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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Addison peaked out of the alleyway once more, this time determined to figure out what the hell had happened to her. Taking one strong step forward, she entered the grand market, surrounded by so many foreign creatures and sights. Despite the subtle dire tone of the situation, Addison could not help but be in slight awe at the sight before her. "It's almost just like those crappy online RPGs I used to play back in the day..." she quietly muttered herself as she shuffled through the crowd. For the most part, she ignored the very obvious stares she was getting. "I get, I get it. Camouflage such as this isn't exactly a thing for you guys!" she thought, slightly frustrated.

Addison was so wrapped up in the sights and her thoughts that she nearly ran over a poor small local.

"Hello miss. You have quite some different clothes on. I never seen them before in my life. Are they for work or did you come from a different country perhaps nya."

Addison looked down at the girl in front of her. Addison's right eye twitched a bit, but other than that, she seemed to return the friendly smile with one of her own. That little twitch was the result of years upon years of training, self control, and discipline. For Addison had suddenly been possessed with the urge to simply pick up this cat girl before her and cuddle her to death. The most adorable thing Addison could have ever dreamed of was standing in front her, now seemingly embarrassed by her meow, and it took all of Addison's will power to restrain herself.

Calming herself, Addison now began to take the situation a little bit more seriously. "How does one go about explaining this? Should I just role with it, pretend I'm from some faraway land....? Yeah... probably should." She thought before answering. Shrugging with a huff, she smiled at the girl.

"How could you guess? It's every day that someone like me strolls into... umm.. town." Addison awkwardly finished. She had just realized she had no idea where she was exactly. "I've traveled from a very far away place. So far, in fact, that I'm utterly exhausted from the journey. I can't even remember where this exactly is. Heh he.... say, you seem to be from around here, what's the name of this beautiful city?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

“Hmm, well considering you know not where you are, perchance you are having some sort of amnesiatic episode? I’ve only heard of such targeted amnesia within the confines of plays, but I cannot say that it would be beyond the realm of possibilities,” Maria told her unbeknownst to herself arrival from a new world. Of course, this seemed a bit farfetched, but Maria did suspect him to be someone of a target for human trafficking, so it would not be impossible he had forgotten that he had come to Lugnica through a desire of preserving the “self”.

Or perhaps someone had altered his memories through the effects of magic? Magic did tend to have ill effects on the unsuspecting. Perhaps it would be best to have Ryan seek assistance from someone who could remove any ill-effect from his person, or would that merely damage his psyche beyond repair?

“Many in Lugnica know not writing besides basic words. It is a privilege to learn calligraphy, as it is most places from my understanding. But I cannot say you really look the part of a farm hand or anything like that. I am sorry to say, but I suspect you have come into contact with some sort of trafficking organization. We’ve heard of people from other lands being taken through the highways to unknown locations before, but hardly happen to end up within the capital of Lugnica due to the mandatory checks. Perhaps you made your escape during such a time?”

Of course, that was the most likely situation that would lead Maria to expect a person like Ryan to appear in the city as both a foreigner and one with limited knowledge as to his arrival.

“But think not of me taking pity on you. It is the duty of a knight to serve both their Lord and their people, is it not? We can only truly rely on one another during times of adversity. I would hope if I was in a similar situation you would act the same towards myself, no?” Maria told the boy, hoping he had held the same sort of belief of assisting those without the means to assist themselves. Most Knights refused to assist the poor and defenseless, as technically it did not fall within their duty to protect every single individual in trouble, and even Maria identified that she could not help everyone, but to assist those in front of her which have little ability to defend themselves, from Maria’s perspective, might seem as a means to look down at the poor, but came from a place of genuine concern.

“And you need not worry about one day repaying me. It is my sworn duty, upon the sword I wield, to protect. After all, isn’t the sword [power] but a means to protect the ones you care for? I would only ask that when you see someone down on their luck, you remember the kindness I have shown you today! Yeah, let’s go with that one.”

Maria couldn’t help but smile at the proverb. After all, she did believe it was the duty of a knight to act justly, but even so, this sort of assistance was above and beyond what the standard knight might do for another. That was the motto of the Knights of the Iron Bell, and why they tended to be rather popular with the people.

Even if the world around Ryan turned to insanity, the sincerity of Maria would at the very least be a guiding light in a world of obscurity. Even for the wretched of the earth there is a flame that will never die, because even the darkest night will end when the sun does rise.

But after showing around Ryan for but a few moments, a strange sound started to be heard, even through the clatter and movement of the individuals on the street. A low growl that seemed to grow only in intensity. With a bit of thought and situational awareness, it appeared that the “growls” were emanating from Maria stomach, much to her embarrassment and hope that Ryan wouldn't notice the noise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Wait... what? What happened? Where am I?

Daisuke falls to the ground, landing sitting down on the floor. One second he was on the Volleyball court and now hes in the middle of some market. Looking around, he can see a very busy street with lots of people walking, talking, and shopping. Some people have cat ears, some people have tails, and some people don't even look like people. He can see caravans riding past, being pulled by dragon looking creatures, some red, some green, some have two legs, some have four legs, this is all so bizarre. He lays his back and head on the ground, looking up at the sky.

I must've passed out and I'm dreaming all of this, there is absolutely no way this is real...

A girl with cat ears, who looks as if she is fourteen years of age, trips over his legs, stumbling a little but not falling to the ground.

"Sorry, mister!" she says joyfully as she keeps on running towards a group of friends.

"Don't mind!" he shouts back to the girl, who probably didn't hear him.

Well, this is definitely real. But how the hell did I get here?

He gets up and asks for a man walking by's attention.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I seem to be lost. Could you tell me where I am?"

"You're in the market of course!" he replies with a smile on his face.

"I'm a little more lost than you think, heh... Could you tell me what country I'm in?"

"Well, now that I think about it, judging by your clothes, you do seem to be quite lost," he lets out a chuckle. "You are in the Kingdom of Lugnica! Located on the eastern side of the continent."

"Thank you for your help sir." Daisuke said thankfully. The man waved goodbye with a smile and continued on with his day.

Daisuke sat down on the side of a fountain, he watched and listened to the people walking by.

I've never seen clothes like these people are wearing in my life before, and the things these people are saying make no sense to me.

