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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Guy of Z

Stifling a shout of surprise at the CR chamber getting shaken to the Medbay floor by Sideways' little escapade, Sixshot notices that the fall had caused the chamber's opening to become slightly ajar; greeting his optics with a dull, sterile light. Hardly expecting any help from whatever cybertronians and/or mechanical life-forms that put him in the thing in the first place, the Ex-Con mercenary simply helps himself out of the device with some difficulty due to his stay in the chamber failing to completely restore his servomotors and hydraulics to peak efficiency before he rolls out onto the floor.

"Now what?"

Running a self-diagnostic, he realizes that most of his built-in weapons were rendered inoperable; either due to damage or through a mode-locking device or program his gracious hosts have put into him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Guy of Z

Stifling a shout of surprise at the CR chamber getting shaken to the Medbay floor by Sideways' little escapade, Sixshot notices that the fall had caused the chamber's opening to become slightly ajar; greeting his optics with a dull, sterile light. Hardly expecting any help from whatever cybertronians and/or mechanical life-forms that put him in the thing in the first place, the Ex-Con mercenary simply helps himself out of the device with some difficulty due to his stay in the chamber failing to completely restore his servomotors and hydraulics to peak efficiency before he rolls out onto the floor.

"Now what?"

Running a self-diagnostic, he realizes that most of his built-in weapons were rendered inoperable; either due to damage or through a mode-locking device or program his gracious hosts have put into him.

Cybertronian soldiers came rushing past to intercept Sideways escape
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sixshot watches with quiet bewilderment at what he just saw run past him.

"Genericons... Must be backwater pirates or a warlord, things looked like early war vintage..."

Finally picking himself up, the mercenary decided to go the opposite direction of where the genericons are heading and with any luck; encounter more of them or a map terminal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Seiryu


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Seiryu>

"An Alien city! But there has been people on mars for decades...how come no one has seen this before"

"Maybe they didn't want to be seen"

The city sent forward a probe

"We're picking up a huge surge of energy...We're under attack!" Ebony preemptively attacked the probe with missiles which annihilated the city in a blinding flash.

The once golden glow turned bright red and white.

"What have we done?"

"It was coming straight for us!"

"It could have been some kind of scan!"

"Come on Paul what were you expecting me to do wait until we were blown to pieces before firing back?"

"We've destroyed the whole city..."

A green circle appeared before them and the city miraculously returned

"Not yet we haven't. Let get out of here!"

Outrage they felt, absolute outrage. His people were destroyed in the blast even though he could recreate himself he could not recreate them. These insects had doomed his people to extinction, they had to repay these fools in kind.

The duo sped away from the city and a second probe was sent to intercept them.

They were perused until they ran down a hill and crashed into a land formation

Three green circles hovered around the vehicle

"Earthmen this is the voice of the Hystorons, we have watched you for centuries your violence disgusts us...and now you visit it upon us. You cannot destroy us earthmen but now we will crush your world."

A large green light visited them both and all the two men could do is scream in terror.

Mars Surface

Mikhail frowned as a distress signal was broadcast before being cut off by the announcement of the Hystorons.

'Are these a rogue group of transformers? Their involvement has done nothing but ruin Earth, now Mars too...?'

Mikhail sets off to the Mars base's outskirts muttering to himself,
"HQ should have heard of this by now, I'll have to head there myself then"

After reaching the outpost without further incident Mikhail decided a personal meeting might be the better course of action as nothing had been received since the announcement by the Hystorons. Turning to the man posted out front,

"Guard, please inform the captain LJG Meyer has arrived and wishes to report about the current situation"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Post Slam

In the possible future

Hiver had to keep running

Legion had destroyed everything in its wake with their Neo Centurio units which had somehow managed to be composed of reverse engineered blitz engines and even Transtech tech in addition to nanomachine technology from a distant future. Even the forces of SLAM (Squad of Legionaries for Alternative Menace) could not stand against them in especially after Spike, D and Joji's tragic deaths to a deadly transwarp virus after their victory against Unicron.

