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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
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Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


A young troll sits in his room. Though it is nearly his sixth wrigglers-day he will only now be given a name. What will it be?

======> [pansyass pushover]
Come on now, that’s not even a real name. That’s just rude. Its almost his wriggling day.

======> [Lemony Sniket]
Now that’s much kinder.
Your name is Lemony Sniket and boy do you have quite a few interests. Among them are WATCHING MOVIES, making COSTUMES of the characters from those movies, collecting ROCKS, and adventuring near your hive. though adventuring is dangerous it is much safer than flarping, a popular game among trolls, making it the perfect pastime for your young self.
what should you do first?

======> Go adventure!
whoa there, you have to get prepared for things like that, maybe you should pick up some stuff first.

======> grab some useful stuff and go!
you pick up a few videos, a sketchbook, some candy, and your phone.
after equipping your 2hank2 you are all ready to go. 110% prepared for anything that could possibly come up.

======> that isn’t nearly enough stuff......
you sneak downstairs, keeping an eye out for snakedad. Luckily he is nowhere to be found. Opening the door you step outside and bolt for the frog place fast as your tiny legs can carry you. You found it a while ago, but snakedad seems adamant on keeping you out, all the more reason to go explore it.
As you enter the air turns cold and dark, the room you are met with if filled with strange and interesting things. The first thing you notice is a strange rock lying beside a weird count-down flower thing. Its colors are like none you’ve seen before, black with candy corn spikes, it looks like a troll egg or something. But a troll egg would be dumb, trolls don’t lay eggs, it’s just a weird rock.
You put it in your sylladex, obviously.
Next you trek over to the computery thing. A few more rocks sit on top of what looks like a keyboard. One sort of looks like a fish. You toss them into your sylladex as well, you never know when you’ll need cool rocks.
There don’t seem to be anymore rocks. What will you do now?

======> Something actually worthwhile maybe???
How about......you smash some buttons on the big keyboard!

======> yes do that!
Your phone buzzes, someones trying to contact you. You better get that before your lusus hears! Taking your phone out of your Tree modus sylladex drops everything on the ground! what a mess! You pick up everything in order of importance, that is to say the rocks first.

Oh no! Snake dad apperifies the entire house on top of you, you are now trapped inside its bowls, stuck forever in its wall. Doomed. Forsaken. Forlorn. Turning on the lights you realize you are actually just in your room. Further investigation proves that the house did not in fact move but you did.

======> Go be someone else this kid is a complete moron
You are still the idiot. You go over to your husktop to check out your pesterlog. Your husktop is really slow though. It's downloading a cool new game given to you and all your friends by a Mysterious Friend, it's very spooky but you think you know who it was. Sighing you lay on your floor and think about your MANY crushes.

======>Can we be someone else now
No. You day dream about how nice it would be if a certain teal blood would notice you, sadly another green tinged troll enters your mind. You really hate this individual for no reason in particular and it irritates you to no end. You just want to love everyone, and hold everyones hand. Everything is so difficult when the quadrants come into play. You look up to your husk top.
It's the teal blood!

======>This is weird, go be someone else
okay fine
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aquaknight
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Aquaknight Back from the dead!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

=======================> Be the someone else!
A young Troll stands in his room. Today will be the single most important day to this young troll, but first let learn this young Troll's name.

=======================> [Creeper McKiller]
Wow, that was rude of you. He's not that much of a creeper. Try again. And do it right this time.

=======================> [Luwith Carolo]
That's better.
You're name is Luwith Carolo and like many Trolls your age you have many Interests and Hobbies. For instance you like to DRAW and PAINT, which explains all the brightly colored ink and paint all over your room, you also like WRITING STORIES and DEVELOPING VIDEOGAMES, which you do most of both on your Husktop so it doesn't leave a mess like the first hobby. There's also the DEAD PILE but that's not so much a hobby as much as an obligation to your Lusus. You really should clean that, as it's starting to leak into your art supplies. Nasty. It's all starting to become an ugly shade of black. But you don't want to deal with that right now. But what should you do?

