Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Accepted Characters
Alice S. Keller - Emma
Jackson A. Holmes - Nightfury Kat
Ariel G. Holmes - Nightfury Kat
Penelope le Fay - Nightfury Kat
Morgan J. Selwyn- FateWeaver
Tony Kideyoshi - vietmyke
Desereai I. Amalthea - Alina13
Séamus ó Faoláin - TheIrishJJ
Ruaidhrí ó Faoláin - TheIrishJJ
Sapphira E. Lux - mnkee
Anwen Oakbough - Lemons
Wren Qiu Xia Yi - polyatomicbeing
Alason I. Campbell - Sylverblu
Julian Marino - arca9
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightfury Kat
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Nightfury Kat Plays with dark themes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full Name: Jackson Arthur Holmes

Nickames/Alias/AKA: Jack

Age: 19

Gender: Male

DOB: March 13, 1997

Occupation: Full Time Student

Race: Tempestas Witch

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Indigo

Height and Build: 6’ ; athletic muscular

Other Appearance: He has a habit of touching things (subconscious touch dependency) when entering new places or talking to people. He also has a problem with giving direct answers to questions. His voice is fairly average, being what Ariel says is ‘typical guy voice’ when he does sing with her. Unlike Ariel, he has a few scars from his early lessons - reminders on his back and abdomen about why their parents needed to cease living - and is uncomfortable showing them to anyone, causing him to change rather quickly whenever he has to do so in front of other people and wears a bathrobe to use the showers (something he even did at home to keep Ariel from seeing them.)

History/bio: The Holmes had one simple philosophy when it came to their coven: If you can’t make them respect you, make them fear you. This idealism started when Corbin Holmes and his coven came to what eventually grew to be Whitecross; although Corbin might not have actually been a founding member of the town, he and the other families in the coven liked to pass on the sentiment that they were responsible for it.

Flash forward a few generations, and that elitism and philosophy remained. The coven dwindled in number to just the two families from the initial four, not including the Coven Matron. With each new generation, stronger casters have been born with obvious talents for a particular specialization.

Training starts at an early age for them, taught alongside normal human educations though with a significant focus on their inherent arts. Taught to read and write the language of their inherited spells at the same time as learning to do the same for English, there was always a lot of pressure to excel. All from his parents, though; the Lokers offered no less of the same pressure to their children.

Pressure always builds. By thirteen, Jack couldn’t take all the constant pressure from his parents - especially after his best friend, the girl who he was supposed to marry to move their coven into another generation, killed herself just to get away from it all. After talking to Nola, he came to one conclusion - the coven was destined to dissolve.

The oldest of the newest generation in the coven, he did what he could to keep Ria and Ariel from having the pressure focused on them while he worked behind the scenes. After all, putting thoughts into people’s heads isn’t an easy, or quick, business. Especially when you had to do it secretly. But then Ria ran away and he stepped up his game to get their problems taken care of.

With Nola’s help, he finished the preparations - which also included putting a few new spells into his grimoire. One day, while he and his sister were off with Nola to help her gather supplies, one of the enemies his parents and the Lokers had managed to catch them all unaware.

As far as the Whitecross public is concerned, the two families left to find the missing girl and asked Nola to take care of the twins. The Teemore community knew it was retribution. It was no secret the families had at least one enemy in nearly every race in town.

Since then, the pair have been living with Nola - continuing their training with the Naturalis elder. It was her encouragement that the pair attend Gringore as boarded students.

Father - Prescott Holmes - died February 2012
Mother - Daniella Holmes - died February 2012
Sister - Ariel Holmes
Friend - Maria Loker - (age 17) missing since December 2011
Friend - Naomi Loker - died February 2010
Friends’ Mother/Elder in Coven - Sofia Loker - died February 2012
Friends’ Father/Elder in Coven - Donald Loker - died February 2012
Coven Head - Nola Finn (alive, age 95)

Other/Extra: He is fluent in English, Latin, and Gaelic. Recently started learning Russian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightfury Kat
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Nightfury Kat Plays with dark themes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full Name: Ariel Guinevere Holmes

Nickames/Alias/AKA: Ari - a nickname Jack and Nola have called her since she was a little girl.

Age: 19

Gender: Female

DOB: March 13th, 1997

Occupation: Full Time Student

Race: Sanabit Witch

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Amethyst

Height and Build: 5’8” ; lithe, barely healthy 135lbs

Other Appearance: She has a soft, melodious voice that can help her captivate someone’s attention - particularly when she sings. She tends to be shy, still react more than engage when spoken to. She likes to wear lots of necklaces and bracelets, charmed with various protections by Nola; one in particular is very dear to her - a silver locket with a picture of her and Maria and one of Jack and Naomi on the various sides, from when their two friends were still around.

History/bio: Training starts at an early age for them, taught alongside normal human educations though with a significant focus on their inherent arts. Taught to read and write the language of their inherited spells at the same time as learning to do the same for English, there was always a lot of pressure to excel. In addition to practicing with her magic, the girls were required to learn a musical instrument as was tradition in the coven and after going through several of the traditional instruments Ariel settled on violin, with which she was most comfortable.

The death of their friend Naomi hit her rather hard, and she sank into a deep depression; she rarely spoke to anyone, save for Nola and Jack, and filled any free time with practicing her music or drawing. When Ria ran away, she stopped speaking altogether, despite the increase in attention Nola gave her. She had no clue the work Jack was doing in the shadows, so her parents’ death came as a surprise and a blessing.

It was still another year or so after their death and Nola took the twins in before she would speak again. When Ariel did start talking again, it was very reserved and usually just response rather than engagement. She took the most convincing to agree to attend Gringore Academy, but agreed all the same.

Father - Prescott Holmes - died 2012
Mother - Daniella Holmes - died 2012
Brother - Jack Holmes
Friend - Maria Loker - (age 17) missing since 2011
Friend - Naomi Loker - died 20010
Friends’ Mother/Elder in Coven - Sofia Loker - died 2012
Friends’ Father/Elder in Coven - Donald Loker - died 2012
Coven Head - Nola Finn (alive, age 95)

She is fluent in English, Latin, and Gaelic. Recently took up learning ASL.

