Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Didn't Captain Serphia take her with her? I believe they were having some fun."

…..Sharoooon, why!?

Liaena rolled her eyes heavenward in response to Sharon’s apologetic look, before turning to Naliyah with a casual shrug of the shoulders. “Well Serphia does keep her close, being her lieutenant and all. I haven’t seen her recently though”

“Hi Malizia”

Kathlin said as she studied the Death Knight warily. It was quite evident that if Malia decided to lunge forward, she would very ably swamp the much smaller woman. “I can’t do that, I’m afraid. I don’t have the key”


“And I’m not sure we’re on the same page about what sort of ‘secrets’ you’d tell me”

Malizia leered back at her, making a motion that probably would have involved tapping her nose secretively if her hands were not chained behind her back. “Oh….dearest, I am immortal. You learn all sorts of tricks”

“Yes, I thought that might be what you meant”

Kathlin peered over at the little group of Liaena, Sharon and Silje, all staying well back and now accompanied by a Naliyah. Receiving no help from them, the girl let out a small sigh before returning her attention to Malizia. “I was…actually more interested about what was going on this evening. You know, with the whole trying to kill my friends boyfriend thing. Why did you do that?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“I get it... I get it... random teleportations like that are dangerous.” Mei said and took a deep breath, looking at the night elf in her arms.” Not like I can get you away from here just like that away. You are part of a warband... so in cases like this it's obligatory to inform your captain first.” The draenei warrior said and threw a slightly amused look at Vashi.

“I've always liked the sabers your people use.” Mei said with a soft smile, carrying the mage while walking down the corridor.” They are so big, adorable, soft and furry...” That said, Mei's mind wandered for a while before she actually realized the mage's next words... 'occasional romantic pair '. Now that she thought about it, she had no idea how it came down to this so fast. She felt bonded to this mage... maybe because Vashi tickled both her maternal instincts, making her want to protect the night elf, and because Vashi actually had the looks and personality Meirie fancied. Perhaps it was the fact she felt more complete with the night elf around, after so many years of being a wreck.

“Vashi...ahmm I can call you that right?” Mei asked the night elf suddenly. Till now she referred to her with miss, but it didn't sound right for what she planned to ask her.” I need to know if you are fine with this... with me...” The draenei said and looked at the mage.” I will protect you from anything from now on, I gave that oath and I like you, but if you have any doubts about it...”

She said, running a hand through the night elf's hair. The warrior wasn't able to find any more words in this moment to say. Everything had moved so fast that it all seemed like a dream caused by too much alcohol... On even a few hours earlier and she was drunkenly going to her room and now she was in this mansion, she managed to beat Ryuuna and now had this lovely creature in her arms.

Now she realized that she really did have to take out Vashi later... pass by the bank... There were things in need to be done if she wanted to protect the mage from now on. She waited on the mage's reply first though. She needed to know if she could allow these feelings she had to grow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rize
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Rize Hentai Master

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

wow neeto, so neeto my dick got wetter and harder the more I read gosh darn that's a cool story
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Didn't Captain Serphia take her with her? I believe they were having some fun."

"Whhhhaaaaaaaaat?! ... " Naliyah's eyes widened at the High Elf's response, and her jaw dropped as she simply stood over Sharon, staring him down with a look of utter surprise.

“Well Serphia does keep her close, being her lieutenant and all. I haven’t seen her recently though”

" ... "

There was a moment of confusion as Naliyah's eyes flickered between that of Liaena and Sharon, as if the pink haired elf was trying to make sense of what they were saying, but her brain had just taken a prolonged vacation.

" ... are you saying Mistress Serphia TOOK moi Rithy?!" Naliyah exclaimed, suddenly grabbing both Sharon and Liaena and pulling them both up by their collars, lifting their feet up from the ground and holding their faces in front of her as the Sentinel stared at the both of them intently.

By now, the confusion in her face had instead given way to a deep seated suspicion as she studied the expressions of the both of them.

"Rithy was in the cellar with me just moments earlier, yet you are saying she is with Mistress?! How does that make any sense?!"


Vashi would throw an amused smirk back at Mei at the mention of her warband's sabers being considered big, fluffy and adorable.

"You know... that is very different from what most foreigners think." Vashi would comment with a smirk.
"Most people, especially in this city, tend to be rather horrified when they see them. And usually, they tend to run far away as well. But now that I think of it, their fear might be because they are used to riding around on harmless ponies."

