Life Span: Indefinite, they are not effected by aging past maturity. Juveniles are able to fend for themselves but their intelligence is barely better then a wild animal at this stage, it isnt until they become adolescents when they learn how to speak. Juveniles dont start to mature until a year after their birth, and from there they remain in adolescent stage, hitting a huge growth spurt into the next five years before they become adults. Nagas never stop growing, but their growth slows down as they get older, especially after becoming adults. Some nagas are so old and have survived so long that they can remember vividly the lush tropical jungles they inhabitated so long ago.
Male example:

Lizard like, ranging in sizes between 6-12 feet tall, with some rarer individuals reaching 15 feet in height. Crocodilian eyes that range in color between yellow, white, black, blue, and red, the pupil is always black unless the eye is black in which case the pupil is white.
Female example:

Lack legs, and are snake like. Much more frail in comparison to males. Size ranges between 5-7 feet not including the tail. Their methods of locomotion and general morphology resembles that of a snake. Females may posses hair like fuzz and other minor features that resemble more of a human appearance.
Appearance Ranges: Both males and females vary in scale colors between red, green, brown, black, blue, and albino/white, patterns like stripes and spots may also be present. Individuals may have a variety of frills, sails, spikes/barbs, and horns. Rare occasions may have wings. The scales are plated, keeled, and have a consistency and durability of iron, with the exception of the belly scutes, which are much softer (though still somewhat hard) in comparison.
Cultural and biological Notes: Nagas form matriarchal tribes, with most of the hierarchy being females, with exceptions such as generals and other military authorities which are usually given to males. Their weapons and armors are crafted with the same stones as they use to make their temples and other buildings, though augmented by magic to have exceeding structural integrity and durability, as well as resistances to many elements. Males often make the bulk of their military, and are considered savage monstrosities.
Their culture and style reflects a hybridization of native south american empires like the Aztecs and Mayans, and south eastern tribal communities such as those native in Vietnam or Taiwan.
the average male Naga can lift over 5 tons with ease, with some records of nagas being able to lift up to 10 tons. Nagas are said to be closely related to dragons, and their affinity to fire seems to back up such a claim. They have what seems to be an undefined heat resistance similar to dragons as they can march through molten rock without any sort of burn. Additionally Nagas can breathe and manipulate flames to some degree by natural means however their power of fire is only produced directly from their own body, meaning that there are restricted to self immolation, fire breathing, or chucking fireballs.
Nagas shed their skin in a similar matter to snakes and lizards every 2 months. They have an incredibly fast regeneration rate compared to most organisms, as they can regenerate a loss limb or tail within 3 months, and less major wounds heal even faster. While Nagas have an indefinite life span, they are still technically mortals and can die by most of the usual means for a natural living creature. They possess a venomous bite (Some may also have venom within claws or stingers), that drains its victims of both magical energy, natural endurance, and slowly makes the victim grow fatigue. The venom also prevents any sort of magical or natural regeneration while it is in effect, this also prevents blood from clotting which can make even semi-serious wounds fatal within a few hours. The venom however, can be fought off by strong immune systems, a healthy mortal could beat off the venom within a day and the bleeding can still be stopped by bandages and other such equipment, as for fatigue it only goes as far as dragging the victim into a conscienceless state, which by itself isn't fatal per say, and the victim will usually wake up after the venom wears off. They are excellent swimmers, climbers, and sprinters, along with having much higher endurance then the average human. On land the average male naga can sprint over 30 mph, while females have been recorded 20 mph, however females are faster then males in water and in climbing. They have a diet mainly of fruit and meat, however they also tend to eat fish and shellfish.
After the sand:The jungles they were home to, filled with lush foliage, rivers, and lakes, were drained and swept beneath the desert sand. While the coming heat wasn't a bother to them, the lack of moisture dehydrated most of the race, to the point of near extinction. The struggling generations that climbed out from such a disaster had to adapt to a much more dry environment, and while they have retained some amphibious features most have never been able to set foot in a body of water big enough for them to use their morphological designed swimming adaptations. The surviving tribe of the Nagas horde excessive amounts of water, nicknamed the 'water thieves' by any other tribe that survives a raid by them, as rarely will they steal anything else but water. They have also been reported to consume the flesh of other races, much like savage monsters. They still retain their cultural social structures, and often kill any Naga that is unfit for the tribe, either being too weak, unable to survive the environment, having opposing ideologies, and other such issues. They have little interest in foreign technology and weaponry, either using simple stone tools they had salvaged or resorting to their natural strength and biological weaponry such as sharp claws and a burning breathe.
Weaknesses: They are cold blooded, and cannot survive in weather below room temperature, this also makes them vulnerable to ice magic and similar combat abilities. While most of their scales are hard and difficult to penetrate or damage, their belly is their weak spot, which is why their armor is most present over the underside. Cold desert nights often claim the lives of countless Nagas in their slumber. Males often act more of beast than man, their fighting style, while savage and ruthless, isn't usually coordinated or disciplined, they are not the smartest race and few exceptions think at all during combat other then basic instinct.