Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 28 days ago


Location: The Auburn Liberty
Interacting With: Each other

Eliza fixed her brother with a cold stare as the older man walked over to begin repairing the ship. "I want that gun," she hissed, quietly so only Oli would hear her. Oliver nodded his head in response, shooting a glance at the old man. "We wait, until the time is right. No need to make any sudden decisions," Oli said, earning a nod from his sister. They both took a deep breath and looked at each other, smirking. "What would Mom and Dad think of us now? Planetside and plotting to steal a gun," Oliver asked. Eliza shook her head, raising her eyebrows and smirking. "They'd probably be thinking that we're the coolest orphans on this planet," she replied, earning a chuckle from Oli.

Just then, the piercing shriek interrupted their conversation, and the twins turned to look towards the source. Before Eliza could say anything, Oli was sprinting towards the sound, and she soon followed. When they reached the girl, Oliver knelt beside her, trying to calm her down, while Eliza looked out into the trees. Her eyes darted each and every way. A few times, she could have sworn she saw something. And then she most definitely did. Eyes, peering back at her from the darkness. "Oli, it's time to go," she whispered.

Oliver picked up the girl, and turned around to see the same pair of eyes that had paralyzed his sister with fear. He gulped, and became still, before turning his head to look at his sister. He began to countdown, whispering, from 3. And when he reached zero, the twins bolted back towards the group at the Auburn Liberty, Eliza leading the way. "PACK UP AND RUN! THERE'S SOMETHING OUT THERE! Eliza shouted, waving her arms like a madwoman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cody had dropped himself down onto the grass and was absentmindedly watching the world go by as everyone else went about their business. He did take note of one of the girls trying to flirt with the old guy and he rolled his eyes at the whole thing. He watched a couple of others wander back into the ship but paid little attention to them. It wasn't like they could take off without him. Even a cursory glance at the ship told Cody that it needed repairs before it could go anywhere. That in itself worried him though. There were obviously going to be people looking for them and right now their only chance for escape was that ship or running into the forest. He doubted the second option would be of much use though.

He was watching what he assumed to be two birds, or something resembling birds, fly over head when he heard a scream. He reacted without even thinking about it and was quickly up off the ground and running towards the tree line. He wasn't the first to arrive but he pushed his way past the others there to see the obviously testified girl muttering something about a monster. Cody squinted as he peered into the forest. He didn't see anything but thought it was better to be safe than sorry. Apparently one of the other guys had the same idea and quickly scooped the girl up in his arms and turned to the others, telling them in his best attempt at an authoritarian voice to get back to the ship. Cody took one last look at the trees before following after everyone else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fluorescent

fluorescent can't change her bio and she's g r u m p y

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

No timing, no rhythm, no order; everything in this goddamn forest did what it wanted, adhering to nothing but its own whims and desires. The wind blew where it willed, the trees rustled and swayed as they desired, and the water continued to flow despite friction's desperate attempts to stop it. There was no order, no peace - not like Port Hope, where Cameron could count the ticks in the air vents while oxygen was recycled, or calculate the time of day based on how many security guards walked by her cell, or estimate how many days it had been since the guy a few cells over had masturbated according to his composure around women.

The planet had a mind of its own, and Cameron could do nothing but admire the sheer beauty of it all. It was why she had turned to drugs so many years ago, why she still craved it despite being off of them for so long. Logic and process and numbers could only account for so much in her world before the irrationality of reality caught up to her and jumbled it all up, throwing everything she knew out the window and reminding her that she didn't really know all that much.

A voice pulled her from her thoughts; she looked to her side to see someone slumped down next to her, asking if she was alright. Cameron nodded, "I think I will be. I'm just... struggling to understand it all. There's no reason to a place like this, and it's wonderful." It occurred to her that her ramblings might not make sense to anyone that didn't have an all-access pass to the inner workings of her mind, but that wasn't a priority to her at the moment. Once she pulled herself together and came out of shock from the crash, she'd be a much more socially capable person. At the very least, she'd be able to hide behind the facade of the social butterfly she could so carefully create and reinforce at will.

The scream caught her off-guard, however. It pierced through the forest, causing everything to fall silent bar the wind rustling through the leaves and the water flowing through the earth. Cameron counted the seconds of silence in her head, the steadily ticking number rising in her head the only thing keeping her together.

As the shouts to run grew louder and louder, tears began to pour from Cameron's eyes. "Where do we run? We can't all stay on the ship and we don't know what's in this forest or where we could possibly go," Cameron whispered, tensing up on the forest floor as everybody began running away around her. "We have no plan and no resources, and unless someone pulls us all together, we're dead before nightfall."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Interacting with: Christine Ramirez @Nallore, Oliver Harper @smarty0114, Everyone

7872’s eyes flicked to her former cellmate. Interesting. Already there was someone useful among the group; having an additional person with medical training would go a long way to ensuring the survival of the overall group. ”There do not appear to have been any injuries as a result of the crash. However, there are two tasks that you can assist me with.”

As she turned to leave, ignoring the girl who had joined them and was attempting to beguile the pilot, a sudden scream drew her attention. ”That situation may have changed. You will follow.”

Moving quickly but calmly, she returned to the main group, which was hastily attempting to return to the ship’s interior. She was curious than concerned about the presence of something in the trees; in all likelihood, it was some sort of native animal. If it was predatory, it wasn’t likely to attack the main group unless it had a significant size advantage. Without that, it would simply be too risky. If it was a prey animal, that it was even more unlikely to attack. In fact, all the commotion by the others had probably scared it off.

Now was not the time for such ponderings, however. She pushed her way to the male carrying the girl. ”This way, follow.” Still, her voice carried that same flat tone. Leading the way to what was likely the pilot’s living quarters, she gestured to the bed. ”Set her down there. I will take a look at her.” She turned to the group gathering behind her. ”Everyone except her,” she pointed to Christine, ”get out. She will need room to calm down.” For probably the first time since leaving solitary, 7872’s tone changed, implying that “no” was not going to be an acceptable response.

She turned her attention back to the patient, looking her over with a neutral expression. ”You do not appear to be injured. Likely just shock. Please describe what you saw.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 15 min ago

Christine Ramirez

Interacting With: @Thundercrash 7872 @smarty0114 Oliver & Eliza Harper

Christine looked towards Seven for a moment and nodded, as long as she was able to help out others around her she would be happy to tend to all of those that had been injured, but it looked like no one had been injured during the crash. "Alright then lead the way." Christine said as she turned around and followed behind her cellmate, that's when she froze and heard a loud scream and quickly followed behind the others to see Oli carrying a girl in his arms. Christine quickly led the way into the Auburn Liberty, she followed Seven into the pilot's chambers and knelt down next to the girl to get a better look at her.

Christine started to check for any sort of injuries while Seven went to try and disperse the crowd that followed, she hated when people started breathing down her neck while she was doing her work. Chris got up from where she was sitting looking at the faces of the other kids who were former prisoners. "I'm going to shut the door, i'll let you all know if shes okay." Christine said as she pressed a button and the door shut behind her. Christine turned back to the girl as she inspected her most likely she was in shock from whatever she saw. "Could you tell us what you saw out there?" Christine asked while looking up at Seven for a moment. "Did you see anything since the crash at all, any animals by chance?"
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