Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Woundwort


Member Seen 4 mos ago

[Viore International Airport]

@Light Lord@Ninian@Experiment 249

Well. Well. The Viore region. Home of ancient wisdom, myths, legends, museums, valuables, and other such filthy lucre. Also an ideal police to escape the long arm of the Kanto police. They'd tracked him all the way to Unova! Unova! Who did that!? He'd have to find a way to thank the Rockets for getting him out of that mess. He'd heard there was something locked up in that old mansion on Cinnabar that Team Rocket evidently wanted roughly as much as Jinx wanted to bathe in a pool filled with money. And that was alot of want. He might have to take a look at that, when things were nice and shiny again.

He had....an understanding with the Rockets, almost unique really, the Rockets didn't have a cause. They wanted to make money. So, coincidentally, did Jinx. And Jinx, coincidentally, had proven himself to be a reliable third party trouble shooter who never skimmed off the top as it were.

This mutual understanding had proven quite profitable.

Truly, their relationship was the stuff of larceny-ridden fairy tales. He liked working with Rocket. They didn't have a cause like those fanatics over at Magma and Aqua, or those creeps in Galactic. God. That Cyrus guy gave him the heebie-jeebies. Something wasn't right with that man. He'd just done the job and made tracks. If he ever got the news Cyrus had bit it, he wouldn't be sorry to see him go.

And there were other reasons to visit the region besides escaping the ever vivacious Inspector Jones-some elemental stones from a fresh market, an old crown on display.....So.

The itenary was as followed:

Take in the local flavor (AKA check out the guys)
Play a game of grab-crown with the local PD.
Liberate some elemental stones from the bonds of supermarketry, and get them into good, honest, black market hands.

Short. Simple. Heck, he might be out in a month if things died down, be nice to pop back into Hoenn, that Brawly guy was cute.

Absentmindedly, he reached into a bag dangling at his side and tossed a donut hole to the Houndoom trailing behind him. Houndoom was.....well, like his kid, his pet, and his partner all rolled into one. Certainly worth charming the local donut shop into some free donut holes for eh?

He hated to keep the others in their pokeballs, but if he let em all out, it'd attract attention. Attention he most assuredly didn't want. He could save the mugging for the first job. No sense in tipping em off before hand. Idly, he glanced to his side, spotting a gaggle of trainers-kid with a Ampharos, another trainer about double the age-and some guy, 18? 23? Something like that, with a sword and some gorgeous black locks.


Must have good conditioner.

"All you wanna do is stuff your face and be annoying
All you wanna do with me is fight, fight, fight, fight
All you ever do is make excuses, God you're boring
All you wanna do with me is fight, fight, fight, fight
Use everything you've got inside, you still don't find the courage
Stick your tail between your legs and go

Oh you're just a man of straw, you think you know it all?
You're just a king without a-


With a twirl of his hands, Jinx picked up his cellphone, cutting off his simply rockin' ringtone. In the same motion, he leaned against a nearby pillar, not wanting to walk and talk at the same time. If he didn't miss his guess it'd be his contact over at Rocket. A traditional greeting was in order.

"Hey babe~ Still a knockout?"

"Jinx. There's been development."

Male. Gruff. Annoyed.

Yep. That was his contact!

"Sure ya just didn't miss the sound of my voice~?"

"Positive. Things aren't getting any cooler over here-they just busted our wing in Pewter. Won't be safe for you to come back for at least a year. They've got a copy of our accounts-they know just about everything."

"Ouch. We still on babe? Or is the date off?"

"We'll do what we can, but you're not a member. We both know that. You're valuable, but we're not going to be breaking ourselves for you. Realistically, you're on your own. You're probably in for trouble, even all the way over there."

A pause. A sigh.

"We can try to smuggle you over to, say, the Orange Islands. Nice and isolated. Maybe you'd make a good fruit farmer. If you wanna run, at least."

"Honey, I don't run from trouble. Trouble runs from me. See ya~"

"Goodbye Jinx. And good luck. You'll be needing it."


Another twirl, and the phone want back into his pockets. Jinx looked to his side again, only to see Houndoom giving him what just might be the best puppy-dog eyes in the galaxy.

"Greedy little pooch huh? Bah. You earned it back in Unova." He tossed his long-time companion another donut hole. Dutch crumb. The good stuff. Only the best for his team.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by void liege
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void liege edgelord 3000

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Monday Mallory

New Amber Town

As Monday exited the airport, a large sign caught her attention.
Welcome to Viore! If You Are a Trainer and This is Your First Time Here, Head to Professor Maple's Laboratory at the Farthest North Side of Town!

"Hah, yeah right. Like I'm gonna go listen to some boring prof drone on about friendship and adventure, right Asystole?" The tomato-red Duskull didn't seem to agree. Asystole responded by bumping into Monday's head and giving a loud chattering, her glowing eye rattling around in her skull.

"Alright, alright already! Sheesh!" Monday waved her hands around her head in an exaggerated show of appeasement. "You are such a killjoy..."

The pair made their way through town, pausing by the Pokecenter to stare at the crowd forming around a large, dopey-looking dragon-type.
"Ugh. Of all the dragons in the world, that's probably the stupidest looking one ever. Whoever's trying to show off by having that out has some seriously bad taste." Monday didn't even bother keeping her voice down; in fact, she was being pretty loud. Asystole made a noise almost like a sigh and tugged on her hair.

"What? It's true! Look at that thing, it's so fat! And its face is so... so... lame!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Uccello
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Uccello Memester

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sergei Samsonov

New Amber Town
@void liege@ninian

Welcome to Viore! If You Are a Trainer and This is Your First Time Here, Head to Professor Maple's Laboratory at the Farthest North Side of Town!

