Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia was beyond excited as she sat in the back seat; it was a girls night out as far as she was concerned, something she hadn't been able to do in a long time. And to make matters even better, she was with Strawberry and company. This was going to be a lot of fun. As they pulled up into the parking lot and Riley parked she waited for them to get out before climbing out of the back and jumping around in circles. She was acting like a little kid but it was better than her laying into one of them and painting a pretty pretty picture with their blood, so hey that was good.

Looking around as they walked into the hotel she stopped in her tracks before darting in after them. She had obviously seen something that set her on even a more hyper scale than she already had been but she bit her lip for now as she tried to keep everything under wraps. She was trying to act normal but normal was something that Cynthia was not used to, at least not over the last ten years. Granted looking back over her life before the first murder, one could say that Cynthia had never had any sense of normalcy.

Once Riley was handed the key and they had made their way into the hotel room Cynthia darted in, looking around and checking every last little area to make sure it was just them before spinning around and jumping on the bed. "Did you see what I saw? Yes I did. Oh I wonder what is going on there. Oh you know what is going on there. Do I? Well I do. No you don't. How do you know what I do or don't know? Because you are me. Oh yeah but I still know. Well so do I. I thought you said I didn't. But you said you did. And? Well if you do I do. Who says? You did. Did I? Or was it me that said that? I don't know. Well one of us said it. Well which one? I dunno. Fuck it. Oh no, they are doing that. Oh yeah. Did you two see that? Why are you asking them? Because I want to know. Know what? If they say it? Saw what? Kai's truck in the parking lot! Oh that!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

Tuesday hadn't brought too much with her, just a few changes of clothes and her personal belongings, all shoved into a backpack. Slinging her bag back over her shoulders as she left the car, she felt even more like she was back in high school. The only difference would be that now, her teachers would likely try to distance themselves from her, rather than wrapping her in warm hugs and going on about how great her life would be. She couldn't even legally work at a school anymore, something no one expected.

They'd all thought that Riley would be the one who'd end up in prison out of the Ridgeway Twins.

"Cynthia, everything okay?" Tuesday asked, frowning a bit. The girl was acting bizarrely, darting around like a kid playing Spies! The murders couldn't have helped with her mental state. Once Riley got the room key and they all went to the room, as far as Tuesday was aware, Cynthia only became more paranoid.

"Relax, Cynth, it's just us," Tuesday said calmly, smiling at her. "Did you see something?" Had it been anyone else, Tuesday would have asked if Casper the Friendly Ghost was there, but she doubted it'd be the best idea. Cynthia didn't need jokes and anger--she needed understanding.

Hearing Cynthia's speech, Tuesday's eyes widened and she cupped her hand to her mouth. "Shit, are you sure?" she asked. After hearing everything about Kai and Ada, especially the husband returning from the dead, she couldn't help but giggle in amusement herself. "Wow...Guess someone moved on quickly," she snickered, despite not having seen the truck herself, and only having Cynthia's word for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The night went by and while many of the former students of Grimm High School slept the terror that was ripping through the small town did not stop. In fact it seemed to kick into high gear. There was not stopping it, no hiding it. Words traveled fast through the town and come the morning's light Timothy Grayson still had not slept and now stood in front of the Sheriff's Office before the camera's and news crews. Chris Malony was there, standing behind a camera as he caught everything on tape for Grimm's Local News Station. Tim pushed back his hair before setting his hat a top his head; clearing his throat as he settled down the crowd that was gathered.

"Ten years ago there was a murder here in Grimm. Simone Carter was killed and we had thought that the killer had been put away but we were wrong. There is nothing we can do to make up for the wrongful conviction of Cynthia McMillan but we need to look back on that murder now to help solve the others. Valencia Grey, Atlas Sterling, Jessica Flaggstaff were all murdered and bodies found yesterday. Each one of them were connected to Simone in some way. Now, three others have appeared over the course of the night. Sanako Baim, Nesha Jackson, and Zack Brighton were found in similar manners. We first discovered Sanako's body in the News Papers Printing Room. Nesha was found at the local Cafe, and Zack was found in the Archives Room in City Hall. That is all," he said before turning around and heading back into the Sheriff's Office as shutters went off ad lights flashed and News Crews tried to get more answers.

Tim groaned as what he had said went out live on Local and National Television. There was more he could have told them but he wanted to keep as much as he possibly could out of the public eye. The fact they all had been found in Dresses or Tux's worn by others on the night of prom. The way they were all strung up the same way that Simone had been. They had all been killed in the same manner. Each one was a Senior Superlative. What was even more curious now that he was hunched over his desk was that each and every crime scene had a star in the image somewhere. Painted on the walls, on the binding of a book, on a coffee cup on a desk near by. The star that was in the image of all of them together in the annual was there.

Leaning back he pulled out a bottle of Jim Beam and took a long hard swig before pouring some more into his coffee. It was going to be a long day and he didn't know how to make things stop. Did he just go ahead and evacuate the town? Cancel the reunion? If he did that, if the murders stopped would they still go unsolved after all this time? Why now? Was it because they all were there? Sighing he tucked the bottle of Beam back into his desk drawer. He couldn't stop the reunion, he needed it to keep people around to question. And more than that, it was the only thing going on to brighten up the town right then. The Picnic would be happening right at brunch time in the park, then that evening would be the Fair. Everyone would be there, he hoped including the murderer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel. (The next morning)

The night before was a rather interesting night for Riley as she spent it mostly watching horror movies with her sister and Cynthia who continued to do her crazy rants and mumbling to herself. Riley yawned softly as she stretched out on the futon which she opted to use rather then the bed, she wasn't expecting to have anyone else bunking with her in the hotel. Riley was the first to wake up she decided to grab her room keys and headed towards the small gym that had been set up. Riley would look up towards the tv screen as the news came up and it showed Timothy from yesterday giving a press conference on what had happened with the murders. She was glad that he didn't give out the details of murders. Though there had been three more murders since the night before Sanako Baim, Nesha Jackson, and Zack Brighton. Riley remembered them all in high school though non of them were her friends and they didn't cause her any issues or problems with her back then however they were good people.