She plays the violin and loves to draw. She used to love to sing, but stopped when Naomi killed herself; she started singing again when she was seventeen, but only when alone (or she thinks she's alone.)

She assists in the Infirmary at Gringore, both because she is already quite familiar, and because it's a helpful distraction from just studying and otherwise trying to fill her time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Full Name: Morgan James Selwyn

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Morgie, though he rather dislikes it.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

DOB: June 27, 1997

Occupation: Student at Gringore Academy

Race: Witch (Adaquare)

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Silver-Grey

Height and Build: 5'7"; wiry and thin

Other Appearance: Scars belying jagged tears and severe burns cover the majority of Morgan's back, from just above his tailbone to the nape of his neck. They make him feel vulnerable and thus he is typically seen wearing a scarf or high-collared jacket even during the hottest days of Summer. Though generally soft-spoken and reserved, Morgan's voice has a resonant quality that becomes apparent when he actually talks. Often it is difficult for him to look directly into the face or eyes of someone he does not know well or trust.

The coven Morgan belongs to is called the Selwyn Circle, named so after the original founding family. The coven is rather large, to the point that the members live in groups scattered across various states. They do not live in traditional families, and most marital pairs have what humans would consider to be an open, or non-exclusive relationship. Thus, almost every member of the circle is related to the others in one way or another, and most children have an abundance half- and full-blooded siblings.

The Selwyn Circle considers itself a 'Natural' coven, and teach their children that magic is an intrinsic part of their being and spirit. Their abilities are a part of everyday life, and as such they receive little in the way of formal education and training as pertains to magic. Children are encouraged to practice and play with their Art, exploring their potential and strengths on their own, though not generally unsupervised. A child with a particularly strong or uncontrollable talent may be taken aside to be taught one-on-one, but it is very rare. Within the coven, most members are female and female children are favored more by their parents. They tend to receive more attention, and thus develop their abilities and strengths faster and to a greater degree than male children.

Morgan grew up surrounded by sisters and half sisters, not to mention the general 'it takes a village' sentiment the Circle has considering the care of children. Most of his time was spent in the company of uncles or occasionally his father, practicing control over his abilities of his own volition. Even though most of his sisters progressed in their studies faster than him and generally could run circles around his comparatively simple spellwork, he often found that the sheer strength of his abilities outmatched theirs. Thus he was doubly an outcast, for he had no male companions his age and most of his sisters avoided him out of jealousy or were cruel to him out of spite. There were a few exceptions of course, most notably his eldest full sister, Piper.

The story of Morgan's scars is largely one of mistakes and miscalculations. There came a day, not too long before his specialization was chosen, when he decided to practice on his own for once. Deep in the woods near his home was a small lake where he often went to clear his mind or simply get away from his family. Worn nearly to exhaustion by his practice and attempts to handle large amounts of power more precisely, he was entirely unable to defend himself when he was set upon by a vampire. She had seen him practicing and sought not only to slake her thirst, but also create a powerful thrall through consistent feeding. He was unable to stop himself from following her to her den.

Morgan spent only a few hours there before Piper and his uncle Ruben tracked him down, having become worried when he did not return when he said he would. Near helpless, he watched as his sister and uncle cornered the vampire between his elaborate spellwork and her blasts of fire and lightning. Once caught so, the creature responded with no thought for its own well-being and fell savagely upon Ruben. As the light left his eyes, it sent Piper into a rage such as she had not experienced for years. In the heat of her anger, she incinerated the vampire. In the process, she nearly killed herself by overusing her magic and severely injured Morgan in the resulting blast. It was only after she regained consciousness that she was able to carry her brother back to their family for healing. Much of the damage was too extensive to be healed outright, but he was stabilized and recovered on his own over time. After the first healing and regaining consciousness of his own he refused to let another bear the pain of his wounds, for he considered the eventual scars to be a lesson to both himself and his sister, as well as a final and permanent reminder of his uncle. Piper still feels guilty over the hurt she gave to her brother, but covers it well with jests at his expense.

It was years later that Morgan decided to forge is own path once more, in attending Gringore Academy. No others of his Circle had attended any similar establishment in the past, but neither that nor the misgivings of his mother were enough to stop him. He figured that he had progressed as far as he was able within the Circle, and had no desire to be restricted by the environment he considered to be oppressive. Piper and his father lent their support, and thus he left his family behind to become a boarding student at the Academy.

Verona Selwyn (Naturalis) - Grandmother, Circle Leader - 72
Arthur Selwyn (Propheta) - Grandfather - (Deceased October 2011)
Moira Selwyn (Naturalis) - Mother - 45
Victor Selwyn (Intelligere) - Father - 41
Ruben Selwyn (Fingumas) - Uncle - (Deceased March 2009)
Michelle Selwyn (Propheta) - Half-Sister - 27
Piper Selwyn (Ignis) - Sister - 24
Verity Selwyn (Questum) - Half-Sister - 22
Primrose Selwyn (Terreni) - Sister - 17
Diana Selwyn - Sister - 12
Antony Selwyn - Half-Brother - 8

Other/Extra: Morgan plays the flute and piano, though he handles the first more ably. He considers himself to be a passable artist, often spending time outside for the sole purpose of sketching the forms of nature. He carries his grandfather's Grimoire as well as Ruben's in addition to his own slim book of notes. When he is not sketching, studying, or practicing his art, he is often found volunteering in the library at Gringore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Character by Emma

Full Name: Alice Susanna Keller

Names she has used throughout the years - Alyssa Henry, Lucy Moore, Claudia Dover, Susan Wilson, Viola Lemery, and Willa Conner.

Age: 95 - Became a Vampire at the age of 24

Gender: Female

DOB: 24th, May 1920 - in Berlin Germany.

Occupation: Librarian & Student at Gringore Academy.

