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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amaya VanIsis and Cecilia
@Joshua tamashii@zarkun

"Actually she was on my chest this morning and supposedly been searching for me ever since my first mission taking down that rouge s-rank mage in the desert with my team."Said Amaya "I couldnt refuse devotion like that honestly I would be heartless to turn her away...though Nolan the ash god slayer has one as well..dalton is adoriable"Said Amaya

'Hey!"ssaid cecilla rubbing her cheeck as amaya followed accepting the cone eatting it all in two bites before responding "Zero and Zeoram are basically my cousins since our paents considered eachother to be siblings and actually, after you guys spared and after his father passed away...they just...dissappeared out of the blue...no trace. I was hoping you would know what happened to them...it isnt like zeroram to not atleast say goodbye in a letter."she said to him "Plus, even if zero did tell me to stay away...I dont listen since you are not my enemy but an ally"she added wipping her mouth
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jessie stood there, studying Ferris in his disheveled state, and her heart gave a long, looping roll, and then it seemed like it fall right off a cliff. oh, boy. She had to wait a moment before speaking, afraid she might say something like I think I'm falling in love with you or golly, you're adorable. Instead, she said with an easy smile and in her happy way "Oh, he wants to get together, and he heard about you, so he wants to meet you. Don't worry, he's a sweetheart"

She helped herself to some water, waiting to see how Ferris would react. She wanted to reach up and smooth his hair back into place, but she didn't deciding that might be a bit too much for him right then.

@Joshua tamashii
Sam took longer to wake then Amelia, deliberately burrowing into her blankets, a defense against the light of the room. She would move away from Jamie's touch, until she rolled out of the bed, and eventually poked her head out of the blanket, blinking blearily. Jarvis scooped her up easily and deposited her back on the bed, and Sam gave a happy laugh.

"I thought we'd go out for breakfast"


"I'm not going to hurt you" Penny said, looking out over the city, then up at the sky, "I doubt you're enjoyng anything. Its quite cool out, nearly winter. .How did you get up here, anyway?" She asked, looking back to the girl. "You are aware this is currently a guild hotel?"

Penny was slightly wary. The attacks on the guild had put a lot of the guild on edge, and she was tired despite however long she had slept. Although this girl seemed harmless enough, if a little excentric.

@Leslie Hall

"While the light guilds would be a logical choice, it would be a conflict of interest to have members of them on the force we use to keep peace" Carrie said, acknowledging that it was a good idea, but it wouldn't be feasible "We don't need that, especially after Angelica's stacking of the rune knights before" Carrie disliked thinking on Angelica's control, but it had to be faced.

"It's been proposed to Masahiko that we could recruit magic users that aren't in guilds, there are quite a few out there, and they would have no alliances to any of the guilds, what do yu say?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Argus Leandros

Argus had gone with the group feeling an ever growing tension as he seemed to have missed the 'we hate Phoenix Wing' memo. The fact that one of the other guilds members, sure as hell didn't help ease that feeling either, as the negative energy was low, but constant, and he had to vent the energy every so often to keep too much from building. Needless to see, he was getting quite annoyed with the situation as they traveled, his sensitivity to these emotions making him a bit more irritable than usual. When they had arrived at the town, however, Argus hadn't followed in the first time, staying with others to set-up camp and away from that place. Even from way up there, he could feel the dark cloud of negative energy that hung over the town like a fog, and he knew then and there that this mission was going to suck for him more than anyone else.

When they went down the next day, Argus stayed near the center, trying to keep his cool, but it was rather difficult to say the least. As he saw the funeral procession march by, he could've sworn he saw the soul of the deceased, walking with the mourners in silent sorrow and agony. The negative emotions filled the air, and seemed to concentrate on him, and this made his mood even worse, so when Enma started chomping at the bit to do something, his anger and rage seeped over into Argus, who could only let out a growl as he turned on the large Oni, his eyes seeming to take on a menacing glow.

"Could you just shut your mouth and chill out?!?! I'm having a hard enough time dealing with the bullshit with Phoenix Wing and this town's generally negative atmosphere doing there best to drive me crazy,so can you not add to it with stupid outbursts!" His voice didn't rise above conversational tone, but it was very strained and taut with anger, and Argus soon looked away, requiping his blade in order to channel his excess energy into it, trying his best to calm himself, but it was getting harder and harder with every passing minute. "Fucking hell, coming here was a mistake for me. I would be better off just waiting outside the city gates than stewing in this cesspit of misery."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zran
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Zran Ancient and Forever

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aisling Eisen

Aisling opened her mouth to speak as she processed what the redhead said, latching on to the last thing she said. “A guild?! A Magic guild?!” she asked excitedly. "That's why he sent me here! What are the chances I'd find it so quick...” she trailed off attempting to do the maths in her head ignoring the girl trying to count how many buildings there were.

She gave up and realized she had been standing there open mouthed, she closed it and throwing caution to the wind said proudly “I'm a mage too! I flew here with my magic, from there,” She pointed to the mountains barely visible in the distance. “Aisling,” she said with a start realizing she had not introduced herself “Aisling Eisen.” she held out her still crummy hand to the girl, noting it she gestured with her other hand, a gust of wind brushing her hand clean. “See!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago



"I broke her headphones. They were playing a single song over and over. Harmless at first but underneath the music is another message that get's planted subconsciously. My father would use such tactics to get others to join his side. Force them to listen to it over and over for days on end until the message took a hold." Jackie said. "It is likely that she isn't her true self. Same as me but for different reasons."