=======================> Pretend to be a Barkbeast and eat the pile and puke it all over the room!
That must be the stupidest thing you ever thought up, but the musky smell of rotting flesh draws you in... Nope... just kidding ... Got you. You aren't that gross. But REALLY what should you do?

=======================> Lie on the ground feeling like garbage until you have the Muse to Paint something
Garbage? your not garbage and if you were you be the kind of garbage of where a Lusus would be wondering if you should be recycled or heck even given as a second hand gift. your premium garbage, the top of the grade garbage... But nevertheless you lay down and think to yourself on what to paint.

========================> Lay down.
Okay your now laying down on the messy floor. Thinking. Reflecting. contemplating. Musing.

========================> Suddenly Remember something important!
OH SNAP! You were supposed to download a game so you could play with your friends. You quickly got up from the messy floor almost falling while do so. But your quick reflexes saved you from eating shit. You quickly turned it on and started downloading the game from a mysterious sender, but all your friends have it so you decided to play with them today. Why today? Your not sure but you can tell this game will be fun, you can tell since your game developer yourself!

========================> Now wait in utter silence contemplating the meaning of everything.
You do that sometimes, but now's not the time, you better contact somebody, and that somebody is your Redcrush... he's such a cute shade of Jade you just want to gobble him up!... not literally mind you he's just very cute and likable and you just want him to be yours. You decided to Troll your crush for a bit while your game loads.

========================> While trolling your crush your game finished.
Cool. But first before you advance the Plot you better switch perspective so you don't screw yourself over by being hasty.

========================> Be somebody else
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

======> Perspective Switch
Yet another young Troll is spending time in his room. Though his next wrigglers-day is still half a sweep away, lets give him a name anyway.

======> [Antennaehorn Mcshorttroll]
That's not even a name, it's just a description. Try again and at least put in some effort this time.

======> [Melano Parlet]
See that wasn't that hard, now was it?
Your name is Melano Parlet and you're interested in a lot of nerdy stuff. Among them is LEARNING new things, and as such your small room contains quite a lot of TEXTBOOKS. Though your biggest passion is either INVENTING or PUTTING TOGETHER MACHINES. You consider your HUSKTOP to be your best creation to date, seeing as you built it completely from parts you found at the nearby SCRAPYARD. You often go there to try and SCAVENGE anything useful as it's cheaper than buying it yourself.

======> Turn your Husktop on.
Bad idea, the huge device is still cooling down from the last time you used it. The current fans are not enough to keep it from overheating. You've been meaning to either add more or replace them all together, but you haven't been able to find any.

======> Then go to the Scrapyard.
That is the plan. You equip your SLING and get ready to head out. As you approach the stairs, you trip over your toolbox and tumble all the way down. Why couldn't anybody have warned you?! You arrive at the scrapyard without any further incidents.

======> Act like a Nibble vermin and make yourself a cozy nest.
You feel like you must be crazy to have even considered it.

======> Fine, just begin your quest for the Husktopfans.
No need to tell you that. After about forty-five minutes of searching you failed to find any fans, but it wasn't a total bust. You did find material that could be useful in other projects.

======> Reveal your spoils and captchalogue them.
You have found a battery which might either still have some juice left or could be recharged. An electrical cord as well as several insulated wires both stuff that is always welcome. And what you consider your best find of the day a second computer motherboard which you can use to make a backup of your files.

======> That is not a whole lot.
Well you would have liked to take more but you don't have any empty captachacards left, so you decided that this will do for now.

======> Let's go be someone else
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You're now the deranged wizard

======> What? No!
Unforunately that is who you have been chosen to be at the moment.

It's quite miraculous really, that out of all the trolls on this wide planet, you've stumbled upon her

=====> Enough

Very well.

