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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Yosuke felt a rush of adrenaline using his full powers for the first time. The plates felt sleek and his new increased height made him feel weird but now wasn't the time to think about such things. Looking towards Graves he heard a grinding noise and saw a big grin on the shot gunners face. Tensing his legs Yosuke jumped with all of his might to the left to avoid the attack. To bad it wasn't enough to dodge it as Yosuke was hit and flew back a few feet, landing on his back and skidding to a stop. His nerves were sending signals all throughout his body about the pain he was in as he slowly got back on his feet. "Really!? You start off with your ultimate!?" Yosuke faces Graves looking worse off then before. Blood ran down his arms and legs in small lines in the softer parts of his skin that weren't as protected while the plates that got hit had marks and dark spots. Yosuke's face showed determination as he charged at Graves firing of a few blasts from his mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam controlled her still new sense of Demacian pride and rolled her eyes at the robot crab. She wasn't too insulted by what he said, but then that got her thinking. This 'Urgot', as well as the other enemies, were so very embracing of their new character identity, even down to allegiances. These rivals, who had just found this purpose maybe three days ago, were now willing to die for their fictional ties. The woman hadn't noticed how weird these actions were until now. Samantha, herself being very loosely committed to obligations, could not understand why this other person could be so motivated to something so new. The Urgot hadn't worked to attack her yet. Maybe mercy was still possible! She was hotheaded after all, but she wasn't that aggressive. "What? You think that was going to hurt my feelings?" The draconic woman scoffed, though it was tinged with a growl. "You're not Urgot, dude. Okay? What -- this happened maybe, two or three days ago? There's no reason for you to have to get hurt for this." She paused. "My name is Sam, not Shyvanna, Sam. What's your name?" She challenged.

Just as she established her name, she heard a chorus of 3 voices ask for her as, 'Shyvanna'. Her head moved towards the source, expecting more than just one person, but her eyes falling only on Yorick. He started to issue orders to her, following the worst logic ever. He reasoned that, since the enemies wanted to kill them, that they should at least work to make casualties on their side. Didn't that just make them as bad as the enemies? "Hey, man, I'm fine with roughing these guys up a little, but I'm no killer." She looked at the man now in disbelieve, but he went straight into the action after adding that Anivia -- Claire, would help. They both generated walls, trapping the Urgot and Sam in together, like a makeshift arena. At first the blizzard came as a mild twist in the wind, until it got stronger and flakes began to flurry, limiting visibility. Sam wasn't effected, though. Her fire escalated to compensate, changing the snow right to mist as it brushed against her.

The draconic roar of flame took tentative steps through the storm toward the other being in their cage. She was reluctant, and wasn't about to attack until the other did first. Otherwise, perhaps he could change heart. Maybe he could join them or at least desire peace and offer answers. She wasn't about to hope too much. No, in all reality she was just as ready to strike as she was to keep neutral. She was ready for anything that came through the blizzard from Urgot.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


With a sinister smirk and an audible laugh, the axe found purchase in the restrained Vicki- his axes blade tearing and knawing it's way through her flesh as it cleaved a heavy wound. Then, at once, the wound knitted itself closed- no blood or viscera to speak of. This did not stop the Sion from lifting his axe once more, preparing to bring the bladed weapon down onto the woman a second time before Liam's strike staggered him back.

With the subtle whiff of blood that he managed to catch, Sion felt invigorated as he clutched firmly onto his axe, turning the bladed weapon downward to block the spiral cleave as Clarice's strength was equally matched by the towering creature. It was only after her assault subsided, that Sion brought his axe upwards with a mighty roar- catching the titanous blade of Garen in the crook of the metal as it attempted to wrench the blade free of it's owner's grasp. Either way, his free hand surged forward to strike at the woman's jaw- his fist coated with a fiery-red aura. If the blow made connection, it would sap the senses from Clarice, leaving his motions and attacks sluggish and clumsy compared to her normally unemcumbered form.

Liam watched on in horror as the woman he had met the day prior had her midsection cleaved through with a heavy swipe, only to have his expression soften as he saw the flesh knit together in an instant and she seemed unharmed. As he redirected his attention back to Sion, he couldn't help but bare his fangs, rushing forward at the man as he swung against the avatar of Garen. Drawing back his scepter, he'd deliver a heavy blow to the side of the creature's form, a sickening tearing as the edged scepter cleaved through the tough hide of the creature. With a heavy snarl, Liam pressed himself even further forward as he attempted to wedge his staff into the crook of Sion's arm in an attempt to bar it behind the creature.

