Time: Afternoon
Location: The courtyard near the lake
Interacting With: Morgan @FateWeaver and Vlad @KuramaaaZ. Laurel @Aspen Wren is present but not addressed.
Instead of respectfully answering her question, the perpetrator had the gall to strike out at her. With fire, nonetheless, her mother’s own element. Did he not know who she was? Of course he didn’t, Kiara had kept her royal lineage a secret - as much as she could, that was. Kiki didn’t want people to treat her differently because of her shared blood with the Queen, at least she thought she didn’t. In this moment, though, she was completely stunned by the sheer audacity. No one had ever dared to lash out at her in such a way before.
“I will paint the grounds with your blood, magii.” The threat came quickly and naturally to her, reflecting the brutality of her kind. Being the warrior she was at heart, Kiara raised her hands to fight back. The intensity of her emotions fueled her elemental magick. The ball of fire coming towards her suddenly dissolved into steam as a return assault of water met the attack. The enraged faerie didn’t even look to see the source of the retaliation. Her expressive eyes glowed the color of the mage’s flames as she glared in his direction. Like a coward, he tore off in the opposite direction with Laurel’s feline form following in pursuit. Struggling to contain her anger as Professor Bertram had been training her to, the ground trembled with Kiki’s rage. Even the leaves on the nearby trees shook in fear.
She couldn’t do this. It was too soon. The incident at the ball had already started Kiara’s first year off on the wrong foot with Mrs. Langley and the school authority. Focusing on Bertram’s advice to find a calming center, Kiara closed her eyes. Her mind raced and flashed colors behind her eyelids while her body literally shook with the urge to run and fight the witch - to show him the Unseelie's form of justice.
She had to find calm... like the lake. Like water. Kiara opened her eyes and turned to see Morgan standing beside her. Of course he was there. She remembered the aquatic counter to the fire mage’s assault. Anger was still present as she stitched her brows together and shoved at him. “The Unseelie have no need for knights. I can protect myself.” Kiara said rather aggressively. Her expression softened when he recoiled slightly. “Thank you… though.” It wasn’t the apology he deserved for her harshness, but it was the closest to an apology that he could hope for. She looked from him to the burned tree that cause all of this. Parts of it were dying, she could feel it. Death was no stranger to the Dark Court. In fact, when claimed by nature or warfare, death was a friend that the darklings embraced. This unnatural loss of life before her, however, was detestable. Kiara turned away in sadness and disgust and took Morgan’s hand, which served to ground her even more. “Let’s go… anywhere else.” she suggested in a sighed breath.