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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

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Diana said, "You summoned me, Hunter. I must stay by your side until your goal is complete, whatever that goal may be."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin looked at her. "If you happen to know a way at out, I'll follow." He would definitely feel a lot safer with his girlfriend and then realized he never described her. "I don't know if you believe in them or not, but she's a neko."

@Nikki Moonlight
Hunter just grinned at her. "Fine by me." He then looked at Shadowsaur. "This is greatest shadow minion I ever created. I believe he'll do wonders." He was sort of glad to have her here, otherwise he would've just been thinking out loud to himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Diana just looked at him and she leaned back in her seat. She sighed softly. @Letmehaveone2
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka couldn't understand why Parell would suddenly be suggesting not going back to the lake. Well, other than the fact that one of us that wasn't mentally ready to be going back there. It's just that, anywhere else they had no idea what to expect. Parell was right about one thing though. They did need to get out of here and soon.

Speaking of which, some of this felt vaguely familiar. Don't tell me he's here too? If Hunter was behind this, then Ayaka needed to find where Arin ended up at and soon. Right now her focus was on something else, however.

To Joe, she said. "We do need to leave now, though. It won't do any of us any good if this keeps up for much longer.


A lake of blood? Well that was unexpected, though really, Luna should've expected something like that. And apparently the place was corrupted huh? She wasn't sure what kind power Shiro had, but he seemed to know what he was talking about. Luna herself could only sense a creepyness and that something was off. She was going to ask if he was sure he wanted to go ahead by himself, but Parell suddenly said they should go somewhere else.

"A person with a frail mentality huh? Well now I know why Ayaka's in cat form using wind powers." Luna decided upon leaving that to Ayaka. There was no sense in her getting involved with that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arockysmith
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arockysmith An Awkward Mermaid

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"Honestly Arin, the trees are moving and I'm a fire starter. I have more trouble believing normal people and normal lives exist," she said taking the lead and heading through the trees, "Let's try the lake of blood. She may have ended up there. If not it's still a good place to start. People are bound to go in a direction where they smell something odd. We might even run into her along the way. Who knows maybe we'll stumble upon a real lake and I can get this blood off myself."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Feeling sorry for his friend, Juno ran up to them. Is the lake really our only option? He looked back at Price, wondering if there was any hope for him.

Price was just standing where he was, hoping he didn't have to go there. They have no idea what that stuff does to me. He thought to himself, not liking this idea. He tried not to show it, but he was worried because that exactly what would get his demon to come out.

Arin nodded in response to her. "Lead the way." He stood next to her, ready to follow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Shiro let out a sigh. "I have a deep understanding of literally everything around me. I could tell you all the little detail of everything we've seen here. It's an ability of mine. I merely need to glance at something or sometimes even if I passed it but didn't see it I automatically understand every little detail and complexity of it. And from what I can tell, all of this, the moving trees, the eerie presence, everything, was caused by Necromancy."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Diana simply looked at him and she leaned back in her chair, looking at the Shadowsaur. She had always been amazed at Hunter's abilities with shadow magic. Her once consort, a god of darkness, created Shadow magic in contrast to her lunar magic, since there always must be a balance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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...I stared at the cat that had jumped onto my shoulder. It... was talking. A talking cat. Great. I'm going insane, definitely going insane. I grabbed the cat off of my shoulder, and set it down on the ground. I raised up one finger. I didn't say anything. But, then I suddenly slapped myself. "WAKE UP!" I kept slapping myself, trying to ignore the sting of each slap. This had to be some strange nightmare. It had to be. I mean... this is all too much to try and toy around with a guy before you kill him, right? Right? It's either a trick or a nightmare, and I'd rather it be a nightmare... I want to just wake up to my boring normal life, where there aren't bloody lakes and monsters out to kill me.

