Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Xikari chan
Naked lad turned around to greet the newcomer, hip cocked and brow raised. After a brief assessment of his interlocutor's probable mental condition, Loud Love smiled warmly - crazy people were easy to speak to without a lot of awkwardness:
"Oh, almost nothing," He replied, proceeding to move deeper into the warehouse. "Just some murder, but they didn't went through with it. We'll catch up on it soon, don't worry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kiss Of Night
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Kiss Of Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mako had been partying again, the rave he was dancing at was filled with people, drugs and lots of alcohol. Mako loved it. Especially when the mosh pit started. Whoever this "Machine gun Kelly" was people seemed to get rather excited when he started rapping and Mako was already so far under the influence, jumping around knocking humans out and screaming he didn't notice the man watching him from the edge of the crowd. Pretty soon however he felt his stare and despite the crowd and music he found the source of the "somebody's watching me" feeling. The man walked outside the moment he and Mako locked eyes and with his interest peaked the young Atlantean wasn't far behind. When he did get outside the man was standing in an Alleyway across the street and with caution Mako approached, if the human attacked he would shred him into a pile of Gore but when he approached suddenly a horrible ringing sound brought him to his knees, he could barely move. The human walked closer and simply told him that "The Presence" knew exactly who he was and if he didn't go to the adress listed then the Atlantean authorities would be alerted to his living on the surface. This could not happen. If they found him alive they would imprison his parents not to mention executing Mako. After the human had giving him the full message, the ringing became so violent that Mako dropped on his back and the man disappeared into the night.

As soon as he could move again pieces of alleyway went flying as the young boy let off a little steam. He knew that he had to go weather he liked it or not, but that didn't change the fact that whoever this was knew about his sonar and knew how to use it against him, that was an issue. He would just have to kill them when he got the chance.

Making his way there he knew they must have waited to tell him about the meeting place till the day of, in fear he would hit the ocean and be gone if they had told him any earlier. As he walked he didn't even notice his eyes had gone black as his anger twisted and writhed within him, despite this however he was rather curious to what lay in wait for him and why they wanted him. As the meeting place came into view he caught a glimpse of someone entering the building and followed close behind, entering right behind a large group of humans one he noted was naked but that mattered little, these humans weren't who he was looking for, Mako calculated that they had to be being extorted as well. "Well if this isn't the weirdest assortment of humans I've ever seen..." He spoke with a voice that anyone with a bit of instinct would know is the voice of a predator. Whoever took the moment to look at him would see Mako standing there with his Atlantean pants on without a shirt, around his neck was a large necklace of glowsticks and on his head was a fuzzy green "pimp hat". In his hand was a small black metal cylinder and Mako's eyes were black and darting about from person to person as if deciding what to have for lunch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Kiss Of Night
"You haven't seen the half of it, friend."
The naked, tattooed boy met Mako's gaze and stared back. After a second, Loud Love slowly opened his mouth and licked his lips, all voracious-like.
"You yourself look hungry, you know? Hungry and angry. What is the matter?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 13 days ago

Early that morning, Jackal awoke with a start. The ruslting of cars outside was distracting enough but his keen ears detected movement at the door. It took him a moment to register what was going on, and he hoped that it wasn't the police. He got up from his bundle of rags and cloth, the building he had slept in had long been abandoned, no actual furniture existed within the confines of his makeshift 'lair', the windows were boarded up and both time and nature had started to make its work on the house's condition, patches of grass along with cracks and chips in the old construction. As he exited his self claimed room, with a small pile of stolen goods; including jewelry, gold pieces, somewhat valuable gems, and other expensive pieces all hoarded together. However as he approached the door and peeped out of it's broken frame, there was nobody there, the street was empty. However a small note was left at the doorstep. He picked up the paper and closed the door quickly, and began to read it. His eyes illuminating like dim candles in the light-lacking room.

This was how it all started.

