Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

During World War II superhumans and costumed heroes became a staple of American culture much in the same way the genre is in today's world. However, in this world they actually existed in both eras and superheroes worked with the Allied forces to defeat Hitler and his superhuman Axis Army. Now, the great grandchildren of heroes long past their prime as well as unrelated heroes inspired by the classics take up the reigns to combat against the forces of the Fourth Reich.

In the year 2000, the Fourth Reich began to build their army. With their own genetically modified superhuman dubbing himself the 'Master Man' leading the way with his flight, strength, and durability, it wasn't long before the new army came into power and occupied several areas of Europe. In the year 2017, Master Man and his forces invaded the United States' capital, Washington D.C. When the superhuman war came to the nation's doorstep, the superhumans, vigilantes, and even the superpowered criminals of the generation came together to fight the Nazi/Axis supermen.



1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [none at this time] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


Legacy Titanpad


"Why in the hell did I think this was a good idea?" Alan thought to himself ducking behind some large debris for cover.

The young hero had been trying to save trapped survivors in DC for several days now since sneaking into town. He had used the uniform of a soldier to get to several POW's. This particular scenario however had him hiding from another superhuman Nazi/Axis soldier. This one happened to be a super speedster. Torch knew he couldn't match the insane speed of the man in yellow, but if he timed it just right he could blind the guy with fire for at least enough time to form a decent plan. Alan Pierce had one other civilian with him, a young woman roughly the same age as the would be rescuer. She was counting on him.

"When that creep gets closer I'm going to blast him, then you run towards the sewers. That's how I got into the city and that's how I'm getting civilians out of here. Just head east once you're down there." Alan instructed from behind his black mask.

"Which way is east? Cell phones haven't worked in weeks and I don't have a compass app..." the young woman began.

"You know what, I've got a spare compass. So long as there aren't any super Nazis with magnetism powers you should be..." Torch continued before the Nazi speedster finally found them.

Alan reacted in good time blasting the guy in the face with fire, and yelled at the girl...

"GO! Now! I'll keep him occupied..." Torch screamed as he turned around to face the yellow clad speedster, "How about you and I..."

Before the Torch could finish his sentence, the blur of a man raced in front of the girl grasping onto the compass. With one strike he ended the girl's life. It all happened in under six seconds, and upon seeing the woman fall to her death the Torch ignited in a way he never had before. In a rage fire poured out of the Torch in a giant wave consuming the government housing building they were outside of and setting a ring of fire all around him.

"Feuer schreckt mich nicht..." the speedster stated looking unimpressed before bolting towards the man surrounded by fire.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Now, you're going to tell me where your boss is, or I'm going to reach down your throat and play Scotland The Brave with your lungs!"

Paul shook the man at arm's length, wrapping his fingers tightly around the German's throat and pushing his palm against his Adam's apple. The man choked and clawed at Paul's hand, his eyes opened as wide as they could be. He tried to yell something in German, but Paul squeezed harder at the second syllable, causing the man's arms to pull harder at Paul's wrist.

"In English, you commie son of a prostitute, speak American or I swear to god I will skip you across the ocean like a stone! You hear me!?" Paul shook the German roughly, loosening his grip as he did to allow the German to speak.

He glared at the German with yellow eyes, little suns, practically the only parts of his body left, and he didn't know if even they were real, he saw just fine, better than he ever had in fact, but they could just as easily be lies, lies like what senses he had left, he couldn't smell anymore, he was practically blind without a suit, and he couldn't feel unless he was wearing the suit he himself had created, he was much clumsier when he had first found a hazmat suit, unable to feel or tell when he was touching anything, thank god that his abilities did the work for him.

The German decided against talking, perhaps he was unable to understand, disappointing to say the least, though perhaps he was just ignoring him due to some training his commie bosses had put him through, damn communists, even the fall of the Berlin wall didn't stop them, what they did to the president was despicable, even if Paul hadn't voted for her, she was still the president of the US of A! Made him mad just thinking about it, time to blow off a little steam.

A small jet of energy shooting out of his left shoulder, Paul began heating his glove, the German's fear changing into bewilderment as the heat reached a comfortable warmth.

Then changing back as it got hotter and hotter.

"You've already got five varieties of skin cancer now, don't make me go any higher." The German spat in his face, his choking paired with a short smirk.

"Fick dich." He said, his words followed by the clacking of firearms being lowered behind. The German smiled smugly and motioned for Paul to turn around.

Paul did turn, crushing the man's windpipe as he did, throwing the now-dying man to the feet of the new unit of soldiers that had arrived. As the dying soldier spat blood into the air at ever greater heights, the soldiers barely sparing him a second glance, Paul waved his hands out to his sides in a dare, manipulating his chaotic energy into what could be considered a smile.

In a thick German accent, one of the soldiers, square-faced, blue eyed, well dressed, looking like he was the villain of one of those Japanese cartoons, probably a sergeant or something similar, screamed at him.

"Don't play hero, boy! Give up and ve vill treat you vell." Paul laughed.

"Hero? When did I ever say I was a hero? I'm here for one thing, commie boy, not justice, not for revenge, I'm here for the same reason every American on this goddamn Earth ever was, to have some good, clean, fat, fun, and my definition of fun, it probably clashes with your own."

In an instant, he was behind the sergeant, firing a pulse of his power into the ground to expedite his flight. As the Germans coughed and fired wildly into the dust-cloud sprung up by the shot, Paul landed and threw a punch at the sergeant mostly on instinct, smashing his fist into the man's throat and throwing him at least twenty feet. Chuckling, he looked at his hand, he hadn't expected him to go that far, it had only been a little bit since he first got his powers, he was constantly firing off when he didn't mean to, he had vaporized at least five people by accident, and that was funny to him, on some primal level, he couldn't help but laugh thinking about it. The sergeant bounced across the ground a further ten feet, finally sprawling out, his weapons thrown every-which way.

