Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Niall Collins
Age: 21
Year: 3
Gender: Male
Species: Lycanthrope

Physical Description:

In Depth Physical Description:
- Niall is roughly six foot seven, perhaps six foot eight and he stands well above most humans and many other species as well. He's well built with broad shoulders and a wide expanse of chest. He's body is covered with thick bands of well toned and defined muscle that flex and roll as he moves. His hair is a dark sort of warm brown and the facial hair he grows rather quickly, seemingly immediately after shaving, is nearly black in color. He has warm soft brown eyes that always carry the presence of his wolf in them. It is a bold predatory look that sends most prey species scurrying, especially weaker Lycans.
- In is fur Niall stands nearly at the max of the body height range at forty eight inches or just over four feet tall at the shoulder. His fur is an inky black all over except where it is mixed with grey along his belly. He's fairly close to being nine feet long from nose to tail and weighs around 200 pounds. His eyes are a brilliant yellow color and stand out alarmingly against his black face.

Personality: Niall is loyal to a fault at times, he can definitely be a lover but is by far a fighter. He is rather stubborn but is open to listening to other peoples opinion. There is nothing he enjoys more than a good discussion about a pertinent topic. Niall is a gentle man at times but it is easy to see the beast that lurks within. Do not let his gentleness fool you for he does not shy from violence.

Hobbies: Hunting, learning about wildlife, working out
Familiar: None
Extra: -

Name: Laurel Wren Demirci
Age: 20
Year: 2
Gender: Female
Species: Gifted - Egyptian

Feline's Grace & Stealth
Laurel is nearly always completely silent in her movements and is unmatched by any mere mortal in her grace. She appears to the common onlooker to be utterly flawless in the smoothness of her movements.
Laurel has advanced speed and elevated senses, her vision captures faster moving objects than that of a human and she has sharper clearer images. Her sense of smell is stronger than a human as is her hearing which is second only to her eye sight.
Call of the Wild
Laurel can converse with animals both domestic and wild. She can also sway them to do her bidding for her. She communicates with body language and pulses of emotions and very basic thoughts.
Bastet's Wrath
Bastet is the goddess of fire among other things, she is the daughter of Re the sun god. As Laurel is made in her image she revels in the heat of the sun and fire. She is immune to all but the highest temperatures and even those only cause minor damage akin to a sunburn. She is born of the sun's fire and made in it and thus controls it.
Laurel's "active" power is her ability to transform readily into a large black leopard. What easily discerns her from a true shape-shifter is the large necklace than seems affixed to the skin around her neck. There is also a bracelet on each front leg.

Physical Description:

In Depth Physical Description:
Laurel stands around five foot six inches, perhaps five foot seven if she is standing particularly tall that day. She has long dark hair that reaches to about the middle of her back but is often pulled up into a ponytail or into a tight bun to keep it out of her face. She has warm spring green eyes that have hints and flecks of gold within them. Her face has soft but defined features and a set of lusciously full lips that are naturally dark pink in color. Her skin is a warm tanned olive tone that speaks of her middle eastern heritage.
Laurel is usually found in a pair of athletic pants and a moisture wicking t-shirt of some kind or a racer back tank top when outside of class. She also is generally sporting one of her many pairs of sneakers. When she does dress up though Laurel dresses to impress.

Laurel has a tattoo of a sword The blade lies directly on top of her spine and the hilt goes up onto the back of her neck while the sheath lays at about a 45 degree angle beneath the blade of the sword.

Personality: Laurel is one of those people that everyone assumes is rather fake because of her relatively nonjudgemental friendliness towards everyone. Despite this once you get to know the girl you will find quite quickly that this is simply Laurel. However she is not one to be scorned as the girl has a ferocious temper that when flared can result in quite the physical beating if given the opportunity. She is quite eloquent though, seeming to always know just what to say and when, even when it's a fiery quip back at someone. She spends the majority of her time outside of class either studying or working out as she has to maintain quite a physique to maintain her active lifestyle when she isn't at school.
Hobbies: Being around animals, Camping, Hunting, Learning the ins and outs of her powers
Familiar Guzel a female striped hyena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PixiePudding
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PixiePudding NotAdorkableAtAll

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dominic Matraz

Year: 1
Gender: Male
Species: Potion Craft Witch
In depth description: Short stature at about 5,5, fair skinned. Black curly hair with amber eyes. Rarely seen with glasses. Prefers tonal, dark or simple patterned clothing.

Personality: Awkward but friendly, has deep desire for knowledge and frankly, nerdy. Almost dangerously oblivious.