Vashi chuckled, remembering back on some episodes from Serphia and the warband's stay in the city. She had long since given up trying to count the amount of horrified pedestrians who had either frozen in place or jumped out of the way as a wall of ferocious nightsabers had charged down the streets in a hurry - little knowing that the speed was because their Night Elven riders wanted to reach the flashfire sale in the next shop over before it closed!

At the Draenei's latter questions though, Vashi merely tilted her head playfully to the side as she watched her.

"D'aaaw, of course I'm okay! You are the cutest and biggest blue cutie I've come across in all my travels!" Vashi exclaimed with a smile, before leaning up to give Mei a rapid kiss on the cheek while the Draenei was still processing her words.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sharon could not help but cringe at the situation he had created, fully aware that it was a turn for the worse fully created by his own unintentional design.

Letting out a mental sigh, he was about to stare back up at Naliyah, his eyes just passing the obstruction of Naliyah's large and scarcely contained chest when a purple arm had suddenly reached forth and grabbed him by his collar, hoisting him up so that he - and Liaena - were at eye level with Naliyah.

"Now you're in for it... "

"Well... " Sharon began, his mind going through all the possible things he could say and preferably which one thing would serve to diffuse this situation, or at least not escalate it as badly!
"I believe... Liaena, it was a while since I last saw her now that I think about it, you remember where she went, right?"

Sharon pretended to ask, looking over at Liaena, all the while giving her a wink with his right eye.

“I was…actually more interested about what was going on this evening. You know, with the whole trying to kill my friends boyfriend thing. Why did you do that?”

"Because someone had been behaving naughty... " Malizia smirked, making no attempt to hide her eyes as she fluttered them at Kathlin, the Draenei not even seeming to register the discomfort or awkwardness(if not both) that the human girl must have been experiencing around the whole situation.

"I could remember more, sweeties, but these shackles are awfully distracting." The Draenei then said with an eerily soft voice as she began to shuffle backwards, all the while leading her shackled arms under her big bum; which was no small feat; and after an awkward struggle, managed to bring her arms out from under her legs and up in front of her.

Now with her hands out in front of her as opposed to behind her, she held her shackles up towards Kathlin, or rather, directly towards her, given that even whilst sitting, she was at eye height with the girl. Smiling and assuming a pleading look, she looked towards Kathlin with two big, blue, crystaline hued and wet eyes as she leaned forward slightly, motioning slightly for the keys towards Sharon's person before looking at Kathlin.

"Pwetteh pwease?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liaena stopped trying to crane around Naliyah and watch the conversation going on between Kathlin and Sharon, to pay some scant attention to the matter of being hoisted off the ground the big Night Elf. “Well, she went upstairs. I thought she was going to find Serphia.”


“Kinda surprising she’s not back by now though. I hope she didn’t get attacked by any of the invaders from earlier. That evil high elf sorcerer, he’s still at large after all!” Liaena continued blithely. Feigning a look of concern she stared up at Naliayah, who’s eyes had doubled in size at this suggestion. “Do you think someone should go look for her?”


Kathlin gave the Draenei an odd look, before she leaned forward fractionally to study the cuffs more closely. “….Those are mage cuffs. If I took those off you, you’d be able to use all of your powers, which is a bit of a problem. You’d have to promise not to try and kill my friend’s boyfriend again.”

“Oh my dear….” Malizia smirked as she leaned forward. Kathlin took a step back to compensate for this. “….we’ll have better things to do”

“Or try and kill my friend”

This caused a sharp breath from the Draenei as she looked horrified at the very thought. “Hurt such a treasure? Never!”

Kathlin stared at her for a moment, before deciding not to clarify. Silje should after all be on the no-kill list. “Right, that’s good. And uh…. No killing anyone else. In this house. Or in general, in fact. No killing people. That sounds good”

Malizia let out a put upon sigh, rolling her eyes heavenward at the ceiling. “Oh, very well….I can spare them. For you, just this once”

“O-kaaaay then.” Kathlin nodded slowly, before turning to look towards Liaena and Sharon. “I’ll go and ask for you”

Walking towards the group of Naliyah, Liaena and Sharon, the former was getting slightly over-excited as she yanked Liaena up to peer into her face urgently. “Are you saying moi Rithy could be in trouble!? Why didn’t you say! Where did she go!?”