Riley sighed loudly as she ignored the news and continued to do her workout as she started to run on the treadmill and did about an hour run on it before shutting it off, sweat ran down the side of her face. Riley grabbed herself a towel and started to leave the gym and head back towards the room she opened the door and reached for the phone to order room service for probably the seventh time within twelve hours ordering scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage for herself Cynthia and Tuesday. Riley was both excited and also nervous about the whole picnic thing mainly because of all the murders that had happened she didn't want to see any of her friends murdered at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Location(s): Great Wolf Lodge (Indiana) - Kai's Hotel Room

The blinds had been drawn last night but some fine lines of light began to beam into the room as the sun began to rise the next morning. Squinting his eyes from the light, Kai looked over to the left of himself at the window and groaned a little from the brightness of it. He motioned to rise his right arm up but felt the warm, weight of Ada laying on top of it and him. Her breath was warm on his chest and he could feel her heart beating against him. Ada's arm draped over his chest as her fingers moved slowly as she slept through the hair at the back of his neck.

He grinned sheepishly as he remembered the night before... He had thought he had dreamt everything from the past twenty four hours but he was glad that the end result had not changed. He didn't think it was possible, but Ada had most definitely grown more beautiful over the last decade. Her eyes, even while closed, had a brightness to them that Kai had not seen in a long time. It filled his heart with warmth and purpose, he could practically feel it swelling in his chest as he stared at her. His right hand rose up and gently brushed against her hair as he used his left hand to tuck the stray strands around her face behind her ears. A soft smile gracing Ada's lips as she lay there, feeling the tickle against her skin and nuzzling closer to Kai as she slept.

He was blessed, really, if he wasn't this would never have happened. There was even a moment yesterday after they had reunited that Kai thought he was going to lose her, when Lawson showed up. He couldn't help but feel special after everything that had happened. He looked down to her face again and noticed that the sunlight was starting to stretch over towards Ada's peaceful, angelic face and he frowned gently as he used his left hand to shield her eyes for now. A soft sigh escaping her chest as her legs laced with his beneath the sheets and she pulled herself closer.

The day before had been a whirl wind in her mind and in her emotions, nothing she had could have done could have prepared her for it all but in the end; it had been worth it. Dreams of last night kept replying in her mind as she slept; gentle giggles and moans falling from her lips from time to time as she would curl closer to him. turning her head her face buried against his chest as a few rays of sunlight finally peeked passed Kai's hand and onto her skin. After a moment of mumbling against his skin she gradually lifted her head, her hair cascading around her to frame her face as she looked at him; her eyes still heavy with sleep but a dreamy smile on her lips.

"Mmmm, good morning Makana," she whispered as she gazed up at him, her fingers caressing the back of his neck. When she had first awoken she had wondered if everything had been a dream, it wasn't until her lips tasted his skin as she was mumbling that it dawned on her that it wasn't and she was actually awakening in his arms. For her it was a dream come true to be there with him right then as they were; to see those eyes when she looked up at him.

Watching her eyes opening, Kai grinned and stuck his tongue out at her as she played with the back of his neck. A shiver went down his spine and he chuckled at her greeting. "Don't you mean great morning, Anela?" His words causing her sleepy smile to brighten, it was great to wake up in his arms. His hand found her bare back and he ran his fingers along the lines of her scarring and tattoo idly. It was a hell of a thing to deal with mentally and he could only begin to imagine what Ada had went through when it happened but she had made it through and that is what was important. He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her in a tight hug as he took in the scent of her for a moment.

"So... have a good sleep?" He gave Ada a very cheeky, little grin as he spoke. Ada giggled softly as she pulled herself up slightly, letting her body slide against his beneath the sheets as she brushed the tip of her nose against his.

"What little sleep I got, yes it was wonderful but someone kept waking me up," she said playfully. Kai just wiggled his eyebrows at her and smirked. Granted she wasn't complaining, each time he had woken her up in the night had been well worth the lack of sleep that came with it. Brushing her lips to his, she savored the taste of him. He ran his fingers through her hair as they enjoyed each other. She doubted she would ever grow tired of it. Pulling back slightly she glanced over to the clock on the side table next to the bed and groaned a bit. "Shit, I have to be at the park to set up the picnic in two hours," she grumbled a bit as she sat up and brushed her hair back out of her face. a coy smile coming to her lips as she slipped out of bed. "Maybe we should take a shower."

"Well since you're offering..." Kai gave her a sweet, playful smile as he slipped his arm out from under her and slipped off the bed. He stretched his arms up to the roof, the flats of his hands resting on it as he eased his muscles out from the vigorous activity of the night before. His back was to Ada on purpose, he was letting her get an eyeful as he still hadn't dressed yet. A coy grin playing on her lips as she watched his showing off; she didn't hide the fact that she was ogling him in the slightest as the grin grew and she ran her tongue over her bottom lip. "Tease," she giggled.