Background: Heir to the Matraz Corporation, a large potion crafts manufacturing line and exporting service based in the Capital city of the Flakono, Poció; where his mother has great influence over. Having revolutionized the Potion industry, his Mother's company has control over 80% of the potions manufactured in Flakono, is a massive player in the global potion industry and is widely considered one of the high ranking witches despite not having an entirely powerful witch powers at all. Despite, inheriting rather lackluster powers, he also inherited the uncanny and brilliant potion crafting abilities and access the Matraz Archive; with the most extensive range of potion recipes and instrcution guides known to presently exist. Despite this he is still a long way away from his his mother's level.

Hobbies: botany, studying, laboratory testing and books

Familiar: Cauldron, Pig - a present from his mother given to him when he created his first complex potion assortment. Changes colour at will

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Emily Tracy Coison
Age: 21
Year: 3rd
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire (born)
Physical Description:

In Depth Physical Description:
Standing at approximately 5'10" Emily has a slim (yet not a 'tiny' or 'skinny') waist. Typical to a born vampire Emily has a pale complexion, even slightly more than most. Her raven black hair reaches her waist in ever-so-slight, almost non-existent, waves. She usually ties it back in a high ponytail. Her eyes are a pale, almost seemingly translucent, hazel.
As far as clothing goes Emily sticks to neutral, toned down colours, blacks and/or whites. She doesn't tend to where anything particular eye-popping as far as colour goes. If she's wearing something more casual and/or tomboyish almost always she's in her black jeans. She also enjoys wearing long flowing dresses or skirts, generally on more formal occasions but sometimes just for the sake of it.
Emily is very much a silent type, she doesn't say very much unless she feels the need to or has something tosay on the current topic. At those moments though? She can have quite a mouth on her. She's opinionated and has the intellectual level to stand behind it. Well-read, Emily is a bit of a bookworm and would much rather sit down with a book and a mug of tea than go to a wild party by all means, though, she claims to not be an introvert. She thrives in the company of others but selects her 'others' carefully. She is critically which may make her seem judgemental. Although she doesn't seem it from the outside her friends know her to actually be funloving, even cheerful at times. At times she can turn vicious, particularly if she's being riled up.
  • Reading, doing puzzles/brainteasers
  • Going out with friends
  • Chess, her enhanced strategy skills that come with being her species make her particularly good at it
  • Listening to music. She enjoys singing along also.

Familiar: None
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Symphonia


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Image 2 //Image 3 //Image 4

Name: Seraphiel Charise
Age: 20
Year: 1
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Banshee
Physical Description:
Hair Color & Style: Brown, straight
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Tan
Height & Body Type: 5'6 Slender/Toned

Personality: Seraphiel is a rather mysterious individual to most. She is very outspoken, and passionate about what she believes in, however, she is also someone that often isolates herself from people. She seems rather cold and appears to lack any kind of empathy or consideration of other people at first glance. However, the truth is that Seraphiel doesn't trust others easy, and thus keeps the world at a distance until people have gained her trust or earned her respect. Because people's real intentions are important to her, she's often observing others, to take in the actions of those around her. She has a habit of analyzing people and their habits, strengths, or weaknesses. That isn't to say however, that she thinks herself superior to most people, as she believes the worst thing you could ever do, is underestimate those around you. It leads to problems in the future. Seraphiel is someone, or perhaps the first person, that would step forward and fight for what she believed in, even if it meant going against the entire world, with her own life at stake. Even if her opinion varied from everyone else's she would go out of her way to make people see what in fact, she saw in the first place. One of the things that really gets under her skin, is the ignorance of others.

Seraphiel is someone that people might consider a nuisance. She is quite rebellious, with a hatred for authority figures; the exception would be her teachers, which she has respect for due to her love of learning. Although she doesn't do it consciously, she has a history of always finding trouble, and always being there for trouble to find her. If there are rules to keep her away from something that may be dangerous, she'll find a reason to gravitate or just charge straight into said place, no fucks given. She does have a strong sense of morals however, and is rather pure of heart. Beneath the exterior of hers of the stone cold face which makes most people refer to her as mainly a serious individual, she is a very kind hearted a playful person. However, the only people that see that side of her, are close friends - which she doesn't seem to have much of. However, she is content with the few she has as she believes you only need one good friend.