"Why don't you just die?!" Sion belowed, staggering slightly from the blow as he regained his balance enough to contest the actions of Liam as he gripped the shaft of his scepter- only moments before delivering a heavy blow in the form of headbutt against the brow of the canine champion. It was clear that the combat was getting to Sion, his breathing becoming heavy and weighted as his form slumped slightly.


"I- I am not-" Urgot's champion repeated aloud as his once hateful eyes began to fill with confusion. Within moments of Sams words, the abomination placed both arms up against his temples as his robotic legs buckled and waned, as if unable to support his own weight as an audible groaning could be heard. Stumbling about the now enclosed area, his flesh was assailed by the frozen missles, causing the creature to cry out in pain... Yet his form wasn't that of an abomination anymore- rather it was starting to lose some of it's signature features as what resembled a young man began to form from the bloated creature. Standing a few inches below Sam's height, his heavy body was now slumped down onto his knees.

"Stop! Stop it!" The youthful voice cried out, his body struck time and time again by the sudden frozen storm as massive bruises began to form on his arms. It was only after he was struck by Moritz's voidling did the man collapse, falling into silence as his eyes screwed shut. For a moment, one would fear the loss of the young man's life, but soon his form could be seen shifting with what appeared to be shallow breathing.

"Useless!" Thresh snarled, his voice echoing throughout the street in an otherworldly manner. His eyes cut to the frozen wall that shattered his protective orb, staring daggers into the ice as he heard the exchange on the other side- though his attention was diverted to the sight of Hecarim's champion charging in his direction. With a groan of effort, Thresh rolled to the side, only to be met with another voice behind him. As he turned to face Artemis, he held his lantern and chain aloft at his sides. For a moment, he seemed angered, but that quickly faded as he tilted his head to the side.

"Say what you will, foolish mortal- but there is one thing you'll come to realize." At this point, Thresh drew up his sickle- pointing the blade in the direction of the woman, "You can have this victory, with my blessing. But there will always be more battles. And with each minute, the death-toll rises, and each death bolsters our numbers. Keep your eyes on the others from the Shadow Isles- it's only a matter of time they overcome their mortal vessels." And with his final words, Thresh turned his blade round onto him self, dragging the blade across where one's neck should be. Yet, as he drug the blade across, his form began to shift and sway- losing it's signature features as it faded to a young woman, no older than Artemis who fell to her knees. The slit in her throat would remain only for a moment, the girl looking forward in horror and pain as her body swayed. No sooner had the wound closed, did she collapse upon the ground- breathing shallow and weighted.


"Boy, the one thing I learned-" He paused, dashing to the side as he attempted to dodge the oncoming blasts. One collided with his leg, causing the man to roll to a halt before bringing his barrel up once more with a heavy grimace, "You never hold anything back." With these final words, a fiery eruption sprouted from the barrel of his gun once more- this one branching out to cover a large portion of the street. With heavy smirk, the gunman braced his weapon upon his hip, firing off two shells behind his wall of lead towards the boy once more.

"You made a mistake," He called out, pulling down the barrel as two shells dispersed from the gun. Quickly the man produced two more from his coat, shoving the missiles quickly into place, "I gave you a chance to walk away."


(see above for specifics)

As Garrett came upon the battle field, he could see the chaos unfolding. A little further down the way was the collapsed remains of the well known cafe, and the street littered with combatants. It was his chance to get in the fray or fall back, but he could see another male quickly trotting away from the scene. However, something didn't seem right... Even now, he felt like he was being watched. In the back of his mind, he'd hear his champion chuckle.

They're here. Somewhere...


All champions in true form are beginning to feel fatigued and sluggish after their drawn out fray. Despite their ignorance, their bodies clearly showing their reserve of Prana running low.

(Artemis and Yosuke are exempt due to just shifting/joining the fray.)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Artemis fully expected Thresh to attack her and was surprised when he turned the chain on himself, dissipating his form and revealing a confused women underneath. As she fell to the ground Artemis stepped forward and caught the women. She spent a few moments thinking about what to do next. It'd be best to call a hospital and get her immediate medical attention, however her state as an avatar could cause complications. If she was found out or Thresh took control again unwanted attention would be drawn. Not that they didn't have enough of that now, Artemis thought to herself, taking a brief glance at the destroyed street and cafe. The look revealed that combat was still going on, both Graves and Sion were still fighting, but if Artemis left this women unattended it'd be nothing be more complications. Arriving at a decision Artemis picked up the women and quickly headed home, she should have a first aid kit somewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vicki Victory

Sion’s axe sunk deep into Vicki’s abdomen, the young woman shrieking in pain. The giant heaved the axe back for a finishing blow, but it was deflected by Matt, the towering hound. Just a few seconds later, the sharp pain subsided, and Vicki felt her wound knit itself back together.