Race: Vampire (Turned at age 24)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel Green

Height and Build: 5'6" Tall, Slim, and Slender.

Other Appearance: She always wears her daylight charmed ring. Her voice is similar to the singers Priscilla Ahn. She fidgets with her ring when she is anxious, or deep in thought. When it comes to clothing and personal style she borders on simple basics, with a touch of vintage.

+ Father - Frederick Keller - deceased 1941 age 48
+ Mother - Lucille Keller - deceased 1963 age 65
+ Older Brother - Konrad Keller - deceased 1965 Vampire age 54
+ Younger Sister - Wilhelmina Keller - deceased 1941 age 16
+ Younger Brother - Hugo Keller - deceased 1944 age 17
+ Mentor/Friend/Lover - George Stuart - deceased 1963 Vampire age 257
Enemy/Maker - Paul Stuart - Vampire age 409

She speaks German, English, Polish, Hebrew, French, Japanese, and Spanish fluently. And knows some Latin, Greek, Mandrin, and Dutch. She is working on learning Russian at the moment.

She plays Piano and Violin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Full Name: Kideyoshi, Tony
Nicknames/Alias/AKA: TK
Age: 21
Gender: Male
DOB: December 1, 1995

Occupation: Student, Guardians Applicant
Race: Telekinetic ESPer

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height and Build: 6'2", 165lbs Lithe and sinewy

Other Appearance:
TK is easily recognizable by his stylish hair and prominent tattoos covering his left arm. He wears an ESP-Amplifier on his left wrist, which has the appearance of a metal bracelet or watch, with a flat crystal where the watch face should be; the crystal glows brightly when the amplifier is in use. He also commonly carries around a metallic object similar to a Rubik's cube in the color of different precious metals instead of bright colors. TK often rearranges the cube by taking it apart with his telekinesis and putting it back together.

His voice, like his personality is straightforward and confident, yet casual and relaxed. His voice, surprisingly jumps up to a lighter tenor when he sings- he occasionally enjoys karaoke and often sings with the guitar. In regards to his clothing and style; his style is half Hip-Hop, half modern/urban, though he looks surprisingly good in a suit.

Born in downtown Los Angeles, Tony Kideyoshi is the youngest of two, and the son of the famed Andrew Kideyoshi, prominent demi-god, and high ranking Guardian in the California area. As a child, Tony was bold and unruly. He bickered with others constantly and insisted on having things done his way. He was competitive and at times even aggressive. The son of a Guardian, he was well aware of the occult and supernatural from an early age and even discovered own powers at the age of 8. Armed with the knowledge the occult, as well as his own telekinetic abilities, Tony was confident in his abilities to instigate and pick fights with other children. While frowned upon by his father, it was easy to dismiss Tony's displays of his powers as the exaggerations of children and as a result, Tony pushed and shoved his way to the top of the elementary schoolyard as a kid.

His older sister, while seemingly devoid of any special abilities, remained Tony's primary caretaker for much of his early life, as his parents were often busy with Guardian work, leaving the kids at home to fend for themselves most of the times. Despite his bold demeanor, Tony and his sister Tara got along incredibly well. Tony often regarded his older sister with a sort of reverence, and Tara was able to influence his actions with little more than a word. In that manner, their parents often joked that Tara possessed some sort of abilities of suggestion.

As he got older, he realized he could no longer continue using his powers without drawing attention to himself and his family, and after many-a-lecture by his father, and repeated prodding by his sister, Tony finally began shaping up and taking responsibility for his actions. He ceased using his powers in public, keeping knowledge of his powers to his family, and the closest of his friends. He began doing well in his studies at school, and even began taking personal lessons from several of his father's friends: ESPers and witches who showed him how to utilize his powers without common folk noticing. During these highschool years, Tony gained an appreciation, and even admiration of the Guardians, and the work his father did, though often joked and denied interest when asked if he too wanted to become a Guardian when he got older.

When Tony was 18, he got involved in an accident involving a Hunter. A misunderstanding gone extremely wrong, the result was a large fight across downtown Los Angeles, which included the use of both supernatural powers and firearms, as the encounter became violent. Tony was saved from death by a group of Guardians, led by his father, who mortally wounded the hunter. The accident was nothing short of a debacle, and consumed a great amount of resources from the Guardians to cover up the accident from the masses. As a result, the Guardians suggested that Tony move off to somewhere more secluded, naming the supernatural town of Teemore to be a possible location, especially with Tony's age, and the town's proximity to Gringore Academy.

With no small measure of reluctance, Tony and his sister moved to the tiny town of Whitecross in Vermont, settling into Teemore, where Tony began attending Gringore Academy, with a focus on classes and training for future Guardians. Tony is currently in his fourth and final year at Gringore academy.

Andrew Kideyoshi - Father, Demi-god, Guardian, 47
Kim Kideyoshi - Mother, ESPer, Guardian, 52
Tara Kideyoshi - Sister, Mundane, Waitress, 27
Lee Frost - Friend, Witch(Adaquare), Gringore Academy Student, 21
Elizabeth Hall - Friend, Fairy, Gringore Academy Student, 20

Fluent in English and Japanese.

He enjoys playing the guitar, but rarely has time to.

Tony is a part of the Gringore Guardians Auxiliaries, an organization of students who work alongside the Guardians part time as part of their training. This includes participating and aiding in emergency services, providing security for Academy events, and shadowing other Guardians.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Full Name: Desereai Iris Amalthea

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: None

Age: 22

Gender: Female

DOB: December 31, 1994

Occupation: Enrolling student

Race: Pegasus

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green with black edges

Height and Build: 5'8 and healthily curvy

Other Appearance: Desereai's Pegasus form is intimidating and some may find frightening. Her coat is overwhelmingly black and when the sunlight strikes it, it may appear to have a red undertone. Her mane and tail are a dark ash grey color. Her wings and horn are also this color. In her Pegasus form, she is more strongly built than in her human form. She resembles the build of a noriker horse. When in her Pegasus form, her horn sometimes lets off smoke. This often occurs when she is angry or highly curious. Her wings are very jagged and sharp at the tips. When in her human form, she looks like a mostly normal human. Others may notice her eyes being a little darker and more sinister looking than most and may be slightly afraid of her at first. She covers the star on her forehead with makeup whenever she is not by herself. Her movements are definite and graceful. Contrary to her Pegasus form, her clothing patterns are mostly green, dark red and some dark grey. She does not like wearing black. Tattoos of various music related things adorn her back, legs and shoulders.