Now Jackal was walking to the destination, he was late of course. Half of the time trying to find this damn place was him being lost and making the wrong turn, the other half was him slacking off. He was dressed in his typical clothes he saw fit for his mortal disguise. Fine black pants, with a buttoned up white shirt, and a blue, long-sleeved jacket left unbutton. His messy white hair covered a bit of his face and amber eyes. His oddly pale skin a contrast with his dark outer clothing. He had a sleek build as well, no muscles to see, and he carried a brown cloth bag filled with his treasure hoard. The contents were jiggling with metal pieces and gems hitting each other, making his presence more known then his loud and slow moving foot steps. His expression was rather slightly annoyed and disinterested in the group before me. I didn't have to act nice to these scum, He thought to himself.

"I assume you were all dragged out here as well?" Jackal called out to the group as he drew closer. Above all else he appeared tired if anything, more so then he was annoyed at the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

At the end of the hall there was a steel door that looked tough enough to withstand a bomb explosion. Once close to the door, it slid open to reveal a room that looked like government war room. The inside was full of highly advanced computer and TV screens. Their was a large table with chairs to sit on, obviously made for The Presence's guest. Off to the left side of the large room was what looked like a kitchen and inside of it was refrigerator and stove.

"Please take a seat, we have much to discuss." The Presence's voice came from one of the large screens and for a quick second the screen flashed several symbols before returning to static.

Andrew was noticed the symbols and wondered why The Presance had shown them. Was it some kind of hint to this entity's nature. He recognized the swastika and the pentagram, but the other two were not really known to him, maybe more weird occult symbols. Were they going to be the slaves of some Nazi computer program? The very idea sounded insane, but Andrew had seen some pretty weird shit in his lifetime.

"I am very curious to hear this discussion," he said outloud as he took his seat in one of the chairs. They were rather comfortable and he relaxed as he waited for the talking to start and learn why the hell they were all blackmailed here for.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The screens that made up Wise One's base were displaying messages, the electronic voice of an AI reading them all out:

Report to the warehouse by 8 PM or the armed forces will be sent to your location. Your identity will be known throughout the world.

Was all it repeated, blaring on and on for hours on end. Dianna couldn't even watch television, it blocked the receivers and input the message onto every screen she owned. The base was protected by magic, wards stacked upon wards, but somehow this Presence managed to break through. She wasn't necessarily worried about the world knowing her, but she didn't want the base to be destroyed. It was where her Master had taken her when he abducted her, where he had taught her everything. Where he lay buried, peaceful in a tomb in the back gardens. She couldn't let his resting place be destroyed, which would happen if a firefight took place there.

She knew she was late, of course she was. There was a lot of magic that had to be prepped before she could leave. She had to make sure the defenses were still active, that the base was still invisible to outsiders. It was a lot of hard work, and Ms. Muffins II was not the greatest assistant. The poor cat had spent most of her day tucked between Dianna's legs, meowing frightfully at the screens that blared messages.

Finally, she was finished packing. She had one large bag full of alchemical items and potions, and another smaller bag for clothes. She put on her small purse, tucking Ms. Muffin into the pocket. Her two bags were unsurprisingly heavy, but she lifted them with ease. After a final checkup, she left her home to work under The Presence.

Traveling into town was a tricky business. Her base was far, far away. It looked like she was coming from the middle of nowhere every time she entered, but with a little bit of work, she eased herself into the everyday crowd. It was late, so not many questioned her presence. She walked confidently, and her demeanor was solid even when she entered the warehouse.

She came in the middle of a brief announcement from the Presence, and as he spoke she looked over the fellow villains who had been called there. When the screen flashed, she was able to see some symbols, most of which she recognized from her teachings in the dark arts. It made her shudder, but when she walked in and set her bags down by the door, she was nothing but smiles.