After being struck by multiple blows, the giant threw Vicki off to the side. She tumbled over the concrete, flecks of obsidian pebbles digging into her skin. The white-and-pink haired warrior regained her balance mid-tumble, bracing herself on both legs and holding up herself on one arm; her hextech gauntlet screeched loudly against the road.

Vicki witnessed as Clarice and Matt assaulted the giant relentlessly, the giant barely holding them off, Sion’s ragged breath choking out between massive heaves of his chest. The toll of battle was getting to him.

Vicki’s boxing instincts kicked in, This is the best time to strike an opponent. She grabbed a huge slab of broken concrete and lifted it above her head, grunting through the strain. The feat took great effort from her; Vicki’s arms were starting to feel like jelly from exertion.

She boosted her jet thrusters to maximum blast, the massive weight of the stone holding her down for a second. Unable to take full flight, Vicki boosted herself into a sprint, intent on tackling the giant with the concrete.


Raze Colter

Raze slumped to his knees as he watched his enemies revert to their human form. The armor enveloping his body faded away into ash on the wind, revealing torn and mangled strips hanging from what used to be his black workout clothes.

Artemis walked up to the woman that used to be Thresh, examining her with those big, bug-eyed glasses of her’s. Through deep draughts of breath, Raze attempted to call out to Artemis, but stopped as he saw her pick up Thresh-girl and begin walking away.

Raze forced himself to his feet and shambled after Artemis. He yelled after her, ”Wha...What are you doing?! That’s our enemy!”


Garrett Fishman

Garrett watched the battle winding down, safe on a perch high atop a nearby building. Most of the combatants were beginning to tire out, but it seemed that a majority of the fight was focused around Sion.

He still felt as if he was being watched, but right now, Garrett’s focus was honed in on one person: a pink-and-white haired warrior.

The bitch responsible for my arm…

The confusion of the battle may prove a good opportunity to strike. However, getting out once he struck may prove to be a challenge.

Strike when the time is right...

For now...watch from the shadows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 10 days ago

"It's over," Leon mumbled as the hail of ice and the fists of fire overcame their enemy, watching in amazement as Urgot began to flail until his voice shifted that to a normal one, his voice pleading for them to stop. At that point, he tried to reach out to Sam, as apparently was her name as he heard from Urgot, and Claire, urging them to cease and desist from their assault. However, before he could call out their names, a sudden cloud of fatigue settled in every nerve, every muscle, and every bone in his system. Like a car whose battery was shot, Leon sputtered before his knees gave way as he toppled back from the wall, falling to the pit of earth and stone below. Luckily, his form only vanished a few seconds after he hit the stones, which prevented any major damage, but as soon as he did revert back to normal, Leon struggled to breathe for air. He wheezed as if he had asthma, his chest rising and falling rapidly before he finally got a hold of himself. "I need to escape," Leon mumbled before he, after a struggle, propped himself up against a pile of debris. He examined his arms, chest, and legs, noting the acid stains from Urgot. He can't get far away from the scene, but he would have to try.

Or, maybe not. He was done running anyway. If he remained here, he would get to the bottom of these events.

Well done, Leon.

"Yorick?" he mumbled, eyes half-closed in fatigue.

Who knew that you were easily manipulated?

"W-What are you talking about?"

Surely, you realized by now that your bloodlust did not come from you, but from me. With all the mess you've created, there will be perilous consequences. The quiet life you wanted is no more.

"I thought... we were... friends?"

My only allegiance is to the Shadow Isles, and if I have to pretend to be your ally, then, so be it. I serve a master higher than you, and I will do everything to be rid of you.

"Damn," Leon coughed as the voices faded away. "I think we screwed up big time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Yosuke jumped back to avoid the eruption and help up his arms to block any buck shell that might hit him. Getting close to fight him would be impossible to do without getting blown apart. There was only one thing he could think of to try to win this. "Sorry but I saw a chance to use my powers and I couldn't let that go to waste." Yosuke dug back into the ground and started traveling towards Graves. He would just employ hit and run tactics and hope for the best. He increased his speed and when he was close went up near the surface and took a swipe at graves before digging deeper to avoid being hit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 9 mos ago


“How much longer?” Claire asked herself, her heartbeat pounding in her head and her body becoming heavier as she continued to sustain the ice storm. The glow of prana was growing weaker as it started to diminish gradually.
From the outside, Claire barely heard the cries over the howling winds. Cries that seemed to sound halfway human. Assuming the Urgot had surrendered, the blue eyed maiden gradually weakened her storm and then ceased it altogether before exhaing deeply and leaning against the nearby red brick wall for support, feeling light headed and a little queasy in her stomach. She spent a few moments catching her breath and letting her rapid heartbeat settle before looking around and spotting Leon on the ground. She approached him from across the street, gathering her composure along the way.
Claire gently nudged his thigh with her foot and kneeled next to him. “Jeez, you look dead, no pun intended.” She murmured, her eyes roving over him checking and making sure he was okay apart from the injuries he had already sustained during the fight. He looked torn up and dead tired.