He rests his elbow's on his lap, and his head in his hands.

"Why am I here?" he whispers to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica


At the mention of possible amnesia, Ryan had a thought. Checking the carton of milk, he felt that it was still quite cold. It was starting to warm up, but at the longest he had been here for an hour or so. That ruled that out, at least he thought it did.
"Duty huh? I suppose if the situation was reversed...I'd probably do the same." Ryan agreed. While he wasn't always the first person to help others, he'd certainly step in if someone was simply passed out in the street.

"So basically pay it forward right?" He asked in response to Maria's proverb. It wasn't exactly the most common of phrases back home, but it was still heard on the occasion. "I don't know how I'll do that just yet, but I promise I'll try." He said with a smile. Truthfully, he probably couldn't communicate just how grateful he was for Maria's company. He could have just as easily been alone in the middle of a forest, or picked up by some thug on the street. Instead it seemed a kind soul had happened upon him.

After being shown around the area for a little while he noticed others staring at his shopping cart...well maybe it wasn't his but he was certainly the only one walking around with one. While they walked Ryan faintly heard Maria's stomach growl. Before he could make a comment, his own responded in kind. Originally, he was going to eat after he finished shopping...well he was definitely finished shopping, just not on his own terms. "So, as far as food goes...I guess it isn't exactly possible for me to return this." He said picking up the box of cereal from the basket. "So long as I keep the box, I'll be able to pay for it if I ever find my way home." He assured her, not that it was likely to be of any importance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

At the very least, the individual had promised he would refund any sort of damages he had created to the product he had unwittingly taken. However, the box which contained what Maria thought to be chilled and hardened barley porridge from a quick analysis of what it looked and smelt like. At the very least, such a thing was not unheard of, but it was odd to Maria to eat cold porridge for whatever reason.

The lettering on the box appeared to be odd to Maria on inspection as well, though not exactly unfamiliar. Perhaps she had seen contents with this language appear in caravaneers importing to Lugnica some time ago? At the very least, that seemed to be a likely explanation.

“T-Then if you are going to offer this meal to me, I cannot say I will not take it if you are going to offer it to me. O-of course you would offer it to me. Ha … T-thanks.”

The once proud tone of voice found within Maria’s speech seemed to lean way to a degree of humility. At the very least, despite her attempts to work around the words, she did eventually thank Ryan for his contribution. She didn’t enjoy having others watch her within any moments of weakness. After all, Maria was a von Hohenzollern, and as its heiress she had to act in a respectable and strong manner.

However, as a human, everyone has a degree of weakness they show within the confines of their life. It was just that Maria detested showing anyone this, from her hunger to her emotions, she was forced as a commander to act in such a way that her Knights would follow her.

“A-Anyway, I suppose at the very least I will take this as a tribute to escorting you. However, it would likely be important to find your way home. Do you remember anything about your home country?” Maria inquired, wondering where the stranger before her had appeared from.

It was odd to see someone like him. Perhaps it was the height differential from most other humans she had met which attracted her attention. The strange facial figure which she had hardly seen before, or perhaps it was the clothing which drew her attention. Or the strange inscriptions upon his cart’s contents which drew his attention. At the very least, this man was odder than the usual oddities she had encountered within her time as a Knight.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryan Dreane

Royal Capital Lugnica


"They're called fruit loops, it's kind of a sugary cereal. I've got to admit, I've always had kind of a weakness for them." Ryan said opening the box and the bag within. It wasn't exactly normal to eat cereal dry, but it wouldn't be his first time by any stretch. Grabbing a few of the O shaped pieces and throwing them in his mouth. He offered the box to Maria. "They're good, I promise."

"As for my home, I can tell you plenty." He said in response. "I live in a small-well relatively small town. It only has about forty thousand citizens in comparison to some of the larger cities. Just about everyone owns a car-well I guess you wouldn't really know what that was either." He sighed, it wouldn't exactly be easy to describe a lot of these things without any reference. "Imagine a carriage that propels itself." He said taking the easiest route.

Earlier he had seen a carriage drawn by what seemed to be an over sized lizard, that or a really small dragon. It would be one thing if it was just some kind of medieval thing going on, but this seemed to be a full on fantasy world. He spotted another one of the wolf people from earlier. "So, I've never seen a wolf person before." He said trying to get some kind of explanation. The wolf man was clearly sentient, so it wouldn't really be right to point or anything. It was safe to assume that these humanoid things were regular citizens seeing as they were wearing clothes and shopping just like everyone else, but it just seemed bizarre.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The girl finally came a little bit back to senses after the heavy blow she took. She expected the fox to give some sort of reply but she could only hear a muffled sound. Now she thought about it, her chest was tickling lightly. Something was still pressing onto her... chest... Aya turned completely red in almost the blink of an eye. Her face held an embarrassed look on it. She removed the hands from her face and looked down at the girl with her face still buried into her chest.


As the fox girl sat upright she immediately hugged her chest tightly as she stared wide aired at the fox girl. Even if she was a cute fox girl she definitly wasn't allowed to do things like this without permission. Especially when she didn't even know the person doing things like this. Aya puffed out through her nose, almost letting out smoke so hot her face was. Her eyes widened less as she looked to the side of her still hugging her chest tightly just like she was still completely flustered by it. She quietly muttered to the girl.


The girl blamed her for getting handy with the fox while the fox got her first! This was getting annoying, this wasn't her day at all. Aya glanced back at the girl who blamed her, still with her head tilted sideways. The blush on her face almost disappeared instantly, while her eyes sharpened. Aya made a clicking sound with her tongue definitly looking annoyed at the fox.

"Shut up! You were the one getting me into this situation!"

She snapped at the fox, this wasn't a joke getting her hurt. With her body being so fragile at the moment she was even more annoyed that she felt so damn sensitive. She could be home eating hot dinner right now!

"I'm not fine, I got lost..."

Aya looked over towards the side again while saying it and peered momentarily at the girl with somewhat sad eyes, but went back to her grumpy personality not saying any more.


