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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Ryan Dreane

“A carriage that propels itself? Your people must excel at magic to be able to utilize a Metia that can pull a carriage without horses."

Wait, magic? Ryan was speechless. Though, to be fair magic would definitely explain him being teleported to another world. If anything he should have been more surprised that he hadn't already thought of it.

“But perhaps then you come from a city which doesn’t take kind to demihumans? Of course, even those within Lugnica discriminate against one another, and there have been movements against the presence of demihumans, but I never understood any sort of prejudice one could have against them. If anything, they are just as ‘human’ as you or I, no?”

So, they were called demihumans, eh? The name definitely made sense, even if Maria seemed to have misunderstood the intent of his statement he still more or less got the answer he needed.

"I suppose not." He responded, he didn't really know though. It was safe to assume basically humans with animal characteristics.

Before he knew it, he was following Maria to speak with a large canine like demihuman. Without a doubt, the massive demihuman intimidated Ryan. He didn't lie to himself for a second, if Maria wasn't right there he would have avoided this guy like the plague. What he didn't see at first though, was the girl that the demihuman seemed to be holding in place.

Immediately his eyes lit up at the sight her clothes, he knew right then that she had to be from earth. Had it not been for the potential gravity of the situation he probably would have introduced himself immediately. She was clearly handling the situation better than he would have even been able to hope to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The fox got off of her finally, luckily the fox wasn't so heavy when she was lying still or otherwise it might have left her some major muscle pains. The fox stood up and crouched down next to the small frame of Aya. Aya had placed her arms around her chest again in coverage. She didn't want to let the fox try to hurt her again.

The fox was trying to apologise to Aya again but how could she ever forgive such a cruel act. Aya kept staring up at the sky with a small occasional sniff to hold her nose from running. Tears were still bottled up in her eyes, she didn't want to look at the fox right now, it might give her more juice to work on otherwise.

The fox offered Aya to come with her. It wasn't to trust one bit she thought but being alone or lying on the streets all alone didn't seem like a good idea either. Especially with her body like this. It was a difficult matter of fact, but she at least decided to stand up from the cold sand street. It might help her get back to herself again.

Aya slowly rolled to her side and placed her hands so that she could lift herself up. First onto her knees and then on her legs. She stood in front of Tsuiho with her arms once more in protective mode. This girl did sound a little concerned for Aya so perhaps she had right intentions at least. Aya gave her a somewhat mad glance for a few second and wiped her tears away with her sleeve. She turned her back towards the fox girl right at the street.

"Fine... baka."

Aya stood still, waiting for the fox girl to lead the way. She gave a small pout at her as she walked past and kept the irritated look on her face constantly staring at her.



The boy came from a faraway place, he did appear to be from a different country indeed. His clothes and hairstyle weren't from around here at least. His accent sounded a bit different too but that was not a major hint that he didn't come from here. They at least had the same language so that was a good plus point.

"That sounds terrible, but I'm sure you'll find your way back home somehow even if it may take some time."

She gave him a gentle smile with no more words, thinking she did as much as she could with the situation as for now. He appeared to be a little bit down about the situation though, she could totally understand though, being in a weird city with likely not much money or anything. Finding a job might be even harder for the boy. Almost magically his mood changed into a bit more jumpy and excited one. Yoshino tilted her body back a little at the sudden action he took. Maybe he had a plan?

"Huh what, what is it?"

She said a little nervous and freaked out as the boy stood up. He almost started begging to help her carry those bags. Yoshino appeared to be a bit wordless from him. Why did he want to do it so bad? Did she looks so helpless? She could handle herself well though. Yoshino gave a small chuckle and continue to do so covering her mouth with the side of her hand with her face pointed a bit lower then his face and her eyes closed. After a short minute she stood up next to him and gave him a gentle smile.

"Okay okay I understand, please would you be so kind to help me carry these heavy bags mister."

She gave him another gentle smile and turned her body towards the place where she had put her bags down. She walked over and picked up two of the bags. She turned around once more and handed him the two bags as she turned back once more to get the rest of the bags. After getting all the supplies of the ground she walked past him.

"Please follow me."

"You have everything planned out already, bounty hunter of halves. Sounds good for a big guy like you. I don't even know why you needed me, appears you were one step ahead of me, smarter one."

Kondo gave a laugh and chugged again. The giant was too unconfident about himself, he just needed confirmation about his plans before he wanted to do them. It was fine really, he just needed some help to get a good start at his wishes.