She set Ms. Muffins II down by her side, who had been nice and quiet during their time traveling. The kitten ran in circles around Dianna's legs, oblivious to the other villains around her. Dianna flashed smiles at all the others in the room, most of them were wearing masks, which was a real shame. She only wore a mask during slaughters, but she supposed they were all wanting to look big and bad. In fact, she probably looked like a random stranger who had strode in and decided it was her right to be a part of the meeting. It was almost funny, seeing as she was a major villain known throughout most of the world.

She took a seat in a quiet corner, Ms. Muffin II sat on her lap, purring and digging her claws into her pencil skirt. Dianna stroked her fur, staring up at the screen with a sort of disinterest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Maverick decided not to sit in a chair. Instead she stood a small distance behind the chairs and eyed the computer screens suspiciously. A series of symbols flash up, an Illuminati symbol, a swastika, a pentagram, and a fourth symbol probably having something to do with Satan due to the triple sixes. Was this...supposed to be intimidating? Or did the "Presence' accidentally tape over a b-roll horror film from the 80's?

She caught movement out of her eye and saw a young woman enter the room and flash her- and everyone else- a smile. To say the least, Maverick couldn't believe it was genuine. She found a nice slice of wall and leaned up against it, crossing her arms. This room was full of murderous people; and for some reason she was believed that she didn't fit under that category.

Still, she was amassing a list of potential allies and enemies within the group. Harpy, the faceless fella, and uh, what was it? Phone Freak? They seemed stable enough. (Strange that a shapeshifter with no face had such impeccable manners.) That honorable prick and the dumbass who shot out his coffee to begin with certainly were not attempting to make friends here.

And the woman who just entered the room was giving her bad vibes too, though Maverick couldn't quite tell why. Maybe it was the black cat. The uncomfortably naked Loud Love may be the one of the most violent people here, and the youngest, too, which Samantha considered a small tragedy. What a life that kid had had.

Of course, Maverick reminded herself that sociopaths are excellent at mimicking emotions, and really she had no reason to trust any of these people in the slightest. Honestly, she just wanted to get whatever this psycho wanted done and get the hell out of here... and back home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zebra
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This was strange. Very strange indeed. Not only did the presence have enough cash to make the giant hallway and steel doors within the warehouse, apparently they also had the funding to make what was basically the war room from Dr. Strangelove. Harpy said nothing, but the urge to light another cigarette was coming over her, for gods sake, just a few days ago she was happily living in Maine of all places and now she was being dragged into some conspiracy.

Before she could finish her thought, multiple images of various illicit groups flashed on the screen as if an edgy 13 year old had just found powerpoint. Great, this wasn't just any conspiracy, it was a Nazi, Illuminati and Satan worshiping conspiracy.
"Christ." She spoke aloud. "And I thought I was edgy" She joked. In all honesty, she was sort of warming to the group. Although, she'd probably have warmed a lot quicker if Loud Love hadn't shown up butt naked. She sat down on one of the chairs and crossed her legs, resting her elbows on the table and cupping her chin in her hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 13 days ago

As Jackal made it into the building, not paying to much detail to its design or security, and into the main room, the first thing he would do would be to take a seat at the table. Instead of speaking to anyone, however, he stared up at the symbols displayed on the screen. He wasn't all to familiar with them, but one of them seemed demonic enough. He looked over to the stranger that had commented on the emblems. "Edgy huh?" Jackal agreed with a silent nod. He'd begin to look at the other strangers around. "We sign up for a freak show or something? I didn't come here to be apart of a circus."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

40 Miles from Cochem, Germany

Conrat trudged in the red stained snow, dragging his giant weapon behind him as if to draw a trail straight to him. His breathing was heavy, and his armour was just as bloodied as the snow. Whether it was mostly his blood he couldn't say. He fell to his knees, exhausted mentally and physically. Men he'd fought alongside had fallen by his blade. Men is pushing it. Demons he'd fought alongside had fallen by his blade.

A rustle in the bushes brought him to one knee, gripping the handle of his blade as he readied for another fight.

