Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


PKMNB0Y: Hyng: Water Snake

GingerBoi123: Mox: Goblin

Rin: Goodiva: Slime [AFK]

Rune_Alchemist: Neix: Mountain Kobold

Pathfinder: Gnarl: Tooth Faerie [AFK]

Lugia: Jeff: Plains Kobold

VitaVitaAR: Ariana: 'Delicate' Drider

Duthguy: Simba: Kneazle

Bruised Bananna: Calypso: Nekomata [Conditionally Away]

Lugubrious: Otsune: Snapjaw

RiverMaiden: Amelia: Barometz
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Hyng
Race: Water Snake
Race Abilities: Water snakes aren't particularly notable; what sets them apart from typical garden snakes and their ilk is their ability to manipulate water. It's their primary mechanism for killing prey, but they can't manipulate too much, or else they essentially pass out. Which, you know, is a good way to die in the wild, all things considered.
Gender: Male
Personality: Hyng is a calculating sort of being, preferring not to go in guns-a-blazing into much of anything. Though he wasn't particularly antisocial, Hyng never really had a major social circle. He has a tendency to be a bit acerbic at times, though, occassionally making tongue-in-cheek remarks about people or things around himself. Though analytical, it would be a lie to say that he can't be a bit... Crazy at times. After all, what sort of progress was made by stability?
History (Pre-Mortem): A college student who spent much of his time browsing the internet, Hyng was... Relatively normal, all things considered. A chemistry major in school, the once-blooming college student was well-known for being one of the more... Radical experimenters with chemicals in the lab. While most of those experiments ended without mishap, his final one...
Well, let's just say you don't leave a large amount of alkali metals near water for a reason.
Appearance (Text or image, whatever works): Right now, Hyng's just... A light blue snake, about a foot long.
Other: Speaks via telepathy because of a distinct lack of vocal chords. Yes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 27 min ago

  • Name: Goodiva
  • Race: Slime
  • Race Abilities: Delightfully squishy and pliable, slimes are highly resistant to blunt trauma and can squeeze themselves through tight cracks without much effort. Little more than a ball of protoplasm, they "eat" simply by absorbing things into their bodies, and by absorbing water they can increase their size and strength... Although if they absorb too much they become too diluted and end up as a useless puddle until they dehydrate enough to regain consistency.
  • Gender: Female (you can tell by the ribbon!)
  • Personality: Inquisitive, curious and a little dim, really. She's somewhat shy but also easily excitable, and has a tendency to overreact to really minor things. She's pretty kindhearted, though, and always wants to help others if she can; even though she can't do much as a slime, she'll still do whatever she can.
  • History (Pre-Mortem): A kind of ordinary, boring girl with an ordinary, boring life. Nothing really notable happened and she kind of just drifted along aimlessly, until the day she died pushing a kid out of the way of an oncoming truck. Suffice to say, she didn't get out of the way on time.
  • Appearance: (only about a foot tall)
  • Other:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Gnarl

Race: Tooth Faerie, a vile and twisted little things.

Race Abilities:
-Strong little buggers, able to rip out teeth with little trouble
-The shadows are a second home to any Tooth Faerie, only their eyes betraying their location
-Blight Magic, able to rot things with but a touch... very, very slowly
-Weakness to iron, with pure iron literally burning flesh

Gender: Male

Personality: A thug with ambitions, Gnarl is willing to do anything to get on top. While he does have scruples they are also quite bendable and subject to change. However his loyalty is nonnegotiable, should you earn it, and he'll stick by you no matter how far you fall.

History (Pre-Mortem): The man that would become Gnarl lived and died a criminal. Killing, stealing, and everything in between in the name of his boss. In the end it was blind ambition that killed him. When his plans for overthrowing the Boss became known, well it didn't take long to get snuffed.

Appearance: About a foot in height despite his stooped over posture. Gnarl takes on the appearance of one part monkey, one part man, and two parts nightmare. The wicked snarl adorning his face nigh constantly is filled with jagged, needle thin teeth and a stare that can only be described as dead. The flesh upon his skin seems... off on his frame, almost appearing stiff and dead when it should appear at least somewhat alive.