A bullet bounced off of his suit, followed by a few more, the remaining Germans shooting him in a futile attempt to stop him.

Gazing at the shakiest one, Paul fired a blast of his energy through his visor, detonating the soldier and blowing the right arm off of the soldier right next to him. Paul began laughing through his nose, raising an arm and firing a blast at another soldier, who was thrown into a nearby wall, leaving a red splatter and crumpling to the ground. Paul began cackling, firing another pulse at a soldier who had closed in with a knife, blasting off the top half of his head. One of the soldiers hid behind a wall, firing a full clip of bullets in a frenzied attempt to harm him, one of these bullets pierced Paul's suit, spilling irradiated air into the air, Paul grimaced a moment, before rushing over to the soldier, who he grabbed by the lapels and tossed up into the air, waiting a moment, he threw up a hand and detonated the man as he fell.

It was a warzone, DC, he was looking for the one who had done these atrocities, as well as whoever had made him, he had come to the city soon after learning of the Master Man's presence, someone who could perhaps give him answers as to who had done this, who to kill before raising the people in rebellion, it would be hard to find Americans willing to join him, or Americans in general, even now, he stood in a practically abandoned street, with only the last soldier of this squad still walking the place.

He had been the sniper, shooting from a distance, from the fire-escape of a totaled building, Paul had barely noticed him, and when he did, it was as simple as a look, and the metal of the fire-escape was destroyed, warped and burned with a fire so hot it melted the paint off of cars, the sniper was left with two limbs and a horrifically burned face, the entire right side of his body practically melted by the head, his scope embedded in his right eye, and then he fell, perhaps three stories, and was dead.

There was more shooting about the city, more Germans firing at his countrymen presumably, though there seemed to be more explosions coming from behind him, some kind of fire raising up higher than any fire had any right to, maybe it was one of those Nazi experiments, like the "Master Man", it was consuming a government building and expanding in an ever greater ring.

Sneaking over, Paul noticed two men, one moving faster than he had any right to, and another, covered in the flames that now consumed every building around him. They were fighting, though which one was a target was not known to him, he'd have to observe, which meant waiting, he hated waiting, perhaps one of them would give a clue in how he spoke, one of them let out something in German, or English, whichever one was Nazi would end up melted, and the other too if he spoke anything other than what Paul spoke, didn't matter, he'd kill whoever he wanted, it was fun that way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 24 days ago

"Can't hit me," laughed Overload, messing around with another Nazi battalion, that was sent to subjugate a street in DC. Most of the civilians had evacuated from the area - yet the old, young and weak, had been left behind; because they couldn't flee.

As thus, the occupiers, decided to be extra cruel and simply kill them all, instead of rounding up into some concentration or occupation camp. No, instead they decided to kick the American dog more - while Alexis was a businesswoman, she wasn't that cutthroat. Namely, she didn't kill women and children out of spite or hatred - if the world of economics, had taught her anything. That racial discrimination was the worst thing one could do to themselves.

But back to her current predicament - she had namely ten tanks and a good amount of soldiers after her. And she wasn't about to rate her suit' strength against a million bullets. Namely, she was merely distraction - helping the American Resistance, or what was left of the United States Army - after the initial cluster-fuck and total collapse of their entire front. They were evacuating anybody still left in the vicinity - while Lexi kept the Nazi' army busy.

And it was easy to deal with them, for the moment. Seeing as they were easy picking for her, suit' weaponry. She kept ducking between, their forces - eliminating one soldier or the other, while then ducking under a tank and letting friendly fire, finish the rest. After a well nasty timed shot - that left two of their own tanks in flames, after five of them fired at her position - she then decided to go on offense herself.

She activated her wrist-mounted blades at that, then used her suits thrusters, to dive between the soldiers - slicing and cutting them. Keeping on the move, and not letting them get a lock on her position. Dropping mini-mines, mini-missiles and a torrent of fire from her wrist loaded minigun along the way. It worked well for her, until somebody screamed in German or Austrian - she never took to learning the Germanic languages.

That ended with the remaining tanks, switching from their main guns to their secondary ones. As a hail of bullets and fire, soon engulfed the mass, that Lexi was playing around in. Were the Nazi' cut-throat, enough to turn their guns on their own men. It cut down their own numbers, but also left Lexi out in the open - as her suit pinged, several bullets of its shell. Lexi taking the opportunity to retreat behind a burning tank - not wanting her suit to take anymore damage.

"Zurrender, American! We have you zurrounded!" spoke a heavily-accented voice, over an intercom. With five tank barrels and one hundred gun-barrels pointed at her location. With the surrounding rubble also - she could only fly up or back and the Nazi' would have clear line of fire at her.

'Shit,' panted Lexi, switching her AC upto 150% power. It was getting rather hot in her suit - she ran a quick diagnostic, while the Nazi got their bearings back.

89% Durability
44% Ammunition
75% Energy
Minor Penetration: Plating 22, 25, 72
Evaluation: 74% Combat Threshold, Direct Confrotation Unadviced

"VI. Make note of reinforcing, torso and limb plating," groaned Lexi, reloading her weaponry, before taking a look behind her. She was contemplating another daring plan, until she got a ping on her communicator. 'Civilians Secured. Commence Bombardment? Y/N?'

"Fucking yes," clicked Lexi on yes, diverting power to her thrusters. And then sped low and on the ground away, her combatants firing at her - as she made her escape. Soon enough, another sound - joined the fighting in DC. Namely that of rocket artillery - her father had been meant to sell some rather, nasty equipment to some rather nasty customers.

Likely half or a quarter of that, went to help power the Nazi warmachine - but when she joined the war against the Axis - she gave anything and everything from her company over to the United States Army. While not much remained in DC to use - there were several rocket artillery pieces, hidden deep below the LTCorp HQ.

