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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


There were countries such as the United States of America, China, Russia, and so on, all of them being iron giants with a long history to them. Their history was mixed with both sweat, blood, and conflicts that eventually forged the path to the now barely attained peace between them. Specializing in certain economies have become the meta for global competition, and this has been the case for many years.

In some smaller countries, this was less prominent. Some continued to stand on their toes in the potential of conflict breaking out between each other.

And in some cities, rivalries formed among one another within the borders of a single country.

And some towns such as Maple Station did not care about anything aside from doing their own things.

The Maple Neighborhood was the name given to one of the very first residential areas in the town. Despite this, however, it had yet to be completely filled due to a lack of people demanding more residential space. There were about five thousand people in total living in the entire town, and only a portion of them lived in the neighborhood.

But the story did not focus on all of the district. Rather, it focused more on one particular housing area.

A young woman in a cat hoodie swept the dirt around her apartment. She was the landowner of the place, and also a local to the town. Some said she aspired to become a NEET at one point due to how little goals she had in life, and they weren't entirely wrong. She just happened to gain interest in being a landowner all of a sudden by the time her last year of high school came along.

So here she was, sweeping the floor of the apartment.

She swept every nook and cranny with a broom. After finishing up the outer parts of the small building, she proceeded to walk over and sweep up the building itself. Things were peaceful at the district, and the same could be said for her portion of land. Nobody made a ruckus early in such fine mornings, so it made her job easier-


”Oi, this is literally my first time playing this game. Shut up for a second!”





Hibiki Kate looked up to the skies as she stood still in front of the apartment room she lived in.

It was another fine day to wish for some peace and quiet.

The sound of digital firearms faintly boomed behind Room Number 10 as Hibiki began sweeping up the place again. When she heard the two people in her room arguing again, she instinctively moved away from the front door. She expected someone to come flying out the door at any moment soon. Alex was quick to get furious at people like Yagamine, after all.

A few seconds after she thought this, her (obvious) prophecy came true. A man was blasted out of her room’s door as he tumbled into the grass the Landowner had just cleaned up.

“Ghhkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…! Landowner!” Yagamine screamed as he tried to get up from the bushes, only to fail for some reason the Landowner could not comprehend. “Where’s my pen?! I think I can beat Alex in a writing contest!! Ha. Huh HAH huh HA HA HA!! Someone like her can't probably write, anyway-“

Yagamine screamed incoherently as he jerked his neck just in time before a BB pellet landed straight on his forehead.

Yagamine Kurosaki was the latest addition to Maple 801 – 101. Fortunately, he knew how to pay the Landowner. Unfortunately, he did not know how to behave accordingly to how much he paid. As he finally got up from his little power struggle with the bushes, a brunette woman with a tattoo on her arm emerged with a BB gun.

She also had an angry expression on her. At this point, the Landowner had gotten used to Alex trying to gun down Yagamine. She just wished Alex used less BB pellets; that always meant she had to clean up the place for a bit longer.

“You’re DEAD to me! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” Alex roared as she charged towards Yagamine.

“Not over my dead body!” The man screamed like a deranged psychopath as he giggled. “I’ve got a present for you!”

Reaching for the inner side of his khaki suit, Yagamine lowered his torso as he hid whatever he planned on using against Alex…

…before spreading his arms out in an embracing manner.



The sound of Alex’s BB gun matching its target echoed across the apartment. Thankfully, Maple 801 – 101 had a bit of a distance from other apartments, so it wouldn’t be enough to wake the neighbors up.


As her two friends got in yet another cat fight, the Landowner turned to her own apartment room, which had its door remaining open. She walked over and closed the thing gently before cleaning the place up again.

The days in Maple 801 – 101 were both insignificant and simple. Maybe that was the charm to being the Landowner of the place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Episode 1 - New Residents

Synopsis - The introduction of the residents! This sets up everyone settling into the apartment and potentially meeting a few others. Some may go right in and lock themselves up, some might loiter around to get used to the fairly small place. The Landowner will be cleaning the outside of the apartment for the most part, while Yagamine becomes aware of a flux of new people swarming into the apartment.

The Landowner

A new day.

It was 8:00 AM in the Maple Neighborhood. Waking up groggily, a girl got up from her bed.

