Tsuihō Yukima

"Hehe, someone's gotta do the dirty jobs in this world...might as well be someone who enjoys it, heh~"
Standing at roughly 5'6", Tsuihō isn't the most intimidating of people, which often makes people underestimate her. She has obvious muscles on her lithe body, so it is clear she does take care of her physical abilities. She has short cut black hair with dark colored skin. A black fox tail swishes behind her playfully. She has bright, amber eyes. Most of the time she's dressed rather simply, in a somewhat elegant fashion reminiscent of a priestess of some sort.
Other times, though, she wears something a bit more form fitting and concealing. Consisting of a fox shaped mask, long black stockings and a tight fitting Cheongsam, and sporting a number of melee weapons on her body.
RaceKitsune/Fox Demi human
Divine ProtectionDivine Protection of EvasionSimply put, it bestows upon the user a sort of 'Sixth sense' that will allow them to always be able to evade/Parry/Block something should they desire, granted they are physically capable of doing so. For the average person this would probably have been a useless blessing, but for Tsuihō, this skill is invaluable to an assassin such as her. It is indeed a powerful blessing, but it does have its drawbacks.
For one, she can only evade attacks she knows about. Meaning, sneak/surprise attacks are always going to work to an extent, granted she doesn't know anything is amiss. Easy to read frontal attacks are not going to work so well. Two, she must be physically capable of dodging something. If the attack covers too large of an area for her to dodge, of course she can't suddenly teleport away. Magic works quite well against her. Also dragging the battle out is likely to make her combat effectiveness go down. Likewise, numbers would be your best friend when fighting her as it gives her less room to move about when fighting multiple opponents. She can handle two or three, but anything more attacking at the same time tends to get troublesome.
The rule of thumb is: If she expects an attack, she can dodge or parry it if physically possible for her.
Tsuihō's personality is 100% deceiving. A lot of the time she comes off as a bit of a klutz and a mischievous, but kind hearted jokester that is always up to some small shenanigan or prank. Indeed, she appears to be a very friendly sort, the type of person who'd be the first to attempt to make friends with everyone around her. She doesn't take most things seriously, and will often laugh at most things that happen. Very few things seriously faze her, and its very rare to see her outwardly angry.
That's of course, just a clever seeming facade. Truthfully, Tsuihō is a manipulative, condescending, woman that doesn't like others too much. This personality isn't known by most people of course, as she prefers to keep a friendly facade as it helps with her line of work. So, she might appear to be your best friend one minute...and then stab you in the back the next and do it all with a smile. Granted, she doesn't go around killing just anyone - but she's an assassin by trade, and she does her job well and doesn't like anyone getting in her way.
She'll be your 'friend' as long as you don't get in the way of a job, or call her a bad person for her chosen profession. of course, she is rather fickle in her choice of job.
As far as Tsuihō goes, she's had a rather...normal life growing up. She was raised in Lugnica, right in the capital and has been there for most of her life. As a kid, she was born to two demi human parents, and was raised as such. Her father, of which, was a fairly competent assassin/hitman for some of the nobility. He of course, kept his family in the dark about this profession for quite a bit of their life but eventually after being nearly fatally wounded and almost lost both his wife and daughter, he decided to put Tsuihō's blessing to use.
So he trained her in the art of subterfuge and assassination. Short Swords, daggers, throwing knives, moving unseen, etc. Everything a good assassin/infiltrator might need to survive. At the time, she was learning simply so if something like that happened again, she could defend herself. As time passed though, and her father got older and retired, there was a convenient spot that her father left open. One day, when she was sixteen she just happened to be conveniently approached by an old employer of her fathers. He heard of both her blessing and talents, and decided to see if she would be up for taking her fathers mantle. Considering her family was a bit strapped for money, she didn't refuse.
She was a natural, at it, and quickly made a name for herself that if someone wanted something 'cleaned up' she was a person that could get it done quickly, effeciently, and quietly. That's been her life since then, and she's been involved in quite a few scandals and political ploys by the nobles of Lugnica.
Dislikes-Boring people
-self righteous knights/people
-People who can't take a joke
-People who are overly serious
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