Sergei looked blankly at the flashing digital sign, it was the usual expression on his face. "Well then, at least they're to the point about it." He thought, giving a slight shrug as he began following the crowds of people towards the exit. They were certainly right to put up such an unavoidable message, Sergei has scarcely seen so many trainers packed into one place. Maneuvering through the crowds Sergei found himself leaving the terminal and entering baggage claim. There were certainly plenty of fresh trainers around him, kids who probably didn't have anything more than a Rattatta or Bidoof to their name, but also a good few veterans as well. One with an Ampharos, Monferno, Marrill and Mismagius caught his eye, so many strong Pokemon, it would take days upon days of training to challenge a trainer such as that. Other Trainers weren't hard to spot, they had a certain odd look about them after all, Sergei only assumed this got weirder as they became more experienced. Then again Sergei's appearance hadn't really changed at all since starting out. Same ratty clothes, same worn hat, did that mean he hadn't really progressed as a trainer? Sergei shook his head as he approached the exit of the airport. His brain was concocting a stupid superstition and he wasn't going to fall for it.

Thankfully without any stowed bags to his name, the Snowpoint native was able to quickly make his way out, the large groups of people thinning as he left the airport. Sergei could feel himself sweating a bit underneath the jacket, but didn't bother changing his clearly out of season attire just yet. The climate here was much warmer than he was used to, even when he left for southern Sinnoh it scarcely got this hot. Making his way down the main road, Sergei pulled out a wrinkled and folded piece of paper which unfurled into a map of New Amber Town, something he had picked up in Veilstone Airport for safekeeping. He also drew after some digging, a small red and white ball with a white sticker on it. Pushing the button in its center, the pokeball expanded and upon throwing opened to release it's resident in a flash of light.

"Let's go Moroza." He said in an uncharacteristically warm way, it was a tone he would scarcely take with other people. Besides maybe his parents. The Snover puffed out its chest proudly upon materializing, but almost on beat made a kind of whistling noise as it wiped its brow in an exaggerated manner. Plants don't sweat, but she got the point across to Sergei. [color=fff79a]"Yes, I know. I'm not the biggest fan of how not-cold it is either. I suppose we'll just have to deal, eh?" Moroza nodded, almost on instinct as a response to one of its trainer's questions. Sergei turned back to his map and began walking, the Snover plodding along behind cheerfully.

"Now let's see." Sergei muttered under his breath, "If I want to get to the Lab I'll need to go past the Pokemon center and..." A quick realization dawned on him, "Чёрт. I have to let my parents know I made it." The teenager didn't own a cell phone, his parents couldn't afford one, but what he did know was that there should be a pay-phone in the Pokemon Center. Or at the very least a PC he could email from. Luckily for Sergei, the way there didn't even need a detour from the lab for him.

Approaching the lab left him with quite the sight however. A young girl with a Dragonite quite clearly in her possession and a couple of older trainers gathered around her. Sergei was floored. Either the girl was not the age she looked, or she really did have a Dragonite on her team. He'd be lying if he didn't feel a bit of anger and jealousy as well, he had trained hard every day while this girl had been handed a Dragonite on a silver platter. Maybe he shouldn't assume such things, but he still gritted his teeth in all too familiar disdain, perhaps out of habit. That was when somebody else got his attention.

"Ugh. Of all the dragons in the world, that's probably the stupidest looking one ever. Whoever's trying to show off by having that out has some seriously bad taste." It was the girl from the airplane, the rude one with no sense of patience. Being what else? Rude. "What? It's true! Look at that thing, it's so fat! And its face is so... so... lame!" She said, still rather loudly, to the Duskull tugging on her forehead. This too made Sergei angry, while he could understand being jealous of the girl, to insult such a powerful Pokemon seemed criminal to somebody like himself who was a dedicated trainer.

He passed behind her, making sure he was within earshot, but still not stopping on his way to the doors of the Center. "You know nothing says 'I have an inferiority complex' like feeling need to insult other trainer's Pokemon."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Haha, if I didn't know any better I'd think you just said Nasir was your pokemon! And if you're here to do a bit of everything, I'd suggest we get to the Pokemon Lab outside, get you some Viore pokedexes." He smiled at them, but his eyes gave a look of awkwardness, as if someone you just met told you they were into something really kinky to start the conversation. A veiled look of discomfort, if you will. He spun on his heels, his pale purple vest shining a bit s different bits of light reflected off it's shiny material. He let out a whistle and pointed for the door, assuming travelers like these didn't need to go baggage claim, and at the sound of the whistle the Noibat zipped out the door, using agility and wing attack to make two white streaks behind him as he flew amazingly fast. Libera loved showing off it's speed.

"And THAT should answer your question about contests, the Center and Lab are both in the same direction, so we should follow Libera out! Leopold made a quick walk to the door, dancing through the crowd with impeccable grace, until he too was outside. That's where he saw him. This poor man, dressed as if he were ready for the most boring blizzard of all time. His entire presence bugged him, at least his Snover was cute. He scowled at the trainer, even audibly making an "Eugh" noise. He caught Libera flying in circles above everyone just enjoying life, and Leo decided to let the little guy enjoy his time. He stood in the middle of the pokemon's circular flight pattern and put a hand on his hip as he waited for the folks he just met to emerge from the airport. Making certain the man with the snover noticed his look of distaste he shot him just moments ago, he glared at him one last time for good measure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[Viore International Airport]

@Experiment 249@Ninian
Missy had indeed been floating in utter silence for the duration of the conversation. The Mismagius had simply been looking around at the crowds as the passed with a rather blank expression. That is until she caught Nasir's teal eyes shift and set themselves upon her. The ghost stood up a bit straighter as he looked over at Nasir with large red eyes. <Hm? Is something the matter Nasir?>

Leo's remark about Nasir made Devon chuckle a bit. Oh man Leo....You don't know a thing dude.....I'll tell him in a bit....Could make for a good laugh.....No one ever expects Nasir's little secret... But it was odd. The Coordinator's face displayed a happy smile, but something about the way his eyes scanned over Devon and his party before turning around and whistling at the door to signal Libera seemed to indicate something other than friendliness. ....What was that look for? It looked like he was spacing out for a bit there....