Now, if you have not noticed, this young troll is without a name. You should input a name right now

=====> [Schizoid The Clownass]
Nice try, Jackass; Unfortunately that name is not acceptable, so you'll have to try something else

=====> [Maluuk Telima]
It just so happens that that name is correct! And out of all the potential ones you could have chosen. That in itself is pretty miraculous, don't you think? You must be a seer or a fortune teller.

=====> Enough with the Magical Miracles
Fine, Fine. I suppose it's time to introduce this young troll anyways.

Your name is MALUUK TELIMA, and you are a wizard. You spend great amounts of time hidden away in the reclusive reaches of your SEA SIDE HIVE doing such important actives such as STUDYING ARCANE MAGICS and CASTING HORRIBLE DARK SPELLS. When not studying the ARTS OF MAGIC, you can be found OUT IN THE FAR REACHES OF THE ALTERNIAN WILDERNESS searching for the RUNES OF CIVILIZATIONS PAST. As a result of the prerequisite knowledge that one must have in order to properly excavate a dig site, your room is littered with HISTORY BOOKS. You are well versed in Alternian history and can recite by heart the activites and tactics used in such riveting battles as the GREAT LOW BLOOD UPRISING two centuries ago in a far eastern part of the world. As well, you can spot an artifact's age and time period by eye, as you have a SHARP MIND when it comes to identification. When not going on digs, you can be found consuming UNGODLY AMOUNTS OF SUGAR, usually in the form of delicious SWEET BAKED GOODS AND SODA. Some say your declining diet is affecting your behavior, but what do they know.

What shall you do today?

=====> Burn down your hive and dance like a maniac around a stuffed bear sacrificed to the great moon goddess
It's probably not a good idea to burn down your hive. Even if you wanted to, you're sure that Wendigomom would never allow you to do so, and stop you if you even tried. As well, you're certainly not going to sacrifice a stuffed toy to any moon goddess. You're not a blasphemous nonbeliver, and would never fall to such a depraved act against your beloved messiahs.

=====> Go for a dig
That's an excellent idea! You'll need to make preparations for the trip ahead.

=====> Find some food
You captchalogue some delicious sugary food, a Strawberry Cake with Grubcream Frosting and a large bottle of nutritious sugary Faygo

=====> Get your archaeology pack
Woah there! You can't afford to lose this. You won't be captchaloguing this, just wear it on your back. See, your sylladex is rather, unreliable. For the most part, you can rely on it, but it has a nasty habit of...deleting items that you captchalogue 1 out of 6 times. Not that you mind, you trust that if the messiahs decree that you cannot have an item, that it is in your best interests, but...some things that are too valuable to put up to chance stay out. Your archaeological equiptment stays in your backpack.

=====> And your lucky hat
Your hat has been placed onto your head. You never go for a dig without it! You enchanted this nice little piece of headwear not too long ago.

=====> Ready to Go!
Not just yet!

You'll need a weapon before you go out. In a place like this, you never leave the house without one.

=====> Neat! Get the most badass weapon you can find!
You place you trusty umbrella into the strife specibus

=====> Umbrella...?
Of course, what else would you use?

====> Whatever, let's just go already
You just have to do one last thing before you leave

=====> Ugh...
It's important! You have to relay a message to someone important. She always worries about you when you do this, for good reason. It's her job to keep tabs on you.

=====> Relay a message to this important person
Logging onto Trollian, you contact a user by the name of CrystalConnoisseur. You'll leave her a nice little message, and take your mobile with you to respond if she happens to contact your while you're on your dig.

=====> Go To the dig site already
Alright, Alright! No need to get so testy. You just want to grap some spare make up so you ca...

=====> NOW!
Fine! You depart from your hive, with your archaelogical provisions to go probing around at a local megalithic structure you found not too long ago. You suspect that there may be some interesting artifacts there

The walk is quite a ways away, so maybe you should be someone else while you're making the trek to the site

=====> Enough of this crazyness, be someone else
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
Avatar of KiltmanBagz

KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 19 days ago

=====> POOF! you are magically someone else

Deep in a dark underground tunnel a young lady troll diligently mines her way along with a sizable drill aperies. Who is this industrious troll?

