Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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The Pantheon

The Gods have gathered here. All of them , ready to show off their creations. Ready to make the other Gods envious of their creations. The Pantheon itself was a big room ( similar to the Green Pantheon building ) with thrones and angelic servants everywhere , ready to serve their betters. The Angelic servants had been made by the first God , Maximus and were left behind when Maximus vanished from the Pantheon after the last Cataclysm ( the last time the Gods tried to make races ) without any trace. The other Gods at first searched for Him , He was their leader after all. They owed him loyalty and their lives for he made the other Gods but after a few million years , mere hours God-wise the other Gods soon understood that he was not coming back and they were free from his reign and decided it's time to be their own leaders so after some time in which each of the Gods created their own races , they all have come to the Pantheon to show off.

Miralis was as always undressed , showing her beautiful body to all those that watched. Her throne was made of a mineral that she created for the New World and had many small worm-like creatures moving around and in it , showing the Goddess's love for the creatures of the underground. She looked at the other Gods that have assembled in the Pantheon and looked with amusement at their chosen cloths and such. She raised from her throne and raised her voice for all the Gods to hear :

" Fellow Gods ! I want to tell everyone this. Welcome to the Pantheon. It's been a long time since we all gathered here , I know but once Maximus left most of us didn't saw any motive to meet with each other. But , this ends now. We are here to repopulate our world. To retry to do what even Maximus himself failed. To make a race that will not kill itself eventually. So...if no one objects I will be the first to show you , the race that will dominate all others. I present you...The Unders ! "
Four creatures appear in the center of the Pantheon. They are more worm than humanoid in nature. Having 8 legs and 6 arms with big claws. They are big creatures with 16 eyes put on their bodies. Always moving , always twitching. Looking around at the Gods before them , the creatures suddenly realize that they are in great danger and quickly try running towards Miralis but hit the force field put around them to keep them safe. They make a squeaking sound and then they stop , looking around with their many eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyber Mama
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Cyber Mama The virtual mother

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The Pantheon

Malathrack's throne is one of the last to be filled. It stands gloriously by itself, much larger than what one would consider average sized. This would be due to her features of abnormal size and design. Elaborate stonework is the base of the throne with glorious detailing featuring the head piece. Unfortunately for the admirers of the Pantheon the finer details are concealed beneath a very neat and tightly woven sheath of silk. Her throne has no life, no interpretations, just her comfort and taste in mind.
Time passes slowly and Malathrack descends from the Pantheon's abyssal ceiling from a rope of her own making. Her eight legs which wear plates of ever changing colours all meeting around the web and slowly lower her to her throne. Upside down and hands free, she suspends herself just above the afore mentioned throne and turns about before extending a hand to retrieve her harp. One of the passing angels hands it to her and allows her to settle into her throne. Her many eyes seek and locate all that gather before the Queen of underground.

"Ahh, yet again the Queen of Mud shows off her depraved body." Malathrack whispers to her instrument, strumming lightly the chords of her harp. The dress sense of the two goddesses were very different. Malathrack's dress sense was more lady-like in the sense that she often wore elaborate gowns tailored by herself or those she blessed as her servants. Out of politeness Malathrack allows Miralis to finish her speech. Quietly chuckling to herself at the arrogance and cockiness of the goddess who claims the underground as her domain. Only the insane would consider themselves more powerful than Maximus. To her, no one could surpass Maximus' abilities and the notion that a god could was so abstract. "So...if no one objects I will be the first to show you , the race that will dominate all others. I present you...The Unders!" Malathrack laughs once more. This time it's audible enough for the entire Pantheon to hear. "The Queen of filth proclaiming herself most successful? Now I've heard everyth-" however her mockery of Miralis is cut short as four conjured beasts appear before them all. The hideousness of these beasts from a goddess that prides herself on seduction. It not only repulses Malathrack but baffles her. How could she hold these abominations up to be her pride and joy? Regardless they must be stopped before they cause chaos. Her fingers ready upon the chords of her harp but find themselves pointlessly positioned as these glorified worms run into an invisible barrier.

