Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hanz shook his head and closes his eyes."Sybil seems to knov quite vell what I can do. I'm actually glad to knov someone here can be right. I like intelligent people, zey do not annoy me too greatly." He states and sighs, opening his eyes slowly while looking at Avary, his tone nearly decreases the room's temperature."Unlike you, kid..Vhoever said zat I wanted to be a heldin.." He looks away from him over to Loki and chuckles then in a completely different tone."Vell, you have ein power zat I am very envious of zen Loki. Nov zen, Sybil, Loki, come on over. Ve have a trial to complete, ja?" He lifts his feet from the desk and sits properly, tapping his fingers on the desk."Pocket Dimension you said, right Sybil? Und you said zat you cannot smply break us out of it. Vell, something has to keep zis dimension up und fuel it, right? Just a theory, I am not too familiar vith ze pocket dimensions myself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sybil walked over and nodded, "There are a couple different ways to break through a pocket dimension. First and most available to non-magic users is finding the 'door' its not really a door but its close enough, finding that may take a while and the door may be guarded. Second is if you can disable the person who is creating the pockets but as far as I can tell that person is not in this pocket dimension and none of us are on the outside so that isn't an option. Third and lastly, there are various spells that can break us out, the one I am most familiar with is a spell that uses the equivalent of blunt force magic to punch through. It takes a lot of energy and time, if there's a guard it will be drawn to us once I start the spell, I'm going to need everyone's help. If they're trying to weed us out the guard won't be easy to beat and you all are going to have to put aside your differences because you'll basically be one person down and I won't be able to help you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaintLynn
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Hearing people talked abput she pats Avary on the head then join the others " I will have you know that I choose to argue with someone. I actually consider you all friends so I have no difference to put aside". She says feeling a bit insulted
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sybil look a little worried, "I was much less concerned about your amicability." Her voice was fairly quiet and she stole a glance at Hanz and Avary. She drew a deep breath, and began moving some desks around to clear some space in the center of the room. "I'm going to start the spell as soon, we need to be fast about this because we don't know how many other teams have finished and we definitely don't want to be the last."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Jake nodded. "I'll keep watch for anything that comes, anyone want to join me?" he offered as he walked to the classroom door and opened it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sovay
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The two boys bickered, causing Iona to sigh heavily. I’m going to have to find someone else to hang out with… She looked around the hallway while everyone still chattered on, and as people started moving to the homeroom, she followed. Someone said they studied the layout, and she thought she better do the same.
There was suddenly talk of pocket dimensions and trying to get out of somewhere. Oh no, no abilities. They said they don’t use abilities. I can’t use mine, I’ll hurt someone…
Avary and Jake continue to bicker like children as others tried to sort out a plan. Avary then continued to bicker with Whisper. He seemed to be going round irritating everyone, Ioina disapproved and sighed.
“Um, I can do Chaos Magic, Reality Warping, Teleportation and Telekinesis…” She said softly, but it seemed people had already formed a plan. Iona just stood, unsure what to do, trying to keep her anxiety at bay so she didn’t hurt anyone with her ability…
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Loki's eyes gained that little mischievous twinkle you might see in the eyes of someone making a plan that would be just crazy enough to work. "Are the two of you magically compatible? As in could the two of you combine the flows to puncture a hole to the pocket - without causing the universe to collapse... If you can I might be able to make it a bit easier... Though convincing a whole dimension about something nigh onpossible being possible... In a pocket dimension it might just work..." He moved his hands, pointing from Sybil to Ioina and then to himself before turning his attention to Hanz and the rest of the group. "You guys would be on standby and beat anything that comes to bother us." He pointed at himself. "Lie to a dimension." His hands moved to point at Sibyl and Ioina. "Punch a magical hole to the dimension." Then Loki made a little circular pointing motion that included everyone else. "Guard our butts." Finally he gave a glance at Avary and rolled his eyes. "Guard duty and hush-hush time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hanz hops up aand stretches, nodding his head."Alright. Guard duty, sounds good. If anything gets past ze others I will stop zem myself." He states and glances over at Jake, Avary and Whisper."Our valiant vanguard..I guess I should join zem right avay nov zat I zink about it." He mutters and walks to and past the others and opens the door to the hallway, poking his head out and glancing to each direction before stepping outside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Im a huge mess The messy yet great roleplayer...sorta

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Jake followed Hanz out the class then glanced around around. "Still empty as heck..." he muttered softly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaintLynn
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PaintLynn A Toy Zombie

