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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Interest Check - Thread Open

Interested in joining?
Message me or one of my Co-GM's!

GM = Vicier.
CO-GM = Polyurethane and YoshiSkittlez.

"It is not always wise to judge a book by its cover..."

Once upon a time, in a world much like our own, Kings and Queens ushered in an age of peace and understanding ruling together in order to ensure the safety and happiness of not only their people, but of their own families. A world once filled with compassion and love soon to be thrown into fear and darkness as an evil began to brew spreading throughout the lands leaving nothing but death and destruction in its wake; the evil stemming from the one most only ever spoke about in hushed tones. Unsatisfied with what she had the dark Queen sought out for the foulest of evil beings spread throughout the kingdoms offering them wealth and power beyond their wildest imaginations if together they pledged their allegiance to her service; wanting revenge on those who had led to their ultimate demise, they agreed, signing over their loyalty while in return gaining a feared and powerful ally. With the odds stacked in her favor, the Queen led her attack on the land causing strife and chaos to fill the kingdoms, and in turn allowing the villainous beings to force their way into power; each killing all and any who dared stand in their way.
Fearing for the future, the Kings and Queens of the realms worked together to try and ensure the safety for the children of the lands by sending them far away from the reach of all and any who would try to destroy them, knowing that taking this course of action would mean that they would no longer have the luxury of watching as their little ones grew. Appointing several guardians to make the trip as well everything was set in motion, however the dark Queen and her every growing army of evil struck attacking the royals before many of the children could escape from their clutches causing the portals to earth to close leaving those unlucky enough to be brought up as captures, serving the very people who had sought to destroy their lives. The children fortunate to get away were scattered about the earth each falling to the ground leaving them to fend for themselves until the time came when they were finally ready to rejoin the world and take back what was rightfully theirs; though with each year that passed the memories of their past lives began to fade away leaving them what they could only believe to be dreams of something that would never be.

Earth - Information

For those whose character/s are on earth, please know that we are talking about earth today. Everything is as it is today. Technology, transportation, telecommunication, education; please try not to push the limits into the future. There is also no magic on earth, and therefore it cannot be used; if your character wishes to use magic on earth then they would need to take a page from the magnificent Dynamo by learning slight of hand and perfecting tricks such as cards and how to pull a rabbit from a hat. The characters who begin on earth will have no memory of their past, only knowing that for one reason or the next their parents/ or guardians are not their real family. With each year that passes their memories of their past lives fade away leaving them with what they believe are just dreams and their own imaginations as children. The children who were sent to earth would be presumed dead to all those in the fairy tale world, villains included, leaving the only ones who knew of their escape being their parents, the guardians, and Zelena Thropp.

PLEASE NOTE: The children aren't some prophecy, yes they were sent to earth to be kept safe, but it was so they could live normal lives away from the darkness that was covering the land. Their parents would have wanted them away from the danger while (if surviving) carrying the hope that maybe, one day, they would see their children again. As for them returning to the Rivenspire (FT World), that's not a "compulsory your coming with me" type deal; it's up to them whether they choose to believe it or not, it's their choice whether they go back with the guardians/ Mark or not.

Rivenspire (Fairy Tale World) - Information

For those of you who have characters in Rivenspire (FT World), please know that it is now a more modern place. While the fairy tale world does not have major technological advances like earth does, they do enjoy luxuries such as indoor plumbing, electricity and transportation. When it comes to transportation, think simple... the first motorcycle, the first car; the most advanced area in this world being Avonlea (also known as Province). People of the Rivenspire (FT World) are intelligent enough to use technology though they only do so as it is needed. Any technology brought to Rivenspire (FT World) from Earth by characters will not be able to work in the correct manner. Mobiles will not get any reception, iPads and tablets will be unable to find any internet connections; the only real use for any of that would be taking photos until the batteries die.

PLEASE NOTE: The whole idea about the villains taking over, is that the villains actually take over; ruling instead of sitting in a hole/ cave/ room somewhere wasting their time by searching for something with pixie dust. Just a few examples: Ursula living in the castle of Atlantica ruling over the seven seas as a Queen, Gaston becoming King and ruling over Avonlea while having the women fawn over him, the Dark Queen ruling over everyone as the overseer and empress of the fairy tale world.

Magic - Information

Although magic roams free within the Rivenspire (FT World) it isn't something that is used extremely often; it is something that now a days causes fear and panic to all of those around, and is not something that should be taken lightly or for granted. Magic is a gift or curse that leads many who use it to their ultimate demise due to the Dark Queens thirst for power and control, those refusing to join by her side, by handing over their loyalty, being hunted down and slaughtered instilling fear into those left who posses and are able to control these types of abilities.

PLEASE NOTE: The Dark Queen would want to control any magic that is in Rivenspire (FT World) so that none could oppose rule. Those who did possess magic would either be aligned with her, or killed off if they refused to give her their loyalty. Magic being sort of made into a taboo/cursed art form because of the trouble it would land the person in.

Portals - Information

After the children were sent to Earth the portals sealed up not allowing any to pass through until the time was right and they were ready to make the choice about their return back to Rivenspire (FT World). Those left who posses the ability to move from world to world do so by the help of amulets imbued with strong natural magic that emulates through out Rivenspire (FT World), the amulets being as strong as they are are considerably rare; only four in existence. One of which is in the possession of Zelena Thropp, while the other three are in possession of guardians that were sent to the Earth to watch over those who were sent to safety.