Malathrack stands from her throne and calls out to Miralis, "You can't be serious! You bring mortal beasts to OUR domain?! Have you gone insane in Maximus' absence or are you obsessed with destroying everything for a second time?! Is there no place better that we can show them? Can we not design soil for their feet before we breathe life into them?" Her voice is wrought with rage at first but is quick to tone down as she strains to respect the purpose of their calling. Playing it off as disgust, she silently screams at the nerve of someone to not only imply that they and the other gods could be more powerful than their father but to then bring mortal beings into the presence of the pantheon.. Her clawed fingers tighten on the harp and all eight eyes cut through the air like daggers, sinking into the very essence that is Miralis.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 21 days ago

The Pantheon

Where stood a simple marble throne suddenly appeared the Lord of Wind & Storm. The presence of Ashkar was accompanied by the whispers of a thousand winds, that slipped into the chamber, and searched for every empty corner. Ashkar towered above the room, seated as he was upon his throne, carved with runes and symbols from the world before the Cataclysm. His eyes flashed brilliant white, then deepest black and shades of grey in-between. Anger. Empathy. Fear. Joy. The gods face was a revolving window of emotion, fickle as the winds he claimed dominion over.

His mind raged. The prayers that had once calmed his mind were silent now that the world was empty-indeed non-existent. Ashkar longed for a people to claim as his own, not as a thing of pride or delusion-but out of necessity. The songs and chants his people would recite would give clarity and sequence to his disjointed divine mind.

"Can we not design soil for their feet before we breathe life into them?"

Angry words from Ashkars' arachnid sister.

"I agree, Miralis," said Ashkar. The words spoken from his 12 mouths were out of sync the words echoed around the room. "We need to begin the world again as soon as possible. However, I applaud your creation Miralis," said Ashkar, gesturing to the worm-things writhing on the floor. "Obscene as they may be-but no matter. Let us begin the world again in haste. Where are the others?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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The Pantheon

The Wise-Man appeared on his mat in the Pantheon. It was simple and blue, one might use it to practice yoga on. As soon as he arrived he winced inwardly, though no outward sign was shown. Ah, it had already begun then. He could feel the room already out of balance, though such was to be expected. "I see the squabbling has begun already." The Wise-Man said cheerfully. So it was whenever the gods gathered. He looked at the race presented first, which one might question his ability to do so given that his eyes where still closed but he seemed to manage well enough. Interesting, rather far off from most templates. Original if nothing else. The Wise-Man continued "I should think it would be best to know whom we are creating a world for before we create the world no? Please, let us all finish our show and tell before we begin."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Miralis smiled at her sister's outburst. " Come now sister. These creatures are just a prototype. Do you really think I would bring mortals here without making sure they are contained ? Don't worry. They don't see anything at all for now. The world is black for them. Not ever our voices can be heard by them...for now. "

She waits for the others to voice their opinions and nods.

" I agree with our brother Wise-Man. How can we create the world if we don't know what will it house ? What if we all want to do put our creations in the same place ? What if we make the world unsuitable for life of another of our creations ?
Be patient Ashkar and Malathrack. It will be over in a moment. Well...one of our moments.
So...I guess my turn is over , brothers and sisters. Now , please. Show me your creations. I know that you have them ready.
" said Miralis with a grin on her face.

