It only took less than a minute for all the young man’s work to be undone. His creations reduced to charred ashes by a being who was in some ways similar to himself...but at the same time, completely different. He looked outwards at the destruction and carnage, seeing the perpetrator walking in their direction, flanked by dozens of men in suits, loaded with artillery. He knew right away that he was at a massive disadvantage, that there was no chance of victory...what was he suppose to do now? Run and hide? Beg for mercy?
For his answer, he looked behind him and spotted his fellow heroes, doing all they could to save the poor girl trapped within the complex. All of them were different and unique in their own way...and yet they were all here, united by a single cause. The odds were against them and yet still they fought on, for the sake of what they believed in. How could he not do the same?
Even if there was no chance of winning...he needed to try. He needed to do all he could...cause wasn’t that what real heroes did? They forged onwards even when it seemed impossible?
“Jaden…” Gaia’s presence was in his mind, “...I know what you’re planning...and although I don’t think it’s smart...know that I am with you all the way…”
He nodded in thanks before looking outwards at the approaching militia and let out a sigh of resignation. He glanced over at the others, “Go get Racheli...I’ll join you as soon as I can.” Without waiting for an answer, he turned to the enemy’s forces and bent down, leaping several stories into the air as a bunch of seeds appeared in his hand and he tossed them out. The seeds scattered all across the field, transforming into lemons that took on the shape of turrets like the melons.
Only difference? These opened up and started spraying steady streams of what looked like lemon juice in all directions. Only problem? This juice was made to be...extremely sticky, and would harden on contact with anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the range of them. Evergreen also morphed his limbs into cannons and started firing exploding grapes into the mobs at the same time.
Gabriel winced as he felt three of his LEGION drones get horrifically melted and dismiss themselves in a flurry of sparks. He blinked, shaking his head to clear the disorientation caused by having part of mind rapidly snap back into his head. Not to mention the memory of the event- it was unpleasant. He focused in on another trio of LEGION drones near where the other three were dismantled, looking toward where his clones met their end.
The culprit was rather obvious- a meta with heat powers, by the looks of things, and incredibly powerful at that. Even watered down Phylactery-alloy could take a beating. Nothing like himself, of course, but still. The fact that Mr. Fahrenheit here could trash his drones with little more than a contemptuous gesture was troubling, but hey, just don’t get hit.
He called over an additional three LEGIONnaires, then flew down to surround the fire meta and his cronies.
”Okay, maybe the other three drones didn’t make it clear--” the lead drone began, before having to narrowly avoid another globule of superheated goo. Gabriel directed the drone to point his weaponry at the burning man, flying off to what he hoped was out of range of the thermite or whatever superheated flammable substance it was.
Tristan frowned at missing the drone. His hand red hot after firing from his hand at the speaker, hoping to catch him off guard and lower the collecting number. Behind him several Black Project Branch members had raised and opened fire upon the lemon turrets, exploding one while sticky, yellow fluid exploded over some of them. The men found themselves stuck fast in place and ripped away knives to attempt to cut themselves free.
Small, fast firing grapes came spraying from the plant like meta’s morphed arms. When a splash of lemon made contact with Tristan, his surface hissed and the liquid evaporated. His eyes narrowed in distaste at his coat being scorched by the chemical reaction and adjusted his vision toward Evergreen. Before he could react, his ears caught the drone he had missed speak again.
”...All right, sunspot. Game on.” Without another word, the sextet of drones opened fire, plasma and particle beams streaking toward the assemblage of criminals.
Tristan immediately crumbled into a viscous material. His skin become orange with a reddish glow and his form fell to the ground into a puddle, then slid over the terrain easily to avoid the flying grapes, particle beam and plasma aimed at him. Sadly, some of the men weren’t so lucky. Several soldiers suddenly went up into ashes when the fire made contact with their shielding, providing no protection from the advanced weaponry. Their screams died upon their lips midway when their bodies vanished. Tristan cursed under his breath in irritation at the slight decrease individuals to help obtain the virus’ host.
When he reformed, his voice roared over the chaos. “Men focus on the plant meta, I’ve got the drones.”