Character Rosters

Accepted Characters
Freya Beauchamp (Maleficent) ~ Vicier (GM)
Baghera (Merlin) ~ Vicier (GM)
Odette Swan (Swan Princess) ~ Vicier (GM)
Eliza Brie (Elsa) ~ Vicier (GM)
Kidagakash Nedakh (Kida) ~ Vicier (GM)
Audrey Ramirez (Kiara Kiburi) ~ Vicier (GM)
Zelena Thropp (Elphaba Chopper) ~ Vicier (GM)

Jafar Sholeh (Jafar) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Taka Lionhart (Scar) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Jack Woodard (Pinocchio) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Tarzan (Simba Lionhart) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Sebastian Beachley (Spirit Of Neverland) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Jas Nedakh (Davy Jones) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Kekata Walker (Kocoum) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Derek Stone (Mowgli/ Aladdin) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)
Magnus Ping (Li Shang) ~ Yoshiskittlez (Co-GM)

James Beauchamp (James Hook) ~ Polyurethane (Co-GM)
Louis Prima (King Louis) ~ Polyurethane (Co-GM)
Aasim Folami (Kerchak) ~ Polyurethane (Co-GM)
Julien Amaru (Kuzco Quri) ~ Polyurethane (Co-GM)

Rose Louvel (Red Riding Hood) ~ BlueAjah
Ariel Banks (Ariel) ~ BlueAjah
Jackson Frost (Jack Frost) ~ BlueAjah

Charles Darling (Peter Pan) ~ smarty0114
Lucas Channing (Prince Adam/ Beast) ~ smarty0114
Tinkerbell (Tinkerbell) ~ smarty0114

Anna Bryndís (Princess Anna) ~ Nallore
Hans Bourdelle (Prince Hans) ~ Nallore

Arava Chander (Princess Aravis) ~ Morose

Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur) ~ McHaggis

Characters - Information

Characters are not limited to Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks. This roleplay will also be accepting characters from other types of literature/ entertainment such as: legends, mythology, fairy tales. For example one could choose to portray someone as well known as Little Red Riding Hood, or change the pace completely by portraying Rose Red (Snow White's younger sister) or the Monkey King. At this point in time I am not putting a limit on characters. Below I have put together a template for everyone to use for their Character Sheets. At this stage we are accepting all royals, rebels and villains; remember, all stories are intertwined in some way or another. With pictures of characters appearances, please try to use actual people and not drawn or anime pictures, thank you.

PLEASE NOTE: Any animal characters that are chosen (<-- For example: Simba, Bambi, Flounder, ect.) if kept as an animal will have limited interactions with other characters due to not being able to converse with them. If you are thinking about creating a character who is indeed and animal, a suggestion would be to look over previous CS' that other roleplayers have made to see how they have gotten around that barrier to allow the interactions that are necessary for character acceptance; if not, please feel free to ask me, and I will give you the default answer which everyone will soon come to know..!

Character Sheet

PLEASE NOTE: When it comes to posting, I will putting a time limit on posts due to lack of posting in the past; each character will have a seven day limit to have a post put up in the IC, should you have issue with this and will not be able to make the deadline, or are working on a collab with another roleplayer, please feel free to notify either myself or one of my Co-GM's.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

@Vicier *Flails up and down excitedly* I'm in! :P Dibs on Anna again. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Interested. :) Thinking about doing the heroines from either The Enchanted Quill or the Robber Bridegroom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Morose I've never heard if either of those... o.o

@Vicier Do you want me to CS dump here... or... should I just PM them to you or do you wanna just take them from my stash?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 28 days ago

Hiya :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Morose; I'm looking forward to see what you come up with..! :D

@YoshiSkittlez; yeah, totally..! Go for it and pop maybe a couple of your characters in here so that people can have a look at them as maybe a guide, but the rest I'll take from your stash once I get the main thread up. :'3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm in!!!!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~The Serpent King - Jafar Sholeh~

Name: Jafar Sholeh.
Other Names: The Serpent King, Sultan of Agrabah.
Real Name: Jafar Sholeh.
Age: 41.
Occupation: Royal Vizier/ Dark Sorcerer.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Twenty-Eight):

Appearance - Today (Age Fourty-One):

Jafar, despite spending most of the last thirteen years at The Moors, still takes on the traditional wear of his people of Agrabah. Jafar keeps to three different styles of dress, one for addressing the people in public and within his kingdom, a more relaxed style when in the comforts of his own castle or Maleficent's when he isn't trying to implement intimidation, and a most relaxed style that only Maleficent ever sees him in save for a few servants here and there that poke around the bedroom to serve him.

First and foremost, when Jafar wants to feel superiority, overpowered and intimidating to those around him, his most often used outfit consists of a black Kurta that reaches all the way down to his black booted feet. A thick, leather, black belt spans across his midsection over the top of the Kurta as well as a large shoulder piece that is draped over his head. This leather piece gives his shoulders an 'armored' appearance and the pointed, black tips make it look all the more menacing. The shoulder pads extend up and around his neck in a thick, rigid collar, going up as far as the middle of the back of his head and as low as reaching between his shoulder blades where the fabric changes slightly in a nice transition of a thin, black leather cape with red silk inlaid on the inside. The cape as well, reaches down to his feet, the very tips of it dragging along the floor when he walks. Underneath his 'armored' appearance he wears a simple black Dhoti to keep his legs and private areas covered modestly.

