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"What do I fight for? Why, to protect those in need."
Name: Isabella Wayne
Nickname: Queen of the Wolves
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 17, 1/20/1998
Age Appearance: 16-17
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Grandparents: Gregory and Martha Wayne
Godly Parent: Jupiter
Mortal Parent(s): Rachel Wayne
Siblings: None
Heigth and build: 5' 7. Atheletic Build.
Weight: 125 Lbs
Favorite weather and season: Light Storms and Spring


Nickname: Queen of the Wolves
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 17, 1/20/1998
Age Appearance: 16-17
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Grandparents: Gregory and Martha Wayne
Godly Parent: Jupiter
Mortal Parent(s): Rachel Wayne
Siblings: None
Heigth and build: 5' 7. Atheletic Build.
Weight: 125 Lbs
Favorite weather and season: Light Storms and Spring


Isabella has always been one at the front of the pack. and has never been one to back down from a challenge. She is very outgoing, and friendly towards most around her. However, do not cross her or hurt those she is loyal to or else you will be in for a world of hurt. She has a firece protectiveness over those she leads and is loyal to, willing to go to any measures to protect them. She is also a bit of a flirt, hitting on those she finds attractive regardless of gender. She has also shown herself to be very wise despite her youthful age, something that many people underestimate about the girl.
Another thing about Isabella is that she absolutely hates liars, viewing honesty as the most important virtue. Even before respect, she values honesty from people. She also has a very long fuse before she gets angry, but setting said fuse off will result in an explosive bout of anger. Lashing out at whatever caused it with no mercy, as she doesn't believe in holding ones anger back. Rather unhealthy if you ask Isabella.

Isabella was born to a middle-class mother who lived on her own, in a quaint little apartment over the coffee shop she owned. She grew up in a pleasant life, occsionally working around the coffee shop with her mother for a few years before the wolves showed up. Taking the little girl away from her mother and to meet the Wolf-Goddess, Lupa, to teach her the ways of the demigod. Seeing as it was much too dangerous to leave a daughter of Jupiter out on her own in the mortal world. She joined the legion and was quite the capable soldier, eventually earning her rank as a Centurion of the 4th Cohort.
During her time as Centurion, Isabella led her unit on several successful conqeusts. One of which was a personal favor for Lupa, the Wolf-Goddess. On this mission, the girl went with two others to rescue a young Direwolf from the grasp of another rogue titan who had been using its power to make himself stronger. The Titan was defeated after a long, deadly battle in which both of Isabella's comrades perished. The outcome being that the Direwolf became bonded with Isabella, and Lupa had a special shield forged for the girl to symbolize the bond between Isabella and the wolves. Any wolves who would see the shield would immdiately recgonize Isabella as an alpha, and work with her to accomplish what she needed. Earning the girl the title of 'Queen of the Wolves'.
Two years into being Centurion, Isabella discovered the plot by the current Praetor to ressurect Tartarus from the pit and destroy the world as they knew it. With a small group made up by her Cohort, and various members of other cohorts, Isabella was able to stop the Daughter of Kronos. Their final battle being between the remaining members of the legion, an army of monsters, and the Praetor herself up against Isabella's small band of warriors. Through the girl's leadership and cunning; they were able to deliver a decisive victory to their opponents. Winning the fierce battle of attrition that had been waged. As such, the girl was gifted both her armor and massive sword from her father, whenever the God himself had come to congradulate her on a victory the likes of which had not been witnessed since the times of Old Rome. Along with that, she was named the newest Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fultima. To this day, Isabella has led them through a time of massive triumphs for the Romans. One of which included establishing positive relationships with Camp Half-Blood.
Theme Song
Isabella has always been one at the front of the pack. and has never been one to back down from a challenge. She is very outgoing, and friendly towards most around her. However, do not cross her or hurt those she is loyal to or else you will be in for a world of hurt. She has a firece protectiveness over those she leads and is loyal to, willing to go to any measures to protect them. She is also a bit of a flirt, hitting on those she finds attractive regardless of gender. She has also shown herself to be very wise despite her youthful age, something that many people underestimate about the girl.
Another thing about Isabella is that she absolutely hates liars, viewing honesty as the most important virtue. Even before respect, she values honesty from people. She also has a very long fuse before she gets angry, but setting said fuse off will result in an explosive bout of anger. Lashing out at whatever caused it with no mercy, as she doesn't believe in holding ones anger back. Rather unhealthy if you ask Isabella.

