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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: High School Gym >> Coaches Office

Jacob couldn't bear this. Everyone seemed to be focused on him now. And right now he would do anything from explaining to Riley and Tim that showing he was on the flight was harder than it looked. That distraction came in the form of Marc. Now that was a blast from the past. Though, everyone here was exactly that. At least he didn't have to give his excuse under duress now, as it seemed that Marc was almost sticking up for him. Jacob couldn't help but see that as slightly silly though; Jacob might not have done anything wrong, but even he would suspect himself given the current circumstances.

"I took a private charter flight" He bursted in after everyone had finished speaking, as if he needed to prove his innocence to everyone. "We don't go through gates or security. We just drive through the airport gates, board the jet and fly off to where we need to go. Would you think i would fly half way around the world in business class where i share it with god knows how many other people?" With that, Jacob needed to move. He hadn't moved his feet for a few minutes, and he could feel his body becoming uncomfortable from the sensation, though this discomfort of hearing that more of your classmates were dead was trumping that currently. "I was a superlative?" The question was silly. Jacob sort of knew the answer, but there was a genuine feeling of confusion though. After the Simone murder, Jacob deleted as much as high school out of his memory. He couldn't stand to think of it. Because of this a few details in his mind had gone a little fuzzy.

After people had responded in kind, Jacob would move those feet, the urge becoming too much as he walked away from the group slightly to lean against one of the nearby tables. From there he whipped out his phone and began to text like crazy. Well, what looked like crazy. It seemed that Jacob had such a grasp of technology that he could type much faster than a normal person. In fact he had sent, received and replied to a message in just over a minute. He then set his phone onto the table, lifting his hands back up and running his fingers through his hair. This place was becoming uncomfortable. With that he decided to get some new scenery. Without speaking to anyone or even checking anything, he walked forward, almost trance-like, reaching the coaches office door he opened it and walked inside. He didn't notice Ashley, he had his back to her. Once the door was closed he would lift his hands up and grasp the sides of his head. "Damnit..god fucking damnit. Keep it together Jacob!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Outside the School ---> Inside the Gym

For the first time in her life, Tuesday was late to high school.

Her credit cards for the flight had been declined, as they had finally been maxed out. She considered selling her degree, but in the end, she had to settle for selling what remained of her stash of cocaine. Of course, before doing that, she had to honor it, to remember it, to properly say goodbye. As of such, Tuesday had spent the morning high, laughing too hard at Spongebob and the Fairly Odd Parents and the other shows she recalled from her childhood.

Once she had sobered up a bit, she sold what was left, and managed to get a stand-by spot on a flight to Indiana. She had been stuck between a screaming man and a way too chubby woman. Together, they served to make her headaches and urges only worse, as she wanted nothing more than to smoke a joint. It was hard for her to even recall why she thought going to the reunion was a good idea. Everyone there would know that Chloe Ridgeway, one of the smartest girls in school, was a felon.

She'd be lucky if they didn't try to throw her out for their own protection.

After her plan landed, the next issue was the matter of the taxi. She had spent all of her cash on the plane flight, broke, and unable to afford anything else, unless she wanted to sell her ticket back to California. So Tuesday did what any sensible, former criminal, would do.

She hitchhiked, doing slight "favors" and "rewards" for anyone who could get her closer to Grimm. By the time the last driver let her out in front of the school, she couldn't help but laugh, wondering what her uptight parents would say. They had loved her far more than they loved Riley--and yet, she was the fuck up. She was the one who served time, while Riley was an international success. Her sister's fame had proved helpful in prison. Whenever she was in a tight spot, she'd promise to get the other inmates VIP passes to one of Riley's concerts.

They didn't know that Tuesday and her sister hardly talked.

Opening the doors to the main gym, Tuesday tried to shake off the labels society had smacked on her as she entered. Remembering how it was to be one of the brightest people in the school, Tuesday walked in confidently, smoothing the cardigan she had purchased at Goodwill for two dollars. Glancing around, Tuesday frowned a bit.

This isn't what these things are supposed to look like... She grimaced, remembering the last thing that had failed to live up to expectations: the night of prom. She joined the group that had gathered around Jacob, hearing what sounded like a temper tantrum.

"What, has someone else died?" Tuesday joked, completely clueless, looking at the grim faces, and catching a bit of Jacob recounting an alibi. "Come on, that's so ten years ago..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley looked over her shoulder as she saw Marc coming up to them from wherever he had been before, she would smile slightly at her and gave him a slight wave. She then turned her attention back towards Jacob and Tim as the three of them talked, she still wasn't going to come to any conclusions yet as to who the killer is. Riley looked back towards Jacob as he sort of answered her question, of course how could she have known he always used a private jet she thought he would travel just like anyone else would and Riley never even followed Jacob since graduation. "Well, how am I suppose to know that you used a private jet you could have flown in on a fuckin unicorn farting rainbows for all I know." Riley said sarcastically as she watched him turning around and walking over towards a table and leaned up against it, she simply rolled her eyes at him.