Kondo gave the giant a chill smile when he said it himself, that new things appear plenty enough to make them not so special anymore. Just enjoy life a little. The giant took the the drink Kondo offered to him, he needed a lot more than Kondo but he understood himself that it was a little extravagant to take a bigger mug. The giant was kind though, he didn't complain about his problems and just took it with a little sugar. Him sitting on such a small chair looked quite funny though.

Kondo raised his mug in the air to drink together with one of his friends. When Kondo drank from his drink the giant asked if Kondo knew any more jobs that he could do. Kondo knew he had some work problems but he didn't think he had to help. Kondo raised his hand to his chin and pondered. Did he knew any jobs? Not really no but perhaps ideas could help him.

"I would say a big guy like you is great for getting some new booze. They won't deliver new booze directly to my tavern so perhaps you can get a few vats of them? I don't really know much more. You see the lack of customers so standing behind the bar isn't much fun either. Witches? What of them?"

Kondo listened to the giant as he folded his arms, closed his eyes and listened carefully giving quite nods from time to time.

"Yes, I understand. Perhaps I can get you a good weapon one way or the other. I know some people, let's say it like that."

He let out a small chuckle and took another gulp of his booze.


A light blush went over Hamaguchi's face as she felt praised by the woman only by hearing that she was right about one thing at least. She got a little excited by this, now that she knew that the woman was nice to her and that the conversation had a good mood.

"Well, you don't look like you are from here to be honest. Your clothes look muddy, didn't you have a carriage? You don't really get dirty on the roads unless you walk. Did you fall?"

Hamaguchi angled her body forwards a little to get her face closer to her clothes as her finger raised at her clothes too. She tried peeling off some of the dirt and likes but it didn't come off. She peeled a little harder but it looked like it was molded into her clothes.

"Miss! I think the mud got into your clothes."

Clearly the cat girl didn't understand that it was part of the woman her suit obviously. While she was onto trying to peel harder she noticed something. The woman appeared to be pretty injured. Various cuts and blisters. The cat stepped back and raised both hands in front of her mouth in shock. Her tail was shaking and her ears were lying flat onto her head. She scanned the woman over once more to see about all the pains she had.

"So you DID fell, here I can help you miss."

Hamaguchi stepped closer towards the woman again and placed both hands just above the bite mark on her hand. A blue glow surrounded her hands. Small magical sparks sprung about as the wound slowly healed. The cat girl looked concentrated on her job but also had a hint of confidence in her eyes. She did try to lecture the woman.

"You shouldn't walk about with injuries like this. You'll get your hand chopped off like this one day! Any more pains? You're not going away untill all your pains are healed nya!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Well, she was adorable when she was angry. Tsuiho knew that much at least. Wasn't every day she met someone quite adorable as this. This was...interesting. Really interesting. Maybe she'd play with her for a bit? Could be fun, seeing just who this human was. She was dressed quite oddly, and she seemed a bit out of sorts. As she thought about the possible things she could play around with the human, the fox simply smiled idly, tail still swishing behind her happily as the girl hugged her chest tightly.

Yep, 100% adorable.

"Shut up! You were the one getting me into this situation! I'm not fine, I got lost..."

It was only for a moment, the girl looked at her with somewhat sad perhaps even pleading, eyes. It was a similar look she had seen many times - usually on her victims, not some random girl she just met. Well, technically this girl could count as a victim of different sorts at the moment though, heh.

"Bwuh? I already said I was sorry." She pouted, ears flattening against her head feeling somewhat hurt she was being yelled at. "But hey, if it'll make you feel better you can pet my fluffy tail again!~" She grinned brightly, tail renewing its wagging back and forth. "Just ehehe, be prepared to take responsibility for your actions if you do!~" All joking aside though, the girl had said she was lost. That was quite a problem, yep yep. If she wasn't a cold, heartless, war machine she might have actually genuinely felt sorry for her instead of the fake concern she was about to show.

"Uhm, joking aside, you're lost? That's no good. It's dangerous out here for a cute little girl like yourself." Her ears stayed flattened against her head, tail ceasing its moving as it curled around her waist, resting on her leg and easily within petting distance of the girl should she desire it. "You're lucky there wasn't any bad sorts in this alley using it for some sort of shady stuff." Hmm...she didn't want to leave the girl here. Mostly because she was just curious as to her origins, and she looked like fun.

...well, might as well invite her back to her place, heh!~

"U-uhm, it might be a bit sudden, but my name is Tsuiho. There's a nice little tavern I stay at nearby called the Crescent Moon...if you're lost it'd be a good place to get your bearings. Has some good food and drink too." She fidgeted sheepishly, obviously a bit embarrassed. "I'll buy ya something nice to make up for me being well, a klutz heh~" She had a permanent room rented there more or less. It was a nice place to drink, relax, and...well, get up to no good.

She conveniently still also forgot to get off of Aya.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Addison watched as this strange, adorable cat girl picked at her uniform. She knew that this level of ignorance must be more unique to this girl, as opposed to the other locals. Once again restraining herself, Addison simply chuckled and said, "You can stop now, that's not dirt. My clothes are designed this way so that I can blend into the countryside better. You know, sneak around if I need to." However, the girl was relentless and continued her investigation. This cat girl leaned in to get a closer look, but then suddenly recoiled.

"So you DID fell, here I can help you miss."

"Oh that's not necessary, its just some minor damage, I can han-" Addison suddenly stopped and stared in awe as this silly little cat girl preformed an act that, only moments ago, Addison would have never thought possible. She placed two hands over a particularly nasty cut on Addison's hand. Suddenly, blue glow surrounded her hands, magic sparking off of it as the wound suddenly healed. Addison felt no pain and in fact, felt slightly better than before. When the cat girl had finished, Addison simply stared at her hand, rotating it around, testing it. It felt better than ever to her... Addison was silent for a moment as the cat girl lectured her. Her mind drifting away, thinking of all the people she could of saved with this kind of power...

"You shouldn't walk about with injuries like this. You'll get your hand chopped off like this one day! Any more pains? You're not going away until all your pains are healed nya!"