“Uhh….so, I found out her name is Malizia” Kathlin directed her words at Sharon as she bobbed her head to gesture over at the Death Knight. “And she wants to be let out of the mage-cuffs, and then she’ll talk. And she promised not to kill anyone if we do that. And Li probably should dilute that potion next time.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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"That evil high elf sorcerer, he’s still at large after all!”

Naliyah's eyes widened even further the mention, suddenly shifting between Liaena and Sharon, landing to focus on the latter for a moment, before giving Liaena an inquisitive look.

"Isn't... he your boyfriend?" She first asked with a great deal of confusion in her voice, as Naliyah's already overprocessed brain was struggling to make sense of what Liaena was saying. Why would she call her boyfriend evil? Had they just had some nasty breakup that she had not yet heard of? Was this actually some ploy of Liaena trying to get her to deal with Sharon?

"The house should be safe! We dealt with all the other intruders!" Naliyah then quickly added, staring at Liaena.
"Sentinel Aleena, together with Lithrielle and the rest of the sisters are sorting out the rest of the captives as we speak, so there's no way they could threaten Rithy!

Naliyah explained as she motioned with her head towards the door leading to the living room, out from which could be heard sounds of hysterical laughter, terrified screams and delighted moaning from the rest of the warband within.

" ... and why are you accusing your boyfriend again?!"

Meanwhile, behind Kathlin, Lelili, supported by a ragged looking Valia, were staggering towards the group, both of them looking utterly defeated and ragged! Lelili's dress was in tatters, and Valia's belt was only halfway sitting on.

"How... did you do that?! Sounded Lelili's rather ragged question as she pointed out at the surprisingly happy Draenei, as Valia let go off her.

"I don't know! But we need more girls before round two... " Valia replied in return, crouching down to look around the room.
"And where did Luci go? I thought she was with us!"


"Nali, stop playing with those!" Lelili then turned to look at Naliyah.


"Did you sit on Luci?!"

"Uuuuhhhhmmm ... no?!" Naliyah replied, looking only more confused as she was now trying to look at three people at the same time!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

oops, this is not the ooc, lol
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Ahem, Naliyah... I don't think she's exactly referring to me specifically... " Sharon would eventually argue, as he stared back up at Naliyah.
"There's more than one High Elf sorcerer in Azeroth, after all. I won't claim such an exclusivity for myself!"

Indeed, thinking back on things, there was a chance Naliyah may not even have encountered said sorcerer to begin with. After all, it would not be very unusual of Naliyah to have been distracted with other things. Said elf had also been quite small, which did not make him very noticeable, and it had been Sentinel Aleena who had 'dealt' with him so effortlessly...

Hearing that Aleena was 'dealing' with the captured intruders as well, including the accompanying audio from the living room, made Sharon throw a glance over at Liaena.

"Well... that's good news!" Sharon then replied to Naliyah, throwing on a smile before glancing over at Liaena.
"It's good to hear they won't be a problem anymore... "

As he glanced over at Liaena, Sharon could look past her and see Malizia, the Draenei Death Knight having begun to patiently wait for her lover to return on her promise and slumped back down on her butt in the middle of the floor. Malizia was currently studying the thorium shackles with a funny grin, gently pulling in them or and even trying to bite onto them as she seemed to be checking them out. It was during Malizia's phase of experimentation where the Draenei placed one hoof against the chain and started pushing and pulling the shackles that Sharon began to grow slightly concerned.

Thorium, despite being the best anti-magic material around, was barely any stronger than crude iron. Thorium shackles tended to work really well as most mages were skinny bookworms, not 8ft tall killing machines.

"Ugh, I knew I should've invested in the mithril reinforced version, but I didn't want to pay extra. Oh well!"

Looking back at Naliyah, initially looking a bit impatiant, Sharon could not help but to form an amused smirk when he heard the conversation between Naliyah, Valia and Lelili. Indeed, given Naliyah's favorite hobby of making her sisters intimately familiar with the ins and outs of her large posterier; perhaps mostly the latter; it was not at all surprising that she might end up as the nr1 suspect when Sentinels disappeared.

While the Sentinels were arguing, Sharon turned to gaze over at Liaena, giving the girl a slight wink as he muttered.

"Guile, magic or potions?" He asked, motioning with his head towards the rest of the sentinels, asking which option Liaena wanted to use to deal with the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Do remember what my people usually ride are Elekks...” Mei replied with a smirk, remembering the big bulky elephant like creatures. Sure enough they are very strong and sturdy, perfect for the pretty big draenei warriors with their heavy armor.” An elekk goes rampage can be just about even scarier than one of your sabers you know.”