Riley looked over towards Cynthia for a moment as she did her usual crazy muttering rants to herself, she remained quiet before turning her attention back towards Marc to answer his question. "Not a whole lot was talking to Jackie over there about where he has been." Riley said gesturing over towards Jacob as he turned around and headed towards the coach's office.

Riley turned her head as she saw the door opening, and saw a familiar face it was Chloe her sister who she hadn't seen in the last four years and watched her approach them. Riley quickly walked over towards Chloe and pulled her into a loving hug, Riley hadn't seen her since she had gotten out of prison four years ago. "Chloe I didn't know you were coming, you could have called me? I could have bought you a ticket or something." Riley said before letting go, they hadn't been close like they growing up Riley truly did miss that she found out about her sister's drug addiction once she was behind bars.

It was ironic in a way back in high school Riley was the one struggling back then and failing classes, while Chloe was always the one who got better grades. Now ten years later they were opposites she was successful and Chloe was the one struggling, of course Riley wouldn't ever rub it in her face or anything like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: The Gym

"Jacob,private charters still have to have records. The airport you took off from, the one you landed at, what runway, who was your pilot, and so forth. Give Tim the name of the airport you landed at and the name of the company you chartered the plane from so we can check," Marc said as he kept looking at the images and reports that were coming in on the PDA tablet Tim had handed him.

"Oh snap! What do you mean snap? I mean Marc just shut him down. He did? Well yeah. How? By totally pulling his whole FBI thing. Okay yeah. That was sweet. I don't know about that. Of course you do. You sure? Well if I am sure, you are sure. Oh right." Cynthia and her normal rambling was beginning up again and only ceased as she shoved another handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Yes Jacob, you were," Tim said as he pointed to the image of all of the superlatives together. Seeing Jacob begin to text and then walk off Tim perked a brow and followed the man at a distance to see where he was going. He was not about to let him out of his sight right then. Marc on the other hand just stood there, glancing over as the phone was laid on the table and leaning over to take a peek at it.

Jacob Blackwell >> Shiyomi Katakana: Did you ever destroy that box of things from during High School i asked you to do?

Shiyomi Katakana >> Jacob Blackwell: No? We moved it to a lockup in town with the rest of your stuff when we cleared your bedroom. Why was their any reason it needed to be destroyed?

Now that was interesting. Marc pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the texts before slipping it back into his pocket. Shaking his head a bit he looked over at Tuesday as she showed up. Keeping quiet until she made the comment about murder.

"Actually, we have had three murders in the last twenty-four hours," Marc said as he crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Tuesday. "So here comes the standard set of questions for everyone arriving late to the party. When did you get to town, where were you from 4p.m. yesterday until now, and did you have access to your sisters prom dress?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Inside the Gym

Tuesday shrugged a bit, after hugging her sister back. Truthfully, she knew that if she had called Riley, she would have gotten her a ticket. She probably would have managed to set Tuesday up with a better job than being a temp, making copies, and having her background check constantly reveal her criminal record. Her life didn't have to be the way it was.

She merely didn't want to get handouts from her sister. If either of the twins owed each other, Tuesday was the one in debt. There was no way that she wanted to owe her sister further, especially after how awful she had been all those years ago in high school.

"I don't need you to buy things for me," Tuesday laughed, rolling her eyes. "I was able to afford a flight out here, after all."

Avoiding Riley's eyes, Tuesday dearly hoped her sister was still in the dark about the drug abuse. Most people who knew about it assumed that Tuesday had gotten clean in prison, but truthfully, she never had easier access to drugs than when she was behind bars. It was almost like a buffet of narcotics, only one favor to a guard away.

"Actually, we have had three murders in the last twenty-four hours. So here comes the standard set of questions for everyone arriving late to the party. When did you get to town, where were you from 4p.m. yesterday until now, and did you have access to your sisters prom dress?" Marc asked, his arms crossed.

Tuesday's happy outward appearance vanished. Subconsciously, she started to scratch her wrist, the inner panic setting in. Sure, she hadn't seen Marc in ages, not since the odd occasion he dropped in to visit her, and attempted to get her clean. That wasn't what alarmed her, however.

"I...I...," Tuesday stuttered, her eyes impossibly wide. She scratched at her wrist more and more, her breathing a bit uneven. It was all too similar, all too fresh. Six years since she had been arrested, and her reoccurring nightmare continued to be cops, being questioned, being arrested, being dragged back to prison.

She might have been released, but jail never left her.