Isabella was born to a middle-class mother who lived on her own, in a quaint little apartment over the coffee shop she owned. She grew up in a pleasant life, occsionally working around the coffee shop with her mother for a few years before the wolves showed up. Taking the little girl away from her mother and to meet the Wolf-Goddess, Lupa, to teach her the ways of the demigod. Seeing as it was much too dangerous to leave a daughter of Jupiter out on her own in the mortal world. She joined the legion and was quite the capable soldier, eventually earning her rank as a Centurion of the 4th Cohort.
During her time as Centurion, Isabella led her unit on several successful conqeusts. One of which was a personal favor for Lupa, the Wolf-Goddess. On this mission, the girl went with two others to rescue a young Direwolf from the grasp of another rogue titan who had been using its power to make himself stronger. The Titan was defeated after a long, deadly battle in which both of Isabella's comrades perished. The outcome being that the Direwolf became bonded with Isabella, and Lupa had a special shield forged for the girl to symbolize the bond between Isabella and the wolves. Any wolves who would see the shield would immdiately recgonize Isabella as an alpha, and work with her to accomplish what she needed. Earning the girl the title of 'Queen of the Wolves'.
Two years into being Centurion, Isabella discovered the plot by the current Praetor to ressurect Tartarus from the pit and destroy the world as they knew it. With a small group made up by her Cohort, and various members of other cohorts, Isabella was able to stop the Daughter of Kronos. Their final battle being between the remaining members of the legion, an army of monsters, and the Praetor herself up against Isabella's small band of warriors. Through the girl's leadership and cunning; they were able to deliver a decisive victory to their opponents. Winning the fierce battle of attrition that had been waged. As such, the girl was gifted both her armor and massive sword from her father, whenever the God himself had come to congradulate her on a victory the likes of which had not been witnessed since the times of Old Rome. Along with that, she was named the newest Praetor of the Twelfth Legion Fultima. To this day, Isabella has led them through a time of massive triumphs for the Romans. One of which included establishing positive relationships with Camp Half-Blood.
Theme Song
* Great Swordplay
* Cunning
* Leadership skills
* Knowledge of her Powers
* Knowledge of military tactics.
* Great Stamina
* Good Strength
* High Pain Tolerance
* Poor Hand to Hand

- Electrokinesis: Isabella is immune to lightning, can call down lightning bolts to strike her enemies, and she can send static shocks through direct contact with others.
- Aerokinesis: Isabella can manipulate the winds/air currents. Allowing her to fly, and repel others using powerful gusts of wind.
- Mist Manipulation: Isabella has been trainined in how to manipulate the Mist, which means she can make things appear as she wants them to appear to the eyes of a mortal.
- Venti Control: She is able to dominate the will of more chaotic Venti. (Storm Spirits).
Name: Verum
Species: Direwolf
Age: 5 Years Old
Abilties (If applicable):
* As a Direwolf, Verum can Shadow Travel to any location marked by Isabella. Using the shield she was given.
* Verum can notice the signs of lying (Cold sweat, heartbeat, etc.). However, training or deific abilities in lying will slip past Verum.
Name of Weapon or Item: Tempest
Description: A massive sword that is nearly impossible for anybody who is not Isabella to wield. The magic around the sword has a constant electrical current through the sword, so only a child of Zeus or Jupiter can wield this weapon. Lightning eternally crackles along its gleaming edges, ready to strike any opponents that come within its range. She has gained quite the amount of fame for her ability to weild the weapon with deadly ability.
Appearance: See main image.