“But yeah, humans are used to riding horses which makes them weary around other types of mounts.” The draenei agreed, looking at the night elven mage in her arms. Vashi seemed so beautiful and adorable!' I have no bloody idea why I'm feeling like this so fast... I've not felt this since... ' She thought, but forcibly stopped her train of thought. Maybe something magical happened and she is now feeling that connection with the mage... or this was the very long forgotten feeling of instant love she had not felt in more than a thousand years.

Meirie's mind went blank for a few moments after she received a kiss on the cheek from Vashi. She blinked before her cheeks went dark blue for a few moments.” I...see...” She replied slowly, trying to process everything.” Well... it's been decades... since... my last... on the cheek even...“ She said slowly walking them over to one of the doors.

“I don't know why, but I seem ot have fallen in love from first sight with you... if you believe in that at least.” She said with a soft smile.” Let's see if one of these rooms is empty so we can maybe rest... later I'm thinking of talking things through with your captain.” She said, holding onto the mage tightly.” I will go grab the things I left in the bank when I arrived some years back.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Do remember what my people usually ride are Elekks...” Mei replied with a smirk, remembering the big bulky elephant like creatures. Sure enough they are very strong and sturdy, perfect for the pretty big draenei warriors with their heavy armor.” An elekk goes rampage can be just about even scarier than one of your sabers you know.”

“But yeah, humans are used to riding horses which makes them weary around other types of mounts.” The draenei agreed, looking at the night elven mage in her arms. Vashi seemed so beautiful and adorable!' I have no bloody idea why I'm feeling like this so fast... I've not felt this since... ' She thought, but forcibly stopped her train of thought. Maybe something magical happened and she is now feeling that connection with the mage... or this was the very long forgotten feeling of instant love she had not felt in more than a thousand years.

Meirie's mind went blank for a few moments after she received a kiss on the cheek from Vashi. She blinked before her cheeks went dark blue for a few moments.” I...see...” She replied slowly, trying to process everything.” Well... it's been decades... since... my last... on the cheek even...“ She said slowly walking them over to one of the doors.

“I don't know why, but I seem ot have fallen in love from first sight with you... if you believe in that at least.” She said with a soft smile.” Let's see if one of these rooms is empty so we can maybe rest... later I'm thinking of talking things through with your captain.” She said, holding onto the mage tightly.” I will go grab the things I left in the bank when I arrived some years back.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Guile, magic or potions?”

“I’m a bit light on two of those…..” Liaena muttered, giving Naliyah a dirty look that the Night Elf appeared to be blissfully unaware of.

“….they seem to be reasonably harmless currently, at least”

Kathlin glanced between the two of them, then back at Malizia. “Sooo…about the whole letting the Death Knight out of the cuffs thing?”

“What? No. Are you insane!?” Liaena snapped back at Kathlin as she tried to ease the handful of her robes the Night Elf had her hoisted off the ground by, out of Naliyahs iron grip. It currently wasn’t going so well for her, even with Naliyah very effectively distracted. “Ooh, with those intruders – you didn’t see Rithrynn with them?”

“I’m just going to give the chevalier back at this rate. Information isn’t worth this!”

“Okay. Then I found out her name is Malizia”

Kathlin said calmly. Liaena frowned at this. “Is that all?”

“No, I also found out she doesn’t like wearing cuffs. And that she’d like to take me out for dinner. I didn’t learn any secrets of her culinary tastes though”

“….Ugh, could you at least try and interrogate her properly? I thought you would prefer this method!”

“This counts as a method?”

Kathlin let out an audible sigh, before peering over at Malizia. “Besides I think she’s about to break them anyway”

“No she’s…”


“Oh….damn it!” Liaena hissed, reaching towards her satchel as she looked over at Sharon. “Magic then, and potions. They both sound good”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vashi tilted her head slightly as she threw a curious gaze up at Mei, clearly having been made more interested when she mentioned the things she had left in the bank.

"You left something behind?" She asked, eying the Draenei with with a closer eye.
"I have heard stories of warriors trying to escape their past and leaving behind heirlooms and artifacts, in hopes that by doing so, they'll leave their past behind as well."

Vashi threw a smirk, giving Mei another light kiss on the cheek.

"But, in those stories, it usually ends with the warrior coming back to get them eventually, for the past is not something that can be buried. It must be embraced, and carried as the permanent mark it is. Ignored it will only drag you down."