After a little while of that I stopped, finally realizing the futility of it all. "...I'm leaving. Goodbye." With that, I turned around and walked away from the group. Just stick to the original plan, find a way to escape and trust no one. Even if I could trust these people, I would be nothing more than a burden, I don't have any redeemable skills that could be of any use in these kinds of situations. It'd be best if I just went my own way. I'll choose to believe that anything that I see in this unnatural world is a hallucination. That man drugged me with some kind of medication that can be absorbed through the skin. That is the truth I'll choose to believe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"He thinks he's in some sort of dream." Ayaka said changing back to her human form as he walked off. "Great. And I doubt walking off on your own in this place is the brightest idea. "

Upon hearing what Shiro said, she turned to him. "I know of a necromancer by the name of Hunter. If what you say is true, then it's probably him." Afterward, she left and went after Joe. Sure he was stupid, but at this point she was annoyed with him. She was pretty much done trying not to scare him even more than he already is. Maybe that way, he can't wander off and get himself killed somewhere.

"Hold on a minute," she said catching up to him. "I've no idea what you got into your head about us, but most if not all of us are trying to figure out what's going on as well. And really, right now it isn't in your best interest to wander off alone."

Luna wasn't sure how well she liked the guy who just walked off by himself. She tried to be understanding, however. He seems to be a human who found himself here and while here saw something he didn't like. "I think he's just denying what's happening by simply calling it a dream." Which, technically isn't a good thing. Especially in a situation like this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

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I stopped and then turned to face the cat... well... I was at least expecting it to be the cat. It was instead a woman with cat ears. I'm... not going to question anything anymore. What's the point? "...Just leave me alone. Even if what you're saying is true, I'm pretty worthless. Where I'm from I just work at a book store and go to college. I'm not an amazing athlete, I'm probably weaker, slower, and more easily fatigued than most people. I don't know how to fight. If anything I'd be a liability and would slow you all down in the long run." I put my hands in my pockets and looked off to the side.

"Plus, if I'm right, then you're all a bunch of killers." I fixed her with a cold glare. "I've accepted that all of this isn't a dream. So either this is all a very elaborate trick, or I've been slipped hallucinogenic drugs. If I were to go with you, I would be playing right into your hands. Then, I'm dead and go right into the lake. So I'd rather take my chances on my own. But, to be on the safe side, I'll be of course avoiding any tricks or hallucinations that I see or hear. So you can go now, I won't be going with you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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"That sure is an interesting ability... but it doesn't seem to be able to help you in combat bar what your body can do physically, right? You only have increased knowledge of where to hit them, but that wouldn't work against a stronger enemy. It's more of a tactical ability." He would be a good friend to have out here, but he couldn't help but feel a dislike toward the guy. He's too much of a smartass... sometimes it's better to hold your tongue, right?


"A necromancer? So that's who I could feel... is he sociable in the slightest?" Hunter the Necromancer had piqued his interest; he could be a method of freeing many trapped spirits. But it could hurt him more than help him to hunt a target of such strength, to be able to animate an entire a forest; if this was his work, that is.


"Oi, idiot. We don't need a weakling walking off on his own. Don't you know what strength is for?" He furrowed his brow and made a fist in the air. "It's for protecting the weak. Besides, we're dealing with what is apparently a necromancer. What if he were to kill you, animate you, and send you back to us to lure us into a trap? We'd want to help you, but then you'd be the one to kill us. Don't be so selfish by walking off, idiot." Parell had decided to just ignore his claims of drugs and the like and act like he was a lunatic.

"I'll reiterate my last point. We should head in this direction. No matter what Mr. Logic says over there. Sometimes you have to be illogical."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Ayaka pretty much had enough of this guy. She glared back at him. "If we're killers, then why is it that you are still unharmed? A group of killers this big? Surely, you'd have been hurt by now." At very least, he accepted this wasn't a dream. He's still being stupid, however. Besides what Parell just said is true. If Hunter really wanted to, he could do just that to either one of them. Of course, she knew Hunter liked working with shadows more, though wasn't going to say that now.