Before the virus took him D with his lover Aki took on to training a new generation of Tekkaman which Hiver was a part of.

But even with them and the combined forces of SLAM could stand against the forces of Legion and the assorted otherwordly threats summoned by the cataclysm.

Hiver was the only one left now along with an enigmatic former SLAM member named....Aaron.

Hiding in a cardbord box with the words gundma Scribbled on it Hiver and Aaron crept into the facility.

Entering the facilty the came across a distressing sight

Gihren Zabi in the flesh

"Mr Gentles I was expecting you. You are sadly too late my time machine is already operational. It can only take one person at a time but a single Legion should suffice!"

"NO! I won't allow you to make Dan and D's deaths in vain!"

Hiver tried blasting Zabi but a barrier surrounded him

"Fool girl, I will show you the power of GUNDAM KILLER!"

"Hiver go now! Before the Legion gets there first!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

Mars Surface

Mikhail frowned as a distress signal was broadcast before being cut off by the announcement of the Hystorons.

'Are these a rogue group of transformers? Their involvement has done nothing but ruin Earth, now Mars too...?'

Mikhail sets off to the Mars base's outskirts muttering to himself,
"HQ should have heard of this by now, I'll have to head there myself then"

After reaching the outpost without further incident Mikhail decided a personal meeting might be the better course of action as nothing had been received since the announcement by the Hystorons. Turning to the man posted out front,

"Guard, please inform the captain LJG Meyer has arrived and wishes to report about the current situation"

at the base alarms went off

Unidentified flying objects had been spotted

Several saucer like objects combatting each other
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Seiryu


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Seiryu>

at the base alarms went off

Unidentified flying objects had been spotted

Several saucer like objects combatting each other

Mikhail quickly looked Around as the Alarm went off before silently cursing to himself.
"We don't have time for this, we need to inform command of the situation immediately!"
'Perfect time to be near headquarters when the Delta is back at the hanger!'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Guy of Z>

Mikhail quickly looked Around as the Alarm went off before silently cursing to himself.
"We don't have time for this, we need to inform command of the situation immediately!"
'Perfect time to be near headquarters when the Delta is back at the hanger!'

The Vegan scouts combed the area.

They needed to hurry before the immanent Jovian/Grandosian/Zorbados taskforce arrived and occupied the ruins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I really don't see what choice we have in the matter." Megatron offered his opinion.

"Agreed..." Brainwave reluctantly accepted the situation. "I don't look forward to the moment he decides he doesn't need us anymore though."

"Yes, well no sane person would." Megatron looked over the rest of the group such as it was. "Does the peanut gallery have anything else to add before we recommence Operation Chase the Troll? Or are you all content to stand around like useless dunces? Because I just love having useless dunces around, especially the part when I find convenient ways for them to die."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"C-can Waspinator go now?"

"By Primus's Glory I will do whatever it takes to stop this catastrophe megatron!"


Heinrad was on the ground sleeping with a can of oil beside him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Wow, the heroes of the story ladies and gentlemen, just look at them go! Clearly the perfect team to take down one of the most infamous tricksters in history. I'm honestly starting to think we might be better off on our own here, what do you think Joe?"

Megatron simply shrugged. "Truth be told we could probably do with a few free meat shields for the time being."

"Oh joy..." Was the only response the Transtech could muster before opening his com. "Rastun, get over here. We've had a slight change in plans."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"That dammed Sideways. He summoned me alone to insure his own safety why if I had my renagades with me I could probably storm into that pathetic battleship."

Cy-Kill grumbled to himself while walking.

"Oh well whats the threat of one transtech a Megatron knockoff & random misfits from the Universe war? Bwahahaha!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Wow, the heroes of the story ladies and gentlemen, just look at them go! Clearly the perfect team to take down one of the most infamous tricksters in history. I'm honestly starting to think we might be better off on our own here, what do you think Joe?"

Megatron simply shrugged. "Truth be told we could probably do with a few free meat shields for the time being."