And if she knew her history, there was one mean thing - that the Nazi' feared, beside her own grandfather. As she sped away, she soon felt and heard - the sound of rockets impacting her last position. Turning anybody left there into mincemeat - likely the last support, she would get for some time. As no doubt, the US Army would retreat from their positions - before any superhuman showed up to tear them and their lil' military machines into pieces.

As thus, Lexi kept flying through the warzone of DC - looking for anybody to help. Soon, following after the sound of blasting and more fire explosions nearby to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

High above the streets of DC's remains, a metallic object entered what was considered DC Airspace. At least, it was DC Airspace, the Germans now seemed to control much of it, and they did not take kindly to seeing a unidentified entity flying through their skies. That entity, object - or whatever it was - was the robotic soldier known by the American public as Mighty Atom. A resurrected project dating back to the 40's, the United States Army recently sanctioned his reactivation, and even provided a few "updates" to the robot's programming and arsenal. A trio of German helicopters attempted to sideline Atom, at first demanding that the robot identify himself. When they received no answer, the choppers all opened fire, but not a single shot hit their mark. Instead, the robot simply zoomed forward at even greater speed, a suitable evasive maneuver against comparatively slower machines like helicopters. They weren't as maneuverable either, not able to turn or bank nearly as sharply.

1. First Law: A robot cannot kill a human being or, through inaction, allow a human to be murdered.

"Target assessment: three Apache helicopters commandeered by German forces..." announced Atom, his tone cold and - for obvious reasons - robotic, "...Threat Level: Zero. Target engaged." Atom's first movement of attack was to fly straight through one of the chopper's broadsides, his speed and titanium body allowing him to tear through it like tinfoil. The chopper was practically torn into two halves. The Nazis aboard only had only just enough time to secure the nearest parachute. All four men aboard deployed them safely and descended toward the ground. Atom then locked onto the next nearest helicopter. It tried to open fire, but Atom was too fast, or perhaps the rounds simply bounced off of his armored body, it was difficult to say from that distance. Suddenly, Atom was right up on the front screen of the chopper, "Target acquired." the Nazi pilot heard him say before the robot straight up punched his way into the cockpit. Taking only a split second to ensure the pilot wore a parachute, Atom forcefully through him out into the sky. Atom grabbed controls with his left hand to keep the chopper stable, "Evakuieren dieses Fahrzeug und Sie werden nicht geschädigt werden." he said to the co-pilot and others aboard in their own language. His communication protocols were programmed with nearly every spoken language on Earth, including German.

"Gehen Sie mechanische Bedrohung zur Hölle!" responded the co-pilot, followed by he and the others attempting to attack. This was nothing to the robot, who one-by-one ejected them from the aircraft without even releasing his left hand from the controls. Once he was alone, Atom flew back outside and, after spinning around to face the crashing chopper, unloaded enough Atomic Blaster shots to reduce the craft into harmless smoldering bits.

"Target destroyed," announced the robot, "Casualty report: zero percent." then he turned his sights onto the third and final chopper which, by now, was already in full retreat, "Target is retreating. Requesting new orders." all of Atom's announcements were, in fact, status reports sent to someone observing his mission. Those individuals were Lisa Miles, the robotics and computer engineer who reactivated him; and Staff Sargent Warren Trent, their Army liaison and generally the one relaying orders from the General himself.

"Pursuit! Take down that chopper!" responded a man's voice in Atom's communicator, "Confirm command."

"Command confirmed," Atom responded immediately, "Target is acquired." he began his pursuit, but slowed when his sensors picked up unusual heat signatures coming from the ground level. He stopped and scanned it more thoroughly.

"Atom, why the Hell did you stop? That chopper's getting away!" it was Trent, sounding frustrated.

"Sensors have detected a metahuman conflict on the ground. Identified as a fire type and speedster type respectively. The speedster bears the Nazi colors."

"Ignore them. That chopper may be carrying valuable intel! Confirm command!"

"Command confirmed." spoke Atom, who then proceeded to fly full speed toward the ground, effectively ignoring Trent's orders.

"Get back up there, Atom! That's an order!" Trent was sounding angrier, but a woman's voice silenced him.

"He can't! It violates the second law."

By this time, Atom had already crashed into the battle zone, giving the speedster an unexpected right hook that would send him flying into a nearby wall. Atom didn't have to hold back as much against Metahumans, as they usually had some form of healing factor that allowed them to survive what most normal humans couldn't, "New target acquired," announced Atom, now standing where the speedster had been, "Identified as speedster type metahuman. Threat level: moderate. Target... engaged."

2. Second Law: A robot must obey any command given to it, provided the command does not conflict with the First Law.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

The last few days had been a breeze for Jacob, a soldier of the Axis. He had been given a plethora of easy jobs such as guard duty or clearing out civilian areas. Today was no different as Jacob was sent out with another group of soldiers to clear out a warehouse where a group of American refugees were supposed to be hiding out.

Jacob and his comrades descended on the building stealthily in the hopes of taking the facility’s occupants by surprise. As soon as the door was cracked open a puff of smoke began to poor out of the building. After the initial fear that this gas may be poisonous subsided as it seemed to have no effect on Jacob and his troops, the team entered the building and began to go off in groups of two to find any trace of the refugees. As Jacob waded through the smoke with his partner, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched but he kept this thought to himself as he didn’t want to possibly give away his position to any possible occupants of the area. This feeling continued to grow until he nearly shot a rat as it scurried across the floor. Having recovered from a mini-heart attack, Jacob began to go back to the meeting point as their tips seemed to be false as there seemed to be no refugees in the area. Just a Jacob turned around he came face to face with an American soldier. With eyes as wide as saucers, Jacob toppled to the ground, fumbled with his gun and shot the soldier all before they realized what was happening.