He turned round and grinned before he scooped her up in his arms and spun her around gently. The light sheet was still wrapped around her body but that was okay, for now at least. "Let us retire to the ensuite, my lady. Lest we remain sullen from our night of debauchery! Onward to the cleansing blasts of water jets we go!" He put on the goofiest, silliest Shakespearean style voice he could and then walked like an absolute goon towards the bathroom. The sheet slowly falling away as it caught on the edge of the bed; Ada's arms wrapping around his shoulders as she smiled up at him.

"How cometh I bethink we aren't going to receiveth v'ry crisp in the showeth'r?" she asked mimicking his speech; knowing damn good and well with the two of them together there wasn't going to be a lot of washing. Pushing the door shut with her foot as they stepped inside; this shower was going to take a bit of time most likely. She was right, it was a good hour later before she finally shoved him out the door to dry off so she could actually wash. "Get dressed you insatiable goon," she laughed before shutting the door and letting the steam billow up from under it. Thank god for Hotel Showers, hot water didn't run out usually.

Kai let out a deep, belly originated laugh as his face split into a grin and he rubbed his hair with the towel that she had thrown him out with. One thing he didn't miss about dreadlocks was how long they took to dry off. Taking all of thirty seconds to get the worst of the moisture out of his deep brown locks, Kai threw the wet towel over at the radiator and watched it slip to the floor. Groaning a little, Kai shook his head and waved a hand at it dismissively. He'd get it in a second. Grabbing his pants and boxers from his suitcase, Kai slipped them on and fastened them up, kicking his feet out of the bottom and jumping on the spot a little just making sure that they sat comfortably on his hips. He glanced over his shoulder at the bathroom and debated slipping back inside to watch her but then thought better of it because then he'd just jump back in to join her.

Grinning to himself like an idiot, Kai wandered across the room and bent down to grab the towel that he'd thrown at the radiator. Ada opened the door to the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and grinned as she saw him bent over to pick up the towel. "Now that is a yummy sight," she said as she blushed a bit, knowing exactly what was beneath that pair of pants he hand on. Crossing her arms she leaned against the door and perked a brow. Kai glanced over and grinned at Ada as she stood there in her towel. If only it were smaller... Turning, he made a goofy face at her to try and balance out the "nice sight" she had just had.

"You know, you are going to have to let me borrow a shirt," she quipped as she stepped over and picked up the remains of the shirt she was wearing yesterday and held it up. He had been a little over anxious getting it off to her and finally just ripped the damn thing off. "I didn't exactly pack an overnight bag." He couldn't contain the giggles as he dug into his bag and pulled one of his short sleeved plaid shirts. "Well you used to be so prepared for the unexpected that I'm surprised you didn't have a shirt hidden out in my truck when we were at the manor earlier. Shame on you for slacking." He tossed the shirt over to her and smirked.

Catching the shirt she rolled her eyes a bit at him. "Well, forgive me. I didn't know what happened last night would happen. It was not even on my list of possibilities," she said with a smirk as she dropped the towel from around herself as she started to get dressed; making sure to take it slow enough to tease him but keeping her body turned enough so he couldn't get a complete eyeful.

"Oh, I figured the short sleeves would be more productive rather than having to roll them up every two seconds. If you'd rather a t-shirt or something just let me know. I think we could cut half of the body off and it could fit you quite nicely. Make you look a little punk rock. I think you'd suit that look." He then snorted and lifted a cushion from the bed, holding it in front of his body as he said his next remark. "Maybe Riley will let you become a backup dancer for her band!"

He was right to take the cushion and hold it up because the shoe she had taken off last night came flying at him from the dresser before she even said anything. "Oh eat me you Hawaiian Yeti," she hissed as she leaned down and slipped her pants on, shimmying them up and over her thighs. "Didn't I do that already?" He grinned and gave her a wink. Turning she looked over at him and shook her head a bit. "What? Trying to get me off on tour so you can be rid of me already?" she taunted as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am doing. Someone give this woman the award for dumbest accusation ever uttered by mankind!" He gave a slow, joking applause as he smirked more and more, waiting for her to react. He always did love pushing her buttons and seeing which firework went off next. And he got the fireworks. Her eyes narrowing some as she grabbed her purse.

"Guess I should go ahead and head out then, see if I can get someone to pick me up. I hear hitchhiking is all the rage these days for back up dancers," she said as she stepped out the door and let it slam behind her. He knew how to push her buttons, he also had a tendency to push one too many. Ada had been known to take things a bit more personally than she probably should but after the day before what he said had really hit hard and the sound of the door against the frame was more than enough to make it clear that she had gone from playful to ticked in two point five seconds flat.

"Oh for fuck sake! IT WAS A JOKE, ADA!" He ran towards the door, his pants on and zipped and a towel around his neck as he ran out of the room barefoot after her. He didn't like the grovelling and he hated apologising for something she had taken the wrong way but he wasn't letting her out of his sight now. Not with this crazed killer on the loose. His hair was still wet and dripping onto the towel as she ran outside.

"Ada, you crazy, beautiful woman. Do not run off like this! It isn't safe!" He ran out after her again, he'd drag her back inside if he had to but he was stopped in his tracks as a stone decided to slice the side of his foot, the blood stinging the opening as he hopped in the spot. "Fucking damn it!"

Ada just kept storming off, her Italian temper in a full rage. She was about to whip around and give him a full out piece of her mind, that was until she head him yell out and she stopped. Looking back over to him and sighing. Reaching into her purse she pulled out a handkerchief and stepped back over to him, thrusting it towards his hand. "Yeah, those rocks can be deadly," she said sarcastically as she stood there tapping her foot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

Tuesday had had a sleepless night.

