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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Griffin frowned. She shouldn't be getting much from Zack. He was locked way. He still didn't understand half of what she said. The only thing that he understood clearly was she was getting their past. That was the only way she could know about the talent show. He still wasn't sure how Zack had talked him into that. He eased the girl back to ground. There were parts of their history, his particular, that she shouldn't see. "I will keep an eye on you. You should take it easy. It is not wise to push yourself. Especially considering that there has already been a threat to the school."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vulture585


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<Snipped quote by Vulture585>

Rebekah Green

"Apology accepted, Toto, and yes, you have my permission. Just, before you do the changeover, you should bring the new Totem back to me so I can do what I can to protect it. Like you were saying before, safety first with these things, yeah?"

With a wide, toothy grin, Toto's body becomes almost translucent, turning into a blue mist that is sucked into Rebekah's backpack. "Thank you madam," he whispers. He then thinks to himself, "Now, to find someone who isn't such an absolute bore." Toto allows his incorporeal body fill all available space inside Rebekah's bag, attempting to find the vial containing his totem. Upon locating the precious container, Toto transforms into a swarm of sand fleas. As one, they slip out of the backpack and silently fly away with the vial in tow. They fly out the room, leaving just a small blue monkey sitting on Rebekah's shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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She takes a long cleansing breath once she's no longer in physical contact with him to purge his aura from her own.

I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable it wasn't my intention.

I can only hazard a guess as to why my talent sparked off and that would be because of the unusual nature of all the inhabitants of the school.

Again please accept my apologies Griffin
says Elliott looking up into his eyes

Her violet eyes gaze into his an she sees how deeply her stumble in control has worried him just as it always does everyone.

Only God should have the power to see the sins of the past.

Elliott looks away from him and sighs knowing that her ability may have cost her a chance to make a friend. Even her parents treated her with a minor degree of standoffishness worried that she ability might reveal secrets they believe no child should know about their parents.

Terribly sorry if I've offended you as it wasn't my intention to have pried into your past; normally I have better control and only use it to track criminals an serial killers.

I'll keep my distance till I can assure better control

Then she walks away planning on doing a Retro search of the local area in the hope it might even some underlying cause. She's sure that it is connected to the concentration of Meta but having no proof feels it necessary to at least try for confirmation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Beast stood at the entrance of the door. He directed the students towards the bleached. He had ca regular designed the course in hopes of judging their various stills. This would give him an idea of what they were capable of. "Welcome. I know the day has started of abit unusual. Hopefully we can get things back on track. This is an obstacle course designed to test you on different levels. You will start one at a time. When the first person reaches the second obstacle the next person can start. Any questions?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Hachi looked up at Beast when he spoke. Both himself and Jasper shook their heads when asked if anyone had questions. Hachi had a look of determination even though he was sitting in the very first row with a wrapped foot and crutches. It seemed like he might try the course even though he shouldn't with a sprain.

Jasper seemed extremly excited for the course. He kept fidgeting where he sat next to his brother. Blue eyes lit up with excitement. He wanted to do this obstacle course and see where he was at. He fidgeted some more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Tsura Eisenhardt


Tsura had been left alone and spent her time since then finding a suitable way for the Minion whom she'd named Flora to thrive when she couldn't be there to protect her. Sure it wasn't a very creative as far names went but it was kind of cute though and the first one she'd come up with and it fit.

Once Flora was settled she converted herself into energy and flew to the gym for her next class. She moved through windows as a glowing ball of light then landed on the floor of the gym and reformed herself as a humanoid once more. She loved the school because it allowed her to operate openly and because of it wore a smile once materialized.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Griffin followed the girl. He was not about to let her out of his sight whike she was drained. Especially since he was the one who drained her. "You have not offended us. We know that powers can not always be controlled. I would be upset if you had purposely looking through our past. But you have not. Zack's past is not bad. There is little there to worry about. But...my creation was not pretty. That is not something that someone should experience. That is the only reason I put you down. I do not know how you experience the past. Whether it is like a movie or if it is more... in depth. But either way my creation is not something you need to experience."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Hero Academy, what a wonderful place. No more hiding under trenchcoat or masks or sunglasses, Light could be as free as she wanted! And even better, she only got a few funny looks instead of the near panic whenever something bad happened to her disguise before the academy. The attack earlier really messed up her schedule, and considering the previous one evaporated into thin air, she had to go to the office to get a new one. Taking a look at her schedule, she noticed that the next thing was gym class. Figuring she shouldn't be late for gym, she made her way over to the extremely large building.