Jacob quickly got up and began running through the facility looking for his partner whom seemed to have fled at some point during his scuffle with the American soldier. As he ran, Jacob came across a group of four american soldiers who seemed to be just as distraught as he was. Thinking quickly, Jacob pulled out a grenade from his belt, pulled the pin and tossed it at the unsuspecting soldiers, all of which were hit by the blast of the grenade. Carefully Jacob came out to inspect the bodies closer in order to make sure they were truly dead. All but one of them were rotting in the depths of the underworld. Jacob raised his gun ready to take out the final soldier when he came to a sudden and shocking realization.

These were his comrades, his troops.

How had he thought they were american soldiers? It made no sense! Jacob ran to try and tend to his comrade’s wounds but it was too late for the soldier as he perished. Just as his comrade’s grip on life faded, a figure emerged from the smoke with a globe like helmet perched atop his costume.

“You came here to kill the innocent but you were thwarted by the might of the magnifi-!” suddenly the figure was cut off as Jacob sent an entire clip worth of bullets through his chest, leaving the body to fall on the ground with a thud. Jacob looked down at the body of the man he had just killed with disdain and anger. Now he would have to go back to his superiors and give the bad news about his troops but maybe he would be able to keep his position thanks to his killing of this seemingly superpowered being. "Vielleicht würde er sogar eine Förderung erha-“ suddenly a loud bang rang out over the warehouse as Mysterio fired a bullet from his wrist mounted gun through the head of Jacob. “As I was saying, On this day you Axis scum have been thwarted by the might of THE Magnificent Mysterio!” Mysterio exclaimed as he held up a fist in the air in victory.

As Burt left his hot boxed warehouse, he saw a huge burst of fire coming from a few miles away along with some small aircraft landing. Figuring that it was either allies who may need help or Axis who need a beating, Mysterio began running towards the area, hoping he could find a bicycle or something on the way there so he wouldn’t be as out of breath when he got there.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thunderclap was in DC when they came. He knew he had a choice. Stand and fight against the Nazi invaders and lose to the overwhelming power of Master Man, or save as many people as possible.

So he made the obvious choice and helped as many people hide as possible. He brought them to warehouses and he drew pursuers away, he got them into shipping containers on the railways, and in the bays. He moved by night when his black armor gave him a natural camouflage. And little by little he fought a gorilla war against the Nazis. He attacked patrols and he raided food trucks. He moved people out of DC as he was able, and brought food and water to those he couldn't move yet. He lost some, the people in the boats went first, trying to drive the boat got them all sunk. The railways went next, they were too easy to find. Those were Mile's fault, he made bad choices, and he couldn't save them all, but lord knows he tried. The sound of a nearby fight brought Thunderclap out in the day. Two supers were fighting, but he didn't know who was who just yet.

He stayed put, out of sight, as the living inferno let his rage spill over and onto the street and building around them. A yellow blur flashed all about, this way and that. Until finally a third combatant joined the melee.

Thunderclap continued to watch the action.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

"I don't know who you are man, but thanks all the same..." the Torch said as the machine man touched down and decked the German speedster.

Alan didn't keep up with the news much, as the Axis/Nazi forces had destroyed communication lines and such in the region as they deactivated the United States' nuclear arsenal. The young hero knew that they may win this battle, he and this Megaman type person, but the war with Master Man and the Fourth Reich was far from over. Alan Pierce could feel eyes on them, something he'd always disliked. It could've potentially been survivors, so the discomfort quickly left his mind as the speedster picked himself up from the ground still stained by flames here and there.

"I was under the impression the Axis already took out most of the American heroes already in the last couple weeks. Glad to see a few more of us out here." Torch continued saying to the robotic looking guy.

The yellow clad Nazi speedster ran circles around the two heroes putting out most of the fires with the vacuum. It began getting a little harder for Alan to breathe but the Mighty Atom seemed unaffected by the power play. If only he could time another strike just right, or there was someone else who could catch the enemy of America off guard.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Watching from a standing position, Paul made no attempt to hide himself, simply watching with a keen interest as the two fought, the speedster slamming against the other man, who shot flames brighter than any he had seen before, these weren't flames, they were beautiful warm oranges wrapping through the air like ribbons, sticking to the ground almost magnetically before breaking and leaving paper-thin copies of themselves, and everywhere the German went the world seemed to warp, the flames billowing out into the sky before dying, consumed by the cone of pure speed. It was all too brilliant, too perfect, it almost disappointed him when another shot in, smacking the German across the face, in response, the speedster began to spin around and around, trapping the other two within. Listening when they began to talk, Paul noticed that they were speaking English, and without even hearing what they had to say, he came to the conclusion that they were Americans. Feeling very proud of his (Actually quite unimpressive) detective skills, Paul noticed the man with a torch on his chest gasping and coughing, obviously short of breath.

The hell? Does this guy have the power to take people's air? That bastard! Paul realized, growling and closing his hands into fists. Obviously, this Nazi was trying to murder good Americans, good Americans just trying to survive an unjust invasion, how dare he? Paul began dashing towards the fight, hovering an inch off the ground. It was his turn to add some of his own artistic vision to this fight.

The speedster was moving too fast to stop, Paul couldn't even see him, but Paul knew this fight wouldn't be about him stopping the speedster, it would have to be about the speedster stopping him.

He can't kill me, nothing can, but I sure as hell can kill him, I just need one punch, one blast, he'll be in pieces, I just need to lure him in, deck the Nazi bastard and send what's left of his head back to Germany in a box. Now I just need his attention, draw him away from what he's doing in order to ensure he focuses on me.

Paul had a punch hard enough to stop a charging horse and send the rider over his head, even if he was unable to stop the speedster with a single strike, it would almost certainly be enough to deflect him at least somewhat, and that was if the rider's speed combined with Paul's own strength didn't smash the man's head like a melon. If he was deflected, it would certainly make Paul the most dangerous target, meaning he would be the target as he wanted, and if the German died, it was all the better. There was no reason not to try, it wasn't like his arm could be broken, his unique physiology (or lack thereof) prevented that. Paul knew there had to be more sophisticated ways to do this, but there were also more sophisticated ways than the wheel to move things, and Paul wasn't going to go and reinvent the wheel, so screw it, punch it was.