But the fight didn't come. All that came was waiting. Endless waiting for years upon years, watching the birds flutter by and the lost families discovering the mysterious stone man in the forest.

Present Day

Conrat stood, overlooking the warehouse from a vantage point. His armour, freshly polished, gleamed in the moonlight as he raised his scarf to cover his mouth. Truth be told, he wasn't as angry at The Presence as much as the rest of the group. Of course, he was wary, for all he knew this was a trap. But in his eyes this could go one of two ways. They'd been brought together to actually work together, and Conrat had gone without companionship for too long to pass that up, or it would end up in battle, not as good, but not bad either. His sword felt heavy on his back for the first time in centuries. Not because it had become burdensome, but for the first time in ages, Conrat actually felt anxious. Not the type of anxiety he usually got before a battle, a type he'd never felt before. Like a child on his first day of school.

He watched as the warehouse doors slid open, and began making his way down towards the warehouse. By the time he'd caught up, many of the members were already seated. Noticing the lack of anonymity among much of the group, par a few here or there, he brought his scarf down, revealing his scarred, but grinning face.

The grin was not one of sly knowing, nor was it one of evil scheming. It was merely one of foolish naivety.
"Sorry I'm late!" He said, hardly taking a chance to look at the group before continuing. "I'm Conrat!" He said, not bothering with the alias. He took a seat, taking his extraordinarily large sword and sheath from his back and resting on the floor at his side. "Have they told us why we're here yet?" He inquired, finally taking a look at the group.

They were a motley crew for sure. Opposite him sat what looked to be a normal teenager, Andrew Talbot. Of course, Andrew was far from a normal teenager, normal teenagers might have some hair growth problems, but none had the ability to talk to wolves. Conrat gave a grin to, Mako, he always did like jesters whenever he got to see one back in the day. Of course, the true extent of his power was not something to be joked about, no matter how ridiculous his outfit was. Jackal also sat at the table, another morpher unbeknownst to, Conrat. The pale white of, Jackal's hair combined with his age reminded, Conrat of his first few days after waking up from his forced sleep. The amount of colours within people's hair was astounding, he'd need to ask one of the members of the group what made people's hair such strange colours in the 21st century.

Loud Love was, well Loud Love was naked. Conrat had never seen someone act so normally while in the nude. It took balls, if you'll pardon the pun. Thule, now there was something interesting. He had seen his little scuffle outside, and could tell just from the way he moved that he could handle a sword. Which kind, he couldn't tell, but he guessed something light, like a saber or a fencing sword. Phone Freak and Maverick shared a hidden face. Phone Freak, however, went the extra mile and covered their voice and the whole of their head. Conrat felt uneasy hearing the voice, it reminded him of...well let's not talk about that. Maverick, however seemed like the most level headed member of the team so far. Metallia, and to a lesser extent, Loud Love were things that concerned, Conrat. He too had gotten into the business of evil from a young age, even if he was forced into it and he bore the scars to prove it.

Next up was, Dianna Lear, magician extraordinaire. Of course, all Conrat saw was a rather formally dressed young girl with a cat. If he had been witty, he'd have been sure to make a joke about Andrew when the cat was around, but that was for another time. Her outfit was a stark contrast from, Queenie and to a lesser extent, Harpy. As soon as, Conrat saw the two, who he had been trying to avoid gazing at for the entirety of his time there, he turned almost bright red.

