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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Fallout: Apocalypse



The air tasted of ash. The city streets littered with death and decay. The once towering towers of business and leisure now stand at half-mast, their surfaces scarred and torn. The once great city of Denver now lays in atomic ruin.

Rad storms are a frequent occurrence in most areas. Those unlucky enough to find themselves caught in these storms would develop radiation poising and horrible cancers that still haven’t been given names.

Scanning these streets were EYE-Bots. Their programed paths were unwavering and their blue and yellow paint jobs had faded over the many years. They were searching the ruins for any sign of life, but there was very little to be found.

Roughly seven miles south east, depths under the earth and soil rested Vault 216. – An Ark-Vault.


Are we almost done? Have our years of research finally found a solution to gene-repair?
Yes. Soon we will send them to Ark Prime.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Dusty continued her march through the wastes, keeping her eyes peeled for anything that she could scavenge from. A town, destroyed caravan, dead bodies. Anything.

The padded helmet and googles around her head making her feel even warmer, but Dusty knew that the sun would be too much for her eyes. Her tongue felt heavy and sticky in her mouth, she tried swallowing a few times in a weak attempt to rehydrate her throat. But it was easy to resist the urge to drink her precious water away, what was difficult to ignore were her other urges.

Even though the sound was nearly impossible to hear, Dusty could hear it. She swore she could hear it.

Deep in the pocket of her backpack. Rattling around. A bottle of pills. Down to her last few doses. She knew that they would get rid of her grogginess and the dull pounding in her head, but she had promised herself to wait until she secured her next stash.

But damn it was tempting. It was right there.

Dusty's hands twitched as she slowly reached back to pull off her bag. She could take just one more.

But then she heard a noise, like static and beeping. Dusty stopped suddenly, keeping as still as possible. She didn't want to make any noise and alert whatever it was of her presence. It could be armed, and if it was she needed to use the element of surprise. Dusty remained silent, as the sound got louder. Suddenly an Eye-Bot rounded the corner, floating from building to ruined building. She watched the bot very closely. It didn't seem particularly threatening, but she had made that mistake before.

The muddled browns of her armor made it easy for her to blend in with the surrounding wastes, wearing blue out were didn't seem like a wise choice even for a robot.

"Oh fuck it." Dusty muttered. "What's the worst that can happen?"

The ex-Raider strolled up to the bot in an almost casual way, looking it over for any identifying markings. She tapped on it a few times.

"Yo? Anyone in there?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

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Arnold 'Ray' Dow
Vault 216

Ray packed the last of his things in his room and sighed as he looked around the gray and lifeless room. His wandering eyes rest upon Jessie and he smiled. The young musician walked over to the curved instrument and picked her up. She was an acoustic, with a sun-kissed paint job, a Martin. She was a true beauty. Ray examined the strap attached to her, Vault-Tec's yellow logo printed over and over on it on a blue background. Favor from a friend, who was in charge of all fabric and clothing. He simply couldn't leave her, he knew the other guys would give him shit for bringing her, but if one thing would keep his hopes up out there it would be music.

"I still think this is an awful idea."

The stern voice cracked out from his bedroom doorway and he sighed.

"I know Ma."

"What would your father say?"

"He'd say...I don't know. I always found him hard to read."

Ray turned around to face his mother and was surprised to see tears in her eyes. She was always so tough and yet, despite the tears in her eyes, she had an expression of defiance. A ghost of a smile graced his face and walked over to her, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'll be fine, Ma." he murmured.

"I already lost your father. I can't lose you too..."


Ray tightened the leather straps that held what little armor he had on and slung Jessica over his shoulder, she bounced lightly against his back. His pack was small as it is, so Jessica had plenty of room. The 10mm he was assigned sat snugly in his thigh holster, recently polished and maintained by him. He sincerely hoped he wouldn't need it. On his walk to the vault door, people were wishing him luck, saying they would pray for him, saying they would attend his funeral, or simply nothing at all. Ray glimpsed Lyla briskly walk past him, without looking at him. He thought he saw a mask of pain on her face. And all too soon, he was at the door, with the others. Ray looked back at his home and steeled himself.

"Well, I guess this is it."

"Let's Rock 'n' Roll."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Building Ruins

The Eye-Bot turned to face Dusty, its weapon primed. While the main chassis of the Eye-Bot was near identical to its counterparts, the front clearly had a range of modified sensor units. Its hull marked with many bullet holes and deep scratches it was surprising that it was even functioning at all.

