We’re welcoming a new tribute volunteer to the crew! @darkwolf687 proposed this month’s theme of Rebirth, and will join us in reviewing and bonuses. You can join the crew, too! We only bite sometimes.
With Spring sorta already here for a long time for most of us, it's about time for RPGC to try a somewhat-seasonal theme.... A sapling growing from a bed of compost. A blade of grass poking through the melting snow. A phoenix rising from the ashes. From a budding flower to a zombie apocalypse – the concept of Rebirth, of renewal and rejuvenation – is a big one. Take it on!Awards:
- People's Choice - The main prize goes to the winner of the popular vote. Depending on participation, runners-up may get prizes as well.
- Bonus Categories – These are optional. Take on as many as you like (even if it’s none!) and we’ll pick a winner for each one.
Bonus Categories
- APRIL SHOWERS – sometimes in order to bring new life into the world, there must first be a storm.
- MAY FLOWERS – A whole world full of newly reborn life (emphasizing 'rebirth' in the setting). Alternatively, PILGRIMS! Because the best jokes are dad jokes.
- THE BIRDS AND THE BEES - We'll certainly accept stories about literal birds and literal bees, but a budding or rekindled romance will also satisfy this bonus.
Entry Rules:
- Follow all general contest rules.
- Send your entry to @RPGC Entry with the title of your entry in the subject line by Midnight, May 8th (meaning 'end of the day on Sunday)
- You MAY win more than one prize! Bonuses are VOLUNTARY as always – no bonus is required to enter or win the public vote.
- All entries will be posted after the submission period ends on May 8th, after which everyone can read, discuss, and of course vote for a winner!
- NOTE THIS CHANGE -- we're bringing our 'anonymous' policy in-line with The Twelve Labors, to make things more uniform across the subforum. All entries will be assumed anonymous, unless you specify otherwise.