The sound of Alex snoring at the sofa in her living room reverberated intensely, though she had gotten quite used to it. She learned how to deal with the loud sleeping habits Alex had- after all, it wasn't that her friend did that on purpose. Hibiki Kate yawned as she made breakfast.

Eggs, bacon, and a cookie. She placed said foods on two plates, one for herself and one for Alex when she inevitably wakes up. The smell of food usually woke Alex up quite well aside from days when she had a running nose. As the Landowner ate her breakfast silently in the kitchen, which was connected to the living room, she stared blankly at nothing in particular.

Today, she thought, new people are coming in.

More people technically meant more money, but Alex's concerns did not center around financial issues. She just hoped to anything divine out there that a carbon copy of Yagamine did not strut into the apartment and start screaming about how the world was full of criminals and that the shining lights in the night skies were actually all UFOs. One guy doing all of that was already enough, and for the sake of every other new resident in Maple 801 - 101, the Landowner dearly hoped that nobody like that would walk in.

Even a Yagamine Lite sounded nice. Anything but a carbon copy of the detective with a very specific way of annoying people around him... She tolerated a lot of things, and although she was used to the people who had lived in Maple 801 - 101 for quite a while, she still could not believe that they were her friends.

A woman who almost became a thug, and a man who spiraled down from top-tier detective to a groveling and obnoxious prophet of... whatever the hell was in his mind.

She stretched her arms. The familiar scream of Yagamine Kurosaki did not echo across the building yet. She presumed it would pop up a little after some of the residents arrived.

After eating her breakfast, she cleaned her dish before going outside her apartment room. The light had yet to be at its peak strength, so cleaning when the sun was dim sounded efficient.

And so, another day in Maple 801 - 101 began. The Landowner stood within her land, just outside of her apartment, as she swept at the dirt near the building. Sweeping the dirt was necessary to rid the apartment of potential pests and trash, so it was almost a daily routine for her at that point.

Soon, time passed, and it became 10:00 AM. She now swept outside of her land- just right outside of the small "gate" of Maple 801 - 101.

People could come at any moment, but the Landowner did not mind. She would give the new residents respective keys to their own rooms and do her own work. It was simple as that. The cement road was easy to sweep at, but it would take enough time for her to meet the new residents. They did intend on coming a little before noon, after all. Some may have preemptively moved their stuff in, though the Landowner herself could not actually remember anything if something like that had happened.

She was quite the responsible landowner, as anyone could see.

A small signpost was placed next to her with some words etched on it.

"Please wait for me to give you keys," it read.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 23 days ago

A cab rolls up to the gate, and emerging from it a young man in a trench coat with the number '6' sewn onto the right breast. This, of course, was George DeWitt; or Number Six or just Six. Six strolled up to the gate, muttering to himself "so this is where they'll lock me up..." He read the sign, then called over to a girl nearby, whom he presumed was the landowner: "A new prisoner is here, miss!"

(Sorry for how short this is and also sorry if there are any typos; I'm on mobile and will be for a while)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, here I am!

Abigail Hanson adjusted her skirt as the bus came to a complete stop, the bus driver had already announced they had arrived at the Maple Apartments, more specifically Maple 801 - 101. She thanked the bus driver before stepping off the steps and onto the pavement just below her, the suitcase she was dragging behind her making a clunking sound with every step it dropped. She had an unusually optimistic and happy expression on her face, she was very excited to be moving into a new home! And for a very good reason!

She wasn't excited because she particularly liked apartment buildings or that it looked rather ordinary as far as buildings went. No, she was here to look for aliens! Beings from another planet! Not of this world! She'd heard from a very reliable hobo source that aliens did in fact linger around Maple 801 - 101. Of course that hobo had heard about this from another hobo via a tin can phone who heard it from a squirrel...however that didn't make it any less credible!

She also needed a place to live while she did her job keeping important people's websites working and shiny, so either way it was a win-win.

Abigail shook her head, that was enough daydreaming for now, she needed to get settled in! Thankfully she had movers deliver all her furniture and the majority of her stuff into her new apartment the other night, all she really had to do was get her keys and unpack....and maybe look for potential aliens. She was sure they would stand out somehow.