Jafar's more 'normal' attire consists of a simple Kurta that is either usually in black or dark blue in color. The edges and cuffs are usually decorated with a gold or red swirling pattern that give the Kurta just a bit more 'pop'to the otherwise bland article of clothing, and a wide, leather belt, usually matching in color and style, spans across his midsection. Underneath the Kurta, he again almost always reverts to wearing a simipleDhoti either in black or dark blue in color to keep his legs and private areas covered modestly.

When relaxing in the privacy of his own chambers or Maleficent's, Jafar will wear absolutely nothing save for a Dhoti (the color depending on his mood, but doesn't always keep to the dark colors) and sandals, leaving his chest, arms and back completely bare in what he believes is a vulnerable state, which is why hardly anyone ever sees him like this save for Maleficent.

Along with his wardrobe, Jafar often-times adornes his head with one of many different colored and styled turbans most of the time using a turban red in color but not always, sometimes going for orange, black or even gold depending on his mood.

As always, Jafar has a trusty golden, cobra-headed staff that never leaves his sight. It's appearance looks as though the entire thing is made from gold save for the eye pieces which are made from an enchanted ruby crystal, however his staff doesn't always stay in this condition as he can wield it into becoming a real snake.

Personality Traits:
Jafar is an amoral psychopath who won't hesitate to destroy anyone he perceives as a threat to his own sinister designs. He has mastered being able to wear a metaphorical mask of normalcy, establishing himself as a cool-headed schemer and gaining the trust of those around him. But even with his mask, certain things can crack away at it revealing his psychopathic tendencies in small fractions. He has a total lack of apathy when it comes to death, showing no remorse when dealing with those he ultimately kills. Jafar is also an emotional sadist, getting a laugh out of seeing "another fellow's dreams turn into nightmares one by one", had he the choice, he would chose torturing a victim to their breaking point over and over instead of death.

Jafar also has some narcissistic tenancies, most commonly his obsessive desire for power and sense of entitlement as well as manipulating others into achieving his goals. When on a particular 'high' from power, he becomes arrogant and short-tempered. He has a rather dry sense of humor and tends to lean towards using puns. Those who become close to him he abuses without a single regard, having problems with letting people get too close. However, he has a sort of weak spot for exceptionally beautiful women though views them more as objects in the bedroom rather than people themselves (extremely sexist).

Jafar has an extensive knowledge on arcane lore and is a practiced alchemist. His sorcerer abilities are limited to what magic his gold staff can hold but with it he can easily hypnotize others into doing his will and see a small distance into the future (though he isn't very good at it). He's also very good with disguise, using his magic to cloak himself in 'another person's skin' so to speak. He is exceptionally good at manipulating others into seeing things his way and finding loopholes. He can levitate objects, breath fire, summon objects, and transform himself and others. In addition, he is also immune to the effects of fire.

Biography (Before Earth):
Born the son of the assistant Vizier of Agrabah, Jafar lived a fairly prosperous life in the Sultan's Palace. Though not permitted to venture to most places within the Palace, Jafar was a good boy and minded the boundaries set to him, most often times preferring to stay within the walls of the library and read anything he could get his hands on pertaining to science and history. He grew up fast and when Jafar's father was appointed the Grand Vizier, Jafar at the young age of sixteen took his father's place as assistant Vazier's and worked diligently by his father's side.

Years later, Jafar stumbled into a particular meeting led by his father and was completely shocked to find that the entire system was corrupt, only caring about money and very little about the people who they are sworn to serve. Before his father had a chance to explain things to him, Jafar ran from the castle, fleeing into the streets to find a place where he could be by himself and just think but accidentally ran into the town's storyteller in the process. Apologizing for his rude behavior, the storyteller Sherrezade asks him to help her with her groceries he had knocked over and take them inside, promising to feed him and tell him a fine tale. Agreeing, Jafar helps the young woman inside and sat at her table, though wasn't able to bring himself to eat just yet.

Sherrezade began her story, telling Jafar of the Tiger Head Cave and showed him her half of a golden scarab necklace, which when combined with the other half would reveal the location of the hidden Tiger Head Cave. Though Jafar is a man of facts and science, he was charmed by Sherrezade's wisdom and beauty. He continued to see Sherrezade after that, finding time at least once a week to go to her and listen to her stories. As Jafar and Sherrezade got to know each other over the passing year, they fell in love and got married when Jafar was only eighteen.

Several years later and now the Grand Vizier, Jafar continued to struggle against the corruption and incompetence of the palace before Sherrezade announced that she was pregnant. Jafar was overjoyed, especially since the couple had been trying for a long time to conceive. Suddenly, a guard informed Jafar that his request to meet with the Sultan had been granted and he was to report to the palace immediately.

When Jafar took Sherrezade with him to his meeting with the Sultan, the Sultan fell in love with Sherrezade and claimed her as his wife. Jafar refused and was beaten by the guards for trying to interfere. Sherrezade reminded Jafar that he will be a great man someday and to never stop believing. She gave him her scarab necklace and vowed that they will be reunited once more before she was taken away to the Sultan's harem where he lost her to the Sultan and then ultimately lost her to death in childbirth.

Spending years searching for the other half of the scarab, Jafar finally discovered the location of The Tiger Head Cave and ventured inside, determined to free the legendary Djinn from inside to change his fate and bring back his wife and child. The Djinn, however, was unable to bring her back from the dead and in a moment of rage, Jafar killed the Djinn. Magic rippled around the cave as the Djinn succumbed to death, passing on his powers to Jafar through means of a golden cobra head staff with the promise that the power would corrupt his mind and soul. Jafar didn't care anymore. He had come to accept that he needed to take the twisted path of life, to do the right thing even if it means being remembered as a villain. And the right thing was to destroy the Sultan and the palace from the inside out.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Jafar never went to Earth, and has no idea the place even exists.