"Really? Really?! Luci disappeared in a room together with you. You don't think that makes you the prime suspect, Nali?!"

Naliyah gave Lelili a deep frown at that point, before suddenly dropping both Sharon and Liaena without a warning for each of them; incidentally dropping Liaena in such a way she was about to fall right on her own satchel! Naliyah, in the mean time, turned around quite briskly to fold her arms below her chest as she faced down Lelili and Valia!

"Really, if you do want to know, let me tell you who's currently in my ass!" Naliyah argued back at Lelili, before raising one hand, moved her hips out to the side, and started counting with her fingers.
"There's only Janessa, Anerilia, Velithia, Marathrielle, Kalissa, and... "

Naliyah paused for a moment, gaining a thoughtful expression on her face as she wriggled her big butt playfully, before holding up a second hand and continued counting with it.

" ... ohhh, and Delilah!" She finally said, with a smile on her face as she eyed Lelili and Valia.
"If you want to know where Luci is, why not ask her though?"

Naliyah then said, before pointing between Valia and Lelili. The two sentinels paused for a moment, exchanged a short glance at each other, and then looked back, only for their eyes to go wide as they saw the towering figure of the Draenei Death Knight standing behind them, as Malizia had broken free of her chains!

Quickly stepping back, Valia would look back at Naliyah.

"Uuuhhhhmm! Maybe later!"

" ... runnnw!!"

And with that, Valia and Lelili were quick to take off running, storming past Naliyah and almost running down Silje in the process as they both hurried out of the atrium! Naliyah, on the other hand, was left standing behind, glancing after them, before looking up at Malizia with a smirk.

"You know, for a Draenei; and a Death Knight at that; you're not that bad!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Magic then, and potions. They both sound good”

"Right, on 3!" Sharon replied, beginning to move his fingers as he prepared to chant a spell.
" 1, 2... "


Sharon had not expected Naliyah to suddenly drop both him and Liaena, as the elf turned to face her new contender! Crashing into the floor and landing on his back, Sharon's spell would fizzle out in a screen of blue smoke that emanated from his hands, and he'd let out a groan of discomfort!

" ... or we could do that! ... owh!" Sharon gasped, leaning back up from the ground as he looked towards Liaena, who he had managed to halfway catch with his left arm, as to at least avoid her head slamming into the ground. Although from his perspective, he could also see that a slight strip of hair on the left side of her hair had gained a light blue color from the miscast spell.

Though Sharon, with his best judgement, would refrain from mentioning anything of. At least not yet.

"One disaster at the time!"

"Are you alright, Liaena?" Sharon asked with a concerned look over at Liaena. Part of him realized it was a pointless question, considering that Liaena was a survivor, both of her own reckless experimentation, and more than a year long friendship with Rithrynn, and so a simple fall was unlikely to do anything much to her. Still, it was the thought that count!

In the meantime, Silje, who was now standing in the open, right in the line of sight of Malizia, would take a step to the right to the right, positioning herself behind Kathlin and whispering to her: "Can't we just run and contact the city guard?!?"

"You know, for a Draenei; and a Death Knight at that; you're not that bad!"

Malizia peered down at the only-slightly-shorter Night Elf standing in front of her, after her two friends had turned and run. The Death Knight simply returned the smile, placing one hand on Naliyah's shoulder, and leaned in to one of the pointy ears between her pink hair to whisper: "You know what, why don't we team up? You help me get the affection of the two human girls, and I'll return the favor! With your smarts and my brawn, we'd make the perfect team!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Yes… sadly that’s how it always end.” Mei agreed with a nod.” I left 2 of my weapons and a set of armor here in Stormwind when I arrived to leave everything behind.” Meirie explained with a sigh.

” My original equipment is stored in Exodar though, but the things that are here in Stormwind are the same ones I used to clash with the Legion when I crossed into Outland for the first time since we came to this world.” She said, walking down the corridor searching for a room for them to rest in.

“But yes… guess one cannot simply bury his past. Eventually a situation arises when you either pick up your weapon again or you simply die a sad existence. I sound like a hypocrite… just look at me, just a few hours ago I was wasting myself in a cheep inn, I’m dressed in cheap clothing…” She added, eventually stopping by one of the doors in the hall. She couldn’t hear anything from within and she had a good feel about this one. Though the nice feeling about it could just have been the second kiss Vashi placed on her cheek. It caused Meirie to smile once more, before nodding.” Well I guess it’s my time to return to the world.”