"I know I know but in this state I can't really rent them to others. They are full of dust and used as storage areas at the moment. No one really bothers to make them rentable again."

Kondo circled the edge of his mug to make the booze flow around his mug. He then proceeded to take a lighter sip then his previous ones and kind of stared off into space not really knowing what to do with it. Well it'll work itself out somehow perhaps.

"Lets just drink, I don't want it to be such a huge bother to you while you have plenty going on in your head already and I bet you, you ain't gonna be buying this tavern any time soon off of my hands haha."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


[Anyone in the tavern]

Auuu...she was completely rejected. The look of utter disappointment was clear on her face as Aya got up without her help and walked past with nothing aside from an insult and a look of anger. That said, she had accomplished her goal!~ Now onto getting back to the Tavern, and keeping her word about getting her something to eat and something to drink...and of course, do something about the fact she was 'lost'.

"Alrighty!~" she giggled, giving Aya a bright grin. "Follow me. It's not too far I was on my way there." She did have half a mind to grab Aya's hand and lead her that way to the tavern, but ultimately decided against it. She didn't want to appear too forceful after all. She kept a somewhat brisk pace as she walked, though she made sure to not leave Aya behind and making sure she didn't get lost in the crowd. In all, it took the two about five minutes of making their way through the crowd to get to the Tavern, Tsuiho realizing that about halfway there that she had actually forgot to ask the girls name.

Soon enough, they had arrived in front of the tavern. Tsuiho spun on her heel, turning to face Aya with a grin.

"Alllright here we are! Crescent Moon Tavern. Hehe, it's a pretty nice place. I come here pretty often, heh. Might as well be their best customer! They're pretty nice people, too, so you shouldn't have to worry about it." She probably should have told her to try not and freak out at the giant but eh, it'd be fun to see her maybe slightly freak out just a bit. "So come on in, I won't take no for an answer!~"

The fox walked into the tavern, throwing open the doors with excitement as she entered.

"Wah~!" Unfortunately, she ended up tripping on the door, falling flat on the ground. Usual fare for anytime she entered the Tavern. She just never seemed to be able to walk through the front door without tripping. She landed on the ground, taking up most of the space in front of the door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Grian Rothfell_

"Hehe, just you see little brat. You doN't help me, you in for trouble." Grian took a step towards the Knight and pulled Cheikoa fter him by her hands. He put up his msot innocent smile to convince the Knight about his right. Hope this girl didn't spend his entire life on the street being a jsutice warrior. "Thank god you arrived knight. This girl has lightened my purse by 80 silver coins. Inf act she amde sure I lose my bag too. And now she refuses to help me find it." Hehe, little brat in for the game. He is not the only one who can play with the authorities. "Can you talk some sense into her?" Now all he has to do is sit back and watch the show. If he can get his money back this way, then he has no problems with legal interdictions. But as he was looking at the knight, waiting for her response, he spotted this weird guy next to her. A small boy, dressed in a weird fashion. Too weird in fact. He looked at his fine crafted clothes and strange outfir, only to realize where he had seen it before. His gaze quickly switched from the boy to the girl next to him and the back to the boy. The realisation struck him by surprise. They wore the same kind of outfir. Before the knight could answer Grian asked the boy. "Boy, do you nkow this girl?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



"Hehe, just you see little brat. You don't help me, you in for trouble."

Brat? Please, she had been as civil as she could possibly be given this mutt's behavoir. She didn't exactly know exactly what he meant by that either, but it couldn't have been anything good.

"Thank god you arrived knight. This girl has lightened my purse by 80 silver coins. In fact she made sure I lose my bag too. And now she refuses to help me find it. Can you talk some sense into her?"

Sure enough...it wasn't. She was pulled by Grian towards the knight, though gave no resistance. Looking like she was resisting was just going to make this worse. She was the bad guy here? Bullshit. Complete, and utter, bullshit. Well, if he was going to blatantly lie about what happened, fine. She was going to tell the entire truth and make him regret messing with her. Instead, she turned her head towards the Knight, face betraying no emotion. Honestly, she had had it with this mangy mutt, and she wasn't going to let him off easy.

"I'm...the bad guy here?" She quietly began. "I wake up in this city without any knowledge of how I arrived here. When I try and get my bearings, this mangy flea-ridden mongrel assaults me after his clumsiness causes him to lose his money." Perhaps she could make him lose his composure just a bit. It would definitely help the Knight see that at least he wasn't the pleasant sort if he did. "Then he tries to kidnap me and drag me off to god knows where to do god knows what to me."

