"*Yawn* Nuuu, I wanna sleep. Don't wake me."
Name:Laurencia Beaumont
'Cia' or 'Larua' will do nicely.
Appearance:Standing at a fairly tall five foot seven, the young Paladin has a somewhat large frame and has obvious muscles that one might expect of a knight. Laura sports long, beautiful golden color hair that falls to her waist and usually tied up in a long ponytail. Blue azure colored eyes attentively search the area, looking for evil doers and anyone she could possibly help with her abilities. She has a fairly pale, soft and unblemished complexion that one might expect of someone of a noble background. The blond would probably be considered fairly attractive, and was often considered by her classmates to be the most attractive girl in their class.
As far as clothing, most of the time she wears her standard holy armor given to all paladin recruits. Light, but durable steel plate covers most of her upper body, with metal boots to protect the feet worn over durable blue cloth. The armor itself is silver in color, sporting decorative gold trimming and feathers embossed on the metal to give it a more holy and angelic look. At her waist, rests a belt with various pouches and a sheathe that is strapped to her right side where her long sword rests.
Backstory:Personality:Confident, self assured, somewhat playfully mischievous...and really, really, goddamn bored with her life. Or perhaps its apathy towards Vyella and the Paladins in general? Either way, this general boredom has translated to a somewhat lazy and lackadaisical attitude towards most things. She finds it hard to get motivated towards anything work related. As such, its difficult to get her to do anything. She prefers eating, sleeping, watching clouds roll by and generally not doing anything at all. She says its not because she's lazy, but because there's genuinely nothing that has interested her in her life.
Laura is friendly enough, as long as someone doesn't try to push her into doing work she has no interest in. In such a case, she can become rather snarky and antagonistic in her behaviors and will likely avoid doing whatever it is she has been told too. That said, if she's found something she really likes doing, then you can expect her to do it to the best of her ability. Doesn't really help much, but if she thinks she can get something good out of working in the long run (food, being able to laze about more) Then she'll be a surprisingly efficient worker. That said, she loses interest in things quickly if they become run of the mill or happen to often. She likes a little variety in the work place.
The only thing she has ever shown to repeatedly show interest in, is fighting. Its about one of the only things someone can motivate her with. If on the off chance she gets motivated for any reason, that lazy and apathetic attitude is lost and is replaced by one that is confident, cocky, excitable and more than a little sadistic. If its a goal she's working towards, you can expect her to go after it with the stubbornness of a bull, even becoming perhaps a little reckless in the endeavor.
Abilities:Weapon Master:Laura has been trained in the use of most physical based weapons. Greatswords, One handed swords, Spears, halberds, etc, you name it and she has some skill in using them. Her favored weapon and the one she's most skilled with, though is a large two-handed Claymore, however and her choice of weapon. However, when she was expelled from the church the holy sword was taken from her and she has resorted to using a normal long sword for now.
Shield Bearer:She has of course, also been trained in the use of shields. While her preferred fighting style is a large two-handed Claymore, she uses a shield with smaller weapons such as swords, halberds, or spears. She is fairly decent at using medium sized shields to deflect blows and block damage. Often, she uses her right arm for carrying them.
Blacksmith:It should also be noted, she's pretty good with a forge. While she's not some master level smith, she does have knowledge of basic techniques and could probably create some pretty cool things with the right materials. Granted, she's not going to be creating god tier weapons and items just yet, but its a useful skill to have regardless.
Physical Strength, Stamina, Endurance and Agility:As a trained knight and swordsman, its rather obvious she has the stamina and physical abilities of one. The training the Paladins of Vyella go through are incredibly harsh and demanding. Some may even end up being killed during it. As such, even compared to common soldiers Laura would be at an incredible advantage against them in terms of her physical abilities. Her body has been conditioned to be at the highest peak condition for a human to possibly achieve without the aid of magic or otherworldly influences in some fashion.
Holy Magic:As a paladin, she has been trained in the basic holy arts. Healing, defensive spells, and otherwise spells that could grant one protection from evil. She's not exactly the best skilled with these things, and as such she has only a basic understanding and usage of them.
Cleansing Light:
Healing light envelops the area around the caster, mending wounds and calming those who are suffering from terror and keeps them calm. As far as healing spells go, its fairly basic and not going to be saving anyones life if they have a life threatening wound, but it'll keep them from getting such wounds probably.
Shield of the Vyella: A strong barrier of light is erected in front of the user, forming a shield in front of them to protect from ranged attacks, physical and magical.
Other:Is in fact, left handed.
Is a fairly competent cook, surprisingly.