"Oh joy..." Was the only response the Transtech could muster before opening his com. "Rastun, get over here. We've had a slight change in plans."

"On my way," he replies. Rastun heads for the area where the mechs are usually docked, then takes out the device Brainwave constructed for him and presses the bottom button to take out the Astafanel from its transwarp space storage. As he went into his mech's cockpit, he immediately flies off toward their location.

Arriving within Liege Maximo's flagship, Rastun finds his two companions.

"What is it this time?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cy-Kill was unprepared for the new mech

"hm, seems I will need to use my guile for this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Deathsaurer>

"On my way," he replies. Rastun heads for the area where the mechs are usually docked, then takes out the device Brainwave constructed for him and presses the bottom button to take out the Astafanel from its transwarp space storage. As he went into his mech's cockpit, he immediately flies off toward their location.

Arriving within Liege Maximo's flagship, Rastun finds his two companions.

"What is it this time?"

"Well it seems that our gracious master manipulator has decided to let Sideways think he escaped so he will lead us to the device creating the second anomaly. Before we proceed on this oh-so-fun misadventure of once again chasing one of our most renowned troublemakers across god knows what dimensions I wanted you to see the data from the ruins for yourself since they represent the end result of the second anomaly."

Brainwave calls up the relevant data on a nearby console. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rastun sighs in exasperation yet again, but if he was being honest with himself, he never expected good news in the first place. To top off Sideways's escape, there was whatever data Brainwave wanted him to look at. As he examines it, Rastun realizes that it's as bad as he feared. Several hundred timelines and dimensions were merged in that location, similar to the universe he came from. They needed to find the cause of this second anomaly as soon as possible. The more immediate problem is Sideways though, and he's probably connected to the anomaly somehow anyway.

"So, how many cities are we going to decimate in our second attempt at catching Sideways? I assume you have an idea how to start this off."

However, Rastun takes the first step and takes out his bottle of aspirin, gulping down two pills.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well there's the rub. We don't want to catch him. At least not yet. We just want to spook him so he hopefully leads us to what we're all looking for." Megatron interjected.

"The good news is this area is so dimensionally unstable that Sideways left a trackable transwarp signal." The Transtech added. "The bad news is regardless of his earlier performance he is incredibly competent and he hasn't begun to use his full bag of tricks yet. The only real way to deal with him is to slowly work your way through them all. Also possible bad news, the ship doesn't really have working long term transwarp drive yet, just an emergency escape jump. I wasn't really expecting this sort of scenario so I didn't prioritize it. As such we'll be chasing him on foot so to speak. Is everyone excited?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was very fortunate that Rastun took those aspirin pills beforehand. "Yet another round of fun. How could I not be?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cy-Kill transwarped to swindle Swindle & Swindle to pick up a zod drone

"Ok how about this Cyber planet Key I swiped off Sideways when he wasn't looking?"

"Ehhhhh If its from sideways Im betting its fake & he let you take it to screw with you."
"Oh damnation! Fine how about this mars rock from some strange ruins I found?"

"Hmmmm could be some alien mcguffin for future use. Fine sold."

Cy-Kill returned to Mars with Zod.

"Now Zod attack!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Deathsaurer


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Suddenly Liege Maximo's ship started shaking like it was under fire.

"Are we under attack? Literally who would be that stupid?"

Unfortunately the ancient Prime was wondering the exact same thing. Opening a com channel on the terminal the group was viewing he demanded answers. "Transtech, explain!"

"Uh... I'm gonna need more details than that Liege Maximo."

"Why exactly is there GoBot trash attacking my ship?"

Brainwave scratched his head in confusion. "GoBot? Are you sure?"

"See for yourself." The panel switched over to an external video feed.

"Huh, what do you know. A Zod. Where the hell did that come fro... Oh crap, don't tell me this is Cy-Kill."

"Well whoever it is you'd better deal with them! NOW!" And with his point made the Prime closed the com channel.
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