During World War II superhumans and costumed heroes became a staple of American culture much in the same way the genre is in today's world. However, in this world they actually existed in both eras and superheroes worked with the Allied forces to defeat Hitler and his superhuman Axis Army. Now, the great grandchildren of heroes long past their prime as well as unrelated heroes inspired by the classics take up the reigns to combat against the forces of the Fourth Reich.
In the year 2000, the Fourth Reich began to build their army. With their own genetically modified superhuman dubbing himself the 'Master Man' leading the way with his flight, strength, and durability, it wasn't long before the new army came into power and occupied several areas of Europe. In the year 2017, Master Man and his forces invaded the United States' capital, Washington D.C. When the superhuman war came to the nation's doorstep, the superhumans, vigilantes, and even the superpowered criminals of the generation came together to fight the Nazi/Axis supermen.
1.) No back-to-back posting.
3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.
4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...
5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.
6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.
7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.
8.) There is no rule #8.
9.) My word is law.
10.) Obey the law.
11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [none at this time] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.
Legacy Titanpad
"Why in the hell did I think this was a good idea?" Alan thought to himself ducking behind some large debris for cover.
The young hero had been trying to save trapped survivors in DC for several days now since sneaking into town. He had used the uniform of a soldier to get to several POW's. This particular scenario however had him hiding from another superhuman Nazi/Axis soldier. This one happened to be a super speedster. Torch knew he couldn't match the insane speed of the man in yellow, but if he timed it just right he could blind the guy with fire for at least enough time to form a decent plan. Alan Pierce had one other civilian with him, a young woman roughly the same age as the would be rescuer. She was counting on him.
"When that creep gets closer I'm going to blast him, then you run towards the sewers. That's how I got into the city and that's how I'm getting civilians out of here. Just head east once you're down there." Alan instructed from behind his black mask.
"Which way is east? Cell phones haven't worked in weeks and I don't have a compass app..." the young woman began.
"You know what, I've got a spare compass. So long as there aren't any super Nazis with magnetism powers you should be..." Torch continued before the Nazi speedster finally found them.
Alan reacted in good time blasting the guy in the face with fire, and yelled at the girl...
"GO! Now! I'll keep him occupied..." Torch screamed as he turned around to face the yellow clad speedster, "How about you and I..."
Before the Torch could finish his sentence, the blur of a man raced in front of the girl grasping onto the compass. With one strike he ended the girl's life. It all happened in under six seconds, and upon seeing the woman fall to her death the Torch ignited in a way he never had before. In a rage fire poured out of the Torch in a giant wave consuming the government housing building they were outside of and setting a ring of fire all around him.
"Feuer schreckt mich nicht..." the speedster stated looking unimpressed before bolting towards the man surrounded by fire.