She started walking toward the apartments where she could see the landowner and some other guy, along with a sign that said, "Please wait for me to give you keys." Alright, that was simple enough. As she got within a reasonable distance she gave a smile and a wave.

"Hello! I'm Abigail Hanson, I'm a new resident here."
As she greeted them she attempted to discreetly analyze the both of them.

The girl looked about her age, and by how dutifully she was sweeping she had to guess she was the landowner. Abigail had to admit she looked pretty cute, of course that didn't mean she wasn't alien. The cat hoodie actually gave her points toward the possibility of being an alien, or at least one who was familiar with them. As the landowner she'd be the most likely to notice if aliens lived in her apartment right? Abigail had to admit how adorable the hoodie was though, it kind of made her want to get one herself. She her phone out and opened a digital notepad labeled, 'Potential aliens', putting 'landowner' down on the list, at least until she got her actual name.

Next she looked at this other guy in the trench coat who was announcing himself as a 'prisoner'. Now this guy just screamed alien, it was all but confirmed. Only an alien would wear a trench coat in this sort of weather, and if he was calling himself a prisoner than perhaps he was exiled from his home planet? She'd have to observe him later, but discreetly. She didn't know if he was a hostile alien or not after all, she couldn't have her brain being tinkered with.

It was about then she realised she'd probably been staring at them oddly so she quickly looked away in embarrassment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Landowner

New people came soon enough.

As she swept the ground with a broom for just a bit longer, the Landowner took her time before looking up with an aloof expression. Her face was devoid of excessive emotion, though it was clear that she had been expecting without a sense of pessimism within her. Straightening herself, she stared at the people who had gathered so far.

A handsome man and a bubbly girl. Both of them were taller than her. As soon as they spoke, the Landowner ran a lazy analysis on them with a glance.

The man spoke of imprisonment, and the girl eyed at her as if she was carrying a shotgun instead of a broom.


This is truly a wonderful start, the Landowner thought.

For some reason, she almost sighed in relief when she realized they were a bit different from Maple 801 - 101's iconic drama queen- or king, to be scientifically correct. Having the same of one drug tended to cause an overdose, and she would never know what would happen if such a thing happened to her.

"Welcome to Maple 801 - 101," the Landowner said with a quiet tone. Although she did not look excited, she certainly seemed to give her whole attention to the two in front of her. "I'm Hibiki Kate, but you may call me Landowner. A lot of people here call me that instead of my real name, so feel free to do so."

Reaching for her pocket, the Landowner bit the bottom of her lip as she started picking out the keys the "prisoner" and the energetic girl needed. She soon gave them their keys.

"Your respective rooms are yours, but as it is my property, if something goes wrong, don't hesitate to tell me," the Landowner informed the two. "Sometimes the apartment may get loud once in a while- this usually happens in the morning. I call it our alarm clock, even if it sounds deranged."

She decided to not tell them what- or rather, who- the alarm clock was. They would find out later anyway, so it was pointless to try hiding it.

"If you lose your keys somehow, please tell me. Enjoy your stay."

Bowing politely, the Landowner began brushing away at the ground again. She waited for more residents, as she still had quite a lot of keys to give out.

@Abillioncats@Simple Unicycle
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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NekoMizu The cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The two twins with abnormally weird ears and tails come up their destination, where they were going to live. Seeing people around, Neko was shaking instantly, face all white and sweating like crazy. He for some reason was not aware the place was an apartment, Koenko had tricked him. Neko grabs onto Koneko nearly in tears.

"Calm down," Koenko said, clearly annoyed. She reads the sign reading, "Please wait for me to give you keys". They see a woman sweeping all over the place peacefully. "Uh. Hello!" Koneko calls out to the woman sweeping, both twins afraid to pass the sign and walk up to her.

Neko is just not a fan of people, he doesn't like social activities, the only reason he's here is because he must live wherever his sister does, she is the one with the job after all. Koneko, on the other hand, is open to conversation and willing to socialize, though she might be bad at it, as she was just like Neko not too long ago.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 23 days ago

As he took the key, Six's mind was almost blown from how joyful he was to get room 6. Ooohh, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! It's all falling into place! He thought to himself. Rather than let the joy show on his face or in his speech, Six nodded coolly and pocketed the key.

