Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ceta de Cloyes
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Ceta de Cloyes Roziphontes

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Face Claim: Marc Forne)

Name: Kaden “Kade” Ritter

Appearance: Kaden has light skin and faint freckles, with dark brown eyes and even darker, nearly black, hair. He’s a bit on the thin side, though he often wears hoodies or other baggy clothes that make that fact unnoticeable. He also wears hats, almost never seen without one, everything from beanies and pompom tops to bucket hats to baseball caps and flat brims.

Age: 18

Personality: Quiet and thoughtful, Kade is a courteous and kind person, on the outside anyway. He cares about how people think of him, and finds it difficult to be genuine without breaking his kind and stoic mask. He wants to rage and scream and cry, not to be dramatic or draw attention to himself, but to actually feel real for once. He’s vindictive and self indulgent, only barely managing to stuff petty revenge behind his mask, and hiding his weaknesses the same way.

History: In the beginning Kade’s parents were together, but they were never happy. His father was blatantly an alcoholic and abusive, but it took a few years before his mother kicked him out for good. His mother wasn’t much better, not into drugs or booze, but just generally irresponsible, cruel, and ill-suited for anything related to parenthood. She rested on her parents’ money like it was a cure for all her problems and continued living like the spoiled princess her father treated her like as a child.

With less than stellar examples to follow, it wasn’t any wonder their only kid grew up thoroughly messed up. Luckily his friends, while oblivious, cushioned the worst of it. In the beginning at least, by their teenage years not even Kade’s perfect mask protected him from the booze and mary jane craze that swept across his school. Thankfully a penchant for drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana were the only bad habits he maintained, and only sparingly so people wouldn’t think badly of him.

The strange obsession with hats, and the perfect mask he always wore contributing to his outfits, combined nicely to give him a good sense of fashion. He has a part time job at a local clothing store called Outclass, with an opportunity to advance much higher in the company once he graduates. His place on the school swim team came with required volunteer hours at one of several locations, including the San Francisco Marine Wildlife Rescue Center, a veterinary clinic specialized in rescuing dolphins, turtles, and other marine wildlife in and around the San Francisco Bay.

Skills: Observation, deception, swimming, and a fashion sense.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Mab Javert


Age: 35

Personality: Mab Javert is a person who believes that she stands for the interests of Humanity as a whole, a person filled with pride that she is 'standing up' for a cause greater than the petty struggles of people and ideologies. In order to keep this pride, she is willing to manipulate, cajole, and threaten in order to force people to follow her agenda, always believing it is for the greater good. But hidden behind this is an empty, hollow shell of a person who seeks meaning through devotion of a goal, someone who, once said goal is done, hasn't thought of what she would do after.

History: Mab was born in California to a family of rich Agri-business owners, who as Mab was 1.) their only heir, and 2.) fairly intelligent, trained her to take the reins of the family corporation, much to the ire of several of her male relatives. Because of this, Mab quickly learned to be ruthless and more than a little cruel, qualities that she put in good stead when she finally took the reins of her corporation. Maintaining a good, but distant, relationship with her workers, Mab managed to take her business to new heights, even purchasing for herself a mansion in the San Francisco Peninsula, out of the hustle and bustle of the city, but close enough to keep an eye on its business.

Said business, recently, involved the activities of a group called 'The Sharing', a group dedicated to reconciling the various political divisions in the city and the rest of the US. This group, unlike various 'moderates', 'centrists', and 'third way-ers', seemed to actually be succeeding, even to the point of getting endorsements from both major political parties. It was suspicious, especially as they began converting people she knew to hold strong and opposed political positions, as well as increase their already immense amounts of 'real property'. Mab didn't normally believe in conspiracy theories, but this was startling...

Skills: Finance, Computers, Shooting, Fencing, Politics, with some Logistics and Strategy.

@Ceta de Cloyes
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Name: Riley Walker


Age: 17

Personality: Riley is a very fun and outgoing kind of person, she has a very witty and goofy personality she enjoys making people around her smile. She is also a very loyal friend, she is always there for them no matter what, she is always trying to find ways to help out a friend whenever they need it. If someone hurts her or her friends she has been known to hold a grudge against those people, and will take quiet awhile for her to forgive the person who has betrayed her trust or hurt her friends.

History: Riley was originally born in a small town in Pennsylvania growing up in a small town Riley had quiet a bit of friends, she loved her life in the small town. Until she was about fourteen Riley's parents got a divorce, Riley's mother having full custody she and her mother left the small town and moved to San Francisco California where her mother eventually remarried about two years after moving into the city. Now having an older step brother who is two years older then she is, the two of them don't even get along that well she still gets along with her stepfather however.