“Alright hten, I guess this room will have to do.” She stated with calm voice and carefully reached with her right hand to open it, still keeping Vashi in her embrace. Once she pressed the doorhandle, and the door started to move, Mei took a ready stance, to reflect any possible drunken night elves that jump at them from inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Can’t we just run and contact the city guard!?”
“City guard….yes, possibly” Kathlin mused, still carefully watching the Draenei for any sudden moves on the latters part. “There’s a few problems with that, for one it seems a bit mean to the guardsmen, and for another I’m reasonably sure…that she…will follow us”


Silje went a couple of shades paler as she peeked out from behind Kathlin to see Malizia’s eyes very much trained on her. “Uh…y-yeah, maybe”

“Ow. Yes, I’m fine” Liaena muttered as she picked herself up off of the ground. Dusting herself down, she double checked to ensure that chevalier-Rithrynn had not been squished in the event. This concern was swiftly alleviated as she spotted the little ‘elf’, hanging out of a pocket in her bag and looking distinctly green in the face. ‘Rithrynn’ shot her a panicked look at the sight of her, and in a harsh whisper: “Is she still there!? Has she gone??”

Liaena simply closed the bag sharply rather than answer, familiar as she was with the fabled bat ears of Night Elves. Glancing up quickly to check whether Naliyah had heard that, she was relieved to see that the elf was preoccupied….with the Draenei?


Staring at the Death Knight who, rather than start any assault with the Night Elf, had seen fit to get extremely close and personal with her, Liaena glanced between Sharon and Naliyah with a clear ‘what the hell?’ expression on her face. “I don’t think I caused that?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Naliyah was at first a little surprised when the Draenei decided to lean in towards her, raising an eyebrow as she glanced towards her. But after hearing the 'proposal' that Malizia had just whispered into her ears, Naliyah's eyes would grow notably wider as her head suddenly snapped around to stare directly at the Draenei's face!

"You really mean that? ... " Naliyah asked, choosing more to gauge the answer from Malizia's expression rather than any answer.

Teaming up with her? Naliyah, although she often ran solo, was no stranger to the occasional temporary alliance when it came to her little escapades!
She may never have done such a thing with a Draenei, let alone a Death Knight before, but as Naliyah gazed up at Malizia with an eye reminiscent to that of a professional wine inspector, she slowly gave a nod.

After all, the benefits of having a big, 8ft Draenei on her side were nothing to scoff at! The possibilities were seemingly endless! And the only one who could truly put her new friend down was Mistress Serphia, who was currently incognito, presumably to continue her not-so-secret mission with Falere, something that Naliyah knew would leave her preoccupied for quite some time!

Grinning slightly, Naliyah turned around; if not only to suddenly lean back again against the Draenei and whisper.

"Uh, which of the two human girls? I see three?" Naliyah whispered back at Malizia.
"Oh, the two that do not look like they crawled out from an experiment involving a rainbow and acid."
" ... that makes sense!"

Turning back towards Kathlin, and Silje hiding behind her, Naliyah would smile cheerfully as she looked at them with a big, broad smile.

"Have you guys met this Draenei before?" She inquired with enthusiasm, motioning back towards Malizia.
"She is actually quite a cool girl! I was thinking, why don't I get some drink, and we all get together for a wonderful chat?!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“I don’t think I caused that?”

"I don't think you did either... " Sharon uttered with an utterly stoic face as he simply gazed at the secret conversation that was going on between Naliyah and Malizia, as he simply leaned in slightly towards Liaena.

"I think it is quite simply a completely naturally occurring harmonious relationship between two equally devious minds when they are put in the same room."

Sharon reasoned as he looked at them, silently shaking his head as he did so. Obviously there was a big difference between Malizia and Naliyah, first and foremost that the aforementioned was a Death Knight and an unholy killing machine. Even if Malizia might have had a secret kinky flair similar to that of Naliyah, Sharon found it still difficult to imagine that this could ever be the basis of a partnership, let alone friendship between the two!

"We need to nip this unholy alliance in the bud!"

As Naliyah turned around to speak to them, presumably on behalf of Malizia, Sharon was quick to step forward, reach an arm up to Naliyah's shoulder, and attempt to pull her down as he walked off to the side, giving Liaena a look indicating that "she deal with the other", as Sharon brought Naliyah off to the side line.