=====> [Stanknasty Mudguzzeler]

HEY! you cut that out! She is the absolute eldest of this particular group of friends, enemies, frienamies and otherwise loose acquaintances and is far to mature for such as infantile gag.

=====> Leshas Muvaar

That's more like it.
Your name is LESHAS MUVAAR and you are an all around DORK. You dabble in many various nerdy areas, though not nearly as deep in that muck as some of your other cohorts. You are quite found of LIGHT HEARTED TOM FOOLERY, to the point where some people consider you UNATURALLY CHEERFUL. But given your mutation you are quite used to being considered unnatural. Unlike much of your race you live in a SUBTERANIAN HIVE where you spend a great deal of your time happily MINING AND EXCOVATING, mostly to pass time but you do enjoy finding precious STONES, GEMS, METALS, CRYSTALS or whatever you are lucky enough to come across. This has lead to you to become quite the AMATURE JEWLER. Your GEOKENTIC abilities, which include a moderate amount of ferrokenticesim, making the mining and manufacture of such things quite natural to you. Why do you live under ground? Well the sun is dangerous to like...99 percent of trolls but, even the amount of light that is normal for other trolls would UTTERLY BLIND YOU, due to your NIGHT EYES. So yeah, underground is the place to be, though you do a have specialized safety eye wear for whenever you venture out to chill with a pal.

=====> You mentioned you are mining is it currently pleasure or Business?

Oh, er well, hmmm. You see, its a certain trolls wriggling day today, and you've been busy all the past few days trying to find the perfect thing to give them on this auspicious occasion. Just so happens the cutie likes to collect rocks. So you've been mining for something extra special to give them.

=====> Oh, cutie are they? Is someone harboring some flush feelings?

WHAT! HEY NOW! THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUIS-yes. Yes you are. You tend to be about as subtle as an earthquake so It's kind of painfully obvious to everyone you think. Well, everyone except the one you are feeling flush for. Figures, right? Rumor has it he has more pale thoughts towards you actually.

=====> Speaking of Pale, your mobile is buzzing you.

Ah, tis your Moirail. She put down your drill and stares contemplatively at your mobile com device for a moment. Things have been...tense lately with your long time pale-pal. You are honestly starting to question if your Morailship is still functioning at all. You are honestly not great at such conflicts, so you've sort have been avoiding them. Which is unfair to both of you, you suppose. You should probably answer them...After digging a bit more...yeah...

=====> fine, keep digging you pansy

You will, thank you very much! You've collected quite a few unique and lovely stones for your crush so far, but you are still uniting for a crowning jewel so to speak. Lot a rocks in the sea...well, the ground. Though you suppose there are a lot of rocks at the bottom of the sea floor as well. Besides the point, you have a nice little bag of rocks just waiting to be logged in your Sylladex, along with your case of extra drill bits and 3 busted drill bits, and a few crystal snacks for your mineral munching mole father, who is likely out digging some hella great tunnels as we speak. He's one tireless digger...yep...

=====> wow this is some really pathetic stalling

OKAY OKAY FINE. You'll pester your dang Moirail. Jeez.

=====> See was that so hard

No I guess not. Sorry about all that mess, it just that things have been getting rough between the two of you. They have become more and more...well, let's say 'aggressive' about their beliefs and violence. You're not sure you are able to keep them in check anymore, at which point how much of a moirail are you really? -sigh- friendship is hard sometimes...

=====> Wow, for the cheery one your being a downer, let's be someone else
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classpet
Avatar of Classpet

Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


======>You are someone else
Oh no the someone else that you are is that weird gushy romantic fool! You have successfully installed SGRUB and so has your crush Luwith Carolo. In an awkward but altogether not disappointing way the screen of your husk top flashes and then gives you a full view of not only your painter wannabe matesprite but also his bedroom and entire house.