Dusty would find herself completely covered in a green light that scanned her from head to toe.

“Possible hostile detected. State your intentions!” The Eye-Bot called out in a masculine VOX tone.

Vault 216
A.I Core Room

“So do you understand your orders, Mr. Knight?” A red holographic silhouette of a man asked as its shape took form and began to walk towards a young, arrogant looking man who was screwing on a silencer to his pistol.

“Of course.” He said, not looking up from his handiwork. “If I suspect any of the Ark-Hunters to be Red Chinese Communists or that they plan to sell them to any other interest, I am to terminate them.” Knight continued, finally looking up with a smirk.

“The data here is very valuable, Mr. Knight. Not to mention the secrecy of Ark-Prime and the Other Ark-Vaults. Their combined data cores would allow any faction god like ability to create and destroy whatever they wish. We, Vault-Tec are the custodians of such knowledge.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard that spiel from my father. Omega, you have nothing to fear. I will gladly put down anyone who tries to betray this mission.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thane
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Duncan was looking into his father's icy blue eyes, something he’d only been able to do for about seven life years now. He’d found the old soldier rather intimidating for most of his life, many others probably had as well he imagined. He had a way about him; stern, serious and moving and talking in a way that demanded attention and respect. He didn’t fear him anymore, although even time hadn’t changed him much.

“You hear me Duncan? Whatever it is you might be shooting at, aim for center mass. It might be difficult at first but do your best not to flinch or jerk as you pull the trigger too.”

“I’ve got it dad, I must have read Guns and Bullets fifty something times.” Duncan smiled, his father’s face remained stern.

“Reading about combat and actually being in it are two very different things Duncan, you have to promise me you won’t hesitate out there.” The middle aged man spoke, his voice remaining calm but a brief flicker of something visible in his eyes. Worry maybe?

“I promise dad, I’ll be fine.” Duncan moved in and gave his father a tight hug. One of maybe a dozen throughout his life.

“You’ve grown into a great young man. Smart as hell and tough as nails. Like a Pip-Boy.” The old soldier spoke, letting out an uncharacteristic laugh. “Now say bye to your mother, the others should be waiting."

“Young!? I’m 85 years old.” Duncan smiled, letting go of his dad and turning to face his mom, tears rolling down her face.

“I thought when your father joined up with Vault-Tec that I’d never have to do this again.” She spoke tearfully, wrapping her arms tightly around her only child.

“I’m sorry mom.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You’re our son and not to brag or anything but that makes you one of the most capable people in this vault. Or in this world for that matter.” She said, smiling through her pain. “We love you Duncan.”

“I love you too.”

“One last thing before you’re off.” His father spoke, clearing his throat. “Take this, it saved my ass more than once in Anchorage. Hopefully you won't need it, but just in case you do. I’ve kept it in working order, so be careful. It’s almost as sharp as your mother.”

“Thanks pops. I’ll see you both when I see you.” He smiled, walking away and attaching the blade and sheath to his belt simultaneously, now fearing he was late he made his way quickly to the vault door.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dusty continued her, frankly rude, poking and prodding at the face of the EYE-bot until the green light began to spread over her. She jumped back instinctively, tensing her body for impact. She had heard rumors about Laser Guns. Like normal bullet guns but instead of bullets they shot out beams of light that could turn a man to dust.

Man she wished she could punch people to dust.

But this green light didn't turn her to dust, in fact it almost tickled. Dusty laughed in a loud and snorty fashion that only one who lived their whole life without manners would do. She took a step back towards the EYE-Bot, clearly no longer fearing it.

She didn't know robots could talk, and her lack of intellect made it difficult to tell if it was the robot talking or someone using the robot to talk. No matter, she didn't care either way.

"Aw fuck dude! You're just a cute little guy, ain't ya?"

She reached out a hand, placing it on the robots 'head' and giving it a 'noogie'. She didn't answer its questions, instead asking her own.

"Whatcha out here for little dude? Looking for some spare parts to eat?"

She said, eyeing the holes in it's exterior.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

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Around the area, where Dusty was playing with an Eye-Bot - another person could be heard walking around the Wastes. It slowly approached her field of vision - being covered in some leather armor with a scarf covering its face and goggles to shield its eyes.

Like her it was looking around the place, albeit rather calmly than worridly.