"Thank you, Landowner," he says calmly and coolly, "I trust this place will prove to be an interesting place to escape from. Er, I mean live in." He hastily corrects. They don't need to be onto him yet, not this early...

"And an alarm clock in the morning, you say? Well, I do need to get up early to plan my esca- I mean exercise. Yes, I meant exercise." He corrects himself once more. "So when does this 'alarm clock' usually sound?"

Six then looked at the two people, who looked nearly identical. Twins, he presumed. What really surprised him was the tails and ears. "Hey, uh, what's with the ears and tails you two?" He asks them, raising a brow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jax
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Jax Feline, PhD.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Sixteen hours.

That was how long she sat in a cramped car with her brothers and their friends. Rebel was a fan of car rides, watching the scenes go by, and getting artistic inspiration from the different landscapes. She was up the whole night finishing the a few art pieces that were long overdue, and had hoped to finish more on the car ride to her new home. Maybe even throw in a quick nap in hopes of diluting the always present dark circles from her eyes. That of course wasn't the case.

Don't get her wrong, Rebel was more than grateful her two brothers volunteered to drive her and the trailer full of her furniture and other belongings. They were having one of their yearly Brotherly Roadtrip, or a Bro-Trips™, and just happen to drive through the small town where she decided to move to. As mentioned, their Bro-Trips™ included of course the two actual brothers as well two other friends. The one of many problems being they in a four seated car with five people. Another being how they went all out in creating the Bro-Trip™ atmosphere, which included:

  • blasting loud music from their Bro-Trip™ Playlist
  • singing/screaming said music (windows down so the world can listen)
  • dancing to said music.

That being said, Rebel almost cried tears of joy when the falling apart hunk of metal that was her brothers' car pulled up to the apartment building. Of course, to her horror, what she assumed to be the other tenants were out front as they parked the car in front, still blasting their Bro-Trip™ Playlist. She pulled the hood of her hoodie over her face, hoping her loud group would distract the strangers from her face. Although Rebel realized they would remain as long as they helped her carry her things.

As her brothers, still dancing to the still blasting music, opened the back of the trailer to pull out her items from their travel supplies and gear, she grabbed her laptop bag, packing her drawing tablet back inside. Maybe I can finish that commission once I get settled, She thought, trying to distract herself from the thought of being the center of attention as her entourage continued their performance, most likely relishing in their new audience.

Rebel walked up to the group, quietly trying to avoid their gaze, her embarrassment painted red on her face and she wished for the power of invisibility. She noticed the sign about the keys, and spotted who she assumed to be the owner of the building sweeping. Or for all she knew could just be a tidy resident. Either way, she waited awkwardly for the others to receive their keys as to not be even ruder than her loud arrival. She didn't bother to interact with her new neighbors, but only managed to see what sort of shoes they wore, not willing to look up from the safety of her hood.

"I-I'm Rebel, hello," she muttered at a quiet audible level just above a whisper, pulling the draw strings of her hoodie as she watched her brother hop onto the roof of the car and toss his shirt off as he got into the new song playing.

I accept death.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Thank you Ms. Landowner!" Abigail gratefully accepted the keys to her room number, she found it a little awkward calling her landowner well...Landowner. She'd have to get used to it she supposed...and perhaps if her landowner was an alien it was her custom to be called a landowner? That seemed a bit far fetched even for Abigail, but she didn't want to offend an alien so she decided she would have to call her Landowner for sure.

She glanced back at the strange man in the trench coat, he was really bad at trying to hide the fact that he wanted to escape the apartment he was entering by his own free will. She wasn't sure if it was because he was an alien who didn't understand Earth's customs or if he was just a crazy person. It was a fifty-fifty in Abigail's mind.

Abigail turned to look at the two newcomers who were hesitating to go past the sign, her eyes widened as she got a look at their ears and tail. Oh my god... There was no doubt in her mind now, her own eyes confirmed the truth. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD. ALIENS!

Abigail was visibly shaking with ecstasy, to anyone observing her she probably looked like she had way too much caffeine...or something else entirely. She'd largely chosen to live at Maple 801 - 101 because of supposed alien sightings, and it looked like they were true after all! There was no way there was any other explanation for those ears and tails! At least none that Abigail was willing to consider. This is the best day of my entire life...