@Eklispe@Polybius@Cyber Mama
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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The Pantheon

The Wise-Man nodded. "Very well then, I suppose I'll put my creation on display." Upon these words a full grown Muliod appeared on the ground in front of him. It appeared to be in some sort of stasis, not moving at all, but defiantly not asleep either, as indicated by the rigidity of its pose. The Wise-Man gestured to it, "It is somewhat basic in design, but also fairly practical. Naturally they are omnivores, fairly intelligent and capable of individual and higher levels of thought. I was hoping for a suitable mix between brains and brawn, it seems to have turned out alright. It will be nice to see how they preform. They aren't too outstanding but I believe in their ability to persevere in a variety of situations." The Wise-Man said pleasantly. He shrugged and the Muliod vanished to parts unknown. "What other creatures can I expect my creations to share their new home with?" He said, with that same passive face as he turned to face his fellow gods expectantly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyber Mama
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Cyber Mama The virtual mother

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The Pantheon

"Come now sister. These creatures are just a prototype." Malathrack sinks back down into her throne. Her feeling of rage subsiding as her sister reassures her and the other gods that the mortals are contained and unable to see them. Malathrack remains dubious of the entire concept, still holding firm the idea that this will bring about the destruction of the gods. She watches as the gods around both agree and disagree with the idea but the majority would side with new life and thus Malathrack changed allegiances to ensure she was among the successful. Her most passive brother, the Wise-Man steals the scene with his new creations. Malathrack's eyes scan over them trying to take in every detail she can. These four armed creatures appear quite mundane in their appearance. "Naturally they are omnivores, fairly intelligent and capable of individual and higher levels of thought. I was hoping for a suitable mix between brains and brawn." The Wise-Man goes on but those words fall on deaf ears near Malathrack's throne. She runs through her mind to look for a weakness that these creations may have and finds few. To Malathrack, mortals are strange and don't abide by the rules of gods. They need to eat and to sleep and all so they can survive in the blink of an eye.

Malathrack sighs, strumming four chords on her harp. Each time she struck a chord, a small white wisp drifted to the centre floor. These wisps gain form as they drift through the air towards the centre of the Pantheon. By the time they reach the mortal containment area they are large oval balls of web that stick themselves to the floor. "If it's success you wish for in this world then look no further. Made in my image, the Arachine will be my harbingers of success." Malathrack's four silk cocoons unfurl like glorious white flowers to reveal the four children she so proudly created. One male, three females. One of the females stands taller than the other two and appears to be breathing heavily as if fearful of her current situation. The others however are calm and all have their hands placed on the largest of the four. "My children will share this world, and their successes, with all those that choose to coexist. I will make sure of it." Malathrack closes two of her eyes and begins to strum the chords of her harp in calm celebration of her newly created life.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Miralis smiles as the Wise-Man shows his own creations. " Nice creations brother. They look...quite nice. I didn't expect that from you , to be honest. I thought you would make something in your image as our brothers and sisters surely do. "

As the creatures disappear in the blink of an eye , Miralis listens to her other sister , Malathrack and nods at the claim she made ( that her creatures will be better than all ).

" Remember dear sister , we cannot interfere with our creation's plans. They have to choose how to live by themselves. Our father did that and it didn't work , as we all saw. We need to let them live on their own , to grow into something that we will be proud off. Of course if needed be , I hope we can all agree...that we will remove them from our world. *she looks at Ashkar* I think it's your turn brother. Let's see what you have created. Let's see what matter of creatures you made. " said Miralis with a smile on her face.

@Cyber Mama@Eklispe@Polybius
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 21 days ago

"I think it's your turn brother. Let's see what you have created. Let's see what matter of creatures you made. "

Ashkar nodded thoughtfully at the creations of the other gods. Fine work. he thought "My...?...Turn...Won..der...ful..." huffed the god of wind, growing louder with each syllable. The breeze gracing the chambers stopped for a moment, then gathered dust at Ashkars feet. The dust form four tiny cycles and swirled intensely, stopping just as suddenly as it had began. Four infants sat wide eyed before the court of gods. Ashkar chuckled with his 12 mouths, which startled the babes, who looked around curiously.

"Ah...young ones for my race of Garuda. In time they will grow strong; I give them the gifts of intelligence, wit, humor, joy, anger-all of the emotions of my winds. They will be friends of nature, and one day farm the earth. In return they will sing chants and prayers, to calm the rage of storms." Ashkar bent down and scooped the Garuda infants up with his massive translucent hands. The children seemed to float for a moment, before the illusion was dispelled. "I am finished, brethren," said Ashkar eyeing the creations in his hand.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Miralis smiled at the her sibling's creations.