Neither optimistic, nor pessimistic, Seraphiel has more of a realistic outlook on life. She believes that people that are always optimistic are just kidding themselves, and living in a false reality, and pessimists are just a drag to be around. She will call everything exactly like it is and tell you her honest thoughts, regardless if it's appropriate for the situation at hand. Because of such, Seraphiel is known to be a person that upsets a lot of people. She will never sugar coat her words, being blatantly honest to everyone she comes across at every given moment. While she doesn't intend to hurt anyone, it usually effects people's opinion of her. Seraphiel's drive to succeed is nearly unrivaled by most people, as is her natural instinct to survive and adapt to what is going on around her. Because of the hardships she's been through in life, she's become very tough skinned and it's hard to get her down.

Seraphiel can be rather bold when it comes to protecting the wellbeing of others. She would be the first person to jump in the middle of a fight, or voice her opinion in order to protect another. Regardless of the individual or individuals she was up against. She would sooner throw herself in front of another to save them, than sit back and watch them die before her eyes. She will however, completely disregard anyone she thinks is not worthy of being helped due to their personality or past actions. If someone that often bullied others was about to lose their life if she didn't save them, she would end up turning away, never turning back. She is a no-bullshit kind of a person, and there is no fooling her by spewing lies and nonsense. She will not stand for this kind of thing, and ones energy is better spent elsewhere.

Deep down, and what people don't usually realize, is that Seraphiel is a really kind hearted individual. She cares about the feelings of others, she's sensitive to people's emotions, she wants people to be happy. But this side of her is rarely apparent, being that it seems now that she has buried it behind another version of herself, or perhaps, the true version of herself, neither can be said for sure. Although Seraphiel is a good person, she has a rather dark side. She undoubtably, needs to be pushed beyond her limits to get there.


Martial Arts
Training animals

Familiar: Remi an Enfield Seraphiel stumbled across that was injured. The two are now inseparable pals, however, for a very long time it seemed as though Remi did nothing but plot his owners death.
Theme Song: Replicare: Akiko Shikata
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Asmund Gjanarsson

Age: 20
Year: 2
Gender: Male
Species: Gifted - Norse

  • Magni's strength (passive)
    Magni is one of two sons of Thor and Járnsaxa, and one can clearly see that Asmund's gifts are related to someone who was given birth by a giantess. He is considerably stronger than the 'odinary' gifted, and also a lot taller and more muscular than humans normally are. The latter two circumstances naturally can turn out to be a disadvantage as well.
  • Móði's valor (passive)
    Móði is their other son. Little is known about him, but it is very difficult to get Asmund to the point where he is intimidated by something. It is not because he would be an ignorant fool - he can understand dangers pretty much as everyone else can. They just don't impress ihm and he doesn't loose his head in such situations. He can also endure noticably more strain than is usual.
  • Thor's possessions (active)
    Who would someone who has a quarter foot in Thor's branch be without Mjölnir, Megingjörð or Járnglófar ? Of course Asmund does not receive the real things, but merely 'weak' copies he can summon. The usage of this is exhausting, he can keep it up only temporarily.
    Mjölnir - The hammer that never flies so far that it cannot return to his user and never breaks. However that's also it.
    Megingjörð - The magic belt that is claimed to double its user's strength.
    Járnglófar - It is not really possible to use Mjölnir without having Járnglófar, because the hammer's shaft is shorter than originally designed and because of its other magic properties. Aside from that, these iron gloves don't have any effect on their own.

Physical description:

In Depth Physical description:
Asmund's gifts have clearly left their marks on his appearance. He is extremely tall, standing somewhere close to nine feet. His entire body is covered in a thick and brutal amount of muscle, but nobody's perfect: He is still a human - and he likes feasting. One can quite feel that if one gently pokes into his belly with one's finger or just looks a bit more closely. His hair is long and of a dark brown color. Asmund's complexion is rather pale and he maintains a dense, stury beard. In contrast to his body, his facial expression is rather soft.

Personality: He considers it an error if somebody is scared away by his intimidating appearance, because in his self-assessment, he is a gentle man. However he doesn't respond well to situations when he feels that people attempt to tell him something on the subtle layer - bluntness is what he both likes and applies himself more. He usually doesn't actively try to impress other people and other people doing this will meet diminishing or even negative returns. There is quite a bit of intelligence in his head - what he is very glad for, because silly 'all brawn no brain'-accusations are not that far away with the way he looks like. He appears to shy at actively starting a relationship with a woman.

Hobbies: Hunting, weight-lifting and other 'heavy duty' sports, a bit of mathematics, reading, eating.

