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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sayatachhi Nijiko

@Leslie Hall

As the Magic Council meeting came to a close, the Rainbow Majesty was already reflecting on what Carrie was mentioning about the recruitment of the Rune Knights. While she kept silent on the matters of her own opinion, like Rosalina, she was somewhat hesitant about this idea on taking in magic wielders who didn't happen to be in a guild. The light guilds should have some of the more obedient of the wizards compared to most of the guilds in Fiore. But true to what Jessie said, they may be quite hesitant in switching guilds just to simply join the Rune Knights. Besides, there may be some potential in some of the wizards who don't happen to be in a guild at all. It'll be like taking in the homeless... only to simply put an ID chip and give them the position of a simple knight. But, if she says it'll work, then she'll go along with it... even if she doesn't like the idea.

Rosalina happened to be pretty active in the debate, asking questions about this and that, and so forth. Yet Sayatachi also knows that she too is also hesitant with this idea. She can tell that she was lying about that being a 'wise decision'. Rosalina is just as cautious as Saya is. Regardless, they'll know how it'll go in time. For now, they were dismissed. As they head back out to Crocus, the flamboyant one simply walks up to Rosalina to gossip about the entire meeting.

"It appears we are on the same page Rosalina," she says to her in a low voice, not trying to let it capture the ears of the other members, "I'm also not fond of recruiting those that don't happen to be in a guild. It'll be like recruiting the homeless and immediately making them the royal guard of the King."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Rosalina Idwal

"There are some things you shouldn't shoulder alone."


The members of the council rose from their seats when Carrie dismissed the meeting, delighted at the prospect of being given a day to relax and spend time with loved ones. Rosalina's scarlet eyes watched them leave, her fingers gently laced around her cup of tea as she rose it to her lips. Tilting her head back, she quickly downed the remaining contents and rested the cup down on the saucer in front of her. She rose from her seat, only to notice Sayatachi approaching her from the corner of her eye.
"It appears we are on the same page Rosalina," Rosalina raised her eyebrow curiously at the remark, but she was not surprised by Sayatachi's statement. No, Rosalina was mostly shocked at her own poor judgement. She had assumed that her ability to hold up a false pretense would fool the council, yet the the woman who stood before her had not wasted a single moment to call her out. If Sayatachi had noticed, surely Carrie did as well. The thought made her uneasy. The last thing she wanted was to seem defiant.

"I'm also not fond of recruiting those that don't happen to be in a guild. It'll be like recruiting the homeless and immediately making them the royal guard of the King." Rosalina stepped passed Sayatachi as she spoke, placing her hat atop her head to conceal the tangled mess of silver that lay beneath. She remained calm and collected on the outside, but internally she was quite perturbed.
"You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to not care to hear it." She spoke with a monotonous drone, clearly uninterested in discussing the meeting. She approached the door, looking over her shoulder at the Rainbow Majesty. She stood with her hand on the handle, clenching it with a mixed expression of hesitance and remorse.
"I'm sorry." She sighed, releasing her grip on the doorway. She had been fully aware of how disrespectful she must have sounded, dismissing Sayatachi like that, yet she still gave her the cold shoulder. This wasn't like her. Actually it was completely like her. Dismissive, cold and distant were all words that anyone who knew her would use to describe her. At the same time though, Rosalina could not be called impolite. She wouldn't allow herself to be labelled as such.

"I appear to have left my manners in bed this morning. Please allow me to apologise properly by treating you to some brunch, Lady Nijiko." Rosalina spoke with a rare sincerity. It was true, she cared little for the company of others. Even so, Rosalina had always held the philosophy that nobody would ever take an obnoxious introvert seriously in this world. As such she had made quite an effort to at the very least seem engaged when others spoke to her, particularly when they were people who deserved as much respect as Sayatachi did. Politics was all about image and if Rosalina presented herself as cold, demanding and shy it would not bode well for her future in the council.

Rosalina held the door open for Sayatachi, gesturing for her to exit.

Isabella and Bullet
"I'm not weird, you are! Just make the stupid promise, okay?"

"Whoa, okay! Okay! Fine, I promise."


Bullet squinted his eyes at Isabella and Jane in the distance, trying to listen in on what they were saying. Unfortunately all the ruckus in the hotel lobby made in near impossible to make anything out. He sighed, his lips turning up into a smile. Isabella was probably acting as hyperactive as usual, probably scaring the poor girl half to death.

Meanwhile, Isabella had just finished gaining the attention of the young lady, a cheerful smile plastered across her face as usual.
"Hi, I'm Jane. What exactly is your issue and how can I help?" Jane looked equally as pleased to see Isabella, which was a reaction that she was quite happy with. Isabella grabbed onto Jane's right hand, holding it gently in her palms.
"You're so beautiful! You will do just fine!" Without so much as another word, Isabella spun on her heel and made her way back to Bullet; her hand still gripping Jane's. She was practically dragging her along and Bullet raised an eyebrow at the pair as they approached. He even found himself straightening up his posture to not seem too rude to Jane.

"Jane my dear girl, I'd like you to meet a close friend of mine; Bullet!" Isabella released her grip on Jane's hand, gesturing towards Bullet with open arms.
"'Sup." Isabella frowned at his bluntness, but was too excited to really say anything.
"I'm Isabella, but that's not important. Bullet stand up, this is no way to greet your date for the King's Party!" Proclaiming her intentions to the two of them, Bullet sat there for a few moments in order to process the absurd words that had just come out of his best friends mouth. When realisation struck him, his face went red as a tomato and he immediately rose from his seat in outrage.
"What the?! What?! I... I don't... That's insane! What are you doing, Bella?!" He was stumbling over his own words, his eyes darting from Isabella to Jane. He could barely even look at her for a second before averting his gaze to the ground.