That was the complete truth as far as Chieko was concerned. Well, maybe that last bit was a slight exaggeration, but he hadn't seemed keen on letting her go. She looked over to Ryan before continuing.

"I don't even know the name of this city..." She turned her head towards the ground, voice quivering just slightly. "Or where I even am..."

She wasn't too proud to admit she had no idea where she was, but if it could help get the mutt off her back, she'd do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


A genuine smile crossed the combat medic's face when the cat girl pestered her to try on her helmet. It reminded Addison of the various villages she had gone visit to provide humanitarian aid. "Of course, I probably won't be seeing any of them for awhile...." she thought as she held up her hands against the cat girl. "Alright alright, maybe later." she said laughing.

"Uhh, I don't know really, you can try to ask for work but what do you enjoy or what are you good at?"

Addison paused for a moment. What was she good at? Well she had her military training, but with a lack of serious firearms and limited knowledge of anything even remotely related to sword play, she decided to rule any mercenary type work. Wait, of course! Her medical background. "I have extensive knowledge in medicine. You know, actual medicine, and not magical powers that make all the injuries go away." she told the cat girl. Addison still could barely believe what had transpired only a few moments earlier. The medic side of her wondered how much of her body was actually healed, and how much of it was simply killing the pain.

"Thank you very much for thinking of my magic as great miss! My name is Hamaguchi Kura it is very nice to meet you. Please follow me for a second nya!"

With that, Hamaguchi grabbed Addison's hand and began to lead her, only to stop suddenly, as if she had made some sort of mistake. Addison had noticed a few times something similar happening during her conversion, but only just now made the connection. "Sure lead the way Hamaguchi, but umm.... I got to ask, have you been trying not to say... "nya"?" Addison asked as they walked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Ryan Dreane

"Boy, do you know this girl?" Came the gruff voice of the 'demihuman'. With a gulp, Ryan managed to choke back his intimidation. Maria being right there certainly didn't hurt, while she was certainly smaller than Grian she was the commander of a group of knights, so he was willing to bet the way she carried herself wasn't just for show.

"Nope, never seen her before in my life." Ryan said honestly. "But I'd definitely like to ask you to let her go so I can speak to her if you don't mind, from what she's saying we seem to be in pretty much the same situation." Ryan spoke as politely as possible, the situation still seemed delicate and if the demihuman hadn't spoken to him directly he would have kept his mouth shut and let Maria do all of the talking.

He was certainly more inclined to believe Chieko than he was Grian given the fact that she likely hadn't even been in Lugnica any longer than he had, and she definitely seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick when it came to the first person she had met. It wouldn't have made much sense for someone in her situation to have been provoking an armed individual that was much larger than she was. From what Chieko had said though, it was good that Maria had walked up when she did.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica


Well Maria never considered the surprise factor of course. Maria hardly cared for the moment the conversation the two were having prior, figuring the two were merely friends, or perhaps just passersbys who happened to converse with one another. Maria merely wished to inquire about the girl’s clothing, but even if that she wished to do only that, as a Knight her duty was to the law and the lord of the lands.

“Of course sir. However, I am going to ask that you both come with me to write a report. Even if it is but a civil dispute, I must follow the proceedings of the law. I am sure you will understand, but I will get your coins and bag back. Those who follow the path of the righteous will have their reward.”

Maria was someone who wished to ensure that all justice was done through the lense of order and light. Perhaps if it was any other Knight or perhaps if it was any other individual even, they might have merely taken the words of Grian at face value.

That sort of person was not Maria. Maria had dedicated herself to the law and to the law alone. To a concept of justice which she was duty to carry out the letterings [or pictographs?] of the law. From a young age she perhaps blindly followed suit to what those other Knights might have wished her to be. Someone who was not exactly a cog within the system of the law, but someone who would follow the proceedings. However, Maria believed herself to be just, and when given a circumstance would not be as heartless to not make exception to certain instances. After all, does a man deserve five years for stealing a loaf of bread?

However, the other began to speak before she was able to complete her thoughts on the matter.

Even if Maria had many questions about the other’s strange story

Even if Maria wished to know who she was, why she was here, and why

Maria had sworn her sword to a purpose she had not the capability to betray.

“I cannot say to which is the correct voice. I dare not assume so much of either case. If it will not trouble either of you, I ask that you both follow me. I will decide who is right and who is wrong through the evidence of the law. I am not so heartless to damn an innocent man or woman, but I am able to at the very least intermediate in this situation.”

