D A R K Z O N E ┤├ June 6 ┤├ Heralds of Pasha
The beasts are all over the dark lands. Everyone falls prey to them sooner or later. These are the domains wherein men turn to ash. The nightmare stretches from the Far East to the hope of West. Only the laws of nature can save a soul from death, lest they are cursed to wander the earth a hollow corpse, a husk. Nothing can prevent the Stigma. It devours all as the antithesis to life. Yet, there are some whom persist in the Hellscape among madmen and murderers.
“I can hear them. They’re coming.” One of the masked men said.
The thunder of artillery fire echoed in the distance. A humble group of men were scouring the outer reaches of the zone for supplies. Survival in the dark realm consisted of scavenging and preying upon the weak. A constant search was fundamental. The men had been probing for metals to maintain their weapons and armor, wires and power cores to grant life to their transportation, and any source of food or water. One of the men had been searching for something else in addition.
“We will be long gone before they get here. Focus on those barbed wires over there.” Another masked man said.
He was preoccupied with satisfying his need for essence. The few spirits of a lonesome wanderer had to suffice. The masked man’s palm was tightly pressed against the chest of his victim; finger nails puncturing the skin and bleeding it. Hues of greenish glow leaving the deceased body could be witnessed by the plain eye. The spirits within were reluctant to leave their sanctuary, but such a trivial matter had never stopped the man before.
“Oakridge will be with them.” Yet another man of the group said.
The Aggressor left the drained body where it was. There was no sympathy for the meek within his frame. He had once shared the morals of his Guardian brethren, alas no more. The dark lands had opened his eyes to something greater. A vision of a splendid Paradise had been bestowed upon him by a magnificent force. It titled him and his followers its heralds.
“They are no threat to us-” The Aggressor said.
“What about her…” The other masked man interjected.
“…She means nothing to me.”

T H E F I E L D S ┤├ June 6 ┤├ Hammer of the Army
The armored vehicles had been on the road for an hour. Most of the inexperienced students of the academy would by now fully appreciate the danger of the situation at hand. The operation was unlike any field mission supervised by instructors and other safety nets. No, this was the gritty reality wherein people died. It was also the first time a military effort had pushed this far into the Dark Zone. At full speed and without resistance, it would take them about two weeks to reach their destination. But, nothing ever went according to plan or sailed that smoothly.
The mood was tense and silent within the personnel carriers. Olivia was usually calm in most weathers, but these circumstances made her uneasy. The artillery fire from the frontline tanks and the two Mobile Operations Vehicles became increasingly louder. The storm that had been brooding in the distance from the academy had now invaded completely. Day had turned into night, rain and wind smashed against the integrity of the vehicle.
Before departure, Olivia’s focus had remained with those who had showed up at the information boards. Something had distracted Nicholas during their exchange of words, but the brunette did not know him well enough to probe or speculate any further. She had returned Thael’s embrace and kissed him on the cheek for good luck, during which Olivia’s gaze had lingered upon a man of ashen and anxious ebonies. She was usually a verbal individual, but her crystal cerulean eyes had contained a wealth of fervor otherwise unheard. Eric’s return to the group and hearty greeting still lingered within Olivia’s mind—he was a good friend, a genius of men. Rogart’s comment about Monika had lightened up the little trek to the garage, where Olivia had given Jaina a nod as appreciation for her guard duties and seen to it that Graham joined them in the correct vehicle.
“Ten minutes.” The driver announced.
They were headed for one of the Mobile Operations Vehicles wherein High Command had established their forward base. The thunder of the sky and the frontlines was close. At this time, the convoy had increased its speed to the standard of high risk deployments. The carrier bounced around slightly, and the tense mood among its habitants escalated. Olivia shouldered her gunblade holster across her back, ready to disembark at any moment. Her breath was deep and steady. Once they were out there, anything could happen.
“Heads up, incoming plasma.” The driver suddenly uttered and initiated evasive maneuvers with the vehicle. Olivia reached for the nearest railing and held tight.