As Leo danced his way to the exit in the wake of his Noibat, Devon called ahead with a smirk visible on his face. "Sure man! We'll be right there!" The teen then reached up and brushed a few stray brown hairs out of his face as he turned to his left and snickered at the black swordsmen. A hint of mischief in his eyes. "He doesn't know the half of it does he? At least he's nice. He's kinda like Jason if he obsessed over Contests and fashion like his sister." Devon then took a few steps forward and gestured his hand back behind him as he strolled over to the exit. "Anyways, he's right. Let's go get that new Dex."

[New Amber Town - Near the Pokémon Center]

Devon and his team emerged from the airports front doors past the hoards of people exiting and leaving the facility. The teen's hand shot up to his forehead as he looked down the road to spot Leo and Libera hanging out around the nearest Pokémon Center. Along with another smaller group of people and their Pokémon. One of them appeared to be an extremely tall Pokémon that jutted out from the rest of the group. Unfortunately, it was too far away for the teen to identify what it actually was. "Leo's near the Center down the road. Also looks like there's some huge Pokémon standing near it too. Wonder what it is?"

With his observations said, the boy and his Pokémon continued down the road. The small city wasn't too busy. Not much traffic was on the road once they made their way further away from the airport and onto the path towards the Pokémon Center. Finally after a few minutes he had caught up with the wealthy man and his bat. Leo himself currently glaring at an over dressed man and his Snover. Devon jogged over along with the rest of his team and waved at him. "So a Contest star huh? My friend's sister is all about Contests too. In fact, last year in December I finally cracked down from her pressure and entered one myself. Well, actually I more so did it for one of my Pokémon. Can ya guess which one?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn
Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
[New Amber Town - Outside the Pokémon Center]

@Zardoric@Leoven@void liege@Uccello@Light Lord@Experiment 249[I think I covered everyone?]
While Celes was preoccupied with the Snivy on his leg, Ranulf looked to its Trainer; a blonde-haired... police officer? Well, regardless someone had ran into her. Holding out a paw, the Dragonite was about to offer help when he heard an unfamiliar voice... mocking him?

An annoyed expression crossed the Dragon Pokémon's maw as his eyes fell to a young—though still older than Celes—girl. <...Real mature.>

Celes took her guardian's words as directed to her, and puffed up her cheeks. "I just wanted to know what it's called! Sheesh, what's wrong with you today?"

Letting out a disgruntled, sigh, Ranulf shook his head. <I wasn't talking to you...>

When another teen spoke up, defending him, Ranulf's arms spread out, looking the boy right in the eye, <Thank you! At least someone gets it.>

Wheeling around, Celes turned to face the source of the second voice; a boy older than herself wearing an unfamiliar fuzzy hat. "Oh nooo, was someone insulting you, Ranulf?" Blinking, Celes wasn't really sure how to handle the situation. That said, she stated her peace, "I don't know what you said or who you are, but Ranulf is really cool! And cuddly! Please don't be mean to him."

Nasir the Zoroark
Trainer: Devon Lyton
Illusion Status: Human
[New Amber Town - Near the Pokémon Center]

When Leopold casually mentioned that Devon gestured to him as if he were one of his Pokémon, he flushed deeply, but remained silent.

Quickly tailing his Trainer, Nasir made his way outside of the airport, and to the Pokémon Center. With Leo ahead, it allowed Nasir time to address Missy, "Nothing is the matter, I was... mostly concerned for you. I do believe this is a new region for you as well..."

Once they caught up to Leopold, Nasir slowed to a halt beside Devon. The continued conversation caused his face to flush redder than before, as the specific question made Nasir nervous. Averting his gaze, he attempted to pay more attention to his surroundings than to the conversation at hand. There seemed to be something going on with the Dragonite and his little girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by void liege
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void liege edgelord 3000

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Monday Mallory

Monday flushed brighter red than Asystole as someone behind her made a cutting remark. She whirled around just in time to catch sight of the smart-mouthed little bastard: a dead-eyed, bland-looking brat about her age with some disgustingly cute Snover.

"What was that, you stuck-up little--" Asystole cut off Monday's advance with another sharp tug on her hair, gesturing in the opposite direction. Grumbling, she turned back around in time to catch some kid defending the fat dragon-type.

"Wait, that thing's yours?" She sputtered, sheer, confused awe throwing her off. "You're like, twelve how the hell..." she shook her head in disbelief before returning to her normal rude self. "Well, anyways, you can't really think this orange dope is cool, right? Look at it! It's about as threatening as a tangerine marshmallow."

Meanwhile, another food-colored Pokemon decided to head off the damage. Asystole removed herself from Monday's head and floated over to the Dragonite, paper-like arms spread wide in a declaration of peace.

<Ummm... please excuse my trainer...> She began, her strange cry no doubt attracting attention. <She... well, she doesn't mean well, but she's a good person at heart. Probably...> Asystole made a noise approaching a sigh as she spoke. Troublesome as Monday might be, they'd been through a lot together. The shiny Duskull couldn't help but have a certain amount of affection for the brat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[New Amber Town - Pokemon Center]

Once Amber was certain that the person she'd bumped into wasn't injured, she started to head towards the Dragonite Aster had thought to be a tree. During the short time she'd been preoccupied, it seemed as though the crowd forming around the young girl and her Pokemon had grown and Amber had to supress a groan. This was the reason why she preferred not to work with Pokemon - they always tended to attract all sorts of trouble and nothing was ever quiet or peaceful whenever they were around.

Pursing her lips, Amber approached the group just in time to hear the young girl proclaim that her Pokemon was cute and that the poor fool that dared think it looked odd was wrong. Amber glanced at the Dragonite before quickly scooping up Aster before she could get away. The Dragonite did look quite weird with its big and soft body, and unthreatening face. It seemed more fit to be slept on on a nice afternoon (which was probably what the young girl was doing before) and not to be used in battle.