Riley still sees her father and sees him every summer and goes back to her hometown to visit while she stays with her mother during the school year. Riley in her spare time enjoys writing as well as playing a few instruments such as the guitar, though she prefers playing when no one else is around, she is also a bit of a nerd usually playing video games or watching anime, or reading comic books. Riley also is apart of the school's track team which is a sport she enjoys quiet a bit and is one of the best members for the track team.

Skills: Music, Track and Field, Running.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hjalti


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Victoria "I can't tell you my last name" Howell.


5'6 with green eyes. Victoria has freckles across her nose and cheeks as well as covering her shoulders.

Age: 17

Personality: Quiet, reserved, shy, polite, friendly and considerate.

History: Victoria has grown up on the outskirts of San Fran, with her parents owning a small homesteading property that raises much of their own food and grown their own vegetables, so Victoria has grown up living around numerous pet dogs and cats as well as cows, rabbits, goats and chickens that her family raise agriculturally.
Victoria is a fairly quiet girl from a relatively happy home. Most of her time is spent playing video games, reading or listening to music when she isn't feeding and caring for animals as part of her daily chores. She usually prefers to be by herself and mostly listened to heavier genres of music, but she isn't very elitist when it comes to her tastes.

Skills: Some animal husbandry, firearms safety.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Ignatius Spirit Vaughn, goes by Iggy or Ig


Ig's 6'4, with a lean and wiry build, he has blue eyes and dark hair that's always spiked up.

Age: 17

Personality: Ig has never done well with structure or rules, as a kid he had a lot of freedom and is used to being able to do what he wanted. Having a lot of freedom from a young age made it difficult to really be rebellious and he naturally was drawn to the very few things his mom disproved of like smoking and fighting. Although he likes to think he doesn't care about other peoples opinions about him he frequently does things, usually stupid or dangerous, for attention. He's friendly and outgoing, he's used to being a part of a large community so he likes to have a lot of people around and he can get along with most people.

History: Ig's mom was one of those artistic hippie types and his dad, although not around, played in a Grateful Dead cover band. He's met his dad a few times and though he seemed like a cool guy he wasn't really the father type. His mother always encouraged him to have a free and rebellious spirit. His mother is an artist, a painter, and also works at an art museum. Ig had a fairly unconventional upbringing, he and his mom lived in an artists commune where he was home schooled by his mom and the other residents. While he liked the freedom he had living there, Ig was never the hippie type. He was always sneaking out and going to punk shows, getting into fights and eating red meat which are some of the few things his mother disapproved of.

When he was fourteen his mom moved into her own apartment after she started to become more successful as an artist. She wanted Ig to have a slightly normal high school experience and didn't really have the time to keep up with home schooling. It was a difficult adjustment for Ig to have to deal with all the added rules and structure and to be expect to sit still and pay attention for hours at a time. His does well in art classes and English, he's descent with science but he's barely passing math and history classes. He and his mom have two pets, one blue and gold macaw named Ringo, and a Dutch Shepard named Rollins.

Skills: Endurance, fast runner, and a scrappy fighter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Audrey Springer

Appearance: A skinny girl with nut brown skin, and shiny, straight black hair cut in a pixie cut. Her almond eyes are vivid green, and her face is often without makeup, though her head is rarely seen without a hat. Her face tends toward the deadpan, and she dresses for comfort, usually in favorite ripped jeans and loose tops in the summer. Fall and winter will see more intact jeans and flannels.

It is not at all uncommon for her to be adorned with scrapes or gashes, and occasionally even stitches. They're usually found on her arms, from breaking her fall while skating.

Age: 18

Personality: Generally friendly and conversational in disposition, but her refusal to be stepped on often makes her come off as "bitchy." She's quick to remark that the same behavior in men would be considered normal. She does have to admit that she has a temper, and is easy to get in a fight with. This, along with her general vulgarity tend to get her in trouble, but she's quick to forgive her friends(not so quick to forgive an authority figure).

History: Audrey has somewhat hands off parents. Her father(a materials engineer who works in green energy) is usually working. Her mother is a Japanese national and is often across the Pacific working for a partner of the lab her father works for. Audrey is proud of the work her parents do, and is known to wear T-shirts from her father's lab. The absence of her parents has made her an independent child from a young age. She got into hobbies and habits that they wouldn't agree with, but weren't present enough to forbid.

Skills: Skate boarding, high pain tolerance, scrappy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: James "Jimmy" O'Brian


Age: 19

Personality: He's a bit of a loner, having few real friends. The people he spends most of his time with are his customers, and they are only friendly because they want something from him.

History: He's just a kid from a bad home who ran away and dropped out of school on the same day. He moved in with another dealer and helped him make and market his goods until he had saved up enough to start his own "business."
He was heading home after a long day of visiting customers, carrying his pet python, when an explosion happened behind a mall. He ran over to see what was going on (he'd at least save a life as long as the cops weren't around to hassle him), and was surprised to see a badly injured alien laying there.

Skills: Marketing, chemistry, horticulture, herpetology, knife fighting, lock picking
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