The City of Rothar

[Activate: Happy Song]
Erik was amazed by the sight of the large city before him and he was in awe at how tall some of the building rose. His tribe lived a village, but it was no where even close to half the size of Rothar. He had only arrived at city about three days ago and thanks to doing some tasks for various travelers while on his journey through this vast world, he was able to acquire some money for himself. While on his journey Erik had heard stories about the city and of their need for magic users to partake in various missions and duties in service to the Kingdom of Rothar. If he wanted to keep eating and stay in this city he would have to sign up for some of those missions.
For some reason Erik felt that staying in Rothar for a while was the right choice, maybe it was part of his destiny, but something inside him told him that it would be important and his people were known for trusting their feelings on such things. And so Erik was now a temporary residence of Rothar and the first thing he did was make sure that he found a place to stay that wasn't too expensive, Erik wasn't the kind of person to care about luxurious living as long as he had food in his belly and felt satisfied he would be happy. Beside Erik was more interested in developing his magical powers than swimming in money and surrounded by riches.
While he was taking in the sights, Erik decided to head to the city market, which was always busy during day with merchants and customers buying and selling all sorts of goods. Once there he went to a fruit cart and purchased himself an apple. While he was enjoying the juicy fruit, in incident happened. Some criminal got his hands on a merchant's money bag and tried to make off with it. Erik was not going to tolerate theft in his presence and with his apple still held in his right hand, he charged after the thief.
"Thieves never prosper when their methods are so poor" he said to himself with a smile and as he said that Erik channeled his magic into his legs and increased his speed to superhuman levels. Civilians moved by him as a blur as he had his sight entirely focused on his target and within seconds he closed the distance between them. Erik wasted no time and quickly kicked out his right foot, tripping the criminal. In one insanely fast move, Erik grabbed the man with his left hand and slammed him into in the ground forcefully. He made sure it wasn't hard enough to be fatal, but it would still hurt like hell and the thief would remember it. With the man subdued, Erik grabbed the stolen money bag from the ground next to him and gave the man a glare.
"Remember this moment the next time you try to rob from innocent and good people" he growled and released the man. The man instantly fled in terror and Erik didn't give him a second thought as he walked causally back to the merchant who had been robbed by the thief. He handed him his stolen money bag and the merchant thanked Erik gratefully.
"Thank kind and noble sir" the merchant said with a bow and Erik was surprised at the response, no had ever called him noble before.
"It was nothing and there's no need to call me noble" he replied to him and with that Erik left the market and finished the rest of his apple. He had managed to hold onto the fruit even when catching a thief, it was a good achievement in his eyes and the rush of excitement in the chase made him more eager to take on missions offered by the kingdom. Erik decided that it would be a good time to go and see what kind of missions where available by heading to the magical jobs institute.