Closing her eyes tightly, flashbacks of her arrest came back to her. The questions, so plain and so simple, yet so damning. The photographs, the hand-cuffs, the well intentioned public defenders who handled her case initially. She remembered the clang of the gavel as she was sentenced to two years, and her co-defendant only received community service.

"I'm not answering questions unless I have a lawyer here," Tuesday finally said, her voice uneven. "I...I have rights."

Of course she was aware how it all must have looked, that she clearly must have seemed guilty, what with needing a lawyer. She knew that. In her head, she was screaming at herself to just answer the questions, but she couldn't. Her entire body felt numb, and she was hardly aware of how irritated her wrist became, as she continued to scratch at it in terror.

She simply couldn't handle it. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Tuesday wasn't able to answer Marc, to let him know that yesterday she had been at work in Los Angeles, she spent the entire day traveling, and only had just arrived in town. She couldn't tell him that she hadn't had access to her sister's dress, and that she hadn't had the faintest idea where it would be in the first place, that both of their parents had disowned them and she hadn't been back in Grimm in ten years.

She just couldn't.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Grimm H.S.: Coach's Office

Ashley was quietly wallowing in the confusion that was her life now and wasn't entirely sure if she was still conscious or not. She was curled up into a ball on the sofa, her shoes resting on the floor below her and her purse sitting on the cushion beside her. She buried her face in her knees and covered her eyes with her arms. She was glad to be alone. She needed the peace and quiet, even if she could hear the chattering outside the door. Then the door opened and she looked up suddenly to see if it was Marc, returning to check on her, but it was not. A man who Ashley couldn't place, walked in and didn't even notice her. Granted his eyes weren't exactly looking in her direction but it was a little peculiar to not notice a woman sitting on a sofa in a high school coach's office.

Ashley opened her mouth to say something when he suddenly shouted out at himself as he gripped the sides of his head. Blinking rapidly, Ashley closed her mouth and felt her eyebrows rising towards her hairline at the volume of his voice. Swallowing slightly, she grabbed her shoes and slipped them on before scooping up her purse from the seat beside her. She didn't want to interrupt this man's clear need for verbal release so she would quietly and politely excuse herself. She tried to slip around him to get to the door, a small apologetic smile on her face as she did so. "Apologies sir, I didn't realise that I was in your office. You must be a new coach to the high school. Please, excuse me. I'll give you your privacy." She gave a polite nod as she grasped the handle of the door and slipped out into the gym hall.

Her eyes found Marc in an instant and she saw him standing with Riley and Tim and someone else whom Ashley found vaguely familiar but couldn't quite place at the moment. She wasn't in any state of mind to introduce herself to find out who she was right now so, instead, Ashley slipped out of the side door of the gym and caught some fresh air for herself. She needed something to help clear the fog from her head. Stepping out, she found the nearest bench and slipped her shoes of before carrying them as she walked barefoot across the grass. She took in the scent of her home town and sighed. She never thought she missed this place before and, if it weren't for the insanity that was happening now, she'd probably want to come back to get away from the bustle of LA. Maybe once they were all safe? Maybe...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: Coaches Office >> Gym

Entering the room, he was to wrapped around in his thoughts and premonitions that he didn't here or notice the woman behind him, curled up on the sofa like a young child. That is why her voice made him jump. He felt as if he had been busted. Someone had seen his breakdown and everyone was going to start being suspicious again. He went to turn around to face the female, but she had gone, like a bullet. Left. That wasn't good. Jacob was convinced that she was going to blab. So he followed after her, pushing himself back out to the gym. But again, she had gone. This woman was fast. freakishly fast.

Still, on instinct he began to check for his phone. He had a habit of patting his pockets, and having an anxiety attack until he found the phone. But as he patted around he couldn't feel it. At that point it dawned on him he had left his phone with the group. How stupid could he be? He began to jog back over, noticing Marc being too close to his phone for comfort. He would swoop in like an eagle, grabbing his phone and using the table to slow himself back down to a halt.

"Been looking for this. Can't function without it. It's like my second brain!" Jacob would laugh nervously, trying to use humor to dissolve the situation. Sliding hid phone back into his pocket he scanned around and found a new person. Trying to remember who it was. He could never remember who it was. But he didn't want to speak first. That would be just awkward.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley smiled slightly she knew that Tuesday didn't like giving handouts from her, and she would have probably done the same and did things on her own but she was still willing to help out her twin whenever she needed it. Riley sighed softly and nodded slowly and smiled. "I know, I would have helped out anyway just ask." Riley said with a slight smile then she turned to look at Marc as he asked Tuesday if she had access to her dress, and Riley knew it was impossible because Tuesday was in prison still when she had sold her dress. "Marc Tuesday wouldn't have had access to any of my things, she was in prison still when my dress was sold at an auction." Riley said as she remembered having the keys to the storage place she had kept some of her things she never used.