With those last words, Tristan rushed toward the nearest drone. His speed was incredibly fast that he was almost a blur when he jumped up high then whipped back his fist to smack into the drone’s face. It shattered the upper forehead while his feet pulled in and planted on the drone’s shoulder. He kicked off to sent himself launching toward the second one. Naturally, Icarus’ drones weren’t merely metal fodder. They could think and this one open fired from a plasma gun at its middle forcing Tristan to push out his arms, lava seeping from his skin quickly. In moments it formed a rock hard barrier to shield himself. It wasn’t strong enough though as the plasma cut through it easily and clipped his shoulders.
Tristan cried out in fury, his figure curling up to slam whatever remained of the makeshift shield into the drone’s upper bust. He then fell to the ground, landing on his feet and hand. His durable bones and muscles absorbed the impact preventing damage while his free hand cradled his wound. Hot, orange magma seeped onto the grass.
Meanwhile, Gene Co soldiers opened fire upon Evergreen. There was no bullets flying from their nuzzles, but small dart like devices filled with a blackish liquid. The moment it hit one of the plants, it withered up and turned back into a seed. Some darts came flying into his direction as well.
Evergreen observed the carnage unfolding before him, it seemed so far the plan was working, and the militia was, at the very least kept busy for the moment. Still, he couldn’t help but be somewhat disgusted at what he was seeing on both sides. The fire-based meta seemed to show little regard for the people under his command, his molten form just dissolving everything it touched, and Gabriel was just gunning down the militia left and right with what looked to be no signs of remorse whatsoever.
He realized they had a mission to fulfill but there were some lines you just did not cross and for a moment he pondered what the difference between Heroes and Villains was again, especially when both sides were willing to go to such extreme lengths to attain their goals. However, he was brought out of his thoughts by the sight of his plant allies withering up back into seeds as a result of strange darts filled with black liquid.
Cursing to himself, he called up a shield to block the darts flying at him...only to watch as said shield started to wither away like his constructs. He tore off the shield and tossed it aside before deciding it was time for a bit of hand-to-hand action. He turned and rose his arm in an upward motion, causing the passage way to be quickly flooded by trees with thick bark and incredibly dense bush. It wouldn’t stop their march but at least it would slow them down even more so.
He then turned and glared at the militia, some of them actually appearing to freeze for a second, as if out of being intimidated, before raising their guns again. Jaden wasted no time though, as next thing the two guys in front knew they were sent flying by two sharp, powerful jabs to their ribs before whirling on the spot and delivering a split kick to the side of another guy’s head. Not enough to kill him but enough to ensure he’d be waking up with one heck of a headache.
His reason for going into their midst was simple. Those dart guns were dangerous, and he was betting that these guys weren’t dumb enough to try firing them and risking hitting their own men. Of course, he had briefly forgotten they might have other weapons too...as next thing he knew he found a knife sticking through the front of his chest.
He turned to the guy who had stabbed him and tilted his head as if to say “Really?” before kicking him in the chest hard enough to send him crashing through several of his fellow soldiers, the wound in his chest already gradually healing. Two more goons came at him swinging large combat knives of their own. Jaden was still a bit new to this so he was forced to keep backpedaling and side-stepping their swings, even as parts of plant matter were nicked off him by some lucky slashes.
Scowling, he grabbed both of them by the heads and slammed them together, dazing them long enough to deal several rapid-fast jabs that left them on the ground out of breath and holding their stomachs in pain and agony. He shot out his arm like Batman’s Grappling Hook, grabbed a guy and hauled him over at high speeds before pulling off a clothesline move on him and flooring him to the ground.
“Hey you!” He turned to see one guy lifting an obvious non-issued weapon, a magnum of all things, to his head, grinning,”Dodge this!” He then pulled the trigger, firing a live bullet, causing the warrior to fall to the ground in the midst of the goons who watched him lying there, a large hole in his head, “Heh...nobody can shrug off a bullet to the brain…” The remaining goons looked ready to leave….until…
“Ughh….you know...I’m getting kinda sick of people doing that…” The milita soldiers stopped, all of them freezing like statues...as they turned and saw the plant meta slowly get up off the ground, as if he were a zombie, staggering to his feet, the bullet wound in his head still there, yet somehow it wasn’t stopping him! He reached up a hand to his head...and yanked the bullet out!
