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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
* Only for RP members

GM: @TheWindel
Co-GMs: @KoL & @Lonewolf685

"We who have seen war, never stop seeing it...."
The Story So Far

It is said that war is the ultimate solution, the final escalation to conflict and strife. To many, the concept of war is the last resort in bringing the end of dark times and the beginning of a new age. A new order. But for those of a special bringing, war is all they know. Conflict breathes into their hearts, gives them life, and invigorates them to stand and fight. There are whispers, shadows of doubts, hushed through the ages of worlds describing one particular war that is waged forever. Never stopping, never ceasing, never once ending. Always conflict and forevermore. A war so massive and great, those enacted by beings of a lesser nature paled in comparison to the horrors of this conflict.

In a long ago time best forgotten, the Triumvirate ruled their domain in peace. Inhabiting the Nexus, a place to connect all worlds, the Triumvirate was given warning of a Great Danger, one so potent that it threatened to destroy their lives and civilization. The bonds of allegiance were strengthened in the face of this Great Danger and the factions who comprised of the Triumvirate were quick in their preparations for a war that might never come. In a streak of deep irony, the Triumvirate became poisoned with mistrust among one another. With the paranoia that comes with the end of days, so too is bred doubt and lies. Before long the Triumvirate's once held stability and peace between one another broke up, leaving behind three mighty factions to war with one another.

What was intended to be the greatest army in the cosmos was now reduced to civil war among each other. The conflict continue to roar across space and time, ripping apart whole dimensions and creating new ones in their place. The heavens are burning, the lands are sinking, and the once proud coalition that was the Triumvirate finds itself standing divided. And the Great Danger looms ever closer. With each battle, each victory and defeat, the final annihilation of everyone creeps more and more into the heart of the never ending war.

The RP
Greetings one and all. As the brief lore section may have indicated, this is a war RP between Angel, Demon, and Machine. You as the Player can choose between these three factions and do battle for the glory of your allegiance, all while fighting to ensure your faction becomes the dominant leader of the fragmented Triumvirate. While this RP will mostly be driven through Player direction and choices, there will be a linear story-line keeping things in check for the most part. Other than that, do what you will to win the war, as OOC communication between your fellow comrades in arms is encouraged. May the war front guide you in your endeavors.

The Nexus
The plane at which the factions of the Triumvirate co-exist and fight each other for dominance is a place known as the Nexus, a gateway between many other worlds and dimensions constantly mutating and changing its shape thanks to the chaotic forces brought in by the three factions. It's said that the Nexus is both the beginning and the end of all, inside the multiverse and at the same time never in one single place. The Nexus can be reached from many places on many different realities, be them as grand as an elaborate Gate of stone, built in honor of beings whose purpose is unknown, or even with a simple accidental gesture, like crossing the wrong door at the right time. However, none can reach it by mere luck, as the Nexus itself seems to choose who it'll allow inside its limitless boundaries which span forever on the ever shifting sea of chaos.

Most of the Nexus is covered in harsh and dangerous terrain, inhabited by beasts of legend and lore whose power threatens any who cross paths with them, making permanent settlement rare and far in between. There might be some who are able to brave this land on their own, but those would be only the ones worthy of the title of adventurers and heroes, exploring mysteries of infinite wonder from countless worlds that have been dragged in by the Nexus' very will. Among those settlements, the domains of the three factions are the ones that withstand the most, each of their mighty capitals being a beacon of power whose purpose is to serve as Headquarters and Castles, bearing each factions banner high, until it falls prey to the attacks of its enemies... that is, if that's ever going to happen.

Special Roles
Special Roles are considered types of characters with positions of power within their faction such as Generals, Commanders, Gods and Goddesses, Demon Lords, Machine Overlords, etc. If you have interest in one of these Special Roles, please contact the GMs and send your CS through a PM. The GMs will then evaluate your CS and deem it either fitting or lacking to fulfill a Special Role. This is not a first come first serve deal; only the CSs that we feel fit the Special Role will receive them. Only characters with Special Roles will have the possibility of unlocking their Eyes and Whole.