Floating down to ground level, continuing in his move towards the fight by running, he twisted just as he was about to reach the yellow blur that grew longer and longer with each moment, throwing his right fist leftwards in a powerful haymaker, hopefully it would work.

Who was he kidding, unless the man somehow managed to plant his feet six feet away from Paul, he was going to get clobbered, and Paul would be pleased.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

(With assistance from @The Kid Lantern)

The opening attack hit its mark, and the speedster was temporarily stunned. Emphasis on "temporarily", for the speedster was back on his feet in mere moments. He then literally ran circles around them, until the force of his running began to suck away the air, leaving only a temporary vacuum within the vortex the Speedster created.

The robot was, of course, completely uneffected. The metahuman he was attempting to rescue, on the other hand, was not so fortunate. Atom's CPU calculated a dangerously short time before the metahuman would die of asphyxiation. Even before the air began to leave the area, Atom's internal computer was already calculating a precise attack that could stop the speedster in his tracks. All it required was a moment to charge up the Atomic Cannon. That, however, would not guarantee the survival of the fire-type metahuman, as there was no guarantee that the Atomic Cannon could charge fully before he suffocated to death.

Adhering to the First Law, Atom reached a robotic hand over to his current comrade and firmly but gently grabbed their shoulder, "Thrusters: full throttle." and with that command, his own jet boosters rocketed the pair straight upward. The vacuum the Speedster created worked like a tornado, appearing like a funnel of wind with a single clear opening straight up, which was where the two flew to.

The Speedster's vortex pulled Atom down like an intensified gravitational pull, but Atom didn't need to fully escape, just get far enough that his metahuman compatriot could breath once more and escape on their own. The robot himself was at no risk, having no lungs that required oxygen was one of the "perks" of being a machine in this situation.

"Thanks for the assist. Is that somebody else floating toward the super Nazi?" asked the Torch still being held in the air by the machine man.

Moments later the armored nuclear man struck at the speedster with power and precision. What happened next was the metahuman equivalent of a chicken running around with it's head cut off. The body zigged and zagged and finally ran into a building and fell to the ground.

Atom's scanners detected the death of the speedster, "Target: terminated." he reported, though not really to the Torch. In fact it wasn't that hard to tell that the robot was in contact with someone else during the whole affair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thunderclap started to move from the shadows when he heard Torch speaking in clean American English to the robot. It pretty well illuminated who was who in this conflict, now it was time to help out. However, before Miles had half a chance to react the robot grabbed the torch by the shoulder and took off. They were just as quickly replaced by someone else, who dealt a death blow to the Nazi speedster. His body ricocheted around a few times before fu ally running out of momentum in front of Thunderclap.

"You're an American, I take it?" Miles asked through his mask. If it came to questioning if he was, it would be simple enough to prove, he would simply take off his helmet and expose his dark brown skin. Being anything but perfect Aryan pretty much proved you weren't a Nazi. Challenged or not, he would introduce himself, "I go by Thunderclap, pleasure to meet you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtaxiaIV
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AtaxiaIV 🤘🏻☠ Metal Head ☠🤘🏻

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The magical energies that twisted around Robert's body slowly dissipated as his form returned to Earth, sparks of energy fading back into the Veil. The first thing he noticed was the thick smell of smoke, his nostrils flaring as the harsh odour tore at the back of his throat. He found himself atop an apartment building, facing a red brick wall with a metal door bent off the hinges to his side. Turning around filled Draig's heart with sorrow. Burnt out buildings, smoldering rubble and corpses lay out as far as he could see. The thick plumes of smoke rose into the air, darkening the midday sky.

"What is this?..." he spoke to himself. "Why would anyone do this?"

There was a thunderous roar overhead as two fighter bombers flew by towards the outskirts of the city. A trail of bright explosions were left in their wake as they bombarded the ground below, decimating several office buildings. Nothing much was left beyond burning rubble, anyone who was inside was surely dead.

"This has to stop!"

As he shouted, the sounds of nearby screams and gun fire caught his attention. Robert clenched his fists tights as he set off at a quick pace. He pounced from the edge of the building sending himself hurtling towards the ground below. Often Robert would make the most of his abilities, throwing in some flair with mid air somersaults and such. This time though, he just wanted to get to the fighting as quickly as possible. Too many people had already died

As he hit the solid concrete below, it cracked outwards from where his foot drove into it. Robert did not break stride however, pushing forward, he propelled himself with his supernatural strength. The wind licked at his face as he moved, his hair trailing behind him wildly. As he rounded a corner his momentum took him through the burnt out remains of an overturned school bus. Luckily there were no skeletal remains within the smouldering husk, meaning all the children had made it to safety.

The sound of fighting was now very close, smoke trails from missiles shot from the next junction followed by the flailing bodies of American soldiers getting launched through the air. The sounds of screams soon outnumbered the gunfire before there was nothing left but the sound of roaring flames. Robert stopped still as he reached the junction, stunned by the horrifying destruction before him. It was then he spotted the cause of the devastation, a creature floating menacingly above several bodies of US soldiers. The expressions etched on the faces of the deceased showed the torture and pain they had felt before their demise. The creatures back was to Robert, but in a ghostly voice in spoke to him.

"Guten Nachmittag! I see the United States have decided to send someone...more...than a mere soldier..." The ethereal voice spoke straight into the mind of Draig, echoing with each word spoken. "Alas mein Waliser freund, you have only come here to die..."

Behind Robert there was the sound of creaking metal, before he turned his body, slamming his fist straight through a car that shot through the air towards him.