Amber pursed her lips and approached the young Trainer, Aster clutched to her chest. "I apologize for my Snivy." Her tone was short and clipped, ready to get to business... Only, she had no business to get to. She was in a completely new region with her only orders being to bond and train with her Pokemon. Frowning, she looked around looking for someone to help her before settling on the young girl and ignoring the growing crowd. They could be as loud and troublesome as they wanted, but unless provoked, Amber wasn't going to be involved with them.

"Could you..." she paused, glancing around. Well, maybe she did need more help than what the little girl could offer. Could anyone tell me how to train this... thing?" She held up Aster slightly before hugging the small Pokemon back to her chest when Aster began to struggle from her hold.

Give her a foolish criminal any day and she'd have more fun than she could imagine, but with Pokemon? There was simply so much she didn't know and she had no idea how to even get started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zardoric
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Zardoric The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Zachery Gildimer

Blazikin, Horsea, Mankey, Pidove

Zach shook his head at everything that happened. First, the Dragonite, Ranulf, was surprised to be talked to followed by waking up the girl, Celes, in his arms, letting her down. Celes then promptly introduced herself just before getting distracted by a Snivy climbing up Ranulf's leg. This was followed by a somewhat uninformed, and very rude, girl you didn't realize that she was insulting a very powerful Pokemon.Turning over to the young girl with the Duskull he said, "Actually, Dragonite is one of the most powerful, and versatile, of Dragon types. With its ability to learn moves of nearly every type, and its high attack strength, very few Pokemon are an even match for one."

Then, looking at the girl in the police outfit, Zach shook his head. "Your never going to get anywhere trying to train a Pokemon if your uncomfortable around them. They can not only sense what you are feeling, but will react in kind. Your Snivy for instance will absolutely refuse to listen to you until you learn to trust and respect it." Then, touching a Pokeball on his waist, he said, "Take my Blazikin for instance," as Blazikin came out and stood tall, a piece of Blazikenite visible around its throat, "We have been travelling together for years now, but when we first started, he absolutely refused to listen to me until I learned to listen to him. You have to know what your Pokemon wants."

Blazikin looked at Zach and was very obviously amused, <Of course I was hot headed back then, but that's beside the point.>

Zach looked at the Snivy in the younger girl's arm, "And you need to learn to listen to your trainer a bit more, wandering off like that could get you, or someone else, hurt." It was obvious that both the trainer and Pokemon were new to this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A contest star? That had to be one of the best compliments he had received as of late. He had won a few of the competitions held in Longsand, but those were more of side shows, kind of like fighting gym trainers before the gym leader. The shows that led to stardom hadn't started yet but he was certain he would do well. "Star is a good word for it, and I'm sure your friend's sister is great. As for you, I'd have to say Amphoros, I see them win contests all the time! Electric types are just so versatile it has to be him!" he said, closing his eyes and kneeling down in front of the pokemon. A group nearby seemed to be starting something, a bunch of trainers younger than him and one that looked more experienced. Near his age too. They were arguing over the way Dragonite looked and how useful it was.

The older boy took control of the situation and started handing out advice like candy, his knowledge was impressive to say the least, but it only covered training, and not caring for. Now, Leo wasn't a trainer, but he knew how to treat his pokemon well, he evolved two so far, one of which was a stone evolution but that's besides the point! He dropped a pokeball behind him, letting Lila back out into the world. Surely the grass type pokemon being out would show that he could help with Snivy. "Lila? Oh I didn't even notice you were let out! the coordinator said in horribly fake questioning tone. He turned around and looked to the girl and her Snivy, it reminded him of when he would hold his Petalil like that, hell, he still held Lila like that despite her being big now.

"Did I overhear you're having trouble with this little guy, huh. This guy has the right idea, listening to your pokemon helps, but giving them a reason to listen to you is better." He paused for a second before realizing the implied abuse and quickly began stuttering his next sentence. "I-in a good way, give them motivation! Lila here would do anything I said when I first got her off my brother when I was, what was I... I was either 13, 14 or 15. But I got her from my brother and she HATED me, and when I tried to get her to do anything she refused, until I took her backstage, of course. She watched as my Banette and I won a contest, the grace, the preciseness of whatever we did got her in gear. Show that little guy that he could be great if he just worked with you!" He did another close eyed smile before turning to the older trainer.

"Leopold Prynce, nice to see someone else my age in New Amber for once. You seem pretty knowledgeable about pokemon and I could use someone my age to talk to, most people I meet just want to battle, so if that's what you're looking for sorry, but if not I'd love some new friends." He said, extending a hand meant to be shook toward the man.

Meanwhile Noibat had flown down to play with the Dragonite, seeing another dragon type was rare, and being the young pokemon he was, had to see if it was something that he could play with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Uccello
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Uccello Memester

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sergei Samsonov

New Amber Town
@void liege@ninian@experiment 249

Sergei hated large groups.

He didn't really know what it was about them. Perhaps it was just a kind of natural misanthropy he always had, or maybe so many people in one place reminded him of being bullied in the schoolyard when he was a kid. Regardless this crowd of people gathered around the girl and her Dragonite was leaving a bitter taste in Sergei's mouth, though he was trying his best to hide his discomfort behind a stone expression. Of course he had half a mind to call things off and just walk away here and now, it wouldn't be hard to just slip away through the doors of the Pokemon Center. However that was looking less and less like an option, as there was practically an itemized list of people he had to deal with at this point.

First of all there was the rude girl, while she was probably about to launch into some tirade in attempt to get Sergei's blood boiling, she was distracted again by the need to insult the large orange dragon that could probably crush her in a moment. While Sergei could have butted in with a lesson on what the thing was capable of another Trainer, one older and more experienced as evidenced by the Blaziken at his side was doing that for him.