Abigail shook her head, she was acting way too weird! People were watching her! Blushing a bit she tried to calm herself down, as hard as it was. She still needed to confirm they were aliens one hundred percent...even if she was already ninety-nine percent sure.

Gathering her courage, she approached the twins cautiously, one of them looked really nervous so she didn't want to scare them off. "Um...hi there. This might uh...this might sound a bit rude but I have to know...are you two from another planet?"

There, she'd done it. She'd actually asked someone if they were aliens. She'd never gotten this far before, her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was pounding in her head. THIS COULD BE THE DISCOVERY OF A LIFETIME.

There was music playing rather loudly for some reason, and Abigail briefly wondered if that was the music of their people. Sounds somewhat familiar though....
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frau Koujiro
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Frau Koujiro 僕らタイムフライヤー

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

With luggage bag in hand, Maurice Brown exerted as much confidence as he could in each step he took as he walked towards the location of his new residency. He was in truth rather nervous about the possibility of having his bag's contents exposed as they contained many, many things. Rare occult books not found in stores, survival kits, make-shift weapons, anything one could possibly hope for in the event of a sudden alien invasion. He was fairly sure not everything in his bag was legal to carry around.

To an unassuming stranger he would seem to be a simple company worker with a large luggage bag. He could pretend it was just clothes but he merely hoped it wouldn't attract attention in the first place

As he turned around a corner he saw what was a small but steadily growing(and rather noisy) crowd gathering in front of a small homely gate. It was without a doubt Maple 801 - 101. Maurice guessed they were fellow new cohabitants or such, and walked towards a woman cleaning the premises for she seemed most likely to be the one in charge.

"Are you perhaps the landowner here? I am Maurice Brown, new resident. If you will, call me Brown. Or a nickname will suffice too. I can't say I'm too fond of 'Maurice'. It's very nice to meet you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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NekoMizu The cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Neko grabbing Koneko tighter, more afraid as people attempt to communicate, Koneko sighs and punches her brother making him fall to the ground nearly knocking him out.

Koneko looks at the man who asked about their animal features. "We're not sure about these ourselves. They were just there when we were bo-"

And before she could finish a girl comes up to the twins asking if they are aliens. The woman didn't seem the brightest from that question alone. Koneko laughs a little and tries to talk, but Neko stepped in. Getting up and replying, "What are you insane? There's no such thing thing as aliens and even if there were, why would we be your first choice? Because we have animal ears?"

"Can we just get our keys, please? I just want to isolate myself before I go insane."

He was in the second step towards his insane mode, which hasn't been a thing for years, since moving wasn't an issue before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Abillioncats
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Abillioncats Nyahahah you found me!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Abigail takes a step back, the shyer twin was talking to her, after being clocked by his own sister. Maybe getting abused by his sibling made him braver? No that didn't sound quite right. At any rate, they seemed pretty sure they weren't aliens, or at the very least in complete denial of the possibility. But that didn't prove anything! They could still be aliens! This required further investigation!

Of course, she'd obviously overstepped her boundaries here, the boy seemed quite agitated and wanted to isolate himself in his room. It was probably best to back off for now. "You're right I...I'm sorry...I guess I'm just being silly. I-I mean if you're sure you're not aliens then I guess that's that..." She sounded really disappointed as she spoke, even if she didn't entire mean what she said. The idea that these twins with the adorable animal ears were not aliens made her want to cry inside.

"Just um...forget about that whole alien thing...it's not like I moved here hoping to find aliens, that would be crazy hahahaha..." This was getting awkward. "Anyway...my name is Abigail Hanson, I'm moving in today, and by the looks of it so are you guys am I right?"

It's alright I'll just act cute and like I don't know anything and they'll never suspect I'm on to them! Totally got this! =D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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NekoMizu The cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Right..." Koneko said after hearing Abigail whisper nonsense to herself. Feeling the tension around everyone there made Neko remember the fact these were people he was talking to. Rather than feeling excited that he openly expressed his feelings about what the girl he just met said, he instead gets his fear back and he grabs Koneko once more.