Some of the Mordrem creatures were capable of producing a form of natural plasma within their mechanisms. It was presumably digested Gaia, which had been infected with Stigma and other lethal properties. The plasma was capable of disintegrating most armor that the army was able to produce, which is why it was so dangerous. The air force was usually swift to repel the creatures. However, the masses of plasma were hurled from far away, which is why the army always had to suffer some manner of barrage before the creatures could be bombarded.
And then… impact.
The hit propelled their vehicle into a violent roll across the ground. It was only a partial hit, as they had not instantly melted away from exposure to the plasma. Because of the high speed at which the personnel carrier was traveling, the tumble lasted for an eternity. Both soldiers in the front seats lost their lives. Luckily, the only other passengers were Guardians. There was a general misconception in the world about Guardians not feeling physical pain. Even if they cannot die from injuries that a normal person would, they can feel everything about those wounds. When something sudden happens that can potentially kill a Guardian, his or her spirits quickly strengthen their flesh and bones, and swirl around their bodies to deflect whatever they can. As the vehicle was full of Guardians, the interior became massed with all spectrums of colors from the protective spirits within.
Silence ensued once the tumble finally came to a halt.

S I D I O V I L L A G E ┤├ June 6 ┤├ The Mt. Kinabalu Eidolon
“We should get going then.” Selene said, referring to Roxie's comment.
Her of bitter fixtures trod past the others with determined steps. Subira was capable enough to lead this endeavor, but Selene had never admitted to being a team player. Nobody would describe her as the opposite, just blunt in her ways of adhering to commands. It was a good team, however. Selene could never in a hundred years deny its composition to be excellent, but they were about to deal with an Eidolon. They had to be a capable team for that kind of danger. There was practically no prior information other than a rumor, so they could be walking into anything. If the Eidolon was one of the alive, known ones, they would know a little bit about it and how to deal with it. However, if it were anything else, something they had never heard of, their fate was in the hands of anything but their own. This is why Selene chose this mission; she was ready for the eternal slumber.
Sidio was a rather sleepy village. It appeared to consist of fishermen and miners, considering the nearby ocean and mountain. Because of its solitary location, it was not prone to a lot of traffic, let alone army aircrafts and Guardians. The residents were rather perplexed when the team approached the center of the village. There was not much to be found in terms of anything besides living quarters. However, there was some manner of pawnshop, grocery store, and Town Hall; if one could call it that.
“I will check the shop… see if they know anything about what is going on here.” Selene said to the others.
The interior of the pawnshop was cramped, full of various equipment and items. There was a distinct smell of metal and burning wood. An old man stood behind the counter, barely aware of the team's arrival at all.
“Excuse me.” Selene said.
“Yes?” The man harked, rather stunned by the girl’s blunt appearance.
“How are things around here this morning?”
The elderly man was silent for a moment, recollecting his thoughts.
“A storm’s brooding and the mountain is uneasy, but that’s about it.”
“What does that mean… the mountain is uneasy.”
“Well…-” The man hesitated.
“I’m a Guardian, here on army business. You can tell me.” Selene added.
“The spirit of the mountain has been displeased with us for some time, but we don’t know why… we think… we think that there might be something else living there.”
“Like what?”
“An Eidolon… Miss.”
“Which one?”
“Oh, I couldn’t tell you. Nobody has been up there since the mine shut down a few weeks ago.”
“It shut down because of the Eidolon?”
“That’s right… or, that’s what we think.”
“You think? You people didn’t shut it down?”
“No, the mine is owned by Nexus. They decide what happens. When some of the miners went missing and others returned with severe burns, they shut it down.”
“Severe burns? There is only one Eidolon capable of fire; you think that one lives here?”
“Like I said, we’re not sure.”
“Great, thank you.”
Selene exited the shop as swiftly as she had entered. The man remained bewildered about the sudden exchange. From what he had described, it sounded as if it was an Eidolon named Ifrit that was rumored to dwell in the mountains.