The Eyes and the Whole
It is said that those with hearts, minds, and souls of special purpose and value are able to unlock their true potential and hidden talent. Thus, the Eyes and Whole are considered gifts from the Creator, able to change the very battlefield of which their user stands on. The Eyes come in two colorations; gold and silver.

Gold Eyes are said to manifest destruction itself, able to rend apart any foe with raw, unrestrained force. With Golden Eyes, one is able to unlock their Whole in the form of Creatio, a state of being that coats the user in primordial energies and gifts them rampant power. But with strength comes a lack of control and understanding, threatening to turn the user into a mad beast forever.

Silver Eyes are to to manifest creation itself, able to craft and make into shape various tools and weapons with great ease and care. With Silver Eyes, one is able to unlock their Whole in the form of Gestalt, a state of being that coats the user in a mighty set of armor, often of a knight's motif which grants absolute defense. But with lack of strength comes lack of definitive power to defeat one's enemies.

The Angels of Heaven

Believing themselves to be the greatest of the Triumvirate, those gathered under the banner of Heaven are beacons of divine splendor. To look on even the most meager of angels is to be blinded by their radiance. Their every breath is made with assurance they are the best to drink in the air, arrogant to the very core but also having the power to support these beliefs. Unlike the Demons who desire to warp and integrate others into their faction, the Angels prefer to "uplift" their lesser neighbors by instilling into them the righteousness of the Angelic rule and culture.

Angels have a narrow way of thinking and will be loathe to stray from it, taking all their values from a firmly established society that has not changed in all of recorded history. Reputation and influence are favored over merit or ingenuity among the Divine. Angels believe themselves to have been placed above all others, and thus are the ones with the slowest rate of progress that borders closely on stagnation, leaving them slow to adapt but having been blessed with the greatest inherent strength to their people.

Take back the skies with the holy light of the ancients and the powers of gods. Cast the land into holy prayer with your divine virtue while purging all who stand in your way in the name of your righteous cause. Summon forth Heaven's mighty beasts of power to lay ruin to your enemies while reminding the world down below the rightful place of the Angels in this Hierarchy. The Angels are greatly superior to Demons with their inherent powers and abilities, but find themselves more often than not weak to the cold, calculated weapons held in possession by the Machina.

The Machina of Man
Mankind's greatest strength has been their ability to overcome their own lack of natural features, such as claws, gills, or wings, through the creation of tools. With every challenge, humanity sharpens their blades and develops new and often unexpected ways of overcoming adversity. Their predisposition towards violence and factional divisions has kept their development constantly progressing upwards and outwards, though their was only so much to be done against themselves.

Enter the Nexus, a potential source of land and resources for Man to colonize, but was marred by the presence of two factions whose very existence incited mankind into actions. Faced with a heavenly host apathetic and uncaring for them, and legions of demons who only wished to corrupt and exploit them, there was no chance for peaceful coexistence and war was soon declared.

Yet this was a new conflict for a new age, and thus the Machina were manufactured. Machines of great prowess and strength, mankind struggled and toiled until at last their creations rivaled the powers of both Heaven and Hell. With the coming of the machines, the war spiraled into chaos, three powerful factions officially established in supposed conquest. Join the Machina and harness the power of superior technology at your hand. Create massive war machines and command the forces of an unyielding, never stopping legion of metal and will. The Machina are inherently stronger than Heaven's Angels, but weak to the corrosive forces of Hell's Demons.

The Demons of Hell
By their very nature, Demons are forces of corruption that warp what they come in contact with whether they wish to or not. Because of this, they are both inherently parasitic and symbiotic creatures who can only thrive when interacting with others that are not of a demonic nature. While humanity can progress isolated among themselves, Demons need outside stimulus and are thus constantly searching for new life, experiences, and ways of thought that are alien to their own.