"D-Don't worry about him, Abigail. He's just very anti-social. He'd rather be in his room playing some games or watching anime..." She punches him again, this time causing his nose to bleed, the look of glee fills his face as he slides down her legs and onto the ground. He seemed to only enjoy the punishments brought by his twin sister.

"My name is Koneko and his is Neko. We're twins, but he was born a couple hours before me, making us born on different days."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Finetales
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


"Literally what."

Ayano's first words since she got in her car twenty minutes ago to drive to her new place were directed squarely at the spectacle unfolding in front of the building - specifically, the shirtless man on top of the car loudly singing along to a song Ayano had thankfully forgotten up until that point. Unfortunately, her car's convertible top was down so she had no way of quickly stopping even one part of the audio/visual onslaught. She certainly wasn't about to close her eyes and crash into something to avoid seeing it, though she honestly thought about it.

She pulled in to the parking lot and parked, being sure to close her car's roof as quickly as possible. I hope that guy doesn't breed, she thought to herself as she got out. As she did so two things were plainly visible: 1) she had already moved most of her belongings in ahead of time because all she had on her was a bright red leather handbag, and 2) she looked like she belonged on the cover of some trendy style magazine. Modeling wasn't her game, however; she was much more interested in looking fly while journalizing. That's not a real word; I made it up. That's totally a real word; I didn't make it up.

Ayano sincerely hoped that the guy out front wasn't a harbinger of things to come; if she was going to be here for a while, she wanted a pleasant experience. Although she had been in her apartment before to move in (which she found weird that she moved in before being given the keys) and was happy with it, she was apprehensive of what the rest of the Maple 801 - 101 experience had to offer. Seeing the small crowd gathered around where she was to get her keys only further exacerbated her suspicions. Some of them seemed normal, others...less so. However, they all looked younger than Ayano, which she thought was a good thing. Electing to grab her keys before interacting with the others, she walked over to the sign that said "Please wait for me to give you keys". Just behind it was a girl cleaning the floor and at least one other person already waiting for keys. "I'm assuming I'm in the right place?" she asked idly, to the landowner or really anyone who decided to answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Landowner

She did not expect Number Six to ask about what the alarm clock she mentioned sounded like. A brief moment of vulnerability flashed across the Landowner's face before she quickly recomposed herself to think about what he said.

...Should I tell him?

If there was one way to describe Yagamine in a positive way... it was that he used to be an incredible person who was to be respected for almost anything he did. But that all went to deepest pits of Hell and what was left of a great detective was what the world had now. At the very least, Yagamine was honest to the very core because he did not know how to hide things from others well.

The man named Maurice seemed to be a bit more on the normal side, thankfully. Then again, anyone could suddenly reveal a really weird side to others at any point. Even Alex wasn't the most normal of people, despite being more human than a certain detective gone nuts.

So she decided to at least be honest with Six after gaining a bit more confidence. "It sounds like a person screaming," she said with an idle tone, blinking a few times with an expression that had yet to change at all.

Two cat siblings... both of them looking almost identical, albeit with a few differences here and there. And then there was Abigail, whose attention turned to the siblings rather than checking out her room. Not that the Landowner minded- the friendlier everyone got with each other, the less things she would have to clean up in case something broke.

She almost failed to notice a timid woman who barely greeted herself. The Landowner gave the woman who brought the fanciest(?) escort ever a small nod. Of course, she did not give her brothers (or whoever they actually were) a single glance, as they did not look like they would be living at the apartment at any moment.

To everyone who asked if they were at the right place, the Landowner nodded. Though, she had to admit that she had no idea if they were actually the right people who were going to live at the apartment. The woman who drove her own car seemed like she wanted to get inside as quickly as possible, so it wouldn't hurt to be efficient and give out the keys as soon as possible.

The Landowner took out her keys and stared at them before looking back up.

This might almost be everyone, actually, she thought. If there are more people, I'll give them their keys...

"I will hand out your keys," the Landowner quietly stated as she handed the keys out to the respective owners. There were extras to those who were going to live together; the siblings was a good example for this.