Name of Weapon or Item: Shield of the Storm
Description: A shield that seems to shift with images of Dark Clouds upon its surface. White lines symbolizing lightning race across it. In the center, the likeness of a wolf is able to be seen. Symbolizing the strong bond that the girl shares with the Wolf Goddess, Lupa. This shield can be used to defend against most attacks given its strong make, and will return to her when thrown due to the storm magic imbued within the shield.

Name of Weapon or Item: Specialized Armour
Description: Isabella's Armour, though it may not look like much, is woven from special threads which grant extra durability to the armour. Allowing it to remain lightweight but still take some damage before giving way to attacks.
Appearance: See main image.
Description: A massive sword that is nearly impossible for anybody who is not Isabella to wield. The magic around the sword has a constant electrical current through the sword, so only a child of Zeus or Jupiter can wield this weapon. Lightning eternally crackles along its gleaming edges, ready to strike any opponents that come within its range. She has gained quite the amount of fame for her ability to weild the weapon with deadly ability.
Appearance: See main image.

Name of Weapon or Item: Shield of the Storm
Description: A shield that seems to shift with images of Dark Clouds upon its surface. White lines symbolizing lightning race across it. In the center, the likeness of a wolf is able to be seen. Symbolizing the strong bond that the girl shares with the Wolf Goddess, Lupa. This shield can be used to defend against most attacks given its strong make, and will return to her when thrown due to the storm magic imbued within the shield.

Name of Weapon or Item: Specialized Armour
Description: Isabella's Armour, though it may not look like much, is woven from special threads which grant extra durability to the armour. Allowing it to remain lightweight but still take some damage before giving way to attacks.
Appearance: See main image.
* Great Swordplay
* Cunning
* Leadership skills
* Knowledge of her Powers
* Knowledge of military tactics.
* Great Stamina
* Good Strength
* High Pain Tolerance
* Poor Hand to Hand

- Electrokinesis: Isabella is immune to lightning, can call down lightning bolts to strike her enemies, and she can send static shocks through direct contact with others.
- Aerokinesis: Isabella can manipulate the winds/air currents. Allowing her to fly, and repel others using powerful gusts of wind.
- Mist Manipulation: Isabella has been trainined in how to manipulate the Mist, which means she can make things appear as she wants them to appear to the eyes of a mortal.
- Venti Control: She is able to dominate the will of more chaotic Venti. (Storm Spirits).

Name: Verum
Species: Direwolf
Age: 5 Years Old
Abilties (If applicable):
* As a Direwolf, Verum can Shadow Travel to any location marked by Isabella. Using the shield she was given.
* Verum can notice the signs of lying (Cold sweat, heartbeat, etc.). However, training or deific abilities in lying will slip past Verum.

"Its funny, we struggle and die. Yet our sacrifices often go unheard, time still flows."
Name: Aiden Debacker
Nickname: None yet
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 66, 4/20/1946 (Thanks to Timey-Wimey shit, he's biologically 16)
Age Appearance: 16-17
Sexuality: Straight
Grandparents: Damian and Elizabeth Debacker
Godly Parent: Kronos
Mortal Parent(s): Margret Debacker
Siblings: None
Heigth and build: 6'. Atheletic Build.
Weight: 165 Lbs
Favorite weather and season: Clear Skies and Winter


His eye under the patch:
Nickname: None yet
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 66, 4/20/1946 (Thanks to Timey-Wimey shit, he's biologically 16)
Age Appearance: 16-17
Sexuality: Straight
Grandparents: Damian and Elizabeth Debacker
Godly Parent: Kronos
Mortal Parent(s): Margret Debacker
Siblings: None
Heigth and build: 6'. Atheletic Build.
Weight: 165 Lbs
Favorite weather and season: Clear Skies and Winter