“Oh crap...oh crap…” The guy with the magnum looked ready to wet himself, dropping his weapon and backing away, as did the rest. They realized in that moment the truth…
Evergreen hadn’t been taking them seriously...at all. “You know...I think I’m done being nice…” With that, he rose his hands, shifting the density in them to temporarily boost his strength, and then brought them together in a powerful Shockwave Clap that could be heard for miles, the resulting blast of air sending all the soldiers around him flying in all directions.
Several men collapsed, all of them stunned, they crumpled into motionless heaps upon the battlefield. Most of their comrades too busy trying to follow orders while they left their fallen upon the field, their guns raised to fire upon Evergreen again. Another man pulled out a flash bang then pulled the pin, sending it sailing over to Evergreen. The thing impacted upon the ground and went off in hopes to blind him for a moment for one of the darts to hit.
Evergreen looked around, seeing more of the troops approaching him from all directions. He turned in time to see a grenade roll next to his feet. Recognizing it as a flash bang, he lifted an arm to shield his face but was a second too late. The flash was both bright and loud, causing him to stumble backwards while pawing at his eyes, trying to focus. He was defenseless, and he knew it...or was he?
“Have you already forgotten that trick I taught you?” Gaia quipped as he got the impression she was rolling her eyes.
Mentally berating himself for being an idiot, he reached out to his remaining constructs, using them as a type of sonar to track the movements of his enemies as they paraded near the lemon turrets. He rose an arm and fired it out like a whip, it stretched outwards and started lashing about, the cries of soldiers being swept off their feet and sent flying in all directions echoed outwards. Reaching out with his flowers, he shot out another whip which grabbed one guy and swung him, knocking down a bunch of other soldiers.
His vision returning enough to make out some blurry images, his white hair petals stood up on end as he rose his arms, gathering together the remnants of his fallen constructs, them all swirling above his head before he unleashed a massive blizzard of disorientation in the form of petals at the attacking mobs. The earth ripped open as more vines flew out in the hopes of ensnaring any soldiers they grabbed in cocoons.
“Why are they so persistent?” He asked himself mentally, “...Don’t they realize by now that they could all die at any moment?”
“That is just how humans are, Jaden..” Gaia’s voice sighed in dismay, “In pursuit of a cause they will disregard everything else...their morals and even their own sense of self-preservation…”
Gabriel winced repeatedly as more of his drones were dismissed, getting shattered into splinters. This thermite meta was powerful- his very punches tore through LEGIONnaires like tissue paper. Gabriel grit his teeth- this was going to be expensive, depending on how much of the material was actually salvageable. He anticipated at least two or three complete losses. And that was… frustrating.
All righty, then. It’s time to step up my game. A dozen drones assembled in a large circle above the battlefield over the GeneCo reinforcements, plating on their chests opening up to reveal glowing cores, which now started to exude green electrical sparks. Gabriel (figuratively) took a deep breath throughout all of his drones. This was going to hurt- him and the bad guys- but it was better than letting the usual carnage ensue.
Tristan rose, feeling smug despite his injuries, about the destruction he had wrought. His hand dusted off the dirt collected on his shoulder before he realized he and several of his fellow fighters were surrounded by twelve nearly identical drones. Among their ranks were a few of the men that Evergreen had sent flying were still down and unable to help defend themselves. His eyes spied a few smaller groups making their way toward the building only to encounter a few lemons and drones allow the way, barely taking them down without their numbers being thin to a measly one or two. Tristan’s teeth gashed in frustration at the situation as he hated difficult challenges.
That’s when Icarus made his orders, and things got much worse.
Daedalus. Core vent on Units 036-047. Slow burn, non-lethal. Direct it down, I don’t want to hurt anyone on our side.acknowledged. do try and brace yourself, sir, this may sting.Acknowledged. Deploy.The twelve drones glowed with lightning, directing it downward on top of the GeneCo soldiers in a haze, dropping them where they stood like the world’s worst taser. After a few seconds, the rain of green electricity ended. The drones sagged in the air before dismissing themselves in a flurry of pixels. The other drones froze for a split-second before resuming their activities. As it happened, the drone engaged on Mr. Fahrenheit noted his momentary weakness, looping around the side of his shield, charging a particle beam in his palm, taking aim and firing.
