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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Commonwealth has potential to be a possible ally or rival for the Federation :D

Probably rival. They're probably not all that keen to saddle themselves with what they see as the loser in the Xim war.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sigma>

Probably rival. They're probably not all that keen to saddle themselves with what they see as the loser in the Xim war.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 14 days ago

That hurts man.... :P

We tried dammit!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That hurts man.... :P

We tried dammit!

The real loser is Xim. Twice as old, four times as large, genetically superior in every measurable way... failed to conquer more than a handful of insignificant colonies.

They may have just barely "won", but they should have wiped the Federation off the face of the map
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 14 days ago

@Hael Well, there is that :p

Live to fight another day and all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Monarch
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rip, didn't get any PMs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My explorer is about 2/3rds done, I put him in the Chars tab and I'll finish him up as I go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Double post go!

@Hael My explorer and my NS are both ready to go! Just need to put myself on the map.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 2 days ago

Double post go!

@Hael My explorer and my NS are both ready to go! Just need to put myself on the map.

How dare you double post! You must be punished!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

IC will be up shortly- I'm writing out the finishing details now. Sorry for the delay. As anyone who has worked with me before can attest, I'm a slow writer.

<Snipped quote by Ozerath>

How dare you double post! You must be punished!

This is why I was reluctant to make you Co-GM, Lauder. This is why.

Double post go!

@Hael My explorer and my NS are both ready to go! Just need to put myself on the map.

I looked over it, and it's accepted, though I have a few comments.

1. Is it possible for someone to worship something besides the state religion? Or will they be persecuted?

2. I'm officially giving you permission to bump your military up to 10 percent, as citizenship provides so many great bonuses (free healthcare, cheap college, respect, and so on) that I imagine a ton of people would volunteer. If not for themselves, for their children who might want citizenship some day, or who might get sick and possibly wouldn't survive without the free treatments. Family is a powerful motivator. If I had a kid, and military service could get them free healthcare, I would take it in a heartbeat even if "enlisted men may as well be cannon fodder"

Plus, they seem to have a culture which honors service. Respect is also a powerful motivator, especially for someone who might be used to getting looked down at for non-citizenship, and thus would want to finally be treated like they kinda-sorta matter to the Commonwealth.

3. Wow. That's more on economy than you have on history. Holy shit, there's a "paragraph" of like 20 sentences in there

4. Gotta say, I love the power armor you threw in. Ever since Fallout, soldiers turning themselves into walking tanks has been a favorite of mine when it comes to Sci-fi combat. It's part of the reason that practically every Xim soldier is a giant monster xD

5. If Vit'zany are so borderline royal, why was Lochland poor? And while we're on that note, does he worship the state religion? He seems like he'd be the "Maybe there's a God, but I never considered it" kind of person, to me.

6. What would the Commonwealth think of Xim? If you want, you can wait until I post my sheet to answer

7. The Xim would dislike the Commonwealth, but wouldn't let it show. They don't need an enemy that big when they struggle to beat one as small as the Federation. They have learned to keep their arrogance and "genetic superiority" to themselves xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Hey @Hael, I just got my culture section written up. So I don't suppose you could give it a read and see if it's all good? Mostly I'm worried about it being too short, to be honest (though I'm not even sure what I'd add).
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stuff came up, but here's a VERY VERY WIP sheet.

As a side note, i should probably get this approved early, the Gahalsetect will form the whole of my offensive military. They are essentially normal Gahalse but they live in gigantic 'world ships' (not planet sized just the name). That are necessary in that without them expansion would be logistically impossible.