Claire decided to throw the curveball she had been holding on to for a while.

She gave him a smile, “Leo, if you're not feeling dead tomorrow, would you like to have dinner out downtown? Uhm...” she stammered here and felt her face grow a little warm, her composure starting to slip. C’mon Claire, you're almost halfway there!
“S-supposedly there's a new place that opened up that's expensive a little up there in price but offers special pricing for couples, y’know, two people who’ll sit down and eat at the same table together. I’ve been saving a bit of money and got a nice dress and everything, but I think I’d look kinda silly if I went there and ate by myself and I don't want want any creepy people to try and sit at my table…”
She paused, her voice growing smaller as she briefly cast her eyes downward in embarrassment, “...and try to hit on me just because I'd be alone and it's weird when you're trying to enjoy a meal. I hope you wouldn't mind, you just have to dress fancy. I’ve never really had a chance to explore around downtown anyways so maybe we could do that too.”

She directed her gaze to the ruins of Wihi cafe. It was the place where everything had really started and the place itself was symbolic to her. Claire pouted, she hoped the owner had great insurance and would be able to rebuild soon. Where else could she get her chilled White Chocolate Frappuccino that was nearby?

The walls were decomposing now that the conflict was over, Claire realized she was still in her form and before she dismissed it, she thrust a hand out towards her wall and cut the air in a downwards diagonal motion. The ice wall crumpled and disintegrated, the pieces quickly melting into the ground. A blue flash signified the dismissal of her form and she sighed, feeling a load lifted from her. Sam stood in front of a body where the makeshift arena used to be. Claire cast a curious look at Leon before slowly standing. up. “I wonder what happened to him in the first place?” She asked aloud, not expecting anyone to know the answer.

She also didn't witness Artemis dispatch Thresh, but Claire wasn't too worried about the avatar of Diana. She knew what she was doing and Diana was a very strong champion. If anything, she could check up on Artemis later. Her main focus right now was ensuring her immediate comrades were a-ok!

Gunshots rang out in the background, which meant the Graves was still active. Somebody seemed to be keeping him occupied. She wasn't sure she'd be able to help with her current level of exhaustion and thought she'd just get in the way of things. Claire would have to recover before leaping into action once more.

@Cubix @Kiroue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 15 min ago


Claire’s attack while relentless was matched by Sion. She made an furious expression on her face as she roared when he tried to hit her in the jaw with his fist. Her sword was blocked for the moment as he tried to pull it away from her grasp. She let out a smile in that very moment. Clarice had felt exhaustion starting to sink in. Her movement had become harder to sustain with the armor on and the armor had lost some of it’s sheen. In a very dangerous move, she released her transformation just for a moment, as she jumped backwards. Naturally the sword vanished from it’s prison along with her armor, but she had evaded the strike from Sion and landed a few feet away, reigniting her armor in the air. Gosh that tired her, but she didn’t need it to last too much longer.

Making a snap decision, she released once more hold of her armor and gathered all her remaining energy towards her body and sword. As Liam was keeping Sion occupied with his flurry of powerful attacks, Clarice noticed that Vicky was planning to slam the enemy with a huge chunk of concrete. Well that sounded like a sound plan!

She matched the very moment that Vicky collided with Sion before rushing herself forward. Her body and sword starting to shine with illusive golden light.” Let’s see you shrug off this!” She shouted, sword raised in the air, golden light exploding.” DEMANCIAN JUSTICE!!” Her ultimate exploded, the giant sword appearing above Sion and slammed downwards the very next moment after he was hit by the concrete.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam's molten eyes grew into wide pools as she witnessed the opponent stammer for a bit, confused, almost as if he was suddenly hit with a headache. The robotic legs swayed and buckled, making sickening creaking and squealing sounds. The being's form reduced in size as its bloating began to deflate, like a balloon slowly losing air. The crinkled and moldy skin faded away and in the end, the form was replaced by an entirely normal young man. The woman hesitated, unsure how to react, until, from out of the blue, came a flying creature with knife-like legs that flung itself at the exposed man. Deep lacerations of crimson arose on his arms as he made a futile effort to protect himself.