Elyse Yashia


"Uuuuhhh... BOTH!" Elyse shouted happily, once again going with the option that wasn't really an option.

Amelia Averyonna


"Breakfast sounds nice. Sam, would you like to take a bath before we go get food?" Amelia said, first to her parents then to her little sister. She knew that she needed to get closer to her sister so every little moment they spent together would be important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Phoenix Wing Hotel


"Look at them all... It would be so thrilling... Watching the life ebb away from their eyes..... Slowly rotting away... Cracking their brains open... Be easy too. None of them matter....Put them on a table and just rip them apart while keeping them alive."

Edo-Karn continued her meal, ignoring the voices within her shattered mind. The bare upper part of this male body twitching slightly. Ethereal emerald eye flicking toward Sasha, then back to the eggs and bacon, hashbrowns, and pancakes on her plate. Eating a hefty meal so hopefully this body would stop grumbling about food.

Taking a sip of her glass of milk, her gaze flicked to Trinity who sat down beside her. For someone who was pretty sure this version of Karn was a perv, she kept getting awefully close. Probably just worried about Earthland Karn. Her eye slightly twitched as her vision, for just a moment, flashed red, distorting everything into a more grotesque manner then returning normal. Edo-Karn ignored it and took another bite of bacon.

Eyes flicking up as she saw Ariel, she slowly raised a eyebrow. "Nice wings." she said, nonchalantly. Guess just about anything is normal in the world of magic and unicorns and shiny rainbows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cody Bloodstein

Cody sighed contently as he finished his breakfast, looking up in time to catch a glimpse of Amaya running out the door. He got out and was about to go back to his room, however something was nagging at the back of his mind to follow her.
So he did, despite his aching body protesting against it. However by the time he had gotten outside the hotel she was nowhere to be seen...no wait there she was. Cody could see the...flying cat accompanying her?
He wasn't sure when she acquired said cat, when he talked to her yesterday she didn't have one. Then again, she might've had it the entire time just not with her at that time since yesterday was the first time he had met her.

However when he caught up to her, he found that she was talking to a man who looked to be in his late twenties with....jade green hair? Or was it emerald? Teal? Cody wasn't the most knowledgeable when it came to specific shades of colors.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out that he was obviously a friend of hers by the way they were talking, however Cody now didn't know what exactly to do. He felt it would be rude to interrupt their conversation....after all he wasn't too sure himself why he was here.
After all James hadn't wanted him to leave the hotel now that he thought back to yesterday's events...

Manami Fuyu, Shiro Hime, Jane Firestorm and Maxie Firestorm

Manami's eyes slowly opened as she awoke the next day. She looked around in a confused daze in the darkened room she found herself in...it seemed to be a regular hotel room, however the blinds were closed and thus darkening the room.
She felt around in the hard to see, but not pitch black, room and felt something soft next to her. Looking down she found Shiro, dressed in a white night gown still sound asleep, however she had a few bandages around her arms and legs, along with one across her chest under the gown.
For a moment Manami was confused, then remembered that she and Shiro had gotten into some fights yesterday.

She wasn't sure why her mind felt so foggy at the moment, then it suddenly clicked. After she and Shiro had lost to that slayer, Maxie had turned up....he must've cast his sleep magic on her. Looking down now, she was confused to find herself not in her usual outfit but instead an outfit identical to that of Shiro. She also had some bandages across her stomach and left leg from where Hunter had cut her yesterday.
"So you're awake? Good. Maxie will return shortly with some breakfast." Manami was startled by the voice which now spoke out as Jane Firestorm stood up from a nearby seat.
Oh Maxie did mention something about his sister being here, didn't he?
"Oh? That's rather bold of him, especially considering he is the most wanted member of our guild." Manami replied in an amused tone, ignoring the glare she received from Jane in reply.

"You do understand the position you have put the guild right? Nidogg is a loose cannon, however I expected better behavior from yourself. We as a guild have managed to stay under the radar for a long time now, only the old, corrupt council knew about us. Now with the new council elected, you've put us on their radar again. However this time, they will act. I hope you're happy." Jane hissed angrily as she pointed at Manami accusingly. Manami meanwhile was shocked by Jane's outburst....she must've screwed up worse than she thought if Jane was this angry.
"If you think anyone, let alone Maxie, will let this slide. You're dead wrong. God, you're a bigger hassle than Georgie. And she acts like she's 10." Jane let out an annoyed groan before a door could be heard opening. Maxie soon appeared as the lights were flicked on, blinding Manami for a moment before she got used to the light.

"Jane that's enough. I could hear you outside the room, you're just lucky we don't have neighbors." Maxie said calmly as he placed the shopping bags he was holding on a nearby seat. Jane stiffened up and nodded briefly, shooting Manami another glare before she took her seat once more.
Rubbing his temple, Maxie sighed and took the last remaining seat and shook his head.
"Look, I don't have the time to punish you two idiots right now. Ash was here, but apparently she's gone now. I have to go looking before her trail gets cold. I honestly don't care what you two do in the meantime, but if you do something stupid and get captured....well I won't be staging a rescue. I'll certainly stage an execution however. Clear?" Maxie looked towards Manami as he made his threat loud and clear.
"Oh don't worry Max, I don't plan on getting captured. Shiro will kill me, and herself, before I could as ordered by Georgie. 'Don't be taken alive under any circumstances. You know too much' wasn't that what she said when I became S-Class?" Manami replied in a calm tone, before she let out a soft chuckle.
Maxie didn't seem too impressed by her response but simply nodded in reply. As long as she understood, he didn't care. However that chuckle made him narrow his eyes, what was so damned funny?
However before he could ask, Manami spoke again.
"You know, I think this is the first time in a while that all the S-Class were in one city no? Maybe we should find Mr DuCarthy and throw ourself a party?" Manami joked, however she was soon completely business from the glare she received from Maxie and simply started eating one of the breakfasts she was passed by Jane.