Then there was the young girl with the Dragonite. She seemed to be talking to the thing, as in actually having a conversation, not just working off of gestures. She was either crazy, or a witch. Sergei wasn't entirely sure, but it didn't sit well with him. The Dragonite also was looking directly at him, that didn't sit well with the Sinnohian either. He gave a curt nod back to the Pokemon, hoping it meant well. Moroza was much less intimidated, with the usual swagger about her, she walked up to the Dragonite and Duskull.

<Hey big guy, how's it goin'?> She said, giving short salute to the Dragonite. To the humans around it sounded like a strange whistling sound, perhaps like wind moving through a frozen forest. The Snover then turned to the Duskull <And you! Boy you got the short end of the stick huh? And I thought Sergei could be a wet blanket sometimes, but your trainer takes the cake!>

Sergei sighed, he supposed with Moroza interacting with the other Pokemon he'd be stuck here at least for a while longer. He could never get too mad at the Snover, but still cursed her curiosity sometimes. It wasn't all bad however, Sergei wasn't ready to leave quite yet. The third person he had to deal with was the bastard shooting him the hateful glares. He wasn't even part of the group that had gathered around the Pokemon center, yet soon after Sergei made his remarks he spotted him. The guy was decked out in pricey clothes, and just from looking at him you could tell he had lived an easy life. Sergei hated people like that, but was willing to let it pass until he saw the young man mouth a very audible "Eugh". Sometimes it's the little things that can set a person off.

Still Sergei maintained his usual cold composure as he watched the trainer walk into the group and start schmoozing with the others. Particularly the older one with the Blaziken, and the woman with the Snivy. But conversations didn't really matter once Sergei was dead set on something, neither did age. This guy had several years on him and parents told him to respect his elders, but Sergei never think being older was any reason to assume somebody was his better. Instead he kept his glare dead set on this Leopold guy, hoping that if the he did turn around he'd catch it.

"Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt." Sergei said to the other two trainers, he didn't have any qualms or cares for them. Her turned back to Leopold, his accent thick "I saw you giving leer back there. Do you have problem?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes Elwyn
Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
[New Amber Town - Outside the Pokémon Center]

@Zardoric@Leoven@void liege@Uccello@Light Lord@Experiment 249
The girl who had apparently said mean things about Ranulf spoke up. Wide-eyed, Celes was floored. "W-Wait, you think he's mine? Nooooo, no nono, I'm his! He's my daddy."

Putting an embarassed paw to his forehead, Ranulf let out a groan, <...Not this again. Celes, I'm not your father. I found you, so I suppose that technically makes me your guardian, but I'm not your father.>

Puffing her cheeks, she gave the rude girl a pouty-face. "I never said he's threatening. He's a big, biiiiigg old teddy bear! Dragon bear? I dunnooo. He IS cool though. Why don't you think he's cool...?"

With a paw still plastered to his forehead, Ranulf barely caught sight of a floating red Pokémon heading his way. Letting his arm fall, he looked over the unusual Pokémon. A soft chuckle escaped his maw when she spoke up. <...Probably? Well, uh, I mean it's fine really. It's not the first time I've been insulted to my face, anyway. Celes is probably more bothered by the whole thing.> Crossing his arms he looked the Duskull over, <Tough break though, I hope she treats you well.>

Celes' attention was now on the blond-haired girl from earlier. "Oh, it's called a Snivy? What's their name? Is it a boy or a girl! It's so cute!" Blinking, Celes tilted her head, "Wait, you don't know how to train a Pokémon? Aren't you a Trainer though?"

So much stimulation. The first man she had met earlier spoke up. Clasping her hands together, she stared up at him with glistening purple irises. "W〜ow! You sure do know a lot about Dragonite! You're absolutely right, they have so many different moves, I don't even know if I've met a Dragonite with the same moveset! You know, my friend Chen even knows Rest! I thought that was only for Snorlax!" Still watching in awe, Celes watched as the man released a Pokémon; a Blaziken. "Woooooah, I've never seen one of those before! That's a Blaziken!? How cooooool!"

With crossed arms, Ranulf raised an eyebrow when another unfamiliar Pokémon came to greet him. Looking the Noibat over for a moment, he raised a paw in a wave. <Hello, little one.>

Another Pokémon approached. Ranulf felt like a big orange beacon of attention. A warm smile crossed his muzzle as he peered down at the Snover, chuckling, <Oh, you know, getting insulted by passing teenagers, the usual. How're you?> With a raised brow, Ranulf glanced at the one referred to as Sergei, <...A wet blanket? He doesn't seem bad, granted he's ill-equipped for the weather I'd say. You might want to tell him to wear something that won't give him a heat stroke.>

Blinking, Celes tilted her head up to look at Ranulf, "What's a heat stroke?"

Putting a paw to his head, Ranulf groaned, <...it's hard to explain.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pent Faraday
Shinon the Lucario, Aenir the Froslass, Jill the Skarmory
[Viore International Airport]

Leaning his head against a bathroom stall, a Lucario began to tap his foot impatiently. Are you certain you're all right?

Draping himself over a toilet, Pent retched. Taking a moment to collect himself, he finally replied, "Perfectly... wonderful..."

Several more minutes passed before a flush could be heard within the stall. With a groan, Pent picked himself up and opened the door. Tired eyes fell to the Lucario that awaited him. "Apologies... once we landed, I truly thought I would have been all right. I should have listened to your advice..." Placing his cane before him, he began to limp awkwardly out of the bathroom, the Lucario at his heels carrying his satchel.

It took a few more minutes for Pent to reach the ground floor of the Airport. The exit was in sight, and Pent was more than ready to leave the crowded place. Slowly limping along while others pushed and tried to run him over with their luggage was not in any way, shape, or form an ideal situation.


Shinon's eyes shot wide, as horror overtook his features.