The dragon lady rushed forward and with one hand tore the vicious little thing off of him. Now being held by her, the creature dug its legs into her arm. Her skin was very thick and resistant for some reason. Instead of the creature mauling her arm to ribbons it only made mild, though still stinging, cuts that made her hiss back a curse. She growled in annoyance, drew back her arm and sucker punched the purple bug. The noise that came was a satisfying crunch as her blow crushed it's exoskeleton and the thing grew limp. She took the dead thing in her hands and threw it back behind her with annoyance and disregard.

The winter's storm began to dissipate until all was left was a bed of snow at her feet, blanketing the area that had been their arena. This snow nearest to her quickly turned to liquid and then further into steam as Sam stood. The use of prana didn't effect her as it did most, instead of exhaustion, she now noticed the flames getting bigger and in a state of greater fluctuation. As prana was expended she lost more and more of the control of the inferno within her. She knew this now. However, it didn't seem to be near as out of control as it had been in the apartment. Sam took a moment, before going to the man to close her eyes and breathe. Each breath felt like a sigh and with each breath her outward flames grew smaller and smaller until they were gone. After what seemed like a long time she opened her eyes and looked down at herself, satisfied to see the flames gone. She had handled that a great deal better than last time. However, after she got over herself patting herself on the back she let out an annoyed curse. Her scales were gone as well, leaving her stark naked in the snow (not that she was cold). "Great. Just fucking great." She kicked the snow in annoyance. The woman let out a sigh, accepting her condition. Sure, this was pretty perturbing, but as long as everyone was mature adults about the whole thing, she was sure there were more pressing things at hand than her being in her birthday suit.

She began to close the distance between herself and the collapsed young man, her small feet making little indentations in the snow as it crunched between her toes. Once she got to him, she crouched down. "Hey, man, you okay?" She blinked for a few moments before she tried again. Sam extended her hand to touch the man's side, the surface slices on her arms still dripping blood starkly onto the white snow. She could feel the poor man shivering. With a sense of great awkwardness she began to stroke the man along his side, her hand warm to the touch. After a moment of this she began to do more pushing than petting, trying to shake him to consciousness. "Hey, dude, wake up."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

”Wha...What are you doing?! That’s our enemy!”


Artemis turned and frowned at Raze. The one who wanted to be a vigilante from the start. As long as he didn't get caught up his role and become lost in it, which might very well be what was happening, or soon would. "Perhaps she is your enemy, but she is also a person whom I suspect had little choice regarding her participation in this affair." His exhaustion meant that even if he wanted to stop her he would be unable to, though Artemis didn't seek to make an enemy out of him she had questions for this women, as well as the need to make sure she was healthy. With that done Artemis returned to her original course, homeward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


As the heavy rubble collided with Sion, he couldn't help but stagger back. Between the force of the throw and his current fatigue, it was all that the avatar could do to keep from collapsing where he stood. With heavy breaths and a slumped frame, the man attempted to reaffirm his grip on his weapon in anticipation of what was to come. It was only when the luminous sword hit it's mark that the man truly fell, his knees buckling beneath his weight as his mass hit the street with a heavy thud. As the dust cleared and the wayward pieces of the pavement settled, what once was the towering and menacing visage of Sion had changed to a young male- no more than 15- that lay unconscious in the newly made crater. At once, an eerie silence fell over the streets, broken only by the crackling of flames that remained from the rubble and the weighted breaths of those still upon the road.

Liam gave a heavy sigh at the predicament, his chest heaving as he attempted to calm his still racing heart. Slowly, his form would begin to compress and shrink- what once was a towering ebon-monolith returned to his normal stature and complexion. That didn't stop him from slumping over, resting his hands on his knees as he continued to combat his exhaustion.

"Damnit," He offered after a moment, rightening himself as he stepped forward towards the crater, "It's just a kid. We just beat the hell out of a child..." He shook his head a moment later. Falling into a thoughtful Silence, Liam merely looked down upon the unconscious child as his breathing steadied. Quickly, his hand darted into this pocket, withdrawing his cellphone as he flipped it open and began punching in a number quickly. Looking over to Clarice and Vicki, Liam's head tilted to the side against his phone as it remained caught between his collar and cheek. He took this free time to dust off his clothes- though his eyes never met the woman as he seemed to be gauging them.

"You alright?" He called out, the concern in his voice mixed with agitation from the combat just a moment before.



The gunman swore harshly once he realized the change in tactics, doing his best to duck and dodge out of the way of the numerous assaults. One blow connected with his cheek as it tore into his flesh, another into his leg as he buckled down to one knee with a snarl. Quickly the wounds healed, but the pain was still present on the man's face as a strained grimace appeared. Forcing himself to his feet, the gunman shifted the weight of his gun around.