"If you have anything you need, please tell me," the Landowner said as if she were reciting the words. She then wondered if she was trying to look too responsible, but decided to pay no more attention to such concerns. After all, she already had enough to worry about even aside from the new residents fitting into the place.


Somewhere in his own room, a brown-haired man furiously wrote on a black notebook.

A world of perfection... A world where everyone guilty of crimes were just gone! That was what he aspired to see, and that was what his goal originally had been. Reality made it seem like an impossible goal, but with the black notebook he had in his hands, he could do anything. He was practically God, weaving the names of criminals he had once caught into the notebook as his eyes gradually widened.

Yes, he could be the new god of the world! But in order to be so, he had to eliminate everyone! To make something impossible in reality come true, he had to be creative! Imaginative! Genius!

So he wrote a fanfiction about himself killing every criminal on Earth.

"Ku hu hu hu..."

Again! He wrote about himself writing another's name, killing them as they got a sudden heart attack! Wonderful! Things were going accordingly to his own plan! The cops would never see Yagamine Kurosaki's plans for total world peace, even under the sacrifice of freedom!

"Ha ha ha! I will become a god of a new world!"

He wrote faster! The names of criminals he had never met started to appear all over the notebook, and then... And then...!

AND THEN!!!!!!!

He got killed by a group of cops.









His face contorted into that of a fearful and confused one.


Yagamine stared at his own finished work. He had worked on it since last week, and yet...

How did he die in his own story?

The detective could not comprehend what he just did. He practically made himself invincible, yet he chose to have himself get killed in his own story.


It was then that he realized...

It must've been the work of the ancient Mayans.

Yes, he heard that they liked to curse the world a lot. That's all he knew, and that's all he probably needed to know. He was a detective- he could solve that shit really quickly, or at least, he thought he did.

Those damned Mayans...!

Taking a deep breath, Yagamine remained silent for a few seconds.

He was on the verge of screaming, but did not scream just yet.


Alex woke up to the smell of food.

...Wait, how long was I asleep?

Groggily opening her eyes, she turned slowly to take a look at a nearby clock. It informed her that she woke up an hour later than even her usual wake-up time. That meant it was almost afternoon.

"...Gah, shit. Fuck. Shitfuck. Fuck. Fuckin' dammit-"

As a spree of swear words spewed out of her, she got up before approaching the kitchen table nearby the living room. It had been a while since she had a hangover, and seeing how she slept on the sofa, she had gotten drunk at the town during the previous night. Hibiki probably picked her up- Yagamine would never get his ass up to help her, anyway.

"Ugh. At least I can just rest up for today," she growled as she snatched a bottle of water sitting on the table. Alex began to chow down the food Hibiki had made for her, promising herself that she would get the Landowner a motherload of free food from her own restaurant.

@NekoMizu@Driving Park@Frau Koujiro@Abillioncats@Simple Unicycle@Jax
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Keyenpeydee
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Keyenpeydee Mafia Godfather

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Minnie and Miguel

Minnie is walking on the road to go to the apartment that she was told. It's such a good thing she'll try to go to a new apartment where it looks fun compared to the other apartments she have lived. It's really hard for Minnie to go on other apartments because she just stay at home. Before living the apartment she used to live, She was accused for breaking things. Minnie knows she never break things and only she do is use her own materials.

She was almost got raped by the landowner on the other apartment. Luckily, her cat named Mouse came. Mouse was her protector and ever since Mouse came, Her life didn't became lonely.

Minnie is standing at a gate. She's unsure if this is the apartment she's gonna live in. She heard a car -- or a taxi rather. And a familiar face was seen.

It's Miguel. Her Brother's Friend. Miguel is his school mate too. They barely talk to each other but their face familiar since Miguel is his Brother's friend.

Minnie looked at the sign that says [color=dodgerblue]"Please wait for me to give you keys". She looked for the landowner.

"Uhh hi? You must be the landowner?" A familiar sound says. She turn back her head and she faked herself confused and shocked.

"Oh Miguel! It's you! What a small world? I think?" She says. She faked laugh. She's nervous because she's talking to a hot guy and they barely talk.

"Oh, Hi Minnie! You must be living here? Or to live here?" Miguel says. He smiled. The smile was comforting. Miguel is really kind that's why maybe her brother befriended him.