Addison quickly snapped back into focus with a slight shake and smiled again. "Well you didn't have to do that, little missy! Thank you, I do feel a lot better now. Sorry if I seemed shocked for a second there, it's just that, were I'm from, nobody really uses...." Addison took a shot in the dark. "...magic. Yeah... But you seemed quite skillful with that little ability of yours. I wish I could repay you, but uhh..." Addison suddenly came to the full realization she had absolutely no money, neither dollars (like they would take them), or whatever the locals used. In fact, Addison wondered if they might not even have currency and worked on a purely bartering type system. Pushing those thoughts aside, she finished her sentence. "... I don't have any money..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica

“A carriage that propels itself? Your people must excel at magic to be able to utilize a Metia that can pull a carriage without horses,” Maria said, interested in what Ryan portrayed as his home country. A city of 40,000 could at the very least be a city-state somewhere, but Maria had never heard of such technologically advanced city-state.

However, 40,000, according to Ryan, was a small number of people, which did confuse Maria a tad bit. Even in the Capital of Lugnica, there were a tad more than half a million citizens, but even so a city with 40,000 was definitely not, to Maria’s idea, a small city.

Taking up his offer to provide her with the food stable which Ryan had called “Fruit Loops”, Maria meticulously observed the odd, sharply colored candy-like barley grain. Perhaps it was a sort of snack which is commonplace within the confines of Ryan’s own place of origin? Either way, if Ryan was going to consume the odd candy, and considering Maria’s current hunger, it couldn’t hurt but to attempt to try it.

Placing the fruit loops to her mouth akin to how Ryan had done, Maria found that the taste was very sweet; much sweeter than she could have imagined. Good old American high-fructose corn syrup . Of course, Maria was one who did actively enjoy such sweetness. Within her life, she was known from her family and servants to enjoy the likes of cakes and other such treats. But even so, there were hardly any sort of sugary taste which Maria could liken the odd intensity of the “fruit loops” to.

“Hey, these aren’t half bad,” Maria half states, half exclaims, as she continues a ravenous assault upon the stock of fruit loops, though after realizing how silly she might have looked, slowed down her own pacing in front of the boy she was supposed to be protecting, but was truly, from an outsider’s perspective, using her position to take food from the lad.

“But perhaps then you come from a city which doesn’t take kind to demihumans? Of course, even those within Lugnica discriminate against one another, and there have been movements against the presence of demihumans, but I never understood any sort of prejudice one could have against them. If anything, they are just as ‘human’ as you or I, no?”

Maria was a tolerable individual or at least appeared to be so. Even though she had known other knights to discriminate against those of the strata. Even if she did have a bit of a short fuse, there were few triggers that truly contributed to an explosive assault of either words or a flurry of attacks. She was a simple individual to some respects, but even those simplistic individuals would have certain aspects they would find offensive or distasteful.

Maria was about to speak about the local market to Ryan, however, she had spotted something she considered odd. Within the corner of her eyes, some sort of conversation between a young girl and someone that on first glance looked to be a veteran warrior. As someone who practices the sword, Maria could tell the sort of muscle build-up that would occur upon a person in the event it was their discipline, even if through chance.

Even if the swordsman was only a demi human canine.

Typically such an instance would not give way for Maria to care much of the situation. But something about the girl had attracted Maria’s attention. Her clothing was something akin to Ryan’s in the sense that she was also a foreigner. Perhaps from the same sort of land? Was this a clue?

“Give me but a moment Ryan. I must inquire about to something.”

And with that, Maria began the short walk towards where both Chieko and Grian were arguing in hushed tones, her knightly armor seemed to produce a glamorous sheen as she strutted towards the two. Placing her hand upon the hip which held her sword, and when within position to act in the event something was to occur, Maria spoke.

“Might I ask of you a few question?”

Maria seemed to demand the attention of the two with her tone, both direct and without any degree of fear within her voice. With all the confidence of someone who was assured of their own abilities as they were assured of their position as a Knight.

“You two seem to be discussing an important matter. If that is an issue, I may wait for such to conclude, but know I do have business with you.”

But within another corner of the city, the body of a merchant had been found by a guardsman, and a short investigation revealed the likeliness of fowl play. Therefore another investigation was launched to search the streets to find any sort of leads for the murder and an increased parole of guards within the city. Perhaps a omen of events to come?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Kyojin gave a soft smile as he took another sip of the ale, really he liked chilled milk or fruit based alcohol but of course he would never refuse something for free, more so from his friend that had kindly gotten it for him. He never did complain about his problems, from everything being so small he only would ever ask for the right sized bed and chair for himself when he could. Thankfully he did have such things within his room, being handy with wood was a good skill out in the wild, not to mention he outgrow his old bed at home way too fast... Thinking back on it now it was a rather comical sight to see his mother getting more and more worried about how he would interact with all her normal sized things!

"Hmmmm.. Well at least I could go and ask if I could. IT would mean they would need to pay less people I guess."

Taking a sip and thinking on the job he could take, he had to also think on if he was taking work from anyone else, as the last thing he wanted to do was get people mad at him. Still his strength meant he could do work of several men at once, not to mention that he did not lack manners and was over all friendly, but even so consistent employment was.. bothersome for a giant of his size. However he also had another trait, something that allowed him to take the dangerous tasks that normally only knights could take.

"Well I cannot be cursed, not by witches stuff at least. Not to mention I have some... Experience with them. So I can take care of halves and the like with little issue.. Well apart from the whole fighting thing, hence the need for a weapon bwahaha!"

Giving off a deep chuckle he patted his hand onto the near by table, causing it to shift and shake a little, thankfully the two of them had their drinks in their hands at the time! Downing the rest of the ale in his mug he placed it down onto the table and gave off a soft and more relaxed sigh that he had given before. Thankfully his friend could find him a weapon, or someone that could make him a weapon, that was able to fit someone of his size. Of course he understood that it would end up costing more, but getting one would be great to start with.

"Well a gauntlet and sword would be good, if you could. Though on another topic, you mentioned about the lack of cosutmors. Everything going alright? I mean from what I saw it was steady at least.."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


This girl was blessed with being a fox, she used the cute aspects she had together with a cute act to brush things like this off. Aya was pretty sure of it, what would such a 'cute' person do on the roof of all places. Aya could think of a few reasons but nothing to do with being cute. It was given foxes were agile and all but that was no reason to walk on roofs with clothing like that. Aya was getting sick of this girl, embarrassing her and acting cute to brush it off when Aya got mad at her.

