3) I've not said what the room allocation is but I'm gonna suggest that the boys are all in one room and Siobhan/Beck and Mary/Elise are in rooms each but that's up for grabs if anybody has any strong preferences
Yep, so, I can't count heads properly. We have a neat cast of eight, four boys, four girls, when I thought the ratio was 3:4. So I'd say shared rooms, two apiece. I'm not gonna dictate the buddying-up procedure because like fuck it I'm not your parents, so shout out how you think it would work well.
And remember... not every character has to be happy about their individual arrangements.
- Good room partners for Will: probably Ross or Darren. You know. People that could stand him. Kyle could also work. All the girls hate him apart from Siobhan, but I think Kyle would shit himself sooner than have another guy sleep in the same room as her, so that probably wouldn't happen anyway.
- Good room partners for Beck: while she'd be happier crashing with her mates (lol, also Ross or Darren), her sleeping in a room with a guy will mean another girl would have to do the same because #maths2016 and I can't really see any of the others doing that (Siobhan and Kyle maybe?) so she'll probably end up bunking with another girl - reluctantly.
Throw in your thoughts.
Fun fact of the day: I'm reading through HP and the Goblet of Fire in Dutch, which is a really easy way to passively learn some language while not really being challenged in any way, and they change like almost all of the names, some of which are great.
Professor Dumbledore becomes Professor Perkamentus, which translates as Parchment-us.
Snape becomes Sneep, which is pronounced the same, but is spelled
Speaking of Death Eaters, Lucius Malfoy becomes Lucifer Malfidus, just in case the satan reference wasn't already sufficient.
The OWL exams are called SLIJMBALs - or, obviously, slimeballs.
Hogwarts itself becomes Zweinsteins School voor Hexerei en Hocus-Pocus.
The Dutch Mad-Eye Moody's name translates as Crazy-Eye Madman, while McGonagle becomes basically Professor Transformation.
Victor Krum's name is immeasurably improved by a bonus 'L' for no reason: Kruml.
Potions are simply magicdrinks.
My absolute favourite, however, is Hermione's Society for the Prevention of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W) becomes S.H.I.T.