Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 29 days ago

...the desert is the country of madness...it is the refuge of the devil, thrown out to wander in dry places. Thirst drives man mad, and the devil himself is mad with a kind of thirst for his own lost excellence- lost because he has immured himself in it and closed out everything else. So the man who wanders into the desert...must take care that he does not go mad and become the servant of the one who dwells there in a sterile paradise of emptiness and rage.
MERTON, Thoughts in Solitude

I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
ELIOT, The Wasteland

To Carthage then I came, where there sang all around me in my ears a cauldron of unholy loves.
AUGUSTINE, Confessions

Welcome to Azoth.

Welcome to a world scarred by history, to a world broken by the wars of ancients known now only as the Old Ones. Who or what they were is mysterious even to the most learned, for they destroyed themselves in ages so distant only confused myths and legends remain.

Some tell of a race of gods descended from the stars, others of kingdoms of devils that dwell still in the wastelands and in the many hells below the earth. Azoth is strewn with the ruins of these advanced and strange peoples, haunted by ghosts and demons, warped and mutated by magic; it is a wasteland-world covered in deserts, poisonous jungles, caustic seas, irradiated plains, and the endless ruins of forgotten nations. Millenia have passed since the fall of the Old Ones, and societies have risen and fallen in their wake, defying the harsh realities of life in the endless Azothi wastes.

It is now the Year of the Setting Sun 8,014, as reckoned by the astrologers of the Dratha, and a new age is dawning. The mighty Salished Empire- for centuries the unrivaled superpower of the Rainlands- is teetering, its ruling Priest-Smiths desperate to regain their hold on power. The discovery and proliferation of gunpowder weaponry- arquebus, cannon, pistols- has challenged the might of Salished arms, swords forged of enchanted Soul Steel and wielded by spellswords of unrivaled skill. As client states and old foes begin to buck against the yoke of Salished dominance, a new power is rising across the Godsfang Mountains, a great horde of beastkin and barbarians, intent on the plunder and riches of the Rainlands.

Yours is a nation that has lived in the shadow of the failing Salished. Perhaps a client state or vassal kingdom, perhaps an ancient foe much beaten but never broken by the great Empire, perhaps a neutral trading power that has long played a delicate diplomatic game. Whatever your nations' history, the future is uncertain as the hegemon begins to fail and new threats rise in the wastelands.

About This RP

-GMs are @Flagg, @gorgenmast, @Kingfisher, & @Pepperm1nts
-It is (grim)dark fantasy nation RP set in a harsh and unforgiving fantasy world living among the ruins of ancient, hyper advanced civilizations. Azoth is crawling with mutants and monsters. Resources are scarce. This is Lovecraft meets Tolkien meets...mad max?
-I'd like this to be an exercise in collaborative world building. That means that we want nations that feel like they inhabit a shared world. Players will collaborate heavily in designing their factions.
-It is low-medium fantasy: magic exists. It is powerful, dangerous, and rare. Rare.

-It is vaguely Renaissance tech. Cannons and arquebus are new military technology. There are a few exceptions to this.
-It has archeo-tech from a lost, highly advanced civilization is wielded by many.
-It has original fantasy races
-Inspired by Tolkien, Warhammer fantasy and 40K, Lovecraft, China Mieville, Morrowind, Song of Ice and Fire, Mad Max Fury Road...looking forward to seeing what others bring to the table.
- Advanced writing standards.
- Chat

Setting Details and Nation Sheets


Rare Resources

Functioning Archeo-tech: found in the monster and demon haunted ruins of the Old Ones. Archeo-tech comes in a variety of forms due to the variety of ancient civilizations on Azoth.

Ichor: Some in the Scholams claim that our world has been cursed, impregnated by demons, and that Ichor is the seed of fallen gods and ancient monsters, seeping up from some vast, accursed womb. A black, viscous fluid with dangerous mutagenic properties in its unrefined state, Ichor is most frequently found among the ruins of the Old Ones and of course in the polluted waters of the Dread Sea. Refined Ichor in liquid and crystal form has an immense variety of uses, from powering archeo-tech to use as a key ingredient to many potions and spells. Some sorcerers despise the use of Ichor in magic as amateurish, but its effectiveness is undeniable. Warlocks among the beastkin are known to ingest raw Ichor, thus vastly increasing their power, though with often unpredictable results for themselves...

Unpolluted Fresh Water

Unspoiled Fertile Soil

Regions and Factions

Races of Azoth

Nation Sheet

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 29 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 29 days ago

Please Note: @Pepperm1nts is not marked as co-GM only because there is a limit to how many people I can tag as GM in the thread. He is as GMified as the others.

Also, protip: if you have a question for one of us, please use the tag feature, eg @Flagg. Especially for me, because I am otherwise very likely to overlook your post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Forgot to put my sheet here, herpa derp
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I'd like to ask if anyone has Reserved the 'Rainlands' for a nation's location? I've read all the nations but I've yet seen one, still, I thought it might be better to ask.

I have an idea for a nation whose namesake commodity in trade deals with an unassuming item: Pure water and a bit of byproduct. Presumably that it rains constantly somewhere in the Rainlands, that is.

The other details of this nation, it's culture, it's livelihoods, I'll keep it to myself till I can actually publish it. :).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 29 days ago


I'd like to ask if anyone has Reserved the 'Rainlands' for a nation's location? I've read all the nations but I've yet seen one, still, I thought it might be better to ask.