They place a heavy emphasis on liberty and discovery, whether this being in the physical sense of finding new lands or on the cultural level of developing their own way of life that constantly expands with every person assimilated into the demonic ranks. However this doesn't mean that the Demons are weak physically. Lacking the limited life spans of Man, individual demons are as hardened in the fires of conflict as they are passionate and inquisitive.

Take control of the darkness within and unleash your new powers through hordes of Undead, Demon Lords, Succubi, and other unholy patrons of the world. Corrupt those who stand in your way and enslave them to fight for the glory of reigning Hell. Deal in dark arts and black magics to decimate the battlefield, corroding the morale of the Machina and snuffing out the light. Prove yourself for the glory of Hell and fight to drench the lands in fire and blood once more. The Demons are able to easily corrupt the forces of Machina but are instinctively weak to the holy forces of Heaven.

CS Template
Name: Self-Explanatory.
Title/Epiphet: Optional.
Allegiance/Faction: Self-Explanatory. No 'Freelancer'/Factionless characters, unless stated the contrary by the GMs, please.
Race: Although the main factions can be boiled down to Machina, Angel, or Demon, you can be creative as to what kind of creatures fit in those categories. Ask your local GM if you’re not sure a certain race belongs in a faction.
Age: Optional.
Gender: Optional.
Height: Optional.
Weight: Optional.
Appearance: How do you look? A picture, description or both are good. No real life pictures, please, if you choose to use them.
Powers: Self-Explanatory. Avoid cross faction powers (like a Demon with holy magic) or balance breaking abilities (like a Machina immune to demonic corruption) whenever possible, please.
Weapons & Equipment: Any significant secondary items your character may have. Common assets like normal guns/explosives/minor magic items, nigh limitless ammunition, and everyday items are available to anyone within logic; you don't need to list them. However, anything that can have a significant impact on the battle should appear in this list.
Sample Post: Write a small snippet describing a key moment of your character's backstory, or their typical everyday life. Be creative here since it's the key part of your CS as far as GM evaluation goes. Keep this at a minimum of 02 paragraphs and a maximum of 04 (i.e.: between around 1000 and 2000 characters), please.
Other: Optional. Anything else you can think of, like a theme song, some trivia about their personality/history/quirks/etc., and whatnot goes here.

No Godmodding, Power Gaming, Metagaming, Mary Sues/Gary Stus, and or similar types of characters/behavior. Despite this being a game about pretty high-powered characters, no one is unbeatable.

Keep in mind that your character is likely to be defeated, killed and or captured several times through the course of their career in the Nexus. You'll also have as many chances to do this to others' characters, naturally. War is not a one-sided game, after all.

All interactions between player characters and outcomes of any them should be handled respectfully between the involved parties. If no agreement can be achieved in any reasonable way, the GMs will issue a decree saying how to proceed. Example:

- Player A's character committed a mistake during a battle interaction with Player B's character from an opposing faction, placing it in a disadvantageous situation that'll lead to inevitable defeat.

- Player B's character wants to capture player A's character, however Player A doesn't fancy this idea, despite having no feasible way to avoid it other than arguing or trying to power game/godmod his way out of the conflict.

- Since none of the two players can reach an agreement, the GMs declare that Player A's character will die of the wounds it sustained previously in the battle instead of being captured. Player B's character still claims the victory while Player A does not get his character captured against their will, appeasing both sides.

Although there is no posting order, wait at least two turns before posting again.

Try to keep a healthy level of activity IC. There's no need to do something like post every single day, multiple times per day (in fact, it's not recommended to go this fast, for the sake of those that have less free time), however, a post once per week is the minimum everyone should strive for. Of course there'll be times when this impossible for some, we understand that since it happens to us as well. Absolutely, don't do anything like posting once every two weeks or even more time. Even if you don't disappear int he time between and keeps posting on the OOC/coming to the Discord regularly your characters will be skipped over/removed from scene (let us be clear: this does not mean killed/abused in anyway, just sidelined). We don't have the rights/power to hold you, but you don't have the rights to hold the game back and hurt everyone else's entertainment as well.