Tristan was quick, but not that quick. He was taken off guard when one of the drones rushed him, his hand pressed out to protect his vital organs and hopefully contain the attack. It was a dirty tactic by a hero, attacking a wounded enemy, the man thought while he implicated his counter. His fingers closed in around the muzzle of the particle cannon then jerked back. The palm was hardened by oozing magma solidifying into granite and shield most of his limb below the target area. His foot glowed reddish orange with heat and after he had jerked the cannon downward behind him, his leg kicked up to plant the attack into the drone’s side. His leg cut through it like a hot knife through butter.
The cost was only his hand. It was instantly vaporized. Pain, severe and nearly crippling, caused him to curse out loud announcing that Icarus’ attack had found its mark. The drone crumbled into a semi melted heap as he focused on his gone hand. It wasn’t the first time he had lost his limbs but each still hurt like a mother fucker when it happened. Magma dripped from his stump then slowly oozed out, reforming into another hand and then hardening back into a new limb.
“That was rude and I thought all heroes weren’t killers.” Tristan noted as he took a moment to test his hand. It was fortunate enough that the drone that clashed with him had knocked him out of range of the attack’s focus.
Hydro appeared on the scene watching the battle unfold before his eyes.
”Sorry I’m late guys. Been working on some interesting new abilities I developed from that masked man that kicked my ass. Check it.” Hydro’s arm became encased in ice sharpening to a deadly point. It then morphed into a dead mace which he swung around in front of him
”Pretty neat hey?” Hydro was about to show off some more when he was interrupted by some soldiers. Gathering the moisture around him his body enlarged towering over the men. Pivoting on the spot he swiped the men from in front of him. They were tossed aside. He surveyed his work.
”Alright then bring me up to date Icarus. What we dealing with here?”Gabriel directed another trio of drones in the magma meta’s direction, gritting his teeth in consternation- between his core vent stunt and Mr. Fahrenheit destroying his selves, he was down nearly a full third of his forces.
How bothersome… this is going to be costly to recover from. All three of them began charging weapons, pursuing and keeping the fiery meta engaged and away from the building. Hearing his rhetorical musings to himself, Gabriel decided to answer.
”I try and keep casualties to a minimum, true. But in this circumstance, I’ve had to take a couple of things into account. One, you’re powerful enough to take it. Two, I can’t afford to let you and your men succeed here. Too many lives are riding on me stopping you. If that means I have to shed some blood, then so be it. As for now, I can’t let you go any farther. My apologies.” Feeling anything other than apologetic, all three drones focused a barrage of attacks onto Magma Man’s head at once.
“Noted, but seriously all this for a small little trollop?” Tristan asked, a little annoyed by the drone’s slightly cryptic answer. It was clear why the ‘hero’ was doing this but to the experiment felt it was a little too much risk for little gain and frowned when the three drones charged their weapons. His figure immediately rolled on his back, clearing himself of the attack when the three fired, as his body melted into a thick, fiery substance. It blacken the very earth he touched while he shifted around behind the first drone.
His form jerked into the air then slammed a heated punch through the center of the drone’s torso. His hand coming out the middle only to be blasted off seconds later. Tristan cursed again then retracted his arm stump and glared at the responsible drone that fired upon him. He spat, “You dirty little cheat.”
Without wasting too much time, he bolted to the next one. The drones fired, forcing him into a zigzag pattern as he drew near. When just a foot away, he jumped and kicked its side. It plowed with surprising force it dented then collided with the other where the two drones exploded. Tristan was breathing hard on the landing. His internal temperature was rising with the activity causing a dangerously wicked grin to crack across his lips. His figure slowly rose from his crouched position upon landing.
Just then, thankfully, came a welcome distraction. One of the LEGIONnaires was addressed by Dr. Parkmen, who seemed to have recovered enough from earlier to contribute. He directed another drone toward him.
”Well, as you can see, the enemy has reinforcements,” mentioned the drone closest to Jacob.