Jafar's sorcerer powers are limited to his golden cobra-head staff. Without it, he's just a normal psychopath. He has served Maleficent for 13 years now as her personal adviser and romantic companion for 10. He practically worships the ground she walks on, never wanting to disappoint or anger her in any way and inadvertently has fallen in love with first her power and then the woman herself.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Taka Lionhart – Scar Lionhart~

Name: Scar Lionhart.
Other Names: Kovu.
Real Name: Taka Lionhart.
Age: 34.
Occupation: Royal War General/ King of The Pride Lands.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Twenty- One):

Appearance - Today (Age Thirty-Four):

Appearance - Cursed (Lion):

Personality Traits:
Even as an adolescent, Scar proved himself to be highly intelligent, motivated by jealousy, and is exceptionally manipulative. His ties to family only go so far when his own goals are in mind, and he saw no problem in endangering his brother's life in order to get the attention he so desired. He takes little interest in the well being of his followers, willing to bend the rules and put his own interests above all others. He takes to plotting and his perceptual features are nonchalance, seriousness and almost comical sarcasm. It's hard for him to find allies amongst the royals so he is forced to develop relationships with other outcasts such as bandits.

He has an urge for a dramatic presentation and will even sacrifice others' lives in order to get a dramatic atmosphere. Still jealous and bogged down by feelings of inferiority, Scar is psychopathic and even less reliant on his family, willing to frame and murder the only family members he has left in order to steal the throne. He is very capable of manipulation and is still sensitive to the mention of his brother, knowing full well that he can never be the king that Mufasa was. He suffers from a lack of self-esteem and to cover that up he thrives in torturing the helpless. Even in a position of power, he remains vulnerable to bouts of indecision and insecurity, unable to accept criticism and too stubborn to take the advice of his advisers.

Despite his inner insecurities, Scar is a natural orator with a charismatic charm, able to rally his followers to his cause and gain the fanatical loyalty of other villains. His smooth talking is not easily overlooked, but when his walls are broken down, Scar is revealed to be a coward who would much more likely run from a conflict than turn to face it. When forced into a fight, he can hold his own and is not above cheating. His natural charisma hides a cowardly nature that refuses to accept blame and takes no shame in shoving problems and troubles on other individuals.

Highly intelligent and able to come up with masterful plans with just a few minutes, Scar is able to retain almost everything he sees and store it in the back of his mind to use at a later time. His charismatic charm often times leads those into following him blindly. But he isn't all brains. Having grown up in his father's army to ultimately become their leader, Scar is very proficient with a blade and shield, but even better with improvisation when weapons are unavailable. He is also a high physical threat as he is a master of hand-to-hand combat.

Biography (Before Earth):
Once, a very long time ago, there were two brothers born to a king. The older brother Mufasa, was the heir to the throne leaving his younger brother, Taka 'second best'. The boys never got along, always fighting with one another and causing mischief but Taka's 'rough housing' became more and more dangerous as the years went on. Even at the age of six, when the noble house of Kiburi gave birth to a child destined to be betrothed to Taka, his interest did not waiver. When Taka was able to comprehend what jealousy was, he knew for certain that he wanted to be king, giving no interest in what was supposed to be his future - only what he wanted it to be. Despite his constant pleas to his father, the only way Taka would become the true king is if Mufasa died. So that's what Taka did.

Now teenage boys, both being trained profusely in their father's army, they managed to slip away from their duties and went out to play. Taka purposefully lead his brother into a trap to 'play a game.' Leaving Mufasa for just a moment, Taka went to find an antelope herd and started to throw rocks at them, herding them into stampeding towards his brother however in an unexpected turn of events, Taka became trapped and got mixed in with the herd, getting seriously injured and giving him a deep scar across his eye.

With more than just his pride wounded, Taka then took up the name Scar as a constant reminder that he needed to plan more accordingly rather than to just improvise... a mistake he never made again. The years went on and the boys grew into men. Scar's betrothed, now a woman, was his own small effort to take away his obsessive thoughts of murdering his brother and was distracted by the task of trying to create a family. However, when Mufasa become King at the young age of twenty-five (Scar now twenty) due to an unforeseeable death in the family, the jealousy returned into Scar as he bitterly rose to become Mufasa's war general and not to take his father's place as King.

It was only one year later when Scar decided that he had had enough and went rogue with his brother's soldiers, using his quick wit and manipulation skills to turn them against their king. There was one among them, however, that didn't take to Scar's manipulation. A young man named Simba, Mufasa's seven-year-old son. So on the night of the rebellion, Simba slipped away in time to warn his father. With the plan thwarted, Scar was ultimately caught and was thrown into prison. He was completely cut off from the world, forced to spend months to himself in madness until his execution day.

Brought before the block at the young age of twenty-two, Scar was shown mercy by his brother and was instead exiled from the land. Ripped from his fiance (as they never got the chance to marry), Scar was forced to leave his only home. Once exiled, Scar was desperate to find power wherever he could get it to return home and stumbled upon a sorcerer by the name of Rothbart. Practically demanding power, Scar's quick temper and ill tongue got him into trouble and had a curse put upon him, pulling out the beast inside of him into the true monster he was inside. Rothbart eventually changed him back, letting him know then and there that so long as he has hatred in his heart, the beast inside would remain. Furious, Scar was forced back to his desolate home to think upon Rothbart's words, trying to devise a way to break the curse set upon him.