The Collective


78 Systems, 26 Worlds

Population and Demographics:

Gahalse: 127 (100%)
Gahalsekesh: 104 (~82%)
Gahalsetect: 23 (~18%)


Of all species that reside within the Milky Way, few are as peculiar as the Gahalse. In their arcane tongue the name means world mind, and few descriptions could be more apt. This is because unlike nearly all life known to exist, the Gahalse are less a single organism and more a complex interaction among trillions of discrete microbes. Taking the form of vast microbial mats that can grow to encompass entire worlds, the Gahalse do not possess distributed and specialized functions and thus every inch of an ‘individual’ is both a segment of its mind and all other organs. With such a distributed neural structure the Gahalse are slow compared to most organisms, but due to their sheer scale a single Gahalse can interpret unprecedented amounts of information at once. So while it may take a Gahalse time to assemble a response to stimuli, that response is likely to be heavily refined and with untold numbers of contingencies and fallbacks behind it.

However, this unique intelligence would be for nothing if the Gahalse were unable to interact with their environments. Whether by explicit intent or ancient coincidence this is a pitfall the world minds circumvent in a manner no less strange than themselves. Linked in strange symbiosis there exists a species that feed upon the microbial mats, a species which the Gahalse do not differentiate from themselves. Known by no name these creatures could best be called appendages for the Gahalse, though that in itself would be disingenuous. Once ancient burrowers these creatures have evolved into nimble herbivories. In modern times they appear worm like with articulated bodies of varied length, though most fall around six to eight feet. Each creature possesses six limbs, all of which are capable of manipulating the environment by means of the three dextrous clawed fingers each limb terminates with. Still capable of burrowing the creatures are notable for their large circular and tooth laden maws, designed to tunnel and eat concurrently.

Yet the most interesting aspect of these creatures is by feeding on the microbial mats they invite the neural tissues of their food into their own minds. Not explicitly controlled, but hardly independent, these creatures gain intelligence comparable to a rather slow human by consuming the mat. This however, is not without cost. The creatures in question rely upon the mat to survive, yet so long as they consume it they take in the personality and ego of their food. As a result they are both extensions of one mind, and singular.

These creatures and the mats they feed upon are inextricably linked, and as such not even the most critical Gahalse scholar has thought to question their singularity in identity. While identifiable apart, only together can the two be Gahalse. Commanding the creature-selves that reside atop them is a natural thing for the Gahalse, as what they think inevitably becomes what is done. By working to control this natural phenomenon and direct it to specific areas the Gahalse create classes of creature-selves, and the creation of these classes is what has allowed the Gahalse to accelerate into the space age.

System of Government:

Spend at least 4 paragraphs explaining what form of government you use and how it works. You may include any details you feel needed. Be creative!


Spend at least 4 paragraphs telling us the general history of your nation. Important wars, how it came to be what it is today, and so on.


This is super-important. At least 6 paragraphs on culture. This includes religion and the such.

Important people, places, and organizations:

This is self-explanatory.

Military size:

For the typical species, a military cannot be larger than 7% of the total population. But if you have some special reason that it should be higher, I'll most likely allow it.

Military details:

Describe the strength, organization, command-structure, and any other necessary details of your military. 3 paragraphs minimum.

Weapons tech:

Go nuts!

General Technology:

Really go nuts! For at least 3 paragraphs!


Are your people poor and starving? Rich and fat? Are you economically powerful enough to control other nations through wealth? Can you be controlled through wealth?


Please describe, in as much detail as possible, the sort of space vessel you use and how they operate. Don't forget to include the general size of these vessels, how many people they can carry, and what sort of weapons they use. This should be at least 4 paragraphs long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey @Hael, I just got my culture section written up. So I don't suppose you could give it a read and see if it's all good? Mostly I'm worried about it being too short, to be honest (though I'm not even sure what I'd add).

Of course! Although every second I spend commenting on your writing is a second I'm not writing the IC or my sheet.

Alright, I read through it, and I approve of it, though it is a little shorter than the specified standards.

Out of curiosity, are the Uy generally viewed as equals to the T'Kai?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Out of curiosity, are the Uy generally viewed as equals to the T'Kai?

Oh, yeah. I didn't even think to mention that; I'll probably go put a section in about how the T'kai and Uy are both treated pretty much exactly the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I approve thus far.

How long does it take for a mat's will to influence the creatures that feed on them?