I have an idea for a nation whose namesake commodity in trade deals with an unassuming item: Pure water and a bit of byproduct. Presumably that it rains constantly somewhere in the Rainlands, that is.

The other details of this nation, it's culture, it's livelihoods, I'll keep it to myself till I can actually publish it. :).

The Salished Empire, the dominant (if failing) power of the RP is located in the Rainlands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by potatochipgolem
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potatochipgolem Linear Freedom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ah the very first nation mentioned, my mistake!

Well then, the Arm of Azoth seems rather unoccupied. Perhaps a different kind of nation might reside there?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

You will likely share your preferred region with someone else, since we'll be playing as city-states that don't have solid, secure borders. No nation will be able to claim an entire region for themselves. If you want to be in the Rainlands, you can, just make sure your city-state(s) is not somewhere that is taken.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I have a question; I plan on playing a nation of Nyr'kiin but I'm curious as to what their hives are like. As in, are they just large cities? Or are they more like an actual beehive or ant colony? Are thry made of stone/wood/whatever or more organic materials (again, kinda like a beehive)?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flagg
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Flagg Strange. This outcome I did not foresee.

Member Seen 29 days ago

I have a question; I plan on playing a nation of Nyr'kiin but I'm curious as to what their hives are like. As in, are they just large cities? Or are they more like an actual beehive or ant colony? Are thry made of stone/wood/whatever or more organic materials (again, kinda like a beehive)?

You'd have significant creative leeway with this. Their ancient hives are like giant termite hives, and many of these still exist, either as ruins or as shadows of their former selves. At the same time, Nyr'kiin exist in (ab)human and beastkin societies and cities too, so they can live in more normal cities. An all Nyr'kiin faction would likely live in an ancient hive- but one that is significantly diminished from its former glory under the Queens.

Also worth noting, that I am okay with the Nyr'kiin being an umbrella term for a number of related insectoid species, so you could customize your bugs a bit, within reason. I envision them looking a bit like the prawns from District 9.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vahir
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Flagg Done my sheet
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hi, I was wondering if there is room for 1 more :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 9 mos ago

There is.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Then I shall start working on a nation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I have a question; I plan on playing a nation of Nyr'kiin but I'm curious as to what their hives are like. As in, are they just large cities? Or are they more like an actual beehive or ant colony? Are thry made of stone/wood/whatever or more organic materials (again, kinda like a beehive)?

I have imagined their cities to be very reminiscent of termite colonies. In ancient times, when the Nyr'kiin were the dominant species on Azoth, these hives were numerous. I haven't decided on what they're made of - perhaps stone melted into putty by an enzyme secreted by the queens - something fairly durable that can also be built into that termite-mound shape. But after the Ghul ate their queens, no new hives have been established. There are the eroded remains of perhaps a dozen hives in Azoth, and only a handful of hives that are still inhabited today. Modern hives are but a shadow of their former glory, and are likely to be eroded and in general decline. There are two that anyone besides a scholar is likely to know of; the Sunken Hive - a deteriorated hive that is slowly sinking into the sea on the Sullied Coast. Somewhere beyond the settled world, there is rumor of a hive enslaved by a powerful and wicked Ghul known as the Dead Hive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eru Iluvatar
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Eru Iluvatar The Lazy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Flagg You may want to update the description of the Shriekers under the Beastkin types - it ends rather suddenly.

I am working on a NS.

EDIT: Also, I would like to know something more of these Priest-Smiths, mainly the 'Smith' part and their functional role in the Salished Empire. I am thinking potentially about using one, having noticed his orders' slipping control and thus having fled prematurely with the intention of forming his own 'nation' (unless of course you won't allow this, in which case I will pursue an alternative).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Flagg You may want to update the description of the Shriekers under the Beastkin types - it ends rather suddenly.

I am working on a NS.

EDIT: Also, I would like to know something more of these Priest-Smiths, mainly the 'Smith' part and their functional role in the Salished Empire. I am thinking potentially about using one, having noticed his orders' slipping control and thus having fled prematurely with the intention of forming his own 'nation' (unless of course you won't allow this, in which case I will pursue an alternative).

The Priest-Smiths are a monastic order that is responsible for binding souls into swords made of fabled soulsteel. The Tyshaled Hamalvod - soul knights - carry soulsteel swords, weapons forged in the ashes imbued with a 'potent' soul. The art of making a soulsteel is a grisly affair, for it involves casting a person whose soul is deemed strong and pure into a furnace-altar, where their body is rendered into ash and thereby releasing their soul into the weapon. Soulsteel is reported to be far stronger than mundane steel, capable of rending armor and holding a razor-sharp edge through numerous battles. It is likely that this quasi-sacrificial ritual stems from the cults of the early Saliszi Dynasties, when the wildmen who became the Salished conducted burnt offerings as sacrifices to their ancient pantheon.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 24 days ago

Just porting my WIP over. After the OOC post, I can see I'm going to have to adjust some things.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Just porting my WIP over. After the OOC post, I can see I'm going to have to adjust some things.

Looks good to me. The theme of economic turmoil in the modern kingdom jives perfectly with what I have in mind in my early posts.

I've also posted an unfinished character sheet in the CHAR tab if anyone wants to get a feel for the Salished. I'll hammer out the rest whenever I have a little more time available.
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