Ashlyn Johnson

Ash didn't really pay much attention to what happened afterwards. She stayed near the back of the group and simply kept to herself, feeling and knowing that she probably shouldn't be here.
After some time they eventually made it to Belka. It wasn't that impressive a town....in fact, it was quite the opposite. It was, well a dump. The townsfolk seemed clammed in together like a pack of sardines and the people looked miserable, downtrodden and like they really needed a shower (or three).
However the site didn't exactly faze Ash. She had seen worse, and done worse, in her time at Shadow Heart....this was nothing. The townsfolk might be miserable, but at least they had their lives.
Ash continued to stay to the back and tried to keep to herself, not really sure what she would do if approached and talked to by one of the guild members. How would she explain being here? She wasn't a part of the guild, this didn't concern her.
However all Ash had to do was wait for perhaps a moment with the guild master, explain it to him....would he accept such an explanation but?
That and more ran through her head as she continued to walk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago


"Wait, Ariel I-!" Nolan tried to call out to her, but she was already gone. He groaned loudly and slammed his door shut in frustration, nearly breaking it. God dammit, this week was just absolutely shitty and this day was just adding to the pile. This whole stupid situation with Ariel needs to end. As soon as she gets out of her Phoenix Slayer form then he was going to get her to remove this stupid Charm Magic that has been making him extremely attracted to Ariel. The sooner that he stopped feeling this way the better.

Deciding to get some air, Nolan had a quick shower and dressed in casual attire, consisting mainly a green hoodie, a plain white t-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers. Instead of having breakfast with the rest of the guild, Nolan left the hotel in favor of getting food in one of Crocus' many restaurants.


Ferris yawned and chomped down on the bagel, listening to Jessie talking about meeting her brother. God, how in the hell did she have so much energy on their day off? People use this time to sleep in and just lurch about their day though in this case, Jessie was dragging him out of bed to go and meet her brother. Again, his brain was still half-assingly processing all of the information he was hearing. While he heard her talk about him meeting her brother, he actually didn't get the full picture as his brain was still asleep.

"Give me a sec babe to get ready. Make yourself at home." Ferris didn't actually mean to call her babe, but as stated before, his brain wasn't actually working all that well. He stood up and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes that were hanging in his closet with a plastic bag encasing them. Soon, the water shooting out of the shower could be heard from the bathroom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 22 days ago

<Snipped quote by Krayzikk>
<Snipped quote by Plank Sinatra>

Kaia Iona

"Mmmhmm~" She hummed, gliding around the countertop to assist in the breakfast preparation.

"You say that Cyare," the blind girl teased, tossing a smirk over her shoulder at said Tactical Mage just as casually as she had thrown the blade and bludgeon across the room at her companion. She considered mentioning the fact that throwing things worked for her far better than being stationary ever could, but...

"Any special requests? Hate for one of you to keel over in the middle of it 'cause ya didn't get enough food."

@Silvan Haven @HereComesTheSnow

Cyare Staunton

@Plank Sinatra @Silvan Haven @HereComesTheSnow

"The capacity for patience is key for success, in strategy and in life. Impatience leads to mistakes, ill will, and burned bridges." Cyare replied, attempting to settle more comfortably in her chair. Patience was one thing, but patience during unnecessary discomfort was another. She set her sword on an adjacent table, hilt angled towards her for an easy and swift reach, and continued settling. It was an unfortunately complex prospect; she needed to find a position that was comfortable, but also let her stretch a little to prevent an uncomfortable settling of the muscles after her exercises. This would require a little effort. She snaked one foot out to catch a second chair by its leg and drag it closer, then prop her feet up on it.

Since the average dining room chair (as these ones were) was not tall enough for her to have a comfortable way to rest her head, she put her hands behind her head to support it and leaned back. In this manner, both comfort and adequate stretching were possible.

"I would not mind, if the supplies and time were both present, some coffee. That would be my sole request."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Well then, good thing I brought goodies with me, or I'd feel woefully unprepared for such celebrations." A voice called from the door, only for it to be kicked down rather suddenly, the door going flying across the room as Nidhogg walked into the room, a basket of sweets and treats held under one of his arms, only slightly speckled with the blood of it's previous owner, who was currently digesting in his stomach. He gave a smile and a wave to those inside before he set the basket down, picking up a cupcake and taking a bite, chewing it a bit before swallowing with a dissatisfied grimace upon his face."Much, much too sweet for me, sadly, but I'm sure that you all will enjoy them, even if it's a bot early for such treats."