"No I won't leave you alone. I'm not going anywhere and I'm NOT letting you wander off alone, rather you like it or not."

Knowing he had asked a question, Ayaka turned to Parell. "What I know of Hunter, he isn't as sociable as all that. I don't like the guy, however." Which brings her to the fact that she needed to locate Arin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mmarage
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mmarage The Great Detective!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Then next time you see me, kill me, simple, no?" I glared at the man. "If you've forgotten already, I did try to kill you. Tried pretty hard too. Furthermore, I've said this before and I'll say it again. There's no such thing as magic, you deluded little man. Now, I'm going to leave. Goodbye."

I turned to back to the woman. "Make it more gratifying once you've gained my trust just to turn around, betray me, and then kill me. I would assume, I mean, you're the ones that filled a lake with blood and dead bodies, not me. Also, try making me stay here, I'll just make a huge scene and attract anything that's in this place! I'm leaving, that's the end of the conversation." If she did in fact care about being found by whatever imaginary enemies were lurking around here, me shouting my head off would be rather detrimental to that goal. I turned around and began running again, the pain in my side was still present, but I'd rather deal with that and make it worse than to be around these people any longer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IceboundMemoire
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IceboundMemoire Frigid Member Berry

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"Fine. You've forced my hand, idiot. Let's just say if your soul is stuck here, you can't get away. Soul infusion!" He held his helmet in hos hand and placed a hand on it. It began to glow as souls gathered around it, linking to form a chain, which would appear as a ray of light. It would moves towards the man and pierce through his body. Since it was just souls however, it did no damage and appeared to fade away. It instead linked his soul to Parell's helmet, as long as the helmet remained on Parell's head.

Why are you going to this much effort for someone you should just allow to die?

"Now we're linked." He shot a glance to Shiro, half-pleading with him not to explain how the link worked as he fastened his helmet securely to his head. The helmet fully covered his head with only eyes slots but he disliked wearing it since it imposed a threatening aura upon him.

"So, Ayaka. None pf Hunter's subordinates would be serving him willingly? That would make it easier to free them. But since he's more shadow based I guess I'll have to rely on my holy skills. Ugh."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Shiro merely rolled his eyes. He knew how the link worked, and even its weaknesses, meaning he could break it if he wanted. He'd be nice for once though, and not say how the link works. Of course he also wouldn't tell them that his ability is useful for combat, since he gains a true understanding of everything, all the way down to the exact timing and way to counter whatever was sent at him. He knew that if he ever saw magic being used he would probably be able to copy the spell, as well. "Linking him to your helmet isn't exactly smart. What if you lose the helmet?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"You know what? I'm through playing nice." The guy was still acting like a lunatic and Ayaka had enough of his games. She sent a wall of wind in front of him and made sure she had wind swirling around the group to hopefully bar his path. Reasoning with him obviously wasn't working. To be perfectly honest, though she knew it wasn't a good idea to let him go off by himself.

Ayaka didn't have time for this kind of stupidity right now. "I'm done playing this game with you. We don't have time for this. If Hunter really is behind this, then I've someone I need to find sooner rather than later." It was around this time that Parell had done something to what she gathered was his soul before she could do or say anything else, which suited her just fine.

He asked about Hunter of course "Nowadays? I'm not so sure. I don't remember him being able to animate an entire forest. But the last time I saw him? More than likely his subordinates weren't willingly serving him."


Luna knew Ayaka could get angry or annoyed at something, but wow. She couldn't remember the last time someone managed to get her to behave that way. "He must've been a real nuisance to get Ayaka to act that way.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jyden looked in direction where the cute, 'make that cute and a little weird' dude went. Figuring the guy was scared enough already, he decided to just let him run. He turned to the others and went to join them instead. You should've taken my advice and killed him already. Shut up.