Other: Gnarl is fairly tame for a Tooth Faerie, he has impulse control and will most definitely NOT rip out your teeth in the middle of the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

  • Name: Ariana
  • Race: 'Delicate' Drider
  • Race Abilities: Ariana, as a 'delicate' drider, can produce silk from the more-spidery portion of her body. As is visible, from the thighs down she has a spider body, allowing her to climb walls as well. She is remarkably agile, and a excellent jumper.
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Ariana is a little bit shy. She can be somewhat nervous and awkward around people, especially new people. However, this does not at all hide the fact that she is also quite surly. Ariana will complain about others doing things she sees as stupid, pout, glare, and make sarcastic remarks. Her shyness sometimes makes her more inclined to retreat, but if she's annoyed enough there won't be any end to her insults. She isn't utterly uncaring, but her words can come across as quite cruel at times. This is in part because she does not really know how to handle having friends of any sort. Ariana has a very strong sweet tooth, unaffected even by the whole "suddenly my legs are a spider" thing.
  • History (Pre-Mortem): Ariana didn't really have a particularly outstanding life. She was mostly just a rather unpopular second year high school student due to her shyness and surly nature. She doesn't actually remember her death. It was so sudden that she has no actual idea what killed her.
  • Appearance:"Wh-why did I have to end up with all these extra l-legs?! Wh-who needs this many?!" She is very small, as 'Delicate' Driders are at tops four feet in height.
  • Other: N/A
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Simba
Race: Kneazle
Race Abilities: Besides the normal abilities any overly large housecat has, Kneazles can tell if a person/monster is trustworthy.
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally Simba prefers lazing around compared to working, however convince him that something is actually important and he will help you out. Because of how he died he suffers from a minor form of Aquaphobia. Despite his flaws though he is generally a nice guy.
History (Pre-Mortem): Before dying Simba was the only child in a family of nature lovers. Every year he and his parents would go on a camping trip, something which he kinda enjoyed. While on one of those trips the human Simba went swimming and due to getting his leg stuck drowned.
Appearance (Text or image, whatever works):

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bruised Bananna
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Bruised Bananna The directionally challenged

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Calypso

Race: Nekomata

Race Abilities: Cat-scratch fever (small chance of having your enemies hallucinate after scratching them), Poison Fang (small chance of poisoning your enemies when biting them), Sleuth – when activated, you are nearly invisible. Works only in shadowy or dark areas, does not work against monsters with a good sense of smell. Making loud noises will cancel out this ability. Yowl – a high pitched cry that can cause confusion. Lasts for just enough time to escape. As this monster race grows it has the ability to change into a Bakeneko, or “Changing Cat”, meaning it can take human form. Even in its strongest form, this monster is seriously weak, and must rely on it’s agility, quickness, and intelligence to keep itself alive. It has a strong aversion to light, and light attacks.


Personality: Calypso was a serious, down to earth human that didn’t like to break rules. She was very studious and often judgemental, especially towards those that weren’t as serious as she was. Unfortunately, those traits seemed to have amplified after her reincarnation.

History (Pre-Mortem): Calypso was a college honor student, and didn’t have much time for friends or games. She was dubbed “ice princess” by her classmates, and they often pretended to be cold when she walked by. Isolated, Calypso struggled with a sense of loneliness, and in a moment of weakness, attempted to pull the campus weirdo out of the way of a speeding truck. Not only was he not grateful, but he stabbed her repeatedly for her trouble. As she lay bleeding to death on the concrete, she watched that weirdo racing down the road screaming “Truck-kun! Come back!”

Appearance :
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Saffron
Race: Devil (Imp)
Race Abilities: Devils are beings of magic and might, wielding both to overwhelm and obliterate their foes... except imps are rock bottom on the totem pole of infernal beings. Whilst they might have the heart and attitude for it, their tiny size and lack of potency makes them rather... less competent than their bigger relatives.
  • Fire Magic: You want a candle lit? Consider it done! A small fire to cook a pot over? Sure! (Just don't let her arms get tired holding a position) Fireballs? Well... it's a dream. Most things have hair and stuff to burn, anyway!
  • Flight: Despite the small size of the wings...
  • Pointy Teeth: The closest thing an imp has to being a big, burly devil: sharp little teeth and a strong bite. You might even lose a fingertip!