History/bio: Deseraei grew up in a broken home. Her father split right from the beginning and her mother was only around half of the time. From the age of 12, she pretty much had to fend for herself after her mother became addicted to pharmaceuticals. Because of her lack of care, her teachers at school were always concerned about her health, both mentally and physically. The other students of course noticed this and typically stayed away from her. The school even sent CPS to her house on two separate occasions. However, she was never removed from her mother's care because they could never prove that Deseraei was being neglected. She often wondered about her father but always pushed the thought out of her head as it brought her pain and frustration. She soon discovered her smoke. Desereai also had noticed from about the age of 14, she constantly felt like she was being electrocuted. When the phenomenon first began, every once in a while, she would experience sharp, jabbing pains of electricity in her hands, feet and forehead. They only lasted a couple seconds, but after a while, grew more persistent and grew in longevity. After about a year of dealing with these weird shocks, she decided to see if she could do something with it. After some practice, she found she could create an electromagnetic force field around herself after experiencing a shock. The force field lasts as long as Desereai can hold the charge and blocks any person or object from touching her. Anything that is thrown in her direction is tossed backwards toward its original source at twice the speed as when it was thrown.

As she grew, it became more apparent to her and others that she was different. High school was difficult and she was bullied. Her English teacher was her only friend and she developed a very close friendship with him after she graduated. After she graduated, she stayed in her hometown and tried to find a job but had no luck. She finally decided to pack her bags and move to somewhere she felt more at home at. Flying across the nation was a rather large shock for her but she had always wanted to visit the East Coast. She then settled in Vermont and found her home in Whitecross. Starting fresh was exactly what she needed.

Father - Poseidon. No Relationship
Mother - Gorgon. Only a mother by definition. Nothing more. Didn't raise her at all.
Aunt Stephanie- The person she connected with the most in her family
Uncle Liam - Her primary protector. She learned a lot from him
Friends- None yet (She needs someone to connect with)

Beautiful. Accepted! Copy this CS and post it into the Character Tab.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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TheIrishJJ Isn't showing anyone his cucu.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Full Name: Séamus ó Faoláin

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Too many to remember

Age: 134

Gender: Male

DOB: June 27, 1882

Occupation: Student

Race: Vampire

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height and Build: 6' 4", muscular

Other Appearance: Scar down his left bicep, scar down his right calf.

History/bio: Séamus and Ruaidhrí, identical twin brothers, were born to a working class Irish family in Cork, in 1882. They lived a relatively regular life - for a poor family - until one night in 1895. Their family's home was broken into by vampires, and all of his family except for him, his brother Ruaidhrí, and his sister Mary were killed. Mary was taken away, and the vampires, having fed enough off of their family, decided to turn Séamus and Ruaidhrí into vampires.

Séamus and Ruaidhrí traveled around Great Britain for three years until one night, when Séamus and Ruaidhrí attacked by a group of hunters. They managed to kill the hunters, the first humans they had killed. This had different effects on the two of them. Séamus loved the feeling of killing a human, and became sadistic and kill crazy. However, Ruaidhrí was distraught, and turned to religion. At this point, they separated. Séamus traveled all across Great Britain and Ireland, leaving a path of death as he went.

In 1900, Séamus decided that he would travel through the rest of Europe. He traveled all over Europe for over 100 years, never staying in one place for too long. It was whilst traveling that he discovered his love for languages, although he still speaks in a Irish accent whenever speaking English. He also managed to get a daylight charmed necklace from a witch in France shortly after leaving England, which he always wears. Over the years, he has also trained his body to make sure that he is never killed by a hunter, and can kill whomever he wants.

In 2014, Séamus found his brother Ruaidhrí, and they have been travelling together since, which has lead to Séamus having to kill less people, especially because of Ruaidhrí's newfound religion.

Séamus and Ruaidhrí have come to Gringore Academy to get a proper education, being too poor for one when they was younger, and they still look like they are in their late teens.

Mother - Jonathan: died 1895
Father - Mary: died 1895
Older brother - Jonathan: died 1895
Identical twin brother - Ruaidhrí: living
Younger brother - Alexander: died 1895
Younger sister - Mary: Location unknown. Presumed deceased.

Other/Extra: Séamus can speak English, French, Spanish, Italian, Irish, German, Czech, Romansh, Polish, Russian, and Hungarian.

Full Name: Ruaidhrí ó Faoláin

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Too many to remember

Age: 134

Gender: Male

DOB: June 27, 1882

Occupation: Student

Race: Vampire

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height and Build: 6' 4", muscular

Other Appearance: Scar down his chest, identification tattoo on his left arm. Always wears a kippah.

History/bio: Séamus and Ruaidhrí, identical twin brothers, were born to a working class Irish family in Cork, in 1882. They lived a relatively regular life - for a poor family - until one night in 1895. Their family's home was broken into by vampires, and all of his family except for him, his brother Ruaidhrí, and his sister Mary were killed. Mary was taken away, and the vampires, having fed enough off of their family, decided to turn Séamus and Ruaidhrí into vampires.

Séamus and Ruaidhrí traveled around Great Britain for three years until one night, when Séamus and Ruaidhrí attacked by a group of hunters. They managed to kill the hunters, the first humans they had killed. This had different effects on the two of them. Séamus loved the feeling of killing a human, and became sadistic and kill crazy. However, Ruaidhrí was distraught, and turned to religion. At this point, they separated. Ruaidhrí became very religious, and discovered Judaism.