Familiar: None

Extra: -
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rage Lonethorn
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Rage Lonethorn RPG's Official Pear King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Donghyun Park

Age: 19 years

Year: 1st

Gender: Male

Species: Shape-shifter

Physical Description: Donghyun Park is approximately 188 cm tall and weighs 68 kg. When his arms are at his sides, his hands fall to about mid-thigh. His legs and arms are notably long and lanky. His family jokes that he looks like he might just flap away in the wind with such tubular limbs. His brown eyes do not have much of a lid, and his skin is pasty and smooth. He bears a piercing on his left ear only. His hair, originally black, is wavy and prone to being dyed. With a smooth and curved jawline, Donghyun takes after his mother in looks. Although his family does not agree with his Korean pop culture obsession, Donghyun has a knack for keeping his wardrobe “fresh” and his eyes smoky.

Personality: Donghyun is a true free spirit and extrovert. He lives for the social and emotional connections he can make with others, and he will often value this over enjoying the excitement of a large party or get together. Independence is highly valuable to Donghyun. Nothing irks him more than someone who tells him what to do. He’ll often remind others that he gladly accepts suggestions before orders. More than stability and security, he craves freedom. Unfortunately, this often means acting reckless before thinking of the consequences. He has no concept of danger or regard for the needs of others when acting reckless. This can make him come across as arrogant although he only is looking after himself. Donghyun is hardly ever seen without a smile on his face, and the serious façade that may appear is only to ward off those with negative vibes. His positive energy attracts, and his spark of life radiates his warmth to others. His self-esteem is dependent upon his opportunities to be vocal and personable. Although he is usually always in a good mood, Donghyun has his moments. When he is feeling particularly blue, he secludes himself from others in order to prevent them from seeing what he feels is his weak side.

Hobbies: Donghyun loves dying his hair. Considering the octopus is skilled in the area of color change, Donghyun enjoys changing his hair to mimic his mood. He also enjoys singing.
Extra: He lives in Room 204.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KuramaaaZ
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KuramaaaZ The newbie

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Vlad Mamilov

Age: 21

Year: 3

Gender: Male

Species: Witch - Fire Elemental

Physical Description:

In Depth Physical Description:
Standing at a decent 6'1, Vlad is a rather tall and well built man. But compared to some other monsters walking around the campus he's rather short. He wears your normal modern guy's clothes off lessons but during the lessons he's often dressed in his traditional witch clothing representing his elemental. It's a red fitted cloak covering his whole body and traditional witches clothing underneath. Vlad's hands, fingers and parts of his arms are covered in burn scars due to intensive training since he was little.


- Has an explosive temper and is quick to get mad or irritated.
- Is really passionate about anything he does, and will try to get good at it immediately which after some time greatly irritates him due to it not being that easy.
- Thinks lightly of people he deem weak.
- Confident, Highly competitive, Sometimes arrogant and even brash.
- Is drawn toward stronger people than him, to improve and eventually overcome them.
- Is highly interested in the different creatures roaming the Academy, especially the stronger ones.
- Will do anything to become stronger and thus is quick to learn anything that seems useful.
- Likes spicy food and dislikes winter and the cold.
- Slightly pyromaniac, enjoys burning stuff


- Burning things.
- Dancing and singing but is too ashamed of it to admit it.
- Challenging people, observing them, sparring with them.
- Looking for ways to improve his elemental prowess, and new ways of using it in combat.
- Having long conversations with his pet Torchy.


Extra: Ehhhh

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Zatrion Elageiros
Age: 23
Year: 3
Gender: Male
Species: Dark Elf
Physical Description:

In Depth Physical Description: Zatrion stands at around 6' 3''. While in human form he has a tan complextion to his skin and dirty blonde hair, his true form is quite different. His skin is more of a dull dark gray, with nearly jet black hair. His eyes are the only thing that can really betray what he is while glamoured, a ruby red color that he seemingly has no good control with keeping hidden. His ears he is better but close inspection can see that even while hidden as human they have a point to them though not as distinguished as they would be if he wasn't glamoured.

Personality: To describe his personality, he is very blunt. He doesn't try to be overly nice or better then anyone but rather expresses his ideas and opinions straightforward. Of course this isn't always the best due to the reaction some have to being told that he just doesn't care about them or that he finds them annoying. Despite his blunt nature at times he does enjoy having a good time and conversing with others who can put up with him.

It's rare to see him actually angry or mad, terrifying others when he does finally release such an emotion.

-Crafting, primarily that of weapons.
-Studying on shadow manipulation, on the off chance he ever develops anything close to the high officials of his kind some time down the line.
-Reading, Music (particular interest in what the humans call 'power metal'), chess

Familiar: N/A (For now)
Extra: N/A
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