"Interesting...you have some talent..." The creature turned to face him, reaveling it daemonic visage. "In Deutschland they call me Die Folter...to you that is The Torture..."

"I couldn't care less who you are. All I know is that you'll be dead soon."

The mouth of Folter moved for the first time, transforming its expressionless mouth into a horrifying grin.

"Ah poor, misguided Yankee slave...my powers of Telekinesis are unmatched. I can move buildings with a simple thought, I can flay minds faster than..."

Before the thought could be finished, Draig had closed the distance and drove his fist straight into the crowned head of Folter. Ivory white teeth shattered into dust and blood sprayed the ground as it's jaw disintegrated from the power of the blow. There was a terrifying howl as the German operative flew backwards into the wall behind. As Folter's back smashed into the concrete wall, its bones audibly cracked, before it's body fell limp to the floor. Robert walked over, side stepping around the remains of the dead US soldiers.


Draig stood above the crumpled mass of shattered bone and flesh as it shuddered through pain and fear. He could feel the creature attempting to attack his mind with psychic force but his ties to the Veil made it easy for him to block it out. Robert reached behind his back and drew one of his daggers, the mirror like blade reflecting the dancing flames of a nearby car. He took a knee and stared at the bloodied hole where Folters jaw once was.

"You and your kind will rue the day you stepped foot outside of your rotten country."

Robert grabbed the bone like crown atop Folters head and with one rage filled strike, drove the dagger into the roof of it's mouth. One last ear shredding cry filled the air before all the life left Folter's body. When he removed the blade a thick purple smoke began to form around Folter's body. It ran from head to toe, covering every inch before finally evaporating. The daemon looking visage of Folter had gone, leaving a jawless corpse dressed in a black German uniform. The hole left from the dagger poured blood down the front of the Germans uniform, before pooling underneath the mishapen body.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Staring at his hand a moment, glancing at what remained of the speedster's head, which was splattered across the ground and upon his boots, Paul spat. He hadn't expected his fist to just travel through the man's head like it was a water balloon, and the man's speed was so incredible he himself doubted that he would hit in the first place.

Turning to the speedster's headless body, Fission lifted an arm and detonated the body with a single blast in a final act of disrespect to the Nazi son of a bitch. After a moment staring, Paul stomped the ground and roared out a string of profanities, most of which focusing on the man's mother, Hitler, the man's relation to Hitler, and Hitler's mother.

"...And it'd better be a big net!" He finished with another stomp, a pillar of energy shooting out the back of his helmet as he let out the last word, the energy subsiding once the new black-clad hero spoke. Turning with a frown, Paul snorted in a mocking fashion at the man's costume, it seemed a little too... German to him, but the man certainly didn't sound German. He turned to the others.

"You two alright? And I'd better not hear 'danke' or 'jawohl'!" He yelled out, turning his head to the other one last time, though scowling, he managed to hold out a hand to gesture as he spoke.

"I'm American, yes, what's with the code-name? Something you're hiding there? Whatever, if you are German, there's nothing you can do to me, I'm Paul, but they call me Fission," he stated, without a clarification as to who "they" were, before turning away and clasping his hands in front of his thighs.

"Oh, and you might want to back up a bit, I'm kinda new at this whole 'being made of nuclear explosions' thing." He said, smiling.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 8 days ago

All things aside today was a beautiful day in its own way. There was an eerie serenity to the destroyed landscape that would evoke a pleasant feeling in an onlooker if it weren't for the dire circumstances of the past few days. Of course these thoughts only passed through Burt's mind briefly as he huffed and puffed along the street on a bicycle until he had to finally take a break outside what was once a coffee store. After the course of today Burt vowed to get into better shape, it had been a while since his days as a stunt double but he hadn't realized just how out of shape he had gotten since then. He also vowed to make some adjustments to his helmet because at the moment it didn't offer nearly enough ventilation to allow Burt to breathe comfortably.

As Burt stood there and rested, still catching his breathe he realized something particularly disturbing. The Cafe he had parked next to had been turned into a makeshift outpost for the Nazi forces, many of which were currently occupying the shop and completely oblivious to Mysterio's presence. Burt stood there for a moment in complete and utter shock before beginning to quickly and quietly make his way out of the Nazi's line of sight. He might be able to take them on but Burt did not want to take his chances with that many armed Nazi's. It's not as if he was some sort superhuman who could detonate a nuke at the flick of his fingers or douse them in flames like a living flamethro-

Suddenly Burt realized he was on the ground as he had accidentally hopped off the curb and onto the street while day dreaming about having superpowers. This ruckus called over the attention of the large group of Nazi's, all of which were now silently staring at Mysterio. Nobody moved until Burt decided that getting up and out of here was a good idea as he scrambled to his feet and onto his bike. Burt was barreling down the street, releasing as much of his hypno-gas as he could in the hopes of throwing off his pursuers whom of which were running after him or similarly biking after him. Luckily none of them seemed to have any motorized vehicles but unluckily they were all rested and nourished while Burt was as beat as a Nazi soldier after a run in with Payload.

Burt spewed out as many illusions as he could which got rid of some of his pursuers but the others continued on after him. Fianlly Burt began to near his destination as his pursuers began to finally gain on him. "Hey-! Help! American! Freedom! Help!" Mysterio called out inbetween breathes as he approached the scorched building that he had been heading towards all along.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 24 days ago


"I got you," spoke a mechanized' voice, that soon flew past the Nazi soldiers - and pulling Mysterio along. The Nazis who had been chasing him were soon disappearing in a cloud of mini-mines. Courtesy of Payload and her armaments.