While Nidhogg's arrival was probably shocking enough, his attire, or better yet, his lack there off, would be much more so. He hadn't changed his clothes from the other day, and the burnt rags that he had left where in barely concealing rags, leaving him basically naked except for a bastardized loincloth that kept him semi-decent . . . from the front. While it would've been easy o get some new clothes from a victim, he found the looks people developed on their faces to be rather entertaining today, and decided to walk around like this for the day. His guild mark was covered, of course, by a layer of second skin that he wrapped around his lower torso and was currently in the process of picking of and tossing into his mouth like little gummy candies, chewing them throughly before swallowing the dead flesh with a lick of his lips. The Lich would take a seat on the bed next to Manami, giving her a deceptively pleasant smile that didn't even come close to reaching his eyes.

"Please, don't ever come between me and my prey again. If you really wanted something from the boy, I would've gladly given it to Georgie. Not for free, of course, but she still would've gotten it. Besides, I;m not completely convinced he actually did given into you. Seemed to give up rather easily for what I can only guess was a powerful grimoire, but hey, just a hunch." Nidhogg gave the Water Saint a mocking pat on the head, smile still plastered on his face as he did so. "But hey, I'm over it for now, and to make matters even better, I may even be willing to be cooperative today, given how I got to meet an interesting fellow the other day. I also heard that someone got into a scuffle with a Slayer while I was away. Too bad I couldn't have joined you, but I was busy getting a meal."

Nidhogg ignored the other two for now, knowing that Maxie would come to him soon enough, like the annoying little lapdog. Maxie was truly quite the annoyance, the only redeeming quality of him being that he was likely to taste quite delicious once he finally kicks the bucket, once he's been given the time to properly ripen, of course. The thought was so tantalizing that Nidhogg couldn't help but lick his lips in a slow, predatory fashion, his red eyes glazing over as he imagined not only eating the man's dead flesh, but also the moment where he killed him, all the ways he would love torture him, and so on and so forth, likely getting lost in his own world and ignoring any words that the others would've said to him.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Penny watched the girl, bewildered to see that she was actually trying to figure out the probability of her coming here. Not wanting to stand there for however long it would take the girl, Penny said "sometimes Fate is just that, Fate. There is no logical explanation to it. Sometimes, things happen, for good or bad, that can't be explained and there's no point trying to figure out how you got there, but rather to just accept that you are where you are meant to be"

And then the girl seemed intent on proving that she was a Mage. Penny watched her, "Penny" she said, accepting the girls hand, "One of Phoenix Wings S class mages. The others aren't here right not, and the masters are probably busy, so it lands to me to be the spokes person, I suppose" she said, at that moment wanting nothing more then to go back to bed, but knowing she couldn't.

"are you looking to join a guild?"

Master Jamie
@joshua tamashii

"alright, take your time" Jamie said, giving both girls a smile, as Sam nodded happily to Amelia.

Jessie had the feeling that Ferris wasn't even processing what she was saying, but he seemed to catch the gist that they were going on. She giggled as he turned to get ready, and did indeed make herself at home, flopping onto the bed, she flicked through things until something caught her interest, opening the comic and happily set about reading it.

Not having to worry about appearance, Jessie merely wore pants and a shirt, more casual then anything else, and she lay on the bed, resting her head on a hand, the other turning the pages as she waited
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hunter Jorgenson|Streets of Crocus

As Hunter went to answer, he briefly caught the scent of another Phoenix Winger and glanced back, waving at the guy he saw standing in the street before turning back to Amaya. "Well, hate to disappoint ya, but I haven't heard from Zero since our spar. Figure if he's disappeared though, he's likely got a good reason. It's not easy to loose the one rock you had in a world full of hate for our kind. Oh, and speaking of hate, keep an eye out for a girl with an eye patch wielding a giant scythe and a girl with blue hair that uses some kind of water magic. Apparently they're out to kill all us 'heartless, evil slayers' because we're a threat to the world. As for us being allies, well, you aren't wrong, but I can be a bit rough sometimes. Always enjoy a good spar when I can find a willing partner for it."

James Hunt|Streets of Crocus

James had been awake before many members of the guild, running through a few of his martial drills before settling down for some tea and studying. He'd looked up as Cody left the hotel and sighed, standing after finishing the last of his tea and following the young mage. The boy could find trouble with out much trouble, so James decided that tailing him in case he found more trouble. He walked up to the lad, however, as he noticed Amaya and a Dragon Fang mage walking down the street and talking. "Intend to stay out of trouble today, Cody?"

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack pursed his lips in though, scratching his nose as it itched while he thought. "Mind control of sorts then? You know, Jackie, the more I learn about your father, the less I like him. In any case, we're going to need to find something to counter act the sound and until then, she keeps the magic nullifying cuffs on."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Yashia

@Joshua Tamashii

"Actually how about you spend the morning with daddy and the rest of rider's blade then once I'm done with your grandpa we can all go for lunch?"asked rose picking elyse up. Rose took ten minutes to get herself and elyse dressed as she got a bag of some of elyse's favorite things as rose carryed her out to go to the lobby to eat breakfast before seeing what lucus was up to today.