======>Don't be a creep don't look
You stare at the art along the walls. It is very good. It is very colorful. Lo, you move the viewing window and can now see the teal bloods actual real face. You have never seen another troll before (except in movies). You are awestruck by the little dots on his face; you find them to be very cute. You reach out to feel them only to be greeted by the cold hard screen of you're husk top.

======>Just kiss him already ohmygjegus
You don't do that. Instead you examine the side bar, there are many things you can place in his house.

Since there is no one room that will fit all of them you decide it's best to place one in each room......

======>Don't crush the bunny!!
you weren't even thinking about crushing the bunny in the first place. The lusus, as it is formally known as, is very much safe and out of the way. You aren't stupid enough to crush your crush's lusus. Ah but would you look at the time, it's getting very late!

======>Dream of the golden moon
You get snug in your recoprocoon, close your sweet grey eyes and embrace the peaceful abyss of nothingness, as is the purpose of a recoprocoon. You have never dreamed, unless you are day dreaming but that is very different and not this. You have never woken up on a golden moon and at the present it seems doubtful that you ever will.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
Avatar of Duthguy

Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

======>And we are back to the scavenger.
Ugh, well at least he is better than number 6. Seems like you went back to you hive while we were gone, good thing too that scrapyard was disgusting.

======> Turn on your Husktop.
You think you will do that this time. The machine is bound to have cooled down by now. With a press of the on switch, your creation silently activates though the screen flickers a bit. You check Trollian and it appears that four of your five acquaintances are online.

======> Troll the purpleblood.
Nah, you have decided not talk to her until you are ready to confess your black crush to her.

======> Than go talk to one of your friends while installing the game.
You only consider one of them your friend, the current moirail of your crush. You don't know what game you're talking about though.

======> Ugh forgot the details and just talk to lil miss digger already.
You will, hold your hoofbeasts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
Avatar of KiltmanBagz

KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 19 days ago

This is a dream come true! This is a wonderful find! You know you were working in the right direction, you felt it right in your bones! What is it you found exactly. Why its a Snake shaped bit of white jade. You just happen to know a troll who has a thing for unique rocks who also has a slither-beast lusus. You add it to the sack of other present rocks. You finally found the center piece of your rocky present collection.

===> Capture log completed Present bag

You capture log the bag, carefully memorizing which geode is the one holding your present. You skedaddle back to your hive proper, navigating the twisty twirl tunnel you made with relative ease. When you retune to your hive proper you are unsurprised to find your Dig-beast of a Mole-Dad is digging about in one of your piles of various finds about in your room. Freaking mole-dad, always getting into your junk. Eating your collection of crystals and gems. You know he's just taking care of the extreme clutter that comes from your horde, but honestly, he can dig up his own precious stones for dinner darn it.

===> Stealth past your lusus and check on your game!

You quietly sneak past mole dad to check on the game down load. Perhaps if you're one of the first to finish you can be playing with your flush-crush directly :# now that would be fantastic.

BUT ALAS Mole dad has awoken! And of course he is being a nosey


You engage in combat with mole father, brandishing your drill and revving it try and ward him off. Today he is unimpressed by your threatening display. He takes a parental swipe at you, knocking you squarely on your ass. You hop back up and rush forward and swing your drill at your surly Lusus. He parries it with ease and goes to enfold you in both enormous arms. Gosh darn it Dad, Aren't I too old for hugs! geez! You deftly step back from the loving embrace and attempt to use your powers to push a great deal of earth at the fraternal fauna, but the big mole beast taught you everything you know about tunneling and digs through the flung earth with minimal effort. You grit your slightly busted fangs and do a youth roll over to your pile of crystals and grab a handful of big ones, and use your powers once more to send them zipping down a tunnel. The ploy worked, and mole dad lumbers after the rocketing rocks like a wrigglier after iced sugared water on a stick.