In 1899, Ruaidhrí decided to move to Germany to live with more Jews, and try to be as pious a Jew as possible, at least, as pious a Jew as it is possible for someone who feeds on blood to be. On his way, he gained a daylight charmed ring that he still wears. In 1914, with the beginning of the Great War, Ruaidhrí escaped to the Netherlands, and stayed there after the war. However, when it was invaded in 1940 he was captured, and taken to a Auschwitz to work in a factory. He never attempted escape, and was freed when the concentration camp was liberated in January 1945. At this point, Ruaidhrí decided to see what living in the Soviet Union was like. However, after a few years, he decided that he didn't like this, and moved to a Jewish community in the United Kingdom.

In 2014, Ruaidhrí found his brother Séamus, and they have been travelling together since. Ruaidhrí still attempts to keep up his Judaism to the best of his ability.

Séamus and Ruaidhrí have come to Gringore Academy to get a proper education, being too poor for one when they was younger, and they still look like they are in their late teens.

Mother - Jonathan: died 1895
Father - Mary: died 1895
Older brother - Jonathan: died 1895
Identical twin brother - Séamus: living
Younger brother - Alexander: died 1895
Younger sister - Mary: Location unknown. Presumed deceased.

Other/Extra: Ruaidhrí can speak English, Irish, German, Polish, Russian, Dutch, Yiddish, and Hebrew.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sapphira Elvron Lux

"What better way to live life than to live it to the betterment of others."

Nicknames: Saph for short or Lux, which is the Latin word for "light"

Aliases: Samantha Greene, Melissa Harrington, and Jade Morris

Age: 121

Gender: Female

DOB: Spring of 1895

Occupation: Transfer student & Guardians applicant

Race: Fae • Light elf

Hair Color: Platinum blonde

Eye Color: Crystal blue

Height and Build: 5'10" • Tall, lithe, & lightly toned

Other Appearance: Thanks to her elven genes that inhibit aging once maturity is reached, she looks like she is only in her twenties despite being much older. Her skin in notably pale, much like her nearly white hair and extremely light blue eyes. She has small pointed "elf" ears that she is able to hide under her hair. Her appearance is captivating and feigns innocence. Her voice is eloquent and feminine

Many elves consider themselves superior to other races, human or supernatural, and would turn a blind eye to things that didn't effect them. However, the Lux family, which has lineage that can be traced back as far as England during the early Middle Ages, humbled themselves and became guardians of all races. They fought to protect supernatural beings from the humans, to protect humans from supernatural beings, and to protect supernatural beings from themselves. They essentially maintained peace for the good of all. Many generations prior to Sapphira, the Lux family became a part of the Guardians, an ancient organization of protectors of the supernatural world that has been around longer than the Gringore Academy.

Sapphira grew up in a small community of Supernatural beings on the English countryside. She is an only child, born to a family of Guardians. Her mother was formerly a Guardian before Sapphira was born, while her father remained an active duty Guardian. From a young age, her mother instilled in her the chivalric virtues upheld by their family, of bravery, courtesy, and honor. Her mother taught her about both the supernatural world and the human world. By puberty, age fifty for elves, Sapphira was a wealth of knowledge and was only beginning to learn combat in earnest. Her father would come home as often as his Guardian duties would allow, which was not that often. Her mother was her teacher, best friend, and confidant. When she was not being taught by her mother, she would roughhouse with the local male "children," or explore the nearby forests on foot or on horseback.

Sapphira's once peaceful life changed in 1999, the year she turned 104. It was the year she was suppose to go to the Guardian institute in London, England to take the test to become an official Guardian. Was being the operative word. That year her father was killed by malicious hunters. The hunter got away. Sapphira, of course, postponed going to the institute while the Supernatural community laid low and the Guardians upped their taskforce. Six years went by with seemingly little to no abnormal activity. During that time, she took on leadership positions within the community and continued training with her mother. She was getting ready to go to the institute when the hunters struck again. Sapphira's mother was killed in 2005 not too far from their home. Her world and the world of her Supernatural community fell to pieces.

In the past eleven years, she has moved around a lot. She has spent time with her uncles and aunt in Italy, Romania, and Iceland respectively. She has done some traveling of her own as well. Everywhere she went the darkness of her past seemed to follow her like a shadow. She wanted more than anything to become the Guardian that her parents trained her to be. She wanted to protect others as they had done, even if it eventually led to her death. What better way to live life than to live it to the betterment of others. With some convincing, her uncle in Romania let her attend the Guardian institute in Timișoara and shadow him at his job for a few years. She eventually decided upon transferring to the up and coming Gringore Academy.

The Lux family can be traced as far back as England during the early Middle Ages (5th to 15th century).
Father • Deceased in 1999
Mother • Deceased in 2005
Two uncles • Father's side • Both Guardians • One in Italy & one in Romania
Aunt • Mother's side • A Guardian • In Iceland
Grandparents • Lost track of or deceased

She knows enough Romanian and Italian to hold a basic conversation.
She loves horses and is a fairly good horseback rider.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightfury Kat
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Nightfury Kat Plays with dark themes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full Name: Penelope le Fay

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: *despises nicknames, but feel free to give her one*

Age: 20

Gender: Female

DOB: March 13th, 1996

Occupation: Full-Time Student; Guardian’s Applicant

Race: Demi

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Height and Build: 5’5 / lithe with an athletic muscle tone

Other Appearance: She has a tattoo of a screech owl on her right shoulder.

She has a woven leather necklace adorned with a cold iron bitend pendant and engraved stones, and a leather bracelet she wears on her left wrist; neither of these are ever removed. Ever.

She still has a soft but unmistakable Irish lilt to her voice when she talks; when she is angry or speaking while stressed (i.e. fighting, trying to concentrate) the accent becomes more pronounced.


