After ten brutal years of WAR, PLAGUE and CONSPIRACY, the AGE OF KINGS has come to an end. Considered the end of the world by most, the YEARS OF DUSK were not the final years of the world, but a prelude to a new beginning. The triad curses of DEATH, CHAOS and DESTRUCTION laid low the ancient empires of the IRON KINGDOMS (a region also known as BOREA). Mutagenic plague tore through the militant KINGDOM OF THULE, leaving it ripe for invasion by the savage tribes of HYPERBOREA. The vast trader-empire of IIRAM was crushed by the unstoppable hordes of the LEMURIA, an army of such size and ferocity that the world had never seen. Though it held valiantly against mutant and barbarian alike, the venerable ATLANTEAN EMPIRE collapsed from within, a violent rebellion at the hands of a dark and disturbing cult. As the last Emperor of Atlantis was stabbed through the heart on his palace steps, the Age of Kings had finally ended, and the AGE OF DAWN began.
It is the 56th year of this new Age, and it is a time of mystery and adventure. In the time following the Years of Dusk, many nascent empires and petty nations have sprung up from the ashes of the fallen kingdoms. Many live outside of the small protection afforded by these fledgling states, struggling to survive in a world rife with danger. Bloodthirsty mutants roam the wilderness, and enclaves of barbarians still pillage and plunder the Iron Kingdoms. The miraculous art of ALCHEMY, once a way of life in the Iron Kingdoms, is on the verge of extinction as its masters fall and its secrets are lost. Whats more, the ancient and mystic power of MAGIC has returned to the world, a force not seen since the time of the OLD GODS and the long-lost AGE OF MYTHS. For every mortal wizard or alchemist that plies their craft, there are countless inhuman monsters or eldritch horrors that wield magic for evil. Strange forces watch the world from realms unseen, and their laughter fills the nightmares of any mortal sane enough to fear them.
However, it is said that the flames of hell forge the strongest steel, and so the strife of the Age of Dawn has given rise to heroes unlike any seen since the Age of Myths. Be they warriors, kings, thieves or scholars, they have risen to become the greatest among men in the Age of Dawn. Their names are on the lips of every peasant that aspires to something greater, and they are cursed by every villain that would drag the world into the depths of damnation. Destiny is shaped by their wills, and their exploits are the stuff of legend. Rumor and mystery surrounds them, and followers flock to them to turn their deeds into myth and their words into scripture.
Okay, so, this is a reboot of a game I tried to run earlier in the year that unfortunately collapsed because too many of my players left. I consider it to be one of my most ambitious projects, so I would really appreciate a team of players as dedicated as I am.
Anyway, onto brass tacks. The premise is that you the players are these heroes of legend that have risen in the Age of Dawn. You start the game as the greatest among mortals, making your mark on the world in this new age, and things will only get more epic from there. You can think of this as being low-fantasy story that has suddenly been dumped into a high-fantasy setting, with all of the chaos and excitement that comes with it. Influences include Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Exalted, Berserk, Bal-Sagoth and the works of Robert E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft.
There are a few major themes of the RP that I want to highlight, so bear with me:
Freedom: The shackles of the Age of Kings have been thrown off of the Iron Kingdoms, and so for the first time in thousands of years, many people are free to live as they wish. Life is harder than ever, but its rewards are many. This applies to you the players as well. While there are some backstory-related restrictions, you can make nearly any kind of character you can imagine, and you are free to pursue whatever agenda you so choose. There will be an over-arching plot, but it will not be overwhelming. Consider the setting to be your canvas, and I will accommodate you as best I can. Your characters are meant to be powerful and influential, so your choices will shape the setting, and will be felt by other players.
Hidden Potential: All of the world's secrets are being laid bare for all to see. Magic has returned, in all of its glory and all of its horror. Ancient evils and legendary heroes alike are emerging, and the stage is being set for a battle of cataclysmic proportions. Your characters above all else embody the idea of having secret potential. Even though you are the greatest men and women in the world, that doesn't mean you've peaked. I'd like to think you'd all be surprised by just how much greater your characters can become.
A New Dawn: This roleplay is called Age of Dawn for a reason; ultimately, it is a story of triumph. The dark night is over, and a new, golden era awaits. The setting may seem gritty and dark, but with grim perseverance and strength of heart, good can prevail. All is not lost, one man can make a difference in the Age of Dawn.
With that, I open the floor to you guys. Feel free to assault me with question, comments, ideas or interest.