Once elyse was done eating rose carried her out as they headed towards the rider's blade hotel

Amaya VanIsis and Cecilia

"So this zero is also a dragonslayer?" Cecilia asked them curious

"Yes as far as I know hunter, zero, and I are the only first generation slayers left as far as I can tell. Me and zero grew up together since our parents lived on opposite sides of the same moutain."Amaya explained before listening to hunter before shaking her head " can't people just let it go it's been hundreds and hundreds of years since that incident. It frustrates me they still bare hatered against those who done nothing but try to help...it was hard keeping my magic hidden till I got to Phoenix wing...but I will let my mother hen know..."she said calming herself down before saying " I don't mind a spar...I am a lot more comfortable with my magic though I don't know if it would be safe to with these 'hunters' trying to kill our kind."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cody Bloodstein

Cody stiffened up when he heard James' voice from behind him. Turning slowly now, he simply gave James a sheepish grin before responding.
"I didn't plan on it. But as you know, it has its ways of finding me.

Manami Fuyu, Shiro Hime, Jane Firestorm and Maxie Firestorm

Maxie raised an eyebrow as the door flew past. Took the bastard long enough to sniff them out didn't it?
"You sure have some gall coming in here like this. You're lucky I don't have the time, nor the patience to put up with you. No need to act friendly, I doubt any of us really like the other too much so let's get rid of this bullshit charade." Maxie scoffed as he seemed rather unfazed by Nidhogg's attire. He was used to Georgie's antics, this was nothing.
"Oh really Max? And here I thought everyone just hated you." Manami replied as she looked up from her breakfast and subsequently choked on her food when she saw Nidhogg's clothing state, or lack thereof.
After coughing loudly for a moment, she felt Nidhogg sit down next to her and quickly retreated back from him and only nodded quickly in reply while covering her eyes with her hands. One could even see the steam raising from her ears.
In the process she woke Shiro up, who know looked around in a sleepy daze.
"Hmm? Mana?" Shiro mumbled as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked directly towards Nidhogg with her usual emotionless stare, abliet tainted slightly with a sleepy look before cocking her head to the side.
"Nidhogg-sama? When did you get here?" Shiro asked sleepily as she seem more confused by his presence than his lack of clothes. Nor did she really seem that fazed, however that was probably to be expected.

Jane meanwhile had disappeared, but now reappeared and slapped some clothes into the back of Nidhogg's head.
"Cover up. You're disgusting me." Jane said simply as she frowned at him before returning to her brothers side, who had been sitting there silently for some time.
"Nidhogg I would recommend you stop looking at me like a piece of meat. My sister might just remove your head, which mightn't be fatal to a monster like yourself but it must be an annoyance." Maxie advised calmly....a little too calmly. Maxie was being way too calm, about everything.
Something was up, and Jane knew it as she looked towards him then Nidhogg back to Maxie.
"Now the two of you, I only know bits and pieces from the incident between the two of you. Explain what happened."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Elyse Yashia and Lucus Griffonbane


"But wanna be with both!" Elyse complained, pouting at her mother. Most of what Rose said flew over the little girl's head, so those parts went completely ignored. She also didn't understand that Jamie didn't exactly trust her father and thus putting the two of them in the same room together was likely to end up in a fight between the two.

She continued to pout and complain until they got their food, eating it in silence. She was obviously not happy with this turn of events and pouted likely only children could. However, by the time they reached Rider's Blade's hotel, she had completely forgotten about it and at the sight of her father, she ran over to him, laughing and giving him a hug.

"Hey there!" Lucus said happily, picking up his daughter and tossing her into the air, catching her as she came down, getting excited laughs from the girl. At the sight of Rose, he set Elyse down and went over to give Rose a hug. "How are you doing? Planning to stay here for the day?"


Jackie shrugged at Jack's comment about her father. She was used to this reaction at this point.
"I crushed her headphones to pieces. It might have traumatized her but now it won't continue to influence her. If you want to help her, I will not object." She said before remembering something that some people had said yesterday that was still bothering her. "Why were you and some of the others saying she's my sister? I never had any siblings... unless father kept them a secret from me."

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia smiled and led Sam into the bathroom, getting the tub ready with a bubble bath so she and Sam could have some fun. While she did play around with her sister, she also made sure that they didn't take too long so that they could go wherever Jamie and Jarvis planned to take them before breakfast was over. Once they were done and Sam was dried off, she let her parents take care of her sister while she got dressed, putting on a pair of jeans and a pale blue t-shirt, deciding to wear sandals for the day. Once she was ready, she waited for her parents and Sam.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Yashia

@Joshua Tamashii

Rose smiled letting elyse down seeing her instantly cheer up as Rose hugged him back "I'm doing fine so far. I promised my giant of a father that I would meet him for breakfast and tell him all that has happened and answer any questions he and my half brother has for me...I think it will take An hour or two so I figured she could stay with you a bit to keep her occupied plus I think he kinda has her a bit scared from how he acted yesterday"she said
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Bath Time the Previous Night,
with Trinity and the Karns

Trinity smiled warmly at the kitten on her bed, though she stopped briefly when he mentioned 'Eddy's opinion. It was hard to remember that there were actually two of them in there. She was tempted to cover herself, but decided not to treat Karn any differently in the end. She took a step back as Karn sat up for a transformation, observing the rule he stated in action, though she raised an eyebrow for scrutiny. "So you can only change into states of dress you've seen, but you can still undress..."

That was quite a sight. A metal torso, with a pulsing red light for a heart. "What..."

Karn chuckled in amusement and shook 'his' head a little. "Kinda. I can only remove these clothes because I know what Eddy looked like underneath her clothes." he answered as he fully removed the jacket. Revealing a imprinted metallic outlining that shaped to be like a outter skeleton. Imbedding itself into the flesh in every part where skeleton bone should be. Wherever there was flesh, there were scars. Burns, cuts, blades, whips... it seemed there were all sorts. It wasn't particularly pretty either. A number was carved deeply into the back of the neck. XVII. Karn himself didn't seem to really notice any of these meanings, as Edo-Karn had been blocking some memories from him.