RPing isn't more important than real life. We acknowledge that, obviously. However, if you choose to commit to this, please don't disappear without explanation. Unforeseen events can happen to any of us, so disappearances are inevitable in most cases. And we are willing to take back anyone who drops the RP for any reason and or disappears for an extended period of time, as long as they don't suddenly stop posting on this thread but keep doing so on others, despite attempts of communicating with them. In other words, if you drop this game without letting us know but remains active on the Guild, we will be skeptical about accepting you back if you want to return. Other than this particular case, everyone is free to come and go as they please. Let us know and you have our blessings.

Relationships between characters are strongly encouraged but are not enforced. It just makes it more amusing to both me and my Co-GMs. Just be sure to not do anything too graphic in the public areas of the forum. Take it to PMs or an outside of the site source. In fact, we have an area reserved for 18+ interactions at our official Discord. Use it to your heart's content, if you happen to like this kind of interaction.

Discussion in the OOC and/or Discord is nice, but if there is prolonged heated argument, take it in the PMs. Otherwise, the GMs will solve the problem. Be cordial. Respect other people and you will be treated equally, not and we will have to ask you to leave.

RPers who "sporadically" lose interest or leave without saying anything are discouraged. I strongly suggest you either inform me or the Co-GMs of your leave of absence. If it’s an emergency, then at least tell us it is. We're reasonable people.

If someone says no to anything you are doing, or ask that you stop interacting with their character partially, or totally (aside from GM-sanctioned interactions, like battles), please abide to their wishes. If the GMs conclude that you are bullying others (no matter the reason), you'll be asked to drop such behavior —once— not complying will get you kicked from the RP and/or reported to the site Moderators, depending on the degree of your infractions.

Please post your Character Sheets onto the OOC for evaluation. After being accepted, you may then post them onto the Character Tab.

Follow the Guild's rules for content/language. Take any improper material to PMs, please.

Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one or two paragraphs (i.e.: around 500 to 1000 characters), for each character in your post, and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent. Likewise, try to go too overboard with the size of your posts. Anything above 5000 characters is excessive unless you have a very good reason to do so.

Joint posts (a.k.a.: collabs) are welcome as long as they don't disrupt the flow of a scene. It's an easy way for people who want some more personal interaction between their characters, such as back and forth conversations, duels, etc.; they are very appreciated within this context. However, unless your characters have abilities that allow them to completely isolate themselves from the rest of the world, or everyone else is ok with it, don't initiate a collab in the middle of a crowded scene.

Permanent death will not be present within this RP. If your character dies, they will respawn back at a sanctum at their faction's capital. Note that your character being captured does not count as death; unless your captors specifically end your life, your character will still be kicking even in captivity, thus they may be unable to participate in future events until they die, or get released by whatever means.

Do not get in an argument with anyone in this RP, especially with the GMs. Criticism is ok but, if you want to come here to argue, you can give up already. This will result in a quick and swift ban.

We take suggestions from the players into consideration with a great deal of importance. However, we are the final arbiters of any issue. Do not question or final verdict.

Do not keep secrets from the GMs and your fellow players. People should be able to distinguish character knowledge and player knowledge and avoid metagaming.

If a power, ability or equipment is not on your CS (or accessible through some other GM sanctioned means, like special battlefield features), ask the GMs before using it, regardless of how logic it's or whether or not you wanted to surprise others. Non compliance will result in said power/ability/equipment being vetoed summarily, with no right to appeal.

Make no unauthorized edits both on your CS or IC posts. If you need to change anything other than grammatical errors, or aesthetic adjustments, inform us first or said edit will be ignored.

If you have any problems, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to let the GMs know.

You may not enter the RP's Discord unless you are a participant of the RP itself. If you display interest in joining, do so in the OOC and not the Discord.

Have fun. Or I will make you have fun ಠ_ಠ

Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

*Only For Those in the RP*

~The War of the Three~

"We who have seen war, never stop seeing it...."