It wasn't due to a fear of being killed in her sleep. It wasn't genuine terror at the movies they'd watched the previous night. It wasn't even stress over Cynthia, one of the most unbalanced people in town, sleeping in the same room as her. No, it was her least favorite part of drug use, right after detoxing: the hangover. As she'd learned in pre-med and through experience, cocaine hangovers could happen up to a day after use.

Her number happened to come up around midnight. The change in her brain's chemicals felt like being hit by a truck, and suddenly, her entire world had gone dark. Unable to sleep, she spent the night in agony, every decision thrown in her face and made out to be a failure. She experienced all of the pain she avoided and more, holing up in the bathroom for a good portion, hoping to vomit and get it all over with.

Yet no such mercy was in store. Tuesday wasn't certain whether she had eventually drifted off or had truly remained awake the entire night, dark circles underneath her eyes as she quietly observed Riley get dressed and leave the hotel room. Once her sister left, she relaxed. As far as she was concerned, Cynthia could see her go through the grips of a hangover. But Riley? She didn't need the sisterly lecture. Not now, when her head had started to pound, and her sadness turned into anxiety.

God, I could go for some cocaine right now... Tuesday thought miserably to herself, her throat dry. Green tea always remedied the situation, and she got up, attempting not to disturb Cynthia. Sometimes hotels would have tea packets in the room, and she searched, her hands shaking slightly as she went.

Perhaps she shouldn't have sold her entire stash, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: Hotel >> Sheriffs Office

The night had been rough for Jacob. It seemed as if an end wasn't in sight. He couldn't sleep. Every five minutes he ran up his assistant to get an update on the documents he so desperately wanted. Eventually, late in the night they arrived, along with Shi, his bodyguard. She was a small Japanese young woman. Her looks made her look like nothing more than a fan girl, but she was packing and she was never afraid to use it. He had decided to get security after an incident involving a crazed fan. Since then he didn't look back.

For most of the night, Jacob was curled up on the chair in the executive suite of the towns hotel. Looking at bits of paper and notes he had jotted down, both about Simone's murders and the new ones. He knew that people were beginning to suspect him as a main suspect, and he was intent on making sure he didn't have to live through that hell again. To that effect, he took it upon himself to try and solve these murders himself. But he was getting nowhere. Dawn was breaking and his brain was fried. He decided to go and drop these manifest papers to Tim, as it would at least distract him. Going down to the chauffeur driven car, he failed to even contemplate that this could have been the same hotel that other former pupils were staying in. Walking out of the lobby and into the limo he took a moment to adjust his jacket. He needed to have himself composed for when he arrived.

Arriving at the station was a bit of a shock to Jacob, camera crews were everywhere. This wasn't good. So much for the media blackout that was supposed to be in effect. Parking as close as he could get without killing anyone, the chauffeur opened the door to the passenger side, Shi getting out first to survey the area whispering into his ear as he got out "Be careful, the murderer could be in this crowd" Standing upright, Jacob sighed. This was not good, not good at all. Walking towards the steps, the media began to turn their attention to Jacob, he was used to this, but not frenzies like this. That was usually reserved for A-List Celebs. Thankfully Shi did a good job of carving a rather forceful path through the sea of cameras and microphones, climbing the steps until he was up with Tim

"You got a minute?" Jacob asked, looking at how Tim seemed just as uncomfortable as Jacob "I have a few things for you too, just, not infront of this lot"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia grumbled a bit as her face was planted into the pillow, her hair disheveled all over the place as she tucked her hands under her chest and refused to look around just yet. She had spent the evening with the sisters, rambling on and on about nothing and everything. Then came sleep time, and she still rambled in her sleep. Muttering this and that about stars, it always went back to the stars. Then partway through the night she started yelling something about getting the camera out of her face before she finally shut up. It had been a restless night for the woman, every night was like that.

Pushing the fluffy pillow down she glanced around and hissed slightly at the light. "It burns us," she grumbled as she squinted her eyes, sounding rather like Gizmo from Gremlins when she spoke. Huffing she finally rolled over onto her back and pulled her pillow out from underneath her head as she stared at the ceiling. Mornings had never and would never be Cynthia's thing.

She smiled as she heard Riley ordering breakfast. "Thank you," she said rather uncrazy like. Mornings, while she hated them, where the best time of day for her. The crazy seemed to stay asleep for a few hours when she woke and she could focus a lot better. Granted that could be cut down to a few minutes, it just all depended on how stressed she got.

Turning her head she looked over towards Tuesday and perked a brow as she sat up. She knew that look well. There had been so many people that had been locked up with her over the years that hadn't been crazy but had been detoxing. Cynthia didn't know what the woman was detoxing from but she knew it was something. Sitting up she grabbed her purse and pulled out a prescription pill bottle. In the bottle were little white pills with BAC 10 stamped into them. Taking one for herself and then slipping out of bed and holding it out to Tuesday she smiled a bit.

"Baclofen. They give it to me since I hurt my back while being restrained years ago. It'll helps with the shakes and yeah... it helps," she said quietly. She knew she probably shouldn't be handing out pills to someone in Tuesdays condition but she had seen these same pills used on others going through detox in the mental ward. One pill wouldn't kill her. Setting the pill down on the dresser next to the coffee maker and tea bag she turned away as if it was nothing and went to find her clothing.

Stopping as she heard yelling outside she walked over to the window and peeked outside. "Ada and Kai are already at it," she chuckled.