"My dear Bullet, are you implying that you do not wish to accompany this lovely lady to the dance? Why, I'm shocked!"
"That is exactly what I'm implying!" Isabella gently patted Jane on the shoulder, ignoring Bullet's response as if he didn't even have a say in the matter.
"He really does come off as an unpleasant little gremlin, I know." Bullet muttered something along the lines of 'bite me' in response to Isabella's little jab. "But I promise you he'll clean up nicely and be an upstanding gentleman for the evening." By this point, Bullet was crouched on the floor with his back turned to the two. He plugged his own ears with his two index fingers, mumbling about how he refused to listen to this nonsense any further. Isabella rolled her eyes before staring at Jane, expecting to see her own excitement mirrored.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Gabriel stared at the General with curiosity. He knew he should be angry, yet he wasn't. It seemed that all the general wanted was a yes, so that eas what Gabriel gave him. As the general ordered them about, he approached the general and he said in a calm voice, "Not meaning to be disrespectful, sir, but you really know nothing of spirits. Just because you consider them inhuman being does not mean that they are not human. What you want me to do is control someone completely, which i consider to be nothing short of slavery. Having been a slave myself, you can see why i wouldn't condone such things. My spirits fight for me becauae they want to, not because i order them to. I didn't ask for Leo, he was forced on me by the spirit king. Tell me, sir, if you had been locked up for 100 years, would you want to be confined? Respect works both ways sir. With a spirit like Leo, you don't control him, but rather you treat him with respect, with kindness, and you show them your own spirit, courage, belief in yourself and others. You do that, and spirit will do anything for you. But you do not control them. I can try and keep him in line, sir but i cannot control him, no more then i would control another human being.

I'll do my best to be a solider, but if you can't understand that a spirit is something free, that has a will and feelings of its own, then you will always consider me a bad solider. And there will be nothing i can do to show you otherwise. I'll do many things sir, but i won't be apart of slavery. "

Gabriel would take his lumps, if anything he said would be consider insubordination. His spirits were his friends, perhaps his only friends, and if he couldn't stand up for them, then he wasn't worthy of their friendship. If he got discharged from the guild, then so be it. He'd rather that then be apart of forcing his spirits to be something other then they were, then be apart of slavery of any kind.

"Leo won't do anything to harm the people of this town, nor cause any trouble for them. He won't cause any trouble to come onto the guild. Leo is not here to fight for the guild or even myself. He is here to make sure i can be a great celestial mage, and that I get the guidance I need. I haven't been a mage, truly, for very long. My whole life, the last few years, has been about escaping, been about staying one step ahead of slavery and being used for the magic I hold. I have not had the luxery to learn how to fight, I have been trying to teach myself because I don't feel like i deserve to have the right to ask someone to help me, because I know I'm not that good at communication, at saying what I mean and I just end up insulting people without meaning to. Or my actions aren't considered right. I'm trying sir, but sometimes I feel like I am drowning. Sometimes i feel like if i were completely submerged, no one would even care.

I know I am a problem member. I know I'm probably one step away from being kicked out. But...I'm trying. Leo is dealing with Argus and won't allow him to become problematic. I'll go with Enma and Mercury now"

Strangely enough, Gabriel felt better as he walked away. It was like expressing himself then had allowed something to break free. For better or worse, Gabriel would become a changed person. For better or worse, he had got out what had been tormenting him, for days if not weeks or months. It was a slight change, but perhaps it would be noticiable as he looked for the other two.


"Well, would you just look at him, tense as a plank of wood! You don't have to be scared of me, Jessie has made it quite clear that she was no interference in any relationship from me or our other brothers!" Drew said with a laugh, and Jessie hugged him tightly. She had missed her brothers dearly, and if she couldn't see them all, Drew was the best of them.

"I am so glad to see you! This is Ferris. He is important to me, and I imagine he is terrified you will hurt him! I think he is positively cute, and I like to make him blush." she looked to Ferris and smiled, saying "This is Drew. He's a teddy bear. He won't hurt you. He taught me to stand up for myself, so ething he probably regrets now"

She laughed in that cheerful way of hers, the smile never far from her face.

"I'm sorry I won't be able to stay long, but its a pleasure to meet you, Ferris."

Jamies, Jarvis, Sam

"Sweetheart, you don't need to have come from them to be apart of them, nor to have them be apart of you." The woman said, giving Amelia another kind smile before she disappeared.

Sam looked to Amelia as her sister shed a few tears, and snuggled against her, seeking to comfort even if she didn't know why Amelia was saddened.

"sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, we can forget the such things. Perhaps we need to make time, to be a family, away from all the troubles of the guild and the world" Jarvis said
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ike Riven & Riona Ynnir

Getting lectured for calling the brat what she was didn't really make Ike very happy, mostly considering what shes done and she is still around didn't seem very fair to the one she troubled. Yet Ike just grumbled and nodded his head at Sanders. "Fine, whatever you say sir." Ike said while walking further towards the back of the group. "Freaking blind if you think that thing is a little girl." He mumbled ever so quietly to himself. Although he walked by Riona when he said this and she reached out and grabbed his arm, which resulted in a very aggressive yank from him to free his arm, as he looked at her. "What." He promptly asked her, to which she flicked him in the head causing a glare to form on his face.

She giggled a bit before pointing at Isla in the distance. "So I'm new but you obviously have some immense beef with her, I heard a little on what transpired but care to elaborate more dude?" Riona said flashing a smile although it faded with the stern look Ike was giving, who sighed but answered the woman. "Short story, she tricked me and locked me in a painting. Long story is I wanted to get a painting for my grandpops but instead I was thrown into the painting, too which I was trapped inside for who knows how long. We are just going out on a limb and saying its over a month. I didn't always look like this but, not you can do to stop your body altering when you have nothing to do inside a world where you are hunted down by a monster constantly. Now if that's all, leave me be." Ike said and asked of her, all before the order from Sanders came about causing him to be paired with the woman and one he almost killed. "This day just gets shittier..." Ike said before motioning for Fortinbras to follow him, as he started making his way to the schoolhouse.

Riona flinched a bit as she looked at the Ice wizard. "S-sorry didn't mean to anger him, thought it might have helped to get whatever it was off his chest. Yet did she really do all that to him? She looks like air would be enough to push her and knock her out cold." She would ask him while trailing behind Ike who seemed keen on staying close enough so they were together, but also keen on avoiding conversation with the two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Silver Fox@t2wave
Trinity Stratos

Trinity was just popping the last of her tater tots into her mouth as Ariel stood to leave. "Guess we won't be finding out." She looked the guy that had approached them over for a moment before trotting off after Karn and Ariel.

Coming up next to the Karns, Trinity thought about Eddy's dissatisfaction with her wardrobe. "Hmm... so, if you change forms and try on a whole bunch of clothes, can Karn transform you into a bunch of different clothing sets? This would be easier if Karn could mix-and-match..."