A man in a wheelchair had run straight into Pent's legs, seemingly not caring whom or what he ran over in the process of exiting the airport. CRACK! Was the sound Pent's leg made as he began to collapse. A blood-curdling shriek escaped the professor's lips.


Right into a man who was currently against a pillar, looking over his Houndoom partner. Shinon winced, and immediately ran after his fallen Trainer.

The assailant riding the tank of a wheelchair hauled off, not once even turning around to apologize.

Pent's head had collided with some part of the other man's body. Slowly sliding to the ground, he began whimpering, as he realized that his leg had most likely broken. (Though, it didn't mean all that much considering there were steel rods holding them together.) Looking up, saw the person he had collided with young man with stylish hair and facial tattoos.

"...srrry.." He was attempting to apologize.

Tears streamed down Pent's cheeks as he curled into a fetal position, clutching his would have been shattered leg.

Kneeling beside his Trainer, Shinon used [HEAL PULSE] and began to glow a bright shade of pink. Rainbow-colored light was then expelled from the Lucario, pulsing through Pent's shattered form.

Though the move relieved a bit of the pain, it still was not quite enough. Reaching out to his partner, Pent was only a few moments away from passing out.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside the Pokémon Center]

@Ninian@Uccello@Experiment 249@Zardoric@Leoven@void liege
Leo's guess of Shock being Devon's Contest partner was a good one to say the least, but the teen promptly shook his head and grinned as his eye's drifted over to the black swordsman. "Good guess, but nah. Shock hates Contests. No it was actually my-"
Devon cut himself off as his vision focused fully on Nasir's face. It was beat red, and the 'man's' teal eye's were desperately attempting to avoid the looking at either the Trainer or the Coordinator. Guilt began to wash over the teen's face as his grin receded into an awkward frown. "....It was actually my Marill." He said quietly.

This odd answer caused Cyan to tilt her head and look up at her Trainer with shiny blue eyes. <Huh?> It took her a moment, but her gaze trailed over to Nasir and caused her ears to droop.

Leo released his Lilligant, and began to ignore the conversation at hand to pick up one with other nearby Trainer's. That was a little weird, but it at least gave Devon time to inch closer to to Nasir and whisper. "Sorry Nasir. I won't say anything if you don't want me to. We can talk later if you want."

With Nasir's true identity still a mystery, Devon walked back over to Leo to join the conversation at hand. And by that, it means hang just on the edge of it. The crowd made him a bit nervous, and the last thing he wanted was attention. ....This is probably why Nasir's all embarrassed....A talking Pokémon would turn alot of heads around here....Can't blame em... The teen shifted a bit on his feet as he watched from over Leo's shoulder and waited for an opening. A woman that appeared to be a Police officer had a slender green Pokémon in her arms and seemed to be taking advice from both the tall man in a trench coat with a Blaziken, a man that looked waaaay to heavily dressed for the weather, and now Leo as he rattled on about how Lila used to hate him when he first received her. The story made Devon smile and cross his arms as he looked back down at Shock. The Ampharos was currently staring up at the stone around the Blaziken's neck. So Leo had the same issues that I had with Shock when I first got him......It just goes to show with a bit of time and trust, you can make friends with any Pokémon...

Then something came up in the conversation that caught Devon a bit off guard. After the wealthy Contest go'er had finished his story, he turned back to the Trainer with the Blaziken and began to introduce himself. But his introduce was laced with distaste. Mostly towards Devon seeing as he had ignored the boy earlier, commented about how he favoured older people to talk to, (understandable, but Devon himself wasn't that far off in age to the man) and then finally said how he refused to be friends with those that battle. The comment struck a cord in the crimson hooded teenager, and made him stare past Leo's left shoulder. His face contorting a bit in confusion and...Disappointment? ....Really? Is that what that look was for earlier? He doesn't want anything to do with me just cause I battle with my Pokémon and am a bit younger?.....What's his problem? Who cares if you like to battle? It doesn't make you a bad person as long as your Pokémon are cool with it.....And it's not like I rubbed it in his face or anything. I tried to talk about Contests and stuff to break the ice too..... A sigh came from the teen as he turned away from the conversation and began walking over to the Pokémon and two girls gathered around the huge Dragonite. ...Fine. If he wants to be a close minded jerk and not say it to my face, forget em. At least Julia's still sociable to people that aren't into her hobbies.....I'll be sure to mention something if I get the chance though... Thankfully, it seemed the over dressed man had a problem with Leo too. The capped man apparently noticed his disapproval earlier and was confronting him for it. Good.

Devon and the rest of his team came over near the girl and her Dragonite. The teen looking up at the large Dragon Pokémon and whistling. "Whoa...A Dragonite....Cool. Hi there buddy." The excited girl that appeared to be the Dragon's owner was currently bouncing around and admiring the Police officer's Grass-type and the trench coated man's Blaziken. The hoodied teen reached over and poked the small girl in the shoulder. Maybe she would be better to talk to? It seemed everyone else was preoccupied with Leo, and Devon didn't want anything to do with him unless he was given a chance to talk in private. Here's hoping talking to Jill last December made me better at talking with younger kids....She seems a little weird though....This Dragonite's her....Dad?....Eh, Sam's pretty weird....Who knows, she might be cool...

Devon had a small smile on his face as he addressed the little girl. "Hey, I didn't catch your name. You're the one that's hanging out the Dragonite right? He's pretty cool."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninian
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Ninian Oracle of Destiny

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nasir the Zoroark
Trainer: Devon Lyton
Illusion Status: Human
[New Amber Town - Outside the Pokémon Center]

Thankfully Devon didn't mention that it was in fact him that won the Contest. There were far too many people, and a decent bit of them would likely react negatively at the reveal. Given the verbal abuse the Dragonite was currently dealing with... he was fairly certain whatever would be thrown his way would be worse.