"You almost broke my bones, how could you only say you're sorry. You don't really seem bothered by it at all!"

The girl went on with the fake act. Aya had a tired mixed with disgust expression stuck on her face, thinking on how foxy could ever be serious about something like that. Aya wasn't gonna touch her tail again if she was gonna make these disgusting comments on it. It was probably a sensitive part on the girl her body so she might be able to use it as advantage to pay her back for making her go through this.

Finally this girl was getting on topic for once! She understood that Aya was lost but still didn't sounded like she was genuinely concerned about it. Aya regretted she said that now. How could she dare to call little Aya cute! Monster! The tail curled around the fox girl her waist lying in Aya's reach on the girl her lap. This was meant to be.

The fox girl rambled on with this shady alley she ended up in. It was a possibility that Aya would have encountered some shady people that may possibly try to rob her or something but Aya didn't see that happening to her. She was pretty good at running and could take a few beatings. Aya felt pretty confident in her abilities.

After all that the fox was finally giving her some kind of serious reaction which made Aya a little more relaxed about the situation. She just wanted to go back to her home though, she didn't really want to know this... 'world' Perhaps the fox could tell her if she just asked. Maybe someone around knew a way to get back to her home, perhaps this even happened very often that people like her entered into here.

"I-I don't think I would really mind that..."

Aya became a little quiet and blushed lightly whilst looking away from the fox girl. It looked like she was in a deep ponder about something, like she needed to ask her a very serious something. Aya looked the girl directly in the eyes with a combo between nervous and flustered look in her eyes. Her small hand finally let go of her own chest and both slowly reached out for the fox tail. Aya smiled a little like a young child wanting to pet a kitty. She was soundless, clearly she felt a little embarrassed to do something to the fox girl like that. She softly patted the tail and gently drew it a little closer to her small frame to give it a nice warm hug. Luckily Aya could act just as good as this fox girl. Her hands locked in place as the expression on her face changed into a more serious one. Her hands squeezed the tail as hard as she could turning her hands both the opposite way of each other making it feel like barbed wire.



Hamaguchi grabbed the woman her sleeve to lift her arm up higher so she could look at the pattern there too. It had a lot of different colors all related to the color green. It sounded pretty logical if she heard the woman say it like that. The people that went hunting did the same to their clothes but not as much as put some kind of pattern on. She guessed that it was pretty difficult to make something like that if you needed to use a lot of different color wools and had to change every 4 centimeters to a different color.

"Magnificent. But what is the hat on your head for? it has a large black thing on it so that doesn't blend well with nature I assume."

Hamaguchi curiously stood on her toes to look at the helm closer. It didn't look like it was made of straw or anything so she found it a bit strange. It kind of looked like clay, why did she put clay on her head? She reached out with her hand and slid over it with one of her fingers tilting her head to one side in confusion. It didn't feel like clay. Hamaguchi made a bit of a troubled face not knowing what it was. It was hard to guess. She put both hands on the side of her head while making the >.< face. Her head was hurting.

After she was done with healing the woman looked quite confused about her using magic. Hamaguchi's looked a little troubled at the woman. What was wrong with her now? Was she allergic for magic? Oh! She never seen magic before? How strange.

"Did you come from a small town miss? I think most major towns have a sort of magic around at this time so it is pretty rare for you not to know about magic hehe... Ah no no, you don't have to repay me! It is fine really, I do things out of kindness. Your conversation is enough payment for me!"

After the woman told Hamaguchi she had no money Hamaguchi turned silent. This... woman with her magical clothing and all didn't have any money... None at all!? Hamaguchi gave her a look of confusion and started looking a little pitiful as she talked less hyped to the woman. Her ears were flat against her head as she talked with her head bend forwards a little.

"So you are a trader? You come to sell goods for money right?"


Kyojin was way to good for this world, when Kondo heard the giant talk he could tell that the giant knew his specialties but didn't want to use them for the sake of others. If he would work in the job he is good at he would stand out and replace a lot of people just because he is more useful than other people. It was true though, normally Kondo would get the booze a few streets away from here but with use of the gentle giant he could get his job done way faster. This giant could at least carry 3 barrels in one go while Kondo could get 1. Truly a cruel world, Kondo nodded quietly at his own thinking.

"Don't worry too much about others, not everyone can do jobs only you can do. Perhaps you would even be of help instead of replacing others."

Kondo gave the giant a kind smile before taking another chug of his booze. It was running empty again, he had to walk soon enough. Kyojin said on how he was immune to witch curses. Did Kondo hear this before? He didn't remember but Kondo saw everything as small positive things. Even if you could throw meteors, it was a small convenience. The giant was enjoying himself, or was it the booze? Nah he didn't drink much yet.

"You sound like you're trying to convince me to hire you to slay witches! A man fit for the job I hear! haha!"

Kondo started laughing with him spilling a small amount of alcohol as he tilted himself backwards on two chair legs almost tipping over. Kondo took his breath for a moment and became calm and collect as before again. He took Kyojin his mug again and started it filling at the stairs again. He sat back down throwing the mug in front of Kyojin again as he sat once more.

The giant began talking about the weapon that Kondo told him that he could probably get for him. It just took some money to get the weapon. The difficulty of it wasn't as bad but finding good stuff was more or less the problem. Kondo gave a nod.

"Lets have a look sometimes. I know a good place."

The giant asked if there was anything wrong with the business. It was to see that he didn't get a lot of customers during the day so that was a give away but during the nights it was different, they were mostly all usuals during the night that enjoyed each others company. The rooms almost never got used though. He had about 6 unused rooms that were full of dust at the moment. The top amount of guests at the same time was about 2 minus Kyojin.

"I don't really mind, I don't really seek for a lot of customers. I'm fine with the people coming for a drink time to time but more then that, nah. I don't need an overloaded room downstairs full of drunkards."