For Christs sake, back in his day you'd be lucky to see a girls ankle, let alone all Queenie was showing. If Harpy's shorts of all things were too much for him to handle without blushing, then he'd definitely be trying to avoid, Queenie. He put his hands up to cover his face, he was embarrassed to blush, but he'd be damned if he'd show it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StarBoi
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StarBoi Star Child of Ruin

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

"Free ice cream, huh??? Where?!" Queenie looked around of something she quite adored. Frozen sweet treats. Mmm. "Oh. You were kidding n_n Nevermind then!" Her voice was slightly high-pitched and rather sing-songy. She skipped behind the naked boy with the tats, keeping her mallet close as to knock whack any of the walls or doors. She never answered his question about why she was there, she had either forgotten he had asked or just didn't want to respond, it was hard to tell with her. When Loud Love turned to her and spoke she smiled big at him. Oh so he was /in fact/ a boy. Flipping her multi-colored hair from side to side as they walked through the long hallway the young woman responded. "I'd LOVE to know what I missed!" At once the young woman plopped down in a chair at the end of the hallway. She had kept walking forward until she had entered the room that the metal door had led through. It was nice, lots of shiny things and BIG TV screens. Wooo TV!! Her mallet rested between her legs and against her shoulder so the large part on the end was right near her head. If she needed her weapon it was near that's what mattered, right? Sure.

Queenie looked around at all her new group mates with a wide grin which could show how excited she was, had she not always kept that grin on her face almost at all times. When the weird voice spoke and the even weirder symbols were shown Queenie tilted her head. Those symbols, every one of them, were unfamiliar to her. It had been long since she was in school and had forgotten basically everything she learned except the English language. "Ooo Circus?! Where?? When?? Let's all go!" A newcomer, like herself, glanced at her and then covered her face, a reaction she got a lot. Queen turned her attention to him and spoke "Go ahead and blush, soldier boy! We're all familiars here." What she was trying to say was that he shouldn't be embarrassed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Phone Freak didn't enter right away. This latest show of theatrics was even more comforting than the last, be despite that she spent some time in the doorway letting the others pass her by as she ran her fingers slowly along the door frame. Occasionally she let a tiny spark, like static electricity, leap from the tips of her fingers into the door frame as she reached out with her will. This door was obviously controlled electronically, but she wasn't trying to subvert or undermine it. Just establish contact, see if she could get a read on its...state of mind, for lack of a better word. Machines had them. Most things had them, really, especially things built my humans. Life tended to rub off on things, and usually resulted in what could be considered a very simple emotional state. Doors, for example, tended to enjoy being used and built up loyalty to those that used them often. Normally this loyalty had no bearing on whether or not the door opened for someone, but if it was new and it's master didn't frequently make use of it or wasn't around often enough to make any impressions on it that would make it more open to, well, opening up for some kind technomancer who was locked in a room slowly filling with deadly poison spiders. The little sparks were like entreaties, more effective if she could get at the wires directly, meant to establish trust in the symbolic way that the ritualistic sharing of blood often did among people.

When it came to magic symbolic gestures were often the most important ones. It really was the thought that counted.

No matter what she discovered about the door she would eventually do as she was told and take her seat, picking out the one nearest the computer and claiming it as her own. After all, it wasn't like she had much choice. She had to trust that, even if they were suddenly locked in, there was enough of them here that they could find a way to escape before they were waist deep in horrible hairy spiders. She looked around and could swear that their number kept growing by the minute. There must be some combination here that could save them if things went pear shaped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimpleD
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Hmmh, a fair point. Guess you must be more familiar with these large scale jobs” Nergal begrudgingly admitted, most of the work he had done had only been small scale, where a simple contract and payment was required and sometimes a body. Glancing around at the group again, the precautions taken by their new employer did seem to make sense, a bunch of those here, including himself, likely would have killed the Presence if they had tried this in person.

As they reached the end of the hallway and the steel doors slid open to reveal the room inside, Nergal had to admit he was surprised. He had half expected their meeting room to look as downtrodden as the warehouse they were situated in, but instead this look rather comfortable and stylish. Not paying much attention to the voice apart from the instruction to take a seat, Nergal walked over to one of seats furthest from the entrance and gave it a closer inspection. It was the kind of quality he would have expected back in his old lifestyle and as he sat down it proved to be just as comfortable as his faded memories assured him it was.

