towards the Council's chambers. "But, they may yet consider giving me some form of leniency...If I am with Revan's forces, I may be able to mediate some of the actions of the younger and more brash who would accompany him. Not to boast, of course." He looked back at Vijjo and gestured for him to follow. "Come, perhaps we can find out more of the Council's mood from our Brother who goes to confirm Revan's story."

Moving away from the crowd and down the processional hallways, Damar and Vijjo would soon come to the great doors of the Council's chamber. The guards gave them a glance and a nod of acknowledgement, which Damar returned, but made it clear with their body language that no one else was to enter at the moment. Seeing Taiko sitting on a bench nearby, Damar looked at Vijjo, and pointed the girl out with his eyes. Leading the way, he approached the Padawan.

@Midori"Excuse me, Miss. I assume you are the apprentice of the Knight currently speaking to the council?" Damar began. "Do you have any clue, perhaps, as to how they have received him?" He took a step to one side so that he was not towering over the girl directly, and folded his hands before him. He did so without really thinking about it, but he was acting on a subconscious desire to avoid making the girl feel trapped or imposed on by questioning strangers.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheBigJon
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TheBigJon yung $$$

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Vijjo nodded his head to acknowledge Damar's introduction. "Likewise. You can call me Vijjo," he'd respond as he lifted his head. Vijjo kept his pace with Damar, tailing very slightly behind him as he watched how the Jedi moved - much like a grazing prey. Not cautious as much as observant; Vijjo also knew the Jedi was far more capable than common prey. He seemed to respond to every little thing around him, but in the most subtle way. Vijjo had a habit of over-analyzing movements, but that's never been a problem, and his analysis was rarely mistaken. He cracked a smile to the familiar guards as he walked along with Damar. Vijjo kept a light expression on his face while looking at the Padawan, splitting his lips in a smile when they'd make direct eye contact. In all honesty, he thought he might be a bit creepy, but better creepy than intimidating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Padawan Taiko Tachibana

Taiko had been staring at one of the guards intently trying to see if he was breathing when two Jedi who were both Knights, Damar and Vijjo, approached her. Vijjo she knew, as he had taught classes at the temple, the other was a stranger. She blurted out, "Rigid and anti-social if their guards are any indication..." It was more of a jab at the guards for ignoring her, she briefly glanced their way to see if either of them reacted, but it may have actually been closer to the truth than she knew. "Come to think of it the Council has probably heard from plenty of Jedi voicing their concerns about the Mandalorians by now, I can't imagine they'd be overly ecstatic when yet another Jedi comes in to ask why we're sitting on our rears while innocents and other Jedi are caught in the midst of war." If there was one thing she understood it was the feeling of being constantly accosted by others for the same thing over and over again. Even the Master's patience would eventually run out and then they would either give in or become much more strict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Coruscant - Outside the Council Chambers
Searching for Answers


The girl's focus was on the guards, rather than Damar and Vijjo, but soon she spoke, making fun of the guards for their steadfast refusal to give in to her bait.

"Some would say the same of all Jedi, I'm sure. It's part of the job to posture and be cryptic." Damar said with a light chuckle. But the girl was concerned about the war as well. To listen to her speak made Damar worry that perhaps Revan's influence was already spreading further than anyone knew...or maybe, maybe the girl was just young and still impulsive. Maybe she simply felt the same as Revan without having listened to Alek's speeches. But to know that so many Padawans might have, independently, come to the same conclusion was worrisome. If feelings of dissent were so strong, then...

No, best to focus on what facts he could glean for now. Best not to jump to conclusions, as the young Padawan did. Perhaps it was not his place, as he wasn't her master, but when next he spoke Damar sought to calm the girl somewhat.

"Now now, the Council may seem slow to act, but you must remember that the collection of people beyond those doors have a greater connection to the Force than some of us will ever experience." He waved a hand nonchalantly, as if he could simply fan away Taiko's worries. "The Force can grant visions, knowledge of the future, expansion of the senses. Perhaps, between them all, the Council simply knows something that we do not, and they do not see us as ready to share that knowledge. I, too, must admit that I wish to learn more of the war firsthand...but I won't say that I agree with Revan entirely. Whatever we, as an Order, decide to do, I don't think we should act without at least taking the Council's words into consideration."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Coruscant - Jedi Temple
Exiting the Council Chamber

"You are dismissed Stadak."