For a moment, the young lady felt guilt (she was also disappointed for just a second). If she had seen this, would she have remained silent? Her held tongue had nearly cost Karn, and may cost him yet. She failed to protect him, simply. Was this a mirror of that?

She could only help in a new solution.

But, she should be cheerier. She just won her match, and was about to wash all that sweat off. Demon Slayer flames are no joke.

"... is it? Does it pump your blood or are you completely..." Trinity found her eyes wandering, and a new blush settled her cheek. "Well, one thing at a time." She gazed ponderously at the torso, tracing its outline absentmindedly.

Emerald gaze flashing, the left eye glowed the ethereal color as the two Karn's shared control, while the right remained its regular color. "There was barely any human left in this body. Only way to stay alive however. Didn't particularly have access to 'magic' or even well practiced doctors in Edolas. This machine basically acted as a heart, pumping blood and circulation." Edo-Karn answered, her expression neutral. Briefly switching to that of awe as Karn 'oooo' in interest before returning to the monotone. Karn kept the magic going, while his counterpart moved her left hand to the back of neck then looked over her arms in examination.

"So little left? But how?" Trinity ran her fingers lightly over the metalic torso absentmindedly.

Edo-Karn watched as Trinity ran her fingers across the broken body. Either made out of metal or destroyed flesh. "War." she answered before grinning. "Hey, I don't particularly mind, but usually you ask someone out for dinner before hitting second base." she teased, though that only caused the girl to withdraw her hand. Trinity remained somber.

Turning their gaze to her, they smiled. "Hey, don't look so down. Don't I have a rugged charm?" Edo-Karn teased, though it was soft and not quite as bright. "Not many of my own Guildmates seen this anyway. Was going to tell them after the war was done. Guess I won't have to now." she hummed slightly.

The minstrel lifted her gaze and nodded, forcing a smile. It was strange for her to see such wonderful machinery and be pained. She turned back to the torso and gave it a tap. Metal response. Definitely not just an imitation, from the sound of it. "I guess this means you can transform into metallic creatures, too, Karn?"

Her expression shifted into cheery as Karn took over to answer Trinity's question on metal beasts. "Well it depends if they were a natural born creature. Like a metal dragon. Can't change into anything unnatural or alive. My magic is mostly based on nature and living things." he chirped.

"Interesting..." Trinity tapped at her chin before turning and striding toward the bath, tossing her underthings off as she went. "Karn, come along. We're taking a bath."

Trembling in utter fear, Karn started scooting away. "NOOOAOAAA----"

"Oh, right, you don't do water." Trinity stepped back out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel as she looked over at him.

".....Alright. Don't be a baby kid. I ain't passing up the chance of bathing with a beautiful maiden. Just keep your magic up. I can't control it and pretty sure both of us would before the broken body over a male one. Unless you want to change into like Penny or Sasha. That be fun. Can play with boobs and call it self pleasure." The two Karn's spoke before Edo-Karn took control. Ethereal green eye glowing as she stood up and followed Trinity back into the bathroom, smirking a little.

The water started, and Trinity added some bubbles 'cause she could. She wanted to take a look at this foreign machinery, though she probably shouldn't touch anything. Who knows how that would affect Karn. Speaking of, she had to wonder who, exactly, she had just invited into her bath with her? A huge pervert, from the sounds of it. The thought occurred to her that Karn could now take her naked form.

While the metal chest piece was distracting, it was covered by a towel. The figure Eddy cut in her towel caused Trinity to stare for a moment, her cheeks flushing deeper before she looked away. Hmph! She had to focus! There were mechanical marvels hidden in that chest.

The bathroom she was privy to was rather luxurious. The tub sunk into the floor and was square in shape, offering a little space to stretch crosswise. Trinity eyed the other woman as Eddy stared into the bubbles, each their own thoughts. After a moment, however, Trinity began to wash, wanting to finally feel clean. Her arms lifted first, a sponge rubbing back and forth, and she spoke, "Jewel for your thoughts?" She took a breath and slunk down in the bath water, lifting her legs next to wash, one by one.

The Ethereal green eye flicked up from the bubbles to glance at the Earthland version of her Guildmate. Giving a slight smirk with her response, "Oh, just the enchanting display in front of me." She chuckled, amused, before looking at the bubbles again, ignoring the internal screaming from her Earthland counterpart. Trinity dropped her leg back below the water for the rest of its wash, a blush dashing her cheeks.

"Just that I've never experienced a bubble bath before. Gives me a bubbly feeling." The blonde answered before letting the bubbly suds float away in the water, raising her arms as she scrubbed the body. Despite his childish behavior, her counterpart's magic was pretty impressive. This wasn't really her body, but he managed to capture how it felt, and what it looked like. She even unconciously was cautious of the metal skeletal wiring as she scrubbed her arms. Made her wonder if she could open herself up like this. See the mechanics. Or if Karn would just change back?

"First bubble bath? I wasn't someone that went to Edolas, so I only really know what the others tell me... If your body is any indication, there's plenty of tech." Speaking of which, Trinity had been watching Eddy's arm as she washed it and she swam over to look closer.