(Sorry its short)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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While Dusty's eyesight was nothing to write home about she wasn't completely oblivious to her surroundings. Especially when something was walking right towards her. She quickly looked the figure up and down, trying to find any identifying markers on him. Even from this distance she couldn't see any symbols or designs pointing towards Raiders. It didn't carry the logo of any of the major factions or cities she had come across. So it was likely just someone out scavenging. Scavenging her area.

Dusty snarled, taking her hands off the EYE Bot to turn towards the stranger.


She screamed out to the figure, one hand hovering over her knife and the other curling up into a fist.

"Fuck off! This is my bot I found it first! And anything you find here is mine too! Go find your own dust pile to shit in!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 25 days ago


The figure in question slightly laughed at her statement, its voice sounding gravelly and deep. "That is funny, considering I have spent passing through here, longer than you have been alive, little girl."

"And speaking of dust, I had seen enough of it down South," he spoke, pointing behind him. The figure kept his distance but still had his eyes trained on her, namely also he also seemed to have a rifle slung over his shoulder. Which in essence, made him a danger bigger than her. "And incase your new - unless your dead or dying, don't bother down South. The rad-storm there will tear you apart and anything else, that is left of you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dusty rolled her eyes as the figure droned on and on about dust storms and the south. She had no reason to leave the area, especially since she had yet to find any more of what she was searching for. She zoned out of the mans conversation completely, looking off in the distance and thinking about how great it would be to take a Buffout. It just goes to show how little of a threat the man seemed to be to Dusty.

She yawned in an over dramatic way, scratching at her arm before speaking.

"Yeah sure whatever, old man, thanks for the news."

"Also." She growled, an out of place smirk resting on her face, as if the insult game was amusing to her. "If you ever call me little girl again I'll rip out your fucking throat." She put her clenched fist on her hip.

"Maybe it'll make you sound less shitty!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 25 days ago


He laughed even more after that, sentence spoken to him. "Rip my throat, sure? Never heard that one before - or experienced it. I match your pain with - one of receiving end of seven rifles, down South. Nobody ended up looking pretty after that - not me or what-those-names traibals. Red-yeast, red-turnip or what ever they were called."

That note might raise some red flags, since down South lived or had lived none, but a bunch of tribal raiders called Red Hunters. And one day, roughly fifty years ago they had been torn apart and destroyed. Some say, that the figure of the Storm Walker had been seen, leaving the ruins later. It was one of the stories told around the region.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vault 216
Vault Air Lock

As those who had been selected to become part of the expedition team for Ark Prime gathered at the air lock, the first door slowly began to unlock itself and open very slowly. The moaning sound as it did so indicate that it had not been open in a very long time. Onlooker’s stopped in their tracks to peer at those who would be the first humans to venture out of the vault since it was sealed. In the past they had simply ignored the door as they knew that their best chances were in the vault.

However, despite the door never been opened, behind it was a sort-of-known figure behind it peering down at his watch as to indicate that the team was late for their meeting.

Knight had been seen around the vault more often than not, but he rarely interacted with citizens below level-4 clearance. Rumours stated that he was part of the US Intelligence division and was responsible for hunting down and eliminating Red Chinese Operatives that were working within the borders of the US. Others state that he was the programmer of the A. Is that run the vault as he is the only one ever to be seen entering the A.I core. Whatever the case, him being part of this mission was rather unexpected and quite frankly a daunting aspect on top of the already nerve-wrecking assignment.

“How nice for all of you to finally show up an hour late. Did you think that Ark Prime was just going to find itself?” Knight announced, his voice filled with earned arrogance.

“There’s no need to be rude, Mr. Knight. I’m still finalising the sample codes as we speak.” A familiarly friendly female voice would call out; its source was everywhere.

A blue silhouette of a female formed within the roomy air lock. Alpha, the domestic A.I that was often thought as the true Overseer of the vault. She was always friendly and never had a mean word to say about any of the dwellers. She also oversaw the conduction of all research within the vault.

“Ma’am. With all due respect, why was I sent here earlier than needed to be?” Knight asked angrily.
“Because, I needed you to ensure all equipment was in satisfactory condition for the mission. Now… I believe Omega would like a word with you all. Please, come in.”

There was a moment that allowed everyone to filter in and take a seat on the wall mounted benches.
Suddenly Omega, the red male A.I made and appearance, looking between both Alpha, Knight and the rest of the team. He gave out a low sigh before stating.