===> Communicate with your friend, let him know his present is ready and on the way

That is a great idea, but first you check on your DL of the mystery game. Seems to be almost done. Your computer has seen better days, but it is just about finished doing its thing. Hopefully...maybe. God you need an upgrade. Should maybe talk to your tech buddy about that, oh heay, speak of the devil. Seems they got something on their mind
===> Talk with buddy

Hmmm. hmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Well no talk of tech upgrades. But seems that underlying tension between your low brood friend and high blood morail is about to bloom into the thorny flower of black-rom. This makes you...uneasy for your friends safety to be honest. But Maybe you are being to paranoid. Perhaps having this sort of relationship will give Mal a constructive and healthy outlit for their junk...Yeah...

===> Enough of this emotional nonsense, Send your gift.

You pull out the Geode from your sylabex containing the rocks and snake like white jade you collected and load it into a little tunnel. You have several tunnels like this all facing different directions. You use them in conjunction with your terrakentic abilities to launch the rock-encosed items from your syldex to friends. Each tunnel is appropriately marked, each acting like a barrel to a cannon aimed at a buddies hive. You close your eyes and focus, remembering the amount of force needed to reach Lemony's annnd


===> Better send Lemony a message to expect a gift to be arriving soon. But maybe you could be someone else to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
Avatar of Nerevarine

Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

===> Go to the Dig Site

You're now at the dig site; it just so happens that you are also Maluuk, who is also at the dig site

===> Unearth ancient artifacts
You open up your backpack and retrieve the TOOLS OF EARTHEN DISPERSION; also known as a brush and spade.
You've been digging at this site for a while now, according to your books on Alternian history, this site fits all the criteria of being a ritual site for the Druids of Dread, a religion of the ancient trolls, and one that is ancestral to your own mirthful faith. According to other historians, the druids were known to do such wicked rituals as cutting off their sacrificial victims' heads, and painting poetry to their horrible clown deities on the giant slabs of stone that surrounded the altar in the center. Over time, the stones would be painted up like a rainbow as the words overlapped with each other.

Of particular interest to you are the ritual and grave goods that are found in places like this. On an earlier, you had discerned that this megalithic temple was rich in deposits, and must have been regularly used back in the old days. You can only ponder over the kind of civilization that once existed here

===> No time for that, get digging
Right, right, you're here to survey the newest plot that you've uprooted. Some brushing here and there, and you'll surely find an interesting little doohicky here as well, to give to Lemony.

===> Dig deeper
Clearly you’ve never dug for artifacts before. All movements must be carefully as not to destroy anything.

===> Dig carefully
You push away the dirt and debris bit by bit with your brush, made from a stick and your own lusus’ hair.

This could take a while, so you should probably be someone else

===> Be Maluuk 2 hours in the future
Well that’s certainly thinking outside the box

===> Investigate finds
You’ve uncovered a few neat finds. First is a sacrificial knife of some sort. You captchalogue it, at risk, as you don’t really have the space to carry it by hand.

Second is a devotional pendant. It appears to be carved into the shape of a frog. You suppose that this will be sufficient for a gift for Lemony. You know the Jade-blood would have prefered a snake related item, but the novelty of having a pendant from eons past should make up for the lack of slitherbeast symbology.

You place the necklace on yourself to keep it safe while transporting.

===> Inform wriggling troll that his new gift has been attained
You pester the jadeblood and tell him of his antique hopfiend jewelry

===> Troll the redblood
No, you’ve decided not to talk to him until you’re ready to tell him about your black feelings

===> But he might have something important to say
You shrug off the feeling he may have something interesting to say. The only thing he has to say is more bullshit, and you’re not really in the mood to flirt right now.

===> Fine. Go home
You probably should. After all, the game must nearly be finished. You’ll have to reset the anti-grave robber traps though, and this process is in itself pretty long. You should probably be someone else for this

Be someone else
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Classpet
Avatar of Classpet

Classpet A bird wearing pants

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

======> It's actually your wigglers day now!
you wake up though it has not even been an hour since you went to bed. So is the ways of your estranged sleep scheduled. As any normal troll would do you get ready for another few hours before you will inevitably need to rest again. Although all of your normal clothes are covered in sopor slime it is not a problem because you have an entire wardrobe of wonderful costumes from all your favorite movies and animes! What should you wear?

