Centralisation removed. Farmlands now awarded to Lords, who are subsequently taxed. Standing army to be further elaborated IC so that I don't run out of shit to say.
On text color: I really don't like the idea of changing text color. You can just as easily just write, "X said in Y-language" or some variation there-of.
But really it's probably very likely that people may be more monolingual than bilingual so it may not be too much of an issue. With a map that's about four-hundred-fifty miles north-to-south it'll be difficult to justify how so many small state-lets speak their own individual nations and not dialects of the same language. Outside of a few 'non-native' types like the Seolhi and Misruvani there's probably not going to be an insane diversity of language, and all might very well be in the same language group and pretty much mutually intelligible.