Yoshinobu was done with her job as of today, it wasn't a lot of work so she was free early and already went past all the stores to buy food to cook for Kondo again. She did this a lot and it made her quite of happy that he always praised her cooking, she did her best after all. Carrying the stuff to his tavern was something else though, it was a long tiring way which she never made in one piece. Every time it took one to three breaks in between and with this weather it was even harder. The sun was beaming down onto her, sweat breaking out from the heat. She let out light puffs and eventually decided it was time for a small break. She went over to the fountain and placed the bags out of the sun on the ground next to the fountain. Herself, she sat down on the side of the fountain with her hands on the tip of the inner circle leaning her body backwards over the fountain water as she tried catching her breath. Yoshino closed her eyes for a moment as sweat still dripped down her forehead. It wasn't much longer before she reached the tavern but this heat was unbearable and the bags way too heavy that it hurted her hands.

After a short while she opened her eyes again, her breath had turned somewhat calmer again. She wiped the sweat of off her forehead with her sleeve and sat upright to catch the last few breaths. She looked around the area a little. It looked peaceful, everyone was enjoying themselves so that was a great thing. When she scanned around she got sight of a boy about 4 meters away from her sitting on the same fountain side. He was wearing some weird kind of clothing. It looked different but pretty well made for this kind of weather. It didn't look like his clothing was gonna fall apart in the next coming years. Yoshino had never seen anything like it before. It took her a moment to realise she was staring at the boy and found it quite rude of herself to do such a thing out of nowhere. Instead she stood up and walked over to sit right next to him. A gentle smile was displayed on her face if the boy did look over.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around before. First time here? You have any specific store you looking for perhaps? There are a few stores that only exist in this part of town after all eh. I'm Yoshinobu, nice to meet you."

Yoshino poked out her hand at him to give him a soft handshake. It might have still be a bit sweaty so it was understandable he wouldn't want too. Yoshino looked quite hot after all with this dress on till her knees.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Daisuke felt someone sit down beside him, surprisingly. He thought no one would really think too much about someone with such odd clothing on, let alone want to talk to him. They must be very friendly. He could feel the heat coming off of them, they've probably been outside in the heat for a while. He looked up to see a beautiful young woman, with long luscious green hair, and a gorgeous dress on, no wonder she was so warm.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around before. First time here? You have any specific store you looking for perhaps? There are a few stores that only exist in this part of town after all eh. I'm Yoshinobu, nice to meet you."

Stunned by her beauty, Daisuke shook himself out of it, now is definitely not the time. He reached his hand out to meet hers, it was very slimey and sweaty, kind of gross, but not a bother. He could feel the delicacy and softness in her touch, and the friendliness in her smile, he can tell shes a very gentle person.

"I'm Daisuke, its nice to meet you too, Yoshinobu." he said with a friendly smile.

Daisuke didn't really know what to say, the position he was in was such a mess. He was lost, but he didn't wander into town. If he did then he could backtrack to where he was and no longer be lost. He appeared here, suddenly, with no warning or reasoning. To say he was lost would be confusing, but that's exactly what he is.

"I'm not looking for any stores, I'm just... lost. I don't quite remember how I got here. I know I'm in the Kingdom of Lugnica, and that its on the eastern side of the continent. I also know I'm in a market, that's about everything I know."

He noticed the bags of food she had been carrying, and how tired she looked, those bags must be heavy for someone as light and gentle as this girl. Maybe she'd been carrying them a long way.

"Say, you look awfully worn out from carrying those bags, mind if I help you carry them?

Daisuke was lost and confused, but he can never resist an opportunity to help. He likes the feeling it gives, when people return it with a simple smile and 'thank you', knowing he made their day a little bit easier. Everyone needs a little help from time to time, and its not a bother for him to do so. Especially with the situation hes in, he doesn't have much else to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



"A-ah? Don't be mean to Tsuiho. I am sorry, really!" She pouted, placing her hands together with a pout, hurt by the girls words. No, she really wasn't hurt or sorry, but she just had to at least look the part. She hadn't met anyone yet that didn't fall for her cute act. Maybe this would be a first, then? Fufu...interesting. She'd just have to see how long she could keep it up before the girl got wise! She didn't get long to think about it though, as the girl started to actually give her fluffy tail a nice little petting.

"Hehe, fluffy isn't it?~" She grinned, quite enjoying the attention. It wasn't every day she got petted, and she most definitely liked the attention. So she simply sat atop the girl, still having no intention of moving. This was nice. She could get used to this. Yep yep. 100% her life goal. Her shoulders slumped, a sound similar to a purr coming from Tsuiho, a languid expression forming on her features.

And then the girl had to go and ruin it - or did she make it more fun? A bit of both, maybe.

"Bwah!~" She squealed as her tail was twisted, somewhat enjoying it - though the sudden nature caused her to arch her back, face going slightly red and her body tensing. More than anything though, she was amused that this girl took the opportunity to try and injure her to get back. Definitely amusing, heh. She was more and more interested in this girl the more time she spent with her...even if it had only been nothing more than a few moments. Still, she was definitely going to use this part to her advantage. The sudden act caused her to lose her balance, falling forward. She tried to stop herself, but unfortunately for Aya that meant the fox had to use her body as support. Her hands reacted on instinct, and - obviously on accident - found a grip on...Aya's chest, with the Fox getting quite the handful of her chest.

"Uh, uh, uh, s-sorry!~" She quickly shouted (though it didn't sound all that sincere) as her hands squeezed Aya's chest. Thinking as quickly as the fox could, unfortunately that only made things worse. Tsuiho fell further, not managing to catch herself before her own body hit Aya's, her own chest resting on the humans. Their faces were mere inches apart at the moment, causing the fox to even redden slightly from the distance.

"Ah...this isn't better at all, is it? Heh...u-uhm...I...I should probably get off, now shouldn't I? Uhm...heh..." She still didn't seem to intent on moving from on top of Aya despite her words. One of her ears twitched slightly, and if Aya had released her tail it'd be swishing back and forth behind her indicating obvious enjoyment of the position they were in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The cat girl stared at Addison's uniform, somewhat amazed by its intricate design. However, her gaze then rested on Addison's helmet.

"Magnificent. But what is the hat on your head for? it has a large black thing on it so that doesn't blend well with nature I assume." The cat girl leaned closer trying to study the helmet. Addison couldn't help but grin at the child like behavior as the girl tried to figure out her helmet.