She stopped for a moment, forming a golden ball in her hands and pressing it into two. She flung the two halves down to her feet, where they cling and mold to them. She then started to move again, gliding along the ground on her newly formed boots. She spun to face the others, gliding in front of them. "There's a clothing store that way, but it might not be the kind of thing you're looking for. S'where I got the stuff for this." She motioned to her outfit, an ensemble of draping cloths, wraps, and stockings. "Though, this might be a little feminine for your tastes, too."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Crocus

@CirusArvennicus@Silver Fox
Ariel let her two guildmates take the lead. They knew where they were going better than she did. hell she could hardly keep her attention off of all the things going on around her. Crocus was a busy place, made even more so by the games. Merchants were all over the place trying to peddle off their wares. One more than one occasion she found herself lagging behind before realizing and running after Trinity and the Karns.

At this moment even clothes shoping would be an adventure. It wasn't exactly something she'd done in some time. Though it wasn't likely that she'd buy anything. She didn't exactly have the extra funds to spend like that. Had to save up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sayatachhi Nijiko

@Leslie Hall

"You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to not care to hear it."

That monotonous drone created a raising eyebrow up Saya's right eyebrow. From being rather cheerful and collective, to back being the usual cold and rude, it seemed as if she struck a nerve from within her. Was it perhaps she found out about Rosalina's true emotions about the whole situation? Most likely. The only reason Saya was able to notice her true intentions was simply by judging by her personality as a whole, as well as some key features in her tone and expressions. Of course, this is coming from someone who pays very close attention to when one was speaking. While she isn't a psychiatrist, she knows a good deal about recognizing certain facial features. She knows the difference between a true smile and a fake one, a true frown and a phony, a genuine tone and a cover-up. How she got to know them is anyone's guess.

Saya was going to ask Rosalina what was wrong, as she begins to walk out the door, until she simply stopped in the door frame. She seemed hesitant on letting what she said by... after all, she stands in the presence of the Rainbow Majesty herself.

"I'm sorry." She sighs, "I appear to have left my manners in bed this morning. Please allow me to apologize properly by treating you to some brunch, Lady Nijiko."

"Awww, you shouldn't," Sayatachi replies politely as she approaches her while patting her hand on Rosa's shoulder, "We all have these days sometimes, it's simply normal. Though... now that you mentioned brunch, I completely forgot to eat breakfast before I came to the meeting. I actually wouldn't mind to go out for a bite. If you can show me a place where we can go out, I'd gladly pay for both of our meals."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Rosalina Idwal
"I can't let anyone share my guilt. It wouldn't be fair."

"You're strong, Rosalina, but even this is too much for you."

@Lmpkio | @hatakekuro

Rosalina had half expected Sayatachi to storm out of the room. She wouldn't have blamed her; it may have even been a more optimal situation for Rosalina. It was hard to look someone in the eye after being so rude to them. Yet Sayatachi stood there, surprised but not angry.
"Awww, you shouldn't," Sayatachi placed her hand on Rosalina's shoulder, her comforting touch only reinforcing how awful she felt about snapping. "We all have these days sometimes, it's simply normal." For someone who claimed to be a narcissist, Sayatachi displayed a great deal of compassion and understanding. It would have been all too easy for her to dismiss Rosalina as a rude, cold person; but she instead sought to try and make her feel better. It was the first time Rosalina had felt this type of warmth from another person in quite some time.

"Though... now that you mentioned brunch, I completely forgot to eat breakfast before I came to the meeting. I actually wouldn't mind to go out for a bite. If you can show me a place where we can go out, I'd gladly pay for both of our meals." Rosalina followed after Sayatachi as she exited the meeting room, her lips turned up into a soft smile.
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to pay for me, not this time. Picking up the pace, she was quick to match Sayatachi at a brisk walk through the halls of the hotel. When they reached the elevator, Rosalina reached out and pressed the button to call for it. There was a place she had in mind that she had been planning on visiting at least once during her stay. Hopefully it wouldn't be too packed.

The cafe was only a few blocks away, the short walk being occupied with discussion on the Rune Knights recruitment between Rosalina and Sayatachi. The streets were packed as expected. The local strip of small boutiques and cafes was filled with eager men and women who were still buzzing with excitement about the previous days battles.
"So many people," Rosalina spoke with a hushed tone, her eyes darting to various faces in the crowds. There were many who had their heads turned to the two women as they walked through the streets. No doubt many of the people in Crocus recognised Sayatachi from the previous days announcement of the new council. Not wanting to sound intimidated by the large crowds, Rosalina cleared her throat before resting her hands behind her back as she walked, "Today should be mostly quiet without too many incidents. The guilds are resting and preparing for the final day of fights, after all. Oh look, here we are."

Turning the corner, Rosalina and Sayatachi would find themselves just outside of a quaint little cafe tucked away among the bustling city. Rosalina was about to approach when a sudden ruckus from within caught her attention. Stepping back, it wasn't long before a pair of Rune Knights were practically thrown from the premises into the streets. Rosalina rose her eyebrow curiously, watching the battle between the two Knights and Nolan curiously. If you could even call it a battle. One blow and one of the knights was down for the count.

"Forgive me, Lady Nijiko. It appears that our plans will need to be put on hold for now." With that, Rosalina stepped forward besides the remaining Knight, glaring at Nolan with contempt. The Knight turned to face her, his body stiffening at the sight. He turned his head back to Nolan with a cocky smile. Two members of the council had come to his aid.
"Captain Idwal, am I glad to see you. This punk attacked us while we were minding our own busine-" The man was cut off mid-sentence by a swift slap across the face. Rosalina watched him stand there in shock, his face stinging as if he'd just been branded by a hot iron.
"Shut up." Rosalina's spoke with a disgusted scowl, as if even looking at this man made her sick. "Disgraceful. Two of the Rune Knights supposed 'best men' cowering in fear in front of this runt?" Her gaze quickly shifted to Nolan, the same fury ever present. She turned her nose up at him. If it wasn't such an embarrassment to everything she stood for, Rosalina would find the situation laughable.

The man began to stutter, unable to bring forth any coherent sentences. All that could be made out was something along the lines of 'he's a demon' or 'he's a monster'. His fear was clear. He had expected Rosalina to be his savior; to swoop in and easily strike down the delinquent who so easily defeated them. Yet all he was met with was yet another monster staring him down. He couldn't even tell which of the two he was more afraid of at this point; though Nolan's display of pure physical strength against his companion was definitely one of the more terrifying things he'd witnessed. Rosalina placed her palm against her face, sighing with exhaustion. It was no wonder why Fiore no longer respected the Knights. She stared down at the other Rune Knight who was cowering on the floor, holding onto his nether region with tears in his eyes.
"Don't just stand there! Take him to the hospital!" She commanded to the first Knight, who immediately jumped at the opportunity to get out of this situation. Rosalina rolled her eyes as he struggled to help his companion up, the two of them slowly hobbling away from the scene.

