Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kai was ready in a matter of moments, She pretty much always wore most of her suit unless she was working in her Dojo. She grabbed a small briefcase and slipped on her utility belt and filled its compartments with her various weapons. Lastly she unsheathed her Katana from its travel case and slipped it into the sheath built directly into the back of her suit.

"I'm ready," Mako said as she popped the collar of her suit up to cover her nose and mouth. All that was left was to wait for Honey to show up and then the group of misfit avengers could get to work doing their real job, protecting the city.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Mary got up and went to her room to change. Unlike the others she didn't wear her full-body suit around in her day-to-day life. She made sure to add extra vine seeds to it, as she didn't have much else that could effect a robot, then walked into the living room.

Just as she got there she heard a knock at the door and checked the security camera to make sure who it was. Seeing that it was Honey she opened the door. "Hey, Mrs. Best. Please, come inside. I assume you have all of the contacts and everything?"

"Yes, even the super-pediatrician, not that we'll need him." she responded. "I hate to rush you, but I just heard that it leveled one of their hangers, and Lucius is already on his way, so you should hurry."

"Ok, then." Mary said. "His fish sticks are in the oven. Now, Cassie, you said you knew where it was? Need me to drive?" Surely Lucius wouldn't mind her borrowing his Lamborghini for a mission, right? "Mind if I borrow a car, Mrs. Best?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Now that Honey was there, it was time to roll out. Kai had her own car, not a Lamborghini, but it could get four people across town. "Come on, I'll drive!" She stated, gesturing for everyone to follow her out to her car. Once everybody was loaded up, and buckled in, of course, she drove with intense urgency following the directions provided to get the makeshift team there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rebekah Green

The team bounced and swerved their way across town. It wasn't the most comfortable ride, but it was fast. Road rules seemed to be less relevant with a giant robot attacking. Still, the siren and lights on the car was enough to get them swift passage through the streets.

With Mako busy at the wheel, Rebekah was in the back seat checking over her equipment. All the buckles on her super suit and backpack were secured, her helmet on. She had her carbon shield out and grown to full size, and in her right hand she held her electrolaser pistol, connected back into its battery in the bottom of her pack by an insulated tube.

She heard Cassie indicate that they were almost there, and braced herself as the car swung around the final corner and came to a halt. As quickly as she could, Rebekah exited the vehicle and looked around at the scene before her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mary got out of the car and looked at the action, only to see a large spherical robot roll into Invisigirl's shield, sliding her backwards and tearing up another foot of concrete. Jet ran over to brief them, continuing to run in place as he answered them.

"So, that's one of Syndrome's Omnidroids, isn't it?" Mary asked.

"Yep." replied Dash.

"But he's dead."


"So Mirage..."

"Don't know. Anyone else have a question?"

Mary snapped out of her surprised stupor. "Ok, then. I'll go help Frozone slow it down." With that, she ran off towards the robot.

When she got there vines shot out of her sleeves and began to grow into the ground, anchoring themselves into the ground so that they wouldn't get pulled out when she wrapped them around its legs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mako started running towards the robot. Robots being metal, there was a good Chance she could just launch herself through the air and stick to it. Invisigirl, Frozone and Mary were working on containing it. So Mr Incredible must be getting ready to attack. Vi and Dash must be running interference and distraction.

"Any one have eyes on Mr Incredible?" Kai asked as she closed in on the robot. She wanted to attack, but she also didn't want to be in the way of the raw strength output intended for the walking orb. Choosing to focus on defense until she learned what the plan was, she focused her magnets to repulse anything metal coming at her... Of course the robot had more mass then her, so she would still go flying if it tried to attack her, but at least it wouldn't actually hit her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Rebekah Green

The scene that greeted the trainee supers seemed larger than life, chaotic, and a bit overwhelming. The dark street and shell of the factory were lit by helicopter searchlights over head, the red beams coming from the robot and flickering flames coming from further inside. Amid all of that, just a few small, dark figures zipped back and forth, dancing between the colossal droid's spinning arms. They were all that was containing it.

Rebekah stopped dead. Did she really want to go and tangle with that thing? Surely any sane person should just be running. Rebekah liked to think of herself as sane. She hesitated for a moment. No, for tonight she wasn't just Rebekah the Sane. It was time to be Karearea, the agile, fast-moving falcon that took on prey larger than itself and took them down with skill and precision. It was time to be super. Deep breath in, here goes.

