"Once you get use to it being dead isn't that bad."
"Not really sure, things before I bit the big one are pretty fuzzy."
"Yeah I know, very creative."
While On Duty.
Johnny Doe
Something So He Doesn't Have To Feel Like He Is In "Ghost" Mode All The Time.
"I prefer the term living impaired."
"Another bit of fuzzy information."
Looks to be about seventeen
"Now this one I am sure about, I'm all man folks... er well the remains of a man anyways."
"Some would say I'm drop dead gorgeous."
Johnny looks just like any of your everyday teenage boys... well if you ignore the fact that he is dead that is. He has messy snow white hair that hangs down to the back of his neck and his eyes glow with a eerily green light. He has a slender, lanky frame and stands, or rather hovers, at about 6'2". His skin is as pale and colorless as a corpse's, which he finds rather ironic given he doesn't have a body. To top all this off Johnny's whole body is slightly transparent, destroying any allusion that he is one of the living.
Johnny's usual attire is rather mundane all things considered. It consists of a white jacket over a simple black T-shirt, a pair of white jeans, and a set of white loafers. He also wears a black belt with a cartoonish skull belt buckle, likewise he wears a necklace with three bullets laced onto it. When it is time to hero up Johnny's clothes change to suit his eerie namesake. His clothes shift into a tattered black hooded trench coat, a pair of black pants and boots, as well as a pair of black fingerless gloves that expose the green bone like claws he also acquires.
Ties to Hero
"Nice guy and a real life of the party."
Sidekick to the hero Deadman
"Being dead has its ups and downs."
Like all disembodied souls Johnny is not bound to the ground or the rules of gravity and can fly and float as he sees fit.
Johnny can completely disappear from the view of the naked eye, concealing his presence entirely.
Johnny doesn't have to worry about physical obstacles such as doors or walls seeing as he can pass right through them.
Johnny is able to overshadow and take control of the mind and body of the living, or even inanimate objects, though he has yet to master this power so smarter or stronger willed individuals are a bit more challenging for him to control. He can apply this in more subtle ways by merely hoping into a person's body and leaving them in control and going along for the ride, though he can give them subtle thoughts that they will assume are there own or make them experience things that aren't really happening. While in this state Johnny experiences everything the person he is hiding in does, from what they see to what they think.
Johnny is able to alter his spiritual projection to resemble anything from other people to things a bit more... monstrous. This is what accounts for his costume change seeing as he doesn't have actual physical clothing to change.
Death Echo
Johnny is able to sense death near by, get faint visions of how the death occurred, and if their soul has yet to cross over to the other side even speak with the spirits of the recently deceased.
Specter Leap
Johnny can teleport short distances around himself, blinking around rather quickly in a fog.
Ghostly Presence
All the Traditional "poltergeist" shenanigans such as electronics going haywire, the temperature dropping below freezing, and tossing people and things around the room with a glance. Johnny is still trying to get a hold of all this though it seems to be connected to his emotional state at the moment, the more upset he is the stronger these super natural happenings become.
Spiritual Split
Unlike physical beings Johnny isn't restricted to only being in one place at single given time, he is able to split his consciousness into multiple parts effectively making duplicates of himself. At the moment he can only split himself into a max of four separate copies, anymore right now he starts to strain himself.
Wraith Wrath
Johnny can tap into the supernatural essence that make up his spiritual being and expel it in many forms of ghostly green energy. He has been seen releasing it in rapid fire blasts, concentrated explosive like bombs, whole waves, spinning disks, and many more. He can also construct protective constructs with it, creating reflective shields or even whole domes to protect others around him.
Banshee Screech
Probably one of his most powerful powers Johnny is able to unleash a supernatural wail that practically shakes the world around him, blowing anything in front of him away and turning a whole city block into a disaster zone. Though at the moment whenever he uses this power he "phases out" for awhile, having to take a bit of time to reconstruct himself.
"I'm quite the talented guy."
Low Maintenance
Being dead Johnny doesn't have to worry about pesky things like eating, sleeping, or even breathing for that matter. No risk of broken bones or bruised skin when you don't have any in the first place.
Friends On The Otherside
Having spent so much time ghosting his way around the world Johnny has become pretty familiar with the world of the Supernatual, having met up with everything that goes bump in the night from witches and warlocks to vampires and werewolves.
Not A Boy Scout
It seems that in his time among the living Johnny accumulated quite the set of less than reputable skills. If you need a lock picked or a pocket lifted Johhny is your ghost. His sneaky abilities are perfectly paired with his current ghostly state, making him quite the perfect little spy.
"I don't have the best grip in the world sooooo.... no."
Besides the metaphorical clothes on his metaphorical back Johnny doesn't carry or need a thing.
"They say you see a bright light when it all ends, that you either get to go live in paradise up in the clouds or you go and get deep fried down south. Well all I got was a whole hell of a lot of questions and a new appreciation for the term out of body experience. I can't tell you how jarring the first few months of being dead is like, you can't even hold your form together and whenever you do manage to pull yourself together you only do it long enough to scare the pants off of whoever is near by. If that wasn't bad enough you spend your time drifting aimlessly around bumping into other dead people and trust me they are not the liveliest of people.
But luckily for me I eventually bumped into the right dead guy, my main man Deadman that is. He showed me the ropes of this whole ghost deal, taught me how to keep myself together and even use some of these awesome powers I have. To pay him back I lent him a hand with his superhero business and honestly it felt pretty great, fighting bad guys saving lives. I felt like I found what I was meant to do.
Eventually though Deadman felt that it was time I made a name for myself outside of being his sidekick, something about each soul having their own path to follow, so me and him broke off and I struck out on my own. Well that was until I found the team, some pretty cool young heroes that don't seem to mind having a dead guy like me around.
But do you know what the real kicker in all of this is? I have no idea who I was before I kicked the bucket, so much for trying to figure out your unsorted business nonsense I guess.
"I guess you can call me a spiritual guy."
Overall Johnny is a laid back guy with a real go with the flow attitude, it is kind of hard to get to the guy who is already dead. He has a pretty good sense of humor, usually making a pun or a joke at his own expense. He isn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, higher level thinking is lost on him and don't expect him to come up with any too complicated plans to save the day, but he is by no means stupid and he does have a good amount of common sense which seems to be lacking in a lot of young heroes. He is more than happy to be a shoulder to cry on, well figuratively, and listen to the problems of others. He does have some solid advice to lend others, though it may seem a bit simple it more often than not is the right way to handle things. Despite his light hearted nature Johnny can get deadly serious and isn't above putting someone in there place if they step out of line.
"A real lively bunch of people I swear."
His mentor and father figure, the two are really close.
The Spector
The two have met a few times. Haunt sees him as an amazing and powerful ghost hero, but also something he is terrified of becoming... a ghost who has forgotten his humanity
Another teen ghost hero. They two have met before and seem to get each other pretty well
"I uh... don't really remember..."
"I'm as free as a spirit can be. I doubt there are any necrophiliacs around here any way."
"Thirteen, such a lucky number, defiantly fitting."
Since Johnny doesn't sleep he spends the nights binge watching movies and TV shows, namely horror or comedies though they have the same effect on him either way.
He finds it hilarious to go on ghost hunting T.V. shows and to check if they can actually find him.
Though Johnny doesn't recall where he lived in life he has managed to retain a rather thick urban city accent, many people having compared it to that of a certain crazed Harley Quinn.