Timothy Grayson

Location: Sheriff's Office

Tim looked up from his desk as Jacob was shown into the room by one of his deputies. Closing the folder of files he was looking at and setting his cup down on the desk. Leaning forward he laced his fingers together after motioning for the man to have a seat in the chair opposite of him.

"Okay, what do you have to show me?" he asked. It was obvious the man hadn't gotten any sleep and that he was a bit frazzled from everything going on but for a cop that hadn't ever had to deal with a murder case and then suddenly five dead in less than forty-eight hours, he was handling it remarkably well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

As Riley turned to look over her shoulder and smiled slightly seeing Cynthia waking up from her sleep she heard Cynthia sounding like Gollum and smirked slightly. "No problem at all." Riley said with a soft smile as she hung up the phone, she looked over her shoulder seeing Tuesday coming out from the bathroom. She frowned slightly knowing that look of hangover which she had during her long nights of partying on tour. Riley reached for a mug in the cabinet and pulled it out, then she spotted a Keurig nearby setting it in and then saw a packet of green tea. "I got it for you Tuesday, go ahead and lay down for a bit." Riley said she felt bad for her and as much as she wanted to talk to her sister about her continued drug use she knew that it would end up turning into some sort of argument. After being kicked out from their home Riley remembered getting into an argument with her and they rarely ever spoke after that.

Riley leaned against the counter as she let the Keurig continue to fill up the mug Cynthia she was actually surprised that there weren't any crazy ramblings like the day before. She actually seemed to be normal for once and what she would have been like before being put into the psych ward. Riley watched Cyn handing what looked like meds to her, though she didn't know what it was maybe it would help her sister feel better.

Once the tea was done Riley grabbed it putting the teabag into the mug and handed it towards Tuesday. "It should make you feel better." Riley smiled softly as she sat down at the small table in the room and waited for the roomservice to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

Tuesday could have kissed Cynthia right then. Balcofen, from what she could tell, must have been a muscle relaxer. She highly doubted that it would be hurtful to her in any manner, but anything that could take the edge off was certainly worth it. Swallowing the pill dry like a pro, Tuesday walked over to Cynthia by the window, and gave her a big hug and a peck on the cheek. "You're a lifesaver," Tuesday explained, smiling at her. "I owe you big time."

Following Cynthia's gaze out the window, Tuesday giggled. No matter how things changed, they always seemed to stay the same. "It's high school all over again, huh?"

She glanced back over at Riley, biting her lip a bit. "I'm still really bad at the entire relaxing thing, huh? Tuesday joked nervously, accepting the tea from her sister. Hopefully, as long as Cynthia was around, she could avoid the talk. Sipping the tea, she smiled gratefully at her sister, and would have hugged her had she not had a mug of hot tea in her hands. That would have been a disaster waiting to happen.

"They didn't have this stuff in prison," Tuesday commented idly. "The closest we got was boiling green apple flavored Koolaid," she giggled, an honest smile on her face. "And of course, whatever powder was left over was used for makeup...It was insane."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia giggled as she returned the hug and nodded. It felt good to something for someone without thinking of what she could get out of it. Back in high school if she had done something nice, everyone would have been questioning why and with good reason. The girl wasn't exactly kind back in the day and had been known on more than one occasion to use being nice to do something cruel. That wasn't what she was doing right then though and it was clear. As much as being locked up for all those years has messed up her head it had done some good with her heart.

Smiling as she looked back over to Tuesday she nodded. "Seems that way. Yes it does. They were always at it. This or other things," she said, slipping back into speaking to herself before she shook her head.

"Glad they are though. Ada went through a lot," she said slipping back to normal before turning and walking over to the bed to rummage through her purse and pulling out another bottle and popping a few pills from it. The label wasn't in clear view but it was her antipsychotics. They didn't keep her fully functioning but they at least helped keep the voices at bay earlier in the day.

Leaning back against the head board she swallowed the pills dry. Years locked up taught you to do that because the little cups of water they gave you only seemed to wet the pills enough to get them stuck on the roof of your mouth. Fiddling with the bed of her nails she just kind of sat there, wondering what to do before the meal got there and if she should say anything but decided against it. Looking over as a knock came to the door and a call from out in the hall way sounded out that their meal was there. She was glad that didn't take long, meds on an empty stomach always gave her the worst heart burn but that was better than losing what little sanity she had left that much earlier in the day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

"I used to remember you were the one always trying your hardest to study for tests and things like that." Riley said with a soft smile as she remembered Tuesday always stressing out over grades back then, Riley was the one who didn't really care much for school one of the main reasons why her grades always fell behind. Riley watched Tuesday and Cynthia hugging one another, she remembered Cynthia was never the one to play nice but she knew that this was an actual genuine hug and something that wasn't forced. Riley watched as Cynthia started to slip slightly into her crazy ramblings again, but then turned back to normal.

Then she heard a knock on the door and a man saying it was room service, she stood up and made her way towards her purse rummaging through it and pulled out her wallet pulling out fifteen dollars to tip him. Riley then made her way towards the door and opened it smiling softly towards him. "Good morning sir." Riley said as she handed the young man the money and took the tray of food in, once he turned to leave Riley went to set it down on the counter. "I just got some scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. If that's alright with everyone?" Riley looked towards Tuesday for a moment she knew that with Cynthia around she didn't really want to have that talk about her continued drug use, and she would have to try and do it when they weren't all together, but for now she just wanted to enjoy a nice breakfast with everyone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: Hotel >> Sheriffs Office

While the night had been long for Tim, it had been equally as long for Jacob. The lack of sleep on them both was rather apparent. Jacob simply handed the file over to him.