He began to send letters; anything and everything he could do to contact his fiance. Finally, after months of waiting, Scar got a reply. Though it wasn't from his fiance, Kiara, but her sister, Zira. Zira replied in her letter that she was willing to meet with Scar though with understanding that it had to be outside the Kingdom of The Pride Lands. A few more letters back and forth and a few months later, Scar set out to their designated meeting place where he could finally get some answers.

When Zira and Scar finally met in secret, Zira told Scar the unfortunate news that after he had put into exile, Kiara tried going after him - only to have the Wildes take her life shortly after as she was not prepared. Devastated, and driven by an animalistic rage he had yet to tame within himself, Scar lost all sense of who he was and snapped Zira's neck just before turning into the beast Rothbart had cursed him into. When Scar woke up the next morning without even so much as a memory to what he had done, surrounded by disembodied limbs and covered in the blood of his fiance's sister and small handful of guards, Scar wept. He knew his only chance for redemption was to make amends with his brother as Rothbart had told him. With his fiance dead, and her sister's blood on his hands, he had nothing more to lose. He had no one else to love.

Picking himself back up, Scar washed himself from any life he had ever had hopes of having and returned home to Pride Rock. It was time to kill his brother.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Scar doesn't even know what 'Earth' is.

When a beast, he is unpredictable but most often times blood thirsty. There hasn't yet been anything that can stop him, but his animal form drains his energy quickly and is prone to losing consciousness and waking up human again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

~Pinocchio – Jack Woodard~

Name: Jack Woodard.
Real Name: Pinocchio.
Age: 26.
Occupation: Street Magician.

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Age Thirteen):

Appearance - Today (Age Twenty-Six):

Personality Traits: A bit of a womanizer, Jack carries himself with a high regard finding no wrong in what he does. He's cheeky, outgoing, flirty and all-together just fun. He carries himself like the bad boy he is and relies on his street smarts to get him from place to place. He's a quick thinker having been forced into many different awkward situations but rather than sit down and plan something out, he grasps for moments on a whim and deals with the consequences later.

Skills: Jack is very fit, therefore the more rigorous tasks of day-to-day life come fairly easy to him. He’s also quick on his feet as well as quick-minded. He’s an adept thief, using his quick wit to pick pockets or snatch things off the shelf without anyone taking notice. He's great with cracking codes to safes, picking locks, hot-wiring cars and using his rugged good looks to charm ladies into an evening of fun.

Biography (Before Earth):
Long before Pinocchio became a puppet, Geppetto had fallen in love. He was a young boy then, and quite poor but Geppetto had spent many summers with a woman who he could one day see himself marrying. Each summer when she came to their little village to visit her uncle, Geppetto and Malia would go off together and bask in the warm glow of the afternoon sun. They had a particular spot they liked to go to, an old cherry tree on the top of a hill that provided just the perfect amount of shade to keep their skin from getting blistered. It was here at this tree where Geppetto and Malia fell in love, carving their names into the tree trunk in a heart and shared a many number of kisses. Geppetto had been set to marry this girl of his dreams, but the next summer in which she was supposed to visit... she never came. It was only years later that Geppetto had found out that a terrible illness had been brought over her, and she had died. Overcome with grief, Geppetto swore that he would never love another woman again. He went to their spot and cut down the cherry tree, salvaging only the part of the trunk where they had carved their names and returned home with it, putting it on display as a reminder of just how wonderful love could be, but also of how quickly it could slip through fingers.

Many years later, Geppetto found that he was lonely. Despite his goldfish and curious cat Figaro, he knew that there was something still missing from his life. In an effort to distract his thoughts, he came up with the idea to take the wood he had salvaged from the cherry tree and created a puppet boy out of it, the very vision of what his child with Lia would be if she had not died. For months the little wooden boy he had named Pinocchio sat on his shelf, staring back at him. And for months Geppetto prayed to anyone who would listen to turn his little wooden boy real. Finally, his prayers were heard and Geppetto was visited by The Blue Fairy. She brought life to the wooden puppet and told Geppetto that someday, if Pinocchio proved himself brave, truthful, and unselfish, he would become a real boy.

At first, Geppetto was thrilled to have his wish come true but ended up running into a string of problems that very first night with Pinocchio. Being a naturally curious boy, Pinocchio would constantly ask unnecessary questions when Geppetto was trying to sleep showing Geppetto just how much patience he really had. They survived the night and Geppetto, with a fresh perspective on things, took Pinocchio out on the town to show him where they lived. Naturally, Pinnochio ended up getting into mischief when Gepetto introduced him to those they passed along their way in town, and later breaking Geppetto's heart when Pinocchio exclaimed that he didn't want to be a toymaker like his Papa; that he wanted to be a magician.

The following day, Geppetto sent Pinocchio off to school so that he could interact with children his own age, telling Pinocchio to just act like all the other children did and he would do fine. However, Pinocchio got into a fight at school when he began to imitate all the other children until one had reached his boiling point. Disappointed, Geppetto took him home bumping into an unsuccessful puppeteer named Stromboli along the way. Stromboli became exceedingly interested in the boy made of wood, knowing that he could make a fortune off of Pinocchio as the main attraction in his puppet show, voicing his interest but Geppetto was quick to remove Pinocchio from the man's sight and take him home. Once home, Geppetto sent Pinocchio up to his room to think about what he had done, leaving Pinocchio near to tears unable to understand why he was in trouble for doing what his Papa had asked.