Gender: Female
Personality: Two words that come to mind for Saffron are 'cocky' and 'womaniser'. Of course, both of these were far more appropriate before she died and, needless to say, the brash self-confidence isn't going away any time soon. A third is 'glutton': food, in any quantity, is guaranteed to make her happy if for some reason her upbeat demeanour has been shattered.
History (Pre-Mortem): In life, Saffron was the frontman for a heavy metal band: big, muscular, liked to sing about fantasy themes a lot. Life was good, there was no shortage of women to flirt with or luxury foods to enjoy, and the band was reaching new heights and embarking on a world tour. Not a bad achievement for someone that managed to scrape a pass at best on almost every exam that they managed to sit.
Then the pyrotechnics for a different part of the show were fired. One barbecued singer later...
Appearance: Behold the immense foot-tall (11", actually... don't tell her) might!
Other: She still likes singing. Even though... well, the appropriate range of songs is totally different.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Khari
Race: Harpy
Race Abilities: Harpies are known to be somewhat of a bother for regular folk due to having the cunning of a humanoid monster and the flight ability of bird monsters. As such, valuables (specially shiny things) tend to be stolen along with anything else harpies set their eyes on. They can also be rather loud which might make people understandably agitated. Due to their physiology, harpies in general are pretty fragile due to their bones having to be hollow to allow for flight capabilities. They are however pretty fast, have rather good eyesight plus lung capacity, and have surprisingly strong arm and leg muscles for their weight class (you really don't want to have a harpy swoop at you talons first). Some inventive ones can even figure out to use their feet as pseudo-hands since their upper arms have wings and thus can't properly manipulate things with such digits.
Gender: Female
Personality: Inquisitive and cheerful, Khari isn't one to be let down by things such as no internet or modern-day plumbing (even if she cries every now and then not having them). A somewhat lucky-go-happy girl, the harpy is one that finds the silver lining in just about any situation. She's also particularly prone to experimenting with whatever she finds interesting at the time due to her rather creative imaginination, often leading to mixed mixed results.
History (Pre-Mortem):In her previous life, Khari was a young female college student enrolled in an architectural design course that also worked from home via the computer. One day the girl went outside to look for bargain buyss and unfortunately suffered from an unexpected heart attack in the middle of a shopping trip in the entertainment district, solely due to incredibly bad luck on her part. Death came far too fast for the paramedics to deal with and the woman breathed her last on Earth... only to realize that she lucked out and was now reincarnated into another world as a completely different race... without thumbs.
Appearance "Oooh... shiny..."
Other: Often gets distracted by the shiny.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Otsune

Race: Snapjaw (AKA Bayou Hound)

Race Abilities: Snapjaws have high endurance, able to run at a decent speed over land or swim for sustained periods of time. They have extremely powerful jaws despite their size, and can crush bones should one get a good purchase. Sadly, they can’t do much else. Snapjaws are most at home in warm, moist environments

Gender: Female

Personality: In the previous world, Otsune was compassionate, quiet, poetic, clever, thankful, considerate, gracious, and highly spiritual. Given a new lease on life in this place, however, her natural, real-life traits are commonly masked her new sense of self.

Otsune is energetic, outgoing, willful, ready to hurt and kill if need be, and greatly assertive. She is a huntress who prefers to act rather than think, a thrill-seeker and competitor. When fighting, she shows a merciless and savage side, perhaps imagining her enemies to embody all the immorality that her spirit strove against before. With her fellow monsters, nothing pleases her more than to mock, irritate, enrage, and humiliate. All of this, however, doesn't so much mask her previous self as it does filter to the top of it. Otsune still doesn't talk much, preferring to embarrass and annoy via gesture, traps, counters, turning foes' strength against them, and the like. She will never steal and won't often lie, and those that do not deserve to be hurt will not only be spared, but receive her protection. She never takes a blessing for granted, and always appreciates help and camaraderie. If the situation calls for wits, her keen intellect will bubble to the surface. At her core, she strives to act with the sort of grace and professionalism she thinks befits someone serving God.

