With a sinister smirk and an audible laugh, the axe found purchase in the restrained Vicki- his axes blade tearing and knawing it's way through her flesh as it cleaved a heavy wound. Then, at once, the wound knitted itself closed- no blood or viscera to speak of. This did not stop the Sion from lifting his axe once more, preparing to bring the bladed weapon down onto the woman a second time before Liam's strike staggered him back.
With the subtle whiff of blood that he managed to catch, Sion felt invigorated as he clutched firmly onto his axe, turning the bladed weapon downward to block the spiral cleave as Clarice's strength was equally matched by the towering creature. It was only after her assault subsided, that Sion brought his axe upwards with a mighty roar- catching the titanous blade of Garen in the crook of the metal as it attempted to wrench the blade free of it's owner's grasp. Either way, his free hand surged forward to strike at the woman's jaw- his fist coated with a fiery-red aura. If the blow made connection, it would sap the senses from Clarice, leaving his motions and attacks sluggish and clumsy compared to her normally unemcumbered form.
Liam watched on in horror as the woman he had met the day prior had her midsection cleaved through with a heavy swipe, only to have his expression soften as he saw the flesh knit together in an instant and she seemed unharmed. As he redirected his attention back to Sion, he couldn't help but bare his fangs, rushing forward at the man as he swung against the avatar of Garen. Drawing back his scepter, he'd deliver a heavy blow to the side of the creature's form, a sickening tearing as the edged scepter cleaved through the tough hide of the creature. With a heavy snarl, Liam pressed himself even further forward as he attempted to wedge his staff into the crook of Sion's arm in an attempt to bar it behind the creature.
"Why don't you just die?!" Sion belowed, staggering slightly from the blow as he regained his balance enough to contest the actions of Liam as he gripped the shaft of his scepter- only moments before delivering a heavy blow in the form of headbutt against the brow of the canine champion. It was clear that the combat was getting to Sion, his breathing becoming heavy and weighted as his form slumped slightly.
"I- I am not-" Urgot's champion repeated aloud as his once hateful eyes began to fill with confusion. Within moments of Sams words, the abomination placed both arms up against his temples as his robotic legs buckled and waned, as if unable to support his own weight as an audible groaning could be heard. Stumbling about the now enclosed area, his flesh was assailed by the frozen missles, causing the creature to cry out in pain... Yet his form wasn't that of an abomination anymore- rather it was starting to lose some of it's signature features as what resembled a young man began to form from the bloated creature. Standing a few inches below Sam's height, his heavy body was now slumped down onto his knees.
"Stop! Stop it!" The youthful voice cried out, his body struck time and time again by the sudden frozen storm as massive bruises began to form on his arms. It was only after he was struck by Moritz's voidling did the man collapse, falling into silence as his eyes screwed shut. For a moment, one would fear the loss of the young man's life, but soon his form could be seen shifting with what appeared to be shallow breathing.
"Useless!" Thresh snarled, his voice echoing throughout the street in an otherworldly manner. His eyes cut to the frozen wall that shattered his protective orb, staring daggers into the ice as he heard the exchange on the other side- though his attention was diverted to the sight of Hecarim's champion charging in his direction. With a groan of effort, Thresh rolled to the side, only to be met with another voice behind him. As he turned to face Artemis, he held his lantern and chain aloft at his sides. For a moment, he seemed angered, but that quickly faded as he tilted his head to the side.
"Say what you will, foolish mortal- but there is one thing you'll come to realize." At this point, Thresh drew up his sickle- pointing the blade in the direction of the woman, "You can have this victory, with my blessing. But there will always be more battles. And with each minute, the death-toll rises, and each death bolsters our numbers. Keep your eyes on the others from the Shadow Isles- it's only a matter of time they overcome their mortal vessels." And with his final words, Thresh turned his blade round onto him self, dragging the blade across where one's neck should be. Yet, as he drug the blade across, his form began to shift and sway- losing it's signature features as it faded to a young woman, no older than Artemis who fell to her knees. The slit in her throat would remain only for a moment, the girl looking forward in horror and pain as her body swayed. No sooner had the wound closed, did she collapse upon the ground- breathing shallow and weighted.
"Boy, the one thing I learned-" He paused, dashing to the side as he attempted to dodge the oncoming blasts. One collided with his leg, causing the man to roll to a halt before bringing his barrel up once more with a heavy grimace, "You never hold anything back." With these final words, a fiery eruption sprouted from the barrel of his gun once more- this one branching out to cover a large portion of the street. With heavy smirk, the gunman braced his weapon upon his hip, firing off two shells behind his wall of lead towards the boy once more.
"You made a mistake," He called out, pulling down the barrel as two shells dispersed from the gun. Quickly the man produced two more from his coat, shoving the missiles quickly into place, "I gave you a chance to walk away."
(see above for specifics)
As Garrett came upon the battle field, he could see the chaos unfolding. A little further down the way was the collapsed remains of the well known cafe, and the street littered with combatants. It was his chance to get in the fray or fall back, but he could see another male quickly trotting away from the scene. However, something didn't seem right... Even now, he felt like he was being watched. In the back of his mind, he'd hear his champion chuckle.
They're here. Somewhere...
All champions in true form are beginning to feel fatigued and sluggish after their drawn out fray. Despite their ignorance, their bodies clearly showing their reserve of Prana running low.
(Artemis and Yosuke are exempt due to just shifting/joining the fray.)