"Guess you saw that, burned building trick too, huh?" asked Lexi, her voice muffled by her suit - hiding her gender underneath it. "Name is Payload, and your welcome for fixing those rats on your tail. Now come on, lets see if its friend or foe."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtaxiaIV
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AtaxiaIV 🤘🏻☠ Metal Head ☠🤘🏻

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Robert walked away from the crumpled mass of flesh and shattered bone, walking back out in the middle of the road. He look at each end of the street trying to work out which way to go. He had never been to Washington before and the last thing he wanted was to take a route out of the city. He looked at the nearby buildings, the majority of which were either crumbling, burning or nothing more than smouldering rubble. There was one with some minor damage, its windows blown out and one of the upper corners had collapsed to the street below, but out of the options presented to him it appeared to be the most structurally sound choice.

"Time to go..." He spoke to himself, while reaching to his hip and taking hold of one of his daggers.

He glanced up one final time before launching the dagger vertically into the air. The blade quickly past the top of the skyscraper, Draig's supernatural strength sending it clear of the building edge. With an instant thought Robert disappeared, leaving behind a faint haze and sparks of magical energy. With a bright eruption of energy he reappeared next to the blade, taking it in hand once more. As he had no momentum he began to instantly fall back down to Earth. With a quick flick of the wrist he threw the blade onto the roof, embedding it into a concrete wall. With another thought he felt solid flood under his feet as the magical energy around him dissipated. He took reclaimed his dagger from the concrete before approaching the building edge.

He once more gazed across the invaded city, several buildings starting to sport Nazi flags and banners already. The sight was not a pleasant one as it meant that the Axis forces were beginning to take a foothold in the city. He was condifent enough in his ability that one on one he would be able to defeat anything put before him by the invaders. Still, with the amount of damage inflicted to the landscape, there was a strong chance that there were still many enemies with powers left. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he would need help.

A sudden nearby explosion caught his attention, it was only a few blocks away, close enough that he could get there in no time.

"Friend or foe, I can't just stand here all day..."

He stepped back from the ledge before charging forward, launching the dagger in the direction of the explosion. As he reached the ledge he leapt into the air, the force causing the roof of the building to start collapsing. After a second of airtime Robert disappeared once more. He emerged from a cloud of white smoke and sparkling energy high above the ground, dagger one again in hand. His momentum continued to take him forward, any lookers able to tell that he did not have the ability to fly. It didn't bother him, he could fall to the ground from the height and survive without issue but it did little to help him keep his dinner down.

He ran his eyes over the ground below before finally spotting the group responsible for the explosion, one of the group stood next to a large black scorch mark on the floor. Rob twisted his body in the air before once again launching the dagger, this time aimed near the group. With another teleport he was sailing towards the group threw the air. He was quickly able to tell that the group were all donning clothing assosciated with those who had powers, it was just a case of whose side they were on.

With only one hundred metres left till he reached the group, he let loose his dagger for the final time. As the blade began to cut into the concrete Robert reappeared gripping it tightly. The smoke and residual magical energy was left behind as his momentum caused him to slide several metres from the point he appeared. He quickly rose to his feet, taking his other dagger in hand.

"Well this is going to go one of two ways, either you guys are German or you're not..." he said with his thick Welsh accent, "I'd rather not...but I don't mind either way..."

A smirk crossed his face as he waited for a response.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Baroness Von Gunther was seeing over some black citizens of the D.C. area being tortured when she heard the ruckus nearby. The Nazi Amazon took flight and quickly caught up to an odd assortment of would be heroes now with a couple civilians coming out of hiding trying to get help out of the capital city. Draig, Mysterio, and Overload had also just arrived following the darkly armored Thunderclap. The Mighty Atom and the Torch touched down around the rest of the group. It's all the Torch could do to stay calm after realizing it was kill or be killed. They were at war.

"Guys, it's safe to say we're all American... but we need to get out of here before one of Blitzkrieg's friends show up. We can make nice and play Justice Friends later..." Torch commented to the rest of the group wondering if it would fall on deaf ears.

"I overheard a soldier on the way in mention some underground bunker in the Columbia Heights near a community center named after some rich old man. There could be other survivors there..." he continued before being interrupted by one of the panicked civilians already now with their group.

"Please just get me out of here. It's been weeks since I've eaten a decent meal, I've $#!+ my pants at least four times now... I know you could smell me after you burned that building down 'Match Head' or whatever your name is. One of you costumed guys has to be able to fly..." the dirty 30-something man pleaded before seeing the blonde bombshell nearing their group.

She was holding a Greyhound bus over her head in mid air, with at least two civilians seemingly trapped inside screaming for their lives. The Nazi Wonder Woman was ready to strike, seeing the remains of her teammate nearby. She also made a face wen catching a whiff of the stinky civilian man.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hearing the civilian complaining so fiercely and then suddenly trailed off was all the warning Miles needed, he turned his head and saw where he was looking and saw something he really didn't like. "Watch out! We got company!"

Thunderclaps initial reaction was to call down a lightning bolt, the people inside would be safe if it was on the ground. However, with it up in the air, the bus wasn't grounded. His second thought could still put the civilians in danger, but it beat zapping them. Miles started running towards the amazon, closing the distance. His control of the weather wasn't nearly as great as his mothers, but he could still muster up quite the windstorm when he needed too. As he closed the distance he opened his arms wide before pushing them forward towards the woman. Calling forth the wind he channelled it as tightly as he could at the Nazi woman and let a rip, hoping that the would knock her grip away from the bus. It would drop on the ground, but hopefully one of these other supers had the strength to catch it and set it down safely. Otherwise, miles just hoped that the impact wouldn't kill the passengers, or set off an explosion that would.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Oh dear lord above shut up!" Paul screamed at the panicking civilian, for once considering his inability to smell a blessing. He had been attempting to listen to the man in black, and had even given him a nod of recognition, but this blabbering idiot had completely ruined any chance of holding a conversation.

Then the woman came, with a stutter, the buffoon halted his words and stared. Turning quickly, Paul saw her, beautiful, blonde, everything he could have ever dreamed for, the back of his helmet breached, sending an enormous pillar of the same energy that comprised his being up into the air. Paul held out a hand, and all seemed to stop as their eyes met, her face was twisted into an ugly grimace but Paul didn't care.

