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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago



You are a test subject, and all you know when you awake is your code name. You wake up in a sort of amnesia state, as you can speak English fine and are knowledgeable of things that most humans would be, but knowledge of certain things may be dormant inside you. The reason being, you were made, not born. You are a genetically engineered human capable of doing extraordinary things with a wide variety of powers. The first person you will meet is Subject 001, and although you don't know much about him, it seems as though he is the one in charge of guiding you for the moment. Right now you have power-locking collars that can lessen and completely negate your powers at will, the people who made you controlling these collars, and these people are known as the ZAUD (Zion Augmented Unlimited Development). You were made as weapons, but for what purpose? As you explore the world you were created in, all will be revealed, and you will soon learn why you were created and what you must do as a scientifically-engineered super human.


You will be living in a secret underground facility, which will be your home and where you were made. So far you only know of this place, as the outside world is but a mystery to you.

The facility itself is inside a mountain, located on an island. It's about the size of Texas, although there is only one exit and entrance point into the mountain. Located on the south of the island, a single building stands, with transit tracks going in and out of it. Inside the building is the only way to get outside to the open world that is known. There is one train tunnel that leads to the loading bay, and one leading out, before snaking out into the small hut village on the water and other places hidden on the island.

Located under the entrance building is a small number of huts, which from the outside look abandoned, but hold the devices that cloak the entire island. These were put in place for assurance that the island would never be discovered, beyond the fact it's completely isolated. ZAUD personally flies in supplies to help sustain life on the island and delivers updated software for the machines located inside and outside of the building.

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332 - Parkinson
123 - Boomi
143 - Reina
313 - GHOST
626 - Hal

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■ 1: The GM's have the final say in this roleplay, and we will work together to solve problems and create solutions that accommodate to all. If you do not agree with us or have any issues contact one of us, and if problems continue to arise, we may ask you to leave.

■ 2: Romance is allowed and a great part of many Roleplays, but we ask that you keep it PG-13 and take it to PM if you must.

■ 3: As far as swearing goes, profane language is allowed, just nothing extremely grotesque or creepy.

■ 4: For your character to be shown on the roster you must post your character in the OOC or PM it to one of the GM's and we will either accept or deny your character. Upon accepting, you may put your character into the characters section and we will put your character on the official roster.

■ 5: Please no metagaming or powerplay, your characters will only be accepted if they are made fairly and you must continue to play them fairly in order to keep a friendly and happy roleplaying experience. Your characters can be powerful but please be creative and courteous.

■ 6: There is no posting order, and we encourage being active, but please don't post severely often and get way far ahead of everyone. If you must, do a collab or take it to PM so we don't have to read for days. Also, if you are not so active we will try to accommodate and control your character if need be, but if your absence becomes an issue we will talk to you and we may ask you to leave.

■ 7: Have fun, enjoy yourselves, and don't be a dick. We all do this because we enjoy it and we want to have fun. IC, be an asshole if you wish. But in OOC please be respectful to your fellow role players and GM's.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annnd there she is. Made a few changes, and explained her powers a bit more but more or less the same~
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 1 day ago

@Savato Here's my character.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is edgy as fuck i know don't kick please i'm fucking trash for enjoying that kind of chars sorry
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 8 days ago

@Savato Let me know when a spot opens up for your favorite Dutch friend, or otherwise I'll be forced to remove you from my friends list. :(
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist Most of it is good. There aren't any actual WEAKNESSES cited though. The first one is formulated as if it's more of a strength or slight limitation than anything else. The sudden loud noises seems to be irrelevant in a fight as well, considering she'll be spamming sounds all the time. Seems only efficient as a one trick pony sucker punch.

As is, she doesn't seem to have much of a weakness. Well actually, wouldn't her powers be severely weakened in water, or even when exposed to violent wind currents? Would make more tangible weaknesses that make sense.

@silvermist1116 There's nothing inherently wrong with your character. Though I don't think she'll be seeing demons in this universe. Seeing dead people though? Go for it.