His eye under the patch:

Aiden is the product of a tortured childhood, yet chooses not to be the man his father would want. Instead, Aiden gives off the feeling of a gentle soul. Always seeking to help others, protect others, and prevent them from going through hell like he has. Aiden is a romantic at his core, always seeking that connection with another. He is also one who keeps his emotions hidden, instead exuding a calm and gentle air. Never acting on emotion as he knows that could simply get everybody he cares about killed in seconds.
Under the armor he has built up for himself, Aiden is a bit hollow. The emotional trauma still leaving its scars on his physche. As a result of this, Aiden is deathly afraid of the dark and of chains. Two things that had been common signs that more pain was to come throughout his dark past. He is suffering from crippling depression thanks to the self-doubt that sprouted from his time with Lizzy. One of his biggest fears is succumbing to the darkness inside of himself, turning just as she did.

Aiden was born to a loving mother, thought such a reprive did not last long for the poor boy. When he turned four years old, he learned that he was the result of a rape... from the perpatrator of the act himself. Within minutes of learning, the boy watched as his mother was cut down before his very eyes. Then came the torture for himself, hated by a father who never wanted him to exist. The boy was victim to the chains of torture, alone in the darkness for many years and at the mercy of Kronos.
After many years, Aiden had a fellow to share in his pain. Going by Lizzy, Aiden learned that his fellow was a Daughter of Ares who dared to cross Kronos. The two grew close over the year that followed, a bond forged by their pain. Together, they escaped their hell that had been brought upon them. Aiden stealing his father's scythe as they left. For two years on the run, the two travelled all across England and did anything to survive. A time during which they had become engaged in a romantic relationship. Finally, they managed to get on a plane to the United States. Aiming to return to Camp Half-Blood, the home that Lizzy had spoken of during the time in captivity.
This was when Aiden's world fell apart. Lizzy had been showing signs of falling apart up until then, but Aiden thought that he could help her hold it together. As he didn't want to lose the girl he loved so dearly. His little fantasy of happiness with Lizzy was not to last... as on the eve of their arrival at Camp the girl turned on him. In her madness, she had reasoned that Kronos was building them up to be stronger with his torture and that Olympus had abandoned them. Perhaps it was Kronos' way that was the best, that a new empire would build under him. They could be Gods.
Aiden refused to turn back to his father, unable to forgive him for the slaughter of his mother. The result was a violent duel between the two former lovers. Aiden had gained the upper hand in this fight, but was unable to kill the girl for whom he lived. Lizzy escaped because of his mercy, running off to who knows where while Aiden was left to flee to camp. Broken-hearted and beaten down from the fight. It has been two-weeks since then.
Theme Song
Aiden is the product of a tortured childhood, yet chooses not to be the man his father would want. Instead, Aiden gives off the feeling of a gentle soul. Always seeking to help others, protect others, and prevent them from going through hell like he has. Aiden is a romantic at his core, always seeking that connection with another. He is also one who keeps his emotions hidden, instead exuding a calm and gentle air. Never acting on emotion as he knows that could simply get everybody he cares about killed in seconds.
Under the armor he has built up for himself, Aiden is a bit hollow. The emotional trauma still leaving its scars on his physche. As a result of this, Aiden is deathly afraid of the dark and of chains. Two things that had been common signs that more pain was to come throughout his dark past. He is suffering from crippling depression thanks to the self-doubt that sprouted from his time with Lizzy. One of his biggest fears is succumbing to the darkness inside of himself, turning just as she did.