She head Mako call out for information, and looked up for a place to get a good view of the situation. Her eyes found a balcony across the street, and in a moment she teleported up to it. She could see the whole battle unfolding, as well as Mr. Incredible, racing up a fire escape to get above the robot.

"Up above!" she called down. "Just around the corner!" As she yelled, the robot staggered in her direction, tripped by a quickly growing vine. She had to teleport further up to stay out of its reach, but then came back down as it moved away. Remembering the story of how earlier omnidroids had been defeated, namely from the inside out, Karearea set about piercing the robot's shell.

Karearea retrieved a tiny glass vial from its pocket in her backpack, which was filled with battery acid. It couldn't have contained more than a thimbleful of liquid, but it grew until it fit comfortably within her fist. The robot passed by again and she hurled the container down until it shattered near the top of the omnidroid's spherical body. With the acid in place and fizzing away, she focussed her power into the liquid, growing the small splatter into something much bigger and more powerful. In a matter of seconds, she was able to make twice as much, then five, ten, twenty and a hundred times as much acid. She stopped increasing it for a moment to study the results of her actions. If that much wasn't enough to melt a good-sized hole in the robot's outer casing, she could always try a different tactic, or just add more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Cassie struggled out of the car. It had been an awkward and uncomfortable ride thanks to her armored suit. Seeing the robot, Cassie was in shock. When they said robot, she didn't think they meant this robot. This thing was another result of Mr. Incredible's 'one bad day', created by a boy he had spurned who had idolized him, who then turned his life's purpose into a crusade against supers.

"Syndrome doesn't have to be alive for one of his toys to run amok," Cassie thought out loud, wondering if he had potentially preprogrammed any behaviors that would either be triggered by a period of inactivity or in the event of his death. Perhaps it was futile to think these thoughts at the moment.

Cassie regained her composure and emitted a resounding 'DING'; her father's superhero callsign, a reassuring signal that he had arrived. Cassie looked to see if the robot was preferentially listing in any particular direction while it was in the process of being restrained by the others. If it was, she would lay some white, frisbee-sized discs along its path; harmonic traps. She then raised a hand towards the robot and started pinging it with sound blasts of different frequencies, listening to the echo's distortion and refraction in an effort to determine the resonant frequency of the material the robot was made of, or if it even had a resonant frequency.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Thanks!" She shouted back to Karearea, she grabbed her clip of ball bearings, she released one from the clip and using her powers to levitate it in front of her chest she stretched her hands out in front of herself. She put her thumbs and index fingers in a way that formed a triangle with the rest of the the fingers splayed out wide. Kai got down to one knee for stability, the ball moved with her. After a few more moments of intense focus she launched a single ball with as much force as she could muster into one of the areas being effected with the Battery Acid that her fellow student had deployed. If it wasn't eating away at it enough to burn a hole through it, maybe it had weakened the surface, and if it weakened the surface enough that the ball could break through it, the rest of the acid could leak inside and do further damage on the probably less durable innards.

Best to work as a team rather then get in each others way.

Speaking of getting out of the way, the droid was listing in her general direction as the droid was tripped up by vines. Time to move.

Magnestar moved to another location and prepared to launch a second ball if the group effort thus far hadn't been successful. This time she would aim for its camera eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Omnidroid Beta assessed the situation. Attack #37, acid, was removing all oils, dirt, and water from its surface, by had yet to do any damage to its armor plating. Attack #38, vines, had managed to significantly restrict its movements. The two could be used to cancel each other out, however, so Beta lifted one of its claws towards the battery acid and spun it, blowing the acid onto the vines. The one who was making the vines grow managed to avoid the attack, but another spinning claw only took .713 seconds to cut through the vines. Attack #39, Sonic resonance attempt, might succeed if it could be sustained, but safeguards had been built into omnidroid against sonic resonance attacks. It activated a sound generator, targeting the opposite side of the armor plate with and inversion of the attack to nullify it. It was a stop-gap measure, but should buy enough time for omnidroid to counterattack.
Sensors detected the hero known as "Mr. Incredible" jumping off of a nearby roof. Omnidroid Beta calculated a 64.2% change he would attempt to duplicate an attack he launched on one of Beta's predecessors, and .235 seconds later it was confirmed when he grabbed the droid's popout eye. Omnidroid Beta responded by rapidly closing the eye, trapping Mr. Incredible's fingers, and rolling towards the girl who was generating an electromagnetic field of considerable strength.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnetostar never got a chance to shoot off her first volley. The plan was changing. Of course that assumed there even was a plan in the first place.