"Yes. Of course! Uhh.. I mean I'm gonna live here" She says. She smiled. She felt Mouse on her cage. "Meow" says the cute Mouse.

"Oh where's your Brother by the way?" Miguel asked. "Well I'm not with him. It's a long story sooo I think we should come in first?" Minnie said. She smiled. They called the landowner and came in. She's nervous.

I'm unsure if this is the right place but having a familiar face here is something that I shouldn't leave. It's scary living alone. Minnie thought to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NaraK

NaraK Blockbusted

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Landowner

(Additional post!)

...Aaaaand there was one another room key set to give out.

The Landowner quietly handed out the keys to the two who had arrived as well, bowing to everyone promptly afterwards. She then returned to sweeping the broom against the cement road yet again. Though she did not have much to do that day, she still needed to get through the daily routine of keeping the apartment in check.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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NekoMizu The cat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Neko quickly takes the key to room 3 and dashes for the room. As soon as he is inside he rapidly unpacks his gilded bag device containing the only thing Neko needed to live, his life force, his computer. He plugs the computer in and starts to use the internet. And just like that, he is instantly charged and will probably never go to his insane mode again.

Koneko on the other hand just takes the other key to room 3 and thanks the landowner. Bowing and then following after Neko presumably to kick him in the face when she arrives to the room for being so rude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Keyenpeydee
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Keyenpeydee Mafia Godfather

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Minnie and Miguel

The two came in. Miguel is actually quite nervous since it's the first time he's gonna live with by himself. Living with his parents and house maids, it's definitely life changing from him although he practiced some house things before he'll leave the house. Miguel is actually a kind of boy that is stubborn, bored but with a kind heart. He actually made a talk-to-talk about this on his mother but still his mother doesn't want to listen to him.

Miguel actually accepted the truth. There is still numerous things he can do without his parents. It is to be free. Free from anything. His parent's won't find out what he's gonna do with his life now that his parents decided to let him live with by himself.

The landowner gave the two keys but the same number and key. "What the hell?" Cursed Miguel in his thoughts. He asked Minnie, "Why are we going to live in the same room?"

Minnie smiled. [color=dodgerblue]"I don't know but it's maybe fun right?" She says. Miguel gave her a confusing look. [color=dodgerblue]"Did the landowner thing we're some related to each other or what?" Miguel said. His voice getting bigger. Minnie continued to smile. She grabs Miguel to proceed to their room.

"Shhh. Keep your voice lower" Minnie says. She pouted. "You don't actually want to live with me huh?". Minnie starts to fake sulk.

"No I mean--" Miguel sighed. "Fuck. Okay fine. We're living together. But there are room rules"

And Minnie's sulked look turned into the brightest smile the world ever shown. She hugged Miguel tightly. "I c-can't breathe" Miguel says. Really he can't breathe. Minnie hugged him more tighter and let it go. Miguel panted.

"Now let's go outside and introduce ourselves! I just saw someone with a tail and ears. Kawaii~" Minnie said. Miguel sighed. She really thought Minnie is a nice, matured girl but she's the sister of Miguel's friend. Both have the same personality. Being bubbly and friendly and looking-like childish.

And so they got out of the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frau Koujiro
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Frau Koujiro 僕らタイムフライヤー

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Receiving his key, Maurice was satisfied. "I'll be sure to ask you for help when the need arises."

He certainly would've preferred to go straight to his room to unpack and hide what must be hidden. However, social etiquette demanded he at least interact with some of his fellow new residents, and there was no better opportunity to do so than now. He took a quick glance at everyone to observe. There were a number of women seemingly in their mid twenties, one of them looking even older, and a pair of fraternal twins(He could tell for one was a boy and one was not), and another pair who weren't twins, both pairs seemed to be in their early twenties. Finally there was a man in a jacket who seemed to be the same age.

As he was pondering who to approach, the twins and the other pair both took their leave. Which meant the others would soon follow. He must be quick.

Without much thought he approached the stylishly dressed older woman in her thirties, as he hoped the age gap made her easier to talk to and she seemed the most normal. The most human, perhaps. "It seems we're both new here. I'm Maurice Brown. I'm a regular salaryman, and as neighbors I hope we will be able to get along."
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