A textbook response. However, most knights nowadays choose instead to act upon the rulings of themselves rather than that of the law. Even if Maria did tend towards a trend such as, she believed that the law exists for those who it is governed by. And as long as the three strangers existed within the city of Lugnica, all will be upheld. And to those who break the law will be chained.

“Bare me but a few instances of your time. It shall not be long. Innocent people should fear not of the law. If you would simply both come to my station, I am sure that all of this can be rectified. If you worry of your belongings, then I shall have a knight of mine personally search the area for your coin. If not I can have you personally paid for any damages if it turns out the woman before you had committed the crime. But know that if she had been telling the truth and you work with traffickers, I will have to act under the fullest discretion of the law This is the capital city of Lugnica, not a circus. Might the two of you provide me with your names?”

Maria seemed to gesture the two of them down a road, but still held to her side her sword in case either of the two had bite in them. After all, Maria was not someone who held the sword to harm others, but rather protect both herself and those she cared about, a philosophy seen dead by the ever-rising strife of man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



With the bags in hand, Daisuke followed Yoshinobu happily. Something familiar was happening... the joy of helping others. As they walked along the street, Daisuke looked around at the signs on the market stands and the street sides, and the posters on the walls, and tried to make out what they said, but the symbols made no sense to him, they are nothing like what he is used to seeing. Its funny how he can speak the same language of the people from here, but not be able to read it. Hopefully it isn't hard to learn, or he might have some struggles in the future. He looked in the bags he was carrying and saw lots of ingredients for cooking, fruit and vegetables like apples and carrots, and spices. He began to wonder what Yoshinobu was making for dinner that day. After thinking about dinner, he realized how hungry he was getting, with his stomach audibly rumbling.

"Ah! Apples! I love apples, I'm glad to see I wont be missing them from home." he said, letting out a chuckle.

He's surprised to see the same fruits and vegetables from his own world, he thought that this world would have some bizarre looking fruits and vegetables, but they all looked completely normal. Peppers, carrots, blueberries, all the exact same. They walked passed some guys in white robes with red linings talking to some people on the street. They had sheathed swords, and looked pretty important.

"Hey, Yoshinobu, who are those guys over there?" Daisuke asked, pointing at them with a curious look on his face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The fox didn't look to pleased with Aya acting like that but she took it as an okay due to that they finally got somewhere. Hopefully she was done with this fox soon or it might get to be her death. It looked like she was gonna grab her hand sometime soon but Aya gave the fox a denying glare. It didn't appear that she wanted to be friendsies with the fox right now.

Soon after the small incident they started moving through the streets. The sight was pretty incredible, in the distance you could see some of the more important buildings of the city. They were build more steadily and looked better then most of the buildings they were walking across now. Definitely a lot of work had been put into it. Aya followed the fox's swinging tail that was glued stuck on her butt or something. It bothered her slightly that these people all looked like part animal for the most part.

Not everyone, there were also humans that appeared normal at first but likely had some crazy mutation about them too. A weird world definitly. What annoyed her more though was the sharp sun. It was piercing her eyes out. With a slight squint she could manage it for now but it was definitly a bother none the less. From her knowledge she had ended up in a sort of medieval fantasy world from a book or game. Despites being a fantasy world with many different kind of species there were still the same kind of food and material.

Aya her sight was focused on the tail but occasionally she would glare at others that were looking at her. They didn't seem to be at least a little intimidated by the small girl what was of course to be suspected. Luckily the people were smart enough not to pick a fight with her or else they might have gotten in a lot of trouble and not by the girl but by the many guards patrolling. She was lucky enough the fox was walking in front of her or else she might have had a hard time navigating through all the people without needing to squirm through.

After a short walk they arrived at the Crescent moon tavern. It wasn't spectacular but it still appeared to be in good shape on the outside at least. The fox welcomed her to the tavern in which Aya gave a grumpy stare. The fox was to hyped about this really. She even kind of forced her into the tavern. From her knowledge it was like a hotel but smaller and half bar.

The fox looked desperate the second she tried to enter. She had tripped over the doorstep and fell down in the door opening blocking the whole entrance. Aya gave another heavy sigh and walked in after her. She placed her foot onto the back of Tsuiho to use her as red carpet of the tavern.

"Don't dare to look up."