" Very , very nice creations. Our other siblings are late as usual ( the other players that may want to join ) but we cannot wait for them any longer.
Please siblings , let us hold hands and concentrate on this new world we will create. My race will claim the Underground , I hope no one wants it. If so...I'll share it if necessary. Our personal feelings must not matter to our creations , I hope everyone can agree to that.
With that said Miralis extends her hands towards the other Gods and starts chanting , creating the perfect place in the underground for her creations.

@Polybius@Cyber Mama@Eklispe
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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The Wise-Man nodded. While he may not have any qualms waiting he understood that others may not feel the same. After all, they wanted a playground for all their new creations and The Wise-Man felt the same. He turned his attention to the malleable planet thoughtfully. "Worry not sister dear, I shan't encroach. Inversely however I will be making more land than my creations will need, at least to begin with, so if you like my design feel free to make use of it." With that he set to work, accompanied by a small, thoughtless humming. His projects would start off in a mix of habits. Primarily lush green areas, filled with already growing plants for them to experiment with. A bit further away to the south larger forests began, filled with all sorts of animals. To the east a small ocean popped up, a river feeding into it past the fields. To the west mountains and the origin of the river. Finally to the north lay arid deserts. That should be a nice array of habitats to play in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

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The Pantheon

Lady Myorvaine was always there in a flurry of leaves and the soft scent of flowers and it was as if she had always been. Her form was younger then most, looking more like the body of a prebubescent teen then a beautiful woman, though her eyes bore the wisdom of many eons. Atop her head curled ivory horns, between them a simple jewel that granted visions of the treasured forest glens she held domain over.

Her throne was made of great roots and branches, twining together into a living creation that writhed and cracked and groaned. Saplings, vines and shrubbery grew around it, fast enough to show visibly their life cycle but slow enough to be considered a relaxing form of art. Flowers budded, bloomed and drifted away and grass tickled the edges of Lady Myorvaine's feet, as she watched the processing with wide eyes and the twitching head of a curious bird.

Lady Myorvaine's movements were not fluid at all. They were jagged and sudden, like fairies in flight, zipping that way and this with a strange flow. It was always the way when she was concerntrating, the world reflected in those big yellow eyes, as if the speediness of her processing could not be contained to her mind alone and must be felt viscerally in her body.

She squatted low on her throne as the Wise Man set up his Mulliods for perusal. Lady Myorvaine herself did not understand the other God's commitment to the exchange - Why couldn't they just learn to be and let what happens, happens? Why was there such a dedication to this ritual they had experienced cataclysm after cataclysm? Myorvaine took pride in her beloved ones, but it was a tethered sort, built on an understanding that change came without care for anyone's opinions about it. It seemed a waste to be parading around their creations when they could be watching them develop and grow already.

Still, Myorvaine had nothing if not patience. She understood the Gods had their Pleasures, and she would submit herself to their discussion, though she felt pretty neutral about the whole affair.

"A worthwhile creation," her voice a constant whisper of rustling leaves crunching underfoot and the sound of the breeze through the canopy. "I anticipate wondrous things."

She curled up on the arm of her throne, allowing the roots to wrap around her in a cacoon as the procession continued. Her eyes lit up at Ashkar's words, and she nodded with his wisdom."Those who are friends with nature will always find nature is friends with them..." she murmured softly, drifting off...

Miralis scimmed over her. It was unsurprising, considering how unassuming the Lady Myorvaine was.

"My people are here." she waved an arm lazily and at the centerpiece above her throne, the branches untangled to reveal a small orb cradled softly by the foliage. Myorvaine rolled onto her back to gaze up at the sleeping forms of her people, her lips puckered in the smallest of smiles.

A strange mismash of horns and antlers and barky skin, the four youths slept peacefully in a pile, entwined together. They seemed unaware of the divine gazes upon their sleeping forms.