"We couldn't get the manifests, but they are flight papers and other bits that prove I was on those flights. I.. I heard about those other murders in the middle of the night" Jacob looked to the side, a lump forming in his throat. "It couldn't have been me as I was in the hotel all night. Up inside the penthouse floors. And I couldn't tell you who the murderer is. Trust me... I have been up all night thinking about it. Simone's murder makes sense, people didn't like her. But for all these murders. Someone has to have a lot of hate. And I know if we are going down that route, that it would make me a prime suspect again but I can promise you I didn't kill anyone. I didn't hate them people so much I would kill them"

Jacob didn't know why he had to keep working so hard to clear his name. Flashbacks of the time surrounding Simone's murder had come back to him, and that paranoia of false prosecution was fresh in his mind. He had to do anything within his power to prevent that from happening again, but he wasn't sure what he could do asides from solving the murders to prove that it wasn't him. It didn't matter what evidence he gave, they could call it fake. He needed the real killer to prove his true innocence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

"And if it hadn't been for Ada and Marc, I would've had the top grades," Tuesday sighed wistfully. She laughed a bit, remembering how important all of that had been. If only her past self could see her now--an ex-convict, working at a temp agency, and continuing to do drugs. Her only real prospects would be using her medical knowledge to create more drugs. Nothing else was on the horizon for Chloe Ridgeway. It was almost odd, thinking of herself with that name. For years, she'd been Tuesday... Just Tuesday.

Looking over as Riley brought the tray over, Tuesday's stomach grumbled. She used to hate scrambled eggs. Every time she had them, they were despicable. But in prison, they tended to be the most edible thing for breakfast. You learned to love them. She smiled gratefully up at her sister, continuing to sip her tea. "You guys eat, I'm good for now," Tuesday offered, taking another sip.

Remembering that this was a multi-day event, Tuesday couldn't help but wonder how she'd make it home. She'd used up all of her credit, sold her last valuable. Hitchhiking, she supposed, wouldn't be too bad. It'd be an adventure at least, going all the way back to California with no money. And while she could ask her sister...No. She hadn't stooped that low. Some of her pride and dignity remained in the shell of Chloe Ridgeway. "What events are there today?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The hotel

Cynthia smiled and hopped over to the bed, flopping down and tucking her legs underneath her, getting comfortable. She didn't need to be told twice that it was time to eat. She wanted to get something on her stomach before the medications she had popped had a real chance to digest. Taking a plate and piling up a little bit of food she leaned back against the headboard of the bed and nibbled on a piece of bacon, letting it flop back and forth a little before she took a real bite; pulling it away and chewing on it.

"Everything is great! Yup great! And yeah, we have stuff to do, that is if those two stop fighting outside since well Ada is in charge of everything. I swear that girl likes organizing stuff a bit too much to be normal. Anyways. There is supposed to be a picnic in a little bit and then tonight is the fair. Think they will still go through everything? You know with everything that is going on? I mean if they canceled it, I would guess we would have gotten a call or something? Or maybe," Cynthia rambled on, but at least it didn't sound like she was rambling to herself yet.

Placing the strip of bacon between her teeth she reached over and grabbed the remote control to the TV and turned it on. Flipping through the channels until she reached the local station where the morning news was playing. Tapping the remote against her knee she watched the screen as they covered what Tim had said to the news crews that morning and she just kind of froze there. More murders. This wasn't what she was expecting.

Timothy Grayson

Location: Sheriff's Office

Tim sat there listening to Jacob as he ran his finger over the rim of his coffee mug. Sighing he sat up a bit and looked at the man. "I know. I don't think you did it. Knowing you, if you had you would have gone about it a bit more... meticulously." Standing up Tim downed what was remaining in his mug before setting it back on his desk and motioning for Jacob to look over towards the white board on the wall as he picked up the stack of files.

"Okay, we have a total of six murders in the last forty-eight hours, but if we count Simones, that makes 7," he said as he picked up a dry erase marker from the table in front of the white board where a map of the town was overlaid on it. Four of the locations where bodies had been found seemed to form a smaller circle and three on the outside seemed to form what was the beginning of a larger one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

"If it weren't for Ada i'd have dropped out of high school years ago, i'm glad I stuck with it though regardless what happened the last few months before graduating." Riley said softly as she remembered the day she had gotten kicked out of her home, and forced to live in her car as well as living with a friend of hers after her friend had found out and offered her place.

Riley would then start to grab her fort and started to eat the scrambled eggs and closed her eyes sighing softly as she enjoyed the taste of the food. She always enjoyed scrambled eggs, Riley reached over and started to pour some salt and pepper onto her eggs and took a strip of bacon and bit into it. She watched as Cynthia reached for the remote and turned on the tv, and watched the news starting to play Riley would let out a soft sigh as she watched the same news story play from earlier while she was doing her workout.

"Are you okay Cynthia?" Riley asked as she turned to look at Cynthia seeing her freezing during the news conference that was played earlier in the morning. Riley grabbed a piece of toast as she tried to figure out why all of them were slowly being picked off one by one, Riley didn't have to many enemies back in high school except for Simone, Atlas and Cynthia but two of them were now dead and Cynthia pretty much proved already to her that she was innocent from prom night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Tinder Family Home

It had been a tiring night. Ash had barely slept a wink and had wandered the house on more than one occassion to try to tire herself out to no avail. It was strange being back in Marc's place again and she felt herself growing more and more nostalgic as she wandered around the rooms downstairs before slipping back to the guest room in which she was supposed to be sleeping. Things had been... odd with Marc yesterday. After they had met outside the gym hall and he had told her off again, she had kept pretty quiet and only responded exactly when she knew she needed to. She'd kept her distance from then and that is why, when morning came, it was to her complete surprise that she found herself in an all too familiar room that was not the one she had been given.