"This protects my head from getting hit. So if someone shoots at me, or if I fall down, this helmet will protect my head. The black thing is a simple rig that let's me mount special equipment on... well its not that interesting, really." Addison said, steering away from trying to explain what exactly that "equipment" was. "I mean how the hell to I explain to someone like her what nightvision or a camera is..." she thought to herself.

"Did you come from a small town miss? I think most major towns have a sort of magic around at this time so it is pretty rare for you not to know about magic hehe... Ah no no, you don't have to repay me! It is fine really, I do things out of kindness. Your conversation is enough payment for me!" The cat girl exclaimed. Addison gave a small nod of thanks.

"A small town? Yeah, you could say that..." Shit, home. Something else that bothered Addison. How in the hell was she to get home? "Pressing thoughts for another time." she thought to herself, shoving the worry of such things to the back of her head.

Addison shrugged at the cat girl when she asked if she was a trader. As badly as the army girl wanted to tell this strange, magical cat girl that she was actually from a different world, Addison decided that still had to wait. "Trader? No, not really. I'm just uhh.... wanderer, traveler of sorts. Just seeing what can be seen in this world. That's all." Addison paused for a moment, thinking. She needed to get at least some money if she wanted to start figuring out what was going on.

"Actually, I'm sort of looking to do any odd jobs around here to get some." she said with a huff. She made it obivous that so far, she had been unsuccessful. "But really, thanks again for healing me up like that. At first I thought I'd have a problem, but then here you come with your amazing healing magic making my day. Oh! How could have I forgotten! I haven't introduced myself. I'm Serg... I mean uhh... I'm Addison, Addison Winters. Thank you for helping me, really." She said, holding out her hand to the cat girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Aya twisted the tail of the fox she didn't really seem like she was in any kind of pain but was enjoying it more instead of pain. She was sure her tail was pretty sensitive the way she talked about it a few moment back. She tried twisting it a little harder but the girl only slightly blushed and her back became a little stiff and arched. Maybe this was a bad idea after all?

Only a few seconds she could feel the girl tilted slightly forwards clearly indicating that she was falling forwards right towards Aya. It didn't appear that she did this out of her own will but was an accident. Two hands were suddenly felt on her delicate area. Aya reddened as her hands tensed up and twisted the tail both ways as hard as she could. Wide eyed she looked at the fox girl, Aya had turned completely quiet from the intense feeling she felt, small tears formed at the corners of her eyes. When she felt her delicate are being squeeze she grunted and awkwardly looked away as she let go of the tail.

It felt as a relieve when the fox let go of her but it only got worse. Her giant rack landed on Aya's smaller delicated area. Aya let out another grunt, she waited a moment before looking directly into the face of the fox. Her eyes were teary and clearly filled with regret now. The fox continued saying that this wasn't any better in which Aya gave a small nod. So they both taught it was a good idea for them to get apart of each other but there was clearly no movement going on yet. Aya began talking too sounding innocent for a girl with an attitude like that.

"Please be gentle, I don't feel so well. Can you get off of me please."

Aya gave a small sniffle as she quietly waited for the fox to get off, Aya her strength had completely faded after all the ruckus. Her body felt so sensitive for some reason. It wasn't really enjoyable in situations like these.



Protects her head from getting hit, it sounded really useful though. It felt pretty hard so maybe it was made of metal or something? It would be quite heavy if that was the case. Did she have a strong neck perhaps? Addison also explained the black thing on the top of it. Something that looked quite solid as well. Hamaguchi didn't really understand when she said it was a simple rig or what kind of equipment would be handy to put on there but whatever.

"Can I try it miss? Your head thing I mean nya."

'AAAAAHHHH' The girl had both her fists pushed against each other in front of her chest as sign of begging. It looked like she really wanted to try.

They both continued, the army girl was from a small town apparently so Hamaguchi was right about something at least. Neko gave a small grin of being happy that she got it right. Addison looked bothered by it a little though when Hamaguchi asked her. Perhaps she missed her family in that town or something? It was better not to talk about it too much she decided from the reaction Allison gave her.

Instead of a trader Allison was a traveller exploring the world. It sounded pretty logical but was it really smart to go out into the world without any money. Perhaps she was robbed by bandits on the way, that was a good possibility Hamaguchi thought. The woman asked if there were any jobs around. That was a good one. Getting a job wasn't all that easy. If you had any talent it was easier at least but jobs with a decent income were really hard to find.

"Uhh, I don't know really, you can try to ask for work but what do you enjoy or what are you good at?"

This woman was praising her for her amazing healing skills even though it wasn't anything grand. The cat girl quietly stared at her with a somewhat empty stare. Her expression slowly changed into a somewhat more happy flattered one with a fitting bright smile on her face. The woman introduced herself to Hamaguchi and poked out her hand at her. She never got such a big praise before in her life.

"Thank you very much for thinking of my magic as great miss! My name is Hamaguchi Kura it is very nice to meet you. Please follow me for a second nya!"

Hamaguchi took Addison her hand with both her slender hands and swung them up and down in excitement. She kept one hand on her and made her follow her. Hamaguchi stopped and groaned as she placed both hands on the sides of her head in pain. It was so hard to get that stupid word out of your lines. After two second she started walking again leading the way for Addison.




The boy his name was Daisuke, she never heard such a name before but she thought it had quite a nice meaning to it and liked it. She gave the boy a friendly smile and let go of his hand so that he didn't have to suffer for long. She probably should have washed her hands in the fountain at least.

"Pardon my lack of hygiene hehe."

Yoshino turned her body towards the fountain and bathed both her hands in it. She then proceeded washing her face and arms with water too. When Daisuke replied to Yoshino she let out a small gasp with a somewhat worried face. Getting lost was easy in such a huge city but it didn't even sound like he came from this city.

"That is terrible, where did you come from if I may ask. Perhaps we can get you home."

She placed her hand on the boy his shoulder to comfort him and showed him a caring smile. She probably promised something she really shouldn't have. The boy then gave her a sudden question she didn't really expect from anyone.


Her face looked a little baffled by his question. It was rare for someone to help her carry bags to her home. She had friends who sometimes did it but never a complete stranger would ask such a thing. From a puzzled look a kind smile was displayed towards him.

"You really don't have too, I could never accept such a nice thing from a stranger. I'm fine really, it is just the weather hehe."