"I give them only the gift of life and love. It is their choice how they wish to use it. They shall call the forests home and the woods will be filled with their laughter." and her eyes were only filled with a mother's tenderness for her little ones.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyber Mama
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Cyber Mama The virtual mother

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Malathrack looks to her brother and sister that hold hands with one another. She wasn't one of the more 'touchy' goddesses and thus often refrained from making gestures like hand holding or intimacy. However it was needed to forge a world for their children to survive then she could make an exception for this time and this time alone. She gently raises herself from her throne before stopping half way, noticing something she hadn't before. Her sister Myorvaine was displaying her own creations. As always Myorvaine was soft spoken and was over looked by her brothers and sisters.

Malathrack holds out her harp to a servant. He relieves it from her and begins to carry it by the side of her throne. She performs a gentle waving motion and focuses on the new world's creation. Something she knew the Arachine would need a lot of would be food and camouflage. Somewhere dark but not so dark that it were constant night. Somewhere both safe from the elements but able to harness their power.

"May our children find this world homely." whispers Malathrack as she crafts mountains shrouded at their bases by greenery. Many tall trees fight one another for light and the soil beneath them holds few sprouts of grass but a large portion of shrubbery. Deer and other passive creatures are placed for hunting and food. She pauses a moment and begins to drill holes into the mountain side where her children would be safe and able to call home.
Pausing again, Malathrack thinks over her design and begins to place gaps in the tree leafs. Beneath these gaps hold ponds with a large number of insects and a select range of small fish and amphibians. This land will be perfect for the Arachine and her faithful. Everything there reflected her domain of success. From the fighting trees to the predatory nature of the frogs and fish.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

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With a huff and gust of wind the Garuda vanished from Ashkar's enormous hands as he turned his attention to the world being created by Malathrack. "Ahhh...hrrmmmm...," mused the god of wind. For a passing moment, jealousy filled the gods mind, only to be replaced with admiration a moment later. "I fear your trees will dance in my winds, Malathrack. I hope you do not mind-and storms may scrape your mountains from time to time. I hope I do not frighten your people. I will build a place where my winds and storms will be tempted to linger the longest."

A dark cloud formed in front of Ashrak, accompanied by whispers and sighs from the great god. As the grey smoke parted, an enormous stretch of grassland and plains crossed by winding rivers and streams. The land was teeming with life; horses, antelope, deer, rabbits, bears and foxes. In the skies dark birds of prey dipped and flitted, while colorful songbirds took shelter in the few scattered trees across the land.
Ashkar was smiling as he built an idyllic land for his Garuda to inhabit, grow and prosper in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Miralis smiled as the underground was created. Big caverns with creatures that would live there , serving as food for her race.
" It is done. " Miralis says panting. It's not easy for a Gods to make the world. " *pant* I don't know how father could do this alone. It takes so much power from all of us. But...at least it's done. Let us just hope that our creations will not destroy themselves too soon. Let's hope we could succeed where father couldn't...I know we cannot compare with his power but maybe more than one race will be better than just one ? Just maybe... Now. * Four Unders appeared in her hand * Go. Go my children and conquer the Underground as your mother did. Go and show the creatures of the ground that from ground they are made and to the underground they will go after they die. ".

The Unders appeared in a cave. They look around and didn't realized what happened but had the compelling wish to do what one of the others wanted. The Queen.
The Queen needs a place to stay. The Queen needs a place to hatch more eggs. Food is also needed for the civilization to sustain itself.

BP = 2
DIP = 0
EP = 0
FP = 1
Population = 4 ( 3 male and 1 Queen )

Spend 1 BP point to build the Mind ( Main building ) and another 1 BP point to build The Trap ( resource building ).