Following behind his Trainer like a tall shadow, he listened intently to the conversations surrounding them. The most interesting bits of conversation involved the blonde girl whom seemed to be a fresh Trainer, and the strange girl with a Dragonite guardian. It was very clear to him that the girl could in fact understand him, as well.

Celes Elwyn
Ranulf the Dragonite, Mist the Dratini
[New Amber Town - Outside the Pokémon Center]

Looking down at the hoodied teen, Ranulf gave a small wave and a smile. <Hello to you as well. I'm pretty popular today, I guess Dragonites aren't common in this region.>

Hearing someone talking directly to her, Celes' head bolted right back down, and turned to face Devon. "I'm Celes, and he's Ranulf! He flew me here and stuff, and he won't let me travel on my own, so yeah. He's cool though."

@Zardoric@Leoven@void liege@Uccello@Light Lord@Experiment 249
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Brent Ignia and Lily Meadows
[New Amber Town - Airport Street]

As they passed the Pokemon Center, the group continued to grow and grow. Lily guessed some people didn't take the message in the airport seriously or something. Almost out of earshot, a bit of arguing began it sounded like. They were already on their way, though, so she didn't dare stop and try to eavesdrop. "So, I'm guessing you know what this Professor Maple guy is like. What is he like?" Brent turned to the green haired girl as the kept walking.

"He's... different. Most Pokemon Professors center their research around Pokemon. That became a kind of side hobby to him though. His real passion is Archaeology." His father chuckled. "Passion is an understatement. He's a maniac about ruins, and Viore is a Ruin Maniac's Paradise. There are tens of hundreds of undiscovered ruins spread across Viore, and he wants to find them all." Lily let this sink in. She new Professor Elm in New Bark Town studied Pokemon Evolution, was one of the top Evolution Researchers in the world even. She wouldn't have thought the best Pokemon Researcher in Viore only researched Pokemon on the side.

"Not only that, but he's one of the youngest Pokemon Professors in the world." His father nodded. "Yep. He's only twenty-one years old, and he's a genius on Pokemon, especially the legends aspect of them. He himself has managed to translate every known Viorian Legend from our ancient script, something that was almost impossible. He's found links to many Legendary Pokemon in them."

"He's also started studying Mega Evolution since a few months ago, If I remember right." Brent finished. So, a Ruin Maniac, Pokemon Prodigy, a History and Legends Buff, and now he studies Mega Evolution. This guys sounds amazing! "Wow, I can't wait to meet this guy then!" Brent's father chuckled yet again. "It's hard to catch him in his lab. He's there for a few days, then he's back out looking for undiscovered ruins. Just so happens we're heading out on an expedition today."

"And since I'm old enough to start my Pokemon Journey, he brought me along to get my Pokedex. You see, he's basically Prof. Maple's right hand man." Brent's father stopped and pointed to a large ovular building atop a grassy hill just ahead of them. "There's his lab, if you can even call it his. Let's not keep him waiting."

They came to the stairway that led up to the building. There were already quite a few people leaving who had come before them. A girl with an Espeon, a boy with a Typhlosion, another girl with a Kadabra and one with a Misdreavus. There were quite a few others as well, but these few stood out the most because their Pokemon were out of their Pokeballs. But now, it was their turn to get their new Pokedexes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[New Amber Town - Pokemon Center]
@Ninian@Zardoric@Experiment 249@Light Lord

Amber watched the crowd carefully. The Dragonite's owner had remained bubbly and energetic throughout the whole ordeal, although she doubted she could say the same for most of the other trainers surrounding them. She wasn't sure if it was simply a misunderstanding of sorts, but it seemed as though some form of hostility had arisen amongst some of the others. She would have no involvement in that matter, not unless it grew into something physical. Even then, she mused, perhaps it would be the trainers' Pokemon resolving their differences. She still didn't understand it, but she was willing to accept their methods.

”Aster is female,” she stated in reply to the girl's excited questioning although she doubted the girl would have heard her much over the buzzing of the crowd. Pursing her lips, Amber stepped away and looked towards the two that had given her advice.

The first that had spoken up was the man the young girl was originally with. Another had long black hair – named Leopold, if she heard correctly – and told her pretty much what the first did. It was nothing she hadn't heard from others before. Trust your Pokemon. Strengthen your bond with them. Believe in them. It wasn't like she hadn't tried to do during her first days with Aster; she simply had trouble understanding how she would do such a thing. It wasn't like Aster hatched with a manual that she could read and memorize. No, they had plopped the little green thing down Amber's lap and told them to bond by battling some other wild things in the forest. She gave them a small smile in thanks, but wondered just how she would go about following their advice.

She glanced down at the Snivy in her arms. The little fella seemed to have calmed down considerably and now chose to observe the group of people around them. Aster seemed to have taken a suspicious glare at the new trainer and the silent boy that trailed behind him, and began to watch them intently as they approached the Dragonite. In fact, should anyone that had known Amber before look, the face Aster was making oddly resembled her trainer's usual facial expression.

Amber's instincts told her that there was something odd about the silent one. Though, considering the variety of people surrounding them, she decided to simply file it away as the weird feeling she often got when around trainers. He still hadn't done anything she would see as threatening so for now, she would not confront him.

Her eyes turned to the sky. How long had they wasted standing around and chatting? Amber usually wasn't one to let time pass without doing anything, but she had a feeling that continuing to be around such boisterous trainers would change that. A sigh escaped her lips. Perhaps she would need to take the initiative. She turned to the young girl – Celes – and her Dragonite, the two that had given her advice, and the new trainer that approached them.

She cleared her throat to grab their attention. ”I hate to interrupt,” she really didn't since she wanted nothing more than to actually get some semblance of work done, hard as it may be. ”But I was told that acquiring something called a Pokedex would be useful.” In hindsight, she should have gone to the laboratory first instead of the Pokecenter, but what's done was done.

She left the unspoken invitation to head to the laboratory with her in the air, giving what friendly smile she could muster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"I saw you giving leer back there. Do you have problem?"