"Boy, you're getting on my last nerves. You talk a good game, but fight like a coward." Dropping his gun to the ground, a loud explosion could be heard, the area around the gunman filling with smoke as his body became shrouded in the thick mist. To Yosuke's senses, he could graves still standing upon the pavement for a moment, but soon a second pair of feet would reside there, and the next they were both gone. As the smoke began to settle, the form of the gunman would no longer be seen, just the stirred rubble, torn cloth, and fresh blood of the Reksai avatar.

The sounds of combat had all but become silent, and all the combatants could hear the sounds of approaching sirens and the whispers and exclamations of those that had gathered around to watch the chaos unfold. No one dared approach, and if the heroes approached them, the people would recoil. It was very obvious that there was a tension in the air between the common folk and the newly outed super-humans.


As same began to gently stir the man, she was met with a sudden whimper and squirming, though his eyes never opened. It was only after she began pressing on his downed form that his eyes opened, looking upon her with a distant stare.

"Wh- What?" He spoke timidly, his voice shaking slightly as his eyes opened wider. Quickly, he drew back, seeming frightened for a moment before settling down. He couldn't help but seem nervous- his eyes trying their best to stay upon Sam's though distracted sporadically by her nude form, "What are you-?" It was only then that his attention would turn to the area around him, his eyes growing ever wider, "How the hell did I get here?!" Slowly his form began to relax, though still seeming on edge as his attention turned fully to Sam.

"Look, whatever happened here, I need to get back home," And with this, he attempted to stand, finding himself quickly back on his knees as he groaned out heavily, "What did you do to me?" He spoke bewilderingly, his eyes screwing down into a glare as he focused on the naked woman before him.

The rest of the champions were left to their own devices- though the sound of sirens steadily filled the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 10 days ago

He couldn't help it. He really tried to maintain his composure and focus on the throbbing pain on his leg, but the way Claire's adorable antics dazzled him left the gravedigger nigh on speechless and grinning like an idiot. Sure, the ominous warnings of Yorick left Leon on the edge of caution and feeling of being screwed, but in front of this woman's gentle smile, Leon couldn't care less at the moment. After all, he had been through quite a rough day, so, what was wrong with indulging in the happiness of being asked out by the girl who he had originally also planned to take on a date? He earned it as far as Leon was concerned. At all of these, Leon offered a soft grin as well before he staggered up, shaking the debris off of him before fixing the cloth that covered the lower half of his face. He limped forward, timidly squeezing Claire's hand with his before he released a slight chuckle.

"Isn't it supposed to be my job to ask you out?" Leon snickered, releasing her hand before combing back the locks of hair curtaining his eyes. He was clearly delirious for feeling these strange hums of affection deep inside him for this woman who he had just met around the university. Up to this moment, his endearment for her bordered more on the physical, on the ephemeral. The curve of her hips, the smoothness of her hands, the pink of her cheeks, the cerulean glow of her eyes-- things that would vanish in an instant in the same way that she would pass by him. But, the bubbling frenzy of emotions inside him spoke otherwise. Perhaps, his feelings weren't as shallow as he thought they were. Ephemeral, maybe, but shallow? Never. Leon extended his hand towards her face, brushing a stray lock of her hair to the side whilst removing specks of dirt from her face. "I'd love to," Leon hummed, forgetting the pain in his leg at this briefest eye of the storm. "It's not everyday I get to spend time with a cryophoenix. I just hope you'd welcome a gravedigger at your side." the lad grinned as he turned to the aftermath of their battle. Everything had been reduced to rubble and, obviously, the town will not be silent with this event. Even now, inquisitive onlookers marched forward in a frightened cadence. "So, uhh, six thirty tomorrow night, then?" Leon suggested before he turned to the lad who Sam had now attended to.

The conversation seemed pretty serious and Leon had no intention to stay any longer in this place. The incoming wall of spectators as well as the tell-tale sirens from afar signalled a disastrous ending to this day should they be caught in this situation.

"Claire," Leon turned to her. "The police are here. You know what they do to people like us." his voice grew dark. "We need to high-tail it out of here. I suggest we return to the university's dormitories. That'd be a safe place for now." The gravedigger tugged on Claire's hand, urging for them to escape. If they were caught, their planned date would not be the only one to be messed up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 9 mos ago


Claire helped Leon up on his feet, minding his injured leg. She chuckled to herself and shook her head while rolling her eyes in a playful matter, "Gosh, what is this, 1729?" Claire said sarcastically, "Come along now dear Leon, we must get to our carriage now! Oh dearie me, how the times have changed! Can a lady not go around and be straightforward on her own anymore? Such travesty!" She joked, her voice taking on a slight English accent while a hand fanned her face for additional dramatic effect.