Geppetto, still furious with Pinocchio's misbehavior, tried to reason with the Blue Fairy after Pinocchio had gone to bed but she insisted that there was nothing wrong with Pinocchio, that Geppetto just wasn't seeing the whole picture. Frustrated that even The Blue Fairy couldn't help him anymore, he went up to Pinocchio's room to apologize only to find that Pinocchio had run away to live with Stromboli. Figuring it was for the best, Geppetto went to Stromboli's show to say goodbye.

Stromboli was more than pleased with Pinocchio as his star puppet but was even more pleased by the money he had brought in for him. But when Pinocchio started to feel a little homesick and asked to go back home, Stromboli refused and reminded Pinocchio it would violate the contract he had him sign. When Geppetto arrived just after the show had finished, Stromboli intercepted him and explained that Pinocchio had left after the show, claiming that he wanted to see the world. After Geppetto left with a heavy heart, Stromboli returned to Pinocchio but realized the boy was gone, just managing to spot him boarding a stagecoach to Pleasure Island.

Summoning The Blue Fairy to tell her what had become of his son, The Blue Fairy was outraged that he had let such a precious gift go. She quickly informed Geppetto that Stromboli had been lying to him, and that Pinocchio was headed for Pleasure Island. Terrified for his son, Geppetto got ready for a journey to save his son. When he arrived, Geppetto found it harnessed a terrible curse in which all the boys were turned into donkeys after riding a roller coaster. He arrived just as Pinocchio was boarding the roller coaster and begged for Pinocchio to come home with him but Pinocchio refused, saying that Geppetto didn't want him because of what a big disappointment he was to him and the ride took off. Almost immediately Pinocchio was turned into a donkey and was stuffed into a crate to be sent away from Pleasure Island on a boat.

Geppetto got his own boat and followed after his son, calling out to him and telling him that everything was going to be okay but a monster of a whale came to the surface and swallowed up Gappetto and his boat whole in one gulp. Pinocchio managed to break free of his constraints and jumped into the water after his Papa, ultimately getting swallowed by the whale as well, the curse of being a donkey washing away in the water. Finding his Papa inside the belly of the whale, Gappetto apologized for the way he had treated Pinocchio and Pinocchio forgave him. Then the wooden boy got an idea of how they could get out and return home so he began to tell a random strand of lies, making his nose grow and tickle the whale's uvula to throw them back up.

Back home and finally able to understand one another, The Blue Fairy came to Gappetto once again to tell him of the threat of The Dark Queen. Geppetto begged to have The Blue Fairy arrange it so that Pinocchio would be safe, but The Blue Fairy told him that the portal to Earth was for the royal family, and Geppetto despaired. Feeling guilty, The Blue Fairy then amended her statement by saying that she would see what she could to and took Pinocchio with her to discuss something to be arranged with the organizers.

Once there, it was decided that Pinocchio, since a great deal older than the other children, could go if he promised to stay with them, look after them, and help them to remember who they truly are in their hearts. Pinocchio promised and was presented with a magical amulet and was informed that when the time was right, they would have the option to return home.

Biography (Life On Earth):
Pinocchio spent his birthday living on the streets those first couple years. He wasn't sure how it happened but he and the other children were separated the moment they came to Earth. It was exceptionally difficult at first since Pinocchio hadn't ever had to do very much on his own before, but through trial and (much) error his time on the streets became easier and easier. It helped quite a bit that there were a handful of other boys his age who had been living on the streets their entire life who were willing to look out for him for a short time, reminding Pinocchio a bit of Pleasure Island. He knew what they were doing was wrong. Stealing hadn't been something he had ever thought about doing before but it seemed that it was his only option for survival now. He just hoped his Papa would understand.

Two years after coming to Earth while raiding through a house on the richer side of town, Pinocchio was caught by the owner’s daughter, a few years older than himself. She was understanding towards Pinocchio's situation and though he didn’t go into his past or where he came from or even his name, she accepted him and did what she could to help him.

Pinocchio was kept in a hidden room in the nursery where the girl would sneak him food as often as she could and while the parents were out, he was allowed to come out and socialize. It only lasted a few weeks before the parents found out their daughter was smuggling a fifteen-year-old boy and Pinocchio was taken to an orphanage immediately. When asked his name, Pinocchio simply responded with "Jack" since it was the only name he could think of, having heart it in passing before he had been taken to the Orphanage.

He was adopted rather quickly into a home that immediately had Jack's skin crawling. It was a trashy place; the father always gone and the mother always coked up on some kind of drug. Jack was quickly put to work in what he quickly realized wasn't a family, but a job. He was forced to do the mundane tasks of a ‘gopher’ in the world of the drug trade, and hated every minute of it. He was beaten often, and fed very little. By the time Jack turned seventeen he had enough, and left without a word.

Jack has been living on his own ever since, at first just picking up whatever odd jobs he could on the side until he came across a group of street performers that were more than willing to take him in and show him the ropes. Once he learned what it is that they did, he became appalled with the false display of magic; it was an upfront lie! Ever since he was a young boy he had always been taught to tell the truth. But Jack couldn't help but to feel closer to home than he ever had before. So throwing his conscious to the wind, he became a well renounced street magician, proficient in the art of lying and deception and made quite a bit of money in the process.