She let out an awkward smile and sat a little longer to rest a little bit more before she wanted to walk further again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Kyojin peered down towards the mug that he held within his hands, thinking hard on what he would do about work when he heard Kondo speak up. Turning his head towards him he gave off a soft smile at his advice about helping instead of replacing anyone, of course easier said that done but otherwise it was good to think on. The way he thought he could go about such a task would be to only work part time for such people, or even offer the workers directly? Either way he would get paid just for helping out here and there, not like he would be harming anyone and it would be up to them if they decided to use him that time or not. Even if it was unstable it would be better than doing odd jobs around the place, though he would keep that up!

"Yeah you are right. Smarter than me in this kind of stuff at least, thanks. I will check around next time that I am looking for odd jobs with my regulars."

Placing the mug down onto the near by table he dusted off his hands, which sounded like beats of drums when he did it, before relaxing back into the tiny chair. Of course he would give off a deep pounding laugh to what Kondo said about him slaying witches, while it would not be far off he did not want the trouble of a coven finding out about him or what he could have done.

"Well close, but really it is more about handling the halves and the like. They are the most bothersome, and if I get rid of them the worst I get is a few bite marks. The best? Would be a ton of thankful bounty money Brwahahahah!"

Smiling brightly he looked over to see his friend going to get them another drink, he was thankful for it to be honest as Kondo likely knew he did not come here for any kind of drink in exchange of keeping him company. Still he would not turn down the act of kindness, but this time just sipped at at the ale, giving off a refreshed sigh as he held the small mug, it almost consumed within his large hands. He had to wonder when he would be able to get his weapon, he did save up some money that he intended of saving up even more for his goal, but if he spent it on this? Then he would be able to double his earnings within but a week! Still returning to their conversation he gave off a deep laugh and then shook his head, his voice taking on a passionate tone!

"What about the rooms?! You could earn so much with having people rent them out. Really you could advertise this place more for such a thing... Heh then again it has always been the bare minimum for you huh? Not surprising, but I tell you what, onceI take this place off your hands I will make sure it will be a bustling empire of a inn!"

With another mighty laugh he took a gulp of the alcohol!

"I don't really mind, I don't really seek for a lot of customers. I'm fine with the people coming for a drink time to time but more then that, nah. I don't need an overloaded room downstairs full of drunkards."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Daisuke was confused with Yoshinobu's reply, being so sweaty and tired, she looked as if it really was a difficulty for her to carry so many heavy bags back to her home. But he will respect her decision, after all she has met him with nothing but kindness thus far.

"I came from a place very far away from here... at least I think its very far away from here. I don't know if there's any way I can get home." Daisuke said with a sorrow expression on his face, looking at the ground.

After saying that, he came to the realization that he has no place to sleep, no money or whatever currency this place uses, no food to eat or water to drink, not even a change of clothes. He's but a homeless beggar on the streets in this world. Come night time he has no idea what he's going to do. He could sleep in an alleyway and maybe eat leftover food from a garbage bin, a disgusting thought but what else can he do. Suddenly he came up with an idea. He stood up and looked to Yoshinobu with a smile on his face.

"Please, I insist on helping you carry those bags. I otherwise have nothing else to do, and I love helping people when I can. Its really not any bother to me at all."

He hopes that being helpful and kind to the girl would convince her to give him a place to stay until he can figure out whats going on or what he's going to do. He would hate to put so much weight on her, but at this point he's in the roughest situation imaginable. He has a feeling there is much to learn about this world. He can't read the signs on the market stands, he doesn't understand the things that the people talk about, maybe Yoshinobu can educate him. It's close to his only hope.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Ahh...she looked like she was about to cry. Well, tears being delicious aside - she was still adorable. That said, as comfortable as she was and as much as she liked being on top of a cute girl, it would probably be bad for her to remain in their current position. Someone might get the wrong idea. So as gently as Tsuiho could, she managed to remove herself from atop of Aya, lifting herself off of her with her arms and quietly moving to the humans side. The fox then knelt next to the human, smiling down at her gently as she fidgeted with her hands.

"Ehe, sorry. I've been told I can get carried away sometimes." Her ears laid flat on top of her head, indicating some small embarrassment. "Anyways, please! If you're not feeling well I insist coming with me. Laying here on the street is no good....and if you insist on laying there, I'm going to stay here until you feel better. I'd feel bad if something happened to you." Despite the fact her words may not be entirely truthful, she did at least seem sincere in wanting Aya to go with her. She probably came off as a scolding sibling or friend. In any case, she stood, offering a hand to Aya to help her up.

"So come on, please? I promise I'll try to behave myself, even if you are cute hehe~"



“Might I ask of you a few question? You two seem to be discussing an important matter. If that is an issue, I may wait for such to conclude, but know I do have business with you.”

The new voice caught Chieko's attention. She appeared to be a guard of some sort. This was good, really good for her. She could possibly get away from this mutt then. Her eyes shifted quickly from Grian to Maria...and then to the boy with her. Her eyes widened slightly for the second time that day. He was wearing normal clothes. Well, modern clothes at least. Clothes that came from earth. Their likely home.

Aw, she wasn't some sort of special kid with a special power...that was slightly disappointing, but more importantly, this was an excellent chance to get away from Grian.

"Let go." She stated, her neutral tone of voice having a bit of firmness to it. "Before I make trouble for you." She may not have been all that strong, to be sure, but she knew a guard or knight when she saw one. This woman had business with them, and was likely her best shot at getting this mutt off her back. She wouldn't say anything about what he was attempting to do as long as he let her go, but if he didn't....well. The stuff she could tell Maria that he trying to do, would get him in more than a little trouble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Just another day as a self-employed enforcer" Dante thought to himself as wheels three goblin street bandits on a wooden pulley through the busy streets of Lugnica, all three bandits were tied up individually before being tied together with one long rope facing away from each other, two of them had one or two lumps on their heads after resisting Dante attempt to detained them and one one who didn't pretty much surrender when the other two was defeated. Wanted dead or alive they were, And Dante pretty much much had it so they were all alive and fit to stand trial for their crimes so he can obtain their bounty's in full, got to make a living somehow.

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