Riley would look back at Tuesday and gently wrapped an arm over her sister's shoulder to try and comfort her, Riley knew her twin wouldn't do something like that even if she was a druggie. And she didn't know that Tuesday hasn't sobered up since she had gotten out of prison yet. "Just tell him, I know you are not someone who would do that sort of thing." Riley watched as she saw the gym office door opening and saw Ashley coming out and making her way towards the gym exit. And then she saw Jacob coming out of the office as well and making his way towards the table that Marc was standing close by.

Jacob would quickly grab his phone as if it was his little techno baby and rolled her eyes slightly towards him. "Maybe tech-head here needs some rehab for his technology use." Riley said with a slight laugh before looking back at her sister trying to reassure her that it was okay to answer Marc's question.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: The Gym/Outside

"I gotta pee!" Cynthia announced, proudly even, before she jumped up, handed off her popcorn and drink to the first set of open hands around her and darted off to the bathroom with legs crossed. It was a rather odd looking view but Cynthia didn't care. She had to go to the bathroom and anyone that got in her way was mowed over. It was like watching a kid that had been playing video games for the last nine hours and finally couldn't hold it anymore. One had to wonder if she had actually had a debate many drunks had had in the past with themselves - to just sit there and let it happen, figuring it would be warm for a minute or two.

Marc looked at the woman oddly before shaking it off and looking back at the group in general. "Tuesday, calm down," Marc said in a calm voice as held the tablet against his chest and looked at her; smiling slightly. "Thanks Riley, I figured she didn't but you both know I have to ask. Tuesday, take a breath. It's me, Marc. You know me well enough that I am just doing my job, nothing more. I have to ask the same thing from everyone. Even asked Riley. I just had to double check was all for the record. Don't worry, I know you. This type of crime isn't in your veins," he said in a reassuring voice.

As Jacob came over Marc eyed him suspiciously but said nothing about what he had read on the texts. "Like I said earlier, I still need proof. Even private charters have records - especially with the Tower when they take off and land. Now, either you can get those for me right now or I can contact the FBI to do it, and have Tim take you into the station until they get back to me for failure to comply. And you know how us government operations work, always dragging our feet," Marc said, giving the man a bit of a warning to either cough up or get the rough treatment. Marc was obviously not the quiet pushover he had been in high school anymore.

Marc smirked a bit at Riley's comment about rehab for the tech-head before looking around and noticing that Cynthia was coming out of the Coaches office now after she turned off the light and darting over to him. "All better!" she announced triumphantly.

"Why did you turn off the light? Where is Ashley?" he asked a little concerned.

"No one in there, always turn off the lights. Exactly, we always turn off the lights. Especially when no one is in there. Was someone supposed to be in there? I dunno, was there? Maybe, he is asking about Ashley. Was he? Yes he was. Well she wasn't in there. You sure. Yeah, aren't you? Of course I am. So, we agree. On what? That we turn lights off if no one is in a room. Oh yeah, agreed. Agreed," she rambled as she grabbed her popcorn and sat back down.

Marc got a worried look on his face, handing the tablet over to Tim and instructing him to not let Jacob out of his sight until he got proof of his flight. If he refused, to haul his ass off to the station no matter the protests. Turning he beelined it for the closest door to go outside from the office and started to look around for Ashley. She should not be alone right then, especially with everything going on. She was going to get an earful from him when he found her. When he finally spotted her he let out a sigh of relief but the look on his face was that of anger.

"What in the hell are you doing out here alone? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is? What if something happened to you? If whoever is doing this got to you? How could I explain that to your family? To Ada? To Kai? That you were with me when you were taken and I let it happen? Don't you go wandering off right now Ash," he scolded her. There was fear in his voice, something that was never there. Then the guilt set in when finally took a breath. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her close and gave her a lingering hug. "I'm sorry, I just don't want anything to happen to you," he said in a soft remorseful voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Inside the Gym

Riley put an arm around Tuesday, jolting her back to reality. She smiled weakly, taking a few calming breaths. It was a bit embarrassing, her newfound fear of law enforcement. The other girls in prison understood, she'd talk with them and visit them, and in a way, she missed being there with them. However, the other horrors behind bars were enough to turn her into a skittish child whenever a police officer was around. All of them looked the same to her--just like the ones that took her into the station, the ones who stuck her on the bus, and ended her life.

"Just tell him, I know you are not someone who would do that sort of thing."

Tuesday nodded a bit, thankful for the momentary distraction as two people emerged from what she remembered to be the coach's office. The first one she recognized--Ashley Cunningham. It was hard to live in Los Angeles and not know who she was. High School Horrors was incredibly popular, and practically everything else that Ashley did. The second person, however, Tuesday didn't recognize at all. He dashed over to his phone and laughed a bit. "Been looking for this. Can't function without it. It's like my second brain!"

"Maybe tech-head here needs some rehab for his technology use."