Her eyes shot open as she peered out from the cocoon of blankets she had accumulated in the few hours she had managed to get some sleep. This was Marc's room. She took a deep, silent breath before steeling herself to glance over her shoulder at the other side of the bed. God she hoped she was alone. Too bad her luck had apparently run dry because there, laying right beside her in bed, was Marc. Her heart began to pound in her chest and she felt her breathing becoming more shallow. Okay, moment of truth, she glanced under the covers and found herself fully clothed in her silken cream vest top and shorts pajama set. Oh thank god! Her entire body relaxed and she felt the tension unknotting in her neck as she carefully lifted the blankets from herself and placed them softly down onto the mattress.

Trying her best, Ash began to tip toe around the bed and towards the door of the room that was situated across the other side of the damn place. Cursing slightly under her breath, she made her way to the door and was almost home free when she knocked down a picture frame that was sitting on the edge of Marc's desk that subsequently shattered on the floor and Ash squealed in surprise, knocking back into the door of the room as she tried to avoid the broken shards of glass with her barefeet. Well if Marc wasn't awake already, he soon would be.

Location: The Plaza Hotel: Gym >> Her Room

It had been an interesting turn of events yesterday, that was for sure. Jasmin had expected her whole entire year to recognise her in an instant despite her planned joke but no one had. Well, no one except for Ashley and Marc but those two were to be expected considering how close they were with Ada. She had never expected to see Ada's ex-husband return from the grave but it had happened. Jas was just super happy that she could help Ada out, even just a little bit, by keeping Lawson occupied even if they did end up going on a pseudo-date related activity that wasn't really a date.

Dinner had been nice if a tad unhealthy, Jasmin quite liked Lawson's company and could see why Ada had chosen to settle down with him even if he had only been a placeholder for Kai. Not that Jas would ever say that aloud but it was pretty much an unspoken and known fact that anyone that had went to high school with the two lovebirds would have been aware of if they still kept in touch with Ada and knew she had married someone that wasn't Kai. Considering they'd had burgers and fries, it was time to pay for the poor diet by fitting in some additional exercise to compensate.

The gym was always quiet early in the morning and that suited Jas just fine. She ran a rolling hills circuit on the treadmill, worked some weight reps and fit in some kilometers on the rowing machines. That would make up for the poor choices last night and she could get on with her day feeling less guilty now. Deciding to job up the stairs since she was already in need of a shower and not being a fan of public showers, she made her way up to her room on the 4th floor.

Quietly opening the door to the room, Jasmin spotted Lawson still asleep on the pull out bed and she smirked a little as she rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation. Normally if she brought a man back to her hotel room it was for more than sleeping but this time had been different and she quite liked having company that wasn't entirely superficial for a change. Slipping into the bathroom, she slipped out of her workout gear and turned the shower on. Stepping inside she began to wash herself down and hummed a light tune to herself as she did so.

Location: The Plaza Hotel: Gym >> Her Room

Kai hopped on the spot as he held his foot and glanced up to Ada and frowned lightly. "I didn't ask for the damn thing to cut me open just to stop you from storming off in a rage." He took the handkerchief from her outstretched hand, being super careful not to snatch it, and began to dab at the cut. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was just trying to make a joke. We both know I've got a 50/50 success rate with those." His voice was softer but still laced with some irritation which was mostly from the cut but Ada may not take it that way.

Spotting a nearby shallow wall, Kai hopped over and sat down on it as he cleaned up the small wound and tried to stop the bleeding. "Why is it that small cuts are always the most painful?" He realised what he had said and then sighed as he shook his head. "Sorry, I'm really not doing well this morning. I'll tell you what, I'll just shut the fuck up and do whatever I need to today to help you get everything set up. Does that sound good?" He shuddered slightly as the wind hit his bare torso. He'd forgotten he didn't put his shirt on before chasing after Ada. He glanced back over to the door of their room and was glad to see they hadn't been locked out in his rush to catch her. That was the last annoyance they would need on their plates.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Marc Tinder

Location: His Childhood Bedroom

Marc had had a hard time sleeping that night even though he was back in his own bed at his parents house. He spent half the night on the phone with Tim about the new murders but he refused to leave the house. Ashley was with him and he wasn't about to leave her alone with his parents when everything was going down. He wasn't exactly happy that she was even in a different room than he was right then. He wanted to be able to keep an eye on her at all times. So when she stumbled into his room in the middle of the yawning and half sleep walking he wasn't complaining.

He had been shirtless but slipped a t-shirt on just so things wouldn't get even more awkward and let her climb in bed. He found himself holding her for a good long while until he was sure she was sound asleep, then just sat there watching her like he had when they were younger. The simple act made him both very happy and somber at the same time. He had missed her and was mentally kicking himself for not opening up to her all those years ago and letting her get away. Sure they were still good friends and he cherished that, it was more than Ada and Kai had had all those years.

Ada and Kai... The thought of them getting back together made him feel a little jealous, he was happy for them but in the same breath wished the same could happen for him and Ashley but he knew that wasn't going to happen. She was dating someone. He couldn't exactly make a move on her now, it just wouldn't be the honorable thing to do. Thoughts swam through his mind but the FBI agent finally fell asleep; granted it was a little closer to dawn than he would have liked.