Fix that pic.

Is she a girl though? As in does she have a vagina or is she completely absent of any genitals? If she pulls a 'I identify as x gender' though, she'll be in for a treat considering the rather grumpy/snarky cast.

@Keksalot Alright, let's fix the narrative real quick: There have been multiple 'versions' of this creepy rascal, and this one technically never escaped. It CAN have certain memories of such events, but the current specimen is barely a second old (the age second is generally for humans, to determine their biological age, they're all newborns however).

I think it's common sense that I say NO to an insta-SBOOOM on a living being. It essentially makes him unstoppable to those unprepared.

Anyway, I do like his ability, but it does need a little more work in the weakness department. First off, the Kyptonite weakness, while good to know, is not only too specific (and scarce given the characters aren't exactly loaded with resources) but also barely relevant considering how open ended and lethal this guy is. For this 'weakness' to work, all matter he could potentially employ as a weapon would have to be at least merged with lead or osmium. That's ... Never going to happen.

So now we have a teleporter, meaning he can essentially dodge anything, with Accelerator's power, which is widely regarded as absurdly OP. Now of course, everyone has the potential to be OP here, my character being a prime example. But I highly suggest you tone down the power levels here. Give a cooldown for teleports and quite prominent blacklashes.

Also yes he's edgy, so 'Wake me up inside' must be his theme.

Honestly, I don't want you to change his power, or his design, it's really cool even if it derives from what he initially expected. But as it is now, it's wayyyy too much. Even unlimited teleportation alone can prove to be too OP at times.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Buddha u faglord, i'll give you a spot when it opens, trying to see how it goes with this size first, k? k

I'll probably let you in eventually. 'Cause I know you're consistent and good. But let's see how this goes first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 8 days ago

@Savato If anyone doesn't show up in the OOC, I could take a spot, but otherwise it's your call buddy pal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist Most of it is good. There aren't any actual WEAKNESSES cited though. The first one is formulated as if it's more of a strength or slight limitation than anything else. The sudden loud noises seems to be irrelevant in a fight as well, considering she'll be spamming sounds all the time. Seems only efficient as a one trick pony sucker punch.

As is, she doesn't seem to have much of a weakness. Well actually, wouldn't her powers be severely weakened in water, or even when exposed to violent wind currents? Would make more tangible weaknesses that make sense.

Well, yes, obviously anything that hinders sound/pressure waves would also make her abilities less than effective. Apologies for not putting that in there, I can be rather forgetful when it comes to putting weaknesses in a CS until they become relevant ICly, since it's hard to think about every scenario possible when making a character and their abilities.

As for the first thing - we'll have to disagree there. Perhaps I simply didn't explain it well enough in the CS. Her effective range at the start of the RP would likely be somewhere around....five yards or so? maybe a bit more, depending just how much energy she puts into the attack. This means that she's at a fairly bad disadvantage against someone who has ranged abilities. Plus, since they're more or less directional unless she makes them otherwise, all one would have to do is wait for her to attack, dodge it and get in close before she can get another one off - give her a decent slam on the noggin and she's probably gonna go down. Not that hard to do, since her attacks probably will have a bit of a charge up time equivalent to just how much power she's putting in them. (probably should add that too, now that I think about it)

She can't exactly take a whole lot of punishment herself either, considering she is more or less human, and since she's not exactly some martial artist, she can't defend herself at close range all that well without her abilities.

As for the loud noise thing - she's not omnipotent. She has good ears, but she can't be aware of everything around her 24/7 unless she focuses, like, a lot. It'd be something she used before a fight to get a bead on where people are. During a fight, its not something she can use on a whim that much. And when I say disorient her, I mean a severe case of vertigo. She's basically gonna not be able to do anything for around ten-fifteen seconds, maybe longer while she tries to reorient herself. She might just get knocked out right off the bat if its something bad enough.

Obviously, in a fight that's basically gonna mean she's done for. All someone would have to do is then restrain her, and boom, she's basically done. Kaput.

