@Sagittarius I CoULd hAVe MaNY MorE FrIEnDs BY KiDnaPPinG YoU AlL AnD SacRIfICiNg yOU To THe GrEAt LoRD SaTAn.
BlEEd yOu DRy, CaRVe OpeN YoUR DrY CorPSeS, anD BoIL yoUR FLesH, HaIR AnD BOnEs in YoUr blOOd.
HaIL saTaN
hAIl SAtaN
@Sagittarius Demons make wonderful friends! Organs mean nothing to me if I have FrIEnDs~!
Thinking of this all in context of the setting's demons is... interesting, to say the least.
... Mostly because it is absolutely no-where near what the setting's demons actually do.