After a while, Arin just decided go find Ayaka on his own. I need to find her soon. He really hoped he could and hopefully not be attacked by anything along the way. Then again, if something did and angered him enough to turn dino, then that would make it easy for her to spot him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Haru groaned as he awoke, though he cringed and jumped to his feet as he found that he was laying next to a lake of blood, his arm actually submerged in hte lake. "Blech. Gross. Blood? Seriously? I'm gonna kill whoever put me here. Dammit it's all over my favorite jacket too! What the fuck?" He sighed, before blinking as he felt a familiar presence, and grinned as he dashed off, heading towards where Shiro was. "Big bro~!" he yelled as he tried to glomp him, only for Shiro to step to the side and let him faceplant into a tree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ty woke up his surroundings a bit different then they were before he went to sleep. "The hell...?" He whispered to himself as a door opened revealing that he was sleep in a dark room. A small group of men walked in every single one of them dressed in robes that covered their faces. Ty stood his expression becoming more bored by the second. After all the brown robed men sat in an incomplete circle one more person walked in wearing a white robe. It was obvious that it was a woman. The person in the white robe was slender and walked in a seductive manner.

"Demon! We've summoned you to do our bidding!" She told Ty without hesitation starring him directly in his eye.

Ty smiled. Even though humans would normally run away she had the tacos to stand up to him and speak to him as if he was a lesser being.

"Why should I...?" Ty said crossing his arms playing the "Demon" he was so wrongfully accused of being.

"You'll be stuck in this magic circle." She says as she snaps her fingers and candles revealing the magic circle she spoke of appeared. The circle was built to hold demons but Ty was obviously not one but he was gonna let this fairy tale play on for a bit more.

He laughed and responded with. "Ohh no I'm doom!" The woman couldn't help but glare at him. She wasn't in a good mood and the men in robes knew it. One of them was frightened and a few started to panic. It must be terrible when the lady didn't get what she want to have this many men trembling like a bunch of scared 2 year olds. It was all laughs and giggles to Ty until one of the men stood and decided to say.

"How about we summon another demon? One that's more powerful than this one!? One that will have something to gain by working for us!" The woman didn't respond but her face expression clearly showed she was thinking about it. Ty on the other hand was not as happy as he was before. "More powerful demon..." He looked at the men instantly getting all of their attention. "...THAN ME!!!?" With that all the candles blew our and there was silence....dead silence.

The candles lit themselves back on which was impossible. As the light took back over the room it started to reveal the corpses of all the brown robed men. In the center of the magic circle stood Ty his red eye now not hidden behind a bang of hair. The woman took a step back as she noticed each men wallowing in their own puddles of blood.

"W-what... type of creature...." She attempted to ask but struggled to speak straight from how hard her heart was beating. Ty took a step forward and didn't say a thing. She felt his murderous intent and tried to open the door but it was locked. It didn't matter she struggled and struggled to open the door but before she knew it Ty was behind her.

"N-n-no p-please....it was them...I-" before she could continue her sentence Ty kneed her in her stomach causing her to fall backwards aggressively on the door breaking it off it's hinges. Ty walked through the remainder of the door and stopped standing above the woman as she turned on her stomach and slowly started to crawl. Blood seeped from her mouth as she moved it was obvious that her spine and her ribs were broken. Ty walked in front of her and crouched down starring into her eyes.

"P-p-please....help..m-me..I.. I'll do anything!" She pleaded breaking out into tears. Ty was starring so long into her eyes that he practically was starring into her soul. "No.. your intentions to sexually please me is nearly impossible in the state your in but..." He pointed to his blue eye. " The angel part of me is feeling this emotion humans call remorse. I'll show it by making your death quick." He snapped his finger and made her hallucinate something. Whatever it was it did the job. Ty stood as the low sobs turned into complete silence. He walked out of the small puddle of red that was now under him and exited the cabin he was in. "It seems they've summoned me to the outskirts of a woods... well navigating myself to the other side shouldn't be to hard.." He says as he begins to walk.

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