Although, she immediately hushed when his hand reached her face, sending trickles of warmth across her cheeks and wherever his fingers graced.

"It's not everyday I get to spend time with a cryophoenix. I just hope you'd welcome a gravedigger at your side." Leon murmured. Claire nodded.

"I'd rather welcome you instead if you don't mind telling the gravedigger to take a hike." She replied, a little boldly. Sirens seemed to gradually fill the air as the police responded to the many panicked calls to 911. Claire cocked her head in the direction they were coming from, listening intently before turning back to Leon who seemed to be very eager to leave the scene. She couldn't agree with him more when he warned her of the possible consequence of being apprehended by law enforcement and thus, she turned towards the majority of the spectators. Underneath her breath, she silently murmured an apology before raising a hand into the air. After a few moments of channeling, a wall of ice sprouted from the ground and in front of the crowd as well as into the street.

"Phew...I'm exhuasted." Claire panted, catching her breath and noting the small headache developing. Surveying the wall, she found it to be satisfactory and then hurried along at best possible speed with Leon in order to escape the area.

Claire glanced over to Sam, worry etched on her face, "Sam! You need to get away, the police are coming! And put some clothes on!!! Bring him with you or just leave him!" She called out before making her exit.

Staying close to Leon, they both hustled along alleyways and backstreets while avoiding the larger, more populated areas. Claire had seen bystanders during the battle and they were raising their phones towards them and capturing every second on camera. She hoped the videos and pictures wouldn't end up posted up somewhere public. Claire could see the post go viral now, "Freak girl on the streets!" or something along those lines. Eventually her mother would take notice and it would be then that she'd have to explain herself to her family or be alienated. She didn't want either event taking place regardless.

Unfortunately, her apartment was in the other direction, but she didn't mind hanging out with Leon for now. In fact, she was a little curious about him and intended to ask him a few questions whenever they were safe.

@Cubix @Kiroue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sam Cross

When the young man jumped in alarm, scooting back, frightened, Sam held her hands up to show she meant no harm. He had no idea what had happened to him, how he came here, and he blamed it all on her. The naked woman sighed, "One, I didn't do a thing to you. Two, we need to get out of here now. Three, I need you to just trust me and we'll figure it out later." She really really hoped the man would trust her. As she heard the sound of emergency vehicles in the distance she knew she had very little time. It would be such a bother if he chose to be annoying and not do what she said. She really didn't want to leave the man, but she didn't want to die for him either.

Claire called to her, advising her to flee the scene quickly and get some clothes on. Sam nodded, calling back, "I know! I'm working on it." With this, if the man was facing any hesitation she looked at him with peeved though pleading eyes and said, "Pretty please?" She stood up and offered her hand to the shivering and shaking man, dearly hoping he would take it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"I-" The young male offered meekly, doing his best to keep his eyes upwards as the temptation of her nude form weighed upon his mind. Still, the shock and disbelief outweighing the more carnal urges as he shook his head, "No! First I start hearing voices, and now you-" He motioned to her entirety with his hand, blushing heavily as his eyes strained to return to her own, "And I- I-" Pausing a moment, realization settled in upon him, as if as distant memory had forced it's way to the forefront.

"I did this..." His voice trailed off as his attention was drawn elsewhere, his azure eyes focusing on the burning rubble that was now the cafe before taking stock of the entire scene about him. A pained expression grew across his face as he took stock of the damages to the streets and sidewalks about him, slowly turning his attention back to Sam as his head now hung slightly. In silence, he took her hand, his heavy frame lifting from the ground with an audible groan as his head still remained angled downwards towards the tattered pavement.

"Lead the way." His voice somber as he shrugged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 15 min ago

Clarice's strike hit true this time as ther ultimate impacted Sion. The dust, the rubble that flew everywhere, made even her unable to keep track of the enemy. She brough a hand to cover her eyes from the dust as it was starting to slowly settle. Suddenly a wave of fatigue hit her, as the last of her energy reserves were being depleted, her body regained it's normal form, her sword vanishing in a cloud of small lights that scattered and swiftly disappeared.

The warrior woman fell on a knee, breathing heavily as she looked at what was left behind by Sion. Frankly that she didn't really expect, but wasn't completely surprised either. An younger boy... as Liam said they just beated the hell out of a boy, but not quite.

"Correction, we beated Sion... the boy seems relatevely unscratched so I guess once we defeated his transformed state, he just reverted without much harm done to him." Clarice said, trying to catch her breath." I'm fine at least... Been a little while since I fought anyone properly." She replied and with a final deep breath she stood up, standing tall and proud. She still was tired, but that was not going to hinder her normal movement atleast... much.