As in, if a mat thinks of something, do the creatures do it right away through telepathy of some sort, or will they not know what the mat wants until they next eat of it and gain the mat's desires?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It's a very subtle process, the creatures are not under direct command but rather influenced slowly every time they eat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's a very subtle process, the creatures are not under direct command but rather influenced slowly every time they eat.

So, then, it must take forever for the mats to accomplish anything

Also, do they have to replace the current ecosystem of any planet they inhabit? I believe you once said something to that effect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In ancient days, absolutely. Now the technology exists for the mats to assemble direct orders via computation and sensor arrays. It took time for the creatures to accept those orders, but the mats wanted them to after all.

So the mats can issue commands, bur more like a dictator than a hive mind. ThE subtle effect mostly serves to make the creatures ideologally homogenous and subservient.

As for the ecosystem thing, generally the Mats have a hard time competing, so scorching the planet and introducing familiar life is a must. Once entrenched the mats are able to properly grow and stifle any native life that managed to endure the cleansing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

IC will be up shortly- I'm writing out the finishing details now. Sorry for the delay. As anyone who has worked with me before can attest, I'm a slow writer.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

This is why I was reluctant to make you Co-GM, Lauder. This is why.

<Snipped quote by Ozerath>

I looked over it, and it's accepted, though I have a few comments.

1. Is it possible for someone to worship something besides the state religion? Or will they be persecuted?

2. I'm officially giving you permission to bump your military up to 10 percent, as citizenship provides so many great bonuses (free healthcare, cheap college, respect, and so on) that I imagine a ton of people would volunteer. If not for themselves, for their children who might want citizenship some day, or who might get sick and possibly wouldn't survive without the free treatments. Family is a powerful motivator. If I had a kid, and military service could get them free healthcare, I would take it in a heartbeat even if "enlisted men may as well be cannon fodder"

Plus, they seem to have a culture which honors service. Respect is also a powerful motivator, especially for someone who might be used to getting looked down at for non-citizenship, and thus would want to finally be treated like they kinda-sorta matter to the Commonwealth.

3. Wow. That's more on economy than you have on history. Holy shit, there's a "paragraph" of like 20 sentences in there

4. Gotta say, I love the power armor you threw in. Ever since Fallout, soldiers turning themselves into walking tanks has been a favorite of mine when it comes to Sci-fi combat. It's part of the reason that practically every Xim soldier is a giant monster xD

5. If Vit'zany are so borderline royal, why was Lochland poor? And while we're on that note, does he worship the state religion? He seems like he'd be the "Maybe there's a God, but I never considered it" kind of person, to me.

6. What would the Commonwealth think of Xim? If you want, you can wait until I post my sheet to answer

7. The Xim would dislike the Commonwealth, but wouldn't let it show. They don't need an enemy that big when they struggle to beat one as small as the Federation. They have learned to keep their arrogance and "genetic superiority" to themselves xD

1. There are certainly other religions, practicing them won't get you persecuted, but it's definitely looked down on.

2. Awesome, thanks!

3. Describing the Core, Constituent and Colonial worlds takes up a lot of space :3

4. Also a fan of power armour, and it's a pretty standard part of sci-fi armament these days, so I thought I'd toss that in.

5. Unfortunately for them, not every Vit'azny can be fabulously rich and powerful. Some of them will inevitably be poor, and Lochland got the short end of the stick there. On religion, I imagine he's vaguely religious, offers a quick prayer here and there for luck, but he's hardly what you'd call 'god fearing'.

6. So I was reading @Sigma's NS more carefully, and it does seem pretty miraculous that humans survived that conflict. I think the Commonwealth might therefore look at the Xim...hungrily. Here's a major galactic power that couldn't even beat down the tiny UFS. Maybe they're weaker than they appear. Maybe now's a good time to gobble up some of their territory.

7. Yeah, letting ideology overrule pragmatism is generally not a good idea.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The I.C. is up.

Only those who have completed their sheets and been approved may post. That is, @Ozerath, @Lauder, @Shorticus, and me.

My N.S. will soon be up as well.
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