======> the most normal cosplay you own
ehhh......It's not the most normal but you manage to chose one that isn't entirely noticeably a costume. It is the Kurgon, from Highlander:
The story opens with poor sea-dweller connor mcleod, a cursed immortal being who is unwittingly adorned with powers from a mysterious source. His home tribe outs him for being weird but his piss-blood pale mate Ramrez and his flush crush Hether join him. Things work out for Hether Ramrez and Connor and they find that their dynamic works even though they always feel empty without a hate mate. That's when The Kurgon shows up! and he kills the piss-blood!
Connor is so upset the he wants to get revenge on the Kurgon but before he can kill him he finds that The Kurgon was just really black for him. And he was black back. It worked out for a little while.
But then the Kurgon kills Heather! she would've died sooner or later but its still kinda sad. He also kisses her to before he kills her. It's weird.
Anyway Connor is now super pissed and vows to kill the Kurgon for real! He spends 500 years chasing him until he finds another suitable matesprite by chance. He is pretty chill until the Kurgon kidnaps her! "there can only be one" he says, voice like gravel because he almost got decapitated once. He obviously has some romantic issues. And anyway Connor kills him in the end and makes it work with the new gal.

Point and case the movie was well done. The moral is that black feelings and pure hatred are not that same thing.

======>uhm...someones pestering you
Well lookie there, its your good friend Leshas. You pester with her while messing around in Luwith's hive. All seems well until you throw the sink through his snooze chambered window. You quickly excuse yourself to concentrate on the problem. For nearl ten whole minuets you try to put the sink back. It's kinda hard with just your husktop track pad but you get it back in the right room with... minimal damage.

As you finish tidying up another troll begins pestering you. Captured by society's standards you take the call. It's Maluuk! She also has a gift for you! You chat with her for a while before deciding to sneak to the library form some thanks-for-the-gift-gifts.

======>you have a library??????
You sneak down the long narrow halls, shanks drawn lest your lusus appear suddenly. He wouldn't actually harm you, nor could you harm him, but it's fun to mess around sometimes. However there is no sign of him and you make it to the library safely.
Tall shelves line the walls and a strange array of objects are piled throughout the room. Many of the things have drawings or writings on them but nothing in the room is by any means a book.
You catchaplog a few of the items for thanks-for-the-gift-gifts. They are; a strange garden gnome with a broken nose, an anime about a normal troll and her were-barkbeast matesprite and their morails, a laser light taped to a baseball hat, and a card game about random facts.

======> go back to your room, somethings coming
You find a nice barkbeast pelt and lay on it. Its so comfortable and you don't really want to move. You close your eyes for just a minuet and enjoy the rough feeling of the wild creatures left-over skin. You can tell that it was no trolls lusus when it died.

======>can you maybe not describe it like that??????
You roll around on it for a while before burying your face in it and falling asleep, you won't be there long, but why don't you go be someone else while you wait?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

======>Well, go check your mail about the game.

After a few minutes you find the mail about the game and use the link to go to the site where you can download the game from. The file is rather large, but despite the overheating issue your computer is pretty fast so it shouldn't take too long. Now what should you do in the meantime.

======>Confess your black feelings.
No, not only do you not have the guts too yet, you're also thinking of a way to really piss her off before confessing your feelings.

======>You could make a gift for Lemony.
That is a good idea but what?

======>How about a sewing machine?
You could certainly make one of those but he probably already has at least one.

======>Well in that case maybe a rock tumbler.
Hey yeah that is perfect. Using your computer you check out the necessary parts and you believe you can make a barrel tumbler.

======> Great let's get to it.
You turn your monitor off and head to your workshop to gather your equipment. Once you got everything you need you place it in a toolbox and carry it back to your room.

======>Why not make it in your workshop?
Good question, this way you can keep an eye on your computer to hopefully keep it from overheating. You begin working on Lemony's wriggling day gift.This may take a while so why don't you go be someone else.
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