Dash was here, so were Mr Incredible and Elastogirl, but where was Vi? Perhaps she could use a forcefield to stop it from rolling, Mako's own powers could help with this too, Karearea could get something in the seam to grow and open the gap allowing Mr Incredible to escape or counter attack.

At the last possible moment Mako dodged out of the way. "Dash!" She called out, trying to get his attention. She would need his speed to get the plan to the others. If they agreed then she would move into position behind the Omnidroid and begin focusing met magnetic powers on stopping the droid from continuing to roll.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Cassie could sense that something inside the massive droid was throwing off the echo, distorting the sound, making it much more difficult for her to triangulate the proper frequency to use. She could take that into account, but it would take much longer, and time wasn't a luxury they currently had. It also didn't help that the droid was moving away from the trap of sonic charges that she had laid down, and was instead rolling towards Mako. Of course, for a machine, Mako was the obvious real threat, and it would try to take her out first. Still Cassie continued to 'ping' it with weak sonic blasts to continue to gather data points, but she knew a different tactic might be in order: subterfuge.

Cassie recalled the news footage of the first omnidroid's attack on the city. Fortunately, Syndrome really liked to talk, and being a sound genius, Cassie had his voice memorized. Clearing her throat a bit, Cassie used her sonic projection and called out, mimicking Syndrome's voice perfectly, "OMNIDRIOD. STAND DOWN!" It was a gamble at best. It was possible that the Omnidroid didn't respond to vocal commands, and even if it was supposed to, there was evidence from prior footage to suggest that the Omnidroid had learned to disobey its creator. Cassie hoped that it would at least stop long enough for Mako to get out of the way of its rolling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Rebekah Green

The acid hadn't worked, which was a pity, but with Mr. Incredible now wrestling with the sensor array on top of the robot, she had to change tacks. With one hand outstretched toward the onmidroid with her fingers splayed, Karearea focussed her power into the popup eye to shrink it. She slowly clenched her fist as she did so. The gesture wasn't strictly required for her to use her powers, but she found that the motion helped her focus.

The idea was that shrinking the sensor array (but not its connection to the main body of the robot) would release Mr. Incredible's hands, and maybe give him enough room and leverage to rip it off entirely, the armour now being small, so thinner and weaker. Even of that didn't happen, however, she figured it would play havoc with the electronics anyway. She knew that the the resistance and current in any wire was proportional to its size, and since she was indiscriminately shrinking the whole popup, not just the part trapping Bob's fingers, the the sensors and circuits in there would be affected too. Suddenly, the inputs and outputs wouldn't match what other components knew how to interpret, fuses would blow and if she was really lucky, the whole part might go offline.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Omnidroid and Incredibles

Cassie's call caused the robot to stop and look around at her, but it didn't appear to be standing down. Rather, it changed direction and started rolling at her instead. It had ben a clever idea to mimic the original master of the omnidroids, but sadly, they had only ever been controlled by remote, and not by voice.

Down on the ground, and now thankfully away from the robot's destructive path, Dash heard Magnastar's call and rushed over to her, and kept jogging on the spot while Mako took advantage of the breather.
"What's the plan, Stan?" he asked quickly. "Got an idea?"

Up on top of the robot, Mr. Incredible had been able to get his hands free from under the sensor array, but his tugging upwards to rip it off completely wasn't getting him anywhere. He settled for slamming a fist down on top of the thing and leaving a sizeable dent in the weakened material before he jumped off the rolling ball. He had been getting dizzy up there.

With the damage done to its sensors, the Omnidroid Beta had to slow up a bit. It's tough exterior could deal with getting shot, slammed, pounded, zapped and burnt, but getting magically warped from the inside wasn't something it was prepared for. It wasn't completely catastrophic, but after fuses had blown and surge protectors had kicked in to save the core components, it was down to about half of its normal perception, with several of its more sensitive and unusual detectors going offline completely. It could still 'see' the supers around it, but its 'vision' was fuzzy and a little slow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Yeah, I need you to get Vi to make a forcefield to stop it from moving, along with anyone else who can hamper it's movements. We need to work together to overpower it. Mr Incredible just did some serious damage to it. I am going to try and use my Magnetism to help try to get it to stop moving, but once we've secured it, I am going to try and use my magnetism to scramble it's brains and shut it down," Magnestar explained,"Can you spread the word?"