Left alone with Nolan, Rosalina turned her body to face him. She stepped forward to close the distance between them, giving the young man a more clear view of how unimpressed she was by this whole ordeal. There was a crowd of people watching as well, which only served to agitate her even more. Especially since they all seemed to be rooting for Nolan. She couldn't blame them, really. No man, woman or child with a brain would ever respect people like those Knights. Rosalina stood with her shoulders squared and back straight, her stance almost demanding the full attention of the young punk before her.
"Just who the hell do you think you are, boy?" Of coarse, Rosalina already knew that he was Nolan Waltz of Phoenix Wing. The crowds gossip and cheers had well alerted her to that. The question was more rhetorical than anything. "Attacking a Rune Knight is a serious offense. Your actions here give me reasonable grounds to disqualify your guild from the games, if I so please. So I suggest you start showing me your best behaviour." Rosalina had no doubt that those two deserved the thrashing they got, but as much as she despised them she had no choice but to stand by her men. How would current and future members of the Knights feel about her if the only one of their own on the Council wouldn't stick her neck out for them?

She'd be sure to terminate those two later on from the Knights; make an example. However she refused to let this incident slide. She nodded her head forward to the cafe, gesturing for Nolan to take a seat. Throughout the entire exchange she had been fighting the urge to draw her sword against Nolan. She was truly tempted to test the abilities of this so called 'monster'. However she needed to make sure the public saw the Rune Knights in a more civil manner. How would she be any better than those two if she simply resorted to violence against him?
"Hurry up and sit down." Rosalina turned around and nodded to Sayatachi, signalling for her to come and sit with them. It seemed they would be having their brunch together after all.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ashlyn Johnson

Ash was about to responded to Isla when Mecury began talking over his shoulder to the fire mage. So that was what this girl, Isla, did? Put some guy (perhaps the man who threw the glare and rock?) named Ike in a painting? She had done this more than a few times as well?
Well that is certainly different, Ash would admit that. Most of the people she knew would've butchered, tortured or just killed them outright. Although she couldn't help but wonder if these monsters were strong or not.
"I see." Was the only response she gave Mercury before turning back to Isla as she felt the little girl squirming under her hand. It would seem she had neglected to remove it after ruffling her hair.
But seeing Isla so embarrassed, all Ash could think about was how Isla was so damned adorable!
"Bounty hunter? No, not really. I was part of a rather....nasty group of people. Got sick of them and left." Ash responded cryptically. She didn't really want to admit to Isla that she had been part of Shadow Heart, a dark guild.

Sora Kaze, Mai Butcher, Jess Butcher and Ethel Storm

The sounds of people talking. The heat which came from crowded spaces. The smells of the nearby food stalls. All these senses weren't new, however these sounds and smells were all foreign to the pale girl wandering the streets. Her eyes were wide as she took in the sights of Crocus. She had never been to a city this large!
"Ethel is hungry." The girl, talking about herself, mumbled into the collar of her navy blue hooded jumper. She was practically drooling over a nearby stall which sold kebabs. However she didn't have any money, but Sora did!
Turning around sharply, causing her hood to fall off and allow her longish milky blue hair to fall loose to around her shoulder blades, she went to open her mouth only for a masculine hand to cover her face.
"I know what you're thinking Ethel, but no. We just ate." A older male with beaver brown hair and hazel eyes said with a heavy sigh. He knew Ethel well enough by now to know that she got hungry easily, so these food stalls weren't helping.
"Sora we ate four hours ago." A younger girl with dark sapphire blue hair responded bluntly, sounding rather annoyed for some reason. She glared towards the older man with her dark green, which also had a touch of blue throughout, eyes before a third girl with dark blue hair, a bit older than the other two but still obviously younger than the man, intervened by slapping the back of Sora's head.
"You have no idea how to treat a lady do you? Stupid tightwad. We're stopping for lunch." Mai sighed heavily as she lectured, funnily enough, the eldest member of their little group. Honestly he was such a pain in the ass.
"Ok fine....You take the girls to lunch." Sora replied in a reluctant tone before quickly smirking towards Mai "Meanwhile I'll go chase up some leads. Bye!"
Before Mai could even open up her mouth to argue, a powerful breeze now swept through the street knocking over some stands and even people. When the breeze subsided, meaning Mai could open her tightly closed eyes, Sora had vanished causing Mai to let lout a loud, annoyed groan. Great, now she would have to track the thorn in her side down! Well later anyway. For now, she had to make sure Ethel and Jess ate. THEN she would hunt him down and taser his ass.

Manami Fuyu and Shiro Hime

"I'm sure you can find something to content yourself with by yourself Mr DuCarthy, last I checked we weren't your babysitters." Manami chuckled softly into her hand at Nidhogg's childish declaration of his boredom. Despite her statement however, she did briefly consider taking Nidhogg along to perhaps assist in the slayer culling.
However she quickly discounted the idea. It was going to difficult enough without someone who reaked of death and decay, wanted to kill just about anything that moved and worst of all was incredibly bored. He might just destroy an entire building...or the city.
However the fact he was bored and surrounded by this many innocent people was the reason why Manami was thinking up something for him to do.
"Arthur, Angela, Jessica and James are in the city as well aren't they? Maybe Nidhogg-sama could find them and play a game. Angela loves playing games." Shiro suggested as she just casually removed her night gown and left it on the bed, walking stark naked over to where her bundle of clothes were before Manami stormed over.
"Shiro, how many times must I ask you to not parade around naked in front of guests, let alone men, while you're getting changed?!" Manami asked with a bright red face. Normally she was unfazed by Shiro's casual disregard of others while getting changed, however due to the events from earlier and the fact that Nidhogg was still in the room she was left rather flustered by Shiro's actions.
"....87 times now Manami-sama." Shiro responded with a downcast expression before grabbing her bundle of clothes and disappearing from sight. Manami sighed before turning back to Nidhogg.
".....Maybe you should listen to Shiro's suggestion. All we're going to do is hunt and kill the slayers." Manami's face was still flustered, however it was cooling down.
Shiro reappeared soon after and was almost fully dressed, just finishing up the buttons on her shirt with her jacket in her arms.