Aya gave a warning before she stepped further from the fox her back into the tavern. There were plenty of knives around most likely so she had a reason to warn her. The smell of alcohol filled her nostrils making her stumble back for a moment. Did alcohol always smell this strong? Aya glanced around the bar area of the tavern but could spot nobody indicating that there were likely no customers. Aya looked up at the ceiling hearing a few sounds coming from up above.

"Two people on the roof both men."

Aya turned towards the fox again. It was clear she tripped a lot. That may have explained the roof incident.

"You look pretty pathetic right now by the way."



"Really?! Yaaaay!"

Her cheer had gotten the attention of the other around her a little making a few of them redirect their gaze to the strange army girl for a short while. It didn't seem like they wanted to have anything to do with her though. Hamaguchi smiled even brighter at the girl now knowing she would get to be trying out that metal thing on her head soonish. It made her kind of curious what sort of equipment was stored behind it all.

Addison was good in doing medicine? She hadn't really expected that from a girl looking like that. Most herbalist would look like breakable princesses that gathered weeds all day. Addison looked like a hunter to be honest. Perhaps that expression just was from the clothes she wore. Medicine had use in this world though, they could cure a few things more that magic couldn't. Illness was hard to stride with magic and more easily with care and medicine. Not everyone had magic anyway and they could have medicine in that stead so Hamaguchi felt it would be alright with jobs for this girl if she was any good at it.

"There are some herbalists around, only rich people go to them mostly though."

Hamaguchi grabbed her hand but was almost instantly halted almost falling on the spot. Hamaguchi curiously turned around to see what stopped them. Her tail stood upright as her eyes widened. Was it this obvious?

"Nyo, no, no, I never said a word like that did I? That would be incident for a girl of such a high caliber."

Hamaguchi stood somewhat proud in her own footsteps for claiming herself to be so high and might as she clearly wasn't. Hamaguchi leaded them once more through the crowd of people. It took her only a few minutes for her to get to one of the market stands. She stopped in front of the stand and turned to Addison. She poked out her hand at the various amount of different raw foods. The stand was filled with ripe fruits and vegetables, it also contained a few different kind of meats and fishes but they had to be prepared before eaten for most people.

"Chose whichever you like nyha, nyha, nyha."

Still standing somewhat proud in her shoes she spoke to Addison clearly not noticing she had been speaking indecent for a girl of her 'caliber'. The man standing at the shop was ready to help Addison anytime and open for questions (Hamada)



"Apples? What is that?"

Yoshinobu looked a little confused at him when he mentioned it. She didn't really understand but perhaps it was some sort of strange or foreign item? They sounded somewhat familiar but couldn't say what it was exactly. It was somewhere nearby probably since he mentioned it so she carefully looked around the area while walking.

He really was a strange boy, first calling out some random name and saying that he loves that thing and now not even knowing what the kingdom knights were. Yoshinobu looked at the knights for only a few seconds but turned her sight back to the road again. Her mouth opened slightly before she explained the boy.

"They are the knights of the kingdom. They protect the kingdom from any kind of evil. I hope that explains it good enough. Looks like some kind of theft. Better not to get involved with it."

It was getting quite quiet between the two so Yoshino tried to bring up some kind of topic to not make her seem boring and all in front of the boy.

"Is your home much different than our city?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago


Royal Capital Lugnica

"A challenge as always."~ Jiru hummed to himself as he watched the patrol patterns of the Iron Bell Knights. Naturally, they were expertly placed. It seemed like this time a random window wouldn't suffice. "They might've moved the evidence...I really don't like having to break into the same place three times." He lied to himself. Every time he broke in, the guards redoubled their efforts to stop him. Truthfully, if he didn't have so much experience...or his Divine Protection, he'd have been caught the first time. If he had to give the Iron Bell Knights one thing, they knew how to give chase.

To Jiru, this was all a game. A game he would be either be paid or jailed for, sure, but a game nonetheless. His ears perked up as he listened for footsteps. His hiding place was going to be compromised if he didn't get moving. If that happened it would not only hinder his current mission, but it would remove it as an option for later jobs in the area. Scoping out the entrances would have to wait. Quickly ducking out of his spot, he maneuvered into a nearby alleyway.

From the looks of things, this job would be almost impossible without some kind of distraction. If a few of the guards were disrupted he could probably make his way in unnoticed. The thing that really troubled Jiru however, was the fact that he hadn't seen the knight commander. That could, and likely would, pose a few serious issues. Perhaps she was out? It was a risk he couldn't afford. If he knew where she was, he could probably sneak by, but otherwise? If he was caught off-guard it would be over, that woman was dangerous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



"Ah, so they are law enforcement. I thought that they looked important."