His arm twisted as jets of air blasted out but he didn't hear them or care to hear. He saw her, she saw him, they were perfect for each other, he was already dreaming of the house they'd have, their kid... he looked down at his bulky yellow suit, all that was physical of his body. Okay, only the house thing.

She was a kraut, he realized, but his mind continued to dream of her, her wonderful golden hair, her outfit which was so generous on her curves he almost believed she had simply sprayed them on. He would have blushed if he still had a face. She was everything he wanted, but it was wrong, she was everything he hated, he could change her he thought, he could grab her hand and say "I love you," or whatever the German equivalent, and it would all change, it would... it would...

He smacked his helmet repeatedly, breathing deeply.

No He shook.

She's not meant for me, she's the worst kind of person, a commie kraut piece of shit.

She's just a puppet, she's just being used by them, you need to free her, you need to be the hero she deserves.

Hero? No, not that word again, never that word, never again! Never!

Paul screamed as the breach in his helmet grew ever larger. He stopped thinking, he was tired of thinking. Shooting off from the ground, Paul came within spitting distance of the Nazi, fast enough that he was neck-and-neck with the black clad hero. With a lunge, he smashed his fist into the bus on her shoulders, with enough force to cause a large dent to appear in the side. He wanted to tear into it and assault her from above, but the people inside forced him to pull his punch, with the forceful torrent of wind behind him, which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, he had found it much harder to do so, and punched almost through the bus. If the German managed to maintain hold of it after this, he would be both impressed and slightly frightened.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The robot detected the incoming hostile surprisingly early on. He didn't launch an assault immediately, however, otherwise he would have tackled the Amazon at Mach 1 right from the get go and dragged her up into the stratosphere. People didn't often take it into account, but in high enough altitudes the air becomes dangerously thin. There was a good reason why fighter pilots always had to wear oxygen masks when flying on missions. And no matter how strong, powerful, or well-trained a metahuman was, more often than not they needed to breathe oxygen in order to live. Atom, however, needed no such thing and so it could have been a simple task to drag the woman high up enough that she passed out from sheer oxygen deprivation. Unfortunately, two things prevented the Robot from initiating this attack strategy. First and foremost, the hostages. Secondly, when her face became visible he was ordered to standby until an identification could be confirmed.

"It's her alright..." came Trent's voice over Atom's communication, "...Baroness von Gunther. She's one of the Nazi leaders, and an Amazon to boot. She's practically on par with Master Man." Trent was sounding a bit stressed, and rightfully so. Between the appearance of Von Gunther and the sudden arrival of several others with metahuman powers, the mission had become exponentially more complicated. Complications were one of Trent's biggest pet peeves. After an exasperated sigh, he finally said, "Bring her in. General wants her alive."

"Command: confirmed." said the Robot who - to everyone else - appeared to have spoken to an unseen and unheard partner. With this, Atom launched into action... literally. He flew straight at the Amazon at full throttle, his jet boosters allowing him to quickly close the gap between himself and the two friendlies who moved first. However, he couldn't go for Von Gunther directly. The First Law required him to first ensure the survival of her hostages before he could start targeting her in earnest. So at the last possible second he diverted his flight path and flew past instead. However, he did grab the edge of the bus in his robotic hand during the pass... and proceeded to not slow down. Either he would tear the bus from the Amazon's grip or the two would have the mother-of-all tug 'o war matches. Either way, it would likely serve as a sufficient means to keep her attention squarely on Atom while one of the others perhaps tried to get the hostages out or - even better - directly attack her with the element of surprise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Mr Rage @Double @bluetommy2

Thunderclap, Fission, and the seemingly robotic man all went after the Baroness within moments. Alan looked around at all of the new faces. Mysterio and his strange fishbowl head, another robotic looking guy, and the Welsh teleporter were all taking cover as a handful of civilian Nazi soldiers hit the scene. This was in the middle of what was once a nice small business sector of the city full of diners, thrift stores, and specialty shops. The Baroness shrugged off the attempted attack of Thunderclap letting him fall back to the streets where the soldiers were closing in on. Fission had punched the Greyhound Bus as if trying to knock it out of the woman's grip, and the robot man who seemed to be talking to someone over a radio just went for a fly by snatch and grab but the woman's grip still held. She backhanded the nuclear man and sent him flying several blocks back and through a couple buildings.

"Listen guys, we need to save the civilians already with us. Stinky McShitpants and the other two need to be escorted back towards the end of the enemy lines. The US Military had a medical unit maybe two miles back heading west out of the city..." Torch tried explaining, not really knowing how Overload and Mysterio felt about the impromptu plan due to their headgear.

"Um... whatever it is you call yourself... it looked like you were teleporting. Can you do that with other people? Can you get these civilians out of here?" Alan asked the only guy with a visible face.

[[[[ @AtaxiaIV If you take the civilians towards the US camp you'll but heads with The Red Panzer on your way. If you stay, they'll likely get killed during the battle LOL ]]]]

Looking back at the other two with their faces covered, then out at Thunderclap who was still getting his footing back now on the street once again, Alan tried to visualize a plan of action. If the others listened, in his mind it would amount to about +3 exp, cause in his mind this was all like something out of a video game. Guns, superhumans in costumes fighting super Nazis of all things, and Amazon women who could tank a nuke...

"Somebody's gotta give the guy in black some cover fire. I see at least two soldiers getting close. No telling how many more are coming to this location. I'm gonna see if this Amazon still burns like everything else!" he exclaimed running towards the action setting a car on fire in the distance to try and make a distraction while getting the woman in his sights. He noted the woman had a lot of bare skin.

"Let's see if you burn, witch!" Torch screamed blasting a pillar of flame upwards towards the woman.

@rocketrobie2 @NecroKnight

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