He was in deep sleep when Ashley had woken and was trying to sneak out but Miss Graceful made sure that he wasn't going to stay asleep and when all the sounds broken through an caused him to rouse he shot up, his hand reflexively slipping under the bed as he wrapped his fingers around his side arm and pulled it out. Jumping out of bed and looking around quickly before sighing as he saw Ashley and lowered his gun. "I didn't think we did anything to cause you to pull a walk of shame," he teased as he set the gun down on his nightstand and walked over to her, careful not to step on the glass. Reaching out he swept her up into his arms and turned, setting her down on the edge of the bed.

"Let me get a broom and dustpan, don't move. I don't want you cutting your foot," he said as he slipped his feet into his shoes and stepped out of the room for a few.

Dj Lawson

Location: Jasmin's Hotel Room

Lawson yawned deeply as he rolled over onto his back and stretched some, he had actually slept rather well that night despite all the flashbacks he could end up getting in his dreams and the fact he was on a pull out couch. It was still much more comfortable than what he had slept on for years while a prisoner of war; a hard and cold cement floor. Rubbing his eyes a moment before opening them he glanced around and took stock of where he was. The sound of the shower running and Jasmin humming coming through the bathroom door. He couldn't help but grin a bit as he laced his fingers and tucked them behind his head.

Yesterday had been nothing of what he had expected. He had thought he would find his bride and spend the night holding her. It didn't happen that way. He ended up in bed alone and with the confirmed notion that she would never be his again. It was a hard pill to swallow at first but the more he thought about what she had said to him and what they had been through when they actually were together the more it made sense. Lawson was a sensible man and agreed with Adelaide but that didn't take all the pain away. He knew in time it would get better, it already was but he still needed time to heal.

Rolling his shoulders back he was glad that he and Jasmine had decided against getting drunk the night before. Sure, it could have led to some very interesting moments but it seemed that it was better for both of them that if something like that were to happen it happened naturally and not under the influence of something else. Sighing he sat up slowly, his blonde hair disheveled as his feet hit the floor and he reached over for his shirt. Yawning deep he just rested his elbows on his thighs, hunching over a bit as he worked to get the shirt turned right-side out.

Adelaide Grimaldi

Location: Kai's Hotel Room

"It didn't asked to be stepped on either," Ada countered before sighing. "More like 90/10 with the odds against you," she added she followed him and grabbed a hold of his foot. Last thing she wanted was for him to topple over right then. Pressing gently against the bottom off his foot with her handkerchief, holding it there with one hand as she tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear with the other. Looking over to him she shook her head slowly.

"How about we both just stick to what we are good at. You just stick being making up for lost time and I'll stick to getting things done," she said in a light hearted manner trying to ease the tension. It was always like this between them when they were together and now they were right back at it. After a moment she started laughing a little and slipped her arm around his waist.

"Seems a lot of things never change, let's get you to where you can actually put your boots on. You know, before I storm off again cause you know it is going to happen," she said giggling as she helped him over to the bed and grabbed her purse, pulling out a small travel pack of banaides, ever the prepared Adelaide. Grabbing the remote to the Tv she turned it on before sitting down on the carpet in front of him and motioning for him to hand her his foot so she could finish taking care of it. The sound of Tims voice on the TV made her freeze as he announced the three other murders that had happened over night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel

Tuesday frowned, watching the press release on the television. She grabbed the remote and shut it off, hoping that it would soothe Cynthia's nerves. Not daring to answer Cynthia's earlier question, Tuesday was fairly certain there was a reason they hadn't been sent home yet. If they all left, the murderer wouldn't resurface.

They needed the bodies to keep on dropping.

"Relax, you've got a rock solid alibi," Tuesday said, smiling at Cynthia. "They'll catch whoever is doing this--all criminals get reckless at one point or another..."

She hesitated, recalling the day of her own arrest. Her earlier sentence described it perfectly: reckless. Theft of a car, doing drugs, all of it. It had been a gigantic shitstorm of the ginger, one of her own creation. Of course, she was a different sort of criminal. Her actions hadn't killed anyone--they just destroyed a car.

"I bet the picnic is going to be to die for," Tuesday joked, hoping to diffuse the tension in the room. Of course, Cynthia's earlier words about Ada struck a chord with her. Didn't Ada plan prom...? Frowning a bit, Tuesday bit her lip. Ada planned everything.

Could she be planning the murders as well? Tuesday pondered, before shaking the thought away. It was insane. Ada had been with Kai the entire night, Cynthia had seen them. The thought that Ada somehow was behind the killings was preposterous. The valedictorian couldn't hurt a fly, in Tuesday's opinion. She had met real killers. Ada wasn't one of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley watched as Tuesday shut off the TV and sighed softly the news of more of their classmates was stressing her out quiet a bit, she turned to look at Cynthia and laid a hand gently on her shoulder. "Like Tuesday said, you aren't the one responsible for the murder of Simone. You are cleared of that is for sure." Riley said as she took a drink of her water and finished eating the scrambled eggs and stood up and went to lay it down on the counter. She looked over at Tuesday and smiled she still couldn't wait for the picnic and actually try and enjoy the reunion despite the murders that had happened within the last forty-eight hours.

"I know I will just go straight for the cookies." Riley said with a smile as she made her way back towards the bed and sat down next to her sister. Growing up she always liked to eat anything sugary and sweet, which she still did of course half of the food that she had back at home were mostly cookies. Of course she still ate normal food, sweets she just ate whenever she was craving it.
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