Other: Although perfectly human here on Earth, Jack is still supposed to be made out of wood so from time to time, Jack's limbs freeze up completely (as if they were made of wood) and renders them completely useless for a while. Also, never being put into any kind of schooling here on earth Jack has a lot of difficulty with reading and writing.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

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~Li Shang - Mushu~

Name: Magnus Ping
Other Names: Mushu
Real Name: Li Shang
Age: (Physically 33 Spiritually 153)
Occupation: Martial Artist/CEO of Dragon Fist Martial Arts and Athletics

Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Physically 20 - Spiritually 140):

Appearance - Today (Physically 33 - Spiritually 153):

Personality Traits:

Magnus' exterior is seen as a practical, sensible person. The way he runs his business is though the business itself is his life and can not be parted from it for very long but when he needs a bit of time to himself has no problems with directing people to those he has hired and come to trust over the years to inadvertently take his place if something were to happen. That in itself lets others who know that he is not from Earth that Magnus is always thinking one step ahead. He knows that he will not remain on Earth forever, and already has a plan for the business he built up should he unexpectedly return. He has his feet planted firmly on the ground and knows just what is what.

Magnus is also a very great person to go to for practical advice. Many of his students respectfully treat him as an equal, as they are not shy or afraid to ask him for help whether it relates to their form or something in their personal life. He is absolutely fantastic with children, and never underestimates or undermines them, no matter their age. He doesn't sugar-coat his words, by any means, but neither is he harsh when he speaks with them unless absolutely necissary to get the results from them he knows them to be capable of. He has pushed these boundaries only a handful of times in his life and regrets each and every one of them, still remembering how it felt to break a child's spirit, if even for a few moments.

Being far from superficial, Magnus' more romantic side comes from knowing the person rather than judging them by their looks. To Magnus, any average-looking female can be the most beautiful woman in the world if she has the right personality and carries herself well. On the same side, if Magnus were to see what society would call a supermodel, he would look and appreciate like any other male would, but would not have any interest in persuing anything more than conversation if he does not know them too well. Because of this, Magnus has been called demisexual on more than one occasion. And when he does find an attraction to a woman, he's not afraid to flirt a little to gauge their interest in him back. If it isn't reciprocated, he backs off immediately and does not press the issue.

He's also a bit of a nerd. His Asian culture brings a love of all things comics, anime, manga and yes, he does play Pokemon Go. He would never go as far as dressing up at a Comic-Con or any other Con convention, though he has been known to make appearances at them from time to time to browse the merchandise and spend his money on collectables. Magnus has also been known to have a little fun by visiting casinos, doing a bit of gambling, drink, and enjoy a show or two.


Magnus has a natural knowledge of the rarely used Dragon style of Martial Arts, where the style in itself is classified as strong, smart, deceptive and unpredictable. Magnus is all of these things and more having mastered the style quite some time ago before his death. The Dragon style also has a few select traits of the other four Shaolin animal styles but is deemed to be the most difficult to master and the most powerful. Magnus uses quick, snapping kicks that hit with the blade of the foot and uses a full fist and his forearms to strike. He teaches his students that any part of the body that can be grabbed would be considered a target while practicing, especially the head which is simultaneously grabbed and struck. In order to master this style, Magnus had to learn how to keep his muscles relaxed even while fighting and hone the ability to switch from soft movements to hard ones. As a child, and even until this day, Magnus keeps his body in it's prime by doing drills to build the explosive power the style is known for.

Magnus has two trademark attacks he uses that his students aspire to perfect one day. This includes a Dragon-Tail kick, which is used to hit or sweep, and the Dragon Claw, which positions the digits in a flatter orientation than the Tiger Claw position.

With his marital arts training came absolute patience and respect for Chinese history, which in turn transitioned into arcane knowledge of the China both on Earth and in Rivenspire. He is a quick learner and has an incredibly adapt mind, allowing him to read up to three large books a day and retain most if not all the knowledge he gains from them to store into his long-term memory. During his schooling days in Rivenspire, this adept mind and speed-reading ability granted him the "Jinshi" title.

He had very minimal military training, and though he knows his way around a sword he never got the chance to see what he could really do with it before his death, though it became known very early on in his training that Magnus is ambidextrous. Whether he conditioned himself this way to be better than the rest or he was simply born that way remains a mystery even to him.

His years running his own company and opening up various Martial Arts buildings gave him an early knowledge of management. He shows excellent leadership skills by not being afraid of getting results by methods that are both brutal and exhausting, though they are highly effective in the grand scheme of things, showing an efficient leader behind his harsh exterior. He is excellent with money management, advertising, and keeping his company afloat even when merging into the world of athletic sponsorships when he had accumulated enough money to do so.

Magnus also has a hidden, introverted ability stemming from him being a spiritual guardian of the Royal Family. Though these powers have yet to be explored in his human form, he often-times thinks about what his magical limitations might be once returning home. When especially angry, his eyes flash a golden-yellow color for the briefest of moments before dissolving back into the dark brown eyes he was born with. So far, this seems to be the limitations of what he is able to do on Earth.

Biography (Before Earth):

Son of worldy renowned General Li, Shang was born into a heavily-influenced military family. Growing up, Shang was given nothing but the best for the slightly-above middle class family. He was given the best schooling, the best clothes, the best reputation and of course, one of the best houses. Things went well as he grew up so long as he kept perfect marks. There was a single time when his grade dipped a letter and his father had him conditioning for weeks until he was able to get it back up. Shang never made that mistake again. He was always pushing himself, forcing him to be the best student in all of his classes right up until graduation when he then immediately enlisted into the army to fight alongside his father.

For years, things went very well and Shang grew to be a very strong, independent man. He didn't have a whole lot of influence in the army in his young age, but he never let something like title keep him from offering to do jobs he knew was above his status. It was in one of these voluntary jobs that ultimately brought him to his end.