Tuesday chuckled. She took a deep breath and faced Marc once again, listening to his little speech. Mentally, she went through everything she had been doing since yesterday afternoon. Of course, explaining exactly what she had done the morning prior to the flight....

Well, she wouldn't confess to that. She'd let Marc put two and two together. If he couldn't do that much, as far as she was concerned, he was a rotten excuse for an agent.

"Yesterday afternoon I was working," Tuesday began. "The agency had me manning the Slow/Stop sign for roadwork. After my shift got off, I went back to my apartment and job hunted a bit, before a friend called. I talked with her, ate some dinner, and then went to bed. The next morning I...I..."

She hesitated, practically choking on her own tongue.

"I may have done my vein of crime," Tuesday said, rushing the words and causing them to blend together. "I then sold something of mine, used the money for a ticket, flew here from Los Angeles, and hitchhiked my way to town. I arrived in town just about five minutes before walking in here. And no, I did not have access to her prom dress. Like she said, I was locked up when she sold it."

She let out a breath, thankful when it seemed Marc turned to hounding the phone addict. Cynthia returned, spouting off random facts and sounding...insane. Tuesday pitied her a bit--she reminded her of people who were sent to psych and returned, by some small miracle. They were never the same, worse off than when they were sent away.

However, something she said must have set Marc off--as he dashed off after Ashley. Tuesday glanced over at her sister. "Did those two get together?" she asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: Gym

Okay. He got his phone back. All was good. He had not lost it like previously feared and everything else was ok. Marc was being just as bad as Tim though. For no reason whatsoever he began digging into Jacob. So much for knowing each other in high school. Before Jacob could really say anything back Marc went off. But that was nothing off his back. Marc had suddenly dropped heavily down Jacob's respect list. Though being honest with himself nobody from high school ranked high on that list. Riley was sinking lower and lower, her remark wound Jacob up, and the last thing he needed right now was winding up.

"And maybe music girl needs to learn how to sing and play instruments" Jacobs voice had anger simmering inside it. It was clear that both Marc and Riley had struck nerves. He would storm away to the other side of the gym, ignoring everyone else in the group as he did. He didn't want to be near them. Going into the corner pretty much he whipped out his phone and began to text his assistant in reply to her earlier message, as well as about working on records for the flights.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley watched as Cynthia announced that she had to go and pee, causing her to laugh softly as she watched her quickly running off towards the bathroom. She turned her attention back towards Marc and gave him a quick nod and smile, she was glad to help answer the question regardless. "No problem at all." Riley said softly as she leaned herself up against the table and ran a hand through her hair, she looked towards her sister as she recounted where she had been. It was all good to her that Tuesday had been working, as well as job hunting and was proud of her. Then Riley started putting two and two together about how she got the money on the ticket to come over here and bit her lower lip for a moment, but she wasn't going to say anything just yet she would talk to her sister privately about it later.

Cynthia then came back and looked towards the gym's office seeing that the light was out, and then Marc asking where Ashley was. "I saw her briefly heading out the gym." Riley said just as Marc handed Tim the tablet that he was carrying, and then watched Marc running off towards the gym's exit. Riley looked towards Tuesday and shrugged slightly she didn't remember them being together back in high school, she knew the two were friends and that's about it. "I don't know honestly, if they are together it's the first time i'm hearing it."

Then Jacob made his snide remark about her music causing her to clench her jaw slightly and glared at him crossing her arms over her chest, it struck a nerve to her. Music to Riley was something she loved doing, and would read letters and comments from her fans about how much her music helped. "Yeah and the Tech-Weed doesn't have a life other then his phone, go and play PokĂŠmon Go or something while your over there!" Riley yelled towards Jacob as he walked towards the other end of the gym.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: Grimm High School Gym

Tim rubbed his face, this was high school all over again. He wondered how the teachers that were still living and working in this small town could handle this type of bullshit over and over again day in and day out. He would have turned into a serial killer himself if he had to deal with this on a daily basis. He was surprised that more teachers didn't.

"Would you two knock it the fuck off! We have three of our class mates dead and you two are bickering as if you are auditioning for who will get dubbed 'Biggest Emo'," Tim barked towards both Riley and Jacob. Shaking his head a bit he turned towards Tuesday and forced a bit of a frustrated smile, even with what she had said at least she was trying to give the information that was requested of her. Seemed the drug addict was the most mature of the three he was currently juggling and he was beginning to think that Cynthia was the sanest. How fucked is that?

"Thank you Tuesday, that should cover everything," he said as he wrote out a few notes in hit little note pad. He preferred that to the tablet, people couldn't hack a piece of paper. At her question he perked a brow. "Oh, no, Marc is just protective of people and with everything going on someone wandering off isn't the best idea. Comes from his tours over seas," he said as he finished up and stuck the note pad back into the inside pocket of his jacket.