Cody Bloodstein

Cody hung his head in shame at the mention of their 'sessions'. It was true, even through they had only had a handful of sessions he had still accumulated more bruises in them than the rest of his life combined.
"Mobility is important for me...I need to stay mobile, alert. If I'm weighed down I probably can't react fast enough for my magic to be effective." Cody replied after a moment of thought. It was a good question.
Even Cody with his sparse knowledge on armor knew that heavy armors while they offered more protection in most cases, they also slowed the user movements due to their sheer weight. The vice versia also existed as well, the lighter armors made it easier to move however they generally offered a lot less protection.
"To be honest I probably can't handle armor like yours....too heavy. Don't have the strength you have. Need something lighter."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Streets


Edo-Karn looked at Trinity in examination, nose slightly twitching as her left ear flicked a little in minor distaste before giving a slight snort. "No thanks." she said before thinking on the question, humming a little thoughtfully. "I don't think it would work. From what your Karn described, he can't copy magic, and technically him transforming to what my body looked like is just a form of magic. Instead of a actual physical real thing. Something about how the energy wavelength is different between physical and magical energies. Sure he could put other clothes on his magic creation of my body since his mind has seen every inch of me. But can't exactly copy objects like clothes." she answered. She didn't particularly get Karn's magic but it seemed to have limits. Maybe he could learn to get around those obstacles with more training, but for now they were still in place.

Glancing around, the blonde perked up at a clothing store nearby and made a beeline for it. The otherworlder didn't take long to shop, as she quickly scanned the racks before making a grab at things she liked then shoving them to the store clerk to pay for them. Soon going into a changing room to change clothes and walking back out. Wearing a patterned brown shirt with a black vest over it, a white coat, a teal scarf, a pair of goggles resting on her forehead, black fingerless gloves, black pants and boots.

"Better." Edo-Karn hummed before eyes switching to excited as Karn took over and started twirling around.

"Wow this is neat!" Karn chirped before Edo-Karn resumed control as the chipper face returned calm.

"Yeah yeah. So, Doll, which way to the airship?" Edo-Karn asked Trinity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Leslie Hall@Lmpkio

Oh great, another one had decided to join the party and if he was correct in his guess this one was a council member as well and judging by her aura she was leagues above these maggots...No, now that he took a closer look at her, he realized that she was the leader of the Rune Knights. This could be really bad though it somehow turned out in his favor; she slapped the other Rune Knight across the face and gave him a scolding of a life time before telling him to take his now infertile friend to the hospital. Her fiery attention was turned on him and he nonchalantly stood there as he listened to her talk about disqualifying his guild from the games if he didn't explain his actions. He knew he didn't do anything wrong so he was remarkably calm in the presence of the fierce women. "Right, right...I'll be sure not to spit on your boots Ms. Idwal."

Nolan sat down and folded one leg over the other, leaning back in his seat as he sized himself up wih the woman. In terms of magic power, she was far weaker than him though he knew better than to judge her power with that alone. She was someone with martial prowess and experience from an early age. In some ways, she was quite respectable. Before Nolan could say a word, the waitress that was being harrassed by the two Rune Knights walked up to the table and said with a stutter, "T-thank you for rescuing me earlier Mr. Waltz...Re-really, thank you so much." She gulped hard and looked at the Rosalina, shaking slightly. It was obvious that she had been hurt recently; there were cut marks on her arms, legs, and just above the eye. There were large bruises on her as well. "I really h-hope that I didn't get him in trouble."

The Phoenix Wing mage glanced up at the waitress with his bored, deadpanned expression. "You don't need to thank me. If it happens again make sure to contact Phoenix Wing. I'll be more than happy to rough them up a bit." He turned his glance away from the waitress who smiled at him before taking their order. When she left, Nolan rested his arms on the table and leaned forward. "Those two knights of yours were harrassing that waitress. Sexual harrassment, assault, and who knows else before I came here. From what I could tell from what they said, this isn't the first time." The waitress had brought them their coffee and placed it down in front of the three of them. Nolan poured some milk into his cup and took a sip. "I told them to leave or face the consequences. Nutless threw the first punch. So tell me, are you going to make me take the fall so your recruits don't think you're a backstabber or are you going to let me go?"

He glanced up at Sayatachi and glared at her the instant he saw her face. "Sorry, but I refuse to talk to Ms. Bad Touch over there. After the crap she pulled on me a couple days ago, I'd sooner trust the devil than her." Nolan said with deep resentment.


"Yes sir!" The oni said in response to his guild master's orders, revitalized by having something to do. He needed something to take his mind off the topic of the dark aspects of human nature and finding out whatever was going in this town was certainly would certainly work. Still, it all seemed so bleak. Just looking up at the sky anyone could tell that a storm was going to come down on Belka. It was all inauspicious...Something was going to happen.

Seeing Gabriel and Mercury had gathered up, Enma had walked over to them and gave them a polite nod. "We better get moving. Let's see if we can find anything." Soon, the group had made their way down to the market, or really, a miserable excuse of a market.


His body went limp with relief with air exhaling from his lungs. Thank god he was actually a nice person. He really should've listened to Jess that his brother really was a nice guy though how can anyone blame him for being scared? This guy was a council member! Well, perhaps he should just relax. Ferris chuckled sheepishly and said with an awkward grin, It's very nice to meet you too Drew." He put his hand up for a handshake. "Your sister is very precious to me so it makes me happy to know that you don't mind us being together."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sayatachhi Nijiko

@Leslie Hall@hatakekuro

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to pay for me, not this time." replies Rosalina with a soft smile.

Rainbow Majesty couldn't help but to simply smile back at the response.

"Then let us be off, shall we?" the flamboyant Saya responds questioningly as they head towards the elevator down the hall.

As she walks briskly down the hall, her speed was matched by Rosa's as she walks beside her. Even in her high heels, Saya's brisk walking was pretty fast for one that wears heels on a regular basis. While she can be a bitch to anyone as she pleases, she also has a soft, almost motherly, like feel towards those whom she is fond of. Yes, she may look like a rich asshole or a narcissistical attention seeker at first, and while she can easily display these characteristics, if you happen to respect her, or be rather generous, then she'll be at the very least respectful towards you. Of course, this relates to those of the Magic Council or other guild members, and not much towards the regular folk that walk around town. In fact, she virtually has little to no interest in them, save for a few business CEOs or celebrities. Regardless, it was time to follow Rosalina to what she has in mind to eat.