Hades - God of the Underworld - Father
Nessa le Fay - Pyrokinetic Human - mother - 39 years old
Daithi le Fay - Telekinetic Human Guardian - uncle - 39 years old
Connall le Fay - Precognitive Human Guardian - uncle - 45 years old
Siobhan Stedman - Human shopkeep - estranged aunt - 35 years old
Patrick Stedman - Human paramedic - estranged uncle - 40 years old
Liam Stedman - human - estranged cousin - 10 years old
Daniel Stedman - human - estranged cousin - 7 years old
Katrina Stedman - human - estranged cousin - 5 years old
Emmet le Fay - Lie Detecting Human Guardian - grandfather - 68 year old
Cara le Fay - Human nurse - grandmother - 65 years old
Tony Kideyoshi - telekinetic human student/Guardian Auxiliary member - good friend - 21 years old


She’s bisexual, though doesn’t seem to lean more one way or the other.

Extensively trained in hand to hand combat, she's formally trained in Krav Maga and Sambo.

[Note: Connall and Daithi are both located under the Adoptables/Wanted characters rather than the NPC tab, in case anyone is interested/wanted to look into them more.]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by polyatomicbeing
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Seeming by most accounts unremarkable, Alason is but another face in the crowd to most, the only distinguishing features being the beginnings of a fine beard and a rather geometrically defined nose. Beyond this, however, Alason is nothing beyond a brown-haired, brown-eyed white guy scuttling about in a suit with some rather plain, black glasses. Speaking of the suit - for those of you who actually care - on a nearly daily basis Alason wears a suit grading from grey-blue to black, always worn with a sense of business and professionalism. The beard? Perhaps four steps away from pathetic. It hardly covers the face and only barely escapes judgement as mere stubble. Still, none of this is to say that he is particularly unattractive, rather, as aforementioned and as surely will be mentioned countless times more, Alason is neither attractive nor unattractive, neither this nor that, not anything; he merely is, and is quite content in anonymity.

Full Name

Alason Iver Campbell





Date of Birth

20 August 1984


Civil Litigation Lawyer


Quaestrum Witch

Hair & Eye Color


Height and Build
About 5'10", and ideally proportioned for a human. That is not to say that he has an optimized, hyper-athletic build, but rather that he is neither overweight nor underweight and is by all accounts an average, unremarkable, healthy male.

A Brief History

The first thing one must notice is the air of calm about her, an air which hardly dissipates when she beckons me over and dismisses the attendants.

"I want you to see everything. I want you to understand properly the things that you never could." Cryptic, but after a moment I understand. I take her hand, splay it with her palm to the ceiling, and begin to run my fingers down the fine wrinkles of her hand. I close my eyes.

The serene black is stolen from the inside of my eyelids and is immediately replaced with a blinding white. Pain, a pain that I've not felt before; it is as though my innards are retching about, churning and switching positions in some horrific game of musical chairs. A hospital. Doctors. More pain. A child. As the pain begins to give way to the sweet relaxation of endorphins, I hardly notice the passage of time before the newborn is presented to me. I know the face, and yet it is new to me. I love it. It almost takes away the bitter tinge of knowing that my husband is not here, but off doing God knows what in some filthy alley. Almost.

Sift through the fluff.

A toddler. Cute, but without identity. With the superfluous baby fat gone and the cheekbones beginning to set in properly, one can begin to see the resemblance between him and me. He plays in the yard, but again: where is the father? I head back inside and begin to brew some tea. Oh, I'm crying. My husband hasn't been home in four days, and I don't know where he is. I can't explain to the child though, no, he mustn't know that his father is a deadbeat. He mustn't know that his father is a traitor. He mustn't know that his father has all but abandoned us. He mustn't know that his father drinks, and runs off with human women, enamored by his parlor tricks, to forget. He mustn't know that his father hates his own kind, hates his own self, hates his own wife, hates his own son. He mustn't know that his father is a bastard that deserves nothing short of the stake. Oh, dash, I've accidentally torched the kitchen. I promptly put it out, of course, but cleaning it up in front my son should prove a bit awkward. Ah well, some candy and he'll forget in due time. Some day... some day I'll explain it to him.

Sift through the fluff.

My son is gone now, off studying English at a university. I'm in a hammock, reading, when I hear footsteps behind me. They do not sound unfriendly, so I turn slowly and with a smile on my face, assuming it to be a neighbor. Shock. Fear quickly bleeds into confusion as I look upon the well-groomed, nervously happy visage of my child's father, my... husband.

"Why are you here?"

"I know that I haven't been good to you. I know that. But... Lorna, I want to be a part of your life again. I want to see my son.'

I'm torn. On one hand, I can see that he means it. In proper clothes, groomed, apologetic and empathetic... How can I say no?

"No." Oh, that's how. "I'm sorry, but you had your chance. We haven't seen you in seventeen years; you chose to not be a part of his life and now you have to live with the consequences of that choice."



Sift thro-

I'm jerked out of the memoryscape, sweaty and hyperventilating. With my mother's hand on my wrist, I slow down and, after a moment, stand straight. A pause. Eye contact. I head for the door.

"Where are you going?"

I pause again. Where am I going? No sense in merely storming off because I'm angry at my father for his negligence and my mother for her stubbornness. But, after a moment of thought, that's not all I'm doing.

"I'm going to find my father's phone number. The healer gets back from his vacation today; the flight should be in by 4:50. He'll be here by the end of the day to take care of your lung problem." I exit my mother's home without contest. She knows it would be futile.

— Two years ago


Father: Mr. Douglass Campbell - Distant, in regular contact
Mother: Dr. Lorna Campbell - Local, in regular contact
Grandparents: All deceased
Paternal aunt: Ms. Moira Smith - Distant, in holiday contact
Maternal aunt: Mrs. Saundra Wilson - Distant, in holiday contact
Maternal aunt: Ms. Roberta Brown - Local, in holiday contact
Maternal uncle: Mr. Robert Wilson - Distant, in holiday contact
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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Appearance (Description)

Full Name
Anwen Oakbough

Oak, Leafy, Ann

1,275 years old


Sometime in early spring, 741 A.D.