"Sentinel Naliyah, if I could just have a word... or two, with you, about your new friend." Sharon started, pulling Naliyah further down

When suitably far enough away from Malizia, who at that point was staring directly down at Liaena; with no Sharon or Naliyah to stand in between; The High Elf continued on with his little 'dialogue' with Naliyah.

"While I am all for seeing you make new friends; and I think, trying to befriend a Draenei, even a Death Knight at that, is very progressive of you; I would like to remind you that the woman you were talking to IS in fact an agent of evil. A Death Knight, a harbinger of death and woe, a spreader of disease and darkness. She is not just evil in the grey sense, like 'all orcs must die!', but in 'the whole world must die!' kind of way, and I think it is important that we stand together against her! Whatever devious things she may have promised you, it's not worth it!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You are being too hard on yourself." Vashi said with a smirk as she looked back up at Mei, before raising a finger to poke it directly at the front of her forehead.

"You need to live less inside of there... " She said, as she gestured with her finger to point at the air around them.
" ... and more out here!"

However, as the Draenei opened the doorhandle, the sight that would greet her in the dimly lit guestroom ahead of her was not that of any drunken elf, caught in some intimate act. Instead, as they looked into the room, they could see a group of six or more large, furry nightsabers; the huge felines that the Night Elves used as mounts dotting the room ahead of them. The beds, sheets, carpets and draperies of the room had been all torn up by the large creatures living inside, and as the door swung open, at least a dozen glowing eyes immediately turned to gaze towards the disturbance.

"Ohhh, so that's where we left them!" Vashi commented as she looked into the room at the gathered nightsabers inside. The nightsabers, when they noticed Vashi at first, did not seem to be any bothered or alarmed by the sight. It was something they had seen a thousand times before. The new figure in the form of Mei, the Draenei, however, succeeded in garnering quite a different reaction as at least four of the nightsabers got on their feet and let out a series of threatening growls.

" ... I don't think they like you... "

Vashi, quickly recognizing where the situation was heading, would raise one hand, and with a spell; she would immediately cause the door to swing shut and close just as the largest, black furred Nightsaber lunged forward towards Mei. As the door closed shut right in front of the nightsaber, which was none other than Serphia's very own, a loud crash could be heard from the other side as the very door bulged outwards towards the corridor they were in. Deep roars and growling emanated from inside the room, as wooden chunks of the other side of the door could be heard being torn off on the other end by multiple sets of razor sharp claws!

Looking back up at Mei, Vashi would simply throw her a reassuring smile!

"Ohh, that one would just be Silafeen, or "Ripfang" in common. It's the mistress's own mount!" Vashi explained as she motioned towards the door with her hand.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I suppose so." Mei replied with a sigh. Here she went, being lectured about life from a night elf who was certainly quite a big younger than her. Ohh well, just went to show how one's age didn't matter when it came to life lessons, Mei supposed." Well I did lock myself into rage for a good few years back when Exodar crashed... Never expect to fully recover from that... Still feel the desire to spread chaos and death from time to time. Heh... in the end I turned into something not too different from the orc berserkers..."

"Ohh joy..." Mei replied as she also started growling at the nightsabers, eyes locked. She knew that the only way to get such animals to stop was to show them there was no fear inside you and that you are as dangerous if not more than them. Eyes locked with the lead one, she let herself get in tune with the rage inside her at least until the night elf closed the door suddenly with her magic.

Meirie blinked a few times as her own bloodlust faded, unable to realize what happened at first. She then looked at Vashi who was giving her the reassuring smile.

"You really shouldn't have done that. They will need to learn not to attack me if I'm to travel with you from now on." She replied and took a few steps back and away from the door, noticing the sounds of tearing wood from the other side of the door." Vashi, you think this wooden door will hold?" She asked, throwing a questioning look at hte mage.

"Guess that at least explains it's zeal... and arrogance even for a mount. To attack like that despite not being ordered to." The draenei stated, giving a unimpressed expression." A true mount doesn't act without it's master's orders unless the master is in direct danger." She stated and slowly put the mage to step on the ground and stand alone for she half expected the door to be broken soon and the mounts to charge her. If they did... well they were going to learn how a weaponless draenei can use her head.

"Alright change of plans then... today I will run on reserve energy and stamina potions. Let's find out what's going down and maybe meet the master of this mansion again. I would wish to apologyze for the damage I caused, fighting Ryuuna."
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