"What do we do now?" She asked, throwing a look around." We cannot let police catch us, nor these rampaging ones." She said, nodding towards the sleeping boy who was Sion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 10 days ago

"We should move," Leon looked around, making sure that no other passerby could see them now that Claire had placed an ice wall to shroud their escape. The gravedigger eyed a narrow winding path behind the rubble that was Wi-Hi café which led to the University Dormitory building that stood at the opposite side of Darkwell University, just snuggling against a dense forest of trees which extended until it connected with the Orchard Road. With Claire's final ice wall hiding them from the eyes of the common folk, Leon urged their escape as he pointed to the silhouette of the dorms from a few blocks away. "I offer we go to the University Dormitories; it's nearest to this place. It's probably abandoned at this time since classes are on-going. We can hide in there until the tensions die down and when you can go back to your homes. It's just a studio-type but I guess we can fit in there for now while the police are still looking for us. And, get a change of clothes while we're at it."

Leon beckoned for them to follow him as he darted to the winding road, trying to look normal as much as possible. A few cars passed by as well as some civilians but he kept his head down and continued to move. Finally, Leon arrived at the façade of the dormitories, noting that the guards were not on duty as well as the students scarce and whatnot. His room was just on the first floor, so, there was no need to take the stairs or anything. Immediately, he unlocked his room and swung the door open. His room wasn't anything special. Tidy and orderly, but plain. A dining table sat on the left side of the rectangular area. A fridge stood on top of the sink and a bunk bed was located at the end of the room where the air-conditioning unit hung. A bookshelf can be found at the right side where rows upon rows of books were located.

"I have some spare clothes in the wardrobe. There are... err..." he remembered that some of Sarah's clothes were still inside. Memorabilia... nothing more. "There are also some food in the fridge."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago


It was those birds. It had to be those birds. That was when all this weird shit starting escalating into whatever that was. An entire building and most of a road wrecked. Alex took out one of his knives and quickly started heading towards where he'd last seen the birds, using anymore he saw to guide his way. Swain or Fiddlesticks, or whoever was at the bottom of this. Didn't matter, he just wanted it to stop. How many people had been put in danger? How many people had actually died? An odd determined look was on his face, for possibly the first time. He had a goal now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam was sympathetic to how he was struggling with the concept of the calamity that he created, however, Sam was also very impatient. Every second that the man spent looking around, keeping his eyes torn from her boobs (yeah, she caught that and felt like rolling her eyes), and stammering meant one more second less that they had to get out of here. She was so eager to leave that her form even shifted to lean towards the escape, as if it were pulling her by gravity.

Still, the man finally relented in deciding to trust her and Sam's body sprang into activity. She let out a staccato breath that she had been holding in and then plucked him up from the ground. The moment they stood up she was running, pulling the man behind her like a dog on a leash. They ducked into several twisting and turning alleyways that seemed very much like a maze. However, Sam knew this maze well as this was the illegal underbelly of the city. Like cockroaches, there were few people out in the light of the day, but those who were stared hard as the ran by. Sam struggled to ignore them. Going back and punching them to a pulp for visually violating her would only waste her precious time.

They weaved through in what seemed like a nonsense direction until finally walls on either side ended and presented a clearing of sorts where the alleys opened up into a large road, where, across the street was a large and shabby complex of apartment buildings. Samantha inched out of the alleyway, and waited for an opening in which there were the fewest people around to gawk at her and then darted across the way, up the steps, took a few turns and found herself in front of apartment 2323. She bent over to the welcome mat and emerged with a key which she shoved into the lock, savagely turned it, and swung open the door. Sam looked around at the sniveling man and she shot him a serious look. "I brought you to my apartment so you would be safe and I could help you. Don't get any perverted fucking ideas okay?" With a huff she moved in, making her way directly to her bedroom to find clothes. She managed to scavenge from the floor a wrinkled shirt and some sweatpants that read along the side, 'Pierce the Veil', one of her favorite bands.

Meanwhile, in the living room, one would find that her place was a mess. There were dirty dishes still lying, forgotten, on the table. There were ashtrays scattered on many flat surfaces throughout the apartment, one of which had been knocked over, tossing it's gritty contents to the ground. Even more dishes were piled up in the kitchen with cans, used cutting boards, and wine glasses cluttering the counters. It was a disaster zone anywhere you looked and out of this disaster strode Sam, coming back into the living room. She flopped down on the couch and looked the other man over lazily before she spoke, "If you want a beer there's some in the fridge. I think you need one." She snorted a laugh.

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