Wermacht Personnel File: Kramer, Reinhard
Serial Number: WM-881-3792-NZ
Race: Aryan German (Undead)
Age: 45 (At Death)
Last Rank Held: Generalmajor (U.S. Military Equivalent Rank: Brigadier General) – KIA
Former Assignments:
Generalmajor, 7th Infantry Division, Army Group Vistula – 24 Jan 1945 to 11 June 1945
Generalmajor, 7th Infantry Division, Army Group B – 17 Feb 1944 to 22 Jan 1945
Oberst (Colonel), 7th Infantry Division, 3rd Brigade, Army Group B – 5 Nov 1943 to 12 Feb 1944
Oberst (Colonel), 7th Infantry Division, 2nd Regiment, Army Group B – 1 Jan 1943 to 26 Oct 1943
Oberstleutnant (Lt. Colonel), 7th Infantry Division, 4th Brigade, Army Group B – 12 Apr 1941 to 5 Dec 1942
Oberstleutnant (Lt. Colonel), 7th Infantry Division, 4th Brigade, Army Group B – 7 May 1940 to 3 Apr 1941
Major Oberstabsarzt (Major), 7th Infantry Division, 3rd Brigade, Army Group B – 1 Aug 1939 to 1 Mar 1940
Birthplace: Central Konigsberg, German Empire, 1900
Parents: Otto Kramer and Heidi Kramer
Nickname: Summoner of the Black Sun

From what old pictures and documents can tell, Reinhard Kramer was a dashing Prussian military man, tall, strapping, the perfection of the Aryan ideology. He sported a mustache, flaunting the regulations with its length and bulk, something his commanders and superiors allowed due to his innate command and leadership abilities. He wore his hair close cropped, parted over like much of the German powers that be at the time. No known scars, but was said to have three distinct tattoos, a depiction of Cthulhu on his right bicep, a Black Sun upon his left breast, and a Black Eagle on his back.
At the conclusion of the battle of Berlin, his body still has yet to be found. Unconfirmed reports have circulated that somehow Reinhard survived the battle, and is now among the undead. Such speculation has yet to be confirmed conclusively.
Sex - Male
Height – 6'2”
Weight – 215
Hair Color – Blonde/Brown
Eye Color – Blue Brown
Personality: A driven man, Reinhard is wholly devoted to his country, and the ideal of the German Occult that had been embedded in him. He was charming, intelligent, and calculating. He enjoyed the social life and other societal things of the Third Riech, and more specifically, the Black Sun Society. Said to be a womanizer, though not necessarily in a bad way, he made sure to have plenty of attractive women by his side, for pleasures of the flesh were too good to pass up. The joke was “Born in sin, come on in.” Yet, as the war dragged on, and things went worse and worse, he became darker, more sullen. Perhaps that was the general consensus of all those is Germany as it began to lose the war.
Before Berlin's fall, Reinhard was said to have a different air about him, as though he was no longer afraid of death. Given his current state of being, it can be seen why.
Bio: Driven from youth to serve in the military, Reinhard enlisted in the Imperial German army at 16, lying about his true age. From that day, his life was set on a course that would forever mold him into the man he became at the time of his supposed death. Fighting in some of the fiercest battles of WW1, Reinhard came to enjoy war, the conflict and gritty nature of it all. He would come to befriend interesting people in that time, and the years that would come afterword. The dread Totenkopf Science division, many of whom are still missing to this day. This run in with the powerful occult members would forever influence Reinhard. By 1930, Reinhard had become firmly embedded in both the military, and the ranks of the the Black Sun Society, sometimes known as the Thule society. He served as a prominent member of the group, learning all he could about the occult, and the foul magics that they practiced. By the outbreak of WW2, dark secrets swirled about Reinhard and his actions throughout the war.
What can be verifiably confirmed was that he served in the 7th Infantry Division, and that he worked closely with attached medical and Black Sun personnel. Reports from captured German soldiers, and escaped prisoners, was that large numbers of Untermensch that would never be seen again from the territories captured. Debriefings ranged from unknown sounds, the stench of death and decay, of sulfur and strange lights, unknown languages be spoken, and the feeling of something perversely wrong. Mass graves have been attributed to Reinhard and his selected few units, but these graves are nothing but ash, with lingering signs of dark magic, and the chocking stench of sulfur.
Last confirmed reports placed Reinhard at the final, fanatical defense of Berlin at wars end. Part of Army Group Vistula, he was central to the defense of Berlin. He was said to be at a command bunker, when it was overrun by Soviet troops. The amount of bodies in that area, coupled with the area being buried by rubble by carpet bombings, no confirmation of his death could be proven. Later excavations revealed a tunnel system beneath the command center and city, but, these too were collapsed, and could not be explored. What happened to General Reinhard Kramer remained a mystery to this day.
Till now. The Black Sun Society is not so easily killed. He came across the sea aboard Black Sun loyal U-boats, along with God only knew what else. The Nyctari family had some ethnic Germans within their ranks, and among them were those interested in the skills and abilities Reinhard had to offer. The German Officer is said to have the ability to raise the dead, and more. For now, he works out of a safe house, making using of the dregs of society to continue his dark and grisly work, for the Black Sun still burns brightly, and its favored son revels in the decadence of Santa Somabra.