“Greeting. As some of you may know, I am Omega. Security Warden of Vault 216. It is my duty to keep all dwellers safe, regardless of whether they are inside the vault or out.” Omega said, his voice neither welcoming nor did it hold any kind of scorn against the dwellers.
“Your objective is to locate Ark Prime and install the data core, seen before you.” Omega gestured towards five Data Cores that were placed on the ground. “These are of vital importance as they contain all that we have learnt here. If one were to be destroyed, the effects would be disastrous.” Omega explained.

“Now, before you find Ark Prime, you must locate a nearby radio tower and install software from you PIP-BOY onto it. That way I am able to stay in secure contact with you and inform you of what my EYE-Bots in the area have discovered. Any questions?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Dusty yawed again, leaning dramatically against the EYE-Bot as she did so. Acting as if him talking was literally boring her to death. After carrying on her in sarcastic way she finally spoke, her voice dripping in condescending sarcasm.

"Ohhh yes please old man! Tell me more about the South! And dust! I've never seen fuckin' dust before!"

She looked down at her feet, at the dust and sand she was standing in, and feigned surprise and amazement as she kicked the dirt around. She didn't give a shit about Tribal people or turnips or this dumbass in front of her.

All she cared about was finding a way to remove the pounding in her head. If only she had some Psycho. That would take care of the itch in her fingertips and the old guy. Oh. She hadn't been listening to him for awhile, oh well. He was probably just flapping his gums like most other old people.

Dusty hooked her arm around the EYE-Bot, determined to take the thing with her. If not for spare parts and hopefully some caps for chems, it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Even if all the messages were pre-recorded.

"Anyway!" Dusty said, her voice still condescending. "I'd love to stay and chat, I really would, but I got places to go and people to see! And shit to get!"

Dusty stayed where she was, however, hoping the man would take the cue and leave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

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"Fine by me - oh, a bit of warning. You have a rad-storm coming your way, have fun avoiding that," he spoke to her, walking past her debris-pile - looking around him and then taking a direction to head towards.

"I am going to bet, that you'll likely survive a day - before croaking. I'll bury your body later, if I return this way," he added, starting to walk towards a direction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thane
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Duncan gave Knight a cold smirk in return for his gift of an aggressive and annoyed greeting.

“Apologies Iceman, I had to say goodbye to those who love me, as did Ray here I imagine.”

He immediately regretted his passive aggressive response. This wasn’t the way to start off their journey. Knight was cold, but he’d be one of two people Duncan would be relying on to watch his back for who knows how long. He made a mental note to try not to respond to the man in kind in the future. Thankfully before their interaction could continue on it’s downward spiral Alpha ‘appeared’ and ushered them into another room to speak with Omega. Heading in and taking a seat on one of the benches, Duncan was almost holding his breath by the time the second A.I appeared. This was all rather surreal. He’d seen Omega several times before speaking to his father but he’d never actually directly interacted with him. Still, his ‘voice’ always set him on edge. It wasn’t human or kind sounding like Alpha’s, it was cold and monotone. It’s purpose was obviously not the comfort of the humans it existed alongside.

After a quick briefing it asked if they had any questions. Duncan had several, but the important ones would have to go first.

“What do we know about the land? It’s survivable, obviously, but what about wildlife? Is there any? Is it hostile? What about people? Humans? Have any survived? Are there settlements if they have or has humanity regressed to nomadic standards? If there are settlements then that implies groups, so are there factions we need to worry about or maybe any that might provide assistance should we need it? I imagine we’re going to need more than the rations we’re leaving with to survive the journey, so do you have any idea where or how we’ll get more? Water, food, ammunition if we need it…” Duncan talked quickly, it’s not like the artificial intelligence wouldn’t be able to keep up.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Dusty didn't seem to care as the man walked away, she was far too busy getting the sand out of her shoe. Even as he rabbled on about Rad Storms or whatever she just yawned, the tiny waterfall of trapped sand now rejoining the ground. As he walked closer to her she happily flipped him off. Closer he got to her the better a fight would go. Good luck pointing a rifle in a melee range.

And as he began talking about her dying Dusty quickly, and rudely, cut him off with a wave of that same finger.

"Yeah yeah whatever old man, don't have a heart attack. Go eat your vitamins or whatever."

Once he was out of sight Dusty, without turning her back to where he had gone, looked back to the EYE Bot. She patted the robot on the side, enjoying the metallic clanking.

"Well, little buddy, how's about's you use that nifty little light of yours to lead me to some chems? If you do we can go about finding a way to patch you up! Hows that sound?"