"Listen, do me a favor. Keep your sister close tonight and such. I think Cynthia is bunking with her. Three of you should be good together tonight. Might want to get out of here, I'm closing this place down until tomorrow," he said before giving a quick tip of his hat and starting to make the rounds to the few that were left standing around, telling them to go ahead and leave for the evening. It was growing late and it would be better to have everyone hunkered down for bed for the evening than continuing to drink here in the middle of a gym.

Cynthia grinning from ear to ear and jumped up, taking Tuesday by the hand and pulling her over to Riley. "Come on, come on. I can fill you in on the real dish. What real dish? You know, the dish! Oh the Hawaiian Dish? Yeah, that dish. With a side of Italian meatballs! Exactly, now that is a dish to talk about," Cynthia rambled on and on, talking more to herself than anyone else, more of debating with herself but slowly and eventually getting out the entire thing about Ada and Kai being an item again and that was after Ada's dead husband came back from the grave.

Tim sighed as he walked over to Jacob and crossed his arms over his chest. So, got those records so I can go ahead and cross you off the suspect list or is it a trip down to the station? Granted, with three murders and no friends in town, the station might be the safest place in town right now," he said as he waited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Inside the Gym

"And maybe music girl needs to learn how to sing and play instruments"

Tuesday's nostrils flared. Despite abandoning Riley in high school and hardly staying in contact with her, there was a primal need to defend a sibling. Only family had the great honor of being able to insult family. Tuesday got to insult Riley's music--not someone who probably dated Siri on his phone.

"Yeah and the Tech-Weed doesn't have a life other then his phone, go and play PokĂŠmon Go or something while your over there!" Riley shouted. Tuesday chuckled at the comment, giving her sister a subtle high five. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. They never really left high school, had they?

"Would you two knock it the fuck off! We have three of our class mates dead and you two are bickering as if you are auditioning for who will get dubbed 'Biggest Emo'," the cop said, giving a pained look towards Tuesday. She awkwardly waved back, hating having his attention on her. She didn't trust cops, that was a given. But more so, she felt extremely paranoid whenever they'd smile at her. Back in prison, when a guard smiled at you, it wasn't your lucky day.

"Thank you Tuesday, that should cover everything." She nodded, her eyes darting to the side as she rocked back and forth on her feet, attempting to make the time pass. Tim quickly explained, sticking his notes in his pocket. "Listen, do me a favor. Keep your sister close tonight and such. I think Cynthia is bunking with her. Three of you should be good together tonight. Might want to get out of here, I'm closing this place down until tomorrow."

"Right I will...keep an eye on them," Tuesday mumbled awkwardly, letting out a sigh of relief when Tim walked away. Of course, it did surprise her slightly that he had asked her to watch them. Hardly anyone trusted her with things like that anymore, assuming that she was going to flake and get high. It didn't matter how much she maintained that the drugs helped her to focus. They didn't listen to her anymore.

"Come on, come on. I can fill you in on the real dish. What real dish? You know, the dish! Oh the Hawaiian Dish? Yeah, that dish. With a side of Italian meatballs! Exactly, now that is a dish to talk about," Cynthia prattled on and on, pulling Tuesday over towards Riley. She nodded, paying close attention to Cynthia, asking her for clarification and to repeat bits that she missed. She treated her as if she made perfect sense, hardly caring if Riley threw her any confused glances.

"Well...That's certainly dramatic," Tuesday mumbled, finally understanding about Kai and Ada. "Practically a soap opera."

She smiled a bit, glancing around as people began to filter out of the gym. Recalling what Tim said, she turned back to face Cynthia and Riley. "How about we go get some sleep? I think they want us out of here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley looked towards Tuesday and smiled at her as she subtly returned the high five, she quickly looked over towards Tim as he suddenly told her and Jacob to stop their bickering. She did feel bad for the students that she knew in high school had been murdered by who knows who, Riley still couldn't believe that some of them were dead now well all except for Atlas she still hated his guts. "Alright i'll stop making fun of Jacob." Riley said rolling her eyes slightly as she turned to watch Tim making his rounds with the others seeing that they all were getting ready to file out of the gym for the rest of the day.

Riley turned to look at Cynthia as she dragged her sister on over towards her and couldn't help but laugh at her crazy mumblings and rants once more. "I already have the hotel booked for me, but I don't mind sharing it with the two of you." Riley suggested as she started to head out of the gym and made her way over towards her mustang, and pulled out her car keys and unlocked her car. Riley leaned into the passenger seat and pulled the back forward and motioned of Cynthia to get in first, she rather have Tuesday sit next to her.