History (Pre-Mortem): No amount of hard work, love, or previous fortune can prevent an ordinary woman, working alongside her husband in religious ministries, from dire misfortune. At the age of 26, Otsune found herself afflicted with a fast-working cancer. For a while, the spiritual woman wondered why God might allow such a thing to happen despite the blamelessness with which she lived her life, but ultimately, she did not lose her faith. Gradually, she embraced her coming death, and with the time she had left found more meaning and love in her life than ever before.

Nevertheless, when her husband found out that a place of healing in a far-off land might be able to save her, the two journeyed across towns, hills, and plains to see if God might provide for her after all. After her arrival at the hospital, Otsune underwent conventional treatment, but nothing availed her. Saddened but unbroken, Otsune bid a tearful but smiling farewell to her grief-stricken husband, and lay down for one last procedure -a blood transfusion- before the world went dark.

Appearance: About a foot tall and three feet long, snapjaws are amalgamations of dog and crocodile, with both scales and fur. The most prominent reptilian characteristics are the tail, head, eyes, and lower legs, while the rest is mostly dog. They come in a variety of colors and subspecies, but Otsune is light brown with cream-colored scruff and chocolate-colored patches on her back.

Other: I have something really cool in mind for an evolution, but it’s pretty strong. I think that having Otsune be the late bloomer would probably be the best way to accomplish that. Of course, I could introduce a middling form, without a picture to help things along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Amelia

Race: Barometz

Race Abilities: Barometz are both flora and fauna, possessing both a sheep-like body as well as a plant. They are omnivorous, in addition to drawing nutrients from the ground through their roots. Their eating habits and their lifespans are entirely dependent on the available sustenance around them. Should their food source become unavailable to them by any means (out of reach, eaten by other monsters, etc.), they would die of starvation. As a result, they have evolved and grown vines in order to reach farther than their stem could allow, as well as the ability to "uproot" themselves from the ground for a short period of time. The vines they possess are strong enough to carry their entire body, as well as immobilize and pull their prey (small woodland creatures and plants) towards themselves.

Gender: Female

Personality: Even before she became a "mostly" immobile monster, Amelia was slothful. She would never do anything above what needed to be done, and cut corners whenever the opportunity presented itself. Even more so now, where the light of the sun is less of an annoyance than something to bask within. Her attention span is horrendous, incapable of staying upon a single topic for more than seconds, in addition to being absentminded to a fault. However, when something gains her interest, whether it is a person, an object, or a subject of information, she will dedicate more energy towards it than one would believe she had. Despite her attention deficit, she is extremely intelligent and perceptive, remembering nearly everything she retains and noticing articles that others would miss. Should a promise ever be made with her, Amelia would keep it until the day she died.

She is surprisingly calm in most situations, even those where her life would be in danger. Whether this be because of her mental fortitude or inattention of the situation is up to debate. When pushed too far, enough that the slight pierces through her perpetual cloud of negligence, anger is something she is well-versed with. Expect either a volcanic eruption or a cold simmer depending on the level of rage, but hope for the eruption. The cold simmer is worse, since that could mean she's plotting ways to get you back. In her new form, she is deathly afraid of fire, and will move faster than one would think she would be capable of in order to avoid it.

History (Pre-Mortem): Amelia didn't have many friends. Most of her short, post-college life was held alone within her little apartment, living her life without a care in the world. Her parents were abroad, and she didn't have anyone within a 5km radius that would visit her. So when she didn't return to her apartment one day, no one in her area thought much of it. Only 5 days later, they realized they should have cared. Her body was found underneath a bridge, broken and alone.

She has a sturdy "stem" that is melded with her belly, connected to her main plant

-When she was a human, she liked to dance. Sadly, she is unable to dance very well in her new form.
-She has a verbal tick, saying "Ah" before every sentence as if she is surprised by something, then pausing for a few seconds before saying her piece.
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