Stifling his objections, Stadak bowed low, turned away and left the Council chamber. So, they intend to allow events to take course, regardless of the deaths it may cause. But how can they be so uncaring? The Mandalorians will butcher and enslave across the stars. Do they have a secret plan? I must meditate on this and seek the wisdom of the living force. Stepping out of the doors, he was greeted by the sight of two vaguely familiar Knights accosting his Padawan. An Echani whose name Stadak couldn't remember and a human called Something Maadik. He cleared his throat gently to let them know he had emerged.

"Brothers, I see you have met my Padawan, Taiko Tachibana. I am sure we have met at some point but I feel I should introduce myself regardless; I am Knight Stadak." He fervently hoped they would take the hint and say their names as well. "We have just returned from a excursion to Null, near the Outer Rim. Might I ask if you intend to ask the Council their position on the Madalorian invasion?" Moving closer, Stadak dropped his voice lower. "For if that is your plan, I can tell you there is little point. They do not wish to discuss the matter at all and chased me from the chamber for bringing it up."

As he spoke, Stadak planned what he would do next. First he would attempt to speak to Knight Revan, then remove his armour, don robes, meditate on the relevant issues, catalogue his recent discoveries in the library and practise sparring with Taiko.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Coruscant - Outside the Council Chambers
Searching for Answers


"Consular Damar Maadik. A pleasure to meet you, Knight Stadak." Damar bowed his head, then listened with his hands clasped lightly behind him as Stadak explained what had happened in the chambers of the Council.

"That is...troubling." Damar said, one hand leaving the other to stroke his chin. "I had expected them to remain staunch on their position...but if it is as you say, and they will not even discuss the matter...I begin to see where Revan and Alek take issue."

To make a decision and stand by it is one thing, but if the Council had even deadened their ears against discussion of the matter...then nothing would be resolved. If they wanted to stop Revan and Alek's planned excursion, they would have to do so by force, or by somehow banning any Jedi from a ship leaving Coruscant. There was no way such a thing could be accomplished, not without turning this schism into an outright split.

So there was no way to stop Revan and Alek from leading any who would follow them into the furnace of war.

"If we cannot reach a compromise with either side of this matter...then I suppose we must follow the old saying." He looked at the others, and one might have expected him to quote the ancient Jedi masters, those bastions of wisdom and understanding.

"If you can't beat them, join them." he said simply, ruining the dramatic tension. Then he elaborated.

"Those of us who don't intend to follow Revan and Alek into the war wholeheartedly, our only option is to accompany them and act as guides, markers to keep them within the boundaries of the Order. If the Council cannot be moved, and Alek and Revan will not give up their ideals, then there is no way to reconcile the matter. All we--or at least, I--can hope to do, is minimize what misfortune may befall them." He turned and bowed to each of the three in turn.

"Thank you all for helping me to make my decision. My discussions with each of you has enlightened me as to what I must do. If we part ways here, I wish you the best." For all he knew, these could be some of his last words as an official Jedi. The Council, should they learn of the truest extent of Revan and Alek's plans to lead the jedi into battle, could very well excommunicate them all, or brand them as fallen to the Dark Side. He only hoped they would stay their hand long enough for him to learn what he could of the front lines and return.

Turning, Damar began to stride back towards the Processional Way, intent to wait with Revan's followers and board their ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Coruscant - Jedi Temple
Outside the Council Chamber

When you study history, you start to see patterns. Mostly they're only present on the datapad or in the archives. The same mistakes leading to the same failures and tragedies, repeated again and again throughout the ages. Stadak had remarked upon these patterns to any who would listen before, often going into great detail about their seeming inevitability. But this was the first time he'd seen one happen before his eyes. And so, we march to war with good intentions he thought mournfully, knowing without looking that Taiko would be staring at him with ill disguised hope. She wanted to help, to use her force given powers for the betterment of the people of the republic and, given his meeting with the council, Stadak no longer had any real reasons to object.

"Do what you must, brothers. I intend to take off the load of my recent journey through meditation and honest training. Mayhap's I will see you aboard a ship headed for the Outer Rim very soon but for now I must bid you goodbye." he said, a trifle wearily. Null seemed a long time ago already.

Without another word, he turned away from the pair of knights and walked towards the stairs, Taiko falling in beside him. When they eventually approached the quarters, he turned to her. "Taiko, I must meditate on what we have heard so far. I know that you have much to say and I will hear you, soon. First, I suggest you clean the dust of space off and ready yourself for a sparring session. I will log my recent fauna discoveries into the archives, meditate and meet you at the training grounds in three hours."