She decided, that if the EYE bot was to move she would follow it to wherever it lead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Dow Dragon
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The Dow Dragon May The Good Blood Guide Your Way

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ray decided immediately that he didn't like Knight. They hadn't talked at all before this and Ray was quite grateful for it, Knight reminded him of the kids who lorded their parent's superior jobs over his family. He liked Duncan a lot more and gave him a warm nod as he addressed Knight. He also hadn't talked to Duncan much, he understood that Duncan's...situation was special but that was all he understood. And that was really all he needed to understand. Ray listened to the A.I. intently, his arms crossed. He was itching to get out there. After Duncan rapid fired his own questions, Ray thought for a moment and only asked one thing.

"Do you think we'll have to kill anyone?"

If there was one thing that Ray hated, that was violence. He had heard of the creatures or at least the estimated behavior of the creatures out in the wasteland. Ray wasn't concerned with that. He didn't want to kill any other human beings, there were so few of them already.

Then there was Knight, Ray could tell this guy would be a handful, he didn't strike Ray as a compassionate person. He was struck by the uncanny resemblance between the omega A.I. and Knight himself. Both cold, objective driven, though Knight had a far more irritating superiority complex. Still, Ray couldn't dwell on this, this was one of the guys he'd be traversing the hellish landscape with and they'd need to be as thick as thieves if they were going to survive this. But if they were confronted with a decision of mercy, especially against someone or something that attacked them, Ray couldn't shake the feeling that Knight would kill them without saying a word. The danger and uncertainty of all that lie outside the vault hung like an ominous cloud over them and the young musician knew he wasn't the only one who felt it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion-114
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Building Ruins

The EYE-Bot, caught between both the human female and the male ghoul. Warning alarms began to sound and the entire hull of the bot seemed to lock down.

“WARNING. FEV strain detected. Bodily mutation stands at 97.3% Termination advised.” The EYE-Bot cried out, it’s laser clearly being charged to beyond recommended safety levels.

The Bot then elevated itself and begun to take pot shots at the ghoul, seemingly protecting the human female.

“This is now a combat zone; all non-combatants are advised to leave the area immediately!”

Vault 216
Vault Air Lock

Knight would first peer at Ray with his arms folded and with a stare that could rip flesh from bone. His stance was clearly disapproving, perhaps it was a race thing, or maybe just the fact that being a musician didn’t class as having a proper job down in the vault. Whatever the case, it was clear that he was in Knight’s personal firing line.

“You have been given a weapon haven’t you? If anyone stands in our way, they’re to be terminated without question. Is that understood?” Knight explained, his voice cold, there was no enjoyment in what he said, at least raiders had some form of emotion is such words; but not Knight, hi words were just soulless.

Omega then turned to Duncan.

“All such information had been downloaded to your PIP-BOY. The more radio stations that you are able to activate, the further my reach becomes. Meaning I am able to relay relevant data to you from the local EYE-BOTs.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dusty watched in confusion as the EYE bot suddenly started acting really weird. She took a step away from it, anticipating it to explode. But it didn't immediately burst in the flames. Instead it began saying a lot of weird words that she didn't understand. FEV? Mutation? 97.3? Termination? What the fuck did that all mean?

The EYE bot them began to whirl, charging up some sort of weapon. Dusty watched with amazement as the EYE bot fired off its weapon. Laser Gun! Awesome. She laughed as the EYE Bot fired off towards were the man went. Her laughing showed that she didn't find the situation very dangerous.

But then the bot said a word that Dusty did know. A word that set fire to her veins. Combat. Oh how she loved combat. Dusty clenched her fists around her trusty knuckle dusters, her babies and her name sake. She howled out a battle cry as she slammed one of her fists into the metallic hull of the EYE bot.

"Yeah! Welcome to the combat zone! Bitch!"

Think before you act! Punch a robot! Fuck it!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 25 days ago


When the eye-bot went after him, and started shooting his lasers at him - namely hitting him three times in the back. The old man in question, simply pulled his rifle off its back. Turned around at put two shots from the old Garand, straight into the hull of the Eye-bot - likely rendering it non-operational after this. The clicking and bang sound of a rifle firing, echoing in the Wasteland - indicating, that he wasn't some crap pushover and a rather armed fellow.

"Bloody machines," he growled at that - now he had to deal with a rather annoying itch in his back, thanks to said lasers having cooked his back.
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