They've walked only several blocks through the city of Crocus, and yet the whole streets were packed. Was it due to the GMG? Or simply weekend shopping? Regardless, there was simply a lot of people. Sayatachi could even see a few turn their heads towards her direction, usually looking at the flamboyant, rainbow-colored, hair style. No doubt would they recognize her to be one of the new Magic Council members. If not, perhaps they thought they were looking at a goddess... or a really good cosplayer. Whatever they thought, she didn't care much. Today, she was simply going to accompany Rosalina as a good friend, and maybe later head back to her quarters or to get to know the rest of the Magic Council members.

"So many people," Rosalina spoke with a hushed tone, her eyes darting to various faces in the crowds.

"Indeed." replies Sayatachi with a nod while scanning across the vast sea of people, "It can't be due to the GMG... otherwise they'd be all over there instead of here."

"Today should be mostly quiet without too many incidents. The guilds are resting and preparing for the final day of fights, after all. Oh look, here we are."

As the two turned a quarter, they happen to reach a small quaint cafe tucked away among the bustling city. Sayatachi always liked little cafes. They were always pleasant and cozy inside, with some nice music playing on the stage. And unlike say a tavern, there's usually no obnoxious fights to get disturbed by. The people here are just civilized people wanting to kick back and relax, not wanting to cause any trouble.

"Ah," she sighs as she looks at the cafe, "A nice little cafe. Have to say it actually looks very nice, hadn't seen this place before. I wonder if they sell my favorite tea flav~"

But before she can finish, two Rune Knights were violently thrown out of the cafe and onto the streets. Clearly a scuffle was going about inside, but for what and why? Couldn't be due to alcohol, it's only severed in taverns and bars as far as she knew. As she observes the situation, she then sees the person who threw the two out, knocking one of the knights out cold. It was the guy she "flirted" at the GMG several days ago, Nolan Waltz. Was he causing trouble inside? She couldn't tell for sure.

"Forgive me, Lady Nijiko. It appears that our plans will need to be put on hold for now." Rosalina apologizes as she heads to defuse the situation.

Saya simply nodded and waved her hand slightly in excuse as she watches from near a corner. As she watches carefully, she can happen to point out that the Knights must have caused something to stir from within. Whatever that might be, it clearly had to do with something stupid. Saya then remembers being in a fancy bar once with a few friends several years ago. She and her friends were simply gossiping about life, when suddenly a drunken guard tried to grope her breasts. While he succeeded in doing so, the next thing he felt was a solid kick to the face and a sharp pain in the gut. His friends dragged him outside and were never seen from her again. She could've used some of her magic on them, but she usually refrains from her magic in such situations, only using it when absolutely necessary.

She then sees the downed knight being dragged away by his friend as Rosalina was left with Nolan. Then she starts talking at him pretty aggressively, which then brings up some confusion towards the Rainbow Majesty. She gets a little closer, wanting to get an idea on what was going on. However, Rosalina turned around and signaled her to come and sit down with the two. Looks like they'll be heaving brunch after all, with an "old" friend too. As she walks towards them slowly, she happens to hear some of their conversation. Saya then sees a waitress walk towards them, shuttering a little bit as she did.

"T-thank you for rescuing me earlier Mr. Waltz...Re-really, thank you so much." she thanks Nolan.

"You don't need to thank me. If it happens again make sure to contact Phoenix Wing. I'll be more than happy to rough them up a bit."

He turned his glance away from the waitress who smiled at him before taking their order. When she left, Nolan rested his arms on the table and leaned forward.

"Those two knights of yours were harassing that waitress. Sexual harrassment, assault, and who knows else before I came here. From what I could tell from what they said, this isn't the first time."

Aha. So it was as she predicted. Sexual harassment coming from the two guards upon the defenseless waitress. Just like when she got harassed several years before. It was also on that day when Sayatachi's view of the guards had begun to change. She has seen their other behaviors as well... very few of them being admirable... the rest being simply like spoiled pigs...

The waitress had brought them their coffee and placed it down in front of the three of them. Nolan poured some milk into his cup and took a sip.

"I told them to leave or face the consequences. Nutless threw the first punch. So tell me, are you going to make me take the fall so your recruits don't think you're a backstabber or are you going to let me go?"

"Not so fast, Mr. Waltz." she replies as she walks up into view, "Come and sit with us for awhile."

He glanced up at Sayatachi and glared at her the instant he saw her face. "Sorry, but I refuse to talk to Ms. Bad Touch over there. After the crap she pulled on me a couple days ago, I'd sooner trust the devil than her."

"Tsk tsk, that's not how you talk to a lady," Saya replies while keeping it cool, "Let alone a Magic Council member. Besides, that was just merely an accident. It was very crowded in there, you know? so I simply didn't have much room to go by with."

If what she did back then was to be revealed, it can ruin her entire picture. Besides, even if he tried, Saya can easily shut him up anyways. He issues a quick glance at him while Rosa's head was turned, basically saying "Say it and I'll kill you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|City of Belka

Nodding at the end of Sanders's speech, Damian turns to find his battle buddies, Lieutenants Eliza and Rensa, when he realizes that he has no idea who they are. So, remembering to refer to them by rank out of respect for their guild, he calls out for the pair. "Lieutenants Eliza and Rensa, with me please."

Jane Addeson|Phoenix Wing Hotel-A shocking Reveal

Jane didn't react right away, still processing what had just been said and the events leading up to this moment. She'd woken up, gotten ready for the day and left her room. She wandered around trying to talk to her new guild mates, but found herself unable to find someone not already with plans until this young woman, an attractive one at that, had approached her after she finished her breakfast and had been on her way out. Then she revealed that she wanted Jane to accompany Bullet, who she'd never met before, to some big ball. When Isabella turned to look at Jane, likely expecting either matched excitement or embarrassment, she found Jane's face to be normal. "Sorry to burst your bubble and be unable to assist you on the matter, but I'm not interested in guys, in any way." She then winked at Isabella.

"However, I wouldn't mind going with you."

James Hunt|Streets of Crocus

James nods, stopping in front of an Armor peddlers armor stands and looks some of the suits over. "Well, you do have the right idea on general armor types and a good idea of what would work for you. But you also need to take into account that you're going to want something that can take a hit in case your magic is bypassed. So something light but sturdy would be best."