”Right now, my prime self is inside, trying to locate Racheli and extract her, but… it’s not going as well as I’d like. There one meta in particular inside giving me hassle. Magicians…” he growled.
”What we need to do now is to keep the enemy from getting into the building,” mentioned the other drone.
”If they get inside, things become that much more complicated.””What we need now is chaos- disrupt the enemy lines, keep them from getting into the facility. Think you can do that, Doctor?”Hydro listened to the robot intently nodding.
”I could physically block the door if you want? Like freeze my body and stop them getting in? Or do you want a hand with this pyromaniac?” Hydro absorbed more moisture from the air become even larger than he was originally.
”I mean you chuck water over a fire to put it out. Right?””As logical as that sounds, no. He seems to literally be composed of some sort of thermite substance- water would only exacerbate the issue, and most likely kill you, as well. I need you to stay mobile- these troops have weapons with unusual properties. The plant kid’s creations wither whenever they get hit by them. If all else fails, then yes, block the entrance entirely. Maybe your new ice abilities can resist whatever effects their weapons have on you. For now, just make ‘em suffer. Knock their weapons out of their hands, trip them up, whatever you can do to confuse them further than they already are.”Evergreen looked up at hearing new voices and one look over revealed that Hydro had joined the fray, causing him to breath a small sigh of relief. “Thank goodness for small miracles…” He turned towards the army of soldiers as more and more seemed to pour in and march on his position, “You lot should really pack up now and go home…” In response, one of the soldiers fired their dart gun, causing him to rise up a wall of vines to block it, only to watch as they withered away.
“...Not gonna listen, eh?” Jaden looked down for a moment as he pitied these poor folk for seemingly throwing their lives away for nothing. “...Not a single one of you plan to listen…alright then. If that is your wish…” He looked up, his eyes now a brighter shade of green than before. “...Let’s go...Gaia!”
From his chest emerged the green light from before and for a moment, if one looked closely they might see a small pixie-like creature within the light whom opened her eyes and caused the remaining plants in the area to start flying towards their position. The pixie-like creature vanished back into Evergreen as their entire body began bursting with green energy. Their form seeming to stretch out and warp and twist, as if something else was taking over, when it settled...well..
The figure was humanoid in many ways with smooth arms and legs with some sort of white and green gown covering their entire form. They wore some sort of top that looked more akin to armor on their top half and the sleeves coming to cover the top parts of their hands. Their attire looked to be a mix of plants of all breeds as did their hair which flowed down their back with flowers blooming on the sides of their head. Finally, eyes opened on its face which seemed somewhat feminine in design as a green eye mask covered their face, the edges sharpening like horns.
The entity looked down at their hands for a moment...as the goons surrounding them fired off all their darts at the same time...only for the figure to morph into a cloud of leaves and vanish. Before they knew what was happening, a bunch of vines shot from the ground and ensnared them all. Even larger roots ripped from the earth and started flipping over trucks though avoiding hurting anybody. The ground tore itself open as oversized flowers rose up and their petals began rotating at high speeds, blowing powerful winds to knock the other soldiers off their feet.
The figure reformed on top of one of their plants and the voice that spoke now was...oddly feminine, “You know, I was starting to wonder if you would ever let me join the fun, my dear champion..”
Their eyes suddenly narrowed as they looked off somewhere else and a male voice was heard, “Gaia, this isn’t the time. Can we please focus on stopping this madness before a certain IDIOT decides to start shooting up the place again?” The figure then leaped off and went to work.
Another soldier jerked a flash bang from his vest then pulled the pin, his arm tossed back then let it fly. Several more applied suppressive fire upon the dress wearing hero whose looks had taken on a more feminine appeal. Light bursted out of their muzzles then began to pellet several plants and the target with darts, several of the support which Gaia had created crumbled back into their original shape while they turned their focus on Evergreen. Behind them, loud roars of gun fire deafen several as Icarus’ drones zipped around to create mayhem. One of the trucks that had been driven closer went up in flames suddenly with a huge bang. The remains were nothing but twisted metal and fire, no one within thankfully.