"We did, just didn't particularly have much time for it. Most of our resources went into more required things. The more rich folks I'm sure had bubble baths. Spas and brothels too." the Edolian mused as she continued to carefully wash the mauled body before flicking her eyes up again at Trinity, noticing the sudden minor little freak out at the 'casual' comment of womanly assets. This was definitely not her Trinity. But it was still amusing to tease such a prude.

Flicking her gaze to Trinity, Edo-Karn stared for just a moment before blurting something out. "Mhm looks like the same size as Highlights. Guess some counterparts don't outrageously change." she mused.

"Maybe comparing breasts is something you do with your deviant friends, but I dunno about here." Trinity's face lit red and she sunk into the water, drawing an arm across her chest. She glared at Eddy as she blushed, "damn pervert! I need another word for you, 'pervert' is getting repetitive."

Edo-Karn merely smirked and shrugged her shoulders while winking the non-ethereal eye. "Mhmm maybe a spell was cast on me. Or you're just near impossible not to flirt with." she answered cooly, running her fingers through the blonde hair. She didn't particularly understand how her counterpart could hate baths. Well she could but still there was too many upsides to them. Nice a clean, smell nice, avoid possible diseases from said filth, and get a good look at naked people. All a plus. She advanced on Trinity, to get a better look at one such person.

"Degenerate, deviant, perv, sicko, peeping tom.... could go on." The blonde snickered slightly and shook her head, giving a teasing hum.

Desperate to distract the other, Trinity let curiosty ask, "So, your body must have needed tune ups 'n such, right?"

"Yeah, all the time. Specially when growing up. Had to redo the size as my body grew up. One good thing of being short I guess. None of the others were really techs. Probably would just spring a gear and make my chest collapse if they tried." Edo-Karn answered as she watched Trinity, a sly smirk on her face at the attempted diversion. Like a cat that just caught a canary. With a hum, the blonde leaned closer, up to Trinty's ear.

"You sure are interested in my body. Didn't realize I had spellbinding powers as well." Edo-Karn teased with a soft hum.

"Yes, I am interested in your body." Though red touched her cheeks, she put her hand against Eddy's chest, gently pushing her back. "How it works." Trinity sat up a little, straightening her posture for confidence.

If she had any, Trinity realized she would have been groping Eddy. Her face flushed again and she quickly diverted her mind. "S-so, uh, no one else knew how to keep your body? Only you?" Trinity searched Eddy's face and then looked over her metal torso, or what she could see of it for the towel. "I'd love to take a look and learn how it works. My Energy Make can become any tool I'd need."

The question made the ethereal gaze flicker, despite Karn's face remaining calm, slipping back to the neutral monotone. "None. No one alive at least. Luckily, the original creator of this died when I was mostly fully grown. So didn't have to replace my entire torso too much." The blonde answered before smirking as she raised her hands."Besides, I'm not sure we're intimate enough for me to let something a part of you inside me."

Trinity frowned and scolded herself, inwardly. She should have known. Eddy even mentioned war. She didn't realize it had happened to her when she was so young, though. There went her other question, then. She was just about to welcome the change of subject, "Only as a wind-" when she felt hands upon her chest, with the audacity to squeeze. Her face flushed with red and she shot a glare at Eddy, but she humored her. "We're intimate enough for you to feel me up at will, apparently."

Emerald eyes rolled as Trinity missed the little joke. "Ya know, you being so awkward about it just makes it more awkward. We're both females."

"I'm awkward? Do women in your world often go around groping each other? Is this some sort of foreign culture thing that I just need to get used to from you?"

Hands released and moved down to tickle fingers against the woman's ribcage. "Such a cutie."

Trinity flinched away and blushed, putting her arms over her sides protectively.

A moment passed, while Karn was introducing Trinity to a new friend. Or something like that, anyway.

"So, what, you Earthlanders don't compare rack size here? Or are you just innocent?" Edo-Karn hummed teasingly.

"What is with you and breasts?" She had to admit, at least to herself, it might have been innocence?

"Oh come on. It's a bonding experience. Plus look at me. I literally don't have any. Admiring others makes me feel so much better." she cooed before smirking as she lightly smacked her hands against her chest. A little thumping clank emitted as she did.

Trinity gave pause as Eddy mentioned her body, and her voice was softer than her words, "Bonding experience? So, what, I suppose groping me makes us closer, too? And I think we both know you're just ogling me."

Edo-Karn smirked a bit, tapping this body's chin thoughtfully. "Well, it's harder to get closer then touching you, besides going inside you and I don't think you're ready for a intimate relationship." she remarked with a sly grin. "Besides, your Edolas self sort of made it a tradition in the Phoenix Wing guild. Especially toward newbie girls. So I suppose you could say she founded that culture. I'm quite tame in comparison." she laughed a little.

The young lady blushed just a bit at the woman's innuendo. And then further at this revelation about her other self. "You're joking." That was too different! Her counterpart was worse than this woman?! "Worse than you? There's no way. Oh, Gods, I don't even want to ask you for an example." She shuddered, trying not to think of what this other version of herself might do. "Aaah, don't tell me. I'm probably better off not knowing."

Edo-Karn simply snickered and winked a little. "Yup. I'm actually one of the more tame ones compared to the other girls. Besides Liana but not counting her as much." she smirked as she watched Trinity's reaction, eyes glinting mischievously.
"Oh come on! You're otherworld self had quite a few habits. Always up for a nice bit of action. With all of us at the same time if she could. Tons of hugging, kissing, flirting, and if you couldn't pull her off fast enough, touching." she snickered, giving soft sigh at the memories.