Jack Goran|Laughing Dragon Hotel

After a moment thought, Jack answers. "With music. She might not like it at first, but it'll help dislodge any subliminal remnants of the music in her old pair and remove the brain washing."

Hunter Jorgenson|Park in Crocus

The leg sweep caught him, but he used her arms to flip over the other dragon slayer and land on his feet, spinning with a Slicing Talon, the edge along his foot razor sharp as his leg is enveloped by jade, lashing out at Amaya's back. Whether or not the attack hit, he backflips away and throws a flurry of Jade Piercing Spears before enveloping himself in a thin layer of his Scale armor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"You're innocence is wasted on me, Manami. I've no such interest in the female form, so the only thing I can enjoy about the present situation is how flustered it makes you." Nidhogg said with a smile, before letting out a sigh as he thought about messing with those little ones. Considering how they were all too weak to give him and mostly just intimidated by him, he doubted that Shiro's suggestion would lead to much more than a passing fancy. When Manami tried to pass of what they were doing, however, all that did was make Nidhogg more determined to . . . 'help', as he decided to phrase it in his head. "Come now, that sounds a lot more entertaining then just babysitting some weaklings. Besides, you could use the help, yeah? I'll even promise to be on my best behavior and not use any really big attacks. Actually, that sounds fun, makes it more challenging. Yeah, I'll do that. Besides, even if you say no, I'm likely to end up following you anyway. As such, probably in your best interest to just accept under the terms presented, no?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Jessie smiled happily, Drew chuckled "I learned long ago not to tell Jessie what she can and can't do, and that includes who she sees. She may be small, but she is feisty!"

Jessie rolled her eyes and said "if you don't have much time, we should order. I hope everything is okay" she said, hoping that her brother was alright.

"I have some time, always for you Jessie!" Drew said, again with that easy grin but Jessie couldn't help but feel that it was a little false. Leaving it at that for now, she just nodded.

She wondered, briefly, what her brother would think about her contemplating joining a guild, but decided not to mention it at that moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Spatula

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

"Lookin' good, Eddy." The minstrel had been waiting patiently for the Karns to emerge in their new dress, and Eddy showed her sense of style. Maybe now people could tell he's a guy. Though, even that wasn't entirely unambiguous, now.

At any rate, "yes, the airship. Right this way. It's in one of the Capitol's parks." She conjured a harp for herself and played a tune for their jaunt through the city. When they arrived, a few people had gathered around to gaze at the foreign airship. Trinity dispersed her harp and stepped past the few spectators. "Here she is." She stepped up to the hull of the ship and pat her side, looking up to pick out her path to the deck above. The below deck access was out of reach. "This way." The mage molds herself a grappling hook and flings it up to the railing above, giving it an experimental tug before climbing up. It would feel like a silk rope in hand, despite having the strength of chain.

The hull of the airship is metal, and there is no obvious balloon or other flotation device. The minstrel approached a door and keyed in a code. It gave her an error and she pouted, keying it in again. No good. "Ahg, I should have changed it myself when I had the chance..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Lucus Griffonbane


Lucus nodded, glancing over at Elyse and Krystal, hoping his guildmate would be able to teach his daughter entertained. Standing up, he took Rose's hand in his own, ready to meet her family for the second time, though it felt more like the first time.

Joshua Tamashii

@Roseletta @Zarkun

Joshua raised an eyebrow at Cecilia as she called him 'mother hen' but said nothing about it as he folded his arms and watched the fight, content to get a bit of a show. He had no intention of interfering but he watched Hunter carefully. If the dragon-slayer was going to put Amaya in any sort of actual danger, he would step in without a second thought and take control of the fight. Even if it was a member of a friendly guild, that would mean nothing.



Jackie didn't look too comforted by this but she nodded. She knew she had to help this girl but she had to wonder if things would work out. She hated the thought of trying something without knowing the odds of success but Jack was teaching her to be human again. And humans didn't always act on the odds.
"I'll go find a replacement pair. Can you look after her for me until then... please?" She asked.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia smiled as Sam snuggled against her, wrapping a wing around her little sister, placing one of the crystals close to Sam's face. The crystal was filled with small lights that moved around at random. If Sam touched the crystal, the lights would move away before moving forward, as if curious, causing the crystal to glow.

Looking over to her father, Amelia tilted her head in confusion.
"You mean like... a vacation?" She asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cody Bloodstein

Cody nodded in acknowledgement of James' assessment. He was right, it would be unwise to rely on the magic too much after all it would be better to be safe than sorry. Especially when Cody considered the fact he was sure he was nowhere near mastering his own magic anyway.
Cody stopped and mulled over some thoughts before glancing over at the armors James was having a look at.
"Leather armor might do the trick..."

Manami Fuyu and Shiro Hime

Manami frowned as she listened to Nidhogg's 'suggestion'. She wasn't too particularly pleased at the thought of spending the day with Nidhogg, don't get her wrong she didn't mind Nidhogg it was just that their personalities....clashed. He wouldn't think twice about killing innocent people for the sake of amusement after all, meanwhile Manami was all about keeping innocent causalities to a minimum or nonexistent.
However he did make a good point about requiring help. She wasn't too sure how well Shiro had pulled up from yesterday's two 'incidents'. Manami clenched her fists subconsciously at the thought of the embarrassment which had been yesterday's fight against Hunter.
She and Shiro had held back since she was sure they were going to win, but ended up getting their butts kick. However she wouldn't make that mistake twice....
"I suppose I don't have a choice Mr DuCarthy....I'll allow you to accompany us." Manami sighed as she finally gave in after realising there was no way out, not short of fighting him anyway. And she wasn't willing to gamble her life, or Shiro's, for such a trivial matter really.
"However you had better be on your best behavior. Am I clear?" She glanced towards Nidhogg now as she sounded more like a mother scolding her child than anything else.
"...Manami-sama your clothes are ready." Manami smiled gratefully towards Shiro as she passed Manami her clothes from yesterday....still sopping wet. Not that it bothered Manami anyway, she would use her magic to dry it off.
Leaving briefly to get changed elsewhere she now returned and glanced down in annoyance towards her left thigh, just above her guild mark where she still wore a badandage.
There was a small bit of her dress' skirt which had been cut off, and while it wasn't obvious to most it seriously annoyed her. These clothes meant a lot to Manami, so for them to get damaged....
"Suppose we should move out then, Maxie and Jane have left already."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Rosalina Idwal

"I know you're afraid, Rosa."