Upon getting there, it ended up that she was on time, Or at least she figured she was early, though some of her peers were doing activities already, while others were sitting out (She wasn't too late, but she was no means early.). She figured she'd join the ones sitting down, she'd have a easier time trying to make friends with them. Noting a pair near the front, one of them with a cast on his leg, Light made her way to them. "Hello! Am I late for class?" Light said to the pair, waving at them as she sat down next to them. Looking at the cast that one of them wore, she said. "What happened there?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Archmage MC
Hachi was grumbling somewhat. He wanted to do the course but a sprained ankle was t going to let him. He had his head supported by his hands on his knees. Looking overall unamused with the situation when he heard a voice he looked up. He then blinked. The owner of the voice certainly was different and he shook his head. "No you're not late." he then followed her gaze to his wrapped ankle and sighed.

"I managed to sprain my ankle...which is why it's wrapped." he huffed once more....he really did not like being at a disadvantage. Before he could open his mouth again Jasper looked around Hachi and waved. The mask on his head tilted just right and held in place. His white and grey hair contrasting his bright blue eyes.

"Hi I'm Jasper....the grumpy one is Hachi. He really hates not being able to do things" Hachi huffed and elbowed his brother.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


El had to laugh when she heard Griffin say "My creation is not something you need to experience." and when she'd recentered herself moments later she looks up into his eyes

I've watched as serial killers committed acts so unspeakable that they make the most horrid film of Gore look like an episode of Barney and Friends.

I'm not saying your's is an experience of less brutality only that after being exposed to the terror filled deaths of over 40 people in intimate detail I've become numb a bit and am sure that as I grow older that my shock will disappear.

How I see events in the past is as an uninvolved and helpless observer; I wish in each case that I could reach back in time and warn them or help them in some way but the past is just that.

No what worries me more than what I see is how people treat me once the realize I can see their secrets. They keep me at arms length or avoid me; even my own parents are afraid of what I see. they worry that I'll see or have seen them fight, make love or do things they feel guilty for doing. And that isn't my greatest trouble; no my greatest trouble is that I'll never experience love in it's basic and intimate manner because of what I am and what I see.
she sighs then her expression becomes sadder

Then there is the government which if they ever discovered the scope of my abilities will lock me away to be brought out only in cases of national emergency to investigate disasters and attacks or to spy into the past of people they deem enemies of the state.

Take your computer for instance if I can touch it and focus my ability on it I'd see you enter your password or an ATM.

I can read dead languages or codes as if I were a native speaker. Show me a film of people talking without sound and I can still follow the conversation; I transcribed the Hitler home movies as a lark, watched the Dallas ride of Kennedy and heard his last words as if I were there.

But even with all that I want to be thought of as a confidant who can keep their word and not a gossip. I'd never simply tell others what i saw in your past just for attention or I'd assure myself that I'd be the pariah I fear becoming.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

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Emily Nakajima

Nakajima flashed Jin another smile while her little sister rubbed some dirt off her face. She looked up to the ceiling as the near robotic voice told them that the next class was beginning soon and the students should get to their classes, it told them that they had ten minutes to get to their classes. It was a good thing they were close to the cafeteria, once they both got what they wanted Nakajima wasn't sure if she wanted to race Jin again to the next class or if she had the same class with Jin in ten minutes." Jin did you ever think about what you wanted to be ?" Emily asked." I mean like being a hero or villain." She elaborated on her question a little more. As she waited for her sister to answer her, Nakajima began wondering what was the class they needed to go to in ten minutes she tried to remember the first announcement and started to think she may have gotten a head injury from falling on the floor, but the thought soon shot into her head it was Gym. She looked back to her little sister." I think I want to be like Dad and be a Villain." She told her sister.

@Mistress Dizzy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Griffin had no doubt that she had seen alot of horrible things. That did not change his mind about trying to keep her from experiencing his creation. It was bad enough that he had had to experience it. "Just because you have seen horrible things does not mean that I should allow you to experience my trauma. You should never see unnecessary horror. There is no reason for you to see what I went through. If it was necessary then I would allow it but at this point I do not see it serving any purpose. It is not because I want to keep what happened secrets. I do not believe in secrets. I think that it is unfortunate that your parents keep you at arms length. I understand their reasonings but they are missing something special. It is good that you have skills that can be used to help others. If that is what you want to do. If you feel up to it we should head to gym. Zack will be upset if I miss a class."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago


Light could tell these two were good friends from the looks of it, even if they seemed to be opposites. Light figured that the one's injury had something to do with his grumpiness, though she wondered why the other guy was wearing a mask since she was happy to not have to wear one here. "Hello Jasper and Hachi, I'm Light. Nice to meetchya." she said with a smile. She'd love to give a toothy one, but that tends to scare people more than comfort them, what with the sharp teeth and all.