His squad was camped high up in the mountains, awaiting a traveling group that had been suspected to try and attack China from the outside. When the group never arrived, Shang, along with the others, began to get very suspicious. When he went out on a scout, which was not part of his orders, Shang came to the terrifying realization that the enemy had known about their location and was getting set to ambush them instead. Returning to the camp as quickly as he could, Shang didn't even have a chance to let out a breath before bombs and arrows were being rained down on the camp. His first thought was that of his father, his General, so by breaking every rule, Shang ran into the general's tent and tackled his father to the ground where he would be safer. Explosives near the tent went off, and shielded by his son, General Li lived to fight another day and drive off the attacking forces, but Shang was not so lucky.

After the war, a ceremony was held for Shang in high honor and was given a near-royal status upon his death bed. It was the events of his bravery and selflessness that then led to his father's promotion to the Emperor's second, as he could not have any children of his own. Then, suceeding as The Emperor, General Li took over and Shang's younger brother, Li Ping, took over. Li Ping eventually got married and they had a daughter Jí Yíng, who took over as second. She was then quickly married to Ying Zheng, who, after Li Ping's death, took his position as Emperor.

A shrine had been built near the palace a great number of years ago. It was a place where the royals could go to pray to their ancestors for a great many different things. Shang had a statue built in his honor - an Eastern Dragon to symbolise his spirit in battle. Legend had it, the sign of the dragon was to protect treasure, defend against famine and floods, and is filled with ancient wisdom and folklore. But above all else, Shang's personal statue of the dragon was considered one of the two most powerful animals in Chinese astrology and the sign of the emperor.

In spirit, Shang continued to watch over and protect his family - appearing in dreams, giving answers to their prayers by making things "happen" that wouldn't normally. And, when the other ancestors would allow it, Shang could obtain the appearance of his old physical body to interact with those with the purest of hearts for a few moments. Of all of his ancestors that prayed to him, little Mulàn Fa Yíng became his favorite. He spent a great deal of time with her in his spiritual form, finding it easier to lead and guide her this way.

But as tragedy struck, where Shang tried to test the limits of Mulan into making her a better warrior and ultimately breaking her small spirit for a few moments which led to events that nearly costing her, her life, Shang was stripped his title of guardian and cast out by the other ancestors that lived within the shrine. Guilt-ridden, humiliated, and having no honor, Shang was destined to wander the mortal realm as a spirit for the rest of his days, until a Sorcerer approached him with a job that could very well redeem what he had lost. More than interested, Shang was given a position as a guardian for a few children the Sorcerer wished to send to another land. Though still a spirit, it came to a strange (and oh, so wonderful) shock that his body once more became solid and alive when arriving to Earth.

Biography (Life on Earth):

After insuring that the children he had been sent with were safe, Shang continued to follow Merlin's orders by means of fitting into the strange world he had been put into. Knowing that he needed money, he needed a job, but what he was good at didn't seem to settle very well with Earth's standards as he got busted a handful of times trying his hand in fight clubs. After a year, or so, however, Shang, who had changed his name to Magnus Ping (to help him remember his home back in Rivenspire - Ping being a nickname he gave the child of the Emperor when his job was to be her guardian), decided to start his own business in martial arts.

It took perhaps five total years for Magnus to see more profit than loss, but his hard work and dedication definitely started to pay off and very quickly. Suddenly, he had gone from a romen-noodle-every-night kind of budget to being able to go out to the kinds of places that only let you in if you had a reservation. He was able to buy himself a penthouse that overlooked the city, have his home furnished and decorated for him, and even got a taste for the expensive suit style.

He didn't want to spend all of his hard-earned money on luxury, however. Instead, Magnus had invested his time into thinking about how he could, somehow, get some of the children he had been sent to Earth with to be associated with one another. It wasn't until he was at one of his demonstrations, watching as some of his students went up a belt, when the idea of throwing his funds at possible his own sponsorship occurred. So he branched out his business to not only teach Martial Arts, but to sponsor other athletics - more specifically, snowboarding and motocross. He had kept distant tabs on both Elsa and the very strange occurrence that happened to Peter Pan once he came to Earth. At first, the thought of a boy and his shadow splitting and becoming two different people was very strange to him, but then he had to remember that he was a spirit himself that took on very distinct dragon traits.

So reaching out to both Elsa and Pan's Shadow, now Eliza and Sebastian, he offered them a sponsorship to help them in their careers, and was more than pleased to find out that a friendship had formed between the two of them. He kept in touch with the other guardians as well, though save from Pinocchio who seemed to vanish completely. Magnus had to start wondering if the puppet had even made it through the portal at all.

Magnus now spends his time running his business, traveling the world, and simply having a good time. Though when he was almost unexpectedly reached out to by Merlin himself, he knew that things were going to be changing very quickly.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Vicier Interested in King Arthur or Lancelot, and possibly The White Queen from Narnia. :>

All three are free and open to be taken; I shall also be sure to add a map of Narnia to the 'World Maps' list, I never actually thought of Narnia before at all, it will definitely be interesting.

As for King Arthur; because of certain characters I have, I have mentioned them in a couple of my CS', if you wanna take him on you're more than welcome to, I would also be happy to message you explaining what I've done when mentioning him in the past o:
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 43 min ago

@Vicier I shall have my character up later tonight. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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@Vicier If Narnia is open to be taken, then I've changed my mind. I call dibs on Aravis. :D
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