@Lmpkio | @hatakekuro

The once peaceful cafe wasn't looking too comfortable anymore, with a few shattered tables and terrified patrons. The staff looked relieved when the two Knights were sent away, though they had no gratitude for Rosalina. Not that she cared, the people had every right to be mad at the Rune Knights after that shocking display. Of coarse, Nolan's actions only served to make him the hero in the eyes of all the bystanders. The way he talked to Rosalina was nothing short of smug, and listening to his satisfied tone was infuriating. Thankfully, Rosalina wasn't an impulsive person. She could keep her own emotions under control, appearing almost pleased. She would let Nolan ride out his little heroics, let the citizens recognise him as such.
"Right, right...I'll be sure not to spit on your boots Ms. Idwal." Rosalina took a step past him to their table, stopping beside him. She moved her face besides his, talking directly into his ear with a voice like venom.
"Captain Idwal to you, boy. You think I wear this badge to cover a stain?" Moving past Nolan, Rosalina took her seat.

The three sat in silence for a moment, which was eventually interrupted by a rather distraught looking girl. The waitress thanked Nolan for the efforts while Rosalina averted her gaze. Looking at that poor girl made her absolutely mortified. To think people who would do such a thing could be a member of the Knights. Nolan ordered coffee for the three of them, Rosalina nodding in approval. Nolan leaned forward and began to explain the situation.
"Those two knights of yours were harrassing that waitress. Sexual harrassment, assault, and who knows else before I came here. From what I could tell from what they said, this isn't the first time." Rosalina's posture straightened up, clearly taken back by the knowledge that not only had this happened; but it had been for quite some time. She was not a naive person, she knew that there were still horrible people serving in the Knights. She had made it her prerogative to eliminate them from the rankings, with the help of any other Captains. Yet here they were.
"These incidents were most likely reported and ignored. Which means this goes up even further than just those two." Rosalina held her head in her hands, just as the waitress returned with the three cups of coffee. She ignored her, still too held up on the thought that something like this could be allowed to go on. "We Knights must look truly despicable to you, Nolan. I wouldn't blame you. There was a time when being a Knight meant you stood for something; that you lived to serve the people." She was mostly talking out loud. Rosalina had always seemed distant, or uninterested in her purpose as a Knight. It would come as a surprise to many to see her like this. She was a proud woman, and incidents like these only further stained the good name of the Rune Knights which she had clung too so passionately for many years. Those Knights were gone, and that was the truth.

Regaining her composure, Rosalina took a deep breath before addressing Nolan.
"Please explain how this brawl went down."
"I told them to leave or face the consequences. Nutless threw the first punch. So tell me, are you going to make me take the fall so your recruits don't think you're a backstabber or are you going to let me go?" Rosalina raised an eyebrow, surprised at how brief his recount of the little battle (If you could even call it that) was. Before she could answer, however, Sayatachi spoke up beside her. The two of them engaged in a conversation that seemed quite confusing to Rosalina. She averted her attention to her cup of coffee, taking a long sip. They were seemingly discussing some form of inappropriate conduct on the count of Ms. Nijiko. Rosalina sighed, not interested in getting involved in their affairs. Before the conversation could go even further off topic, she spoke up to Nolan with a calm yet firm voice.
"Attacking a Rune Knight is a serious offense. There were many witnesses, myself included, that can testify that you did lay hands on a Knight." She paused for a second, her lips turned into a smile. "However those two weren't Knights. They lost their right to be called such the second they thought they could come in here and abuse citizens. This is just a case of self defense on your end, and that's how everyone will see it."

Rosalina knew she had to let him off the hook. Besides, she really wanted to take Nolan's side on this. Those men deserved what they got. Rosalina finished the rest of her coffee with one final swig, planting the cup down on the table before staring between Nolan and Sayatachi.
"That seems fair, doesn't it? However in exchange for this kindness to you, I'd like to ask you if you know of any rogue wizards that happen to be in town for the games." With that matter wrapped up, Rosalina decided to put Nolan to use with her search. Surely he'd come across someone over the past few days. It was the best thing to a lead they had at this point.

Isabella and Bullet
"See, was that so hard?"

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Bella. It's good to know you're looking out for me."


With Isabella beaming with such excitement, Bullet started to feel bad for rejecting the idea. He looked at Jane from the corner of his eye; still blushing red from the sudden declaration that this girl was to be his date. She was very pretty, he had to say. But he didn't know anything about her, and he'd much rather accompany Isabella. Yet despite this, he knew that his friend would be too stubborn to give up on this. Even Isabella herself felt the same way, until Jane brought up something that required her to reconsider.
"Sorry to burst your bubble and be unable to assist you on the matter, but I'm not interested in guys, in any way." Isabella stood there in silence for a moment before clasping her hands over her mouth in embarrassment. Bullet stared at the two of them with his mouth wide open, unable to believe that things had gone this way. He cleared his throat, hoping to break the awkward silence.
"Well. You uh, you sure know how to pick 'em Bella." He tried to pass the joke off with a bleak chuckle, but that did little to stop Isabella from burying her face in her hands and shaking her head.

"Oh. My. God! I am so sorry!" She raised her head and stared at Jane, almost on the brink of tears. "Oh you must simply despise me! How rude of me to assume anything about you when we've just met." Bullet stood up and patted her on the shoulder. Before he could give any words of comfort, Jane winked at Isabella before mentioning that she'd rather accompany her to the ball. Immediately, Isabella's eyes widened and her pout turned into a smile. She stepped forward to Jane and grabbed onto both of her hands.
"Oh, Jane! You're a genius! That sounds like a superb idea! We could go together instead, I'm sure I can find a nice lady or gentleman for Bullet by days end." It was amazing, even to Bullet, just how quickly she bounced back and accepted the idea. As far as he knew, Isabella wasn't into girls. He supposed she was pretty open minded to trying new things, though he'd never consider that a spontaneous decision to experiment with her sexuality would be one such thing. He was even starting to feel a little jealous over all the attention Jane was getting from her.

"Oh this will be a fun evening! We should hit the shops as soon as possible and start looking for something to wear! I found this gorgeous little boutique in a brochure at reception that I'd like to see. We can even help Bullet find a tux."
"I'll die before I let you put me in one of those things!" Bullet immediately interjected, shoving his hands in his pockets with a grin. This morning had taken quite a surprising turn, but at least Isabella seemed to be having fun.
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