”Kill me? Been sometime since i’ve ever been worried about dying. These powers are as much of a curse as they are, can have their perks. Well I’ll try my best at least. One inconvenience coming up!” Saluting the drone Hydro’s body melted into the ground. The large puddle moved slowly towards the entrance of the building become larger and larger until it covered most of the courtyard. The soldier paid little attention the large volume of water at their feeting splashing through it to carry out their orders. Once Hydro was sure he had enough of the area covered to cause the maximum amount of nuisance he spoke. His voice echoing from the ground.
”Remember my name evil doers.”The large puddle of water hardened turning the courtyard into an ice rink. Several of the soldier lost their footing due to the sudden change in the ground, sliding gracelessly across the slippery surface. The soldier quickly adapted to the change in the ground. Hydro smiled instantly his voice once again echoing from the ice.
”It’s Hydro!” The courtyard was filled suddenly with spikes of varying sizes that erupted from the ground. Some of the less fortunate soldiers feet were skewered, though Hydro was careful not to kill any of them. The menacing spikes shifted when the soldiers tried to destroy them, repairing themselves and herding them off the ice. Hydro surveyed his work through a particularly large spike. The entire courtyard in front of the building was now a spiked minefield slowing the advance of the soldiers and in some places even cutting them off.
”Do you think that’s enough? Should slow them down right?”Helping each other, the soldiers quickly cleared the field. It wasn’t easy as several were badly wounded and bleeding out, through many of the wounds looked nonlethal. Oddly enough the being controlling the water turned ice had allowed the injured men to make it back through the makeshift mine field as long as they didn’t go forward toward the building entrance. Being patched up, one of the men took a grenade and pulled pin. His arm wound back then fling it as far into the spiked field as possible. It sailed over a few spikes before being stopped in mid-air by one and came tumbling down into the ground.
In seconds it exploded sending ripples through the ice.
Hydro was amused at the men as they tried to breach the spiked field he had laid before them. He was not heartless monster and coerced those who were injured and allowed them free passage to safely. However the grenade had caught him by surprise. The high pitched noise the grenade made disturbed Hydro greatly. He cried in surprise as he felt his body rippling . The ice field became chaos spikes appearing at random, some even shattering. Hydro detached himself from the field and staggered away.
The field instantly stopped deforming but Hydro couldn’t risk another lucky hit. Shouting towards the drone he said.
”That’s the best I can do I’m afraid. Can’t risk having my body splattered again. Should slow them down in the meantime though.”Gabriel’s attention diverted from the magma man meta when he registered the unique keening of a sonic weapon of some sort, sending ripples across the battlefield, and especially affecting his liquid ally, rendering him unable to continue the fight for now. Gabriel’s mouth twisted in displeasure, but he had to let Jacob go- it was too much of a risk for him to stay here.
”Don’t worry about it, Ja-- er, Hydro!” shouted the drone nearest to the good doctor.
”Fall back, try and clear our escape as much as possible- my prime is almost at the objective!”He began directing his drones to surround the Ironworks, covering entrances and key defensive weaknesses that someone might try and take advantage of. He aimed them all outward, taking potshots at anyone who grew too close. He directed a drone to each of his allies, broadcasting his voice and intentions to them.
”Hold on for just a little longer, then we can retreat with my friend. Don’t take any unnecessary risks, and keep our escape routes clear. I leave it to you- just buy me a little more time!”Huh...he keeps this up and MAYBE I won't reprimand him once this whole mess is over with… Evergreen mentioned to his/herself, in relation to Hydro’s efforts, as he called up a wall of trees with one hand to block the onslaught of flash bangs and darts. His construct started to collapse...only for them to raise their hands and clap loudly, sending a massive blast of air that turned the falling wall into a rain of projectiles that knocked the soldiers off their feet.
He spotted the drone coming up to them and relaying the message. The entity nodded its head, “Understood, we’ll buy you as much time as we can, but please try to hurry.”
They turned and shifted the density of their body as they stomped the ground, releasing an even more powerful shockwave that hit all the soldiers on the other side of them and sent them flying like bean bags. With a mere thought, the earth ripped itself open as dozens, if not hundreds, of flowers suddenly emerged from the bowels, only the size of footballs with long stringy legs and eyes in their faces.
