@megatrash 'gedenk te sterven' is how we call it in the netherlands. i guess it translates to like, 'remember death' or something like that. basically @wolf paws it's a religious thing in those days that essentially said 'you can do as you please in your mortal life, but remember that you will die, and remember that there will be judgement' so it was basically telling people to be pious, good christians because one day they would meet death and be judged.
@Buddha Yep! Many cultures/religions have their own variety of the phrase or belief. I'm not at all religious, but I am very accepting of my mortality (almost fascinated by it?) and try to make the most of the time I've been given.
@Nytem4re why ever would you have a rattlesnake as your profile pic ;-; have you ever dealt with one? they are frightening, terrifying, heart-tearing.
and now they don't even rattle they just sit there, let you step over them, around them, and will only strike if you actually hit them-- which is far too close to escape.
and naw, the quality's fine, bud. Looking like a not-loser!