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Whisper snickered at Loki calling Avary out as placed her self near the hole, but far enough so that she wasn't in the way " sir yes sir!" She says sarcastically saluting Lokie "AAHH-TTTION!" She says like a drill Sargent before standing straight up her feet close together and her hands to her side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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@Sovay@Sapphire@Marcus XVI
"For your information, your lord of mischief," Avary says to Loki. "I may not have magical abilities, but I know about magic." Then turning to Sybil, "While most of the people here didn't understand a word you were saying before, I understood all of it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Personally, I am suprised zat you even knov hov to read. If you understood all zat vas said, you will get over here outside ze classroom und let the good people here concentrate on zeir work und try to do yours out here." Hanz states coldly at Avary and snorts."I must have been a horrible person in my previous life. Ein zat drowned lots of puppies to deserve zis.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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"At least you don't have to listen to some German guy acting like he knows what he's talking about." Avary says to Hanz. This idiot doesn't know anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sybil swallowed, chaos magic was powerful but it could be wildly incompatible and kill everyone or so compatible that other awful things would happen, Sybil wanted to shudder just thinking about it. However she didn't she took a deep breath and nodded, "It will considerably speed up the process and reduce the strain on me." She decided the risk was worth the gain, turning to Iona she placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to be reassuring. "It's going to be alright, just trust yourself, trust your abilities and they will serve you well. There's not enough time to teach you the whole spell so once I finish prepping what I will need is your magical energy, I can access it but only if you allow me to."

Sybil gave Iona one last reassuring pat on the shoulder before starting the spell, in the area she had cleared she drew a large circle with 2 smaller ones inside, each was some how perfectly round. In the space between each circle she began to draw a series of strange symbols, as she did this she heard the commotion of the others in the back round but had no time to dignify any of it with a response. She finished the inscriptions and pulled a rune covered stone out of her pocket, complicated spells needed a reactant and Sybil was the kind of werdio who carried around several. She gently tossed the stone into the circle where it vanished as the writing began to glow a bright white color. She held her hand out to Iona, "Half-way there, we can do this." Off in the distance she heard thundering foot steps, apparently there was a guard. Sybil felt her stress levels rise a little bit as the others continues to argue, she hoped that their makeshift team could pull it together.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


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"As much as you boast vith your grades, I still cannot help but to vonder hov you qualified to ze same building vith ze older students. So far all I see is a brat vho has been spoiled a bit too much." Hanz states while listening to the rumbling footsteps that were approaching the classroom, he then continues. "I vould smack you myself, but in Germany we do not hit little kids, und if we do, ve vill make sure it is ze last time ve ever need to do it." He shakes his head and slowly slides his jacket off and lets it hit the floor."Zat und zere's something actually vorth smacking around approaching. So you can shut your yap und sit back vhile ze big boys are playing, maybe someone takes you to ze zuckerl shop later, if you are a good boy." He chuckles as the currents traveling around his body grow stronger and more intense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Loki chose for now to completely ignore Avary and just concentrated on telling a story to the pocket dimension - or in other words he tried to lie to a dimension. Though he was pretty good with illusions this was something on a scale he hadn't really tried before and wasn't even sure if he'd succeed in it. He shook his head and seated himself on the floor. This was not a time to be considering if you succeed. If you were going to lie to a whole dimension you might just as well persuade yourself of your chances of success. He concentrated the illusion to the center point of the spell that Sybil was preparing and closed his eyes so he wouldn't lose his concentration. Slowly he tried to make the dimension believe his story, to make it accept that what they were doing with magic was actually possible to pull off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaintLynn
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PaintLynn A Toy Zombie

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Also hearing the noise a serious side is shown "Avary and Jake be on your guard! And prepare in case we need to fight!" She says in a stern voice that sounds like the tone that mothers use on their kids when they are being dead serious and are angry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Avary turned to Hanz. "You stuck up little bastard. You have no idea the Hell I've been through! I'm not in here just becaue of age and grades, they decided, I wasn't safe enough to put with younger people. You know I act foolish, because I prefer not to act like a downer, JUST BECAUSE MY MOTHER'S DEAD!" Avary yelled at him.
Turning to Paint. "Come on, I may hate everyone except you and Iona, but I'd prefer to finish this." He said and gotinto a fighting position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Im a huge mess
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Jake nodded then pulled his gloves off, putting them in his pocket. "Alright. So what do you think it is?" He asked no one in particular, he just wanted to sort of start up a conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FinDragon


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Hanz huffs."A dead mother. Und nov is ze part vhere you expect me to feel sorry for you. I vill not, for you are not ze first, nor ze last kid vho has lost one or both of zeir parents.." He sighs and shakes his head, the wind intensifies more around him as he turns his head and looks over to the direction the footsteps echo from."Of course my mother is alive, vell und plays ze piano, so I cannot relate. Nov suck it up und prepare yourself or you might meet yours faster zan you vould feel comfortable."

He lifts his hand and signals Jake over."I knov zat it cannot be too large. If it vould be a gargantuan, it vould not fit into zese hallways, unless it vas cravling. But judging from ze footsteps, zat is not ze case." He looks over his shoulder shortly at the rest. If you are done sulking, kid, get outside. Ve vill require your speed. Vhisper, you said zat you are a master of veaponry, craft something up for yourself, I am sure zat zey do not have firearms dispenser around ze corner here. Jake. Find ze heaviest object you can both find und throv. Und try not to hit me vith it or I vill be extremely angry if und vhen I get back up." He chuckles and waits, only slightly worried thus far. Their goal would not be to kill or cripple the students, right?
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