The Story So Far

It is said that war is the ultimate solution, the final escalation to conflict and strife. To many, the concept of war is the last resort in bringing the end of dark times and the beginning of a new age. A new order. But for those of a special bringing, war is all they know. Conflict breathes into their hearts, gives them life, and invigorates them to stand and fight. There are whispers, shadows of doubts, hushed through the ages of worlds describing one particular war that is waged forever. Never stopping, never ceasing, never once ending. Always conflict and forevermore. A war so massive and great, those enacted by beings of a lesser nature paled in comparison to the horrors of this conflict.

In a long ago time best forgotten, the Triumvirate ruled their domain in peace. Inhabiting the Nexus, a place to connect all worlds, the Triumvirate was given warning of a Great Danger, one so potent that it threatened to destroy their lives and civilization. The bonds of allegiance were strengthened in the face of this Great Danger and the factions who comprised of the Triumvirate were quick in their preparations for a war that might never come. In a streak of deep irony, the Triumvirate became poisoned with mistrust among one another. With the paranoia that comes with the end of days, so too is bred doubt and lies. Before long the Triumvirate's once held stability and peace between one another broke up, leaving behind three mighty factions to war with one another.

What was intended to be the greatest army in the cosmos was now reduced to civil war among each other. The conflict continue to roar across space and time, ripping apart whole dimensions and creating new ones in their place. The heavens are burning, the lands are sinking, and the once proud coalition that was the Triumvirate finds itself standing divided. And the Great Danger looms ever closer. With each battle, each victory and defeat, the final annihilation of everyone creeps more and more into the heart of the never ending war.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 22 days ago

I claim this space in the name of ME!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

claiming a spot. =D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Heart Of Nowhere

The Heart Of Nowhere

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm definitely still interested. I'm thinking about creating a CS for the role of a Demon Lord, would you like me to PM you directly once completed or post it here for review?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'm definitely still interested. I'm thinking about creating a CS for the role of a Demon Lord, would you like me to PM you directly once completed or post it here for review?

PM the three of us at one, that should be the best approach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Just a note everyone. A crucial rule has been added to the Rules, specifically Rule #9.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Lucius Cypher

You're ok by me. Also, lo and behold, how the tables have turned! Here you're my vassal, I expect nothing but the most subservient loyalty if you wish to avoid physical punishment.

Also, as an announcement for everyone, the overseer of the Machina, High Queen Eos, is already up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 22 days ago


I am a weapon of war, my only desire is to CRUSH. KILL. DESTROY. Provide me this and I will serve you well and, dare I say, you may even earn my loyalty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Lucius Cypher

Ohohoho~! You'll find that I'm very willing to provide Bread and Circus to the lowly masses that squirm under my heels serve me faithfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Because Eos apparently draws out the inner sadist in KoL.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 22 days ago


Then you have my dakka. Find our enemies and let loose this dog of war.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Lucius Cypher

Indeed, your CS seems fine. Lone also greenlit you so you can post him into the Character Tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 22 days ago

And here's my demon!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
Avatar of TheWendil

TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Lucius Cypher

You had fun with making that second one, didn't you? In any case, she's fine on my end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

And here's my demon!

Well I think this just scrapped some of my own plans, though I suppose I should thank you for doing it better and taking off from my own workload a bit. She's got my approval, so move her on over to the CS section.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 22 days ago


Fo sho. I also added a bit more information in the "Other" section about how she can be summoned, though this may or may not have much use in the RP. But who knows, maybe her enemies figure something out and use it against them, nya? Nyaaaa?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Somehow I get the feeling there won't be any virgins left in the area after the summoning...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 22 days ago


Good point. And thus I've added a new title to Fran!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Lucius Cypher

Oh yeah, move that lewd thing out of my sight and to the CS tab, peasant, before I'm forced to punish you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gonna just put my interest riiiiight here if no one minds.

Think I'ma make a demon and possibly an angel. Got a few other things to take care of first, then I shall work on those CS's.
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