The swarm quickly scurried across the field towards the militia who tried to use flash bangs and shoot them with darts and although they managed to get several, a good number of them were quickly overwhelmed as the living flowers leaped into the air and latched onto them, some began spewing out a gaseous substance that would eventually lull them to sleep.
Sensing something behind him/her, they stood their with their back turned, "...I was beginning to wonder when you would take notice of me..." They looked over their shoulder at the approaching Tristan to address him, "...I don't suppose you can be convinced to just call it a night and go home, Mr...?"
“Tristan and it’s rather to hard to ignore someone in my way. Especially a guy in a dress.” Tristan stated, his hand fully recovered and getting his second wind. His figure seemed to resonate heat from a few inches off his person and burn the very air around him, his eyes glowing a strong orange thanks to the light casted off his figure. One could only imagine what touching his flesh might’ve been like. His hands raised to his side as he let flames collect and condense into a small ball about the size of a major league baseball. His lips smirked with enjoyment nearing manic.
“Let’s dance.” He tossed a flaming ball at Evergreen/Gaia as he jerked to the side, his steps leaving blacken steps where his legs carried him.
Evergreen could feel their eye twitching at the mention of being referred to as “a guy in a dress”. Seeing the fireball incoming, they called up one of the trees which used itself as shield before he suddenly began backpedaling away, hands transforming into flower cannons as its hair strands also rose up to fire off bullet seeds at the menace before them.
Their senses reached out, hoping to bring to the surface any sorts of trees that were resistant to flames. However, it would take time for this to work, so they knew they would have to tough it out for the time being. They aimed their flower cannons and began shooting more of those explosive grapes, only this time aiming towards using their sticky sap in order to impede Tristan’s progress. Evergreen would do all they could to buy Gabriel the time he needed to save Racheli.
Tristan held out his hands. Flames came forward and incarnated the seed as he felt a slight pain on his shoulder, his head turned to briefly acknowledge the cut across his coat. It went deep causing blood to be drawn and seep into the ground. He frowned and turned up the heat another notch, inhaling deeply. His head looked up in time to see several purple colored bullets coming at him forcing him to erect a defense as he side stepped, a hardened magma shield placed between him and the exploding grapes. Their juices dripped and fell to the ground creating a sticky situation that clung to his shoes, tangling him up. After a few moments of the heat being applied, the sticky threads fell away and burned to a crisp.
His figure rushed forward with shot to the gut while he tossed out his second fireball, the blaze rushing to catch any organic bullets fired at him.
Evergreen narrowed their eyes at seeing how this juggernaut just was not going to stop. Of course, maybe he should’ve expected this. After all, the dude was made of frekkin lava! The number of things that can even scratch an individual like that could quite
Likely be counted on one’s hands. He was at a major disadvantage and knew it...but this was not the time for doubts, even as they felt their air around them heating up.
They knew they couldn’t be on the defensive forever...so they decided to try a different tactic. The earth ripped itself open as multiple trees shot up like makeshift shields to hopefully slow down the entity. With a nod, the giant flowers that doubled as wind turbines turned and began blowing wind at high speeds in Tristan’s direction.
With but another thought, Evergreen’s entire density and composition changed, giving them incredibly strong and flame-resistant bark. Their fists changing shape into massive clubs, as did their hair, they reared back...and stomped the earth, sending out a massive shockwave before rushing towards them, enduring the heat even as part of their makeshift armour got scorched, and proceeded to lay into their opponent with a barrage of rapid-fire jabs and crushing blows.
Tristan immediately darted to the side, narrowly missing the first tree that sprouted upright. His shoulder still stung while he pushed past and tried to blow him back with high winds. The man’s figure hunched down and gripped the ground, burning in to find purchase. His teeth gritted and his heat fed, but his figure getting no closer. Suddenly one of the Gene Co soldiers tossed a grenade into the nearest propeller. The rotating petals impacted with the explosive and quickly died, taking off the head of the first target and several others nearby.
They crumbled into topless stalks as the wind died. However their roots raised and created a shockwave, sending him hitting the ground hard. In the background an EMP was set off. It waved into the air and all around, disabling the drones almost instantly. They fell from the air and rained down as nothing more than shells.