Waitress at The Tipsy Dragon


Hair Color
Deep auburn

Eye Color
Bright green

Height and Build
Anwen is 5’5” and very slim.

Other Appearance
A great deal of the time, Anwen doesn’t actually wear clothes. At all. While this is somewhat more agreeable in light of the fact that she lives out in the woods, it grows awkward when someone decides to take a walk through the woods and crosses her path. When she does wear clothing, it’s always very light. Heavy clothing feels hot and oppressive to her, and her skin is easily irritated. Generally, she wears some shade of green, as well as clothes that are flexible and easy to move around in. Most often, she wears some variation on a tank top and shorts.

Anwen has been very alone for a very long time.

At 741, the world she was born into was one of war and chaos. It was bathed in bloodshed for many years, and she and her nebulously defined family (that is to say, the loose nymph clan-esque structure that she lived with) spent a great deal of time deep, deep inside of the oak forests in what is now Wales.

It’s true, nymphs are naive and airheaded, and Anwen is no exception. What they are not, however, is stupid. As long as they could, Anwen’s pseudofamily stayed far away from all humans, spending much of their time learning about the world outside through the use of pixies. They couldn’t hide forever, though, and eventually, a hunting party happened upon one of their temporary settlements. Upon their hips, they carried cold iron blades. In their quivers, they carried cold iron arrows. Upon their bodies, they carried cold iron armor. The nymphs scattered. Suspicious, savage men, they had been hunting for a gathering of evil spirits. Though in that age, the nymphs were strong fighters, they couldn’t near the men for the branding blades of cold iron. On that bloody day, everybody in that family died.

Everybody but Anwen.

Always a bit of a wildcard, Anwen had been far out in the forests, searching for strange rocks and twisted bits of branches, set on collecting them back in her small backpack. As she neared the settlement, she stopped short. Everything was perfectly quiet. Distressingly so. As she edged ever closer to the clearing, she began to feel a strange twisting in her stomach. An innate feeling of nausea and disgust. She had never felt iron sickness before, and bursting into her home and finding everybody she loved impaled on cold iron-tipped arrows didn’t help. She ran, taking nothing, hiding herself deep within the Welsh woods and not emerging.

For a long time, Anwen despised humans. And rightly so. During that time, many nymphs died, hunted down as more evil spirits and changelings. Centuries later, though, they began to change. Few even remembered the existence of the “evil beings of the forest” anymore, and those that did told of them only as children’s stories. For the first time in many years, Anwen felt safe enough to step out of her forests. She became a wanderer, not staying long enough in any one place for people to realize that strange things happened to plants around her, and through her wanderings, she began to learn of human culture. While she doesn’t like them, she recognizes their progress and no longer feels vengeful. For now, she is content simply to exist near them. Her bubbly, one-track-mind exterior hides a mind that, while awful at multitasking and simplistic—almost childlike—in emotions, contains centuries of memories and incalculable sadness.

Ceridwen Leafstep, mother (deceased)
Brant Oakbough, father (deceased)
Aeronwen Oakbough, sister (deceased)
Cloud, a red squirrel that she spends a great deal of time having conversations with
Åsa Pilkvist, another waitress at the Tipsy Dragon

Due to the centuries spent wandering in Wales, she's fluent in Welsh. Any languages other than that and English tend to make her head hurt. She very often travels back to Wales since, as a nymph, she's very attached to the forests where she was originally born.
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Full Name: Julian Marino

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: (He calls himself Julian, but he's known as "the big guy" around Whitecross.)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

DOB: May 13, 1996

Occupation: Student / Part-time stocker and cashier at Oryana Grocery

Race: Shifter

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Gold

Height and Build: 5'11", muscular yet lean.

Other Appearance: Julian uses hair gel to keep his hair spiked out of his face. He likes to wear well-fitting thin hoodies and T-shirts that show his athletic build, along with skinny jeans and worn black Converse.



Other/Extra: Julian is aware that Lycanthropes are the enemy, but hasn't had much to do with them yet. Julian enjoys talking to people (about himself), working out at the gym (especially in front of the mirrored wall), playing all sports, and being in situations where he can take the lead. Julian also tends to give people nicknames no matter how well he knows them, especially if they're also called Julian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Espen Stig Jörgensen; Danish born, Harvard educated, Demi-God Lawyer and his Doctor of History, wife.

I've written a brief snippet about perceptions or the possibility of a relationship with each of your characters that have been posted. Most of your characters are students and may or may not have had contact with Stig Jörgensen. A few of your characters I would strongly believe know one another. As an example, Alason Campbell is also an attorney and may have worked on cases with Stig in the past. They may have a working relationship. Julian Marino "The Big Guy" works in the grocery store that Dr. Malin Jörgensen shops in regularly. She is also a professor at Gringore Academy. Julian and Malin know one another. Stig would be interested in knowing Julian.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sirena
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hagroden Atomic Angel

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Malcolm "Breck" Wallace


Full Name:

Malcolm Breckenridge Wallace


Malcolm, "Breck," or Mr. Wallace, depending on the circumstance.


Total: 174.
Current: 3rd Cycle; 17




Original: September 9th, 1824. - October 8th, 1922; 98 Years.
Second: October 13th, 1922. - November 16th, 1998; 76 Years.
Current: November 21st, 1998 - Present; 17 Years.


Original: Slave -> Underground Railroad Freedom Fighter -> Mountain Man/Hunter
Second: Homeless Orphan -> WW2 Pilot Tuskegee Airmen -> Commercial Pilot
Current: Adopted Orphan -> Runaway -> Student



Hair Color:

N/A - Keeps head cleanly shaved.

Eye Color:

Sectoral Heterochromia in both eyes, resulting in two different colors per Iris. Blue and Red-Orange.

Height and Build:

6'3 and Stocky, In a muscular way.