Now, it's not gonna be something that works repeatedly in a single fight probably. If they miss their chance once in a fight, it means its probably gonna have a low chance of working again, since she'd be royally pissed by then and go after the chucklefuck who tried it xP

However, in subsequent scuffles I don't see how it wouldn't be effective. She can't predict the future/what people are going to do. She could expect them to do something like it, but unless its like, in the exact same manner as before then I don't see why it wouldn't work. In fact, they could use her expecting them to try it to their advantage and do something else completely.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist The first part of said part isn't a weakness. Or a limitation. Saying 'simply dodge', even if it's easy, is something applicable to anything that doesn't have the characteristic of 'unavoidable'. I was referring more to that.

But yeah, that's a fair point. Abusing range can be a decent exploit indeed. She's close range, obviously long range will have certain advantages if they exploit that limit. Anyway the point concerned the first portion more than this one.

Human limits aren't a weakness or even a genuine limitation, just fyi for everyone. Unless your character's power it to specifically be superhuman/whatever, everyone is bound to the same limitations, more or less.

Second point -

Oh so it's 15 seconds of helplessness after a one trick pony ambush. I assume she can just talk louder than any sound they'd make if she were somewhat aware of it, though. Unless she's dumb.

Yeah the absurdly long stun time kind of makes this relevant. Love dem details. I assumed it was just her losing her shit a few seconds like that ugly version of Venom in that spiderman movie. The title of the weakness kind of downplayed it o; o; o;
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, chief!
1 - No teleporting into living matter, at least not yet (Manton limit gets to me even outside of Worm-verse, dang)
2 - After a dozen or so of successive teleportations guy gets really dizzy, bleeds from the pores and needs some time to regain his bearings and stop his teeth from escaping out of the head.
3 - Only SOMETIMES fast enough to aimdodge an already-fired bullet.
Plus something else of which I am yet to think.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Also here's the alpha-version of the theme. Both edgy and full of mostly unjustified self-gratification.

And they scatter, trying to get away
But they will meet the end today
Cuz ain't no way that they ever had
A chance to contend with me
Cuz see, I kill 'em all I K-K-Kill 'em all
It's either me or them
And my blood ain't bout to spill at all
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pfff, this is his one and only theme and amv, change his avatar to this guy too.

Oh yeah, Echo's difficulty at choosing a definite name is accepted btw.

I recommend also giving some cooldown after each teleport. If you go full Accelerator in one second on six different spots at once, it still makes him absurdly broken. Plus invulnerable until he reaches that limit.

And no, he'll never do that to living beings, otherwise he'll one shot every character effortlessly. That's no fun!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keksalot


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Never. The worst i will agree on is "crawling in my skin".
I'll rewrite the charsheet to include more thought-out weaknesses tomorrow, gonna go sleep soon.

>And no, he'll never do that to living beings
Aw-w-w, but then i can't do REALLY edgy and messy things. Can i later-on at least develop an ability to phase-teleport my hands into a living being that i touch at the moment through really arduous concentration and effort?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 1 day ago

The image doesn't want to stay, so I added the link instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kimchi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yass is finally up (/^▽^)/
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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WanderingSpirit Wish Cloud 9 existed...

Member Seen 1 yr ago

place holder
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Superman
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Superman The Man of Steel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm going to give one piece of advice for you all. Keep in mind, for your characters, that the first time they will ever be alive is at the beginning of the roleplay. There literally is nothing before that, so you cannot write about past experiences. They obviously have a set personality and powers, but besides that, they literally have little to no back story. Also, the power restraining device for every single character will be the collar shown in the OOC intro post. It has the capabilities to negate all powers when in effect, and has the ability to give more access to power or take it away by the controller. So there is no need for any special devices to negate powers as the collar is simplistic and 100% effective. There may be external weaknesses that may negate said powers, but the facility only needs to use the collar on you basically.

That should help when it comes to making and editing characters ^.^
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 1 day ago

Since there were "issues" with my character I made changes. I'm not changing it again. What you see is what you get.
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