Name: Kyle Parker
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 226 lbs
Likes: Gaming, computers, metal, chillstep, spirituality, weed, work, a woman's eyes (he's a sucker for them)
Dislikes: large groups of people, cleaning, drama, horror, universities
Party Trick: Has surprisingly strong and dexterous feet (example: could catch a thrown ball and throw it back just as hard)
Profession: Works as an Apprentice Optician in a small glasses boutique called "An Eye for Fashion"
Bio/Personality: Kyle is a fierce individual, a passionate young man with the determination and confidence to back it up, but with enough understanding to process taken information and give a proper response, often with unexpected wisdom. Because of this his demeanor and low even toned voice can often relax people and a smile could brighten up anyone's day. There are times that he has bouts of anger, but more often than not he'll only get mad if someone really messes up.
Kyle originally came to Japan from America to study in university, after only attending university for a few semesters, it dawned on him that he hated schooling, but came to love the country he'd spent his time in. Kyle was determined to remain in Japan, even filing for a work visa and looking for any business willing to hire him in Shine City, most places unfortunately turned him down, that is until he came upon a little glasses boutique. Inside he met with the owner, a kindly old gentleman, Mr. Hiroshi, who would take Kyle under his wing and teach him all he needed to work in the glasses industry. With a new job and a place to sleep at night, Kyle had found his home.
Since Season 2: Kyle has pretty much kept to himself this whole while, the only real difference is that he's cut his hair significantly shorter.