She couldn't help but wonder what her Trinity was up to now. Or anyone. Still, she hoped they were having a more peaceful time. Of course there were going to still be hardship, but it be nice if they could breathe a bit more.

Desperate for a change of subject, Trinity moved the conversation along. "Y'know, there's a downed airship in the middle of one of the city's parks. We could check it out?"

The blond smirked."Mhmm yeah, I'd like that. But it's about curfew time. Probably shouldn't go checking it out... if you want to follow the rules at least." Edo-Karn said as she stretched out, running her fingers through the blonde hair to wash it out. "Probably should head to bed otherwise."

"Alright, cool. Thanks. If the deed is onboard, we'll be in luck. I can claim it and fix it up, then." Trinity nodded and approached the shower head at Eddy's suggestion of bed. "Yeah, bed's probably a good idea." She flipped the drain and started the water, pulling the throttle on the faucet and letting the hot water wash the suds and bath water from her as the tub drained. Once she was sud-free, she rinsed each foot as she stepped out, careful not to slip and fall on the tile. After toweling her arms and legs, she wrapped her body in her towel and gathered her hair over her head. Using a mirror to see, Trinity formed an Energy Make barrier at her scalp. Carefully, she lifts the barrier up, through her hair, and then wraps it into a ball as it comes free. Her hair was dry, with the water trapped in the sphere. A short chucking motion and the ball plops itself into the tub and pops.

Getting out of the tub, the blonde casually rubbed a towel over herself, drying herself off without much care if she was exposed or not. Glancing to the wizard who used magic, the green eyed individual couldn't help but roll her eyes as she ruffled the blonde hair with a towel, drying it the old fashion way.

Trinity stepped out and crossed the bedroom to her dresser. "Do you want something to wear? I probably have something to fit you." She dressed herself modestly, with polka dot under things and cat-pattern pajamas.

"Just a pair of underwear and pants is fine. Just in case your Karn transforms back when we're napping." she answered, walking out as she looked at Trinity and grinned.

"Cute." Edo-Karn said before flopping down on the bed and stretching out.

"Wh- hey! Who said you could stay in my bed, huh?" Trinity frowned sternly at the woman, though sighed and shook her head. "Whatever, move over. And don't try anything, buster." Trinity gave the woman a light shove to roll her over as encouragement, before climbing in herself. "At least you're the tame one... apparently."

She didn't really even want to think about her other self in this situation. "G'night." She looked at the blond next to her, taking just a moment to look her over before turning over on her side and the two... three?... guild wizards went to sleep peacefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hunter Jorgenson|Streets of Crocus

Hunter chuckled as Amaya said that she and Zero were the only first generation dragon slayers still around, though to her credit, she didn't know much about him. "You're walking next to another first generation Dragon Slayer. Raised by Carnophros the Jaded out in the middle of no where. As for the hunters, I wouldn't be too worried. They weren't as tough as they tried to let their confidence say they were. Besides, they won't be eager for a rematch with me after yesterday. That said, a spar would do me wonders after the last two attacks."

James Hunt|Streets of Crocus

James chuckled, clapping the aspiring swordsman on the back. "I have, which is why I'm here. Call me the repellent to your trouble magnet."

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack paused to consider answering her question right away, not sure what the revelation that Aria was indeed her sister would do to her at this junction. The DNA test had been fast and the matches were undeniable and he'd thanked the forensic specialist a dozen times over for the confirmation. In the end, he decided to with a sigh. "I got a sample of Aria's DNA off of an apple yesterday and took it and a sample of your own DNA to a forensics specialists for the local police force. Magic found wonderful uses during it's hundred years of obscurity. Jackie, enough of your DNA matched to confirm that you are, indeed, sisters. Potentially twins based on your identical age. My guess is your father split you before either of you could remember the other and trained you separately."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

Trinity smiled as the young mage joined her. "Yeah, it certainly seems that way." She reached over with a hand and ran her fingers through the feathers of one wing on her back.

"Yes, they're beautiful." Trinity spoke her agreement with Eddy, tracing ridges and whatnot. "Spending a lot of time with Penny lately?" She turned from Ariel, taking her hand away to eat her breakfast.

"Hey, Ariel. The Karns and I are going to go check out the downed airship in one of the city's parks. Would you like to come with us?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Hotel

@Silver Fox@CirusArvennicus
Trinity was being rather touchy today. Then again the wings were a new thing and were quite soft. No one answered her question though so she took a couple bites of her food while pondering. Nolan's reaction was bothering her since, as far as she could surmise, she'd done something to piss him off. The worst part was she couldn't remember properly.

Being asked a question Ariel was brought back into the moment. She had been eating absentmindedly for a bit there. "Uh, yeah kind of. I went with Penny to..." Her voice trailed off. It occurred to her that maybe she should let Penny tell others about the Phoenix. "I got the Phoenix magic while I was with Penny. My memories are scrambled quite a bit right now though." Sighing with frustration she shook her head.

"I guess I can go. Penny told me not to go outside without someone else in the guild with me. She says it's dangerous for me to be out in the open." Thinking back to Nolan again she glanced at Trinity. "Hey, do you know why Nolan is so mad at me? He seemed in a bad mood when I was talking to him."
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