"I hope that leg heals up there quickly Hachi. Having your options limited isn't fun at all." Light said. Looking around to see what was going to happen today, she tried to strike up some conversation with the two. "So besides the sprained ankle and waiting for class to get going, whats been going on with you two?" Light said. "Thankfully for myself nothing bad has happened today. I tend to be very unlucky. This morning was weird though with the darkness thing and everything. Got some extra sleep though since classes were canceled so that was nice."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Archmage MC
Both brothers nodded when light said her name. They did not seem bothered by the toothy grin considering what their other forms looked like. They both looked at each other when asked what was up and before Jasper could speak Hachi spoke up. "My brother made us late because he took forever" Jasper huffed. "I had to look good...first impression man." Hachi rolled his eyes.

Though when light mentioned the darkness both looked confused. "Darkness?" Jasper tilted his head. "What happened?" since they had arrived late they had missed the mornings attack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Elliott smiles and says I wasn't intending on trying to see into your past only pointing out that I've been exposed to worse.

I will try and not accidentally peek into your past but can't promise it won't happen.

She sighs and looks away her thoughts racing as she sees all around her a reality that may or may not be completely in the present. She's sure that it is the aura of this place but knows that it isn't the only factor because she's been in places like battle fields where tens of thousands have died and felt that kind of pressure before this pressure is different; some how familiar.

I agree that we should head to gym as it is the reason I'm here today; I need to improve my physical skills so that I don't die hunting the killers of this world. Besides I want to see you put those muscles to use.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago


Oh, so they were brothers. Made sense, considering how they acted. Noting their bickering, Light said "So wait, you wear a mask, but you spent a ton of time with personal grooming? Hows that work?" Light said, looking confused. It felt like there was more to all of this than he was letting on but that was his business. "Sorry guys, I don't know much about the event this morning either. I slept through it since I had the chance to. Extra sleep is nice sometimes right?"

Besides that, Light really wasn't sure what to ask, the two didn't seem very talkative. "So... What can you two do? I've got regeneration, strength, and apparently super bad luck." Light said, trying to think of conversation topics.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Archmage MC
Jasper grinned and moved from where he was sitting to the other side of light.
He gestured to the mask balanced just so on his head. "Well the mask is for my hero mode" he tilted his head. "Most heros like to keep their identity secret so I figure the mask represents my hero self pretty well" Hachi have another eye roll as Jasper spoke.

Jasper perked up again when she asked about abilities. "Well I can do this as he spoke he became his other form and spoke telepathically. Then the nine tailed grey fox combusted on blue flames. and I can control fire Hachi sighed and created water which moved through the air as a blob and splashed on Jasper. Who promptly became human again. "Not cool" Hachi tilted his head. "Oh I don't know it seemed to cool you off." he focused on light. "I can control water"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tsura Eisenhardt


Tsura was bored waiting for class to begin but didn't allow it to distract her attention from observing all her classmates which were present so that she might discern their strengths and weaknesses in case she needs to team up with them or finds them as adversaries. it was a lesson taught to her by her mother an assassin without par and by her father one of the most powerful of mutants.

She had no wish to become as feared as her parents but she did see the truth in their lessons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Phoebe trotted to thte gym, taking Ryan with her, and she made her way over to Tsura, the little minion happily sitting beside Tsura as if content to follow the light user around forever. Phoebe smiled, and said brightly "Hey! Sorry I kinda left, I had a meeting with my father" She said, sitting down beside Tsura, tickling the minion so that it grew a small, purple flower.

Kalinda led Kyle to the gym, uneasy. She tried to keep her emotions to herself, so that they wouldn't seep through the skin to skin contact as she held Kyle's hand. She glanced about at the students gathered at the gym, just as the bell rang to signify the start of class. She had heard that the first day of a new year, it was typically an obstacle course.

She said as much to Kyle, figuring he'd be excited about that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago


Watching the more excitable of the two showcase his powers, Light could tell he was kind of a show off as a simple explanation would've done just fine. Still though, it was fairly entertaining, especially the end where the more subdued brother did his explanation by splashing his showboat brother. "Hee hee. I'd show you guys my powers, but I don't feel like mutilating myself. Maybe later. I do have these though." Light said, pulling off one of her gloves to show her sharp claw-like fingers to the pair. "Need gloves to do some things, but at least I never need a fork or knife ever." Light said with a giggle.

"Still though, blue fire fox thing. Neat." Light said, putting her glove back on. At least he could turn his looks off, but looking more or less like a demon was kinda cute Light thought, even if most others didn't agree with it.
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