Aiden was born to a loving mother, thought such a reprive did not last long for the poor boy. When he turned four years old, he learned that he was the result of a rape... from the perpatrator of the act himself. Within minutes of learning, the boy watched as his mother was cut down before his very eyes. Then came the torture for himself, hated by a father who never wanted him to exist. The boy was victim to the chains of torture, alone in the darkness for many years and at the mercy of Kronos.
After many years, Aiden had a fellow to share in his pain. Going by Lizzy, Aiden learned that his fellow was a Daughter of Ares who dared to cross Kronos. The two grew close over the year that followed, a bond forged by their pain. Together, they escaped their hell that had been brought upon them. Aiden stealing his father's scythe as they left. For two years on the run, the two travelled all across England and did anything to survive. A time during which they had become engaged in a romantic relationship. Finally, they managed to get on a plane to the United States. Aiming to return to Camp Half-Blood, the home that Lizzy had spoken of during the time in captivity.
This was when Aiden's world fell apart. Lizzy had been showing signs of falling apart up until then, but Aiden thought that he could help her hold it together. As he didn't want to lose the girl he loved so dearly. His little fantasy of happiness with Lizzy was not to last... as on the eve of their arrival at Camp the girl turned on him. In her madness, she had reasoned that Kronos was building them up to be stronger with his torture and that Olympus had abandoned them. Perhaps it was Kronos' way that was the best, that a new empire would build under him. They could be Gods.
Aiden refused to turn back to his father, unable to forgive him for the slaughter of his mother. The result was a violent duel between the two former lovers. Aiden had gained the upper hand in this fight, but was unable to kill the girl for whom he lived. Lizzy escaped because of his mercy, running off to who knows where while Aiden was left to flee to camp. Broken-hearted and beaten down from the fight. It has been two-weeks since then.
Theme Song
* Average skills with wielding the Scythe
* Cunning
* Minor knowledge of his powers.
* Good Reaction Times
* High Pain Tolerance
* Average Speed
* Poor Strength
* Poor Hand to Hand

- Time Manipulation: Aiden is learning the basics of manipulating time, and as of right now is only able to slow time down, making it look to others as if he is moving at inhuman speeds while they are actually the ones being slowed down. This is a very draining ability to Aiden, and he can't use it for very long.
- Tongue of the Old Times fluency: Aiden is fluent in the ancient language spoken by the Titans and Primordials, and thus able to read/speak it easily.
- Titanic Energy: Aiden is learning how to unleash the Titanic Energy within his body in a blast towards his enemies. Similar to that of the Titans in battle. Although at its current state, the boy can barely muster enough energy to knock somebody backwards.
Other: When Aiden uses his powers, the clock in his eye will keep ticking accordingly to the flow of time. Speeding up and Slowing down as he moves time. When directly influencing time, a larger projection of the clock appears behind the boy.
Name of Weapon or Item: Time's Conflux
Description: The legendary scythe wielded by Kronos himself. It is able to kill any being (except immortals), without needing to be made from special materials. Making it a very deadly and effective weapon against any type of enemy.
Description: The legendary scythe wielded by Kronos himself. It is able to kill any being (except immortals), without needing to be made from special materials. Making it a very deadly and effective weapon against any type of enemy.
* Average skills with wielding the Scythe
* Cunning
* Minor knowledge of his powers.
* Good Reaction Times
* High Pain Tolerance
* Average Speed
* Poor Strength
* Poor Hand to Hand

- Time Manipulation: Aiden is learning the basics of manipulating time, and as of right now is only able to slow time down, making it look to others as if he is moving at inhuman speeds while they are actually the ones being slowed down. This is a very draining ability to Aiden, and he can't use it for very long.
- Tongue of the Old Times fluency: Aiden is fluent in the ancient language spoken by the Titans and Primordials, and thus able to read/speak it easily.
- Titanic Energy: Aiden is learning how to unleash the Titanic Energy within his body in a blast towards his enemies. Similar to that of the Titans in battle. Although at its current state, the boy can barely muster enough energy to knock somebody backwards.
Other: When Aiden uses his powers, the clock in his eye will keep ticking accordingly to the flow of time. Speeding up and Slowing down as he moves time. When directly influencing time, a larger projection of the clock appears behind the boy.
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