They looked tough and skilled, and their robes looked expensive and well made. Maybe Daisuke can get a career as a knight, it would probably be hard work, but it sounds like a great job, defending the kingdom from evil, and helping out the people of the kindgom. A knight would need to be brave and strong for a job like that, and that's exactly what Daisuke is. He always thought that law enforcement would be a good job for him, if he couldn't be a volleyball player.

"Looks like some kind of theft. Better not to get involved with it."

Who would steal anything from around here? All Daisuke can see are food stands. Are there people that are so desperate to live in this city they need to steal food?

"Is your home much different than our city?"

Daisuke thought about the differences from this city to his, there really are a lot.

"Oh, really different! We don't have any animal-people where I'm from. We buy our food from big stores, all of it mass produced and sent to the stores to be sold. We wear different clothes, too. We have carriages, like here, but they aren't run by animals, they drive themselves... if that makes any sense to you. There's probably lots more different, but I don't know anything about this world. I can't read any of the signs, they make no sense."

Thinking about these things made Daisuke start to miss his home, even though hes only been here for a few hours. Being in a completely different world will make you miss home really quick.

Daisuke grabbed an apple out of the bag and showed it to Yoshinobu.

"Also, we call these 'apples' where I come from" he said while smiling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Uh huh..." Was all Addison said when Hamaguchi flat out denied her adorable speech impairment. However what she had said earlier had sparked Addison's interest. If herbalist were almost like jewelers, where their clients are mostly those of the upper class, Addison could quickly make a profit for herself with the amount of knowledge she knew. Certainly would have an advantage over others in this world, considering the apparent technological level this world was at. "Hell, I could even become this world's own Mary Seacole or something!" She thought to herself with some excitement. Addison immediatly began to scheme how she could use the money she gained from the rich clientele to cover any losses she could recieve from servicing the poorer class. However, her schemes of the future were suddenly halted when they stopped abrubtly in front of a food stall.

It was adorne with many colorful and ripe fruits, all arranged in such a way to show off to a potential customer. To Addison, they almost appeared fake due to how seemingly vibrant their appearance is.

"Chose whichever you like nyha, nyha, nyha." Hamaguchi said with an almost proud tone.

Addison gave a small laugh. "That was three in a row this time!" she thought to herself with a smile. Addison was, though taken back by the charitable nature of Hamaguchi. "Erm... Thanks! I really appreciate you helping out like this. I'll definitely return the favor as soon as I can." Looking over the stall, Addison suddenly felt fairly hungry. For some reason, traveling across dimensions to a fantasy world of magic and cat girls could work up an appetite.

Addison decided to restrain the urge to get whatever, as she was on Hamaguchi's charity, and simply picked out two apple looking fruits and an orange.. or at least she thinks it's an orange. "I'll take these then." She said to the stall keep. But then she leaned in and quickly whispered, "Hey uh, these aren't expensive, right? Sort of don't want to take advantage of the young lady's hospitality, you know?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery was sprinting like his life depended on it right now, weaving through the busy streets with ease. With each person he sidestepped, spun around and successfully evaded in general the grin on his face widened. Surely she couldn't catch him now....
That thought was quickly cut off as he dodged a rather fat merchant man with ease; only to to find himself on a collision course with Dante.
"Coming throuuuugh!" Avery tucked himself in and braced for impact with the other boy, who seemed to be carting some goblin looking blokes behind of him. Dante would now found Avery, whom had dropped his shoulder to lessen the impact on himself, slamming into his torso before both now slammed onto the ground in a tangle of a mess. Avery's staff fell to the ground with a loud cluttering noise as it had fallen out of his grasp during the impact.
Well it would seem dropping the shoulder didn't help that much after all....whoops.
Of course from Dante's perspective it would've looked like a rather cute girl had just slammed into him rather than a fellow young man. That was simply because of Avery's outward appearance and choice in clothing, along with his actually quite girly sounding voice.
"Owww~" Avery groaned loudly as he decided to lay limp for a moment....maybe the fellow he had just absolutely slammed into like a freight train wouldn't be too mad?
Oh who was he kidding....this guy was going to be pissed off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"Awah, using cute things as carpets is meeeean~" Not that she particularly minded. Being part masochist had its upsides, yep. More importantly, after telling her not to look up, she just couldn't not. And being the stealthy sneaky ninja she was, she was more than capable of looking without getting caught. She subtly turned her head upwards, and received a gift that anyone would have been thankful to receive. As Aya stepped off, the fox's face was one of pure bliss. She decided to remain on the floor, though. She had no reason to move after receiving such a treat.