Leopold felt a very poorly dressed presence behind him, luckily it wasn't touching him. He had hoped the man would notice his audible distaste and be on his way and now he was here, and he didn't sound happy. Or mad. Or... He didn't sound very much like any emotion was affecting him strongly. Maybe Leo had looked at this man wrong. Maybe he was a genius, dressing as dull as his personality! What a chance this was, to meet a person as interested in fashion as he was! He only had his sister before and she knew far more than him, but maybe this guy was on his level.

"Oh well, not anymore! At first I saw you, everything about you was just so, so, I don't want to say dull, plain or boring, but... Yeah. Well it seemed terrible to me at the time, but now that I know you so much better, well, I heard you say maybe six words, but those six words told me enough to know that you sir, are a fashion genius. You dress like you feel, nothing compensating for anything!" Leo said, turning away from yet ANOTHER conversation midway through. He had almost completely forgotten the boys he walked over to the pokemon center with existed by this point, he heard the one say something about a Marill and the girl he just spoke at (not to) had turned to someone else as well. He even forgot the fact he was about to shake hands with a man he was so excited to meet not three seconds ago.

He looked this boy, no older than 15, who had the ability to come across as a cold, withered veteran. He was destined for greatness somewhere, maybe it was all an act! This boy could go places, and if Leo had connections in Viore like he did in Hoenn, he could get this guy somewhere. "I think you'd be a good actor, uh, what was it? Your name, that is. I'm Leopold Prynce and it is nice to meet someone with similar passions as me. He reached a hand out to shake his, his hand on his hip and pink flower petals bursting out from behind him as Lilligant used petal blizzard (a controlled blizzard, think enough to make a confetti effect.). It was quite the scene, he was sure.

Meanwhile Noibat just dove in and out of the group investigating all the pokemon within, but upon seeing the petals, quickly used agility and circled the ground around Leo fast enough to make an updraft to keep the petals almost frozen in the air. It was the newest trick he learned and so far he had gotten a treat after he did it. The Lilligant grabbed a treat from his belt (three pokeballs, a pokeblock case and a bag of treats were all that he carried on his belt.) and tossed it to the Noibat without Leo even noticing. Both had happy faces on, Noibat even letting out a little screech, luckily it wasn't hypersonic. Windows everywhere thanked Arceus for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Milli was finally off the plane, she shook her head and shuddered slightly as if to distance herself from the cumbersome flying machine as she clutched her pokeballs tight and put them into her bag. She then smiled at the one holding her beloved tropius thinking about how much fun it'll be travelling the new skies of Viore with her trusted partner. Although every region was beautiful in its own way, for some reason Viore's sky and plants were extra appealing to Milli it was like a trip of nostalgia basking in the light of the beutiful Eternia gym she was raised in. As she walked around the town she found herself stopping to stare at certain trees and plants, fully taking in the attractive atmosphere as she loved to while travelling to new places.

Although the sightseeing was amazing, the pokemon trainer in her was telling her to visit the nearest pokemon center as you should always do when visiting a new town she was also hoping to download a town map onto her PokeGear if possible, as she would want to know she would be flying or surfing. Upon arriving at the large white and red building she saw several young people outside with pokemon, they didn't appear to be training, but just talking sort of like a tour group. Milli was instantly spurred on to get involved so she approached the group smiled sweetly, not to anyone in particular.

It was only when she heard a female voice mention a Pokedex did her attention focus to an individual. The voice came from a girl, dressed very differently to Milla herself with long golden hair and steely strong eyes. Milli decided to respond to the girl directly, secretly wondering what sort of uniform she was wearing.

Oh you mean like this?

Milli pulled out a dusty retro looking pokedex from her bag and held it up in her line of sight.

I found this two years ago at a souvenir shop in Viridian City, I never really had much use for it, also it needs to be updated, as it only contains data of 150 pokemon from the Kanto reigon. But I'm sure there are a few professors in the county who would be able to do that. Here you can have this one if you'd like. Are you challenging the pokemon league by any chance?

Milli stood, smiling holding the retro pokedex out for the girl.

Milli's Theme
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Light Lord
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Light Lord Nothing can take my lightning!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Devon Lyton
Shock the Ampharos, Cyan the Marill, Quill the Monferno, Missy the Mismagius, Nasir the Zoroark
[New Amber Town - Outside the Pokémon Center]

@Ninian@Uccello@Experiment 249@Zardoric@Leoven@void liege@Dynamo Frokane
When the Dragonite spoke up to greet Devon and comment on the situation, all of Devon's non-disguised Pokémon wandered over to the large winged creature with the rest of the crowds Pokémon. Shock's head tilted as far back as it could go to look past the Dragon-Flying type's massive body and into it's face with eye's wide in awe. <Well duh. You guy's aren't really common anywhere! You're like the coolest things to humans, so there's where all this attentions coming from.>

Quill had been standing slightly aback from the other Pokémon with arms crossed as per usual. The Monferno's attention had mostly been on the gathering of other Trainer's around them. His steely gaze currently set on the rather rude woman that had been ranting about the Dragonite earlier. Shooting her nothing but a static neutral gaze before he turned to the Dragon Pokémon and entered the conversation at hand with his own offering. <Actually, there's one place I know that Dragonite and all of their earlier evolutions live. Blackthorn City in the Johto region. Is that where you came from?>

Devon took a glance behind his shoulder at Ranulf as Celes introduced herself and him. "He sure is. I've never seen a Dragonite in person before. Only in battles on TV. You really don't get an idea for how tall their are from just looking at a screen though. The real deal is way better!" His deep brown eye's shifted back to the girl as he pressed a thumb into his chest. "I'm Devon. It's good to meet ya Celes. It seems like everyone's first mission here is to go grab a Pokédex from the lab on the other side of town. You heading there too? If you want some company besides Ranulf, we can tag along with ya."

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