Other Appearance:

When in his Dragon form, his height increases to about 7'5, and his muscles are enlarged as well, creating an enormous, fiery-red giant. His eyes also slit, but maintain the sectoral heterochromia, and elongate as well to create a more reptilian look. When he transforms, his forearms-fingers/claws and calves-toes/claws become coated in coarse, black scales, from which in-between a red-orange glow emanates. (Looks like this but African, shaved, and unarmored.) His finger and toenails also shift to seven inch claws, and his wings are also massive, with a tip-to-tip span of eight feet and seven inches.


First Cycle Summary; Born into Slavery, Malcolm was taught the ways of a dragon by his Father. His Mother died at Birth, and his father died at the age of 17. After the Death of his Father, and after he had learned everything he could about being a dragon, he rebelled and destroyed the slavery plantation he lived on. This act caused the Casualties of over 7,000 people, slaves and owners alike. After the grief of his act set in, he vowed himself to the Underground railroad, and only used his abilities to benefit others.

After the Civil war, Malcolm moved to the Mountains of California and stayed in his dragon form for decades, before deforestation forced him back into Humanity. After a few years, he died of age in a street.

Second Cycle Summary; Malcolm was homeless and confused for several years, until he regained his memory. After he regained his memory, he travelled to New York and became registered as a orphan. Un-adopted until he reached adulthood, he became a steel worker until WW2. In 1942, he enlisted as a Tuskegee Airmen, and used his abilities to perform enormous attacks on Nazi Camps along with a few other Dragon's within it's ranks. When the war was over, he used the training he was given to become a commercial pilot, and lived comfortably until he knew he was soon to die, then hid in a hospital to die.

Third Cycle Summary; After he was found in the Hospital, he was named and taken to a nearby orphanage, at which he stayed until the age of Seven. Having regained his memories and abilities, he stayed hidden in the forests of Vermont for Ten Years until he Discovered Teemore, and Enrolled himself in Gringore Academy, with intents on becoming a Guardian.


Malcolm has no family, as his parents died in his first cycle. Knowing that he would die and become reborn scared him away from starting families of his own, and has therefore become a friendly man, although unafraid of solitary.


A scar of a branding number from his first Cycle, that he retained through each rebirth.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Your post got me excited AF haha I can't really post right now because that would be OOC knowledge and that's forbidden in the RP world lol
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Alina13 The Intellectual

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Ignore this post and the one above. Wrong tab. . . #Fail
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brasslazer
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Brasslazer Snunch King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Full Name: Åsa Pilkvist

Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Currently doesn't have any.

Age: 41 in her current life, which is her 6th cycle of regeneration

Gender: Female

DOB: 1648

Occupation: Waitress at the Tipsy Dragon

Race: Dragon

Hair Color: He natural color is blond, but she chooses to dye it a mixture of pink and deep blue.

Eye Color: Her eyes are completely pink and without pupils. When dealing with non-supernaturals, she wears a necklace charm that hides her eyes behind an illusion, showing her eyes as blue.

Height and Build: 5’7” and curvaceous.

Other Appearance: In her dragon form, the scales Asa gains are snow white, and she sports large magnificent horns rising out of her head.


Asa was born in 1648 in a small community of supernaturals hidden on Kebnekaise. Her first life was spent within this community, learning of her powers as a dragon and about the supernatural world at large. While she enjoyed learning of her culture, she was always curious of the outside human world, however her parents initially banned her from interacting, as the area was controlled by a particularly ruthless hunter family known as the Gunvaldssons. While most of the community feared the hunters, Asa’s curiosity was overpowering, and with the help of a Fingumas witch, she was able to disguise herself and sneak out into the human world. Given her natural beauty, many local men took notice of her and attempted to court her. This popularity quickly led to attention from the Gunvaldsson family, who used her to track down the supernatural haven and attempt a slaughter of all who lived there. While the witches and dragons managed to hold them back, many causalities were had, including Åsa’s parents, her siblings, and Åsa herself, ending her first life. While Åsa’s body was recovered by the same Fingumas witch who had disguised her, giving her the opportunity to regenerate, he siblings were not so lucky. Bodies taken away by the surviving hunters, they were imprisoned, and presumably repeatedly killed upon regeneration until all their lives were gone.

After regeneration, Åsa and the witch were outed from the community, deemed the one who allowed the assault to happen. The witch, nearing the end of her life, fled with Åsa to Germany, where she found refuge with a nymph named Jerisa. This nymph became Åsa’s adoptive mother, taking care of her as a child. After regaining her memories, Åsa had a new priority: revenge. She spent her early life training in swordsmanship and battle tactics, becoming skilled enough to become somewhat of a master once she hit age 38, having practiced for about 22 years. At this point, she began a trek across Europe, finding every Gunvaldsson she could find, and murdering them. It became a bit of a rebellion, with a group of other fae and supernaturals who wanted rid of the tyrannical hunters following her as a leader. After another 30 years, she had slain the last active Gunvaldsson hunter, and had scared off any far relation of the Gunvaldsson who may have sought vengence against her. After this, she retired and died a peaceful death back in Germany.

With vengeance complete, Åsa once again regained her curiosity about the human world, increased by the wonderful experinces she’d had seeing the cultures of other European countries while tracking down the Gunvaldssons. She spent her next three lives traveling across the world, exploring the cultures of Asia, Africa, and South America throughout the ages. In her sixth life, after exploring across America for 30 plus years, she has decided to “take a break,” and is settling down in Whitecross to once again reunite with the supernatural community. After hearing about Gringore Academy, she decided to go to Whitecross in the hopes of getting a job at the Academy, so as to teach the next generation what she has learned in her travels.


Father: Sven Pilkvist, deceased
Mother: Johanna Pilkvist, deceased
Siblings: All killed in Gunvaldsson raid.
Adoptive “Mother”: Jerisa Snowfall, a nymph from an Alpine forest in Germany, takes care of her when she regenerates.
Co-worker: Anwen Oakbough

While she currently works at the Tipsy Dragon, she is seeking employment at Gringore Academy. She also has a charmed ring that notifies Jerisa with her location when she dies, so that she can retrieve her.
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