Glancing back at the group he did another take. He could have sworn he noticed everyone before he came over yet now the group had grown again and some far more ‘colourful’ individuals had joined in as well. Sitting back into his chair Nergal watched them chat idly, he found such trivial conversations beneath him, the only thing he needed to know about this group was what they could all do and whether he could trust on them to do it. Absent mindedly as he waited, he dragged a finger across the table in front of him, burning the surface of it ever so slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 5 mos ago

- Joe -
Joe entered the room, and took a quick glance around to take in his surroundings. There was a large rectangular table in the center surrounded in rather simple but comfortable chairs with no armrests. Almost everyone was taking their seats, but the Asian female who had tried to stop the fight decided to remain standing. All the more room for lounging over multiple chairs.

Unfortunately now wasn't time for such a comfort, so Joe remained content with sitting sideways on a chair using the back of the chair as an armrest for his right arm and draped his right leg over his left knee. He looked up to the screen ahead of him as the screen flickered between four different symbols then back to normal. Glancing around at his party he saw most had seen the symbols, but some seemed to be rather unsure of what they meant.

"Illuminati, Nazi, Pentagram, Mark of the Devil." Joe said idly to nobody in particular, but anyone who cared. "A cult, an army who attempted world domination, and two symbols of demon worship. A very warm welcome, indeed."

Another boy entered the meeting room and took a seat next to Joe, laying the over-sized blade he had strapped to his back on the floor between them.
"Sorry I'm late, I'm Conrat! Have they told us why we're here yet?" he asked.
"Welcome friend, all you missed were some symbols of which we can fill you in later." Joe said in a friendly greeting. "Get yourself comfortable, who knows how long this will be."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Loud Love disregarded the voice and the images - if Presence wanted him to listen it'd probably turn up the volume on it's speakers - and instead of taking a seat, went straight for the kitchen. Quickly locating the fridge, LL opened it, took out the milk and - yes, he fucking did it. He drank the most of it in one go, and he drank it right from the carton. A little bit spilled out and tricked down his face. He probably forgot most of the good manners while living... wherever he was living.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kiss Of Night
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Kiss Of Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Mako looked very un-amused as the only human to speak to him was the naked one, of course it had to be the naked one, before Mako answered however they entered a room with lots of chairs and television screens, when the symbols popped up he paid them no mind, who this Presence was didn't matter when the time came he would be chum. Mako went to a chair and started taking off his "party gear", leaving it all sitting in a chair of his choosing, now he was simply a green haired, grey eyed, shirtless boy. His body was toned without being very muscular but this was deceiving, he could tear a normal man to bits with no effort. Looking into the eyes of the warrior who had smiled at him he returned the smile, showing off his rows of wicked sharp piranha like teeth.

Mako was also looking over each of the Humans and others, they were each vastly different and some seemed strong, but Mako was only thinking of how different each one probably tasted.

After that he made his way to the kitchen and with predatory speed got near Loud Love, almost uncomfortably close, unafraid of his nudity and whispered, "Now that you mention it...I am famished." His razor teeth curled into a smirk as he reached past the naked boy into the fridge and found himself a large tupperware dish with raw salmon in it, this "Presence" knew more than Mako liked but at least he provided some food. "And yeah I was a bit irritated...I was at a really nice party and I was rather enjoying myself..." As he spoke he started eating fish his shark-ish nature showing through as he snapped up the raw salmon with almost sickening joy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

When Loud Love, Maverick and Mako disregarded the Presence's instructions to sit down in one of the chairs, ceiling mounted gun appeared from above the table and fired a warning shot at the two villains. The bullet blasted a big hole in the ground a few feet away from where the two of them were standing and it was smoking. The gun then turned and fire another warning shot near Maverick.

"Do not test me! Disregard my orders again and the next shot will be blasting through your small heads. These bullets can pierce through titanium and there are guns throughout this entire facility. And don't think your teleportation trick will save you Loud Love, these guns are made for tracing teleporters" The Presence growled menacingly.