He smiled ruefully. By the time they met again, Taiko would doubtless have an entire tirade of arguments prepared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

News from the Council was about as she expected. They had heard enough from all the Jedi pleading and were holding to their decision. Her Master bid the others farewell and they headed for the quarters. She was just about to speak but he cut her off before she could start. "Taiko, I must meditate on what we have heard so far. I know that you have much to say and I will hear you, soon..." Just as he said she was about to give him an ear full but held her tongue, a rare occurrence, he would only shush her if she tried. He had a look on his face that said he needed some time to figure out his next move. "...First, I suggest you clean the dust of space off and ready yourself for a sparring session..." Did... did she look dirty? For some reason, that made her feel very self-conscious about her appearance. She subtly straightened out her robes and ran her hand through her hair. "I will log my recent fauna discoveries into the archives, meditate and meet you at the training grounds in three hours." Three hours? What would she do for three hours? Well before she got cleaned up she may as well practice her forms. She gave a slight bow and excused herself from her Master.

Instead of heading to her own quarters she went straight to the training hall. She was never good at sitting still and meditating so some extra practice would be good. Most of her instructors would scold her for not taking the time to meditate properly but to her it was the most natural way to reach that state of clarity. There were a few others in the training hall, mostly young Jedi-in-training, completely unaware of the world outside much like she was at that stage of her training. It was so much easier back then to focus on training, nothing else occupied your mind and you could devote your entire being to honing your skills. She removed the outer layer of her robes, exposing her bare skin to the musky air of the training hall, and hung them on a hook. It was oddly comforting for her, she had spent so many years training in this very hall but now things were different. A few of the younger Jedi glanced her way and tried to watch her subtly, probably waiting to study her movements as she did when she was their age. It was always amazing to see the more experienced jedi come in and practice effortlessly.

Without a single pause between her steps she ignited her lightsaber and began the first kata with simple vertical strikes. The young Jedi did not seem impressed. Without hesitation she proceeded to the next kata and so on. Master needs to meditate, I should too... As she ran through the kata her movements grew swifter and more fluid. I don't know about the Jedi Revan but people seem to have the impression that he has some ulterior motive to mobilizing the Jedi to assist in defending against the Mandalorian threat. Even so, I do believe that assisting in the defense of Taris is the correct path. Master Stadak probably agrees with me but he seems to have concerns about something he isn't telling me. I don't like being kept in the dark but he probably feels that it's best for me not to know, how frustrating. It's not as if I like the idea of defying the Council, they must have some reason to stand by but they can't expect us to understand their wisdom if they withhold it from us. I suppose there's nothing I can do about that though. Master made it clear that we're heading to Taris anyway, I'm sure the Council won't be happy about so many Jedi going against their wishes. Still there's no clear reason not to go. As Jedi we're supposed to be peace keepers, shouldn't we go to Taris and restore peace and order? There has to be some reason the Council is denying us. Something so dangerous that the Council won't even speak of it. I remember Master Stadak lecturing me on parts of our history where the Jedi Order was divided on a controversial issue which led to a schism. I wonder if that's what Master is worried about...

She was interrupted by Master Veloca, the only Ryn Taiko had ever met and her former lightsaber instructor. "You've improved quite a bit since you've become Padawan to Knight Stadak..." Without any indication she lit her saber and stepped in front of Taiko. "...but you won't improve your skills practicing on your own." Now she was in for it, Master Veloca was an expert in the Ataru style of combat. Before she could blink Master Veloca was on the offensive with a thrust directly at her face and suddenly from above, then behind, front, left, above, front, behind! The onslaught was almost too fast for her to keep up but she was much more confident in her abilities now then she was when she trained with Master Veloca. With only split seconds to react however there was no way to find an opening. They locked sabers for a moment and Master Veloca smiled. With a twist she unlocked herself, Taiko felt something grabbing her leg, and she quickly found herself falling to the floor. She gave a resounding thud onto the hard mats of the training hall and a wimpy "Owww...." She sat up and rubbed her forehead.
"You are defeated, young Padawan."
"That was sneaky using your tail, Master."
"You must always keep the anatomy of your opponent in mind. Beings with four arms will fight differently than those with two. It is crucial to understand a creature's movements in order to anticipate their strategy and tactics."
"Yes Master, thank you for sparring with me. I think I'll head to the refresher now for a bath."
"Very well, you have improved greatly by the way. Keep it up and you may even succeed me as instructor in a hundred years."
It was about as big a compliment as she had ever received from Master Veloca so she took it in stride and headed to her quarters for a bath.
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