Then Riley got into the driver's seat and turned it on, once Tuesday was inside she started to pull out of Grimm High School's parking lot looking back towards Tuesday and then Riley. "So you girls want to watch a movie tonight or something?" Riley asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: Gym

Jacob was now wishing he hadn't of came to this wretched place. It seemed that everything was going wrong right now and people were being killed again.Simone and Atlas... yeah... that's fine, but the others? Jacob might not have liked them but they didn't deserve to die over it. People were beginning to leave as Tim began to funnel them out. Jacob had resorted to phoning rather than texting his assistant. Which was dire for Jacob. He couldn't stand using said phone. As Tim came forward he raised his hand to motion that he was on the phone, interrupting Tim, at least until he had finished on the phone.

"Look, I need manifests for the flights I took from Toyko to here, whatever you have. Are you close to DC yet? Yes. I know they take time to arrive, just get them and give them to Shi, and tell her I need her here like now. Things are going wrong here... people are being killed again. Yes, i am alright. No, i am not in danger right now. But I want Shi here ASAP with those papers and her detail. Also furthermore to that, do what you can to impose a media blackout on this place. I don't... I can't afford to have this news getting out, imagine what would happen to the stock prices if this leaked. Yes, I know you don't control the media. But we have contacts, influence, budge a few shoulders, call in a few favours. I will keep safe, don't worry. Bye."

With his conversation other he returned the phone to his pocket, closed his eyes and sighed, running his other hand through his locks of hair. It seemed High school was always hell, no matter how much you had changed or grew up. Tim was now free to speak and his words weren't exactly helpful right now.

"The manifests are on paper, not digitalised. I usually leave that stuff up to my PA, who is currently on her way to DC, so I have asked her to pass on the papers and get them delivered here. And as for being alone, I have my driver. Granted he ain't that useful, and my mother still lives in town for some reason. Besides..." He waved his hand dismissively at Tim's latter comment "... I have Shi, my head of security coming here. I trust her with my life, she and the papers should be here within the next 12 hours, depends on whether they can get that emergency landing or not"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Grimm H.S.: Outside on the grass

Ashley had needed the moment of peace and quiet, of solitude. She was sure she wasn't truly alone but she figured that if the paparazzi were taking pictures in the distant shadows right now then she'd be okay. She could allow them these photographs if it meant she was alone with her thoughts at least. So long as they weren't pushing her down to get a panty shot she was fine, she could handle it. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she let it loose and she hugged herself, her shoes hitting off her hip as she did so. She wished Ada was here but knew that she and Kai had a lot of catching up to do, more than she'd rightly want to know but she was happy for them, mostly.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted as she heard Marc. He wasn't happy. Again. God damn it. She said nothing, letting him get the flood of warnings and horrors out as she stood in silence. She lightly chewed the inside of her cheek and watched his face. She could hear fear in his voice but she didn't really understand why he cared so much, now of all times, about what happened to her. Sure they'd always been on civil and friendly terms but she'd moved on and so, she thought, had he. Everything was upside down for Ash right now and she didn't know what to do anymore.

She half expected him to drag her back inside but then he hugged her and said one line that caused her to feel more confusion than she had before. Finding it best to not speak more than she needed to right now, Ash swallowed the lump in her throat and hugged him back. Her hands caressed his back as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. She sighed and took in his musky scent, using it to help calm her some. He was still Marc and she was still Ash. Nothing had changed, just her mind it seemed.

Leaning back from the hug, small lines of tears streak down her cheek sans mascara this time as she hadn't reapplied more since her last session of tears. "I'm sorry Marc. I just, I needed a moment to myself. Some weirdo came storming into the office and had a breakdown so I slipped outside. I'm sorry..." Her voice cracked slightly and she looked down at the ground as she apologised to him, unable to keep eye contact with him right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cynthia & Marc & Tim

Location: The Gym/Outside

Cynthia smiled brightly, if not slightly psychotic like as the two sisters said they were ready to turn in for the night and she was invited to join them. It would be her first sleep over in ages and she was as excited as a child on Christmas morning, and just as goofy as she made a hop, skip, and a jump outside and over towards Riley's car, letting out a whistle as she looked at it. Once Riley had opened the door she dove in head first into the back seat and let out a giggle.

"We get room service or we go to store? I say room service. Why room service? Because then we can just get into our jammies and have pillow fights while we wait. You don't have jammies. They'll let me borrow a pair. They will. Won't you? I hope so. Why do you hope so? Otherwise I am sleeping in the buff. You are? Well aren't you? Well if you don't have jammies I might. Well we don't. But they'll let us borrow some right? I dunno. Maybe store first. But we don't have money. Well we can charge it. To what? I dunno, plastic? We don't have plastic. Well isn't that a piece of plastic that the coke bottle is made out of? We don't have a coke bottle. Oh yeah. Buff? Buff.." Cynthia rambled on and on in the back seat of the car.