Once Dash ran off to spread the plan around she would immediately plant her feet and begin to focus her magnetism in pulling the Omnidroid back towards her. She would draw her sword now to try and guide her powers more effects.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

As the droid began rolling at her, Cassie started to slightly panic. Still, it wasn't the worst thing that could happen. For one, it made it easier for her to lead it into her acoustic trap, which she started running towards. Then running the calculations in her head, she started firing her best estimate of the droid's resonant frequency at it. When it had entered her ring of harmonic amplifiers, she had them all play the same frequency, and though the sound itself could not be heard, its vibrations could be felt as a low rumble to all in the vicinity. Cassie hoped this would jostle loose something: screws, circuit boards, whatever. She knew from case files that the omnidroid's greatest enemy was itself, and the concept of applied destructive harmonics was essentially making a material destroy itself from the inside, so she hoped the principle applied here in the same way. Still if it kept rolling and didn't stay in the trap, damage would be minimal at best. And Cassie would become a pancake. She wasn't exactly the most mobile super.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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Omnidroid, Incredibles and Rebekah Green

As the omnidroid closed in on Cassie and entered her amplifying circle, it's spherical body began to ring like a bell. It was still running its interferers on the inside and trying to block the sound's destructive effects, but slowly they were being overpowered. Slowly but surely, the robot was losing in its struggle with the Noisemaker.

Weakened as it was, the robot kept rolling on towards Cassie, but it was suddenly interrupted by a rippling purple sheet of force blocking its way. Violet too became visible, but just long enough to give an encouraging thumbs-up gesture before disappearing again.

Mako's message spread quickly, through Dash's quick legs and blunt tongue. Quickly, he, Elastigirl and Frozone had descended on the robot, and were working to keep it immobile. Its clawed arms whirled around and snapped at them, but the supers skills kept them just ahead of the omnidroid's pursuit.

Up on her perch above the battlefield, Karearea recognised the new plan did did what she could to assist. She focused on specific segments of the robot's many-jointed legs and grew them, causing jams where the joints wouldn't move smoothly any more. This limited its mobility, causing it to stumble and stagger as it moved about.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr Rage

Mr Rage Zero

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Attempting to pull an obeject of larger mass then herself can only have two real effects. First, nothing, or second, she launches herself at the object she was attempting to draw. In this particular instance, at first it was nothing, but once she saw that the Omnidroid was halted she switched into phase two. She started running toward the Omnidroid and launched herself through the air. Using the momentum of the increased draw of her magnetism she took her Katana and focused on forcing it to vibrate rapidly by constantly drawing and pushing the metal in rotation, like she had done with the pan in the induction testing earlier this evening. With the blade rapidly vibrating she plunged it into the surface of the Omnidroid. Once through the surface she changed her focus into simply putting out the most powerfull magnetic pull she could through her katana. Mako hoped that it would be enough to overcome any magnetic shielding protecting the Omnidroids electronics.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cassie gave Violet a nod of acknowledgement for erecting the forcefield that pretty much saved her from becoming a pancake.

Seeing Mako's attempt to cleave the Omnidroid with her katana, Cassie wanted to see if she could help her in that regard. Despite the sheer amount of noise being generated, Cassie was still able to 'hear' the sound of Mako's sword vibrating, reminding her of the 'cooking' attempt she made in the kitchen. Realizing that Mako was trying to superheat her katana through magnetic vibrations, Cassie helped with sound vibrations by switching her acoustic traps to match the sword's vibrations. Maybe it would help the blade slice into the robot's hard metal shell, or maybe the blade would shatter from the stress.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DFTBA
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The enhanced vibrations of the katana helped it to carve out a sizeable scratch in the omnidroid's shell, then a growing incision that was growing deeper by the second. The problem with this was soon reveal, however: superheating the blade was causing it to lose its temper and solidity faster than it was melting through the omnidroid's temporarily lava-proof outer casing.

With a final magnetic heave, the part-melted sword came free of the robot, along with a section of the robot's shell that had either melted onto it or been deformed enough by the magnetism to tear free. The hole was about a square foot in area with sharp, jagged edges.

In response, the omnidroid abandoned its attempts to break out of its cage and focussed solely on Magnastar. Its two claws became giant saws that swung towards her, while its legs retracted and the whole thing started to roll so that Mako and the hole would be underneath it.
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