Aya went on to mention two voice above, both of which were men, as well as tell her she looked pretty pathetic down there. Huh, she had some pretty good ears on her if she could hear the two of them talking upstairs. That said, yeah, she did look pretty pathetic down there.

"Auu, you're a mean one, aren't you?" Tsuiho replied, slowly standing up, dusting some dirt off her clothes. "Ehe, but that's fine. I'm nice enough for the both of us!~" No, she really wasn't but details, details. Hopping in front of the human, Tsuiho gave her a friendly grin and playful salute. "And wow, you've got some good ears if you can hear the two guys up there talking! Come on, I'll go introduce ya!~"

She bounded up the stairs up to the second floor balcony, not checking to see if Aya was behind her.

"KondoKondoKondoKondoohhaiKyojin-oof~!~" Her voice would have likely interrupted whatever conversation him and Kyojin was having, with her repeatedly shouting Kondo's name over and over again without stopping until she finally got onto the Balcony, bouncing to a halt and almost tripping over the railing after giving hurried greeting to the Giant. "Hey hey, we've got a little problem! I found a girl. I wanna keep her but she's lost and I think that'd be stealing."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago



Dante's was thinking about what he was going to do with the money he was going to get when his canine ears pick on someone running and moving about on the street, his dog ears were raised showing he was alert when to decide to see who was running toward him to make sure he or she was a threat, but at the time he was looking a fat merchant was blocking his view of the unconfirmed threat. He then found himself moving closer to the fat man before she(thought Dante's perspective) dodged the merchant sending right into his path. During the last few seconds before this person bumped into him, Dante had theses three thoughts.

1. The person was likely just an unarmed women.
2. Because of the first thought she wasn't a threat.
3. Oh, shit she about to run into me, which he notice in the first few second beforehand.

And just like that, Dante was slammed into and knocked down by girl(?) in question, landing him on his butt. "Ah fu-flick." he said cutting himself off from cursing before he noticed that the pink hair women were laying on the ground. is she alright? he thought to himself before quickly checking up on her. "Hey, are you okay? Did you hit your head?" He asked sounding concern before reaching a hand out to her to help this person up.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery slowly looked up at the sound of Dante's voice, noticing immediately the dog ears on the young man who looked to be the same age as him. So he was an Inumimi then? At least that's what Avery thought they were called...he still wasn't 100% used to all this.
However his ears were absolutely adorable! And looked so fluffy...wait now wasn't the time. He looked at the extended hand with a little uncertainty before grabbing hold.
"I think I'm ok..." Avery groaned slightly as he accepted the hand up. It wasn't the complete truth though, his back hurt like hell and he might've hit his head on the way down as Dante had feared. But it was Avery's fault...and he could ask Shiro to heal him up later.
"Sorry 'bout that Sir I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?" Avery quickly bowed repeatedly after he had gotten back to his feet. He seemed quite eager on apologising, then again Avery had been raised with the mindset 'if you're going to do something, then do it right'.
And if he was eager and seemed super apologetic then the Inumimi bloke couldn't stay too mad at him could he? Not that Dante was mad...just that Avery thought he was.
Just in case though he flashed Dante a cute, playful grin. At this stage he had completely forgotten why he was running in the first place.
"I'm Avery Celestia, and you sir?" Avery grabbed hold of the edges of his clothes before giving dipping in a quick curtsy as he introduced himself to Dante. The name Celestia might mean something to the Inumimi, the family was famous for their magical techniques and prowess.
Not that Avery was actually a member of said family...just that as Lady Vesta's attendant, he too took the name Celestia. It was just easier that way, and he had been more or less adopted by the family.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

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Dante couldn't help but smile When he learned woman(?) was okay. If she didn't seem so hurt at the beginning Dante probably would have scolded her for running into him like a jackass, but after apologize to him and bow a bunch of time it wouldn't seem right to scold her. I think she learned her lesson.

"Sorry 'bout that Sir I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?"

Though his ass was a bit sore from the fall it wasn't exactly a big deal, so he sugarcoated his answer a bit. "Pfff the fall was nothing, I been through worse." He told her like didn't he didn't even mind.

"I'm Avery Celestia, and you sir?"

I'm Dante, I'm kind of like a private law enforcer by trade." He told her. Though he may not admit it, this girl kind of cute and pretty, and her modest chest kind of made her more distinguish.

