32 ARK (
After the
Rise of Exar

Upper CityRepublic Commodore Saul Karath observed the aftermath of the recent Battle of Taris. "Accursed Mandalorians. They leave nothing but carnage in their wake. Where are your
friends when we need them, Jedi?"
"They prefer not to take action," a hooded female said to the officer. "We act when attacked, and will attempt to diffuse a tight situation, but we do not fight wars."
"But you have fought today," Saul replied, slightly confounded.
"I along with the rest of the Tarisian Jedi here on-planet. We were attacked. It is only natural that we should defend."
"Then you won't fight with us in the remainder of the war?"
"Unfortunately, the Council forbids it."
"It may be out of place for me to say so, but your Council sounds cowardly."
"Perhaps so, but their orders are final."
Saul released a long sigh, then turned to face the Jedi directly. "I will have to do my best, then, to change their minds."
"May the Force be with you, Saul Karath. For your Republic's sake."

Jedi Temple - Council ChambersBefore the gathered Jedi High Council, a pre-recorded hologram message crackled to life. Before them stood a flickering, transparent blue image of a Republic Naval Officer. "A massive threat looms over us. There is something greater than the Mandalorians at work here. Something darker . . . and much more powerful. Please, you must send aid bef-r- -he- st--k- ag--n. . . . [static]" The image and message fizzed out before completion, the signal seemingly jammed.
"Another request for help? They are becoming more frequent," Kavar noted as the hologram disappeared.
"And understandably so," Grand Master Sunrider added. "They are in need of help. Unfortunately, the Jedi are not in a position to do much. Last time there was war within the Jedi, many fell to the Dark Side. We cannot afford such a tragedy to befall this Order again."
"But even those Jedi at Taris are suffering. We have lost members who studied there as well. Not a day goes by that I do not hear from those of us stationed there," Xamar pointed out.
"Even Lucien and I receive messages from them here," Krynda Draay spoke up. She and her son were only speaking to the council via hologram, as they were stationed on Ilum with a group of Initiates beginning their training.
"The situation is grave, but we cannot afford to go to war. It is dangerous," said Lonna Vash.
"Perhaps there will come a point at which we will have no choice, but the Republic must fight its own battles for now," Vrook Lamar explained.
As he finished, the door to the chamber opened, and one of the Temple Guards entered. "I have a Jedi Knight named Revan outside. He seeks audience."
"Let him in," Atris allowed.
The guard exited, and moments later, Revan stood before the council. "I have come to speak concerning the war. I speak on behalf of many of my peers when I say that we are concerned for the Republic, and for our fellow Jedi on outlying worlds. We heard there were not only Republic casualties in the recent battle, but also Jedi deaths. If we were to act, many feel that the war would be over quickly."
"Death is a natural part of life. It is tragic that their lives ended so early, but they are now with the Force. They will live on through it," Dorjander Kace said.
"Indeed," interjected Zez-Kai Ell. "Many times in a war, it is not best to charge the enemy, even with the casualties it brings. Patience and meditation in the Force will reveal the correct time to act, if there ever is one. You must follow the Force, not your emotions."
"As grieved as you may be, Revan," Zhar Lestin added, "you must give us time. We understand mourning your comrades. It is only natural. But for now we must remain still."
"But if we do as you say, how will we bring the justice these Mandalorians deserve?" Revan inquired. "Not only have people died, but they will continue to die if we don't protect them! They are destroying planets! Destroying our own Jedi! We have to stop them!"
"Is it justice you seek?" Atris asked. "Or perhaps revenge?"
"Does it matter? We have to fight them off! If we lend our help to the Republic the war would be over!"
"Have you forgotten the nature of the Jedi, Revan? We are to be
peacekeepers, not
warriors," explained Lucien.
"Lucien speaks the truth," Vandar Tokare said. "You must calm yourself and search for the answers through the Force. Only then, will you find the answers you seek."
"Enough, Revan," Master Sunrider interjected. "The council has made its decision on the war. The Jedi will not be fighting in this war until further notice. You are dismissed."
At the top of the stairs of the Processional Way leading into the Jedi Temple, Alek Squinquargesimus began speaking to the Jedi he had gathered there. "My brothers and sisters!" he began. "Beyond Coruscant and into the Outer Rim, as you know, the Mandalorians lead sieges against the worlds controlled by the Republic. Day after day, they kill innocent people, the soldiers who protect them, and any Jedi in the fields who stand in their way. They seek to test the power of the Republic, and wish to destroy the Jedi.
"They fail to understand our power. Without the Force, they cannot stop us!" As he spoke, Revan joined his side and muttered something in his ear. "Even with this carnage outside our borders of comfort," Alek continued, "the Jedi Council refuses to act! Yet should the Mandalorians conquer the Outer Rim, they will only move Coreward! How can we, the Jedi, the protectors of peace and the symbol of hope for this Galaxy allow this madness to continue?
"Thus, we must move into action, even should it be against the orders of the Council! They say we are not warriors, yet we hold swords at our belts! Let us use these swords and the powers of the Force we have been granted and rescue the Republic from its enemies! Let us rise against the evil and restore peace to the galaxy! Let us ride to the rescue of our brothers who have died, and drive this Mandalorian threat back to its home, and let them see that the Jedi are a force to be reckoned with! Let us do our duty! For the sake of the galaxy!
For the Republic!" Saying this, he unhooked his lightsaber from his belt, ignited it, and raised it skyward. His chest heaving, he smiled down at the other sabers being raised in conjunction with his own.
There were those who still seemed puzzled or against his cause, yet many of them agreed. Even if these were all that would follow them, this number would be a great asset to the Republic. Behind Alek, Revan spoke to his friend quietly, "You have done well, my friend. Now that you have their hearts behind us, we must lead them into battle."