"Now as you all know, I am the one who made you come here under the threat of exposure. I am here to tell you that you are also here under the threat of death if you betray me or cross me very badly. I demand your obedience and in return you shall all be rewarded with riches and bloodshed. I have chosen you for your unique powers and skills as well as not being the most notorious villains. As of this moment you as a group are unknown to the world and for as long as it is necessary we will keep that way. You will be given missions of my choosing and you will not speak of this group or you will see my wrath" the voice spoke.

"If you're trying to take control of the doors Phone Freak then give up, everything in this building is immune to technopathy and magical control" the Presence said with an ominous tone to its voice.

Andrew wasn't expecting guns to suddenly appear and he almost completely jumped out of his seat when it fired off a warning shot at the two villains who gone to the fridge for food and another at a third one. This entity was not in the habit of playing games from the look of it and Andrew sat there and listened to what the Presence had to offer. It sounded like there were lots of rewards, but the price was being a servant to this unknown being and Andrew valued his freedom, but he had no choice otherwise the punishment would be imprisonment or death.

"If there is bloodshed involved then I guess I'm in, it's not like I have much of a choice" he said to the screen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ed just kept to himself after his little encounter earlier, and just followed everyone else when the doors opened. The room they entered honestly looks like some place he's broken into before. Most of the group took some seat and some tried out the kitchen. Ed was hungry but he didn't feel like trying to reach an arm past naked boy who stood in front of the fridge drinking milk. His choice of seat was between having to sit next to a little girl or the guy with the big sword, and after weighing his options Ed decided to grab a seat next the guy with the sword.

He had noticed the guy was checking out some of the other members, but it seemed he stopped and had covered his face after seeing Queenie. Ed has definitely heard of this girl. She was the type of girl you would love to have, but she would rip your head off literally if she saw you checking out another girl. Ed actually checked out some of the other female members since he's seemed to have gotten well acquainted with a few of the male members already. In the corner was some red head with a kitty, now there are three things Ed hate that being thieves and animals. But that's besides the point this red head seemed to may either a sorcerer or someone who just likes to bring a kitty to a villain club meeting for show and tell. Ed also shot a glance at a few others who just didn't seem that interesting or he just didn't know much of them.

The sound of a gun firing made Ed actually check to see if he still had all his guns on him. It seemed Mr.Screen wasn't to pleased with some people getting food over getting a seat. Ed was definitely glad he didn't give into his stomach. When he heard that the guns can shoot through titanium Ed wondered 'What if we shoot the guns?'

"I demand your obedience and in return you shall all be rewarded with riches and bloodshed." the idea of being someone's lap dog didn't sound all to pleasing. But Ed did like money, and this is so far slightly better than a maximum security prison in Europe. "Well after seeing this room is armed with pretty heavy weaponry I don't think there is a no to be said." Ed said obviously knowing he was right, and the second they entered this room everyone basically already said yes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eyeruption
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Eyeruption The Sodomaster

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

LL shrugged.
LL flipped off the ceiling turret.
LL went off to take a seat as was suggested and plopped into a chair right before the screen wall with his legs spread wide open.
LL took the milk with him.

"Somebody has self-esteem issues." He thought to himself, whilst faintly hoping that Presence can read minds as well as scream at the microphone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 13 days ago

After Ed, a man who didnt seem to have much going for him voiced his opinion, Jackal gave an audible chuckle despite the situation they were in. He already knew he liked this kid, something about his simplicity reminded Jackal why he wished to blend in with these mortals in the first place. Looking over at another new member he saw some girl holding a cat. And that was when he spoke again, this time to the man speaking through the monitor. "You let me keep and grow my treasure hoard and I can tolerate these conditions. That being said, how friendly do we all have to be with each other, what if I suddenly get hungry and decide to eat one of these other fellow villains that I'm being forced to work with?"
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