Tim watched as the three left and let out a visible sigh of relief to see that Cynthia was being taken with the girls. One, numbers were better than anything, and two it meant that he didn't have to deal with Cynthia's ramblings anymore that evening. Looking over to Jacob he nodded slightly as he took down a few notes and such from what the man had told him so he could report it back to Marc once he was back inside the gym.

"Alright, well I would suggest being careful tonight. Two of those murdered were seen leaving the gym together. I will be at the station for the rest of the evening once I leave here if you would feel safer there until your bodyguard shows up," he said shaking his head a little bit. "I want those hard copies by morning Jacob, otherwise you get to deal with Marc," he said before turning on his heels and making her way over to the remaining of those in the gym and starting to usher them out of the place.

Outside Marc held Ashley tight, he didn't want anything to happen to her. Reaching up he wiped away the tears with the tips of his fingers before finally letting her go. "I know, just stay close," he said before he turned and noticed that Riley, her sister, and Cynthia were leaving the party and heading out. It was probably a good idea for everyone too.

"Come on, I need to talk to Tim real fast and then we can head out. You're staying with me tonight Ashley, not debating that," he said as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder and lead her back into the building. Finding Tim quickly they two exchanged a few notes on what he had found out, what had come in from the coroner so far, and what all the man knew so far. Once that was done he turned back to Ashley and reached out to her, rubbing her shoulders lightly.

"Let's get you somewhere safe for the night. Are you hungry? We can stop and pick something up or I can make you some eggs when we get to my parents house," he said in a kind voice as he lead her out of the gym and over to his car.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: Inside Riley's Car

Tuesday shrugged a bit. Not that she believed in twins having a secret connection, but she had a pretty good idea of what Riley would do the instant the pair of them were alone. Being lectured on her continued drug use wasn't something she looked forward to--and besides, it wasn't like Riley could call a parole officer. Tuesday's probationary period had already ended. She was as free as an ex-con could be.

"I'm up for anything," Tuesday smiled. "We could watch a horror movie...I heard Devil was super good, title makes it a bit obvious as to what it's about though...."

She grinned a bit at Cynthia's ramblings. Cynthia had been a terror back in high school, a person that Tuesday actively tried to avoid. Now, though, she couldn't have seemed more harmless. She was like a lost little kid, happily chattering away, with perhaps only hints at understanding the situation as it was. Of course, Tuesday had only been in her company for less than half an hour--she was hardly an expert on the psychological state of Cynthia McMillan.

"Is there Insomnia Cookies here now? They're super fun. You can get warm cookies delivered to your room, milk and ice cream as well if you want," Tuesday suggested, buckling her seatbelt. She nearly had forgotten that important safety step, being so absorbed in all of the new information that was going on.

Part of her, of course, wanted to know who had died. Three people had died already--were they friends of hers? Were they enemies? She didn't have a clue as to how they died. Guns? Ropes? Knives? The weapons used could have been anything, or perhaps, there were no weapons involved at all. Maybe it was just like Simone's death. She opened her mouth to ask, but then quickly reconsidered. It might not have been the best for Cynthia for her to start asking questions about the deaths. Riley likely would want to put it all behind her as well.

"So....How's the band?" Tuesday asked awkwardly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley looked over her shoulder at Cynthia and smiled slightly at her crazy ramblings. "I'll pay for the room service so, you can buy whatever you'd like." Riley said as she listened to the crazy girl's rambling rants and tried to hold back the laughter, she was completely harmless now and she wouldn't treat anyone like crap now. As Riley drove down the street. She looked towards Tuesday and smiled remembering watching movies together when they were younger and closer. "A horror movie sounds great, I haven't watched one in awhile we can get popcorn and candy to if you want. And i'm sure that they have a lot of cookies, and milk for that as well." Riley ran a hand through her hair as she continued to drive towards the hotel that she had booked for her time back in Grimm.

Riley looked back at Tuesday as she asked how her band was doing, and remembered some of them were out on vacation while she was at the reunion. "They are all doing really well for the most part, everyone is out on a little vacation while i'm here." Riley answered as she got could see the hotel and parked it in front of the hotel Riley parked the car and looked at her sister and Cynthia. [color=cyan["We are here, just need to check in."[/color] Riley turned it off and pulled out her car keys once Tuesday and Cynthia got out Riley closed the car doors and locked them, she quickly remembered to let Ada know that Cynthia was with her and took out her phone to text her.

"Hey Ada, Tuesday and I have Cynthia so you don't have to worry i'll see you tomorrow."

Riley hit send as she went to the trunk of her car to pull out her bags she had kept there, she grabbed her suitcase as well as her guitar case and strapped it over her back. Riley headed towards the foyer of the hotel and went to the check in counter. "Hey Riley Ridgeway, I'm here to check in." Riley smiled softly the receptionist smiled at her and nodded as she went to grab the room key.
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