Character Sheet:
Height/Weight(For actual reasons, I promise):
Appearance (You can post a picture or write a description. I like pictures better though):
Geneform(Explained below):
Cybernetic Mods(Explained below):
District of Origin(Explained below):
(You have 2 points of proficiency and 4 points of general aptitude to assign. Proficiency means you are, while not necessarily an expert, highly skilled in this particular skill. General aptitude indicates that you, while not excelling in the area, have an understanding of the skill and its use)
Skill List:
Bio-Tech(Personal augmentations like robotic limbs):
Gun Tech(Necessary for use of any ThysenKrüpp weapons, and some others):
Gun Use(Only applies to basic firearms):
Large Melee Weapon Use (Bats, swords, etc.):
Old-Tech(Any technology not connected to a human):
Sleight of Hand:
Small Melee Weapon Use (Knives, etc.):
Unarmed Combat:
Vehicle Use:
Height/Weight(For actual reasons, I promise):
Appearance (You can post a picture or write a description. I like pictures better though):
Geneform(Explained below):
Cybernetic Mods(Explained below):
District of Origin(Explained below):
(You have 2 points of proficiency and 4 points of general aptitude to assign. Proficiency means you are, while not necessarily an expert, highly skilled in this particular skill. General aptitude indicates that you, while not excelling in the area, have an understanding of the skill and its use)
Skill List:
Bio-Tech(Personal augmentations like robotic limbs):
Gun Tech(Necessary for use of any ThysenKrüpp weapons, and some others):
Gun Use(Only applies to basic firearms):
Large Melee Weapon Use (Bats, swords, etc.):
Old-Tech(Any technology not connected to a human):
Sleight of Hand:
Small Melee Weapon Use (Knives, etc.):
Unarmed Combat:
Vehicle Use:
The popular genetic modifications in Petrova as of recent years all revolve around enhancing the senses. People are buying stronger ears, better eyes, etc. However, this in no way means that the only genetic mods found in Petrova are sensory ones. There are less popular geneforms to be found in the Hub, such as extra finger mods, a mod to put an eye on the back of your head, and more. In underground clinics people have even been known to give themselves monstrous qualities, like an extra arm, or shark-like teeth.
While they are becoming less and less popular, cybernetic augmentations have their uses. People have augmentations that allow them to interface with computers, and augmentations that enhance the use of their limbs, making them stronger or faster. However, those in the Hub and Garden districts often look down on those with cybernetic augmentations, seeing them as lesser humans.

Petrova's slums. While they used to be much more liveable, after ThysenKrüpp moved into the city they became a true haven for the worst people Petrova had to offer. The Gutter is ignored by the city's police, and ThysenKrüpp only sends troops into the district when something happens there directly relating to them. Because of this, the Gutter is controlled by various gangs, that are constantly fighting turf wars over who controls which part of the district.
Big Gangs:
The Squids:

The Squids are the newest gang to gain a large presence in the Gutter. The currently control the western portion of the district, and focus primarily on chem trade, using the various waterways in their turf to travel throughout the rest of the Gutter, in order to distribute their wares. The Squids are the second least violent gang in the Gutter, usually just assaulting people who get in the way of their trade, but they are also the second most financially successful gang in the Gutter, and as such have access to better guns and gear that some of the others. Generally the Squids will leave the average person well enough alone.
The Rats:

The Rats were the first gang to start taking control of a portion of the Gutter. Their turf generally covers the northeastern portion of the district, although they are constantly fighting with Die Glücklich over the southeast. The Rats are devoted to smuggling goods from the Hub into the Gutter, or from the Gutter into the Hub. The Rats will sometimes work with the Squids in order to get chems into the Hub. The Rats are generally nonviolent towards anyone besides other gang members, and they try their best to keep the people on their turf safe and happy. As of late the Rats funds are getting a little shallow, because Die Glücklich has been increased
their push into Rat territory.
Mr. Pinky and the Bubble Gang:

Mr. Pinky and his Bubble Gang are the richest gang in the entire Gutter. They specialize in human trafficking, often kidnapping people from the streets and selling them to the Gutter's street clinics. The Bubble Gang also runs various prostitution rings throughout their turf, often pitting them against each other in order to encourage competition. The Squids and the Rats usually leave the Bubble Gang alone, but Die Glücklich is constantly attempting to break into the north part of the Gutter, because they want access to the Bubble Gang's clinics for genetic experimentation.
Die Glücklich:

Die Glücklich are without exception the most dangerous gang in the Gutter. They have no real objective, other than to find new and interesting ways to genetically modify themselves, and to hurt people. The members of the gang are violent psychopaths, and will often just gun down civilians for the hell of it. Die Glücklich control the southern part of the Gutter, and are constantly fighting The Rats and the Bubble Gang over various portions of their territory. Most members of Die Glücklich are genetically modified to the point of it being almost impossible to recognize them as human. Die Glücklich don't have a lot of money, so their weaponry is often lower quality, but what they don't have in tech they make up for in manic violence.
Big Gangs:
The Squids:

The Squids are the newest gang to gain a large presence in the Gutter. The currently control the western portion of the district, and focus primarily on chem trade, using the various waterways in their turf to travel throughout the rest of the Gutter, in order to distribute their wares. The Squids are the second least violent gang in the Gutter, usually just assaulting people who get in the way of their trade, but they are also the second most financially successful gang in the Gutter, and as such have access to better guns and gear that some of the others. Generally the Squids will leave the average person well enough alone.
The Rats:

The Rats were the first gang to start taking control of a portion of the Gutter. Their turf generally covers the northeastern portion of the district, although they are constantly fighting with Die Glücklich over the southeast. The Rats are devoted to smuggling goods from the Hub into the Gutter, or from the Gutter into the Hub. The Rats will sometimes work with the Squids in order to get chems into the Hub. The Rats are generally nonviolent towards anyone besides other gang members, and they try their best to keep the people on their turf safe and happy. As of late the Rats funds are getting a little shallow, because Die Glücklich has been increased
their push into Rat territory.
Mr. Pinky and the Bubble Gang:

Mr. Pinky and his Bubble Gang are the richest gang in the entire Gutter. They specialize in human trafficking, often kidnapping people from the streets and selling them to the Gutter's street clinics. The Bubble Gang also runs various prostitution rings throughout their turf, often pitting them against each other in order to encourage competition. The Squids and the Rats usually leave the Bubble Gang alone, but Die Glücklich is constantly attempting to break into the north part of the Gutter, because they want access to the Bubble Gang's clinics for genetic experimentation.
Die Glücklich:

Die Glücklich are without exception the most dangerous gang in the Gutter. They have no real objective, other than to find new and interesting ways to genetically modify themselves, and to hurt people. The members of the gang are violent psychopaths, and will often just gun down civilians for the hell of it. Die Glücklich control the southern part of the Gutter, and are constantly fighting The Rats and the Bubble Gang over various portions of their territory. Most members of Die Glücklich are genetically modified to the point of it being almost impossible to recognize them as human. Die Glücklich don't have a lot of money, so their weaponry is often lower quality, but what they don't have in tech they make up for in manic violence.
The Medical District contains many hospitals and clinics, as one would expect. However, in recent years the gangs from the Gutter have started taking over some of the medical establishments in the district, and as such one has to be incredibly wary where they get their medical care. The Medical District also has numerous communes throughout it that are inhabited by those trying to escape the Gutter. There are also rumors of some underground genetic labs in the Medical District that ThysenKrüpp hasn't managed to snuff out yet.
The Light District used to be the center of commerce in Petrova. However, ThysenKrüpp saw all of the independent trade in the district as a threat to their own financial success, and cut the power to the entire district. Now the Light District is abandoned, inhabited only by wild animals trying to survive off the scraps of the former human presence.
The Garden District is the only remaining place for Petrova's upper class to safely travel and house themselves. The district is a collection of expensive penthouses, restaurants, and clubs for those who have managed to stay wealthy under the careful watch of ThysenKrüpp. Many of the district's residents are either ThysenKrüpp employees, contractors, or investors. Petrova's police force is primarily split between this district and the Development District.
The Hub District houses Petrova's middle class, those who work in the city's genetic labs, factories, or other industries. The district deals with some crime from the Gutter's gangs, but is generally safer. Those who live in the Hubb are by no means wealthy, but they live in comfort that those in the Gutter can't afford. The Hub also houses some of the only markets in the city, although the products sold in them are carefully monitored by ThysenKrüpp.
The Development District is under the direct control of ThysenKrüpp. It contains their corporate headquarters in the city, as well as an abundance of factories, clinics, and labs devoted to genetic research and geneform production. Average civilians are only given very limited access to the Development District.
It has been years since anyone has been reported entering the Center District. The city's government is run from a capitol building inside the district, but it is completely walled off from the rest of the city. The people of Petrova have, for the most part, stopped questioning what goes on in the city's center, instead accepting whatever actions their government takes with blind obedience.