BP left = 0
DIP = 0
EP = 0
FP = 1
Population = 4 ( 3 male and 1 Queen )

The Unders started to gather rocks from the underground cave they were in to build The Mind. The place itself is small only to house the Queen and nothing more. Stones are used to make sure that the Queen's eggs are stored somewhere in the hopes that they will hatch without heat.
The Queen demands that food should be gathered from the underground and soon the males start gathering rocks and preparing their trap but a trap without something to attract the prey is nothing so the Queen decides to kill a male and use his meat to attract more creatures to feed her and the others.

Population 3 = ( 2 Males and 1 Queen )

( Sorry for the long wait. I know I've said I write a few days ago but got distracted with another one of my RPs that from a number of 3/4 persons I don't know how there are 8 now. PS : You are free to join us , just PM me or see " The Magical Plight " in the Casual RPs section xD )
@Cyber Mama@Polybius@Mae@Eklispe
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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The Wise-Man smiled at Miralis's complaint. It was true that this process was rather draining, though he didn't show himself, he was more composed than that. He turned his attention back to the four Muliods that had appeared in his lands eagerly. How fun this should be to watch.

Those four Muliods woke up and rose from the ground, looking around with bright inquisitive eyes. They talked with each other briefly, quickly coming to an agreement of sorts. Three of them began gathering materials and working on construction. In a remarkably short period of time a nursery had been mostly built. It was dug into the ground partly and covered with grass and more mud. The lone Muliod that had set out had a different goal. It found several berry bushes and some sort of native corn. It also encountered a boar while searching. The boar was aggressive, but the Muliod's natural abilities allowed it to so swiftly take care of the aggressor. Creative use of nearby branches and grass created a stretcher and the Muliod returned to camp triumphantly. A meal was had of raw boar with a small helping of berries and corn. Just like that the day was over. The Muliods retired to the Nursery, after all there were too few of them to create individual homes and too much work to be done.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyber Mama
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Cyber Mama The virtual mother

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Malathrack reserves a large portion of her power during the formation of the world. Most of her powers went to the fauna and flora of the world rather than the land itself. Her domain's powers influence predators and prey, plants and light, insect and arachnid. Though it may seem she contributed the least, she was exhausted as many 'chaotic' factors were left to her domains and those of other more active gods. She closes her eyes and strums gently on the chords of her harp. With this the blossoms of silk consume her creations once more.

From the silken blossoms of their creation, the Arachine enter the world beneath the gods with sluggish steps and heavy eyes. The strangely thick canopy of the forest makes it a challenge to identify what time of day or night it may be. If not for the pond beside their placements it may have taken them longer to figure out they had arrived at mid noon. Although the sun was high in the sky they found themselves exhausted and eager for rest. All but the largest of the four.
Clearly blessed by Malathrack the Arachine blend into the forest with black and orange furred legs and tanned upper bodies. Their skin and newness to the area allows them to explore without being considered a serious threat by the local wildlife. Though the world was brand new, it was as if the local fauna had been there for generations and that the plants had grown since the dawn of time itself. Their eyes are all brown with the exception of the green eyed queen who vigorously checks the area with all possible senses she has at her disposal.

After a thorough examination of their origin site, the queen begins her trek through the forest up to the stone steps of the mountain bases. Within this sheets lie large holes with connecting tunnels. The queen claims the largest of these available caverns before issuing her fellow Arachine to set up large series of silk and web lines around the cave. These lines link to a flat area of the cave located off centre. The queen burrows herself into the web lines and becomes almost instantly connected to the entire cave. (Minus one BP, Gain Webwork building)

Once the Webwork has been constructed, the Arachine male begins his duties in service to the queen. Breeding is high on the priority list of the Arachine as they rely on large numbers to hunt and support the rest of the colony. The other females take on roles of the colony that have been left unfilled as the larger of the two females makes her way out into the darkness of the forest under the cover of darkness. This night time cloak allows her to form web snares for hunting traps. She will remain absent from the colony until she has caught prey.
The other, lighter female, begins to construct a thick series of nets on the ceiling. With this, she forms empty slings that allow for the carrying of potential eggs. (Minus one BP, Gain Hatchery) This Arachine will remain at her post until a weaker female is present.

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