Meanwhile, One of the tied up Bandits Dante is wheeling around raise his head and asked. [color=808080}"Did you say, Celestia, like the celestia family? Hey, hottie how about when I get this mess sorted out we go on a date."[/color] He asked her.

Dante then signed. "Before you answer that, please note that the goblin I have tied up there is wanted for assault with a deadly weapon,armed robbery, and kidnapping." Dante warned her. "Unless you want a third lump on your head I suggested you shut up!" He yelled at the goblin in the cart with his fist raised.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Smiling brightly he could not help but accept his friends support, as little as he got he has always been strong enough to simply push through it and be tough, but sometimes it was just good to get it. With a chuckle and shake of his head he took another mighty sip of his ale, feeling the smooth alcohol refresh his throat and give his tired body a little bit of a jump start.

"Well I have been thinking about hunting for a while, but since I am far too large for a normal bow and not really.. sneaky, I thought hunting something that actively tries to kill me would be a better fit! Bwahahaha!"

With a deep laugh he listened to the mans complaints about his inns rooms, of course that was a issue given that they were likely full of his junk.. Though that being said it was still very much HIS junk that needed to be cleaned out and then stored somewhere for them to become usable. Of course being not only Kondo's friend but also a all around kind giant he would offer to help him out, though he never expected anything to come of it. After all the man was only interested in making some money off the place before he sold it on, well that and the basically free ale and the like that he could chug down day after day!

"Well, if you ever need help cleaning them up just ask... Do you hear something?"

Turning his head past Kondo he spotted the black ears first and then the blur that followed, it almost running right off the balcony and down into the street! With reflexes not normally seen in his race he raised his hand in front of the women to prevent her from going any further, he would feel bad if she went splat! Thankfully she had the good sense to stop, still she was so full of energy he half expected her to just bounce right off!


Following the raising motion he placed a hand on the back of his head and stroked it as he peered over to Kondo, wondering if he had anything to add to the frantic repeating of his name. Still what really caught his attention back was the mention of finding a girl, and at first he was going to congratulate her on finding someone, until she said she was lost....

"Keeping a lost person is against the law, I am pretty sure of it... I think. Well at least she knows our names now. Where is she?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery couldn't help but raise his eyebrow slightly at Dante's response. So he was a 'private law enforcer' then? To Avery that meant bounty hunter or mercenary. Not that Dante being one of them bother the young trap much.
In fact his attire pretty much screamed such a thing to Avery. After all, bounty hunters and mercenaries had their position in the justice system and offered a line of work so they were important. Avery himself would've loved to have become a bounty hunter actually; but he loved being Vesta's attendant far too much. Oh that and the FAR easier life he had being in a rich household.
That was a pretty big bonus to him rather than roughing it up by sleeping outdoors. He needed his beauty sleep after all if he wanted to keep his deceptive appearance up!
"Oh really? So like a bounty hunter? Or a vigilante?" Avery clasped his hands together in a rather cutesy and cheerful manner now. He totally had these guys convinced he was a girl at this stage, not that anyone could blame them. He always put on a rather convincing act which he had mastered these last eight years.
"I've always admired those sort of people...so strong, so full of conviction. They have no ties to anyone, and of course they're mysterious and cool." Avery added with a giggle as he walked over and placed a foot underneath his staff. Half glancing over his shoulder at the goblin currently hitting on him, he shoot him a flirty grin before kicking up his staff.
Effortlessly catching it in mid-air Avery quickly spun around with his hands behind his back and skipped over to the bandit.
"I wouldn't mind too much actually...but my mistress might. She's always telling me not to go off with random men I've just met. Such a bore." Avery pouted slightly before lightly bonking him on the head with his staff, his mischievous smile returning as too the glint in his eye. Almost as if he realised something important, Avery looked upwards and allowed his fist to fall into his open palm.
"Oh and I totally forgot I hate goblins. Especially one as ugly such as yourself. Sorry~" Avery loved being such a huge tease. And the goblin had made it so easy to mock and tease him at the same time. With that insult done, Avery now began skipping back over to Dante, a quite content smile spread across his feminine face.
"Though I wouldn't mind going on one with you Mr Dante." Avery gave Dante a teasing wink before turning away and giggling. Almost as if embarrassed.
"Although that's only if you can help me hide. My mistress is quite cross with me right now, that's why I was running. She gets quite scary when angry so maybe lying low would be a good idea for the rest of the day."
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